East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 03, 1901, Image 4

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    FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1W1.
It Pays Best
To Buy Best
Of all Things
At all Times
Wi" have the Best
In the city. Call and examine
our stock which you will tun! large
and nptodata,
Practical Boot and Hhoe Hen,
Haaaafras liark at llawlev'
Try Dutton's ice cream choeo I ates.
Columbia hiryt'ltB, fL'5 up. Noll's.
For rent live room house. M. (.'oinp
ton. Buv vour window shades at
Have your picture
at? lea at Murphy's.
New design In
Murphy's paint store.
see lire" skirts in
At HMtr'l furniture store
liin'-i line i I riiitt" and matt mu.
Automatic refrigerators and water
coolers at Kailur's furniture store.
Wanted -Two furnished rooms (or
housekeeping. Iminirn at ihm depart
incut. l'eoplcn Warehouse.
FOt rent Four room hOQM in good
location, inquire of J. 11. Young
corner Main and BlOfl street.
.Indue W. It. Bllil todav overruled
the demurrer of the defendant tiled in
tln onuc m William B, Nelson vs. Mar
garet Nelson ill unit (of dunne
Here is a Chance of a lifetime to
make iiihhi figuring on the Racycli
crank hanger. The colli cash awaits
you. Call and BM them at Withee'H.
A suite of rooms in the Knot Ore-
goniati building, hot and cold water,
liathroom, for 111 a month daring tin
oumnier. Apply at the Baal Uregonlan
I re,! I.lovd is having a preliminary
bearing before Jnatioe rlti oorald tin
afternoon, churned with having rohheil
a Mr I . oner-. hi . with whom he wa-
op Wednesday evening taking in tin
Pendleton's hest. biggest, husiest
store, in the upper right hand of tin
third nage of this paper, tells of sonu
Hatnrdav specials for Mav 4, ItHU.
that are of interest ti every ladv and
gentleman in I'endleton. You will
he well repaid for reading sunn
Wakefield V railing lias purchased
llriggs A I lam's stock of musical in
struments and will control tins section
of Oregon and Washington. The line
comprises .U makes ot planus ami a
large lot of small musical instruments
and sheet music. Thev will also carry
a large stock of sewing machines. BtOFJ
Is located in (iohlen Kule building on
Court srteet.
framed . latest
paper at
north window.
Bros. Dry Qoodl Oo.
strawberries. Ma.i, spinach,
radishes at llawlev's.
Irtes skirts, 10 to 116, Baa window.
Cleaver Bros. Pry Moods Co.
Window shades, curtain poles, mir
rora, etc., at Kader's furniture stun
(iooti time to sow clover seed alfalfa,
broom grass. Mm-quality at Haw ley'.
Oldest place and lest tamales. at U
Koy'i, cor. Court and (iarden streets
N. Berkelet
.i ,.i
town and country property lor sale mi
easy terma.
Finest hams ami lard on the market.
Home product; try it. its guaranteed.
Bcbwara A tireulich.
Keceived by express direct from fac
tory at) skirls, newest styles. Clearer
Bros. Iry Uoods Co.
Ice cream and pure cream at Ihit
ton's. I caw your orders for Band)
Cream delivered to your home, packed
in cam.
Crescent bicycler en the installment
plan at the Crescent agency in the I ..
Oregon ian building, payment $1 a
week, no interest.
Kemember I have a Iwtter stock of
oil, axle-greaae, rope, belting and all
other harvest supplies than ever be
fore. P. Hones, Helix.
The Peoples Warehouse is having a
week's sale on all of their grand as
eortment of womens' man-tailored
suits. They have all colors and siies
in the newest styles ranging in price
from U to f.'iT each and are giving a
discount of Lfi per cent off of every
Exposure to a sudden cl imatic change
nroducea cold in the head and catarrh
is apt to follow. Provided with Blj'l
Cream Balm you are armed against
Naaal catarrh. Price 60 cents at drug
gists, or Klv Brothers, .V, Warren street,
New York, will wail it. The Balm
cures without pain, ilwc not irritate or
cause sneezing. It spreads itselt over
no irritated and angry surface, reput
ing imiiiedialel tlie palatal n.n.iu...
tiou, cleanses and cures. Cream Balm
quickly cures the cold.
At the Popular Shoe Store
Whlcli iuhui the l .Ileum Slex' OO.'l MOM
uo una van Ull tu llui) tb vrrjr Hire .luring
uoysltlea in (outwent lr tsilli .-
Our sfc aosaMajs ityle, It, ao mlort Slid
MiaMlfll ud tu lopes.1 an ulil tlury but In
uur caw it true oheiar. tlie beat tu be loun.l to I
tbe luoiiey.
Pendleton Shoe Co.,
Daily Kast Oregontan, dekverad
earner, only is cents a week.
Indians Go to Walla Walls to Arrange
Intorvlow Wltli the rreildenl.
The Fmatilla reservation Indians
have heard that the big coief meaning
the president, is coming to Walla
Walla, says the Statesman. They hear
many things which are not true from
time to time, so a delegation of them
came over yesterdav t learn if Presi
dent Mckinley is really coming west.
When they were assured he had already-started
thet expressed their satis
faction. and went hack to tell their peo
ple about it.
Every member of the tribe has some
Hrsonal grievance which he thinks the
president should rectify. It mav he
OBethhfcJ winch happened or did not
happen to himself, his father or his
ancestors even further removed, yet
he believes the big chief would rectify
the mistake if it t mid be brought to
his attention.
There are so many things about the
white man's justice that perplex the
Indian mind. Most of the Indians
have talked over their troubles with
the agent or with some other otlicial.
nut no good came ot it. and thev In
neve none win until tlie president is
interested. There ttill Is- a delegation
of Umatilla on hand the day th
prespieiit arrives even it they are not
hired as an ecort. 1 bev want to see
the ruler of the land and incideutallt
themselves. There is a lot of disai
poiiitment ahead for the savages, wh
are setting such great store lit their
chance to see Miklhley. When thet
hud le does not differ from any oth
wnite man is oiiner appearance or
dress the respect in which they hav.
held his name will abate several de
grees. Yet they will not he more disap
pointed than some of their whit
brethren who do not succeed in getting
an unwilling handshake trom a tired
man who would not know their natm
or countenance if he saw them tw
minutes afterward.
John W. Klmbrell RecelvaU Shipment
This Morning.
John W. Kimbrell received a shit
ment of Italian liees by mail today
irom vt a. it. unstrap ot draysou,
Calll. The contrivance in which thev
made the journey was a piece of woh
Hollowed oin and covered with wire
netting having vert small meshes
there was a small hole in tin- side of
the box lor ventilation. Over the wire-
netting a card was securely pasted
so me nees count not look out, hut in
one eno oi me root ol tlietr cell was
plenty of sugar, into which thev hai
IllSde mil. an inroad. These lieer
consisted of It common ones and a
queen They first rush for water after
making a trip by mail Mr Kimbrell
has LU hives of bees and main bee
hives, and with tins consignment will
un a new line. in, receptacle in
which the I.i liees aere confined and
made their long journey did not con
tain over two cubic inches of snao
lie is Matting an Kxuonmeni. Sowing
Sonora In Fall and Spring.
Al ogel is in town irmn near Pilot
KO0K. tie ha- -Fill acres in wheat (It
that amount LDU acres is Hoimra snttn
last fall and 100 acres of onora sown
mis -pin.. ine inner .SI acres is
winter Die wheat Sonora wheat ia0on
snlereil a spring wheat, but from an
experiment made last tear Mr ogel
njinsiirn iiiui ii win do wen as a
winter wneat It has stood fin- cold
neainer wen during tlie past winter
and lias been no more damaged h
I.. .......... 41 .1 : . ... .
i.etnip iii.in me winter ni. winch is
instinctively a winter wheat Mr
Voftl will carelult compare the field
from the IO acres ot the Sonora wheat
L, I.., I '.I . I HU
win in hi mii wiin we uti acres
sown in tlie spring, and will then bt
in a position to state pOiitlvel)
whether that variety will do as a win
ter wheat
u.. -i u i i .
i mi iioniiiaii is plowing lands on
the reservation for summer follou
i ne recent rains Have put the ground
in excellent condition for plowing and
it works well lie has I m-res of
winter wheat siotn
Spring Troubles...
Lows of appetite,
SUu&Aoh iilmeoto,
and Other Eruution.s
are some of them,
CorrectB all of
makea tlie blood
I eeaieg Druggtau.
Citizens Generally Know Little of the
Charming Story or His Life and
Howard Ixvle, who is to appear this
evening in the title role of "Nathan
Hale," was Meii nt the Hotel Pendle
ton. Mr. Kyle is a Yale graduate.
He has some ideas on tlie stage and
the drama that make interesting and
instructive reading. In the course of
an extended conversation, Mr. Kyle
said to the Kast Oregouiau, in Answer
to various tpicst ions, among them one
as to whether people in this country
bare much knowledge of Nathan Hale,
the revolutionary hero and martyr:
"Not ol tlie beaiitv and charm of his
life, nor the grandeur of his sae
ritices," be ana wend and added: "In
truth, before I took up this play, I
knett vert little invsell, except
Nathan Hale was an American
who was exeouted by the liritish
short time ago a friend of mine, an
alumnus of 1 ale college, confessed to
me that he did not know Hale was a
Yale man until he saw our program
"Hy some perterseness of fate or
prejudice, which undervalued the
worth of Hale's character ami service,
the historians have slighted his
memory. It was TU years after his
sublime death before Stewart wrote
the tirst history of him. To this dav,
no one knows where his remains rest,
vet Bttglattd sent an embassy across
the seas lor Andre's body '."
Know More or Andre.
The writer then remarked the fact
that all American children learned
mure in their books of Andre than
they did of Hale.
'Yea, indeed." said Mr. Kyle,
"anil w hen I was a school bOV, my
heart went out to Major A DON m
raproaohfnlneai ol Washington for his
execution. Hot Andre is a defamation
to Hale, if their names gfsj mentioned
in the same breath.' Andre was no
more learned and accomplished than
Hale, and he had neither his youth,
purity, virtue nor patriotism. Andre
was a voluptuarv, who sought bv his
arts and with llriti-b gold to seduce
AnMTMO officer! to treason. Hale had
the clear vision to wholly sense the
hazard which he undertook. There was
no vainglory and bravado in his make
UP. lie voliinlei red to do a uecessart
tbitiL' for nil conntrv, and he did it
with unselfish devotion and unflinching
on rage. He had no thought of anv
thing Fut dutv and Washington's
"When (ten. Howe gave him the
boioa ol life and royal favor in the
service o King deorge, or death with
the ludigiiites placed upon one in his
position, he calmly chose the latter."
A Veteran Manager.
Mr. John K. Warner, Mr. Kyle's
manager, is also at the Pendleton.
vctcra:; of the profi?. !,..t
iug been for two vears with the lamons
Knglish actors, Irving and Terry. It
t.i- Mr. Warner w ho started Nat (iood
win on Ins wonderful career. He has
beag N tears a manager, and has a
wealth of reminiscence with which to
entertain in conversation. He speaks
of very line business done hy the com
pany throughout the Kast, and in the
central west, in spite of "Is.astly"
weather throughout the entire tour
compartment which was locked, and
they didn't know how to open if.
Tnere was fltf) in gold in the reg
ister at the time. There were
only two men around the (dace when
the money was taken. One of them
was Mr. Fry, the night bartender, the
other Kd Price, the jiorter. Mr. Fry
stepped out, leaving the porter to
look after things for a few minutes.
When he came hack he discovered that
some person had rung up the cash reg
ister. An investigation followed and it
was discovered that all the silver and
small change had been removed. Mr.
Fry had Mr. Price arrested bv Marshal
deathman. Mr. Price has an excellent
reputation for honesty and his friends
do not intend to have him jobbed tor
anvlhiiig of this kind, and a sensation
may result.
Kd Price was releaesed from ens
tody this afternoon, after he told his
straightforward storv to District At
tortiey T. Q, Hailev No other arrest
has been made.
Tho Loltax
Hare on
Mat 14.
the club
Team Will Be
i uesday. May 14.
The baseball season will bt
in Pendleton on Tuesday,
when the local team will hav
trom ( oliax Wash., as opponents. Hy
that fdate a number of thing- will
happen Several new suits have lieen
ordered from Chicago, so that the uni
form of the Pendleton club will be the
same as during the seasons of 1HHM and
1900 mat and handsome, pearl gray
shirt- Yale gray pants, dark red or
maroon stocking- gray caps. The
grounds will be put it. excellent con
dition. the work being now in progress.
A grandstand with a seating capacity
of NO will be erected, which will lie
of great convenience. The playing
team will practice industriously from
this time forward and will lie' rein
forced wherever practicable.
W. F. Matlock, when granting the
use of the grounds on lower Alta
streets hit the ball on the trademark
M ban he remarked that he was willing
to do anything he could to help
tile hots along provided they would
play ball ami win a reasonable share
of the games.
Baseball Notes.
The Colfax baseball association ia
leOCiag the grounds with an eight-foot
lenue. A grandstand will Is erected
The team is in splendid form.
I be Dayton team was defeated hy
Whitman college team on last Satur
day and bt the Walla Walla team on
Sunday, '"th games taking place at
til.. I I . ii, i 4. , . e
nana vtana i lie Dayton paper says
ii at came iiecausc the team from
that place had no practice whatever
. IT! I : . . I t
I lie eoiei u iug thet lacked was
team work, which thev will rapidly
get, MM men lliov will put up an
article of ball-playing which will sur-
pn-e some ot the nrotessiiinalN Some
ol the individual plays made on Sun
day were really brilliant."
Th. Portland team of the Pacific
Northwest league defeated Spokane at
Spokane K to 1 on May I, the oiieuing
mux Seattle wai defeated at Tarmme
on the same date bv a score ol 7 i,, I
Today Closet tlie Bxeurslons ot Home
seekers to the West.
l'he series of excursions heme run
even Westh lr..m Chicago and Mississip
pi river points of houieseekers to the
wesi closed todav. The excursion trains
leave those alsive-nientioiied Mint
on Wednesday and pass through Pen
dleton the following Friday. The rate
from the place of itarUog U Portland
is fi.j. .t leiegram announced that !.
tweon :fl),0UI and 40. Oik I neoole Il
Chicago last Wedueadit) lor the west
over the different lines. Train K., t
llue 111 Pendleton Thursday night at
I00. arrived 111 t W It HfMt 1 1 1 1 1 y 1 1 1 i m
forenoon, tad weni an west as one
train, 1! tssenger coaches and three
baggage and express cars Train Kn i
due in Pendleton at Bt06 this morning
arrived n two sections about 11
11 ' lock, and like the or. . ...I ....I..
, ..... limn,
if f made into one and continue! its
aj Nearly all the passengers con
tinued their way west. A few trans
ferred to the Spokane train but III.:.
'in. lined to tile llli tlie situation In
Hmatilla county.
Kohler Koulllke's
F let a sa nf Hualnsmasi
Was the Soene.
The cam: ruimtsr of Ik. M.. ...... -
saloou, in Assocation block
purchased by Conrad Kohler and
"ry aopitike, was despoiled of ita
contente ai an early hour this murw
iug, towlt, between 4 and 6 o'clock
Ihe amount taken was 2.56. Thev
(tot 'Jowu to the gold" in a gmall
Frank Hack is in town trom tfcho.
.limmv Cnrdin is a visitor in thecitv
from Athena
Archie Henderson and Steve Iterrick
are over from Walla Walla to MM tin
horse parade Saturday afternoon.
A. C. Shaw, ol lacotua, member ol
the firm ol A. C Shaw it Co., lumber
dealers ol Pendleton, is here today
w. II. I'lmnnger, ot Altianv, is a
recent addition to Pendleton's popula
tiou. He has taken a position at tin
Huston Store.
,lex nrvsdale, who is operating it
farm in Walla Walla count y, ia a
visitor in Pendleton ami will rutiim
home Saturday evening.
J. K. Henn, stock inspector for I'nui
tilla county, ami Dr. M S. I. ant,
United States stock inspector, went
down to Echo this morning on the
train ami will visit Huttttr creek
Mrs. Miinra, of the Meacham log
cabin hotel, was a passenger on the
train through Pendleton this morn
tug on her way to Portland Her eves
have been tumbling her recentlt and
she goes there for treatment.
Mrs. I. B. A I ley, formerly of the Ha
kerCitt lieptiblican, went through Pen
dleton this morning on her way to her
former home at Kosuhurg. Col. Allot,
her htisbaml, is altsent in the east
and will visit tlie Huffalo exposition.
T. (i. Montgomery, ol Montgomery
Brothers, Helix, is now a resident ol
Pendleton, sticcceeding F. W. Hendlet
as local manager of the Puget Bound
Warehouse company His company
has a warehouse at every station on
the W. A It. 0, railway, and Mr. M,m
gomery jwill have MBMrvialOfl over
thai at Helix, Vansycle, Warren.
F ii 1 1, hi , Killiau and Stanton.
Judge W. U. Fillis arrived in 1'en
dleton on Thursday evening trom
Heppnar ami will leave Batorday
morning on t nioti to notii a short ses
sion oi court lor Judge Kakin. One Ol
the cases to come up is a settlement oi
the dispute Is.tw linker and Union
counties as to the panhandle, which
was transterred by act oi the last leg
islature trom DniOM to linker conn's
James A. Marstou is in receipt of a
letter from his brother. Ollia 11. Mar
stun formerly assistant cashier of the
First National hank of Athena, but
now with the Ames Mercantile com
pany at Nome, Alaska. The letter
was written January t5, and was just
three months in transit. It came to the
1'niteil states from Nome via Dawson
and Skagway, a distance of about .MlOt)
hi I !- .
Interesting Kvent at the Reservation
Which a Number From Town
All of the member ol Ihe wetry
choir of the Church of the Red ner.
escorted by the rector. Rev. W. r.
potw ine, and a number of others, weni
to the reservation on Thursday to con
duct a religious service at the Indian
school, of which Misstiaither is superintendent
The choir hoys went out in early
afternoon. Thev had formed a base
ball team, with Mr, Potwine as man
ager, and Fred V incent as captain, and
during the aftertinon played against a
team of the students of the school.
The students defeated the choir hoys
in a score of II to It), and the choir
hoys vow thev will go again and make
those students look like less than M
cents. The two teams were thus com
posed :
Choir boye Raymond, 11.. catcher
Bond. W.. pitcher and second base;
Hcagle, W short stop; Holleruian,
('., tlrsl base; Kotnton, F.. pitcher,
and second base; Vm t, I'., captain,
and third base. Ilol lerman . U., right
Held; tiarrelson, L. , center field
Canipliell, It. , left Held ; Porter, F.,
Porter, II. , l.iverinore. Hob, substi
tutes students Joe, Chas., o. Bttahman,
J., p. ; McKav, J., ss. Qoorge, C,
lb. : PaO, W., 8 b. Sturgess, S., tb, ;
Salmon, R.j c f. : Johnson, Tom, r.
f. ; Pieard, lc, I. i.
Umpire, Joe Obapman,
OommeMlni at 7 ;80. services were
conducted by Mr. Potwine, attended
hy all the pupils, 106 in number, all
the teachers and a number from the
agency. From Pendleton, bee id 01 the
cnoir, went Mrs. I . K Judd, Mrs. F
P. Marshall, Mrs C. It. Wdo, IIIh
La Harm, Berkeley Hai ley. I 'ale
A Speolal Drill.
Cant Wlokbam, industrial teacher,
has the students linely drilled, and
(or the tileasure of the guests. Mis-
tiaither had the usual morning drill
gone through The young people are
hvided in companies and go through
the regular manual ivithOUl amine
arms. 1 heir most excellent showing
was applauded bv everyone who wit
nessed it.
('apt. Wickham was lortuerlv a cap
tain of the lArlaOOM national guard,
serving lour tears on the frontier
during Indian troubles, and has also
been in service with the Sixth Ih-
tantry and Second cavalry I nited
States regulars. He has seen in all
ten vears oi active service on the
Arizona trontiur.
106 Pupils in the School.
Miss Oaiter has lO.'i enrolled now.
nearly all IOllbloodfl, The etliciency
with which she and her excellent OOTDS
ot assistants conduct the school is
well known to all the people Ol Pen
dleton, as well as to the department ol
Indian affairs in Washington, where
the school is rated as having more
young children than any other school
in the service. There are S7 under
I'J vears nld.
The new building is about readv lor
occupancy, a fact that is pleasing to
Miss (iaither and all the teachers.
...Our Prices on Groceries..
r6 pounds granulated stiRar j
i keg plum or mixed pickles ' .
m cans standard sugar corn
in enna standard tomatoes ' .
.'5 pon ils best French prunes J
5 pounds best bulk coffee in city for the price. ,
i cast , cans, tomatoes '
1 case, .!.( cans, siiur torn " a'"j
.in pounds line pink beans (' J
2 dotWfl fresh country egg! '
Trade where YOUR DOLLAR GOES KHHthkrf
Uncle Sam tells liint to steer toward
Rader's Furniture Store
Main ne Webb streets. I'endleton, Otrogoo,
Whtrt In CM get one of those nice
s-1 I -1 I I - A S 1 ,
uoiucn uah Kwnsn ai ji.z.s nciort! tnevamall.
Furniture, ( iarpeti,
Mattings, Ed
Window Bhadei,
( lUrtgtln l
' 1 ' I ' ''ll
.linr; . Baby oabg,
I 'OOMtl
I ndertuking parlors in onm,,..
or Smallpox.
Owing to another outburst oi small
po, me Joseph's acailemv was
closed todav, for the second time, on
account oi that disease. Unite a num
her of the pupils have it in mild lorm,
but the principal trouble will r. -n 1 1
on account oi the scare and in the
blow that the schisil will receive
account oi having to discontinue
classes at this particular time o
academic year, it is a matter ai
gret on all sitlea.
Pupnltura for sala.
Will sell at residence at private aale
Saturday, May 4, the following
Single iron bedstead, double iron bad'
stead, oak tied room set, lounge, lide
hoard, bisikcase, music stand, thret
rocking chairs, parlor tables, clnlion
lers, large dining room table, dining
room cnairs, swan extension table
kitchen table, and a number of rugs
Two Blaok
( 'ombiuation
ure very rare.
Court Street.
While in
We purchased a mMUifMturtf'l
line of sample china at a bargain.
We will give some ttrtling values
in these later.
We also purchased a job lot of
Johnson Broa., white lami.porce
celain at less than jobbwi cost
that we will sell at the ptn . ,,l
eomnoa irongtooe n m .
The price list will be published
upon arrival ol oods. Watcfa
this space lor it.
Owl Tea House.
II rolls crepe pusr 10c.
Fresh Clean
Stock of
Pol von to select Ironi. Will
jjive you reasonable prices.
Try us with an Older : : : : :
Thompson & Dupuis, Props.
Pendleton Ukiah Stage Line
rtuaton & Carney, Hrop'a.
Ieavc Pendleton evert dav at 7 ----
except Bnadajr, for Pilot Rook Nve
Ridge, Alba and I'kiah (InnH
nnrnrnodatloBi, Reasonable freight and j
l.vw-iigfr rates
City othce at Talliuun A
Locust Hill Rahhitry
and Poultry Yards
Viligrecd llciglan hares
and pure bred I owls.
Hares, f.VtHl M-r pair, each.
Barren, Huff, and White I'lvm
00 th Hocks - l.ggs 12,00 pr 15,
1 sittings for f"i 00 1 also s
Harreil Ho, k ,.gg. ai i.;,ti H,r
Kim, and Single Comb Ulusle
Island ICsIs Kgg -.'.tH) .r .',
'1 sittings for o.tM)
Visitors welcome Kor further
information address
I'eudlelou, Oregon.
nun nt
Pullutuu Sleeping Can,
Kleguut Dining Care,
TutiriHt Sleeping Care
For Rigs
To go Fishing
or for a cab to make a call
telephone Main IV.
Depot Stable.
Do you
want work?
Do you
want to hiro help?
It o uall or nlviM- me auil
Telephone 71
Wotid and
red i Promptly Hrlosi itigiit
rir and laaisuraei Hosu.
vtuo.i iiuu tu ihy
The Columbia
Lodging House
RKT. A l.'I'A A WKItlt S'1'8
F. X. SCHEMPP, Prop.
ami all poinUt Kast ami Ml
llirillllfll lli'kHU. til la SSI) I""
no-mint nun .-xuriiiurn i'si iih: ow" i
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PUM ll.ii of Claars. t.,,,,,
mi amokera' Articles.
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UUUu Of Kurope, rsaui
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