ffcVENING EDITION I S 1 1 . K I DAILY EVENING EDITION SE EN ' . iMfllw Uie WMJM thny AilViVM vnllr I EASTERN OREGON WEATHER. ?Tr.'",lt S",nr,U' lNll ',"0," MAKE MONEY I PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OB EUON, FH I DAY, MAY 3, 1901. NO. 1115 krtl lav. ! (J ILL ANT lOCERIES.. have a large "tm''t 'or . . ? i n (,, ironi. i m ipMlalt) of wholoMM Mar,, I pilV I III- highest rices for cniiinr piiwwm id chiekeno. Demott. Black Dress Goods for Spring Beautiful Foulard Silk for Summer The black gown bus the approval of the fashionable world. is genteel, dignified and suited to every occasion. A New Choice ( Collection Satis or dull finish. Plain or fancy weaves. Light or heavy Weight is here to claim the feminine attention.' Our silk department is creating unmatch- admiration for the foulardi we show. All the new designs and coloring are here t a. . ins, 1,1 hemes, Indias, Twills You'll not find their epial in Pendleton. 75c to fi.oo per yard. Alexander & Hexter. he Boston Store E HAVE IT STRAIGHT ! ie weather will be good and buy your new spring suit you can When you huv vo ur clothes of us vou get the beat UI.YOK SUITS of all kinds; we will "show them free. BUSINESS SUITS; u big lot on exhibition, money hack if not the beat . Boston Store $2.50 Shoes Foi had. Men ami Wniiii n. 1 fere Knocks 'cm .ill out. s tin- nest ..!.qo shoe to he Try Douglas SIioch, S3 00. $3.50 anil $5. 00. Bossot Black Dress Goods Tor fine black dresses, 501 to $4 a yard, guaranteed black and price. The largest assortment to select from. Hats-Knox, Stetson, Belgian, 50c to 6.00, Nqiic hetter. Underwear. Itt tht spring tune the young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of underwear. are we the best sellers of Clothing in Because we are the best Buyers. Pendleton? clothes pins, ic. dericK No tm Always the Luwrat. Another Move in China. may here he chronicled in connec tion with our latest invoices of llav land; a move which will inten mi homok pr. wilt and husband alike beeuuse tlie ware itself is of exquisite baaUtVi the price so reasonable that no one need frown over the bill. These tew items give only a hint of the many here. C. ROHKMAN. line floWM pots 5c to 24c. L ' repe iiapers, all colors. fresh and good, to en Si i.-iU -aai(c ac. URg lllvar novelties, 1 st -5 per 1 t;nt more. White uranitcware from IMC)' goods, useful pres- ToiL-t Soap Values I ' astile soao r bar- nat lu"" pure tar, Turkish opi.lar soap 5c, six for 25c ericK No -'"moth Department More BYERS' BEST FLOUR To make good broad mr livers' float Flour. It look rJrHt premium at the Chicago World's Fair ovttrall competi tion, and give excellent satisfaction wliorovor used. Kvory sack im guaranteed. Wo liavo tin. liest BtaCID Kolloil Bailoy, (seed Kyo aud Beardless Barloy. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. BYERS, Proprietor. HOSE LAWN MOWERS 1 have a full line of cotton and rubber hoae direct from the factory; aluo have hall hearing luwu mowers, grass catcher, varrl Horinklorfl at orices to suit j . ..il 1 ...... 1 ,. mi' afiwL all. Examine mv buying. stock before T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man. PHNKHAL NKWS. American beer in finding a very 1 1 i e Phillips market in the Orient. Plans are lieing drawn for a new huildinK hr Idaho university. Wm. Hamlin paid B000 for Mm lirst ticket to the Buffalo exisisition. Ocrniany has selected 11 concession at Canton and will soon take osse8 sion. The Yukon river opened 00 April L'7 from White Horse rapids down to Dawson. The electrical display at Buffalo Tan-American exposition in said to he very fine The Buffalo strike of marine en gineers has been settled, on the basin of a compromise. France has presented a claim for l, 866.000,000 francs, 6178,000,000, in demnity from Russia. I Owing to mooning for the late queen, no drawing rooms or levees will be held in I Inn this year. City Marshal Neilson, of l.ewiston, Mont., killed cowboy L W. JobDMO, who was about to kill the marshal. GOD. f'alma fins the lead in the race lor tlie presnlencv o the Cuban re-,,,fli, i.l... :.. ,i,, ; . . 1:1.... I "' ine The Avov Plow works at Louisville, Ky., has DOM sold to the plow trust for between fl .MiO.OlrO rim! f2,UOO,000. MAY CORN TOOK A TUMBLE FROM THE HIGH POINT Sent il Up to Today. 58 THEN THE SHORTS HAMMERED IT Down to 55 M CMUjl Board of Trade Was a Scene of Frenzy and Mad Excitement. The c ity council of I .ogansport, Ills., has asked the mavor, .eo. McGeB, to resign, owing to the mayor's tOO great, fondness for liquor. Archbishop .lohn Ireland has been at Washington consulting with Secretary Bool about the ilisposition of churcii property in the l'hilippines An implication lias been made to the London Btock Exchange to list fstH, 000,000 of common and preferred shs'k of the I'nited States Steel corporation. Kive of the greatest shipbuilding concerns of the country will fie in one combine. An immense dry dock at New York will lie part of the MboOM. Knglish coal miners declare they Will stop work if the taxes on coal are not withdrawn. It is claimed that they can hold out for six weeks easily, and that four week would paralyze every industry in tireat Britain. Chicago. Mnv '.. Not since the davs Old Hutch" operations on the Hoard of Trade has there liecn so much excitement as that which swept over the floor when trading U-gan this morning. The corn pit was tilled with a howling. frenried nob, and the shorts acted like madmen in their efforts to cover. Wild bidding for May corn characterised the opMiBg, and. bel ire the session was half an hour old, the price was like a sky rocket. Il went to M, an advance ol 4 cents over last night's close, l'hillips was still master of the situation, and ruled the market with an iron ahnd. refus ing to diifsise of a single bushel. Shoctl Hammered It Down. The persistent hammering by tlx shorts forced a decline, and, at noon, the price htd dropped to "iH'4. Another slump set in near the close ami the tinal price was V.1 .. THK NfiW YORK MARKKT Raportad by I. 1 Ray a Co., Pendlaton. Board of Trad and New York Stoek Rxehanae Brokari. New York,, May 8. The wheat mar ket was weak from the start, and closed at the low point of the day. ttlvorpool OPtOOd ") llB, and OlOMd ft 11 7-8. New ork opened :t-8 higher, so'4, and declined steadily to the close at "9 l-S. Com was excited, May corn selling over 66c at Chicago. The sbick market was in a primary condition, and prices tluctuated wildly. St.. Paul and Northern I'acitic being most active. Wheat : Closing vesterdav, 79 7-S. Opening today, Hi). Range tislay. 7' 1-H to SH'4. Close tislay, 7W 1-8. July ;-orn. 71 7-8. Sugar, Itti',; tobacco, 127 M steel, M -8; St. Paul. 177 : C. II. A ).. 106 7-8, N. V., h)t'4 ; Krie, 40',.. Wheat in thleago. Chicago, till 8, Wheat, 78 7-S to 73. Wheat In Sun Franelioo. San Krancisco, Mav Mav wheat. 100 to 100K. New York Market. New Nork, Mav 8. Sngar thw CLOUDS ABOVE NEW YORK'S EXCHANGE Securities Were Irregular, Then a Slump. BANKERS FEAR SOME TROUBLE PACIFIC NORTHWEST NKWS. is at- lead as returned at all A herd of buffalo in Kalisiicl t ract ing much attention. Mortimer Montpetit, reported ami buried sometime ago to Walla Walla. The Kvangelical conference Keardon. Wash., has closed, and appointment are made. l.ewiston, Idaho, is arranging to en tertain the river and harbor 1 omm it tee upon their visit to 1 he coast Oregon receives fll,7ti:;.'i as its f, p,.r cent shure of the proceeds of the sale of government lands in this state. Harris W. Creese, aged 4ti. conlessed himself insane at Colfax. He hail previously been twice in the asylum. The I sidy of Alfred Moss, aged 82, was found in the Columbia river. He dis appeared from Vancouver last Novein ber. For improvement of the tinted States quarantine station at Astoria 8(IO(i has been allowed ny the depart ment at Washington. Salem Spanish-American war vet erans lormed a preliminary organiza tion and will apply for a charter under the National Spanish-American war veteran's association. Krnest Urns, managing editor of the Portland Oregouian, spoke before the I'nivereity of Oregon at KogttM on 1 ,reat I 1. tors and Oreat News papers of tiie 'th Century." The Sisikane Tax Pavers League adopted resolutions adv ising citizens to v.ite forjthe democrat ic city candidates, hecaiise they are on a platform promis ing reform in methyls of doing busi ness for the municipality. Mrs. Tracy, a bride of a few weeks, signed her husband's name to a check in North Yakima, for 6618 and ob tained t uu it. A complaint was tiled charging her with forgery hut she was not arrested. She was suffering from mental trouble. moim; to end it soon MX did not sleep a night for seven long weeks." That prolonged 1 of ileeplcu lies.-, is most expressive ol the pain and iffariM OMhWa l) womanly dlseaaes. 11 Is. pleasktlll to con trust the modioli m efficiency which taid "1 could not b cured with the piompl aud a-rman-eul cure etlected by the use of lloctor PiafOO'l l''avonte Prescription. This great mediiiue for women establishes regularity, dries en feebling drums, heals inflammation and ul ceration aud cures female weakness. " 1 lake gt rut plcasim iu miaumudJiuj Df piercc'i utrdiciaes iu utiin i . woenea " w at -Mi - Mui Ailanik. ot Gfaaaycrtek Ash. Co S G "J had in 1, 1 iiuubit- very t,uUiv uulil it rrsultcil ia aid r ol (lit- uteius. I VI troubli d with it su ll...' I did nut slrrp a BWui fui srvru lung wevKf The 1 1 l id 1 cuuld lutt Im- cuird. hut I t-oiu mcnoed tuWintj lr roe's Favorite Prescription and ' I'lrusaul jvllris.' Altrr takinx Iwu bottle. I could slcrii all night and after taking hix taatlt's n1 'Favorite Prcsvriiitiou ' suit ;wo ol i.vtlih-11 Miili,al in Ally aud thrc vials ol in., ..mi 1 my .as,- was cured 1 hud told il. y tiusoulid that I Would have to ill. n itcnicif I could out live II, told mc to put laita tin Ur pierce luetticiueg tut it bad ,110 U -o. 1 -and weutd cure inr ho it did and 1 thank lioil aud your lucdiciuv for saving iu liiv Dr. Hetce'a CSOOJMWMi Sa us. Medical Adviser, luuK lurge p.iges, is sent ,, ui receipt of stamps to pay e).aiia. ol mailing only Ss uil i one-n ut stamp.- for the book in cloth binding, 01 onh ji lamps for the panel covered luiae Addreas Or K. V. Pierce, butfalo, N. Y. Standard ot London Says War Wont Lait Long. London. May it. The standard to day says that the war othce now is more hopeful of the termination oi the south African war than it has been for weeks. That paper says that ar rangements for final and forage for the army. based on expectations that hostilities would be prolonged. are likely to ta cancelled. Boers Concentrating. Cape Town. May I. - f he Bars are concentrating near Klerksdorp, in fkmtbttOOtOn I ransvaal near the Vaal riVOV. Ooneral Habiiigtoii now has tre- qnoof engagements with the enemy. ARMV CANTEEN QUESTION Must Be Koughl Out Again at Next Congress Session. Washington, May :!. Tlie army 0M teen ijllest ion will hi fought all over again at the next session of congress. Army officers here freely predict that the prohibitory law will be revoked and the privilege of selling beer and light wines at army sists will Is- re newed. Manv post commanders allege that l Ik number of court niartials .has increased on account of the fact that the men no longer are under the con trol of their olficers iu the matter of drinking. ,'fair, 9(1 ; powdertsl, B .'.' ; offee, ,'i point t lower on snot, li. ; rice, domestc. .'P., to (l'4 ; wool, unchanged retiticd, crushed, granulated, I., i No. 7 MR. MKINLEV IN TEXAS aoviMoi SAYKRS UAVB RBCBPTION. KINK ol the cabinet A FIRE IN ARMOUR PLANT The Slaughter House Burned Loss Was 0176,000. Chicago. May a. -A lire which threatened to destroy projatrty valued at l,(sMJ,0(K) start. si early thi morning iu the slaughter house of tlie P. J). Armour plant. The building was en tirely destroyed liss was f lO.OOO . The three-foot lire wall prevented the tlaiues from reaching the cisding and ice nanus where half a million Jollars Worth ol dressed beef was stored. SPANISH TRAMWAY STRIKE Employes Tried to Tear Uu the Car Tracks. Karceloiiia Spain, May .(. The strike of tramway employes is becom ing serious, ami tne .government may suspenu tne constitutional guarantees. i. a-i night the strikers trim! to tear up the car tracks, but were driven oft by gendarmes, who tired on ttie mob. Flowers Strewed Beneath Hli Carriage as He Rode Along the Streets of Houston. Houston. Tex., May :t. -The proof leiitial train arrived here on time this morning, The diotingnisbod portji was met by Governor Sayers. There was a carnage drive around the town, then exercises ami speechmakiug at the Auditorium. (inventor Sayers and ins stall will accompany the party to Austin (ins ailermsin. where lie wil give an informal baiiiiiet to the presi '! ui anil the tnemhers who are with him. 'i ... . .... , neii inn irain arriveii Here, a parade was immediately formed and the marchers and the presidential partv roc n il to (he Auditorium. . nr it tlioiisand school children waived llaus along the line ol inarch. A chorus colored school el.i uren samr "Stur pangleil Kanner," and streamed overs on the street under the presi dent's carriage. Hangers in typical cowboy costume acted as an ..aeorl from and back to the train. Four can non planted beside tlie train lired the salute. A WEAR-OLD POUND DEAD Little Girl at Prosser. Wash.. Who Wa Lost. Prosser, Wash , Mav t The little .'year-obl daughter of W li Mathews, ex-county commissioner, who was lost in tlie Horse Heaven plains alsmt a week ago while hunting cattle with her 7 year-old brother, was haunt dead or. Thursday 17 miles from her home near hone Springs The wlioh n inuiiiiv turned out as mam aa the news that she was lost was spread until to day from 'Ml to .'at men on horseback U Speculation, Now Kampani Tbrouiioiit itio Country, Be Allowed to Condone. UN Money Ik Advanced. New York, Mav J. Wall street heard wild rumors this morning that President McKmley had lsen shot, ft helped along the slump in stocks. WAIT. STREETS MAD WHIRL Banks Wain to Stop the Wild Specula tion to rrevent l rials. New York, May .:. I he mad whirl in Wall street shows no sign Mf aha'ing todty. The sales before linen were over SiHMHMI shares. st. Paul advanced f ',, Missouri I'acitic A, H. ,V.(., S, The banks, so it is reiterated t.slay. are making an effort to stop the iponu lative cta.e that is sweeping the conn- try. They have advat dcall mnticv toll per cent, and will go further, if necessary, to bring (he sectilat ion within normal limits. They tear a crisis, if tin' speculative fever be al lowed to continue. A big slump in prices set in litis afternoon. I'mmi I'acitic, Rock Island and st Paul leading the way with docl ities averaging from live points to fractious. Nearlv the entire list felt the effect of the slump. BROKERS HREAKINii DOWN Bull Market Woars riiein tint In New York. New York, Mav ::. flic physical and mental pressure on the brokers in handling the tremendous bull mar ket on the Stock Ivxchange has caused many prostrations. miiscrvative estimate of the number who have irokeii dow ti under the strain is placed at lortv. Some ot these it is said. will never recover from the strain. I1ARRIMAN Won the Klghl IS IN CONTROL U. P. In New ror the York. New York, May :t. -A truce seems to have been agr Ion tislay by the ill teresls contending for control of the I'll mn Pacitic It is semi-ullicially aiiiioiiuced that I. ..swell Miller had retinsl irotn the board of directors on account of disagreement with Ham man, who controls the Uniofl I'acitic. ft is reliably stated that attempts to wrest control of the road from llarri inan have failed. DEATH I ROM SMALLPOX Win. Bell. Living Near Athena. Was the Victim. Athena, May .1. (In Wednesday ..I. ....!. .... Ik' . I I II. II ...... ,7 ll'H'IH .1 m O I I Ol H TW llllltlll IH'I I, have been searching the surriuiiidiiiu i i ..... . . n. . .I .. .... - .il... oi i ui in.- .hi lie wm . Mars ot age and leaves a wile to country Shu was barefooted and had gathered grasses an.) put around her feet li, side her lay a hunch of Mowers which she had apparently len eating from indications she had been dead Hi hours, leaving her five dais of wander ing without iTssl or water It la evi dent that her death was the result of lack of foist There are no inhabi tants near the place where the child was found and il is supposed that she searched in vain for some om, to give her assistance The people of this section are greatly shocked at the tragedy but no lie leels to blame from the (act that everything sasible was done to locate the child in time to save her life. STOLE OREGON'S EXHIBIT K. R. tobJ 3 A FLORIDA TOWN liLRNINO Jacksonville Hat a Ulsastrout Klre Many Blocks Destroyed. Jacksonville, rla., May 3. Fire which started in Cleveland's fibre factory has spread to scores of uuigl During dwellings. At 1 o'clock, one hundred houses had been burins!, while a heavy wind is forcing the Haines along through the residence set tiou Kight block ate in tlaiues now CASTRO'S PROCLAMATION He Determines That Asphalt Uuesllou Shall Be Settled in Venezuela tourtt ( ara.as VODMUOlo, May i. Presi dent Castro has issued a decre pro viding for the continuation of organic law through a new court established under the provisions of tlie new cou stituion. Thin action is interpreted Here as evidence ol tils .1. -termination that the asphalt question shall not be settled except by Ve.ieziielan courts. Died In Poor House. Norfolk, Va., May 33. Frank Gil bert, son of the famous Knglish com- tjoeer, died in the pour bouse last night. He will be buried in the isitt.ir's held. He was ruined by drink, ami was cast on Uy his father Sim II noil I to Hainan, Washington, May , It in authonta tively stated this morning that Cardi nal Martiuelli will remain in this . country for one year as the preventive poja' with the title of pi., delegate to tne fn i ted mates. The Kaat Oregonian is Kastern Ore gon's representative paper. It leads, aud the people appreciate it and show it by ban- liberal patronage, it ia toe aaver ieine; medium of thus eection. Commission Returns. .Manila, May 3. -The Pbilippiue comuiiasion returned here today from a tour of the islands, establishing civil aoveriiniulit wherever the ...... I .... were suitable. Nelils Says California Has Dune This at Buffalo. In writing from iiutfalo, f, . Mel I is said : l aid. .una Is making an ideuant fruit display. While examining it tlie oilier day .Mr. llosch, who i uporiii tendeut of the Oregon exhibit, rOOOg ni.e. ill the Ualllornia illsply his ow collection Irom Oregon, which I loaned to the Southern Pacific railway lor tne rans exposition. I in, man in charge of the California display delile.1 II, Wlieretls,u Mr. Woach Inrnisl the jars around and showed him the Oregon labels on the other side, t d not know how they will settle th mailer. ' 1 fn referring to the Oregon mineral exhibit Mr. Mellis said it would com pare with that from any of the other states, no far as indications now point Ibis is very gratifying, for the small sum devoted bv Oregon to the in moral display led many to think she Mould be completely over-shadowed. Idaho and Montana made special efforts to proivile lor tlie mineral exhibit, whip Oregon treaetd it as incidental. If tin Oregon display ranks so well, the peo le ol eastern I rregoii will leel a cer tain degree of ardouebJe pride in tak ing the bull by the horns aud workina . i t . . . w independent of the commission. Sawdust la Bear Creek. At a meeting of the Pendleton M ports- men association held last evening information was received that owners of sawmills on iiear creek had been dumping sawdust into that stream. contrary to law, and in aucli a manner as to make it unhealthy for fish. The attention of T. B. Wells, deputy state game wardeu, was called to the matter and be will aee that the practice is dis continued. popular mourn bis loss. He was a young man and had hosts ul mends who extend their heartlelt sympathy to his bereaved relatives The Issly was interred in the Mheua cemetery at IfltlA Weduesiluy highl. There have been numberless n -potts as to the cause ol Mr Hell's death lr Cronp, oi Walla Walla, was summoned Wed nesday. He c .annuel the remains and pronounced the disease sllialllsix. The other path-Ms are getting along as lavorablv as an 1st e s'ted K. P. Kitchen, oi Albany, who for the past week has la-en visiting at tlie home oi J. rt. Morgan, returned to his home yesterday. Horn, on Irnlai, May :, to Mr. and Mrs. Amiel -. hiiU.rt, a girl The year and a hall old baby Isiy of Mr. and Mrs. John King had the ims lortlllie (o lall oil the porch vesterday and break its le't arm I'r. finikin wai . a. I and redticisl the Iracture. He report the little nclfcret as resting easy this morning. Horn, on rhurado, May I, to Mr ami Mrs. .(esse Miling, a girl. Hert Carlano, of pr ingville, Iowa, arrived in this citv this morning on the delayed train lie is an eiirienced bartender, and will mix the latest for tne patrons ol "The Corner." Mr. Caranto, who is a line ball player, will hold down the second hag lor the home team this season. He was met at the train by the "Yellow Kids" iu their ball Miformo, Arrangements have la-en completed (or a train to return Sunday evening alter tin- hall game from Walla Walla lhe round trip will be fl.l.V A nor Knight left yesterday morning for Hillings, Mont , to remain airiu an ant I . papers received in isealtle say Seattle, and Nome ttiat Ken Miller, of Charles K day, brother of United States District Attorney (iay, were frozen in the big bliaaard. j (guana flake the flair gruw. Clear tilt Complexion. So It na aiMf whiten the Hand. JProwrve and baautifie the akin ot In fanta and Children. I jyr- tlaiSllWIllsg. Jl . rmzinzuTZL i ts ms IIOAaav vwn" "