East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 04, 1901, Image 1

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.rlUl till' " Kr "
A'lv' ... Tell your
HI!K.iimpl wy
Tonight MM Hutntsy Mr
Vt arc mw"
NO. 411
have it large BBOS '"r
boll I'1 " 1,M 1 ' ' 1
im inirv f wIioIoesm
Man. i pay his
L,,... for oountry pwdrnw
ml BhlekaBO,
R. Demott.
Dress Goods Foulard Silk
for Spring for Summer
Tlie Mack gown has
the approval of the
fashionable world,
is genteel, dignified
and suited t every
( )ir silk department
is creating untnatch
ad miration for the
foulards we show.
All the new designs
and coloring are here
A New
ihoioe ( lol lection
Satin or dull finish.
Plain or fancy weaves.
Light or heavy weighl
is lusre to claim the
feminine attention.
Satins, Libertiea,
Imlias. Twills
You'll not find their
equal in Pendleton.
75c to $1.00
per yard.
Alexander & Hexter.
he Boston Store
EHAVP IT TDAIfiHT h iwathtr will be good and you can
llWLf II Ol lAIUII I huv vour new soririL' suit.
. j - i m
r it ii xw i m mem
1' k SI jTI .'1
Si T- I
llf r
I It u
II, I v . .
i i i r
When you buy your clothes of US yon get the beet
BLACK SUITS of ail kinds; we will show them free.
BUSINESS SUITS; a big lot on exhibition, money hack
if Hot tlie best .
Boston Store $2.50 Shoes
For Men and Women Man's the host $2.50 shoo to he
had. Knocks '0111 all out.
Try Douglas Shoes, 3 ou, $3.50 and $5.00.
Bossot Black Dress Goods
For fine hlack drosses, 50c to $4 a yard, guaranteed Mack
and price. The largest assortment to select from.
Hats-Knox, Stetson, Belgian,
50c to SO. 00. None hotter.
In the spring time the young man's fancy lightly turns
to thoughts of underwear.
hy are we the best sellers of Clothing in Pendleton?
Because we are the best Buyers.
kanc uardon seeds 10c-
r t i i'iii 1, ,, 1. ......
a lt.tr.
,s toys, damns Large line
MI L' t . 1 ( hit' in .oLl Knot.
W t :i . Mil' ,
LIT klr tkln.H I .1
ioc to 25c.
to frames, gilt and gold
Pit! H to So. We are
Wt't O , . I .. . VT
vm, - 10 24c. iew
BUSic, 50c kind 33c.
Illllo.-L. f I
- a . 1 . 1 v 1 1 1
H IS hniL. ..... ..-.-I 1
"""im uiiu woocien-
1 . .
tuiioiiico supplies.
il AIM rings, 25c and 50c,
t 5 yoars.
pat, vases, glassware.
SSgO curtain stretchers, $2.69
.. jioriumes.
' 'U s Sad irons. 1 nmili-ti-
i' Head, 11.25.
1 . . . ....
, ,. ra,u,ui comos, yc 10
aat I'urniture.
mm Sets and hase ball
ericK No
To inakti good bread urns Byem' Bent Klour. It took tirat
preuiiuui at the Chicago World'n Fair overall competi
tion, and given excellent satisfaction wherever used.
Kvery sack is giiarantued. We liave the best Hteam
Kolled Bailey, 8eed Kye and Beardless Barley.
W. S. BYERS, Proprietor.
1 have a full line of cotton and
rubber hose direct from the
factory; also have ball bearing
lawn mowens, grass catchers,
yard sprinklers at prices to suit
all. Examine my slock before
T. C. TAVLOR, theiliardware Man.
Another Move in China.
mav here ho chronicled in connec
tion with our latest invoices of llav-
land; a move which will interest
housekeeper, wife and husband alike
bai IJtSf ths ware itself is of exquisite
beauty, the price so reasonable that
no one need frown over the bill.
These lew items give only a hint of
the many here.
Properly Previously Bought In t
Dallnquant Tax sme Will B
Disposed Of.
The county court, acting undr tho
advio of Oidtrict Attorney T. Q.
Hailey, wilt ignore the new law AMgel
at the IttOl fteflnion of the Oregon letr
iHlature in regard to renelling IhikIh
previously , hil in at ilelinqiient tax
sales. The position taken' is this:
The county of Umatilla, in accordance
with law, ohtaineil these Innils hv Inly
ing them for the del inqnenl taxes
They btOMM the BCOptfly of the
county the same as they would have
bMOBM the property of an individual,
provided tln'v had been purchased hv
an individual. The legislature is
powerless to enact such a retroactive
measure as the law of ltfOl, and it will
therefore he ignored.
Instead of advertising and selling to
the highest bidder as directed by the
new law, these lands held by the
county, the count v will sell them, just
as would an individual, and the pur
chaser of course will get only a tax
title. The former owners of thess
lands will have the privilege of re
deeming them before others.
Tha MeRae Road.
Several months ago Kenneth McKae
and a number of others residing west
of Helix petitioned for a road fur a
distance of six to six and one-half
miles through that country. The peti
tion met with considerable opposition.
The report of the viewers filed with
the county court has been sent buck
for correction. The principal oppon
ents tn the granting of the petition are
Jobil II. King. D 0. Kirk and faint
Brotbarti Property owdmi through
which tlie proponed road is to run put
in claims for damages to an amount of
something like S800.
Wide Tire Wagons.
farmers owning wnle tire wauus
will liave to pay the lax on them as
assessed by the counlv assessor. The
county court takes the position that
it is "authorized " but not "com.
pel led ' ' to rebate the tax 011 wide tire
Pendleton's Great Show of Fine
Equine Flesh.
Day Was Auspicious Visitors Were Numerous Citizens Turned
Out en Masse (iraceful Equestriennes Lead the Pro
cession Through the Principal Streets.
Bullish on
The Chicago Firm Is Very
The weekly circular of Irwin, (ireen
A Co., of Chicago, reviewing the grain Miss Kva
markets, is very bullish and predicts
a much Htrotiger situation for wheat
del. .re the.liilv settlement. In the
i in iilar, they say :
Wheat in this market advanced
about :i 1 u cents last week, on an in
creasing acquaintance with the merite
of the case, though not a few observers
of the movement seemed to think the
gain was partly in sympathy with
corn. The most prouifneut fact in the
situation, though far from the only
one, was the hig, persistent demand
for wheat to go to the continent of
Kurope, and this admitted to be lie-
cause ot very isior prospi i ts there h.r
harvest over large areas. The continen
tal purchased of last week alone are
reisirted to have been fully r,Uu0,UU0
buahele, and the demand promises to
continue as the present and prospec
tive wants of the iieople for whom the
buying waa done are only pint begin
ning to be met. The crop condition
111 (iermany in stated to lie the very
worat known ever since oibcial report
ing ou the aubject was undertaken,
and the outlook in Krance in quite
no. 1 the exiatctatiou beiuK for a
small yield. Then there is the news
of a terrible fl famine in Hilria,
which will necessitate extensne ship
ments from the I'nited States to the
Kasteni portion, and from Kuropeau
Russia tor the Weatern part, BJllgM
many mill. mis are to be allowed to dig
it sheer starvation, while Argentina
rather losing than gaining ou the 60
per cent of her wheat exports aa com
pared w ith those of last year, the said
iu net cent neing (lie raiio generally j
ui eepled a few weeks ago as the uioitt
probable for thia season.
Five thousand people watched the
second annual horse parade in Pendle
ton today, Saturday, May 4. The
weather was absolutely perfect, ti i my
clouds Moated in the heavens through
w hich Old Sol peeked ben ignantly ,
while gentle zephyrs breathed the
benediction of spring. The procession
started at ' o'clock from the corner
of Main and Alta street. For an hour
previous thereto, lower Alta street
presented a scene of activity, as the
marshals cantered back and forth
BjiviBg orders while thoae who were
t go in the parade took cognisance and
held themselves 111 readiness for
marching orders. The sidewalks on
Main atreet were blockaded with hun
dreds ..f 1 pit anxious to be present
and in favorable locations for the llrst
move of 1 he cavalcade
7h Sf aatHaggag,
A striking feature was the leading of
the procession by a party of eques
triennes, ah follows: Mra. W .1
Furnish, Mrs. F. W Vincent, Mr. C.
H. Wheeler, Mrs. Sara Thompson,
Miss I'iersol. Miss Iteagle, Miss Hal
lock, Miss Frazier, Miss Koaatb, Miss
Kdna Thompson, Miss Bfgfl I'lineali,
Mri. C. J. .Smith, Mrs. C. V Sharp,
Pro e, Mrs. Charles A.
Cole, Mrs. B. A. Mann and Miss
Cheney. They presented a pretty and
inspiring sight an they rode gracefully
t the I run t on their spirited and
brilliantly caparisoned thoroughbred
chargers. K. P, I 'odd was marshal of
this branch of the parade.
Thoroughbred Animals.
The display of thoroughbred horses
il dllterent si.es. colors and shanes
sorrel slal I mil ; aire,
Anconeus . ow ner, C.
roan gelding; aire, Strawberry; dan
by Gooseberry. Pewev, straw lierry
gelding; sire, Yellow .(ticket, dam by
Wild Hornet; owner, Win. Temple.
Nos. L'H and M) Nip, gray gelding.
Tuck, grav gelding; owner, Klvin
Not. 11 and U -Ned Westlleld, bay
(aiding; sire. Westlield. dam bj Mor
gan. Nettie Westlleld, bay mare;
ire, Westtleid ; dam by Morgan ;
owner, K. H. Maurer.
Noe. and H;tl Keno, liBy geld
ing; aire. Dewey; dam by Holide.
Ned, bu galdinC) fire, Hewey; dam
hv olide; owner, Karl Archibald.
The Singlet.
No, IS Homier N. B, 1 :17'4 ; bay
stallion; sire. Hailey; dam by lien
eral McClelland; owner, Chris Hhnp-
No. 34 Krl ing
Cadet ; dam lay
It. Wade.
No. IS David H, chestnut stallion,
sire. Senator; dam by Ken Franklin;
r, Herbert fSoylun.
No. :t Silas Wright, brown stal
lion; aire, Chehalis; dam by Silas
Wright; owner, V. A. Kastman.
No. 3-"y Ocvientua, brown stallion;
sire, Adirondack; dam by Nutwood
owner, 1 .011 is Audette.
No 17 Mack, light bay stallion;
sire, Silas Wright ; dam hy Unknown;
owner, V. A. Kastman.
No. :iH- Hhodaker, brown stallion;
sire, Antrim, dam hv Meredith
owner, N. II. Cottrell.
No. DM -( icrge W, dark bay at a I
lion; sire, Silas; dam by Lodo;
owner, (1. h. B lOOE or,
No. 4il Hank, bay stallion; aire,
California; dam by Morgan Horse;
owner, Kit Morriaette.
No. 41 Herilie B,
sire, (Uiehalis; dam
owner, Harry Folsom.
Train Arrives in 81 Paso Sunday Horn
ing Mr. McKlnlty In Unusually
Uood Health.
San Antonio, Tv, Mav Despite
the fact that the presidential tniin ar
rived here at 1:10 o'clock this mom.
ing. quite a crowd had fathered at the
depot to greet the distinguishd travel
ers. The train was run onto a side
track Immediately after arrival, re
maining there until gfttf hreakfast.
Fht mamban of the porty were sur
prised to bear MlC report that ROd bgOII
sent out from ew nrleans, t., the
effect that Mrs McKmhu w(1s break
ing di 1WI1 and that siu had fainted on
a steamer there Mrs. MoK Inlet net
only did not hunt, hut she is enjoying
untisuallv g I health I'hc tram ar
rives at Bl I'aso on Sunda morning,
leaving there at Monday noun, when
the invasion of New Mexico and Ari
zona will be begun
Reported by I L. Ray Co.. Pendleton.
I hlcago Board or Trade and New York
Stoek Rxehange Brokers.
New York. April 4. The wheat mar
ket was verv quiet today, with bardlv
any change in prices after the OPtoIng,
LI tOt pool closed ' ltl'4. New York
opened 'c lower, i'K ."i-s, and held
within 1-8 of this all day, dosing 7H',.
The shipments for the week showed a
total of 5,100.000, eomMrad with .-
(00,000 lor same week last year.
Stocks all higher. Mnnrv, tt ier cent.
Wheat I
Closing yesterday, ,U l-s.
( rpaoing tisiav, ' 5s,
Hange todevjr, rS M to 7tfi,
Closi ng bslar , 7s14 .
July com, M,
1 1 1 . 1 f I II, . 1 tult. 1 , I 'M I
M'S, ; Ht. I'aul, IH4I, ; C. 11
N. P 110.
4; !.
V i lt8 ,
black atallion
hy Cheataui
MoKlony ;
was one of which C mat i I la county may "w,"r' I'nringer.
be proud. Not another county in the , N" t- Hantiam, bay stall
bay stallion,
by (inssiper.
I state could eipial it. Itut not to the
animals alone was attention attracted,
! for the vehicles of different descrip
tions were suii)eci 01 lavorahle com
ment. It is safe to predict that horse
men, those who aell harness, car
riages, wagons, etc., and everyone in
the county will insist upon making Hie
I'endleton horse parade the aubject of
an annual gala day.
The Route.
The route was no Alta
ion . sire.
Caution ; dam bv Jerome Kddv ; owner.
Chris .Simpson.
No. 44 Kffe, brown stallion sire,
Hevis; dam by Dasher; owner, A. (.
So, 4i Westlleld, bav stallion; aire,
Hilly Wilkes dam by Louis KopoiaOO
owner, Frank Fra.ier.
No. 4t Haasolo, bay atallion. sire,
Westlleld; dam by Altan.oni owner,
Frank Kraiier.
No. 47 -Mt. Hisal, brown gelding,
Ul Alta to Court V..rii...l ,1. ,,. I., I .
north to Lewis, down Lewis to Water l.eo I'erinuer
down Water to Main, up Main to
WOOb, lip Webb, to I rank I in, north
to Court, thence to Alta, down Alta
to Main, up Main to Webb, down Wei. I.
to Aura, up Aura to llluff, DP Hlutf
to Main, thence to the Hotel I'endlelon
It is very con
venient to attribute
the diaaatan Hrbieh
overtake ui to late
But for the most
part inuu is tin
arbiter of bib own
(online- Boglaoaj
ui a 11 .m struck
W&t-s&- 1 i'ddcnl ab
JK by Ughtuing Th.
verdict is etserally
"heart failure." "lit ht-ivrt was r.u.
It was fate for him to meet this end "
hut if we went behind the " weak " ht tit
we should dad a " weak " stuiimch, prob
gbly, and hick of the weak slouuitU i
careless eating at lliaglllai hours.
When the stomach is diseased tlc
oraana depeuling on tin- stonia. h foi
nutrition sue starved. Starvation in -aii..
weakness of the lssl and its organs.
Dr. Fierce 's (iolden Metlical Discovers
Cures diseases ot tile btomacli ami othel
organs tf digt sliouand nutrition. W hen
the.-- organs are cured, diseases or lienit
liver, I tine. and kidueys, iai.Mtl by the
diseased stomach, are cured alao.
lu the tsll of iSu7 1 wtmn tuka with Muatla-r
iuK spell Uiilnitutitill uf the heart ,in.l .1
tressrd Icrfiiig in my siofusoh," writes Mr
H W lauiu v ..I KiilKh' 11 li lila l e, W M
Vs I luUAiillL.t m doctor an l h- n.o.t 1 l.a.l
urauic ItcMit troul'U- lie gave nu-:. ua u l,Ii
ciur, liut il did nir a. .'.! I then i .1 differ
ral k ii.i- of putcul luedlcines but tbry only
hellHit luc s lit Lie I lie u sent Slid at4 tive
bottUk of lr eire.r Gultlcn Metlical I)i- a
cry Before the urt isath uu gone 41 11
eaaaae. Wheu tbc Eve u.ttu- wie W -in 1
be-uau to work I bad not worked suy fur a
yeal before
l am well sud . . eat anytliiiiK oow with
the exception of pork and aiea lood
Doctor Herce's Pleaaaut i'clleU cue
The Double Teams.
Nos. 1 ami 2, Double Team Jack,
black gelding, sire, Chehalis dam hy
Anvil, (ieorge, black Balding! a'rM.
Chehalis. dam lv Bedouiu ; owner. W.
Nos. I and 4 Mack Mack, bay geld
ing; sire, Mc Kinney; dam by fieneral
McClelland. Pbll N. bay gelding;
aire, Bonuer N. Ii. ; dam by unknown
owner Chris Simpson.
Noa. 5 and ft Charlie H, brown
stallion; sire Homier N. b. ; dam by
unknown. New Moou, aorrelj mare ,
aire BoOBEOr N. B. , dam by Tom V ;
owner Chris Kimiiaon.
Noa. 7 and 8-Kdiaon 2:1H; brown
stallion, aire Caution; dam by JeroOM
Kddy owner. John Campbell ; Fran
eiaao, brown gehiiug, aire Caution;
dam by Antelope, owner Chaa. La
Hue, Walla Walla.
Nos. U and 10 Jap, brown gelding,
aire Ociveiitue dam bv Hellounder
Koac, brown ttiare;sir Oriveutus; dam
uy ingrain ; owners Mosgrove Bros. ,
Noa 11 and 12-Munty, aorrel geld
ing; sire, Mt. Vernon dam by Mam
Dietouian. vern sorrel gelding; aire
Mt. Vernon, dam by Hambletnn ian ;
owner W. J. WHiciiisoii, Atfiena.
t Oi
de k veiled by
Nos. IH and 14 -Dick grey gelding;
aire Antelope ; dam by Hondo. Keno,
grey gelding; aire, Antelope; dam hy
k .udo; owner N. H. I'inkerttju, Athena.
Nos. If atui 16 Joe 1'att hen ir.
black gelding, sire, Chehalis; dam by
tiurdy. Nellie, brown mare; aire,
Chehalis; dam by l.emont , owner
James A. Fee.
Noa. 17 and 18 .Ned IS, bav gelding;
sire, Cleveland Hoy; dam by Copper
bottom. Dock 8, bay gelding; aire
Cleveland Boy ; dam by (5pperbottoui ;
owner i . t nwutler.
Noa. IV and 20 Moot, bay mate aire.
A Inn i.i Medium; daut by Bell founder ;
owner, (has. Wilklua. i.ady Memo,
brown mare; aire. Memo dam bv
Oregon wilkea, owner, Chris Hfinuaou.
Noa. 21 and 22 Nip, black gelding;
sire, Black Hawk ; daui by Blackwood.
Tuck, black gelding; aire, Black
Hawk ; dam by Blackwood ; owner,
Jeaae tailing.
No. 4H-l,romiae, bay MM) aire,
Wesltlehl; dam by Leauder Lambert
owner Thomas Thompson.
No. 49 Oregon sunshine, brown
coll, sire, Homier N. i. ; dam hy Cau
tion; owner, John Campbell.
so. ,hi salleee, nay gelding; aire,
i . mt ion dam by Warwick
Chas. Haddely.
No. 61 -Hmahollis, IllBM; bav
mare; aire, Chehalia; dam by -Has
, Wright , owner, Frank Franicr
. It BOB, bay gelding; aire. Che
halis, dam hy Melumiit; owner I i
No. hi -Hala- , aire, Altamonl; dam
by UlOOOQ King; owuer, Melvoii Hlmt-
No. f4 lorn H, Iwy gelding . aire,
Weatheld , dam by Kricheon , owm i ,
r rank Curl.
No. .V Kit, black mam aire, be I
mont; dam by Aittelotie , owner, Hoe
Mi. 'si Alta Mrte, lirown mare
aire, liel Norte; dam by Hia-kwissl
owner, Chris Himpaon.
No. 5 V starkey, M.V,: brown
gelding; sire, Chehalia; dam hv OaSO
ola Chief; owner, H. starkweather.
.-no. ;n tiveta, nay mare; aire,
I mil ion, dam liy lied ws d owner
Chas. Baddeley.
No. 5U -Duke, hay gelding , aire, Idas
tic hoy; dam uy oeceola Cluel ; owuer,
Kohefi starkweather.
No. tiO--I'rince, bav gelding; sire,
t-arn Mont, dam by S ill wood; owner,
Hi- frank is Clopton.
Noa. 23 and 24 Minnie, aorrel mare
aire, Multnomah; dam uy inaugura
tion. Dolly, aorrel mare. aire. Mult
nomah ; dam by Blackwood; owuer.
H. Wrav.
Noa. 25 and 26 Dick Croker Mark
Hauna ; owner. Klviu Craiti.
No. ttl Venue, aorrel mare; aire,
Mt. Vernon; dam by J . W. Waller
owuer, Mrs. K. W. McComaa.
No. 02 Jan, bay gelding, aire, Che
halia; dam by Metropolitan, owner,
Chris .simpsou
No. SeV Flaa, aorrel mare; aire, Mt.
Vernon; dam by Belmont; owner,
C. B. Wade.
V.. HA U,u I .a ....1.1 1 .... ' ui,u
l'behalfs; daui by Belmont ; uutured
by Mfe. iua lafoutaiue.
.No. 06 -IjIiUU, la gelding, sire,
(irover; daui by lajrd Jouea; owner.
wend, dill Sill I til
No. 0tl-He, aorrel gelding; aire,
Dick Morgan , dam by Kocay Moun
tain Dexter; owuer, John Hailey, jr.
No. 07 Klttie, bay mare, aire,
Dambletoulan ; dam by Ho, k wo. .1
owner, Martin Anderaon.
No. os Niger, nlack geld lug ; aire.
waa a Morgan; owner, u. K. Carnes.
.no. Otf-uuo. black aledlng: aire.
ills, k is.., owner, II A. Barrett.
Ao. 70 (jroyhnuud, gray gelding
aire, nock Henderson ; dam by Ala
bauiaCoou; owner, Harry Fowler.
No. 71 Kiloree, brown mare; aire,
Lower Cables Were Eesponstble for the
Chicago, May 4 On lower cables
May corn opened weak this luornlng,
the first figure IsMiig fil, a decline uf
I rents over lust iiighl's cloae. A
few sales said lo have been made hv
PalllipS sent It down to hut the
opening price was regained iu a few
minutes. It looks as though tlie more
anxious shorts have succeeded in cover
ing. The great excitement that charac
terised the pii yesterday was absent
during the llrst hour.
Stoeks Usnerally Loer.
New' York, May 4. -Stocks opened
generally lower thia morning and it
looked as if the slump iu the market
was to conl nine Onion PMifl went
to I IK , showing a logs of 4 (siinta
oyer last night.
Jacksonville Scene of Ureal Activity
Jacksonville, I la., May 4. - Though
aorely stricken, the homeless thous
ands of tire swept Jacksonville are not
crushed. When the sun arose this
lorning on the ruin wrought by the
great coullagratioii. plans were aet on
foot for the wiping away uf all but the
memory ot the lire blocks RpoB
nliM'ks of burned homes, st ritets littered
with burned furniture and bedding and
other household guilds, iiremeu working
like Trojans among the ruins, some
searching for the dead, others tearing
down the cracked aitd threatening
walls, was the scene that presented it
sell this morning. While the Work of
demolition and rescue was bolssf pro
secuted the l oiniiiitli f flitlaaDI ia
hard al work devising means for relief
of the hungry and homeless Many
ot those I r in, n IntQ 'I"' IHOaH by the
llaines slept iii vacant lots last night,
while others, more fortunate, found
fisxl and shelter in homes and busi
ness houses oi others in the city and
suburbs thai escaped destruction .
Main tents haw lieu raised on vacant
lots Iu which as many sufferer aa
poaaibU will she I tens I. Hocretary
of War Root has tendered the uae of
the barrai ks al st Augustine to the
relief lominiltee. It is known that
sewn lives were hut in the Are and
others are resirted imaaing.
Prison tonntieiuesii Disturbs in Mental
Ealane of Mrs. Crouls.
tmatanJani May 4. Advicea from
Ht. Helena, wln ie a laige number ol
l.oer prisoners ale confined, state that
the wife ol l Mineral Crolije ha beceime
menially unbalanced as a result of her
lilt mini prison home. Five other
lloer prisoners are alao I MOM,
H tjk-1 a li 11 si f Jaus) supprAWKti
Calcutta, Ms 1 Iwenly villages
have handed together ill the IiiMlakot
district in Northwestern India lo reaiat
measures for suppressing the plague.
i'naips have been until l stitterwall to
subdue the plague rioter.
ILutstlu cur.. Tliis stoM lwasg,sMvee
vo.i., w-sles ami ili.. uO, 7u,X7i"
,UI. .iuiy r ---- --..im. , inns.
.. ii isi"' Kl-r7u i Vis f.'s. . s.Jrrtefc.
outs a weak
, Mt Stockton Incubators.
csuriai , only i j cn
Noa. 87 and 2t -Barney, gtrawbarry I
(JUMI UJUBU OM l II l HO i eofc