East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 02, 1901, Image 1

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Fair tnnlnht ihJ tr.-
Ve to Mil. Tell your
i.,.rvlnilinple way snd
njjki I probably frwurl.U, morn 1
VOL. 14.
NO. 4114
1 hat )r(ti' stock for
vim tn select from. I make
ii specialty "f wholesale
orders. I BftJ tll Highest
prlflM for country pfodMM
iiihI chi'-kens.
G. R. Demott.
The Boston
WP HAVP IT TDAIfiHT The weather
Why are we the best sellers of Clothing in Pendleton?
Because we are the best Buyers.
1 2 clothes pins, 11
Writes Always the Lowest.
NdfJ line flower pots 5c to 24c.
Fancy crept papers, all colors,
'oc a roll,
'i.trdcn Seeds, fresh and troud.
per package ac.
Mei Ung silver novelties, 15c to
4yc, worth 25 per cent more.
white graniteware from
Dulls, fancy goods, useful pres
ents. TolUt Soap Valuea
1 cistilesoap 3c bar; oat
""ill, honey, pure tar, Turkish
Mth, popular soap 5c, six for 25c
redericK No
redericK No
Dress Goods
for Spring
The Mack gown has
the approval of the
fasliionable world,
is genteel, dignified
and suited to every
A New
( 'hoice Collection
Satin or dull finish.
IMain or fancy weaves.
Light or heavy weight
is here to claim the
feminine attention. '
bay your new
When you huv vo ur clothes of us vou get the Deft
BLACK SUITS of el I kinds; we will ehow them free,
BUSINESS SUITS; a lot on exhibition, money beck
if not the hest.
Boston Store $2.50 Shoes
For Men and Women. Hi re s the lest Si. 50 shoe to be
had. Knocks 'cm all out.
Try Douglas Shoes, $3 00. $3.50 and $5.00.
Bossot Black Dress Goods
For fine black dresses, 50c tu $4 a yard, guaranteed black
and price. The largest assortment to select from.
Hats-Knox, Stetson,
50c to $6.00. None better.
In the spring time the yo ung man's fancy lightly turns
to thoughts of underwear.
111 1 1 iiii linn i0iiw
I k 1 till 1 I'
1 '"Maim 1 1 1
To make good bread use rivers' Beat Klour. It took Brat
premium at the Chicago World's Fair overall competi
tion, aud give excellent satisfaction wherever uaed.
Kvery sack la guaranteed. ftV have the bent .strain
Kolled Bailey, Sued Kye aud Beardless Barley.
W. S. BYIRS, Proprietor.
1 have a full line of cotton and
rubber hoso direct from tlio
factory; also have ball bearing
lawn mowers, gnas catchers,
vard sprinklers at prices to suit
all. Examine my stock before
T. C. TAYLOR, the
Foulard Silk
for Summer
Our silk de partment
is creating unmatch
ad miration for the
foulards we show.
All the new designs
and coloring are here
Satins, Liberties,
Indias, Twills
You'll not find their
equal in Pendleton.
75c to $1.00
per yard.
& Hexter.
will be good and youeu
spring suit.
Another Move in China.
here be chronicled in connec
with our latest invoices of ilav
land; a move which will interest
housekeeper, wife and husband alikt
ause the ware itself is of exquisitt
beauty, the price so reasonable that
one need frown over the bill
These few items give only a hint of
many here.
Hardware Man.
A fl.W.OOO fir occurred at San Juan
dock, Poto Rico.
The German expedition that pro
ceeded against rioter in China, i re
tiring. It in alleged that the DntOB 1'aeiflc
ha been acquired by the Vanderbilt
inte rents.
n Tuesday, between 30,(100 and 40.
000 homeaeekera left Chicago for Pacific
coast point.
Captain McDonald, Third cavalry,
was wounded in an engagement in
A I hay province.
China apologized to M. Franco 1 s ,
French consul, for insults an. I rifling
by Chinese troops.
The Manila transport Meet ha left
for China to take General Chaffee'
army to the Philippines.
Hawaiian authorities are fumigating
the mails from the United States, for
protection from smallpox.
An order has Seen issued by the
courts that may prevent the consolida
tion of the Rio Grande roads.
D, O. Mills, a railroad magnate,
and party were wrecked in a railway
accident at Yuba pass, California.
The St. Louis grand jury found 17
indictments against democrats for
alleged frauds in the recent ritv elec
tion. A church cupola fell at Klis.ura.
Albana, killing 15 persons, supposed
to have been the work of Bulgarian
.lake (iauilaur has accented the offer
of Oeo. Towne, of Kngland, for a J
mile and tarn sculling race, ISO pounds
a aide, championship of the world, at
Rat I'ortage, Ontario, in August.
Kx-Senator Thurston and W. J.
Bryan, of Nebraska, Gov. Havre, of
Texas, aud John Henry Smith, of
Utah, will attend the trans-Mississippi
Commniereial congress in Cripple
Creek, Colo., in June.
The census bureau announces that
the center of population, excluding
Alaska and recent territorial acquisi
tions, on June 1 last was at a iMiint 6
miles southeast from Columbus,
Bartholomew county, in Southern In
Oil and gas lands are being lioiided
near Colfax.
A number of recruits are arriving at
Vancouver barracks for army service.
Ashland claims more extensive
building than in any year for several
Kx-(iovernor Moody was injured at
Salem by being thrown trom a car
riage. Wasco county paid its taxes in full,
general, fit .MO.U.f, acalp bounty,
18 129. 8a,
Colfax buyers have been offering 75
cents for barley, the highest price lor
years past.
Ilenrv Wiggins, a ('hemiiwu Indian
who was vaccinate J ten davs ago, died
from the -
Tacoma city employes were beaten
in a suit ilrmaiiiling an H-hour ilav,
aixl pay for overtime.
A. A. Atkinson, of Forest tirove, hat
lieen awarded the fellowship in biology
at the University of Oregon at Kugene.
Kmil Johnson, who attempted
suicide at Astoria, has been turned over
to the sheriff. He may go to the asv
The will of the late Chas. Brown,
president of the Vancouver First
National hank, gives all his property
to his wife.
Wallowa couutv citiiens have again
iietiliuned the government to keep In
dians of (tie reservations from tsilher-
ing them during the summer.
Mrs. Roth, delirious from measles,
tried to kill herself near Colfax. She
cut her throat with a razor and jumped
into a well. She was rescued and will
probably 1
The Northern I'uciuc company has
settled with Clark OfWintj .IfftRhlnftflRI
paving 70 ter cent of 2li,UUU taxes due,
without the penalty and interest due
from del inUency
Sumpter is endeavoring to secure the
plant ot the Oregon l.umlier t;o., which
inav be moved from Baker City on ac-
i .mi! ol higher taxes to be exacted
under the bond sale authorized by the
recent election.
How many mother realize that when
the Uibv's advent i i,, thev turd
'.reugth lor two instead of onr. Wom
eu, weak, nervous, "jiikt able to drag
around," lad tie u. selves confronted
with coming maternity Thry have
not stiriigth enough for themselves, how
can they have strength to give a child f
We don't look for the birth of strong
ideas troin a weak mind. Why should
wt- RtjMOt tin birth ol strong children
bum weak mothers I
'The wa tu ensure health and strength
to mother .iiid cinld
is to use Or. IVi. e's
Favorite ft RRt lllRTlaH
as a preparative lor
motherhood . It
brings the mother's
.strength up to the
requirements of iut
ure. so that she has
Strength lo give her
child. It noun die
the nerves anil so
quiets them. It en
courages a natural
appetite and in . M
refreshing sli t-p.
" Favorite l'resci ip
tion " makes WRRe
women strong and
aick women v. ell
There is no alcohol
iu ''Favorite Pr
ttriptiun" and it is
Iree fioiu opium, co
caine aud all other narcotics
1 w.aU to let you I. now ll:r great bi nelii oiy
vile dcilvcd throuu lasiug ytair h..,ritc
tT.scriiKiou '" writes Air gobirt li i . c l
Hi .,1. .1, .ii SJauUiba. s tjA "II was ulicn
her baby cawr v. bad neard so im.,. ol
out luciK'inr tit ' i y wife lUrctdt-d to try II
1 utay say lilt will Hjtr was 11. it, llim
ami tbls whh list first cliiUj. ahe cointiu-ticed
to take 'Favorite ft terioiiou 6v mioiiiIis be
fort- hrr child was tiorii Wt Iu., tir.i li.wlllty
atrl. aud wt lrlievr lltal tbts was in., in , owiay
to the 1 Favuritt- 1'icwrtutiou.' lakru tttbiully
accurtliug to cliicetious Wr sliall orriautly rec
oiuuti ud it wlioi vrr wc cau "
In Fierce s Couiuiou Sense Medical
Adviser, paper covers, is sent cc on
receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay
expense of mailing uitly. Audresa Lr.
K V Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Was Pushed Up to 55
lo New York Giant Financiers Battled
Control, and Sent Up Atchison
Union Pacific Was High.
Chicago, May 2. -It was the wildest
scene of the vcar, in the corn pit this
morning, when Corn King Phillip
continued to mercilessly squeeze the
shorts anil sent the prue of May com
up to VS cents a bushel The short
have at last come to n realisation of
the fact that Phillip controls all the
contract corn in the country, ami
when the Moan I of I rade opened to
day, they made frantic effort to buy
at .'hi ami 51. When they saw that MM
was to lie had at those figures, the ex
citement became intense, ind, after
the wildest sort of bidding, the prii
advanced to M. A few sales at this
notch held th- taarket steady for
short while, but another livelv tie
mainl st-nt il nil to 55.
Batll ot ths Giants Watsd to Control
ths Roads.
New York, May I, The sensational
feature m toiiav stock market was
Atchison common stock. It closed
last night st 7)1 l-H. I arly this after
DOOa, it reached BX, an advance of
11 5-8. By 140 o'clock, half a mil
lion shares had been dealt in, the
activity heim: bated on reports that
the Mchison, Topeka and Santa Ft
hal been acquired by the Pennsyl
vania, which report can not Ire con
tinned. At " o'clock this aftcrii.sin
Union Pacific was ami KMI.imsi
shares had changed hands in a des
perale light between the great nimHed
interests to gam control.
Kussell s-age again was pessimistic
this afternoon, saying that a break
will come like a thief in the night and
that the general smash will not take
ix hours time Udore some big bourn
fails Senator ilanna said: "Uncle
Russell is off the path. t here will lie
no Black Friday. We've turned over
a new leaf. We cannot measure the
present hy the past.
Markets In Stoeks Irregular. Osrlnc to
London Declines.
New York, May 2. The tsars hail
a brief inning on the Stock Kxchangi
ttiis morning, and the market was
tremely irregular. Lower prices from
l.otitlon iiilliiencetl the irregularity
some .He I, if I I o Clix K StOCI WaJ
Itihtiing around like jumping jacks
The scenes around the Miats of the
active stocks were even more exuting
man miring the heaviest tiays ol tin
past week. Union Pacific touched Sf,
hilt soon fell off to IfTKa
Tlie dealing- in Uniou Pacific com-
lie n stock in the lirst hour ami a half
exceeded .' 'SSI shares. AtlKMUitfie
price was I'.'u.
hpseulstors Buying Jswsli.
ew lork, May Z. I he Ismiiii in
Wall street is reiiectod each evening in
the hum liens ilolie it the taleslll Up
town hotels The bar receipts are run
niug uii into the thousands each day
The jewelers also are doing a big busi
ness, many of the speculators investing
a goisl portion of their winnings in
presents for their wives ami sweet
hearts Many women are joining in
the gambling. About all of them are
on the right sub- of the market and
are making money.
Total to Dais lor Fiscal Year. .,,i,,;uu,
ooo so Per Cant.
New York, May I.-The (Standard
(Jit company will declare on Tueaday
tiext a dividend of 20 pel cent on its
capital stock of f nsi.tusi mm which for
the lineal year, witli hitherto declared
dividends1, will make a total of $00,
000,000 off.', per tent.
Kurgan Slsamsr fleet Purchase and tha
Subsidy Rill.
Niw York, May 2. Whether the
purchase of the Ley land fleet by J.
Pierpunt Morgan w ill help or hurt the
ship subsidy cause is a question that
is bothering the shipowners. Homo ol
them colileud that the purchase will
be helpful, because it will stimluate
American pride iu the ocean carrying
business, and will create a demand for
mitre ships.
Men who fought the subsidy bill
last winter contend thai the Moigan
purchase of the fleet is an argument
on their side It shows, they say, that
the American merchant marine will
grow without the subsidy, even if the
subsidy paid it will be absorbed by a
few truete.
Helena Smeller Close.
Helen. May 2. The immense plant
of the American fStueltiug company is
closed, the strikiog suieUers refusing
the ten per cent reduction
Ad Astress CrKlsally 111.
Mew York, May 2. Ktta Bulter.
mimic, who has been appearing; iu
"The Prima Doiiua" here, is critically
ill with periteuitis Miss Butler is a
California girl.
Opsnsd Uiaagow Ksposlllen.
Olaagow, May 2. The Duke and
Uuchees of Fife formally opeued the
Ulaagow exposition today
Reported by I. L. Ray Co.. Pendleton.
Chicago Board of Trad and New York
Stock Rxehansje Broksrs.
New York, May 2. The wheat mar
ket whs very strong today ami closml at
the lop,
l.iverpot.l opened 5-10 7-8, and
Blond fl-lUa. New York nitened
7!i l-H, ami soltt up to Hi), BlOtilU
79 7-N. The corn market was excited
llllil higher under the Infill II OR of
the Phillip- ileal.
Stock steady
Money. tier cent.
Close yeaterdany, 7t'4.
OpOH today, 70 1-8.
Range today, 7t 1-8 to 80.
Close tislny, 70 7-8.
July corn, 72 l-H.
Sugar, IH'V tobacco, H steel,
5,'t l-H; St. Paul, 175; C. H. V . ,
18'4 ; Northern Pacific. 114; Krie,
40 7-8.
Wheat In San Pranslseo.
San Francisco, May 2. Mav wheat
Wheat in Chisago.
Chicago, May 2. July wheat, 711 '4
to 7M 7-8.
Nw York Markt.
New tork, ,My 2. Mngar, raw
refining, 6i ; centrifugals. 86 letl
si test, 44 ;
10 1 rion.SH
coffei,erice No. 7, "pot, tl :t
to i'4 ; wtsd, unchanged
Unvalllng of Monument to Men Who
OrRanlzed Provisional Uovernmsnt.
I'ortiami, iiay 2. Many persocs
went (ruin here to attend the cereinoliv
of unveiling the Chamtaicg monument,
in commemoratioii of the day ami
event when H men voted to organ i."
provisional government in Oregon
Phe names ot t he .rt'' are :
Dr. Ira L. Bo 00001, lr. W. II. Wil
son, i. W. Ll Breton, W. II. lirav,
.loseph I . Meek, luvid Hill, Hubert
Shortess, Mr. Itobert Newell. Keilben
Lewis, Amos Cook, Clob Wilkins,
Hugh Burns, Francis Fletcher, Sidney
Smith, Alanson Beers, T. J. Hub
bard, James A. O'Neill, Roboft MOON,
W. P. Iioughurtv, I.. II. Judson, A.
r. Smith) J. C. Britlges, itev. U OR
IS v 1 1 h Mines. Kev Mavitl Leslie, John
llowartl, William McCarlv, ('buries
McKay, Kev. J. S. Orillin, rge
liny, lieorge W. Kbberts, Kev. J. 1..
I'arrish, Rev. Marvev Clark, Charles
Ulinpo, ir. W. J. Bailey, Allen Mavy,
Joseph llolman, John Fdinunds,
Joseph i, ale, Kussel Osbom, Mavitl
Weston, William Johnson, W. limn
hurst, William Cannon, Mcdorem
Crawford, John I.. Morrison, P, M.
Armstrong, Calvin Tilibetts, J. It.
Bobb( Solomon II, Smith, A. K.
Wilson, F. . Mattliieu, Ft nine
I' ol low ing is the program for the un
veil ing ceremony :
Music, Mnion cornet bund, James
I'arrott, Mf, leader.
Invocation, Kev. P. S. Knight, IMS,
Introductory uddress, (inventor T. I'.
Ireer, 1851.
I nveling moniiuieiit, Hon. K, .
Mattliieu. 1H42.
l dress, "A Hhort Account of the
Provisional ioveriimeut, " M. W.
Scott, I8.ri2, president Oregon Mislori
cal Sotdety.
Music, I'm. in cornet hand
ddress, 'The Missionary Flement
iu the Making of Oregon," Kev. II.
K. Mines, I). I).. 185J.
Kemiuisceiices, Hon. John MllllO,
Benediction, Kev. I'. . Kuighl.
Survivor Unveiled II.
Chauiisatg, Ore., May 2. The lilty-
eighth auuiveraary of the establish
ment ol the lirst government in Ore
gon was celebrated tins morning by
unveiling a monument to the moiuorv
f the tiltv-two men who voted iu favor
of organization of provision govern
iiient as a part of the American nation.
it was unveiled by f, Malthieii,
the sole survivor. Addresses were
made by OoVOraOf 1'. I, Oeer, Kev
II. K. Mines and II. W. Hoott. editor
I the Portland Oregon tan
Hoars Claim British Did This vr tu
Contlaue Fighting.
Amsterdam, May 2 M. J l.euwa-
lield, a cornet in the li'mr army,
boa arrivetl here. Me sa)s the
British ttealroyed the Boer war monu
ment erected in I HM , at Paardekraal
Noon afterwards, a large lt..er coin
iiiaudo pasaeit the ruins. Kach liner
IMM a stone on them as a pledge hi
continue tight ing until unable and tol
r.tl.n i ll the iiionuiiieul.
llo and Assoslslss
eeveriy Crliisise.
Yokohama, May 2 The cabinet of
which Marouis I to was the premier
has resigned. The Mo cabinet i a BM
into power last October. It has been
sharply criticised by nrttfll and public
Trial Rases at Newport.
New Vofk, May 2. -The custom ol
bold inj trial yacht races off Handy
Mo. k ha- been abandoned Kates to
elect the American cup defender will
take place at Newport on June . I, 4 ami
Sale iu mow
Corner Main and Webb st.
Qun and Bicycle Ripmirlng a 3imcilty.
Visited Southern University
This Morning.
Outpouring ol Peopls Along tbf Way Wure
Largw Than During Hi Begin
ning of tfit) Trip.
N i
ew Orleans. lav ' Ksenrfe.1 hv
a detachment n( tnountain police ami
a Louisiana cavnlrv troop. President
McKinley this morning vlsiteil the
Southern university, a colored institu
tion. The president isl train leaves for
Houston, Texas, at 8 o'clock tonight.
The presidential party traveled
across tl ttoti bell yesterday from
Memphis alino-t to thel.ulf of Mexico.
Mown the low lying Yaxoo vallev,
fertile as that i f the Nile, the train
went to old Vickshnrg teeming with
its memories of in years ago, and
hem asl to lackson. the capital of
Mississippi and from there down into
the land of the lllHgll.il in ami the orange
to this romantic city near the mouth
of the Mississippi, with its tratlitionx
of t rench and -.aii.h rule.
Tin outsmritigs of (ample to see the
presidential train along the route to
day was larger than the tan previous
hit s anil the demonstrat imis at Vicks
hnrg ami .lack-on, the two prliicn.nl
stops were verv striking.
Crowds Impsdsd Progress.
Al some ol the stations the crowds
actually impeded the passage of the
(rain ami the engineer was obliged to
slow down to avoid the danger of run
ning over the enthusiastic teople
As the RRH was lowering the train
crossed the havens with their tangles
of inoss-covertsf cypress ami live oak
ami skirting l.ske I'lintrhalrain,
steamed into New Orleans This is the
first time New Orleans has ever had a
visit from the chief magistrate of the
nation ami it was a(royal reception
which the .ihl citv RIWDttod to I'resl
dent Mckinley The air was full of
the boon of cannon and the screams
of the whistles of the harbor craft as
tin- train drew into the station.
Urestsd by Dignitaries.
Al the dcisit the prc-iileul ami his
party wi le greeted hy (iov. Hoard,
NlayonCaperdeville, RonRtOM McKnerv
and roster tl ilire delegation to
congress, the city council and represen
tatives of the various exchanges
While the mayor was formally extend
ing the hospitality of the city to the
president, s line military hand was
completely drowning Ins word witli
New Orleans favorite air, "Louisiana
Lou." The president and his cabinet,
Wltb the other gentlemen of the parly
were given an elulsirate haiiiilt at the
It, Charles notel III the evening. To
day the party drove alamt the city in
the mnruihf ami in the aftermsin
took a sail tilling the river front.
That Was Why Mrs Nsllon Was fined
by a Judgs.
Kansas Citv, Mo., May '.'. Police
lodge McCauleV has rein, lied the $.'SM
line he imposed on Carrie Nation for
alleged obstruction ol sidewalks. lie
says the whole matter of the line and
his speei h on that occasion were pre
arranged for mutual advertising.
Or a St. Psul Trsgsdy.
It, I'm n i Minn , May I The Issly
of U-year-old Joseph Kosenfeld was
(muni in the river this morning, con
firming the suspicion that tie with his
two younger brothers and sister hail
been drowned by their father, who
then drOWRjd himself a week ago.
.1 .. i
And Every Form of Torturing
Disfiguring Skin and Scalp
Humors Cured by
HsetaiV I'I'BB TsKsressT Hath tha
sifsviail f" lbortaiglil with ll o Waisa
.... i (Vricca .. v-i ...i i t ru i as
i n.ii maul . ths gostt skin i ur, 'ud uii) tku
a hill kau tit i iirn t its Ksaoi-VSM Tin
i,. ,i t,t will ail i i instant, rein I sninl
rest J.i.l slaai,aii. uuint to imI. poruus
ittji.i, ami tMlltuuiii al mi' whoi. all elss falls.
v a t f W fc t (Vrtcw , '1' i
tt t I (
t U. .1 I . f . .
n..i PrwiM yfthsfj
St'!-. -
PiOIll I
. U.O.ill i
Iimi u im ubm ('
lltfW U CeWR VvMli,'.
on at
A JVUiuoiulb Uepertuaeut 3lor