East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 06, 1901, Image 3

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ress Skirts
)iroci from the faotory; the very latest itylet,
now shades of blue, gray and brown. Not
cheap skirt but the bell I i ti ever shown in
leaver Bros.
i . . i i i i) m in:
UN 111 n StTUnui vjn.'ii.
u, ii..,i,-i Tu lis wnere no
(lot the Cheng.
i 11 I w it I . . . lu iti IM
III " -- ;
... inrui U' M III Ml 111'
I... I.ilun ..mlmi-ii- lllllH'S tl I
it out iiv putting up n. mm
i Ml. .1.1.. I i vn lit kllHSIIH
IIMI nil, in. i""" ,
in . i i - . . . .
I . 1 1 1 1 1 .. . . . .
I l. ll,.li.ltOV llllll I II-
..... ,,,.,.1 L...I siiililav Mi' Said III'
nil- mil-". .- ' ,
.1 I I. ..Oil.. UllVllllllll U It I 11 1 II 1111
1 111-vn nni- I "
VI. I .1 -trilllgor llllll, out who
. ... i it. .it I... i uu ii wii known
Tl... ut ru iiifur nut two
11.. ... i I ..... .1 I I t I llllllV III
r." i u ii ' r. " :
I If II niivi'i, . j
lull till' L'.lllli Wl'lll Oil Alter
.. i... .....I huh ., ll... ifuruii In . i. .
.Hi.! Mm sheepman kOld MMRI t
I nut h i'l k for tlnit iiiikhiiii ami
.i I . l tl I . I. ...I 1'
Wnlllil -lgll 11 !' neiiuna nun i
. Urn-, jr., till "lit tl cheek for
In ,ili,T which tin' hi iiiiiiii igiiou
Unl lli'li'lrtx i nalcirmxl It. Kv H
I . . .1 1 I..
)ii' i'i ; IK I'li'lli'l' llM' niii'i'fiiiinii n
ne- w.i- 1 1 'II r i X nr something SI 111 I la I
lleml- winch uused tilt trouble.
mi th.it ill k Mi Homing drew
75, Mil tha rwti of tin fact-. my
it ai thi trini iii tin' circuit
H .11 I In i our loriu
llluwii to Atom.
tin' 4d nir. i tlnit tin' body om
iih hhhIh ii powerful, dri'Htii', purgn-
i illl IhU I !( i exnloded tor I r.
utr ' - . I. id- Pills, which IM pur-
tlv harmless, gently Hi iiimliiti' livi-r
laiwcls In expel IM IH UK II IN lllllttlir,
Ian" tin system mmI abaolutal rare
n-' p i inn ml rIhIi ImmImIw 1 inly
r .a l .dim. in ,v Oo. drag -tore.
rtt Mmi It) Oratory at lha Inior-
IV ill . Walla, Mav 6, Arthur llnii.'r-
i i . ii Wliit man sol lag. returned vea
fc'i r. evening froin Moaoow, Idaho,
I n tlir mi iTi-ol Iil; iat- ora-
w itexl mi I'rnluf ni(iit. Hpnak
Y irtiuiiatail iron Mm university
Idano mmI Wasi agricultural
Itagi Tin' daoialmi wan without
rllii- i- fin' m-i'iiinl iiini' in Hiii'ooMHiun
Ml u M'hiiiuan i-tin 1 1 mi t Iimh i-urrnxl off
p bawiuM la Miii nvanl and uiuka'K
f I "I 'I'VIMI ,'illlli.Mlf tllllt
lliiitiiu i, ii , iir' iilttrii iii ora-
Arthur HaHtirll oil, tilt' proaaillt
W( will coma after vour clock
tl bring it homo to you whan its
Wli.it s toott we'll lix it so it
till May lixed.
All work niiiiraiUecd.
(Jeweler and Optician..,
Noxt ,lo., r I,, Aloxauilor A Hoxtur
laltir in
Wood and
Henry Kopittke
Dry Goods Co.
arlnnar, laal mm aaptalnad tin' loot
hull ti-inii ol tin- MMM of MarOtM, uinl
tli in hoiihoii Inuilf tin' luiHiiliitll nun' mi
tin- dlanrand. Ha inn popuiur lalloa
with nil who know him ttml in an a
kaowladnd lacdar In avaryMiina par-
tainillK to arioial, Bthlot ir uinl 1 1 1 . tu r
i-oilflgt' lite,
Dandruff Oarm Thrlvai In It, ai Well
aa In All Graase.
wnll known Obioago hair lpaoial
lad Invltad MM Intnr Ocean to come to
inn nflloa uinl mho, nndar h BioraMopa
how tin- n'r,i that cauriHh ilatiUruff
thrivi-i- in vsnllMi Tht ipaolalial
Hniil that all hair pnpMWtloni 000
tainiu'K ureuae, ainiiily furniab food
(or the tf,,r,,,r1 BI"' ""Ii propaifBti'
MmHi The only way to cur (Madrtlfl
ih In ilttatroy the gcrniH, anil the only
hair preparation that will do that ih
Newhro'n llnrpiciile. "Ihiatroy the
cauae, yon remove the effect." With
out ilaiitlrtlff no fullinu hair, DO hahl
I10M. Ak for Merpiciile. It in the only
ileHtroyer of the dandruff nom.
Arrival! at Hotal Pendlrton.
L A F.Hteh and family, I .a (irande.
I. Mun.iker, city.
John I. Kami, linker City
ii. U" M l Cllflord. Canvon ( itv
II Mrahain. I'ortlaud
C Harris, ftMtUa
B It Oos, BaMttla
l HhtlltH, BpOkatM
W (I Huvall, LlMOlBi Kb,
l; B Bmo, atalam
(' I WolwrtOB. -iilem
t l i Moore, Siilem
.i 0 Moralud, Portland
hi u Blaokbarn, Balen
Harry S Hnrper, Arlington,
(' l Kiuker. BpolUUM
J Keck with.
.1 Lamblrtb
J W Allen, The I hit leu.
II E Onrtla. The Dal let
L Laalay, Portland,
w Qoold, olty
X It Trumhnll, lliirtfnrd Citv.
A Nylaadar, PorMand.
en HarriM, Portland.
I N HukIioh, Sun I' ranciMco.
A M stone, sun franolaoo,
M A Batlar, linker City.
Win T Muir, Portland.
C T Pht'lan, Salida.
Qao J Gran, Datralta Mich.
C I liahrieUon, Saltun.
Uttac Nail, BpOMMa
Frank Iteraald.
htati: or (Miio, ' itv of MM I
I.CC.1H I nl'NTl i
Krmik J lirin'V auMai imlh IIih' lie i-I In
Minor imrlinT o! tui' linn ul I I I'ln'iU') .1 I .
(tolUK UUllllOM lU tin' I'ity ol ToU'iln, ruuilt)
ml alnti' aluntuiil. .m i Hint Mint linn will pay
iii, niii. of 'Mi HiMarM Itollara lor aaota ana
rvary i'iuhi ol Calarrh llial railliol hi' ruruil Oy
(In- BM of lliili - ( alitrrli i in.
Hworn to bariora aw and lubacrlbtxl in my
-s- urNKiiii' iln lli iUy ol liaji'oiubor, A.
I 11. IM.
A. W. Hl.KASilN,
Nolary 1'ulillr
II,..' I'alarrli t!urr i- taken into rimlly ami
acta dlraotu on Um Mood and aivooua aiufaoaa
ol tin. lyawin, Hioni lor . (raa
f I I'll KN K Y .V 0O., TolOdo. Ohio,
H.il, I l d l ii if K -' , 7Ai'
Uall'i Kuniil Pllll ari tin- u.'l
"Wondari ot Kuropa."
The abOft in . 1. 1. Hi in the title of the
lecture to he deliverd hy lr H. W.
Kellogg, paator of the Taylor Mtreel
M K. church of Portland, in the Prea
hyterian church in Pendleton an 'I'uea
day evening, Mav ii. It will lie accum
uanied hv !'.'.' atereonticoii viewM. The
lecturer ih one of the moat hrilliant on
the coital and ih very entertaining. An
aduiiaaioii fee of lr ceuta will be
onaraafl .
Ii Tbla Plain Knouari.
H you have u uugging aaggb Bre
liming UohIi, K' to a drug nturi-. uinl
get a bottle of Shiloh'n OotMU Caption
BON Take two-thirdr of it, anil then,
if you are not benefited, returu the
bottle to the druggist, and he will re
turn your money, an 'I that fair-.' No
MM OOnld ask more. 26 eta., 60 ctH.
and $1 a bottle. Tallinau A Co., lead
ing druggiatii.
Mas n etjual lor the OUre of
Nervous and Phyeioftl Debil
ity, KxliuuHtwtl Vitality, 'ari
tocole, Froinatute Heiline,
Lou of Memory, Wasting, ete.
which lias been brought
ahout hy early indiscretion
or later exceaseB.
KitTAHtlHIIlCD I H1KTY Y t .m.
Write todhv for mi latam Umka, "Haalh m
Naluro," ami MMnftbi 1U Uf ami Ahu by
I.) Man."
Dept. A. Ruaaol Block, vim
(lid ueu, ou aliulvut, walla, or
W" fof wriapplut! purpomni
. Old uewnpaper. ill Urgt.
PlfiWSDflDCrS biiudlon of ona huuiticil
w aaub at Jo oauu uuuum i
... TUB cam I OKBUONIAN uffliU faudle
Ua, Oiaauu. I
T ' ik! D
it ! n
'missed by three inches
The Raildenaet of Dr. C. J. Whltaker
and C A. Cameron Uied by Poor
Markimer, as Targets.
At about 15 minuten to 5 o'clock on
Sunday aflrnoon a bullet made ita en
trance nnoaramonionaly through a win
dow in the kitchen of the ri'Mnlcnce of
Dr. C. J. Wbftakar, pa-Heii within
Ibrac inchea of Mihh Janota Cunning
ham, who is ntnployed there, tore
around among aome spice lumen,
rlooohattad hack and fourth for a
while plafynlly, then fell all flattened
out to the floor. It wan from a 'J2
caliher rifle and came very clone to
canning a aerioiiH accident and perhapn
Caused by Carelessness.
Rnndfada of people go to the hill
Hiirrounding Pendleton to hunt
qnlrrall every Sunday. They wctn tu
have been particularly hnny lant Sun
day, and that aomething periou hnri
not hapnened to he chronicled in more
the effect of good luck than good jnd
ment or Hkillful markinnnahip. It
may lie neceaaary to hunt down Home
of tbaat careieHH oflapdan and make a
horrible example of them.
Careless Shooters.
The many PBHKMII who go out on the
hilla lurrouiiding Pendleton Hhoiild he
more careful when taking aim. Some
thing happened Sunday afternoon
which miCO I have been Heri ma. A
bullet cranlied through the hav window
of I'. , (ameion'H hoiiHe on South
Main Htreet, ntrnck the BOrtaiB and
dropped t the nill. It wan a bullet
from a L'L'-cal iher rifle. A number of
the memherHof the lamily were Hitting
in the parlor at the time, and, while
Hturtii'ii, nara lad it nai no woraa.
Whitman CollaRe Given the Decision by
Umpire Ryan.
All ball playcrn and thone intcrcHted
will want to learn what wan the dlB
pute over the remarkable game played
in Walla Walla valurdny afternoon by
Whitman college and Oaburn'a Athena
team, in which the HON wan to 0 in
tl igtith Hilling when Whitman
Hcnred one run. The game war pro-
DOttnceil one of the bent ever accn in
Walla Will la and argument over the
iliiputed point wan general throughout
both Athena and Wulla Walla. Knth
BMUM have their own presentation of
Hie oaaa. The Walla Walla Union
given a very fair account of the affair
Having :
"tiignv nan pianieu a naie iiokc in
right center and gone to Necond on the
hall that forced Marquis at third.
Hade Lawil faced the Athenian. There
wan a wild pitch, the delivery ntriking
the ground hint in front of the plute
and caroming oft the catcher's leg into
the crowd. I inpire Kyan called a
hlnck ball and Kighv ran like a hungry
Comanche Indian after a spotted dog,
pushing the reginter button before the
ball wan in the hamln of the pitcher.
I ' in iii rt- Kvan culled the man nufe
and decreed that the tally counted.
Capt. (4. Brown, of the Spartans ob
jected, advancing the point that a
Npectator had interfered with the ball
ami thrown it out ol reach ot ttie
utcher, who mi endeavoring to detect
mid returu it to its former position in
the diamond. To thin the uniiure re
plied that if the hall had been handled
by a spectator at all he could not see it
and, therefore, could not render a de
cision on the opinion of another, hut
muni use Inn own judgment, lie
further Itated that if the hall had been
thrown hv a aMctator it was toward
the diamond ami not away form it and
that he would stand by the decinion an
it had been rendered. The aina of
MarctiH wre jubilant ami the yell that
went up would have scared .1 im Jeff rien
into an epileptic tit. The sunn of
.Athens were sullen and dejected and
their captain issued an ultimatum to
the powers 1 tint he refused to tt n I f h t lie
game. Umpire Ryan's watch ticked
off III minutes and the game went to
Whitman by U to 0.
"After it was plain that there would
be no change in the decision the visitors
offered to play out the game, but
Whitman knew a good thing and re
'used. ' 1
Walla Walla Lawyer to Be Investlaaled
tor Allesed Irregularities.
There will he a meeting of the Walla
Walla Par ansociatiou held in the
obambers ot the autierior court at IU
o'clock on the morning of May 17, says
the Union, (or the purooae of investi
gating charges which have been filed
with the president of the association
against Kdgar Lawman, an attorney
of this city, aud which it is alleged
aaBMB bb of a questionable transac
tion. The charges were brought against
Mr. I.einuian hv Heuient Church, who
is in the employ of Heuient Broa.
company, of this citv. It was at tirat
the intention of the Bar association to
meet tiiis morning but upon investiga
tion it was found that uothiug could be
definitely decided upon until Prank
Iiement, manager of the company, re
turns to Walla Wal.a from Colorado
Springs, Colo., where he is at present.
In case the facts are as alleged it is
possible that disbarment proceedings
may be instituted. .Mr. Lemuiau pro
fesses to be able to explain the mutter
to the satiafactiou of all concerned as
soon as Mr. Heinent shall have ra
ti! rued to the city.
The Charge.
The charge that it is alleged has
been filed with the president of the Bar
associat ion againat Mr. lAiuimau aud
which will tie taken up by the Bar as
sociation is that in bia capacity as
attorney he received from Hemeut
Bros, company, oi this city, (or collec
tion, a note in the sum of $154 against
I, J. Abbott, a garduer reaidiug near
this city ; that while the note was in
his possession within a period of two
years, he collected thereon something
like 15 in email sums as well as a
bulk sum of $80, after which, it is
alleged, he represented to Dement
Bros, company that the note was
worthless and that all he could ever
expect to get (or it was small driblets
in vegetables, after which he con
cluded a purchaiM' of the same (or tbe
.linn of $15. It is also aaaerted that of
the entire .-um collected on the note
up to the time o( its purchase by Mr.
LaMOman he bad paid to the oouipauy
only $5, of which he wua allowed to
return $1 as a fee. The allegation
further is that after buying tbe note
he again went to Mr. Abbott and rep
resentiua that his clients were insist
ing iiMin an iiuindiate aettlement, de
manded that the balauue of the nate
be paid in full. It is said uiai in
distress over the threats of tbe attorney
Mr. Abbott viaited Dement Broa. place
of hiiBlnea to beg them not to force
immediate payment and that in this
way the matter became public.
. Martin Lead.
K. Murtin is eutitled to lie called
.i... 1. ....I.-, n the irrocerv trade on ac
count of his long experience IU the
bnninPRB. Then aa he buyn in car lots
for cash ho gets a trade and canh din
countn which give him his goodn a
little cheaper than other ntoren. Mar
tin given tins saving in hi buying
price to hi ctiBtomtrs. If yon want a
nig bill of grocerip get price at other
ntorn and then Martin can bent their
PlTe Things.
The five diseases for which Shi lob'
Connnmption Cure i especially recom
mended, are Coughs, Cold, Whooping
Couh, Croup and Consumption. No
medicine ever made hy man i equal
to it in any renpect. Sold under a
positive guarantee. Money hack if it
fail. 26 eta, 50 ct and $1 a bottla,
Tall man A Co.
An Aerial Home Where a Baby Was
When the great Kerrin wheel at Paris
wan made ready to renume bnninenn.
after it winter closing, two families of
tramp", comprising 11 mernhem. with
some women and children, were dis
covered iiitallel and living comforta
bly in two o( the swinging earn They
told Mm police they had boon camping
out thu all winter. They firnt en
tered the earn one bleak night. They
nelocted the lowent car, but one day
two engineer, who had lieen sent to
examine the machinery for nonie rea
son, made the great wheeL describe
half a turn. So the camping lamilien
were hointed to the topmost position.
Since that time only one man. a
former sailor, could communicate
with tl arth.
Climbing down nightly from the
ghldy height hy mean o the girder
and guv rope, ho would hustle for
food to keep the two triU'S alive. The
provisions were hointed up w ith it rope.
Their existence lated for two
month, undetected, and on hehriiary
'i'i a baby girl wan Itorn up there. In
conniderat ion that she is a healthy
little child, the commissary of police
released the whole party. The wheel
company not only refused to press the
charge of trenpanning. but offered the
mother and infant a Hilary of $M a
month to exhibit themnelves through
out the coming neanou in the car in
which the child was born.
Worse Tnan War.
HundriHls are killed in war, but
hundred of thousands are killed hy
consumption. There would lie no
deaths at all caused by this terrible
diaeaae, if people could Is made to un
derstand that Shi loh' cough and con
nu nipt ion cure in a an re remedy if taken
in the early stage. 26 ct., 60 ct. and
$1 a bOtUOi Hruggintn will refund the
money if a cure in not effected. Tall
man A Co., leading druggist.
Explanation ot an Apparent Decline
Given From Washington.
Washington. May . In a recent
statement given to the pre by the
division of insular affairs ol the war
department, a considerable lonn wan m
dicated in the trade of Cuba with the
United State for the first eight
months of ltMH), a compared with the
same periisl of 1HWH. It is now ex
plained by the division of uisnlar
affairs that in the statement above re
ferred to the value of gold and silver
com and bullion wan included in the
total value of commerce between I'll ha
and the United "-tates.
Kliiniuating the coin shipment, it
m ascertained that instead of there be
ing a decrease in the value o( imports
into Cuba from the Tinted Mates,
there is an increase of $1 ,222,205 for the
first eight months of nam over the
same period of ' A comparison
with the importation of merchandise
into Cuba from the Tinted Kingdom
(or the same pariod shown an increane
in favor of Hum of H, per cent and
from liermany ot 75..'1 er cent. Thone
pei cents liHik formidable, but it is
aaid at the war department the
auioiiuta of increase are not an very
large when they MM considered la rela
tion with the totals of i m porta
lion, or in relation with the United
States figures. Them- Kuglieh aud lier
man liguren are expected to continue
to rise until the United Kingdom and
tiermany secure their proportionate
shares of trade in Cuba; that is, in
proportion to their shares in other
tropical couutries. As the tariff regu
lations oarate upon all couutries
alike, exHirt from (iermany, I-ranee,
Spain and the United Kingdom to
Culm w ill depend on business method)-.
It Girdles the Globe.
The fame ol Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
u- the Inset in the world, extends
round the earth. It's the one perfect
lieuler of cuts, corns, burns, bruisen,
sores, scalds, boils, ulcers, felons,
aches, pains and all skin eruptions.
Only infallible pile cure. 26c a box at
Tall man A Co. 'a.
Call tor School Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that all out
standing warrants of school district No.
in, I in in. in i coiiuly, Ortigou, up to
aud including warrant No. 1502, will
be paid on presentation at the office of
tbe clerk of said district iu the Past
Oregoiuau building, Pendleton, Ore
gon. Interest ceaaes from date of pub
lication. T.i.i I. BISHOP,
Clerk District -No. Hi.
Dated May I, 1U01.
Bsparianai is lha beat teacher. Use
Acker V Kuglieh remedy in any case
of coughs, colds or croup. Should it
(ail to give immediate relief money
refunded! 26 cents and 60 cents. Sold
by Brock A McComas.
It's a Short Road
from a cough to consumptioa
Don't neglect a cough take
when your cold appears. The
" ounce of prevention " is
better than years of illness.
-1 aarl ler lmmpmm a wwt braecSMl
aal ! uuuSU. Bawd bluod liMally
Bp lu laM OaJiou and uttiui part i
vaa bai sua aa aaataof. Baauraaal aa" ujmI
bcfaa i. '.m Saut4e. A imw buttUs com
aUialr cuiaalaM. I aaaaaMav U t greatfaw ol
f miiMfiif a
Wah L. Caaap a Oa, Bfakera. BuAaki. N. V.
BkUoh' OMuavaataMi Omrm U mM b all
rauUU at Su. SO... Sl og . bottle. A
arluUtt gaeraalaa aaaa .in, , i.n n
BS 7a ara iaiM " aia
uJ ga yw '"- baa.
Write far Uluauatad baa M cawaumpnaa. Baal
.nMuama B. C Wall. A Ca , CtU,. N Y.
Kor aittle by Talluua.u ctt Co., druglglnla.
ALU THK NKWSI Take tbe Beet
Oiogomau Daily 5-oe a year by
mail. Weakly ti jo, and bem. I
Vookly Sa oo year. Bauipla caspy boe
Loeal Grounds Will Be Ready for a Game i
on Tuesday. May 14.
The" MOB pBCtl for the openine game
of baseball Ifl Pendleton, when the
Colfax aggregation will anit the local
team in entertaining the baseball
public on Tuesday, May It, become
brighter pn the date approAchea. When
ready for the (ray I'M Alta ntrcet
grounds will bo tbe beat in the ntate
outnide of Portland. A good practice
wa indulged in Sunday afternoon and
the around wan pronounced to ba line.
The nurface i smooth and hard, no it
will ho what is technically known a i
a "last" field, but one upon vvnicn
it will he a pleasure to play.
The Grand Stand.
The grand stand is in course of oon-
strnction and will have boon finished
hv the time of the opening game. The
ldavers themselves are getting 111 good
Condition and the game between Col
fax and Pendleton will be a battle
worth watching.
ii it'll School vs. Clerks.
A game of baseball took place Sun
day on the lower Alia si reel groundn
between the High school team and
team made up of the young clerk
ahout town. The latter came out
winner hv a core of 10 to 7. The line
up was a follow: High chool -Bob
bin, c. . Kobbms, p.. Itlakloy, in..
Uartman, 2h. . Sheiierinan, H. .
I'roome, ;lh. , Crnnin, I. f. . Brown, c.
(. : Alexander, r. (.
Clerks O'Harra, c. j Drake, p.;
Mavs. lb. J Wvrick, lb. Castle. .
Garlieb, ib. Latnpkin, I f Peter-,
c. (. Vaughn, r. (.
Let me say I have nned Kly's Cream
Balm (or catarrh and can thoroughly
recommend it for what if claims.
Verv trnlv. Key. II. W. Hatha, av,
Kliraheth, N . .1 .
I tried K.lv'n Cream Palm, and to all
appearance- am cured of catarrh. The
terrible headaches trout winch I long
suffered are gone W. J, Hitchcock,
late Major U. S. Vol. and A. A. den.,
Buffalo, N. V.
The Balm diM-n not irritate or caune
- nig. Sold I iv druggist- ai o cis.
or mulled by Kly Brother. BM Warren
St., New York.
m. aa .i
A nuite of room- in the Kant Ore-
goniati building, hot and cold water,
liathriMim, for $11 a month during the
HMMffi Apply at the Kant Oregon inn
Wlio 'li'innii'lH h Mtniitii'li. perfect riintiltm
wliri'l In liln uporu 1 im more viilliuneli''
about nan
Iliali arc llnmo men uinl a omen u tin rl'lr Inr
im Miineth ruiiuliig n i.e. .- of proven ninth,
tor cuinlorl iniil i '- -in
Htmnlaiil Kumtilcra coal
l.adien or lout's Koadnter .$.,.. isll
Indies or Oents J.igbt Koadster ,140.00
iients Mi KHind Kaeer . . MI.INI
Undies or (iellts Chainless . . . $l(l.0(l
Ideals $20, $22, $25
Aiieul I'malilla ouniy.
I'i'Billi'loll, llrt'K"ll
..French Restaurant..
Juat Warn i d g nice lot of frog'e legs
due Laf-'ontalne, Proprietor.
gwilsler bulldiug. Mam Hi. PeuilleUio. Uregon
Shout Lijnp-
naftBT Time Schedule
m From Pendleton.
i uncial
b :J u m
via Huut
lagtou Hall lake, lien vtr Port
vn ... 1 1 1 Ouialia, tin
a City, at laiula,
l.n ago au'l Kaal
. a ,,.
( 16 a. in
via Hunt
Halt Lake, Ixoiver. Kt
Worth. Ouiaba, Kan
aaa City, HI lOUis Cbl
Dane aud hast.
f I m
Ml Paul
Kaal Mall
- 1 a Ul
Wala M.l.a lalalOU
fpofcane e . i .. .
Han Mlliur.apolla. HI
Paul, Ilululli.Mllwau
... i hicago aud Haal
es p iu
Ocean and Kiver Schedule.
All aalllug dauia sub
:uup. m. Jecl Ui cbaug.
Por Hau h.iiiiu ' i
Hall every t days.
hp. ui.
IU p Ul
Columbia Birer
4 p. an.
I,, Aaioria aud May ei auuday
I .an li iif
w uiameiie aivsr
beily ex.
guiida Orngou I Hy. NearU'ij
It in i Halem, ludepudoue
I aud Vtay-IaudiuKa
4 111 .. Ill
oi Huuday
fa. ui. Corvallla and Way
luta Tbr. Laudiuga
aud aal.
Willamette and Yarn
- Ul.....
I .Ai p ul
atou , Wed
aud Prl
Tuee' Tlire. orugou (ity. Uayioa
. a.. . . . . I. .. I ...In...
Mou Wed.
auu mi .uu
aud Prl
Leave I I Caave
Kiparla Snags Blear. Lewiatoa
j ai a, ui. 4 40 a m.
Daily I KlparU lo LewlaM.. I Dally
P. P W aaa lit Ax eat, Peadlelaa.
For Health. Strength and
Pleasure Drink
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
Bargains for Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday
May 7th, 8th and )th.
Kinbroldcrd Mun' filing regular price Bftc, Bnigaln price ,oc
Brocaded Black Dress Oooda. north frorj , ml Itargaln price U
Alt Over Kmhroldery 7V. $1, $1 ,00, 9 yard Bargain prka Ig pervent off
VaNMctaMn Lacaa, lo, ic, lOonpto .i Bargain prtca ag por cant off
5atlne IVttlcoat.a, $1. 9 and $'.' M MOh Bargain pihc g pci vent tMacOMMl
I dcm .in- hut i iem ol the barstnna offering
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thuradaj
Shoe Department
Is ohuok full of BARGAINS, no matter whether 'tis n
Woman's orOhild'i shoe yon want, we have ;t lot of desir
able thing! suitable for evary place and occasion.
Shoo Store
7HI Main street
Dry (oniiln Ueparli
' 7 I S Main Stree
lilu iMillXcr, tin, ,m.... i. n.in ,.fn f . hi. ii. I n-i. 'i c1 (,.i
mt BBF '." ill- iu. ...f n.u i n.i , i. I ...I it Kiilinurl. I n-minilK,
ifag I'tilaaa lat lha- Hark, .... .1 1 n... trblllia -1 . .
fla. JH nlll'ir.a M Hair. I ilouillnn llraln Tin I, mrli' nii.ll iinallpnUnn.
SB tSBSM H ' . lo il ,v nr ilfln. I'n em ., I .1 - ,1.11 .... hhli If 11.. I cliti'lied
' VjSBs jeaiai i" Hnairiiiainrrl 11 1 ami all 1 , t I l'lli:k ImuiwIIih
Um r. nu- kiiln. ami nu 1101..11 .1 ,. .ma ul ail uiiiii nu .. l sl llt:.1 : siri'iisilniw
anil rMtnrriniiucI . i,k i.iikhv
Till, ri' n.n, I M. lirrri m arc I . .1 rnrr.l f.v IVu'lnM I. In -miim.i I,. . laaa ,...,,. I. , in. aaaa a. I a la
CttplDKNK Ilia only known rrnnttt t ,.
niiriinUDRlvi'ii ami mnn. y ri'turn. .1 if .... si..
num. r-r ini rir ritKK circuiiir iuhI ii -iiun'iii.tia.
Ail.lnvu. 1 Bl 1 111 IraK 0.. I 1 1
roll ml.K HV I'M I M a. N .7 I ' I
Kasy Uuiiiiiiig, Clean Cutting.
Ball Bearing
They are guaranteed, Call and lee them
H 't nan wi X
BBtallUlVl VI X M. litIll ' '1 ' I B a)
Wain Street.
We arc all Read)
to start decorating youi aalla and
ceiling with tba moal elegantly
deaigned wall patterns ever da
vised a- sniin as you are tlirtilli h
with your Spring bouaei leaning
Before, if you prefer to have u .
out of the wa prior to Btarting to
clean Bouse, I'.itterns mi view
lonn ats" don't mine the exhibit,
Jesse Fallings
Hotel Pendleton
Under New l.hi.i ; mi
Kvery Modem
Bar and Kllllard iiooms
The Heal Hotel
Van Uran Bros., Props.
aaanaM M
A sure remedy lor I lie and in Ilea.
Internal lonal Poultry food keejai the hens healthy, mua grit aids digeatioii,
Hone meal gives strength lo young chlcka.
A clean, inoffensive hut nutritious lertilixer for your lawns.
C. P, ColeSWOrthy ,ou,try and Supply Depot
If you ride this season ride a CRESCENT.
I I. 'thing I npml nient
7'H) Main Street.
u . i n Will i. .1 arrlllaa
raliu, , ),vi u e. niiaiii'ut 1 urn. Sl.juatioi.ul-i ltaj,
llnl Kan Km... m.i al.
Ml I
nla 1 s.
n 1 hi 1 1 11 v mi vu,t
Special Kates by
Went or Mill
Iteadquartera for Traveling Men
In fcastern nr. yon
Successors lo J. E. Moore
EJeAMDtJy FurDboed Steaai Httated
I in i.pr a HUll
Block and a half Irons depot,
sample Koom In connection
Room Kale
mk, 75c, 11.00
J r Dafc
lei SL George