East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 02, 1901, Image 3

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    ived by Express
m . . 4 AT m .4
Dinet from the factory; the very latest styles,
new shades of blue, pray and brown. Not
ehetp skirto bot th Dlt line ever shown in
i R aTl auew t 4 "s .r t
ver Dru:. m y uuuua vu,
tSDAV, MAY 2, HH)1.
.Mil IHkV
spi Seventh at Ball's Ranch
on Wild Hona.
Mav 1. Ir. Smith, of
reived h call trom the houie
on Mm Wild Horse, yea-
...I . I . . , ni irii Ul I'HHON O
1111 11 r-i"ii
It whh decided to Ml I in
i VMM-tn .Mini tr. Plaasoaaoa.
Ity, MMWtMd tli" summons.
UlIITll till' disease HIIIIIX1I.
,m Hugh Hell came to
two dottOfl were sent to the
..lll I'.. I I '.. ... u . ..ri iiVii.
ntf 1 1 1 hi . Til' lulest riiorl is
r.. an. In lit neVell CIISCM . Mr.
Inrui' family ami also BBS
llllllllliT of III IM I . It IH to lu
ll t nothing serious will roan It.
Allien i.oeali.
II. llawes mill lialiy re-
niiiliiv in irnitiu from a three
rin ' relatives at Muskogee
Wlii returnimr. the lialiv
1.. Ul III ... tAm I If..
n It i h mm' uettiiiK along 1
(I will soon have thorough I v
Arrival! at Hotel Pendlrton.
W II I )n id incur, Albany.
Win Maher. Portland.
C M Hmith, Portland.
A Bloch, Huffalo, N Y.
.1 M Moorlinad St Louis.
(' Mbott, Portland.
.1 T Lamhirth, city.
.1 H Beck with, city.
F Howden, San 1'ranc ism .
1. I' Hayliss, Omalia.
J A Cranston, Portland.
W J McConnell, ldalio.
W N D Mom, Walla Walla.
A i'n man. Portland.
Hurt Srthoonmaker, SMkani.
J II Kloeckner, Spokane.
C L Downs, Spokatm.
(i M Johnson, Spokane.
I II Clarke, city.
Sam I ., Spokane
W IM 'hinnherlain, city.
.1 .1 burns, Portland.
K W Jackson, Portlaml
I I l'll (Mtin'i W l - i ill nuiioii
Anil wnv riiMiMl In inirrliami
(or unntlior l-.tm-hull aunH
iitw tniitn will tit known ah
111 I Fl ...... . I
1 1 1 1 1 1 tin mi un. ''mi K.iiiipii
I ai a,U-
1 a. a J it a
nw MI V i l.L 111 M I lilt 1 II v
Barrttt, tin Athnna tmnlwaru
:i t iiii l i 1 1 1 1 1 v i m 1 1 1 1 r i 1 1 1 1 1 1 it i
IP it i iu ri i in iff ai I it it
tin- rtiv. ltd ten Hot Lag,
A. Mill,r Hptint Tuesday in
i : . , ,
murium to ook alter Inn nix-
Krklmrt, a contractor and
111 III,- ruv, Willi SCVer.t !!.. r
veil a slight paralytic stroke,
i-rilay lor Hut Lake, I nion
nTi I,' MM ruhiflll, lur m.i , -
Mr- 0 Q Drake were
11 Dazzles the World.
No iliHcoverv in medli itu' lian ever
Ortill 0M iiiarter of tl MltMDMl
that Iihh Ihmmi fatiHod Ity Mr. Kinu'x
Now Ihm'iivory (or (JoiiHiiiuption. It'
HvereHt teatH have lieen on bOfMlltM
victiniN of conauniption, pnntunonia,
liniiiorrliavro, plMrilJ imd bfOliebitl,
tliotiNiinds ol wliotn it liaH rontortul to
perfect Health. For cotiuhH, cold",
aatlitna, croup, hay lever, hoarHenuaa
ami whoopinu couch it in the quickest,
aureat cure in the world. It ii Hold by
Till I man .V Co., who cuaruntoe mu( inflic
tion or refund money. I.arce Ixittlew
,'iOc and l. Trial hottleH Inv,
Work on the Baieball Grounds.
) A force of men, teama, acraperH,
plowa, Kradera, etc., wua put to work
on llic tmriohall cfoiuuhi early thin
niorninc, and they will hi- put in ex
cellent aliaiMi for preliminary practice,
ho uh to lie in perfect condition for the
OMBlag cane'. The additional mH
will he ordered at once (ruin the Kaat,
ho that they will arrive in good time
(or line in the oiieniuc cume. Manacer
Kader ia alive to the reMiiiiHiliilitiea
of hia piaiition and i( Paadlttoa leV'l
represented by a good team it won't
be hia tault
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
With local appllcatlono, as tltvy cannot resell
tin' seal of die disease. Catarrh Is a liluod or
i looatltuliounl dineasc, ami In order lo cure It
you must take Internal reinudles. Hall's ('a
larrb Cure Is taken lulerually and acli directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces Hall's 0a
tarrli Cure Is not a uuack edlulne. li was ure
m rllied by one of the best pbysiciaus In this
country lor years, aud Isa regular iirew rliHioii
It m lOiiiuoM'il ol llic Im'-i ioiiicii tiioxli, cum
blued wltb the beet blood purltters, aclluK
illret'tly on ibe mucous nurfaces. The perfoi't
com must ion of tbe two lugredleuts Is what
produces -in n- wouderful results lu curluc ua
tarrb. tteud for testimouiaU. free.
V. J. CUKNKY A 00.. Hrops., Toledo, O.
Hold by druaiilsu, prlue 7&u.
Hall's Faiull) I'llls are the best.
1 1 at
11 t mum :.(.t titnr . i,., L
f)L! It ll'llllf tt IW11I U'lll.M lie
... .
t - 1 1 1 1 Tn ..,.' ii.. -. : .
uir. iiBnnno
HI V7IL i:d
111 Tl rv N
i m wp
6,cr ana uptician..,
imr i.. i i . . .. l . a a tat
- MHPIW t-X Ill'iUtr B I
i fci. aphonic main l
B. Martin Leads.
K. Martin ia entitled to be culled
the leader in the grocery trade on ac
count of hia long experience in the
liiiNiiieHM. Then an he buys iu car lota
for cash he gets a trade aud caHh dia
louiiu which give him hie goods a
little cheaper tnan other MloruH. Mar
tin gives tins aaving in his buyiug
price to his customi rs. If you want a
Big bill of grocerieH M prices ut other
stores and then Martin can bent their
Ha! Hal! Ill
What is the matter Mm. Smith'.'
Oh, nothing, only 1 don't have to hake
any more, I can get 40 loaves of bread
(or fl cash, from the wacon or at N.
Laraeu, the Standard Bakery, in
l.uuih's old place, near the public
It Will Do Vou Good.
A blood purifier aud tissue builder is
Karl's Clover Koot Tea. Sold for half
a century on our guarantee. Money
refunded if results are not satisfactory.
Price 26 eta. and 50 cU. Tallmau A
For Sale at a Bargain.
107 acres of timber laud, one mile
from Kamela Station, at un exception
ally low ticore. For particulars ad
dress K. B. Clark, Fort Steveus, Ore
gon. An extensive uihilist plot wu dia
covered in'Kussian Polund.
Mr in .
Wood and
. am a tt rm mum ms a m
j iikiiirvv
Woman t Work
U trytus on the eyes. If there U any strain Nl
wlieu sewliiK you sbuuld tuoialt to a tesi and
socurea pair of 1.1.AH.SKM which will reilore the
sllit lo uoiuutl ooudltloii. tillioi wise total or
IMrtutl bllndueat way reault. Havlug a buge
stock of
Fyeglasaes aud Spectacles,
we can lit all ordinary eases la a few iniinites
aud at small cost. Where there are coiniiUut
Uous we nutke to utuer.
Hlau Ula stye. Court St., Feudietou, or.
wool quotations Are Nominal at 7 to
10 1-2. With Few Sale or
Pendleton, Mav 2. Notwlthstand
ing the falling off in the price of
wheat in the Chic.arrn and Nak York
rnarkeU an compared with Saturday.
rtpru in, wneai noniH Uh own remark
ably well in Pendleton and throughout
Umatilla rnuntv. Ksnnrtorn lnv mt
their pricen 2K,r per bnahel, from 50 to
ti,H oeniH, nut tne local mum have
made no Hlich laron rmlnrtinn. Th
HH M'H IIHH Wit, I, live i, .i.ii milt A
farmer with w lient nt nntoidn
finiiHeH can get from 4l to 50 cents per
I . . .1 1 ... I f... !. . .1 : i. .. ..ill
. ' i r-1 1 1 iui it, Mini, ii lie win ueiiver
11 In H 1 1 M'H mi . lie can irnt from A 1
to 52 CentR for it. lieortre Msrnhsrt
sold 9001) biiHhelH early thin week to
W. S. livers for 50 cents tr Imahnl
It in at Saxe and Havana Htations on
the O. K. V N.
Raise In Charters.
The iirincipal reason for the
difference between the prices offered
ny local mi Hern and hy exporters if
ttiat ciiartern have mlvanceil at I'ort-
and to the extent of makinc a
difference of about one and one-half
centn per bushel. The exporter, of
course, looks at it that a raise in
charters means that decrease in the
once of wheat, for he figures on the
Liverpool tntirket. The miller, on the
eontrnry, wants wheat at his mill to
grind into Hour for which the market
if esiani iHtieil, consequent ly the charter
rate dues not aired linn so quickly.
Pendleton Wool Market.
Pendleton, May 2. The first o( the
season's clip of wool is commencing
to come in, and within 10 davs the
local warehouses will he III line
rapidlv. Very little wool is heins
contracted, the owners helievinc in
belter prices and the buyers not beinc
able 0 quote prices to bring about
sales. Wool is about three cents per
pound lesH than it was one year ago.
Prices quoted are nominal, 7 to 10U
cunts tier pound being the figures. The
uverage clip o( wool in Uamtilla
OOUnty is quoted at !' to '.l'- cents. The
hicher prices above quoted are fur
wool of particular excellence, while
the , -cent crade is that which con
tains more than the usual quaiiittv of
dirt, grease, liurs, etc.
Loeal Produce Market.
Pendleton dealers are pavinc the fol-
lowinc prices for ranch and farm pro
duce :
Mutter, 40 to 50c er roll.
Kegs ll'V' per dor..
Potatoes "5c per sack.
Turkeys Alive, 12'c per pound,
iieese 112 per dozen.
Ducks 14.50 ier dozen.
Obiokani-18.00 to 4N per (loM,
New cabbage, sluiiped in from Port
land, sells at 45 cents per pound.
.New p ilatues are selling at 5 cents
per pound.
Portland Whest OfT a Little.
Portland, Mav 2 The wheat mar
ket struck another suit snot yesterday,
and fell away quite materially at the
upon i nir. but recovered some of tbe lust
strength in the Dust before the close.
California received another soaking
rain, un I there wits more weakness in
ttiat quarter than elsewhere. In the
local market, there was more of a svm
pattiotic feeling with other markets,
and us buyers bad taken on about all
the high-priced wheat they wanted
last week, most .ul them shortened up
their limits to otic aud 59'c for Walla
Walla. There is nothing offering at
tin prices, however, utld the business
is at u stun Mill (or the present.
HblpffMBll fur April were the largest
on recti m I lor a corresponding mouth,
mid there ia conmderaDle wheat still
held on spot.
available brain Supply.
New York, Mav '.'.--Special cable
and telegraphic communications to
Uradstreet s show the following
changes in available supplies, as com
pared with the last account: Wheat,
United States aud Canada, east of
KiM'kv mountain", decrease, L'.i04,O(s,i
bushels: altoat and in Europe, decrease,
7 01 1, OIK) bushels, total supply wheat,
decrease, II, ;104, 000 bushel. Corn,
United states aud Canada, east ol
Rock i' Mountains, decrease, l,rMi2,000
bushel Oats, I'nited States and
Canada, east of Kocky mountains, in
crease, 1,137,000 bushels.
The combined stock of wheat at
Portland, Or ; Tac'itna and Seattle,
Wash., increased 103,000 bushels last
Eastern Llvesloek.
( Imago, May 2. Cattle Receipts,
18,000. (ieneraliy steady; good to
prime steers, ii IM) to $6.00; poor to
Baadium, $3.90 to 4.86; Blockers and
luuilura t!t 7.', Ill tl ISI- Kiiita ttt lift t
$4.50; heifers. $2.70 to $4.76; canners,
$2 lo 9.60; bulls, $2.75 Vo $4.40;
calves, $1 to $5.50; Texas-fed steers,
14 '-'.' to $. 40; grassers, $3.50 to $4;
bulls, $2.75 to $3.85.
Hosts Receipts todav, 30,000; tomor
row, 25,000; leftover, 2360. Market
easier; top, $5.85; mixed and butch,
era', $6.66 to $5.821 ; good to choice,
heavy, $.H6 to $5.85; rough and
heavy, 6J0 to $5.00; light, $5.60 to
$5.77S, ; bulk of salej, $6.70 to $5.0.
Sheep Receipt, 17,000. Sheep,
alow; lambs, weak; good to choice
wethers, $4.25 to $4.05; fair to choice
mixed, $4.20 to $4.40; Western sheep,
M.tf to $4 tiO; yearlings, $4.36 to
$4.ti5; native lambs, $4.50 to $5 ,16,
The. Wool Market.
Hostou, May 2.- The deiuatid for
wool bere is quiet, but the toue ol tbe
values is steady, and buvers neediug
supplies are paving about loruier rates.
Dealers claim that the outlook is verv
favorable, although any material ad
vance at the present time is not looked
for. Territory wools continue to head
the list of sales with prices about the
Territory wool quotations: Scoured
basis Moiitaua fine medium and fine,
14 to 15c; scoured, 42 to 43c; staple.
45 to 4ic ; Utah, Wyoming and Idaho
hue medium and hue, 12 to 14c;
ni mr)d, 40 to 42c; staple, 44 to 4uc;
Australian, scoured basis Spot prices,
combing, auperflna, M to 70c; fine, 00
to i'4c; average, tKJ lo 03c.
London, May 2. The third series of
the wool auction sales opened today.
A good repreentative assortment,
amounting to 12,074 bales, was offered.
The deniaud was chiefly Irom tbe home
trade, hut tairly good bidding by
French buyers caused keen competi
tion. Prices were generally firm, and
at i linos showed slight advances, some
fine merinos being 6 per cenl dearer,
flood Queensland was active aud de
mand good. Fine orussbreds were
steady, but common and coarse grades
were 6 per cent lower. Cape of Good
It. in.' aud Natal were iu good reuuuet
at good prices.
bt. Louis, May 2. -Wool -Quiet aud
mny ; territory and Western medium,
14 to 16c; fine, 11 to 16c; coarse, 11 to
eta s m - - -
They Will Give a Banquet and Charter
a Bpaeiai Train.
An enhasiastic meeting of William
Martin encampment, No. 1, Pioneers
of the Pacific, was held Wednesday
evening:, May 1, at which 14 new mem
bers were initiated, making a total of
147 at the last four meetings. Cap
tains Kennedy and Morehead recom
mended that instead of the losing side
getting op a banquet for the winner
that all join and give a banquet and
hold a social session together. The
proposition was received with great
favor, and Wednesday evening, May
ft, was selected as tfie date. As the
banquet hall adjoining the encamp
ment room in La Dow block is too
small to accommodate the 250 members
who will be i resent, the ballroom will
le utilized as a banquet hall for the
spreading of the festal board.
Excursion lo Gibbon.
A picnic or onting to Oibbon will be
the feature of the Pioneers on Sunday,
June 9. A special train will he run
and a low round trip rate will lie
made. The train will leave Pendleton
at about 8 o'clock in the morning and
will get back in the evening at about 7
'clock. As a means of amusement for
those who will go on this excursion a
number of plans will be made. Home
will fish, hunt or engage in romping
over the mountains; some will prob
alby go across to Bingham spring,
pieakl tables will be set, and a great
dav is looked forward to with con
fidence. Strikes a Rteti Find.
"I was troubled for several years
with chronic indigestion and nervous
debility," writes K. J. (Ireen, of Lan
caster, N. H., "No remedy helped me
until i liegan lining Klectric Hitters,
which did me more good than all the
medicines I ever used. They have e4o
kept my wife in excellent health for
years. She says Klectric Bitters are
just splendid for female troubles; that
they are a grand tonic and invigorator
for weak, run down women. No other
medicine can take its place in our
family." Try them. Only 50c. Satis
faction guaranteed by Tallaran A Co.
Butter Creek Cattlemen Get is a Hun
dred for tattle.
- Roliert Stanfield, one of the leading
cattlemen of Umatilla county, living
on Butter creek near Kcho, is in town.
Mr. Stanfield came up to attend to
some banking business and to make
some purchases, and he incidental I v
sold 100 head of cattle, receiving 5
cents a pound as they stood on the
hoof, or $5 for every one hundred
Mr. Stanfield was asked if the cattle
business at $5 a hundred pounds on
the hoof yielded a profit to the grower.
He said :
"At the price I would not go out of
the cattle business until I desired to go
out of all business and retire. There's
good profit in cattle at $5 a hundred '
Muring tbe last twelve mouths Mr.
Stanfield has sold 1000 head of beef
cattle from his Mutter creek ranches.
When asked about how cattle in bis
opinion were going as to prices, he
aid :
"I wouldn't have been so verv will
lag to turn off 1000 bead of cattle dur
ing the past few months had I thought
the values would bold up a they are
now. I am of the opinion that heel
on the hoof will drop before long."
W illiam Kahh, of hch , was another
cattleman who was in town. He sold
50 head at prices the same us Mr.
Look at Your Faee,
And see if it is reflecting health or
disease Karl 's (Miner RiMt Tea
tK'aiitities tbe face and comnlexion. and
assures perfect health All druggiHts
25 cents and 60 cents Money refunded
if results are not satisfactory, lallinaii
A Co.
Information Wanted at Spokane Con
cerning Ed Haney.
Any person knowing of the where
about of hd Haney will confer a favor
by communicating with Mrs. Alice
Hughes, O 1129 Ham i tun street, Hpo-
kaue. lid Huney wrote to his mother
at Spokane on April 1 In. in Peudleton,
using tbe stationery of bwearingen
Brothers, since which time nothing
has been hard of bin). He wore a
gray suit and a brown fedora hat. He
is 17 years old. If the vouuu man
sees tbis notice, or if anyone knows
where he is, a communication should
be sent at once to Spokane. The letter
from Mrs. Hughes states that his
mother is almost craved with worry
over the absence of her son.
e e e
A Good Thing.
Our great -grain 1 mothers' garrets
contained the same herbs of all heal
ing found in Karl's Clover Root Tea.
They gave our ancestors strength, kept
the blood pure, aud will do the same
for you if you aay no. Price 25 eta
and 60 eta. Tallmau 4 Co. , leading
a j
Vice-President Uxeevelt spoke in
Boston before the 1 1, now Market clob.
Sore Lungs
mean weakened lungs all
caused by a cold and cough
Weak lungs sooner or latei
mean consumption,
will heal and atrengtheo the
lungs, cure cold and stop the
"I coasaad tm ae had baatorrhasm
Duuoit iie I was la Usi stag of tuuauatfs
tkui. Mad siraa as ell aoes I easily triad
Saiuae aud ic cetasf aw ctawsaeMS. aai
Mdty la iwrlact aaallS. "
Itsuaiwi (tl
SaultiACa tmilsMtdja SJura at ald bjr ttil
tnusaleta .1 ). 4. Ion a bottle. S
rrluted yutrtnltt Jfes wtut , uotu
f 7 on ti. avot tl safes, s" fSMss vrajsjpU
and gat juhi .4-... bssei.
BT . i . I. tiluAi.aiaa Lou aa iniiaaaiatlaa heal
vuhoei tott H yaw. S C Wstls Ce., tavsugr, M.S.
Tor avU by Talliuttn at i ... . drutterbtta
. - ,i j , . .
For Rig5
To go Fishing
or fur a cab to make a call
telephone Main 7U.
acaaio. Depot Stable.
Rapid Proe-ress of the Order Slnee It
Seceded From the Parent
Mrs. C. C. VanOrsdall, grand guar
dian of the Women of Woodcraft, and
Miss Bell Bishop, her private secre
tary, returned Itmn Caifornia Saturday
evening, after an absence of 46 days,
spent in otVieial visiting in that state.
Mrs. VanOrsdall said:
"1 was practically all over the state,
from the north line to San Piego near
the southern line. I held 4.'1 meetings,
of which 86 were public meetings. A
Urge number 01 ftppliOStlOBI were
taken and Woodcraft is Ixxmiing in
the state. The membership is enthu
siastic and believe, with some con
siderable basis of fact, that tbe Wo
men of Woodcraft is one of the best
orders on earth.
"How do I like California? That's
an old question. I have already an
swered it 6000 times, more or less.
California is all right -finest (lowers,
finest climate, finest fruit, and the
titles! people you could find. Bttt
I ' Hint 1 1 lit county suits mo, too, and I
have come home with my old opinion
strengthened that ours Is a pretty ex
cellent county and town to tie to.
Good Opportunities Here.
The man of small means has a better
show here than anwyhere I have been
in the nine Pacific states if he has!
the requisite energy, industry aud
business push. If 1 had $15,000 or $20,-
(KM) to invest, which I haven't, I would
rather put it into a Umatilla county
wheat ranch than an orange ranch or
an oil well, or anything else I have
run across.
"We haven't California's climate,
it is true. Rut our climate is all right.
At least that is mv nninion. And the
railroad corporations haven't got us hy I
the throat as they have the fair slate of I
California. This last is the only real
evil in the state, but it isa gigantic
one, and spells much to the industries I
and to the fruit growers there.
Progress of the Order.
"What of the Women of Woodcraft
in general? Well, we are growing.
In March the grand clerk issued 'Jo.i'.
certificated to new members. We
celehrtited our fourth anniversary on
April 1, I 'in I, you know, and have
started on our tilth vear. On March
81, 1901, we had 22.72H members in
good standing; and Ml local circle.
We had paid to that date, $1N ;,
166 in death benefits, and had a cash
balance, or surplus in our benefit fund,
in the bank, ol 146,865.90. that's a
pretty fair showing for a four-year-old,
and especially an order managed
and controlled by women. I don't
know of any similar order in the nine
Pacific states w hich has done so well in
the same length of time. We hope to
touch Hie 40, 000 Hue in memtiersiiip
by August, 1902.
"1 start Hast next week, to visit,
officially, the session of the Supreme
Forest. WiMsltnen Circle, the order
from which we seceded in lx7. We
are affiliated, fraternally and ritualis
tically, having won our fight for la
dependent existence, financial and
ot herw ise.
More Than the Old Order.
The Women of Woodcraft has now
about hum more members than the old
order, and has proved every contention
advanced by the seven delegate who,
four years ago, walked out of the Sti -pr.
nie PoCtSt, and organized the Wo
men of Woodcraft."
Friday, May 3, 1901.
500 Yards Summer Dresa Qoods
Lawns. Dimitiss sad OisnaaMnst and In innRtbs from 10 to jo
yards, were Be, 101 . ia4c 15c 20c and 25c per yard. The kind that
were from He to 15c, will ro for
4 Cents Per Yard.
The kind that were 15c and OC will go tOl
8 Cents Per Yard
They'll not last long. Those who come earliest ffml best selection.
?1 Pieces HI ack Dress Qoodti Wc, 40c, 50c and 751 per yard
was the price, we offer them at just half price
B0 Pall Wotnttt'M tovtsOddi ad ends, boric heels, ionw
spring heels, sizes 2x2 to 7. See our BARGAIN COUNTBR in
Mother's Friend Hoys' Waists, Discount of 2R per cent.
At the earnest solicitation of a Dttttlbet ol ladies who wen- not
ready to take advantage ol our last week's discount Ar on WO
Mi N'S 1 ULOR MADE SUITS we will Continue one week longer
to sell them at a Discount ol 1ft per cent.
Just 8s SHIRT WAISTS of Gingham, Lawn and Percale, soma
plain, others trimmed, were oSc to $ 1.00 each, to 1 lose out .it 2ftc, 5(C
and "ft:-
Wrappers Sizes to 46. 11 vou sci tin 111 you'll buy nowhere
The Peoples Warehouse.
Shoe Store
71h Main street.
Iry Goods iHipiirlment
71S Main Street
( 'lothlni I iHpsrtmcnt
720 Main Street.
asormon Blehope' Pllle tc I, n m i.. mn ytut I , n.e l..,lr-. ..1 n,.- lil, mo
Cfcimh tn. I then 1,1, ,wi. l'iiu(Ty mm the wirt catrt In nld tml , i,ij f,..n u-.
hi . -o ai ' .iiiii. i. n.rtvi, cr citf.ri n. ni . Cur Lost Mitnhi.
lod. tm
93 potjnr, Lost Power, Ntaht-Uoeses, Opsrmntorrhowa Insomnia, pains
9 In Hac:i, Bvll Poelrefc. San Inal iiftleelone. Lame Barn, Nenrotis Oa
fj blllty. Handache.Unfllnees i . Mnirr, t.ot or ssajMSj SamSn, Verlcoosia,
" AJrJirxis;'vAu,n'' 0 6" flu w
vrvy fuiitiion lir Kt tlrt(-i.T nt, ft turo ( at tvind, iMjTTH Kreloces amall, ind-teles 1
id Itpa that laraiti and hrrv i snlcr. ls I Un at f l m bv Ii ill eBBMaaBBB' A tllti-n uh n tni r lun.re
urvans Si i
en saiway rr luuJcOa tta Usaea. CUxulars Iroew Atftrmt BlthOP Rmedy Wu., tan ffur.tiiuo, 0l
WH mt iv MV T f.l.M .V f'- MH'NlHimrH. i t i . illarms
601 Main Street, Pendleton, Oregon
Hotel Pendleton
Under New nanigtn.t nt
aV ,MMBwi ' ' A
5' i aaaW
Strlctl) First-Class J ML LZjLmlx Give Ui d Trial.
iLuu uj
Kxcelienl Cuisine.
Every Modern
projierly applied, with the proper ap
pliance' at the pro.er time, arouses the
sluggish blotsl and sends it coursing
through the arteries and veins like a
siiarkliug, leaping brook. This removes
clogged ami MisonoUI IBS tiff from the
system. Can you afford to go crawl
lag around, dragging out a miserable
state of feeling when such a remedy a
is within your reach'' Write lor mv
free booklets, whicii explains fully all
you may wish to knots .
Dept. A. kusaal Block,
Rates $2 00 a day
Special Rates by
Week or month
Bar and Billiard Rooms. iloadQuarters for Traveling Men
The Best Hotel In Ksstern Oregon.
Van Oran Bros.. Props. Successors to J. I Moore
..French Restaurant..
mm f aaaMIl 11 f 1 1 1 1
OPKN DAY A Nil N10UT . . .
Just Received a nice lot of trog'a lega
(lua luiFontalDC, Proprietor.
awiisler buildiua, Malusi . Pendleton. Oreaoa
We are all Ready
to start decorating fOUI walls and
i -1 1 1 1 . K with the most eh-autly
dt-Mned wall i.itti tti i n t de
vised as soon as you are through
with your Spring, housutleaning;
before, if you prefer to have us
out of the way prior tu Starting lo
clean bouse. Patterns un view
Ioiik ago -don't miss the exhibit.
Jesse Failing.
Main street near bridge.
A sure remedy lor lice aud in ilea.
International I'onltry food keeps the bens healthy, mica grit aide digestion,
11.. in. meal gives strength lo young chicks.
A clean, iuoffensive hut nutritious fertiliser for your lawns.
C. P. ColeSWOrthy Pou,try and BM Supply Depot
The new store . n never
t.....,.,.,.h .ra,... known unless It advertises
wliecl In lit. spuria is uo iuor vuiuu.ia.in.
about 1IW1
luan un- laVOef BVSS1 and woiouu woo i lde for
Ilk A 1. 1 If AND t'l-fcASI Ufc
ou tmiwtli ruuiiing wlieuU of urovcu wortb,
fur 1 1 .ii.no i aud safety's sake.
Staudurd Kaiablurs cost
Laoiue or (ieut's UoaJster f io.uu
IjTiIo or (ients l.iuht Roadster. 40(SJ
Gents ltt pound Racer 60.00
Indies or (ients Chain lues SrlO 00
Ideals 120, S22, 26
Ageul ItsBaillla OtHiul,
Pcudloluu, OfvguU
expect people to know what
you have to sell If you don't
ssasssK aWsiJaBBB)
dtio. UAKVBAtl, Rrap
EleunUy Furolioed Statin Heated
Huropaaa Htsa
Btuck aad half Iroaa depot.
Sample Rooaa In eounectioa
Room Rate 10c, 7ac, 11.00
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.