East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 06, 1901, Image 4

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    MONDAY, MAN 8, IM1.
It Pays Best
To Buy Best
Of all Things
At all Times
Wr have tin- Beat
frntne.1 ; lattt
wall peper at
north window
In the city. Call ami examine
our stock wliii Ii ynn will tnul larur
ami uptodatc.
Practical Boot ami Nh.' Men.
Sanaa f run lark at liawleyV
Trr Iiutton'n lit creatn ohoeolatoi
CrHUt win anl beuniockl, N'olt's.
Hnv vour window hIih'Im at
Murphy '.
Have your pictnrc
tyled at Murphy V
New iltMutnn in
Murphy'n paint itore.
.-e dfOM ekirli. in
Cleaver BfM. Dry G I- DO
Kreeh straw harrier-, peOOi
onioiiH, r.. -:,.- . llrt..' w
IreHH Hkirt, " to fill. See window.
Cleaver Broe. Pry (inln Co.
Window ihadea, curtain pole, inir
mm, etc., at Uader'n lurnitur' t.re
(toml time to row clover alfalfa,
broom ttram. I ine ipiality at Mauley's
(Udeft plact and let (ainalei, at l.e
Koy'n. cor. Court and Garden ntrM't-
N. Berkeley liar eonir very devirabh
town and country property lor gale mi
Kineit haniN ami lanl on the market.
II product; try it. itn tfiiar.int !
Hchwarx A QtOUltsJl
I. I hv exprenH direct from lar-
tory 'JU ikirta. newest style. Cleaver
hroe. Iry (knuIk Co.
Ice cream and pure cream at 1 'ni
ton '. leave your order lor illi..i
Cream deli vend to your booM, packed
in cam.
Creacent bicycler i n the installment
plan at the Creecent agency in the Kant
OreKoinan hiiihlniK, pavim-iit l a
week, mi interest.
Remember I have a lietter tik of
oil, asle-rreaMe. rope. 1 1 nijf .tint .ill
other harvest nuiplie than ever Ik -lore.
I. Sones, Hell.
Here in a chance o( a lifetime to
make f IUUU tifuriux on the Baeyele
crank hanger TbO OOld cash swa tl
you. Call and e them at Withee'n.
Belore tilling your woodhoiiw. n-e
Allen Broa. They have the beat wood
at lowest prices, ll you want a car
of hUn or wood or write to Allen
Bros., they will surprise you on prices.
New shirt waists for every poasihle
occasion and every late deairablel
fabric. A truly handsome lot. e
urge buying shirt waists now whin- the
assortments are at their i '. Alexan
der A Hexter.
All outatandinu warrants of school
diatrict No. 1 , 1'endleton up to audi
including warrant No. ISO: will be
paid on presentation to Bell Bishop,
elerk of the district, at her office in
the Kaat Oregon isn bhck. This call
pays warrants to the amount of SAOOM. :
Alter theae warrants have Iteen can
celled only the warrants for the past
Bye months will lie oiitstandinu.
At Itader's furniture ItOfl ih the
(InoM line i ( rugs ami niatting.
Antomut w refrigerator!" and water
coolers at Mailer's furniliire store.
Kor rent Knur room house in good
location. Inquire Ol .1. ll. Young,
corner Main and llluff street.
J Kscaped Yellow canary lord. Any
one Birainf same will ls liberally re
warded by returning same to Hotel
"1'nia" sisla the new drink it la a
LtOl drink, at Koeppen'l fountain only.
The tlavor wiU please you as it is so
different from the old soda iirmks.
Dyspepsia can be cured by nslng
Acker - liyipepala tablets. One little
tablet will give Immediate relief or
money refunded. Hold in handsome
tin boxes at BoO) by Brook v McCorim,
Marshal Heath DMO has a genuine
arrest ready fur people who kill rats
and throw the bodies into the Streets.
He has been bothered considerably of
late by this practice and propXMNM to
stop it, if it is within Ins power.
The tlrt shipment oi butter of this
season from the I'kiah crcatnerv. oi
which J, Mi Bpenee i- agent, has ar
rived in Pendleton ami is meeting
with a ready sale The demand for
Ukiah Cramer batter increases from
ear to year.
l-'red Lloyd, the "swamper" charged
with having "rolled" a man named
Bnnereon last Wednesda) etrening and
relieving him of .sn in gold, was re
ieassi irom tbe custody of the oflloera
Friday afternoon, after a brief prelim
inary hearing before .lust ice Fit
Gerald! Mr. Lloyd's bearing nml
story were indicative of innocence
and he was allowed to g" forth perfect
ly tree.
I;. M Wilcox, of the linn of Temple
A Wilcox while out riding through
the Cold Spring country M niile
nortnwest of I'endleton recently saw a
Denny pheasant These birds are iilite
rare in I'matilla conntv, notwithstand
ing the lac i that the local sportsmen"'
association ha- made an effort to have
them here, and have done their ut
most to protect them Further effort
will tie made to raise Donnj pheasant
in this section
La Lola Fuller and Her company of
tf yon are at all familiar with
things theatrical you will know tin
lame of La LoiC Fuller Wbfl mine- to tin
Fraier theatre on Wednesday evening
She has a theater of her own in Peril,
and is known wherever the stagi' art i
known, tier wonderful "I ire .lam. '
in which MM has eight electricians t
assist in prslnciug the marvellous
effect", will repav one fur the evening,
and the entire protlti.'tioii will be on a
high order.
At the Popular Shoe Siorc
Whlcli UMUl llic Hcn.llloii -ii"' I'u ' Iloi
no oaa can fall U uui! tat ier Hpin.g
uuveltlei In footwaar tur boll. MXM
our skoeo it'll. It, lafori and
durability u.l u. rpeit i old lur bul ill
our case n true 0MIN He kilt 10 be lounl lor
ibe uouey,
Pendleton Shoe Co,
wm. nnouuLDi
.Mana er.
Not only will La Loe geodOOS all of
her inarveloii- creations here I m -n.
is bringing with her an unusually
strong Bompany ol ipeeialty artists to
till in the intervals between the
dances, presenting an array of talent
the eijual of which ha- seldom been
seen in this part of the country.
Taking all things into consideration It
is little wonder that tin critics
along the route she ha" traveled thus
far speak in such glowing term- ol
her pevformanee and of the eplendid
company with which she i- siirroiindeil.
Her tour has been one continual ova
tion from tin- very "tar' The company
winch in all numlsTs tw.-iity people
includes eight Kuropean electricians.
The Remains ol Mrt. (.. K cranilon to
Ho Iniarrad at Rivanldn Lamaiary.
C. K. ("ranston and little daughter
at in kg Portland on unday morning,
accompanying the remain- I the late
Mrs. C. K. Cranston, who died in
Pendleton on Saturday morning. When
DM funeral party left PeodletOfl it WM
undecided us to when interment would
take place, which subject would not
Is- dccidei I until after a i -inference at
t'ortland. between Mr. t rant n and
kev. H. K. HineCi father ol the de
ceased. Mrs. Craii"ton'- mother i
burieil at Portland, and il is thought
Mrs. Cranston will lie interred in
Kiverside cemetery, and the remain!
of her mother moved to the same Mot
at a later date It i- poeelblc thai in
tern, .-lit may be at Mlem, l r Cram
t n will gni be back home tor eaeefal
; Week.
Tna Siantlald cattle hala
Catth-ineii have been reading the
-lory in the hast OregonUM last we. k
relating to the aale oi the B M Stan
: field cattle. It was stated that the
bunch of lOi) brought in hy Mr. stan-
lieid brought ami the inpreacioi
was that the fj price applied to F.cho.
This is not true. The cattle are worth
U a hundred in Portland ami milv
B47fl in i . ndleton or Bcho.
Haeaivad the AutouioOlla.
K. Y ludd reeelved his ntomablle
toda Irom the Kast and proisises lo
enjoy it hereabouts during the summer.
I or the preaideot'i vilil b, Walla
Walla Mr. Jnd.l will go over in the
automobile and test its speed and re
liability for a 17 mile run in a hilly
country. The machine was built at
an Kastern factory on Mr. ludd's
Spring Troubles...
Lou ol ippetite,
Stomach ftilnUMlU,
and Otlior Eruptions
are noine of them.
Oomotj all of tiitsc
niaken Ute blood pure.
tsoadiag Uruggiata.
i i; 1 1 mi
Played tn an Audlenee or Nine People
and Took In 88.75 at
the Door.
It is understood that the city council
ol Athena met on Sunday in special
Melon and enacted a new law raising
tile license for amateur minstrel
performanoei tofflOO, Thie offieetoally
prevent! any further appearances in
thai town of troupes of budding
gcnin-e- who aspire to fame on the
stage. The occasion for (he passage of
the new ordinance be the otherwise
agreeable and hospitable people of
Athena is the invasion of that town on
Saturday evening hy the following
Company of young men who were
banded together under solemn vows to
make each man, woman and child in
thu Pacific Northwest laugh and cry
alternately tor the rest ol his enteral
lifetime: J W. Myers, manager,
Lee Meld, itage manager; A. M.
Kelly, llnanclal agent and negotiator
.I aomiwionei .lames UipOOOmbOi head
usher . J B. Lathrop, interlocutor,
Frank Mnifle, .lames Welch, Oliver
Keleay, Mara Mnorhoaaei Ueorge
liaigh, Karl Itorie, Civile Owens,
C'lark Urenawald. There were others
in the party.
These glittering stars of minstrelsy,
as was previously said, went to Athena
. ii Saturday evening, finding that in
some manner the report had spread
over the town thai the sho IiaiI been
given up. Ilcncw. all the people either
went to I'endleton. Walla Walla or to
bed. A lew . however, were roused at
a late hour, about v:;to. ami were
marched lo the tlieafer at the point of
a gun. ll was not going to be said that
tnat I'endleton gang went all tin' way
to Athena and failed to give a perform
ance just for the little thing of a lack
oi an audience. It was an enterprising
crowd. I'liey furnished the entertain
ment and alo the entertained.
Nearly as many were in the audience
as were on the stage. Nine young
men were m the stage. two were
minting. Lathrop got lost in a wheat
held near town and turned up later in
time tn say we gave them a tint rate
show, didn't we boy, terguson went
calling on some charming Athsna
young ladies. Hence both tailed to be
present when it was liuallv decided to
give tbe show tn the nine people and
a baby who assembled. When the
show wa- ended, the manager, J. W.
II yore eat around the hotel and was
heard tn hum to himself: "Although
it- not nr. color, I'm feeling mighty
blue," and linituui. Held was taking
a rilbdnwii so as not to catch cold after
wrestling things alsnit the stage and
making things lively behind the
scene-. Kelt was Irving to tigure out
how to make fs,7' gate receipts that
had to be divided ball ami half with
(he theatre owner pay the expellees
ol SO peonle for '.' days and leave
enough t.. enable tbe company to go
on in to.-next town. Moiile was ponder
ing on the V (citadel of theatrical man
ager's lives. LipCCOHIlM was tele
graphing his home office in Victoria
lh.it he would leave the stage and re
turn to railroading. Welch ami Kaleey
were swelling up considerably over the
pufts given them, and each ol the
Othete was doing something else.
Finally, a supper was proposed,
eaten and paid lor, and an hour spent
in serenading the townspeople, -the
nest day the company walked home to
I'endleton ami are now sneaking about
the alleys and back streets tn avoid
answering .iletions.
lr. W. Q, Cole and family have re
tOrued from a (rip to l.os Angeles,
Kd hpencer lelt this morning lor
Spokane ami Kosslaud, li. C. He will
be away three months at least.
Key. W. K. Potwine, ol tile Church
oi the Bedaemer i left ibis morning on
a mission to Amelia and Weiton.
H. h. Ilarer, of Arlington, former
ly aonneeead with the halt i.a.. Her
ald, is a visitor in Pendleton toaay
Robert MeKoOi of Athena, and C.
W. Iladdeiey, ol Weston, drove oown
mi Saturday to witness the horee
Mrs. L. Huntiker accompanied by
her nttlr daughter went to Walla
Walla on holiday, here she will be a
gue-t of her -i-ier. Mrs. Victor llun
liker. Granite Gem i Kiehaid T. Cos, ol
tn. huitaln mine, ih xpectel to arrive
here today Irom Washington, I). C,
wham i.e attended tin- bunal ol bit
brothel recently.
"Shorty" Misel is no longer at the
I'endleton sanitarium, but may now
ba found by his friends at No. 40, m
tiie Mrahon bslging house. He is
holding hi- own and invitus his
iriend- tn come and nee him.
N. Berkeley and Mm. Ilerkelev.
Charle- lierkeiey ami Mrs. Berkeley,
lr. I . W. Vincent, J. B. Krauae, L.
li. Keeiler, li. t. . Kenneily and Asa B.
rhompeOD vere among those who went
to Gibbon Sunday. Home of the party
ipoal the day in lithlng
F P. KoUIld, MUr 'mi. lent of the
O. B. tV Ki car repairing in the Pen
dleton yards, espectn o leave lor l'orl
laad on Wedneisiay, to undergo a
surgical operation at the hospital.
He has been a sufferer from the grip
lor -everal months in addition to other
Frank P. Light, Van Person and
Henry Kopittke went tn Meacham on
Haaday. the graft aaaaad while there
gatlieresl a beautiful bouquet of wild
llower-, some of which were found
n 1th in a low leel of where the snow
was on the ground, to the bouquet
were buttercups, mountain lilies and
some kind of a llower unknown to the
halt Orogouiaii botanist. It was very
small of petal, lavender in color, grows
in a i.e. I of mountain ne.s-
B. livers Cox, .of Dny ton i Waih., is
a guest of the OOWl I'enldelon. Mr.
Ooa until a lew dayaago was a partner
oi ai tllOarWJ in the ownership of the
Coorlar.PNm ol Dayton one taction
oi the democratic party of tho county
nan led Mr. Co. to cootiuue the
policy ol loe paper as it waa in regard
to certain matters political while an
Othei faction ol the aame party wauled
a decided change. The interest became
so great that a threat was made to
-tart a now democratic paper there il
the Courier-Press continued iu policy
in order to have harmony all around
Mr. Cox eold out, and the new demo-
oratlC paper will not have an iniliul
W. Walla sou a Hot Paee t jr Oregon
The shootina at tin. umiIhi
w - ... i
Sunda was oerlicinaUil in hv ...
seven, and tbe pace w us set In w
VVaite, who broke 07 out of loo' Hlljt -t
H. J. Htillman broke Mo ami A J
Stillinan 77. N.,e o( t(jt) )jU( '
ilnished the 100. Mr. Waite made one
run ol 60 straight, fhis is believetl U,
be ouc, ol the best exhibition ol ihoot-
' ing ever seen at the traps in the stale ' OffEOON
of Oregon. He didn't use a hammer1
to break them, either, but. shot them
fe of holes as they were thrown
from the tnaugatrap. Walter M.
Pierce, a newly elected iiieinber of the
I'endleton siMirtsmens' association,
made his initial appearance at the
trap. He broke one out of his first ll),
two not of the second III and .'I out of
the third 10. He was highly elated
at the progress he was making ami
stArted in on his fourth 10 in high
leather In an unguarded moment,
while shooting a heavily-loaded -hell
at a bloeroaki he was kicked on his
left shoulder hv his gun, and was
compelled to take a rest.
1)01 K RT.
Machtnn Arrives ana Will Soon He In
The citv rock crusher arrived from
Spokane Friday, and will he unloaded
Monday. It is a fine pit I Biachin
ery ami ih almost as good n- new ,
ami will m doubt last tin- citv (or
years. It weighs IN.OOO poondl. Watch
this city grow when we begin to OH
crushed rock on our thoroughfares.
Hugh Hell on Saturday reported tin
three patients still ion lined to bed
wild smallpox at the Ken ranch M
rapidly recovering and il wa- expected
that the quarantine would soon hi
Mrs. Jacob Bonder, o' this citv,
leaves tomorrow on an extended visit
tn her mother who lives al leepwa(er,
Henry county, Missouri.
Mr-. I . (' Osbtirn went to Walla
Walla Friday to visit with friends for
a few days.
Hugh McArthur came tip from Fori
land Friday on business He will re
main a few weeks.
I.. .1. Kohinson, miller at W. K.
Homl's new mill at Kiverside, Wash .
came to visit his family in this city
for a few days, Saturdav
Mils Bertha Steinhuer, of fondle
(on, is a visitor al the home of Mr.
and Mrs. F. lioscimwc ig, in this citv.
Mr. and Mr Willis push dmve
down to Pendleton Saturday.
W, P. Bead, of the firm of Baddeley
A Bead, huchers ol Athena, returned
last night from Waitlborg, Waah.,
where be ha- boon buying oat tie to be
ggd at tiieir shop, (or the past ten
Charle.- Belt-, manager oi the Helix
Store of the Athena Mercantile com
pany, who has been visiting relatives
in Sew York state for the past month,
returned Friday evening. Mr. Belts
became a benedict while Kait. Mr.
ami Mr- iteii" are tatandod congratu
lation i by his many rinds in this
Born, in Athena on Saturdav, Mav
4, to Mr. and Mrs. Havnl Jacobs, a son.
liayumnd Lloyd goee to I'endleton
Monday to he sworn in as an attorney
before the supreme court. Mr. I.loytl
has leen practicing under a temporary
license granted him last fall upon
presenting his papers from New York,
and now enters the bar of Oregon as
a full menilier.
Uklart cnamiry Uulter.
Those who have never tried tin
I'kiah creamery hotter are requested
to teat it. Beery pound is guaranteed,
and if any person takes a roll home
and tries it and is not suited, he can
get his money hack from the person
from whom he mode tbe purchase. It
is for aale at Deniott's, Oliver A Co. 's
ami the White House grocery. Jm
M. ripen. is agent for (he sale ol the
I'kiah creamery butter, ami he lays
that Irom this time on enough will
ls received in I'endleton to supply the
Academy Students Outing.
About 40 of the students of the I'en
Melon academy tisjk a trip out to the
reservation on Saturday, leaving this
citv about lo o'clock in the forenoon
and returning late in the evening.
The vehicles in which the trip was
made were a means of furnishing
much amusement, one of the wag. mi
with hay and hay rick being the par
ticular one. Some of the linden ti
fished and succeeded in catchinir om
lonely little orphan trout The .lav
waa spent delightfully and all sav the
had a great time.
Say They Cannot Be Allowid to Work
any nore.
Constantinople, Mav i..- The snllan'-
omciai organ is prcarmug a crusade
aguinst the Chriatians. It says that
in the tutiire, missmnaires will not
be allowed even in the schools The
minister ol war has ordered all tin
heavy artilcrv ami two army coips t
the I urko-Bi'lgariau Irontier. Con
tinued unreel in the Balkans is r.
sponsible (or the order.
Unreit In Macedonia
Constantinople, May f, The unrest
in Macedonia continues In a eonliicl
iHttween Turkish troops and M i .
Ionian- at Zelini, a number of Mace
donians were kill. si before thooprieing
could be suppressed.
Included In tho Flnl Are till Aliponl
0f Mrs. Minnie CrocUolt And Tus
Tua And CeleaiMa lieorge.
Chief Justice It. S Bean and tlWj
eiatC Justice- t, A Moore and C. K
Wolverton, constituting the inpt
court of the slate oi Oregon, are in
session at the rjourl house in Pendle
ton, it isdng the May term for eastern
ii. Illnrnav.l o-neral Blackhurn
and Lee Monrhouse, depnt) clerk (
the supreme court, are in sttendance
Already 11 cases have been dockeled.
many oi them being nf much llltereet.
Included in the list Ol appeal "'
those of Mrs. Minnie fjmokett, iroBI
the sentence of life Iniprlsonmenl In
the penitentiary for the murder pi her
husband at Milton last (all and that
of Ooltimbla George and Pu 1 oe.
who by their attorneys have raised
legal objection" to being hanged WW
the murder of Annie Bdna, or "Fat
Annie," an Indian woman, AugUSl 'I
Kostor v. Clifford.
rhe case entitled Mary Knster, con
testee, vs. Harold II. Clifford, et al..
was ssttled lllll morning hv dismissal
on motion of J. w. I.achner, counsel
for appellant. Mar PoSMI had ap
pealed Irom the decisions of the
county and circuit court- sustaining
the Will executed hy Dennis McAUlifl
deceased, J. C. Morehltnl. Ol I'orl
land, and John I.. Band, ol Baker
City, appeared for the respondent.
swACkliamer v. t.'lilnanien.
The case of S. O. ackhamer. of
Union, vs. the Wing Chin LUOg 00m
panv and Lee Tung Yin, is being
argiinl Monday sftemoon, F, II.
Crawford appears for the appelhinl.
and J. W. Carroll and W. T. Half for
the respondent. The Chinamen are
being snood for damages hy cutting
timber on property of the appellant.
Atlornsys Present.
The followins attorneys, among
others, are in attendance: Judge M
I). Clifford, ol Canyon City, circuit
judge of (Iran) count Col. w. f.
Butcher. I ihll I hand. l A Butler,
and Sam White, district attorney, of
Biker Cu
J. c. Noreland ai d W I. Unit
of Portland.
Judge T. H. Crawford. 0. B, Coch
ran, J. w. ( larrol I , nl i 'nlon,
L. A. Beteb ami f, s Ivan hoe eel Ba
Henry Lloyd, of Athena.
wm ue gaaalaeea
In addition to the above mentioned,
there are about nine voting men
present who w ill bo examined tor ad
mission tn (he bar.
Sherman Cravne Seriouslv Inland Near
Koho en Friday.
Sherman Cravne and George Ban
dolplli two JTOnng men w ho reside near
Bcho, were out OU their horse- on the
alter of Friday , Mav on business.
flic l:i"( named WM thrown from the
animal he wa- riding and the It ret -named
di. mounted t. as-i-t him line
ef the animals became fractions ami
ran against Sherman Cravne, kimckiug
him down. II.t. i- where t)ie stranee
part of the "tory cmne- in The boVI
got hack onto their horses and rode
borne, but young Orayne says he does
not remember anything from the time
he was struck until alter he had near-
v reached home after having ridden
a distance of six miles. He claims!
that his head pained him sane, but
no lasting injury Is apprehended,
CT .1111- KTflDL
...Our Prices on Groceries,,
it. piiiiiuls granulated luaaf
i ki'i; plain 01 mixed pickles
in cms standard sugar cum
in cans standard tomatoai
,....,..,1. Iwtal Fri-nr li nrinips
j pounds beat bulk coffee in ' ity for the price '
i .asc. .'i cms. tomatoes ' '
i case, '. cms. siihiiv corn
I. i ilnb kaMI
ji) unions oik (..... j
dozen Iri sh country eggs
Y()l'K l)OI,liAI (r()KS I'M'U'rtrin
Uncle Sam telli him itwr toward
leader's Furniture Store
Main aw Webb streeta, Pendleton Ongtfm
where he can Rot one f those nicn
Golden Oak Rockers at $2.25 before they trail f
. - 1 a
1 -x
Furniture, ('arjH-t,
I 1 1 t i 1 . .. n
Wiiiilnw Bhadw,
( 'lll-tlli, I hi
- -" I It
Mirrors, Hnl.v cabs,
y-e I
1 in ) r t 1 k hiii.ru ,., .
. i'iwin in ran
Fresh Clean
Stock of
Pol vim to select irom. Will
give ymi reaaonable jriccs.
Tr us with .111 onlitr 1 1 : : :
Thompson & Dupuis, Props.
Two Black
( 'ombingtion
While in
b purchaaad .1 nanufaeturet
lnr ol saiiipii i inn, 1 .11 .1 bargain.
Wr will nn. some itartling values
in theae later.
We also purch taed i"l lot of
Johoaon liru-, . ahite semi. port a
colain .it Ii , (li. in ni),;rs tosl
that w- will m ,u tJt rn:i .if
common ironatone w ire,
The price list will be publiabed
upon arrival oi m"1s Watch
tins spat ' lor it
Owl Tea House.
;s roil- siaps ni.r 10. .
rhn are vers rare.
Court Street.
We put tlur Shou'ilcr to the W heel.
iniiiemuM ameuesl Bri oi w i ,,
wemiegMiiBj v.i, 1,1. no., .,,,,.,
ri.iiiuai oenUilluii lUef, iiio.iiv.iriiSl.'
Ine; man- ullaci, eappli ..."
rglM 10 ,l,e wora ol riualrlni yoar I'iSrUa.
wasou, .iirroy, run.boul any air 1 1 "ei o
Ask your Grocer
for Ukiah
Creamery Butter
I to guArtutaed lull woilit.
Try it mil rq gjp liom
Lnduatry. I'kiah Ontfuiifry
Batter ii aiadi by liillie Mc
Reynoldi, tin- ient bultsw
maker in 1 he slate.
Agoni Ukiab Creamwy.
St. George
BVERYT 1 1 1 N Ci
T ll E IfARKE l
Sunday Dinner a Speiiall).
Bauaueu en i Pertlen iycn Kiln.
GNA. t)fEN0CN,
The Dead
whliiigW, SO YEARS
Locust Hill Rabhitry
and Poultry Yards
Patflgfggg UelgUn harea
and pure bretl I owls.
Traoc Marks
A 11 Vint. at.M..li,., .............
I'il Jn.. tH!J.' .".' '' .M.urillK Pl.NU.
Pfy wue. without here luii...
Scientific Jlmerican.
k l.l. l..r,,,.V 111..,.,.,..., .... .
nwr: four luonllu II HulU byail , i uU
Harea, o.ui ,r mit,
llarr.xl, Buff, uml Whiu
outh KiH-kN Kkkh i;.(xj
I Hill...' fur Ill- ..I..
Ilarrwl Hih;Ic at tl
Boas ami Mingle Oonh
lelaml Keiln KggM J mi
li nittiiiifH for sr. in
VlaitetS VelooBM, For (iirlhttr
Information addres
t uavh.
per .r,
60 u,r
mr IS,
I'einlleton, tlreon.
SiihirihArv aw rosea
sMVksv.1 ivvi U
rib.' fix n .ml .ii ,.
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- a .. ... , ,
auiei or KurM.', nut
y jioiui note, . horn or
ul Ui lUu Kirr Ohkuo
NUN Uii ul publisher!
pri.v ol ii,. publluatiou
u.vr 1, r, lo you a-;
uioue bu lo.i o, Ul, U1u , , ;
boll, trouble au.l rult ll ul, ,' J 1 , J fJH
Uwluci un uer .nt r,)U1 lllu uahlUhmil-uiwrn
The Column
Lodging House
nkwi.i Ki'itsiag
KAK IN ro.NNK 1'
MKT. ALT A A ifflP
For kig
To go Fishing
. i..p u , i, lo make
telephone Main 70.