East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 03, 1901, Image 3

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    eceived by Express
ress Skirts
Hrect from the factory; the very latest styles,
new shades of Mu, gray and brown. Not
cheap skirts bat the best line ever shown in
leaver Bros.
I 'Ml!.
kg.-Triomai unci Stahl-Roie Nupltal.
I tad
mil Wall, May 8.- In St. Patricks
lurrli. "i WSafMKlBy eveniiiK. oc-
the WClllllUg Hi I IU11IIHH rage
Mihh l ulu Thomas. ir. rage i"
, .,,,,!,, Wul In Will Inn who in lit
FhmI in ti mploy f the state ut
L t.iu .,;. I!., 11 ...
.penitentiary in nun
I tin nuageil 111 nuaiii'MW mini.
hM Irlandi by tin- mon mm um
nil' ni i oiii i mi" ii" i""'"
L.I ifl lowHti ti with nil whnlknow him.
mi-- rhoniM, the bride, ih h Walla
In i la girl. Bb. rwalvad bat mhm
L, mi tin- citv in IM pilinic scnoois
in St Vincent', academy BUS
lunir I 1 1 prom i mint in society,
,..r. H' I- 11 lirillll' llivoriic w 11 II
Est and old bII(M nml hII un i te in
. winli tluit Hhc may be as happv in
i ha Bjarla OtbSfl OJ her many i if I.
III k inline"'
Tin' iimrnunc "I I rank Ntahl mill
i- i. ulii Knaa iHKiurrau last evening
t g o'uloak a) the rsaidenoa ol ttta
fiilc - inn! in"- in west .limn sircci,
hi- i,.' William ilastoril oil. run mil'-
nerllal ) after Um osrsnont the
hurt.' . - in it)".- I 1 1 mi the Oregon K.iil-
i a Navigation intra for Ban r ma
lic, w i'tr tlmv expect in remain
llullt Nl WtH.'kH.
A Unod Thing.
(iir ifsMgrjuiu wot bars garrets
kataiasu Um aama borba of !! Irani.
btr fiiniial in Kurl'H (Mover Knot 'l eu.
Mi l'.i ni ' ancoeton atreugt h kept
Moud purr, nml will do tln Niimt.
or vim il you nuv so. rruv -i el
bnl . xi cut. THllman V Co , loading
IniK'i 'If.
leirco Hoc. They Lotus from St. Paul
In Abundance.
Kroy legs nn. h highly appreciated,
f.ii' iircc lcl icacv 'hut Cortland cni-
aomstimea waii (or a Ions time
it ween occaaioos when they urn in the
harkel. A i ir,-.- bucketful of l hem ar-
I IVe.l here Ir St I'nlll Wednesday
lv the Teleuritm. They are set I ink
tn.' trect at .mi rei.i- a iloicn, ami
lit there are of them are tine ami
it 1 ir.-.- ... frogM do not develop,
Strang, ta av, ax those in Hasten,
ftw.tni,4, nnil ar t ax imrv ami
ihlr a- thene. No one seems to
We will MUM after your clock
tlld I IT 1 ILL' It llfim.. In vim ulii.n ilu
Wbat'i nan we'll Hx it so it
Will stay fixed.
All wurk nuaranteed.
Jeweler and Optician...
Next ilixir to Alexander A Hexter'a g
dialer in .
Wood and
Henry Kopittke
Dry Goods Co.
have hit upon making a hiiccchs of
growing frogs for the market in this
elate. There in not an overwhelming
demand for them at four hits a (I oxen,
principally because S dozen dOSS HOI
go a long way not much farther than
me of them bops. Frog, are shipped
from San l-'rancis-cn (M MM1 mnal ly, but
they do not llml miirh of a public Hale,
excepting to the restaurants ami lintels
that especially order them.
In ttie HwampN of Indiana, not far
from Chicago, the frog rear hen the
hiL'heHt form of development for food
purposes, for one place, ami a hig Iiiimi
neMH iH dune in Hhippmg them to
i ii Ml s
DandrufT Ik Caused by a Germ That Sapi
the Hair s Vitality.
It in now Nettled fact that dandruff
iH canned by germ, railing hair and
ImldlieHH are the reeult of dandruff.
Ir. B. J. Meardnley, of ChampHign,
III., got hold of the new hair prepara
tion, NsWbra'l Merpicide the oulv
OMUII kills tlM dandruff germ, lie
nays: "I lined ilerpicnlr for my dan
druff ami falling hair, and I am well
satisfied with the renult." I'r. J.
T. Fugato, of I'rhana, III., My SI "1
have lined llerpimd" for dandruff with
excellent results. I nhall prenrrihe it
in my practice " Bsrpioids kllla the
dandruff germ. I'hyniciann an well an
the general public nay ho.
R. Martin Leads.
g it. Martin in entitled to he called
the leader in the grocery trade on ac
count of hin long experience in the
hiiHinoHH. Then an he huyn in car lotn
for SSlli he getH a trade and ranh din
OOSDta which give him hin (oodl a
I ittle cheaper ttiati other ntoren. Mar
tin given tli im Having in hin buying
prist to bis ciiHtoimrn. If you waul a
lug hill of grocer ien get priren at other
atoren and then Martin can beat their
Catarrh caunoi Be Cured
Willi Iim'hI Hiiihi'Mliiuin, they i'hiiiiiiI reach
the whI uf lue dlMMwe. Calarrh In lilmiil nr
i'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuhi slfaaas, nml in prdat tn run. u
you iniiHl take liiturnal rriui'illr-. Ilall'i. Oa
larrb Our i lukun iiilurually ami artx iliruclly
mi ih.. Moad ami nuooiii Mffaoaa. ii.j . Oa
tarrh OWM i" nut a iiuark MlelBa, It wan irr
. ni..'.i liy imr nl ill.' Im'.i phymriaiiM In thin
i iilllllrv (or yi'ar. ami ma ri'Kiilar iirri)i riiliiiu
II i-, iiinjMi-cil nl lli- Ih'-i ninlr known coin
BUMS with the ln.nl IiIihhI plirltlrri., artiiiK
illrerll) on (hr iiiuroUH mirlarr- Tin ihtIci I
oombtaalloo oi the iw. InsradlanU im what
iroilULU mirh woiulurlul rvnulln In rurluit ra
larrii rtmnl lor ti'tiiiioinali, trou.
K. J. CHENEY it CO., I'roiM.., Tulmlu. O.
h.iM l. .IrugiilKli., prlru 74c.
Hall'. Kaiully I'lll. are the lMt.
m m m
Couaar Mine sold.
The pleaning uewM reauhee uh from
Spokane tha the rich OoagST mine at
(iraiute one of the greateet milieu of
the (aiuoiie Kaetern Oregon gold Bsldl
- hue lieen eohl to a eyndicate of KaHt
ern capital lite, the trannfer to he made
thin week, for the DMfBlSOMt mn of
IS.000,000. The fortunate ownere are
J. W. UrkiiiH, D. B. Kvann and B. P
Hole, all of Spokane, nayn the Orauite
Ism i
Mr. Lark in in well known in len
Played Out.
In;.. headache, puiiin in variotiH
parte of the body, linking at the hit of
the Htomach, Iohh of apMtitc, lever
ilniri.M, pimplSI or 0ffM arc all DOsi'
live evidencen of impure IiIihhI. No
matUir how it became ho, it moat In
purified in order to obtain good health.
Arker'n Blood Klixir hae never failed
to cure ncrofuloun or nyphilitir m'1mUi?
or any other blood dinetteee. It ie cer
tainly a wonderful remedy, and we noil
every Uittle on n punitive guurauUie.
For iiale by Brock A McCoimi
- - a m i
Hal Ha!! Ha!!!
What in the matter Mrs. Smith'.'
Oh, nothing, only 1 don't have to bake
any more, I can get 4(1 loaveH of bread
for $1 caHh, trom the waguu or at N.
Lareen, the Standard Bakery, in
l.ambV old place, near the public
Sick headache ahnolutely and per
manently cured by lining Moki tea. A
pleanaut herb drink. Cure conatipa
tion ami indigestion, niaken you eat,
nluep, work and happv. Sat iafactiou
guaranteed or money back. 25 cent
and 50 cent.
properly applied, with the pvopw ap
pliance at the proper time, aroueeM the
Hiugginb blood ami Hende it courHing
through the arterien and veiiiH like a
Huarkling. leaping brook. Tbia remove
clogged and ioieououH matter from the
ayHtem. t;an you afford to go crawl
ing around, dragging out a miserable
HtaUi of feeling when nucb a remedy an
ie within your reach? Write for my
free booklets, which explaiue fully all
you may wiah to know.
Uapt. A. Kuaaal Block,
87. 244.90.
01 th Abova Amount the Teaehari
Reeaivad S4S.096 In Salarlai -tha
Ralane Tor Rant, Flra, Rte.
The schools of Umatilla county for
the vear ending February 28 cost a
totBl" of 7,244.99. Of' the above
amount, the teachers received the
greater portion, or 143,095, in flalarin..
The other expeimen, such an. rent, fuel,
book! for libraries, furniture etc.,
made up the balance. As the total
days of attendance of all the pupils in
all the public schools of the comity
was 711.M9.Mh lbs total expense t'7,"
214.99, it follows that the average daily
cost of educating a pupil in this county
in about 9" cents.
Sehool Money Apportioned.
The sum of $14,348 received from the
state ban been Apportioned as follows,
and County Treasurer Yates is busy
giving out the money as the warrants
are presented to him try the different
district clerics. In tin's list the num
ber .if the school district appears, then
the name of the clerk, tnl lowed by the
number of punils, the amount and
the poStoffiOS address of the clerk:
I, 0. K. Carnes, 88, f!82, Pilot
I, Sam Warner, B. Nt. Pilot Hock.
B, B, 11 Stone, BO, 80, Athena.
4, .1. H. McCoy, ti.'., 1147.51), Walla
5, Klmer Spike, 78, flti7, Kcho.
ti, .lane Davidson, 44, f 1 Hi, Umatilla.
7, J, W. Muir, 22, fXI, Walla
8, (ieorge (iinn, 14, $71, Walla
9, U. M. Oorothv, 58, $i:i7, Milton.
10, Frank Kendall, 185, B897.80,
I'" ret vv it t n r
II, W. J, Baker, 19, $78.50, Went.,n
it, (4. M . MoKsOSis, 20, $8tl, Mil
ton. 15, Win. ii lnight, 29, IBB ,00, POfl'
14, Minnie Blegern, 20, $80, Weston.
LB, J. 0, llalen, 2ii, BBB.80, Adams,
16, Bell Biabop, 1422, ISXBS, Pendle
ton .
17, Arthur Scott, 20, $S0, Athena.
18, A. J, Kellv, 21, $81.50, Milton.
19, O. M. Richmond, BIB, $527, Wes
ton. BO, Pi B. Steen, B8, $99. 50, Milton.
21, Fred I lam-all. 88, $99.50, Pilot
22, James Skee, :il, BB6.S0, I'' roe
water. 23, A. B. McCarty, 22, $83, Pendle
ton .
24, Anna Richardson, 1 , $78. 50,
2 ., Cora Chapman, 27, $IK).50, Pen
dleton. 96, l-'rank Manna, 14, $71, Pendleton.
27, Chan. White, 80. $95, Pendleton.
28, Kd Oupuis 25, $87. 50, Pendleton.
29, .). W. Smith, BOB. $'159, Athena.
30, A. I.. Hwaggart, 30, $95, Athena.
31, S. A. Miller, 901, 9981.80, Mil
ton. BlJ, Wm. Mills. 18. $77, Juniper.
33, Tivin McBr If., $1 19, (.ur-
34, Marv B. Clark. '89, IBB, Ukiah.
35. I). II. Casev, 20, $80, Pendleton.
37, M. L. Knottn. 41, $111.50, Pilot
40, Pert BaflflMtn, 19, 171.10, Ka
DMM. 41, 0. A. Winn, 86, $104, Milton.
43, TbOS, Jaqttff, 57, $135.50, Pen-
44, s. c. Bittner, B8.BB9. Psodlstoo.
46, F. A. WilliauiH, 86, $89, Athena.
46, steilu Bom, 18, B89.60 vinaoa.
47, M. Viintannell . 86, I147J0, Tama
rark. 4H, I', in ma Brown. 16, $72 50, Pendle
ton 49, J. B. Dowiih, 71, $5ti. 60, Weston.
50, J. B. Saylor, 27, $90.50, Bflbo.
51, B. A. M. n ,n.i 80, $125, Adams.
52, Chan. McLean. 36, $102.50.
I thsna .
53, ti. W. IavidHon,9, $113.50, Helix.
54, Beiij. Stanton, 90, $95, Helix.
66, Dan I'endergiint, 37, $105. ,50,
Mi, H. T. Isaac, 79, $H18.50, Helix.
68. W. T. Mcbeod, 47, $120 50, Pen
dleton. 59, August Zeonke, 20, $80, Helix.
00, A. Auderaon, 33, $99.60, Pendle
til, Frank Rack, 52, $128, Kcho.
02, Mabel Jeukiun. 23. $84.60, Nve.
ti:;, Oncar Piper, 9, $li:;.,r0, Helix.
84 Pearl Fletcher, 80, $99. .'HI, Ridge
II. B. Turner, 22, $83, WsatOll,
86, B. C Manning, 19, $78.50, Pen
dleton. (17. Harrv lluln-r, 89, $89, Miltou.
tih, W. A Reed, 42, $113, Pendleton
99, Joe HSjBMOJB, 40, $110, Pendle
ton. 70, A. B. McKwen, 23, $84.50,
71, J. L. limber, 12, $ti8, Alba.
72, F. B. Krallniau, 82, $173, Walla
78, H. R. Neil, 22, $83, Pendleton.
74, K. (i. Still, 16, $72.60, Miltou.
76, Artie Anderson, 36, $102.50,
76, John II. King, 22, $8:;, Helix.
77, J. Rubra, 4b, $122. Pilot Rock.
78, John Clark, 40, $110. Alba.
79, Rod McDonald, 98. $84.50, Alba.
80, W. T. Sellers, 86, $177.60, Ukiah.
81, A. 0.- BuholU, 30, $104, Nye.
HJ, J. H. Clod i U, 27, $90,50, Wes
ton. 83, C P, W. iss, 107 $210.60 Milton
84, S. Ii KIder. 28. $9-. Pendleton.
IB David Williams, 154, $281. Adams.
86 rbaodors Rami 20. $80, Wallula.
87, J. Manuiug. 44,8116, Pilot Book.
89, B. B. Crowner, 38, $107, Meach
am. 90, J. K. Freeman. 13, $09.60, Walla
91, Henry Rorenxen, 14, $71, Pen
dleton. 91 0. Perkins, 39, $108.50, Pendle
ton. 99, Abe Mohlsln.m 33. $99.50 Pen
dleton. 94, J. F. ..-ii. a 49, $123.60, Athena.
96, ti. A. Breutscher, Hi, $74, Wes
ton. 90, R. F. Johnson 60, $134, Brigg
son. 97, James R. RriKik, 25, $87.50, Pilot
98, A. A. McDaniel, 48, $122, Feu
dleton. 99, W. P. Card, 49, $123.50, Pendle
ton. 100, K. S. Wilbur, 13. $09.50, Dun
can. 101, B. A. Keaer, 14, $71, Walla
102, A. R. McDonald, 31, $96.50,
103, J. F. rbompaou, 17, $76.60,
106, Q, H. Schuber, 64, $131, Pen
dleton. 100, J. Salisbury, 17, $76.50, Vinson.
107, Julia Feebler, 15, $72.60, Pen
Wallowa People Asalo Protest Aaalnat
Aliased Trouble.
I.... T T (imr VHMturduv l ere l ted
a petition signed by 502 citiuens of
Wallowa county, says the naiem niates
iiii.ii . and addressed to Hon. K. A.
Hituhoock, secretary of the interior,
Washington, D. C, urging the depart
men i to take steps to prevent the en
croachment of the Indians upon the
settlers of that county. The petition
is headed by County .Judge (ieorge W.
Hamilton, and the leading oitlMBI of
the county have signed it. A similar
petition signed by the same parties,
was received, addressed to Governor
Geer, urging him to use his best en
deavors to secure action on the part of
the United States government.
The settlers in Wallowa county have
long suffered from the depredations
of these Indians, who, leaving their
reservations in Idaho. Washington and
Oregon, swarm into that county, graze
their horses, altlicted with contauious
diseases, iiwin the ranges of the
settlers, terrorixe lone settlers'
families and raise disturbances, until
the citizens of Wallowa county have
become desperate. They have repeated
ly petitioned the government tor re
lief, and are doing ho bow. and, ac
cording to parties recently from that
Motion. It is feared that it the In
terior department, through its agents,
does not soon afford the relief prayed
for, a conflict may occur between the
marauding Indians and the settlers,
the effects of which may be serious.
The situation is naiil to be grave, and
the settlers earnest.lv hope for a remedy
at the hands of the federal government
Pathoi. Humor and Other Blamantt In
the Play Nathan Hale. Tonlsht.
Who wants to encourage American
dramas, written by American play
wrights and treating of the heroic
porlodl In American history, will at
tend the product ion of Nathan Hale
tonight at the Fraxer. Clyde Fitch is
the author. Fitch is a Yale university
man. Howard Kyle in the Nathan
Hale of the plav. Kyle is recognized
as one of the most powerful actors on
the stage. He in of the legitimate
class, and the play is one to please
one who likes a proper mixture of
strong human situat ion, pathon and hu
mor, comedy and passion , stdmi xed so
as to make the drama like life itself,
sometimes merriment, sometimes sad
ness, sometimes great tension.
Shakespeare nays "the play's the
thing." Home "plays are, 'indeed,
"things". But this one, according to
universal testimony, is one of the bent
things on the stage. That it ran for
months in the llighclass Knicker
bocker theatre in New York in prool of
the assertion.
Strikes a Rich Find.
"I wan troubled for several vears
with chronic indigestion and nervous
debility," writes F. J. Green, of Ran
raster, N. H., "No remedy helped me
until i began using Flertric Hitters,
which did me more good than all the
medicines 1 ever used. They have also
kept my wife in excellent health for
yearn. She nayn F.lectric Bittern are
just splendid for female troubles; that
they are a grand tonic and invigorator
for weak, run down women. No other
medicine can take its place in our
family." Try them. Only 50c. Sat is
faction guaranteed by Tallamn A Co.
Old Scout Villi! Governor Hunt In
Bolta. i
Two Bannock Indians from the Fort
Hall reservation came to Boise yester
day, and railed at the stale house , -iu
I lie Capital News 0l f the Indians
was Captain .lark Curiiev, who wan a
reservation smut under General How
aid, during the early days of Idaho
history. Captain .lark deems it a
privilege and an honor to make a visit
to each succeeding governor of this
state, pav his respects, and assure the
governor of the friendly feeling of
himself and tribe toward the chief exe
cutive, (iovernur Hunt greeted the
captain yesterday and added his letter
of recommendation to that of others
that Captain Jack was a gissl Indian
ami had performed valuable service
to the stale in the earlv days as a
ncout. These letters the Indian values
very highly. and ban ijuite a collection,
given him by prominent people, among
which ia one from General Howard.
Look at Vour Paaa.
Anil aee if it is reflect ing health or
diHeaae Karl's Clover Root Tea
iHtautilien the face and complexion, and
ansuren perfert health All druggists
26 rents and 60 cente Money refunded
if results are not satisfactory. Tall man
A Co.
Arrival at Hotel Pndlton.
G M Qborebiil, Milwaukee.
If i i Colton, Puritan. I.
J A Allison Portland.
V W Binltb, Portland.
W H Dindinger. Album
Wm Maher. Portland.
I' M Smith , Portland.
W 11 Pay la Portland.
Sam'l 0 Mott. New York.
Jason Wheeler Albany.
W R Bllia, Wheeler.
Bd Brsgdon, Portland.
Mrs L B Plants, Milton.
W R Glendeoning.
B i rans BpokaaOi
Geo Sevens.
It Will Do You Good.
A blood purifier and tissue builder is
Karl's Clover Root Tea Bold for half
a centurv on our guarantee. Money
refunded if results are not satisfactory
Price 26 cts. and 60 cts. Tallmau A
Last Than Coat.
M . A . Rader has a large stock t
sewing machines that he offers at less
than cost. The line includes the fa
mous Wheeltr A Wilson No. 9. rotary
shuttle, which is acknowledged the
best machine on the market and will
do the work of two common machines,
also, the Domestic, which is highly
guaranteed. Under will give easy terms
on the machines and it is a chance to
get a machine cheaper than the manu
facturer cau sell it.
people are killed every year to this
country by CONSUMPTION. The
fault ia theirs. No one need have
consumption. It is not hereditary.
It is brought on by Deflect. You
have a slight cold and cough. Yoa
do nothing to get rid of it.
will cure a cough or cold in one
"aaUafc'a u aa aalaUUT M fclr .-.
Ikrast and Ivas lraaak. Il will wi earn
Muiiptisa. U i taiaaikabU immutf
A !. SALTSK, M D , BuSaW. N. V.
ahllafe's (JuwiuuHvh Vnwm It By '
..Vuuu .i aac.Te. a u-uua
t. i..iei iuiuu. a w ;
! ;ou r uul Mkl.S.4 (o u SraasUI
uU s jour BM.f lMi;k .
Win. llrtM eaiMMaa Sl
or ale by Tailutau A Co., druiWt.
Saturday Specials
For Saturday May 4, Until 9 p. m.
20 Cerisse and cardinal Petticoats $1.65, $2.00, $'2 75, $3.00 and $8.75 each
Saturday special will make them 127. 1.6:. 2.13, 2.25 and 2.88 each
Shirt Waists, we mean the new ones, this spring's latest fashions, they are without d
doubt the handsomest in Pendleton. rOT thi Saturday we will ftllow ;i special dis
i on nt of 10 per cent on every one.
Embroidered Nun's Veiling, one of the new things for
regularly sold for 85c per yard, Saturday Special.
Wash Silks, 22 inches wide,
urday Special
Women's Laced Shoes Yukon and Denver Iocs in B0 l EE and KK wi.li lis,
in sizes from 2 to 7, our regular $2.50 shoe, Saturday Special
Children's Tan Shoes, lieea Ll to 2, widths B (' D and E, regularly sold for Q CR
$1.65, $1.75, $ 90, $2.oo and $2,543, Saturday Special all iJU.Od
Neckties usually sold for 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1 50
Will he for Saturday Special 15c, 85c, 50c, 75c and L.00
Hats. We show the most extensive and complete assortment of still, -nil and summer
hats in this city, sold regularly, 50c, 7e, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $8.60, $4, $4.50
Saturday Special will he ' .35c, 60c, 75c, 1,15. 1.50, 1.90, 2 25 . 2.65, 8, 8.60
Facti Coneernlns Sheap, Wool and
Lambi ot That Saetlon.
A. K. Mclionahl. of DppM McKay
crei l. was in I'eml letoii Thursday and
left for home this 'inoriiinu. H 00003
pttnilHi by bin young hopeful son Clem,
who broke bil left foreiirm at home a
few Week I ". I'r. C. J. Smith re
moved the plahter i ast from the arm
and the little fellow will soon have
the free use of the member as well a
ever. Mr. Mclhinahl has til to sheep,
ami the shearing season is about t
Bommonoe in thai region. His ibeep
will five ' to H iiniliiils of wool each.
Last year bSS0ld his wool at I8MO1
This year lie will be satislied with
lo'.jc. and may have to take less. The
sheep 111 the Upper McKay are very
clean and the wisil briliKs close to the
top price on account of MlBB free from
Big Increase of Lambi.
(ieorge Ailainr- came to Pendleton on
Thursday. accompanied by Victor
PonnsttS. Mr. Adams has inurke.l up
an increase of fj per cent of lambs
from a band of 9JfO. A. I'erard baa
UKH) ewes ill the same section of coilll
trv, from which the increaae of lambs
will Is- away above loo per cent.
It Oazzlat the World.
No discovery in medicine has ever
created "lie ipiarter of the excitement
that has Usn causeil by I'r. King's
New lliscovery for Consumption. It's
severest teats have laien on hoiieless
victims of consumption, pneumonia,
beuiorrbage, pleurisy and brnnchits,
tboiisamU of obon it has restorml to
parfeot bealth. For coughs, colds,
asthma, croup, hay fever, hoarseness
and whooping cough it is the quickest,
surest cure in the world. It is sold by
TallinaniV Co., who guarantee satisfac
tion or refund money. Large tsittles
B0t Mid f 1. Trial bottles free.
win. asaaaatff ttanrttt, v',u, x ranatna
wliet'l in In. .aoru u uu more uiilliu.la.IK'
about i"i
than arc llioae in. 11 aiiu women who ilile lor
on HaSSth ruuiiiiix wbuel. ol proven woitb,
lor coin foil mid - .
Slai.'i . -i Kamblsr. coat
Ladies or (isot'i atoadttar 136.00
Ladies or Qanta Light Koudster. .4u.uu
Qanta 19 pound Racer
Ladies or Uanti Chainleaa iSO.QO
Ideals 120,
An.ni t'uiatiha Couuljr,
feodleutu, Oregon
..French Restaurant..
lir.nl Mr.Ai.i IN IBS CITV
OFSn day AMI night . . .
Juat Received a alee lot of frwf'e lega
Uua ui ouumt, Hroprlalor.
Mwii.ler bulldiug, Main Si I'eudl.lou, Oragoo
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
in all colors regularly worth
XHSBrOJK llallit..r, Hi.' .r. vriiniMii of n
aVV 1 1. ri .mi. or ills, uu H,l o,. I,,
rW 3 ilS m ).. liairk, s. ii.i..i.
1 1 alnia all I. h ,. , i,v . I . . v or mikIii,
' VJSaW ''a '. l NiHTinai. rrliii'S and all
... ill.' n Kill, 'i r. UIC I llll. lllll.ir' Olllllll. Ol 11,1 III, I". Oil I I If 1.1. Hlll'llgllllliaf
anil r.toroaamail wsaa oitmi-.
'Ilia naou .utrr.'ra are not cured t.y Oorion, la tieraim.' Ill .err.'ii( arc traaMad wlili Hrnalailila
( t II lil'.NK ilia only kniiMii rrniedy to cur WlUioul nn operation, U i" A wrliira
(iiiiruriUH.Klv. il ami mm,, y r. iur if (I ,. uol i-Uocl u in iuiaiiui.1 cure. MA)alioi,oforl&.WA
y iimll. s.'imI f.,r ni(K . Irrulur nml t. --.t .ii.ira,
Aildnwa IHVOL Hallll IMi: j o.. I' o. liox ar7. Han KranraweCal.
SrM eI.K HV T I.I.M A M , rtNUMSIIM I'M, ' " V . I ,'TIV ni'Knnv
601 Main Street, Pendleton, Oregon.
Hotel Pendleton
Under New flana gtmcnt
Strictly F!r,tUi, Give Us a Trill.
HiceildDt Cuisine. 1 ifjllll I Hates $2 GO d (Id;
ir n aai
Kvery Modem
Bar and Billiard dooms
The Best Hotel
Van bran Bros.. Props.
A sure remedy for lire and in ilea.
International Poultry fmi keeps the hens healthy, mica grit aids digestion,
Hone meal gives glruliKtb to young chicks.
A clean, inoffensive but nutritious fertilur for your lawna.
C. P, Colesworthy Pou,try a,,d hee SuPP'y Ppot
ffgk Uiltl SI Cni
W ssvQ av. aaasaB
SSm LQI m -i!iuy
waists, 3fl inches wide, RQ .
.... U
85c per yard for Sat
I til 1 KO'i.l Vl'K'-la
I um
111. win .11 ii. 1. 1 v vi.ii r hii
t..i..i...... M. li. i.illi.
1 1 ... ,.ir
I'r.'Viiiit. i,iii k imm i.f iliwliarai, arhli iiifnuic
1 I...1
Um In rrora ol lir- t. i I 11 ttt.S K rl..aniatha
Special Hdtes by
Week or niontrj
Headquarters for Travsllny Men
In Eastern Oregon.
Successors to J. E. Moors
Steam Heated
tiuropcan elan
hi .vk and a half Ii.mu depot.
Sample kiom In connection
kooin Knit
50c, 7&, 11.00