East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 02, 1901, Image 4

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    THPUKIMY, MAY 2, 1901.
It Pays Best
To Buy Best
Of all Things
At all Times
Wt' liavc the H?st
In the city. Call ami examine
our stock which ymi willlnul large
and ii ptixi.it'
Practical Boot nn: Hhot' Men.
Sumlrtii Iwrk at llawly's.
Try 1 hit ton's ice cream chocolates.
Buy your window shades at
Murphv h
Have your pictures (rained ; latest
style at Murphy 't.
Now designs in wall paper at
Murphy' paint store.
Boe dreos skirt in north window.
Glaaver Brim. Ilry Goods Co.
Kreah strawlwrrie. was, spinach,
onions, radishes at Mauley's.
Dress skirts, $.' to lti. See window.
Cleaver Bros. Dry (Joods Co.
Window ehadea, curtain poles, mir
rors, etc., at Kader's furniture store.
(iood time to sow clover seed alfalfa,
broom grass, r ine quality at Haw ley's
Oldest place and !est tamales, at he
Hoy's, cor. Court and Harden streets.
N. Berkeley has some very desirable
town and country property (or sale on
easy terms.
Finest hams and lard on the market.
Home product; try it, its guaranteed.
Bchwan fc Ureulich.
Received hy express direct from (ac
tory 20 skirts, newest styles. Cleaver
Bros. Dry l.oods Co,
Ice cream and pure cream at Dot
ton's. Leave your orders for Sunday
Cream delivered to your home, packed
in cans.
Crescent bicycle on the installment
plan at the Crescent agency in the Kast
Oregon ian building, payments fl a
week, no interest.
Uemember I have a better stock of
oil, aile-gream-. rope, belting and all
other harvest supplies than ever lie
tore. P. Sonoa, Helix.
A suite of rooms in the East Ore-
Cnian building, hot and cold water,
throom, (or $11 a month during the
summer. Apply at the Kast Oregon lan
Look and aee their new colors in
ingrains and gilts. Paints ready for use.
Paper hanging ami painting promptly
done. Bee C. Sharp, opera house
block, Pendleton, Ore.
A. C. Koeppen V Bros., the drugi:itM
on Court street, have opened their soda
fountain for the season and their de
licious soda and ice cream soda can
Xin be enjoyed by the people of Pen
ton. Koeppen's pharmacy has es
tablished a reputation (or having the
beat of everything and their soda this
season will be no exception to the
rule. All the old time favorite drinks
will be "on tap" and several new
drtuks wbicb have never been served
in Pendleton will be found at their
fountain. Mr. Koeppen always buys
the very best obtainable in tin- drug
line and without a doubt there will
be nothing too good (or him to bin for
making his soda and ice cream soda.
delineator, Designer, Toilette ngencv.
At Hader's furniture store is tin
finest, line f rugs ami limiting.
Automatic refrigerators and water
coolers at Kader's furniture store.
Wanted Two furnished rooms for
housekeeping, inquire at shoe depart
ment, I'eoplen Warehouse.
Kor rent Four room house in good
location. Inquire of J. II. Young,
corner Main and Bluff street.
Several cases of smallpox and
sjmmIH have broken out in l'endleton
tliix week, ror a few days last week
there was no smallpox In town.
Here is a chance of a lifetime, to
make fltlOtl figuring on the RaeyOlc
crank hanger. (PI I1 cash awaits
you. Call and see them at Withee's.
The drawing at the Magnet store
on Wednesday, which has long been
attracting attention, resulted in W. I.
Witlwe winning a tine gold watch w ith
number MB
N. Berkeley says he sold more than
1000 acres of Umatilla county land for
different parties during the month of
April, which would indicate that tin
demand for soil in this vicinity is
Conrad Kohler and Henry Kotpittke
have purchased the Ma.cppa saloon
in Association block from I'eter Smith
Mr. Hmith announce that he will
leave next week for l.os Angeles, Cali
forma, with the intention of going
into business there
w.ikeflald a railing has pureheeed
iiriggs i Hani's stock of musical in
itramente end will control tins notion
of Oregon and Washington. The Inn
comprises M makes of pianos and
large lot of sinal I musical instrument'.
and sheet music Thev will also curry
a large stock of sewing machines. Store
is located in (lolden Utile .dm-.- on
( ourt srteet.
Samuel ' Mott. representing ha
Loie Fuller, the world's gresttMl
spectacular dancer, is in Pendleton
todav making preparations lor an N
hiibtion at the Preset on wedneedaj
evening, Slay ii. He has Ml been m
Pendleton in ten years and is struck
witli the increase in population and
marked improvement in the looks of
the city from a business staudmint
Mr. Mott has a great show.
M. A. Ferguson, a wheat warehouse
man of Adams, is a visitor in I'endle
ton today.
William Hose has purchased L K.
Keed's barber shop at the corner of
Ms in and Court street.
Fred W. Waite will leave this even
nig for Baker City, with a hig line of
samples, including snowplows and
other hardware.
Joe lianscom, of Middle Cold
Spring, who has hail a serious case of
smalltnx, from which he has fully
recovered, is a visitor in l'endleton today.
K. i. Souder returned last night
from a year's resident at Maker City.
He says that Bakerites have a high re
gard !tor l'endleton a- a business coin
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ty .
W. P. Kihorn returned (rom Baker
City this morning. While there he in
stituted Baker City encampment No
78, Pioneers of the Pacific, with s'
members. He reports a jolly time
and big supper.
J. N. Vandorn, of Spokane, and
uncle of Linn Snaron is in the cm
todav. Mr. Vaiiilnrti was proprietor
of the first furniture store in l'endleton
He has been in the itreenhorn mining
district looking over some property that
be and Spokane capitalists owu.
Hubert N. Stanlield is in the city
Irom Kcho, and will return home Fri
day. He states that there is no belt, r
location for a creamery in the state
than at Kcho, and that an outside man
has been in correspondence with stock
men there in regard to starting up
such an institution.
John Vibert was a passenger en the
westtsiund train this morning, on his
way to Vancouver, Wash., to meet his
brother. He is a cousin of Joe V.
Tullman, of this city, and they had not
seen each other for more than
years. Mr Tailm.tn i not an octogen
arian by auv means, and at the last
meeting both were quite small boys,
nevertheless, Mr Tallman recognieil
his cousin when be got out of his car
and walked along the platform. I..
L. Tallman, of Walla Walla, brother
of J. V., was also present. He
came over from Walla Walla on Wed
nesday alien;, i and will return this
At the Popular Shoe Store
Walcb uiaaui tbe t.u.lltou suo-
mi ono can tail to ttoO the very lalost Hiring
uovelllea iii tool.ua lui boll. SSI
Oar saass combine style, St. Su uitort and
durability and to rupuai an ul.l siM) out in
our case a Iruo ouc; ao tbe Intil to bu lound lor
tue money.
Pendleton Shoe Co.,
Alalia er.
A former H.ndl.ton Pastor.
Key. C. T. Wfiittlesey, (ormerly of
Portland, who has successfully carried
on the Rose burg academy tor the pat
two years, has accepted the priucipal
shlp of the Will, in school, says the
Itosehurg Review. During Mr.
Whittlesey's stav here the K seburg
academy has had atxiut eighty students
including alaiut thirty-live outside o(
Koaoburg. The Wilbur school has had
over a hundred students the past year,
including about twenty-five from out
side of Wilbur. The people of Wilbur
were very anxious to retain l'rof.
Iiars.ee for auother year, but other
plaus prevented bin from accepting
the offer o( the school, consequent!)
they made I'rof. Whittlesey an advan
tageous offer which he decided to ac
cept. . ,,
Furniture tor Sals.
Will sell at residence at private sale
I Saturday, May 4. the following
Single iron bedstead, double iron i.e..
stead, ak bedroom set, lounge, -id.--board,
bookcase, music stand, three
rocking chairs, parlor tables, chiffon
iers, Urge dining room table, dining
rOOV chairs, small extension table,
kitchen table, and a number of rugs.
T. K. FI'.LL.
Daily Bast Oregoniau, delivered by
earner, only is cut. a week
Meat In Psndlaton Thursday and Friday
of Next Weak. May
9 and 10.
Arrangeni'Mits are now boing made
(or the Seventh annual convention o(
the I'matilla county Sunday School
association, to meet in Pendleton at
the First Presbyterian church on
Thursday and Friday ol next week
May 9 and 10,
This convention is (or all persons in
terested in Sunday school work,
whether members of a Sunday school
or not.
Btren school in the county is urged
to send delegates pastor, superinten
dent and one delegate (or every twenty
mem l.ers enrol led, or fraction thereof.
Where there is no pastor, such school
shall have ope additional delegate.
Entertainment will he gladly fur
nished to all.
The orrteers.
I he ollicers oi the association during
the past ear were :
President, Key. C. A. Dotson, state
Held worker; Vice presidents. Miss
Ine.: Depew, I'kiah, Mrs. A. K. Fin
ley, Helix. Mrs. Maggie Wheeler,
West. in Mfl, K, Jones, Kcho; Klbert
I Redo, l'endleton; 0. K. Ooodinan,
Milton, secretary, Mrs. Stephen A.
Lowell, l'endleton; treasurer, Mrs. S.
A. Newberry, l'endleton.
The Committees.
Committees appointed for the prep
arations were:
Program committee Mlli 8. A.
Lowell, ('. A. Hotson, Mrs. 8. A. Now
lierry. Committee Ol arrangements Mrs. A.
D, BtlllmeOi chairman.
Hospitality committee- Mrs. Dr.
Wi. maker, chairman
DeOOTftting committee Miss Flora
Walker, chairman.
I. "tt kiii committee Mrs. C. S.
Jackson, chairman.
Music i nttee Bobert Pond,
Irani commitee William Baker,
Thursday Afternoon Thsms Methods
J p. in. - Devotional, Bev. Mr
King, l'endleton.
2 JO Welcome, Bev. K. J. Diven,
.-Response. Bev. Mr. Blond,
n Bound Table Talk, Hume De
partment, .Mrs. Whitman, countv su
perintendent home department, Pen-
do ton.
.. .1)0 Reports : Schools, secretary-
treasurer, iiiitirct presidents, county
n i 1 1 - i ii ss nip --1 be Mindav School
walk and talked awhile, and (rom that
time their stories differ.
When Lloyd came down town Thurs
day morning he wont li Little Henry's
saloon, ami had not been there n great
while when arrested by Marshal
deathman and deposited it the countv
jail. RppOTOOn managed to be able to
swear out h warrant before Justice Pitl
t.eral.l this morning, but it was quite
a struggle for him in his inebriated
condition. Llovd will not have bis
hearing until fcpperson partially re
covers from his spree.
Lloyd when interviewed in jail this
afternoon stated that he had not seen
Kpperson Wednesday night after
thev separated on the sidewalk near
the (iolden Bule hotel, and that he
was consequently considerabl v sur
prised when arrested. After the arrest
Lloyd was searched and Kpperson 's
pocket-knife was found upon him, but
no money.
Fred Lloyd worked around the State
saloon last winter ns roustabout, nut
has been working on the reservation
for Tom Tweedy for the past three
convention, What it ought to be
what it mac do for the worker.
I on Round Table Talk -Sunday
school management.
I ::td Adjournment.
Thursday Evening.
7 p. in. Praise service, Rev. John
Uren, Pendleton.
7 .- Appointment of committees
H:0M Address-The Relation of the
Stiudav School to Social Progress,
President J. A. Beattie, Kastern Ore
gon normal school.
s o -Address The Holv Land, ill
ustrated, W. P. Wiuans, Walla Walla,
The Program Friday.
I'oreuoon - Theme, "The Teacher"
IMki-Devotional, Bev. Mr. Vernon.
B I'll-Address -The Bible and the
Sunday School Teacher, L. K. Penland
:. Round Table Talk- The Teacher
and Normal Training, O. K. c.oodmati,
countv siiiM-nntcndcni normal work.
o jn Normal Lesson. C A. Dotson.
stale field worker.
In .si -The Twentieth Centurv
I er, Mr. Bleaknev, Pendleton
11 :10 Discussion.
1 1 ;ilt) Address The Relation of
leacher and Pupil.
P.' :U0 Adjournment.
Friday Artsrnoon.
;0U Devotional -Rev. Mr. Burnett.
I .SO -Primary Work, Mrs. K. S.
Clark. Walla Walla, Wash.
1 Ui-Roun.l Table Talk Primary
Work, Mrs. Barrett, county nperin
tendeul primary work, Athena.
00 I be Young Men's Class, V
i Davit, Milton.
Some LxisTletice in State
Work, Rev. R. A. Rowley. Congrega
tional state Sunday School superinten
dent, Portland.
1. elation of church to Sun. lav
school, Rev. Roht. J. Diven, Pendle
4 ::S0 Business : Beporis of com-
initi.es, election of ollicers.
4:!J0- Adjournment.
Friday Hv.nlim
7:00 Praise service. Bev. Mr.
Deweese, Athena.
sum Address Organised Sunday
School Wurk, A. A. Morse, stale presi
dent, Portland.
h'.ao-Address The Passion Play
illustrated, Mrs. Oi 8. Jackson, Pendleton.
Foot and a Half or Snow 2,000,000
Gallons or Water.
Fred R. Mollis, formerly a merchant
in Pendleton, who went from Maker
City a few days ago to take charge of
Oregon's mineral exhibit at the Pan-
American exposition at Buffalo, N. Y.,
writes to a personal friend under date
of April 21 :
Arrived here this morning. After
leaving the street car it took me one
half hour to wade through one am
one-half feet of snow and 'J ni m
gallons of water to reach the exposition
grounds. Mr. Dosch was not there am
it was impossible for me to wade hack
I telephoned for a hack which came in
about '2 hours, and the driver charged
ine t'2 for taking me back to town. 1
struck the Iroquois hotel, which charged
me pa per day for room. Kvervbo.lv
talses the stranger in. The room I
have is not worth ol) cents. Suppose
I II get something more reasonable
after awhile.
"It is raining pitchforks all the time
and as it is Sunday I cannot buy an
umbrella. The hliitaul broke the
glass roof at the exposition building
in lots of places ami played smash in
general. The exposition buildings
look tine and if the wather moderates'
things will probably I. sun up all right.
"With the exception of the had
weather, and the effects of a little
wr.ck near (.ranger. I am feeling quite
well, thank you. "
"Natkan Hale," an American Play Usal
Ing With American Characters.
The same nerve that tingled on that
memorable tlrst of May, three vears
ago yesterdav, when I lew ey 's shot rang
around the obo will have an oppor
Utility to vibrate again tomorrow, I ri
dav night, when Clyde Fitch's stir
ring play of the revolutionary days,
"Nathan Hale," will he presented
with all the massive scenery and
elalsirate costumes seen .luring its
long New York priMluction at the
K n i.'keriss ker theater.
"Nathan Hale" is essentially un
American play, written by one of our
foremost American authors; it deals
with a purely American subject. It is
full of historical personages, and the
atmosphere of those dark days of the
early struggles of the patriots is faith-
tully preserved. Mr. Howard Kvlc
wbo plavs the title role has attained
the reputation of one of our foreino-t
leading men. He is a great metroisi-
htau favorite and is physically and
intellectually admirably suited to em
body Nathan Hale.
Many Pacts or Intsrest Hognnllng the
Umatilla l.ounty Schools.
1, ft Nowllti, countv superintendent
of schools, has completed his report
(or the Nbool voar ending Febru
ary as, 1901 1 hut it will not be ior
warded to State Superintendent of
Public Instruction J. II. Ackerniini
lor a few .lavs on account of not having
been supplied with the necessary
blanks. Pnm this report many in
teresting facts are learned, ol which
the following are probably the 0101
important: There are flS.18 ptiplli In
I'matilla countv between the ages of A
and 10 years; the total number of days'
attendance during the year was 7ll,
fiafl, and the average daily attendance
:l77tl ; the number of teachers employed
in the public schools of the county is
issandtn private schools '.": number
of pupils attending privat" schools is
644 : the total value of the nitblic
school houses and grounds of the
county are 1 19,079.06, and of (iimi
ture and apparatus $3367.04! in
surance op the school property is
serried to the amount of 67,S70; the
average length 01 the school term js
0 gg months, during the voar iwtl
hooks were purchased and placed
Upon the iholvM ol the public school
libraries; the number ol teachers who
take oi r more educational paper is
14.'l, while 186 have certificates to show
that thev attended institute work dur
ing the year.
Many Leave Miiinsspolli ror Pacific
M innearol i". Minn., May -.Seven
heavv passenger trains, none of them
of less than II cars and each loaded
to the guards, left Minneapolis today
for the Pacific northwest. The num
ber of people on these spOOiel trains
was not less than :UIN). The total
number of people Utklng advantage of
the settlers' rate and passing through
St. Paul and Minneapolis since Sep
tember is estimated at ''. 1)00,
Alabama Men Avenge the Death If a
Deputy Sheriff.
Solum. Ala., Mav 1!. A crowd of
friends of DepQtV Sheriff Joseph Kd
wards, who was murdered Sunday
ni'tht hv John Dawson, a negro, went to
DfttfOOO I home near here last night
and killed Fd May.Moe Jones and Bob
Mawson. negroes suspected of com
plicity in Fdnard's murder.
..Our Prices on Groceries
ti pounda granulated hurht
I Kt!p, piillll HI MIIM'll Ml MI'S
m cans standard su,ar corn '
10 cans Standard tomatoes ...
i t lx li prunes. ...
Imlk coffee in citv for the ...;'l'
25 poundi hest
S pounds bi!Sl I
1 1 ,r;r, .: 1 can'., tomatoes
1 case, 24 cans, lUgar corn
10 pounds tine pink beans.
j dozen fresh country uks l(
TmHn wharo YOUR DOLLAK OOFS icm-nJ5
' ulHK
s w rey a. ism n k- m r, ill n
U M. VilO 1TB. Md Jtm-V-iilL. L x 1 Ili I Yi
Uncle Sain tells him to steer toward
A Baloon Aseenslonlst Killed.
News comes to us of a balloon ascen-
siomst who was killed while making
one of his daring trips His hands
slippeal from the trapr.ee and the hor
ror stricken crowd saw a sight thev
will not soon forget I. if. 1- t,, . ., .,
hie to trille with ill fool-hardy adven
tares It is best to employ ourselves
in peaceful pursuits her. w. may he
secure I ht n il we take care of our
health we can live to a g.ssl old age
The Issst means of promoting health is
lb., tetter's Stomach Hitter- Tins
in. d 1 -ine aids digestion, regulates the
bowels and cures dyspepsia, indiges
tion, flatulency and insomnia. It will
also prevent malaria, fever and airiie
. , ... ... . . . .
men is prevalent at this time oi
vear He sure to trv it
While in
We purchased a manufacturer' a
Una oi sample china at a bargain.
We will give some startling values
in these later.
We also purch isi il a iol lot of
Johnson Broe . white senu pon r
celain at loss than uililiers rnm
that we will sell at the price of
common ironstone wire
Tile price list will be Published
upon arrival ol good Watch
this space lor it.
Owl Tea House.
:i rolls crepe pas-r 10c.
Raders Furniture Store
Main ane Webb streets, l'endleton, Oregon
where he can f,'et one of those
Golden Oak Rockers at $2.25 before they
Furniture, Oajpt
vVindow Shades,
Curtain Pol
ll'..u., h.
oalll, IT
Mirrors, Bultv cabs
w -1 I
-- .
a ."r in
Fresh Clean
Stock of
Fd JfOU to select from. Will
give you reasonable prices.
Try us with an order ::::::
Thompson & Dupuis, Props.
Spring Troubles
IIBS of UJ)t)tit,
Stomach ailmunth.
and Other Eruutions
are Home of them.
W. P. Hatlosk Has Takan That Many
to Alaska.
A discussion of the luhjuct lias
brought out tin. Information that w. f,
Matlock bae aude iu trips uj Alaska
dnriDU tli past four ytittm. .Most of
tilt trips were Uiaile ImlWUtill .se.llti,-
ami Skyway, hut a f of them wart,
i ' 1 . 1 el, Victoria, B. C, au.l ka(i
way. In add it loo Mr .Matlock has
nUMM three waits to Oawson from HkaK
way and may be sai.l to t- qaig well
ac.piainiou with the journey hy this
The Wlutp Pass railroad ruus on.,
passenger tram daily betweuu .'-kax-way
and Whiu. Pass, oicept on Nm
day. 0m frei lit train daily it-gen-raly
sullicieut to liaiidh. the 'husuiess,
but occasionally when there is a rush
it btuouies necessary to run t,. r
throe freight trains a dav for a few
days to catch up. About nine cars are
guerallv . arried on the ireight trains
the capacity of each being (roui 18,
0U0 to iH.uOu nxj,,,,,,, tjju raiij H
a narrow-gauge and the cars are uou
eqtiontly umch smaller than on he
roads of ordinary gauge through tins
1 1 Two Blaoi i
; Walnut !
; Sets 1
: One !
nombiufttion j!
Bureau. j !
The ure . ry raro.
J Teltpuons i
V. STR0BLE, i j
Court .Mr eel !
C"SMAir Kir an.
Locust Hill Rahhitry
and Poultry Yards
I'cdigi ceil lt:lKlan Hares
and pure bred Howls.
Hares, fo.tHI s.r uiir. :t each.
llarre.1, Huff, ami White I'lviu
outh Hocks KggN Il'.ihi mr lft.
It sittings (or I Is); also Home
Marred K.k eggn at fl.A0 mt
Kose and Single Comb KIuhI..
Island Keds Kggs 'j im) pwr 16,
S HittingH (or fft.DO.
Visitors wulcomo For furtlmr
information address
PeadletOni Oregon.
-n nan
Ik . L3t
I 111 'II .111 -tlL'CpiU
I leini ii t 1 li ii inu I
iinrisl Sleemnil
MK. irP:RS0 "KOBBliD'
I .... o, o.l
i id
CorrecU all of theae
uiakeu tlie blood Dure.
tor Blanty Dollars
Knit. Willi. Urunk.
Lloyd is in toe ....... i.n
charnod with the crime ol larceny from
the p.,,,, This is to distinguish ihe
iliflereuce betw,n that ..-iT. ,i
larcony from a building. Th ,ra! n
U thisoaae was a Mr. Kpper-ou, who
claims to have leen worklug for N. H
tottrell, shearing sheep by machinery
OB hast Bireh crook, near 1'i lot Kock
Kpporsou and l.h.v.l u,r .
.1 i -svj niujij
gethor drinking oarfv Wodnosday e,ou
ijig at the Uoiden kulo hotel when
i in: loriuer swoujoiI
mouoy. i'jjoy
Is aj Its itaitu lusre
liuuM be claaiiliueia.
tream llale
cleauMt.sniiUiij.iii.lt , g
tin- diMaael BsatkfSIIS.
Ii taNS MUnfe aa4 drivai
sway a to.. I lu tat lkj
tr.aui lluln, a ,,, ,., nl lhl. ,10.,ri1,i ipr.,la
or lli uieml.rauo a.M .. aluorlwd. Ueiut la liu
uiedial.auai'urofollowi. It U not uriug-do.
liot roduco Loeii.. Urg. Him, 60 hM St Utug.
gket or by uu:l ; Trial Hat, lu ctula by mail
JthV UltO'l WHiic Wsnu but. Ha York.
Do you
want work?
Do you
want to hire help?
Wood and
I' tics 111. lit
lainiuaraek Potts.
: 'i I co auu dry.
The Columbia
Lodging House
F. X. SCHEMPP, Prop.
Otli.e rearol Savings Hank.
to bavo plenty ol
went out outo the sldo-
II so call or sdvlte me .ud
Undor New I ,,,
Special Kails ta.lU.
Bol Hole la ibe city (or Kainlha.
Bus to all Wslna, Krw aample rooiui.
hlw lrlc ligbu anil Hloain boat
Klro-prool building.
Cor. Court and Johnson Sis
Full line of Cigar Conlectlonory
and Ainokera' Articles
Notary and
$3.50 to $5 Delivered
Ordor of us and save money.
Orders for Hubbor ttUuios
oJao soUcltod.
ruekludoldrllllbat counla In laruilnu aa
laolivi work at ll.floa.1 ..spoudltur.- nl ' AJT
s i . T r nun'
U I o Vl'"SU.' lo loll
.ii . ewin I lit' ilin.rii
"""'ii na;. lie .aialoaii,.., to,,, k you -at,.
tboUHbo.tlook.l thegoo.U IIic.m U,.,
in. hi. s . laUir
all about lbs drllla and oilier
nkvs you
I ..li I. alt lot
nun mi linn..,- - --
Ti,.,.ai. ii,. e.i Jtuau
l. llllll. NIK! r.MH ... -
aud Ainnrlvau 1M.
n ., i..id jam
train raa.oa reii.oc.ou--.
al 6XIO li in
for furllior mini inallou,
1 . srtU I
Third and M.irrlwu m
To and from
Illinois Central
Solid Truius
. . . i.i.io
a. 1
r.iuiuirtt agent ' "
15. It. TKI'llll""'
lj Third 8t
Farmers Custom Mill
Prod Walton, Froprtotor.
Anronaaatidlns a
qillcSlf aararlain our td
lUVVIIII.lll ! l."o "".,'1
lloiiaai net It i-oiifldautlai.
ant rra. umaai aa""
l'i,,.iin Lakau lb
iwiui rwlkx. wllboul
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SclenfliK m
A baildi.imalT lln.ioa
. ulati.ui of alir ' 'i,,l,a,
year; four luwami fi
neaejllfi UO bsrrali . day.
fiou. -jiciiaiiKci lor wbaal
111 Swsl, Ubopjtad Vasal,
SW.. always
a ii irus MKWai
n ...a
u i ii a Liniau
" nail. Wosaly
VVoaaly iMSyaV.