East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 29, 1901, Image 4

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    MONDAY. Al'KU. 2(,
It Pays Best
To Buy Best
Of all Things
At all Times
W have tlx- Beat
In the city. Call and examine
our stock which you will find lafgt
and uptodate.
Practical Boot and Shoe Men.
Try Iuttn iw cream rliunilate.
Flowerpots, vase. clianilx'rH Niilf'e
New wash (to4Kj at OlaBVaf Bfoa. DtJ
Good Co.
Buy your window shades at
Havp your picturoo framed : latest
vin at Murphy's.
New designs in wall papor at
Murphy's paint store.
Hawley's havr a fancy line f dried
froita and bite oranN.
Km 1 1 country vm1 l-''v 'fnt- t-'r
doten at Ht. Jim- store
Fine mountain potatoes, mustard
greens, comb honey, flawlev'-.
Latest novelties in spring good See
window. Cleaver Hn. I'ry i.oods Co.
Oldest place and tmst tamalee, at l.e
Roy', cor. Court and arden street.
N. Berkeley has some very desirnili
town and country property for sale on
eaay terms.
Finest hams and lard on the market.
H .li..'t It lt CPlr,)llt..
Hcbwara A tireulich.
Fresh invoice new paaa, string leau.
asparagus, sweet potatoe. oiiiniih.
radishes and lettuce at Hawley's.
Icecream and pure cream at Put
ton's. Leave your order for Sunday.
Cream delivered to your home, packed
in cans.
Crescent bicycles on the installment
plan at the Crescent agency in the Kant
Oregonian building, payments $1 a
week, no interest.
Mrs. was in the store vesterday
and she thought our line of spring
goods were the nicest in town. Cleaver
Bros. Dry Goods Co.
Remember I have a better stock of
oil, axle-grease, rope, belting and all
other harvest supplies than ever be
fore. P. Hones, Helii.
Look and see their new colors in
ingrains and gilts. Paints ready for use.
Paper banging and painting promptly
done. See C. Sharp, opera bouse
block, Pendleton, Ore.
Yon'll nnd many exclusive novelties
in our ladies' tailor made suit mieli a
you wonld find in the swellest estab
lishment in New York. Kvery gar
ment is perfectlv modeled, exclusively
tailored, cbarminglv fitted. Alexander
A Hester.
Exposure to sudden climatic change
produces cold in the head and catarrh
is apt to (olio. Provided villi Kly'
Cream Balm yon are armed against
Nasal catarrh. Price ISO cents at drug
kista.or Ely Brothers, 86 Warren street,
New York, will mail it. The Balm
cures without pain, does not irritate or
cause sueexing. It spread itself over
an irritated and angry surface, reliev
ing immediately the painful liitlama
tion, cleanses and cures, ( ream Balm
quickly cures the cold.
Wmitiil A girl to wbhIi dishes at
the White hoarding bodae,
Pendleton lodge. No. ;VJ, A. F. Ac A.
M., w ill meet tonight at 7 :.'!().
At Ratter's furniture store is the
finest line cf rugs ami matting.
Automatic refrigerators and unter
coolers at Ratter's furniture store.
Window shades, curtain poles, mir
rors, etc., at Kader's furniture store.
Here i a chance of a lifetime to
make fliXM figuring on the l.iii'vrle
crank hanger. The cold cash await
you. CbII ami see them lit Withee's.
Will exchange for stock ranch, with
cattle or sheep, splciididlv located and
improved real state, income IlL'lNi per
vear. M list seek tlrv cl imate. Ow ner.
Box Ht, '-cattle, Wash.
Heppner Times: Matlock A Kama)
recentlv sold all their range horses
alwint rive or six hundred head to
Carrev .V Mct'larev, of Roflth Omaha,
the annuals to be delivered at Ilepp-
I tier, .June lift.
A meeting of the woman' committee
of the Y. M. C. A. will le held at the
1 1 onimercial clnh rooms tomorrow ,
i Tuestlay I morning at 10 o'clock.
.Members of the committee ami all
' others interestetl are urged to lie
present .
W. S. Holt, D. D., will be in l'en
dleton ami deliver the third lecture of
the student course in the Presbyterian
church on Tuesday evening, April 30.
This change ha leeii made necessary
in order that the lecture might not
conflict with the Sunday school con
vention. The St. Jih- store is now owned ami
managed hv a corporation. K. M.
Lyons is president ami treasurer; Mrs
.losie Lvons, vice-nresident ami secre
tary. The above mentioned ami J, E.
Rihedew are the incorporator. The
company 1 named the I von Mercan
tile company, ami it has a paid up
capita! stock of Sft,000,
Wakefield A Failing ha purchased
Kngg A Dan 'l Itoal of musical in
strument' ami will control this section
ofdregnn ami Waslniigtoii. The :;io
compriM's 52 makes of pianos ami a
large lot of small musical instrument
am) sheet music. Thev will also carv
s large stock of sewing much '.ties. Store
is located in Qoldafl Rule building on
Court srteet.
18 to 4.
Bid at tha
Judges Decide to
July Sales.
County Judge Ueorge A, Hart man
returned Sunday evening from Port
land, where he attended a meeting on
Friday, April 20, of the county judge
of the slate, to discus the new law
paed at the last session id the legisla
ture regarding the reselling of all
I lands heretofore bid in by the different
counties at previoti sun' of land f ir
"Since isn't coutltv judge have liven
bidding in lands," says the oregon
ian, "at delinquent tax sale in he
halt ol their reaped ive counties, hut
were not empowered to dixse of
these utiles the owner" decided to re
Jeeni them. The legislature of !!'!
undertook to empower the
sell these land to the highest bidder
for cash, but left the matter of back
taxes in such doubt that this meeting
was calied to discuss the proper mode
of procedure."
The meeting wa in favor cf going
ahead with tile delinquent tax saies
at the printer tune, and of tacking all
the urn'. ii : taxes of previous vears to
the sum total. When outside bidders
do not reach these figures the judges
will bid in the property, thu protect
ing the proH'r owner from the Itroker,
who would often time obtain title and
Heulate on the property to the de
triment of both county and delinquent
Umatilla countv has already but in
about fHOOO worth of property at tie
iitujuent tax sales, which, with the
penalty of 20 per cent for the year and
In per cent for the second run the
amount to between 911,000 and 1 12,000,
Msnsgsr Rader Will Take His Aggrega
tion to Walla Walla tut a Game
on Sunday. May 19.
The game of haschall at Athena on
Sunday afternoon. April 2H, in which
the Pendleton team appeared for the
first time this season anil then with
a patched up team for a practice game
with Doe Oaoarn'l team already fa
mous throughout Eastern Oregon and
Kastern Washington, was won by the
latter, the score being IL' to 4. This
game is not to count in the records of
the two clubs for the season. It was
satisiactorv to the players and mana
ger of the losing side, as it showed
where the team can Is- sti eiigthenetl
to advantage There is more good
material in Pendleton that can la
utiliiteil, and, by the time the local
team make its lirst appearance for
blood, the r opponents will have to
play haschall from start to finish in
order to win
Young's Instructions to Umpires.
A lew days ago the Kast Oregonian
Mated that hereafter a batsman struck
hv a pitched hall would lie entitled to
take his first base as was the case in
WOO. The authority for the informa
tion has been traced to a stat 'tnent
recently issued by .V K. Young, presi
dent of the National l eague, a fol
lows: "The National League has
voted a return to the old rule giving a
player his base for being hit by a
pitched hall unless he plainly avoids
making any effort to get out of the way
of the hall from the pitcher, and there
by permits himself to lie so hit."
Pend'.ston vx. Walla Walla.
Manager Kadcr will take the Pendle
ton haseball team to Walla Walla on
Sunday. May IP, there to engage in a
game against Manager sharpstein's
te. .in By that time Pendleton hopes
to have a cluh organised that will la
able to hold its own or more with any
team in this section of the country.
weeks, than return to 'her home in
Illinois. She hud not seen her son
here for eight vears.
I'.lue Mountain Canyon City Eagle:
C W.'Steen, one of l inatilln countv'
most prominent young farmer who
reside near Milton, arrived in t'anyon
City last Saturday. Mr. steen htl
property interests in the northern
part of the county and came over on a
business trip. He whs accompanied lv
ItthB R. Short, a rancher ami stock
man who resides In the Middle Pofli
They took their departure for home
vtnte Mint
.ome Are
mi i
Body of Miss
Msll Brown
Athena, April 2h. up the arrival of
the train this morning, the body of
the late Miss Nellie Brown was taken
to the M. E. church where Kev. Win
Iieweese preached a most impressive
sermon after which the remains were
interred in the Athena cemetery. The
funeral was largely attended. Miss
Brown had many warm friends in
this city who were shocked to learn of
her sudden death. All join in extend
ing their deepest sympathv to tier
mother in her sad bereavement M
A. Rader bad charge of the funeral.
The funeral of Qsjorsw Iiep.it, who
was drowned in the I'matHta river
near Gibbou last Monday, was held in
this city Saturday at 11 o'clock. It
wa largely attended by relatives and
We, the "tiaahers" , herehv t hai
lehg" the Pendleton team for a friend- .
ly practice game of basehall to lie
played Bands nftefl net 1 I'M. The i
Onaaboft" will line up ahoet as fol-1
lows: Jake Mann, pitcher ami M haie j
Fat Turner, catcher: lrew Griffin, 1st
base Elmer Turner, 2d bae ; hd
Do pail, Mil base and pitcher; Will
Pointer, short stop; Roxy Horn, left
held. I lean Shut I, right field, Robert
OfOOin, center Held.
A Report from Alhana.
Athena, April 2t. Tiie Pendleton
hall team played their first game of the
season on the Athena grounds yester
day. Adding to this the fact tliat the
game wa played in ilrur.le of rain,
w hich continued during the entire nine
inning, it may well tie reasoned that
hail condition been more favorable a
good contest might have resulted. As
it was. the visiting nine showed lack
of team work, and neither side could
handle the hull or themselves on ac-
jmlges to count of the wet ami slippery condition
, . i I, , , . , ...
oi toe tiiamomi. i ne score reaiilleo imj
to 4 in favor of Athena.
The crowd wa not large This fact
wa in part due to ttie bail weather and
to the fact that the game was ad
vertised through the Pendleton pa vers
as being merely a practice game; but
few caring to pay admission to see a
Pendleton Showed Good Material.
No verdict as to the play :ng qualities
of either could tss rendered on the
merits of yesterday's game. Pendleton
showed some good material, and will
make a strong team as the season ad
vances The home team plaved well
enough to w in by a good comfortable
margin, which was all that was neces
sary. Considering the -dippery hall
both pitchers did well. Meach struck
out seven men and R. Brown eleven.
At the bat. Athena excelled tsar op-
mii t st Job lli aunder. K. Brown.
KoonU. I'ell and Willard landing on
the hall hard ami often.
The line up was as follows: Pendle
ton Barlow, c. ; Meach. p ; llricli,
9b. ; Cog, u.: Hartman, lb.: Lieu
alien, lb, Fletcher, c. f.; Griffin. 1.
f. : Knight, r. (.
Athena-t. John c. i Saunders and
R. Brown, p. ami 2h. : Vaughan. lb. ;
willard. 3b.. Q, Brown, sa. ; Iell,
1. 1. 1 KoonU c. f. Francis r. f.
fckore by Innings:
PoudUton u ii 3 0 0 0 U 1 4
Allien. SI00S2 04 II
Stolen bases -Meach. 1 . Q, Brown
1. Two base hit OriBn, Knight
Koont R Brown, St. John Saund
ers. , Three lMe hlts-8l. John. 2;
Saiiuder 1 Don Ma plays Willard to
Umpire, i C. Oaburn. Time of
game, I -v hours.
Was Bunsd
Placing it as High as
Seattle, April 19 The Times sbv:
For some time estimates of the BOBlllf
clean up in the Klondike have heen
reported from llawson. placing the
figures at US, 000,000 to f 40.000,000.
The latest reimrts place 8 Veil a higher
estimate on the yield of the preciou
Hold enough to buv Wall street
150.000,000, or 125 tons' weight is
the total now tigured upon R the Vlell
of the two clean-ups which the Klon
tlike will eniov this ear There will
be the spring or annual clean-up w hicl
will yield t2-r.000.000. and then then
will he the constant cleanups front tin
summer workings, which, it is figured
will even exceed this sum Improve!
methods and improved machinery art
chietlv responsible for the handsome
showing which the Klondike wil
make this vear.
Traffic Manager J. Francis Ltaol tin
White l ass tV i iikon route is in receipt
of a letter of general information from
tba company's agent at Haw"on. in
which the writer makes the estimatt
that the Klondike gold output for th
coming season niav approximate or ex-
reed Mi. 000. 000.
Washup Bea-tns In May.
"TlM spring wash-up will begin
earlv in v r anil ttv the time it i
over the mine that are to be workeil
as summer workings will he cleaning
up us they take the dirt out, so that
it practically means a loiitinunii
wash-up the entire season till free.t
up next i iftoher. " sav the White Pas
"I am advised that the spring clear
up will reach :.' . Ohh.imih ami that tin
summer work will possible exceed
thnt figure, hut putting it op a cop
servettvc estimate, should sav that
the two will reach M), 000. 000 "
more are mailt other things of in
terest in ;h' letter. The following ar
selected extracts :
"I rind business very much improved
in all lines except as to prices on hay
and out, which have decreased n
price to the lowest posalnlc murk la
is selling for 7 cents a pound and
oats at cents, in quantities to suit tin
Business Is Good.
"Iliisiues generally with all the
merchant is vory g""d and iuiprot ,ha
every ilar This is ow ing to the mine
gett ing good nit to the claims Itefore
breaking up of the road, ami mi ac
count of the throwing open of all crown
claims for relocation. Stampeding to
all the different creeks has liecn the
ragi ami a great many properties are n
process of being opened up for settle
ui ept
"All dealers in machinery say thev
will ship at least fifty iter cent more
than last year und there is a big de
mam! here tnduy for loco-tire bo Inil
and machinery, ami the necessurv
equipment for mining on a lurgi
scale. All the Dig mining companies
are preparing to increase their
capacity, und this mean that more
machinery will bt required
"Hav and feed will be another large
item this season, a we have more
horse in the country tbun ever boofe
At least MOP heed have heen drivei
over the trails from W hite Hume tkis
"A great ileal more help will be re
quired at the mines than at any pre
vious tiuie in tiie history of the camp,
which means more good will be re
quired of all kinds."
a hunt, wouoi
thi section US ol the
Chicago's Building Trades' council
is to disband. A new council will U
resort, on
will have a
-panaway Lak
new summer
Money to Loan
At the Popular Shoe Store
Watch uimui the PeutlletuD Uln Co "s Store
uo one uan fall to nuu the very latet: Sornig
UOYSltltW 111 footwear lor hotl
Our taM eombiw ityk It, sjo'Btort and
aurabiluy and n rupvat an old slur) i,ui u.
our vase a Iruu on.- ar. iu, U..1 Ul I louiul
the suouey.
Pendleton Shoe Cl
Hsllls Brown's Funeral.
The Mineral of Mis Ne.he Brown,
who died early last Saturday morning,
occurred on Sunday. The funeral purtv
tiMtk the train for Athena at at H: lo
in addition to the relative and a
BMWbl of clow friend who had come
down from Athena the preceding da ,
a delegation of PlOMOn of the Pnoifll
was present Interment was in the
cemetery at Athena, a large nimbi
being present to give evidence to the
linearity M their grief at the untimely
death of one universally loved and re
spected by her uiwociale.
Jamss H. Hampton.
The deathof .lame Henrv Hampton
occurred on Saturday. April 27. at
I' -.' o'clock, at the Hampton home
few miles north of Pendleton. The
funeral was held today, many rela
tives and friends from the community
being in attendance, liecuuseo was
bOfl in Henry county. Va. on Muv
1H lH2ti. ami wa married to Kliiabeth
J. Stockton in Polk countv Mi,., on
February 11 1M,', A w ife and ten
children survive him.
Spring Troubles...
I-rfiHs of appetite,
Stomach ailments,
and Other Eruptions
are some of thein.
Correct all of these
makes the blood pure.
J s Jud Boger i a visitor in the
city from Kciio.
John P, MtManu ha returntttl from
a trip to linker City.
P. I licit ha three extra milch
owf ,,r sale, .i(i eaOti.
JaKe Ihanmmn left Sunday evening
for Ijt iiraude on btiiness.
f Sheridan, a tockmaii of Kehn,
i spending totlay in Pemlletou and
will return home thi eviuiinc
II. s. Curl left Saturday for Ash
lam!, ir., where he will remain (or a
time looking up a suitable place in
which to locate.
Charles F. Hamilton, a railway
hrukeinup and inemlair of the Pendle
ton Bportaman'i MMaintioa, has heen
un the sick list for itevural dayii.
E. I. Harnett, cashier of the First
National bank of Athena, is a visitor
in Pemlletou today, on business con
nected with some big wheat deals.
A. Xeuske is in town today from the
Helix ciainlry. Hi- has cattle am
growing wheat He sold three good
steers in town today to local butcher
Charles t.rahain, who was succeeded
a hrakemuu on the B. A N. by
i irve Turner, is now at Spokane He
wdll enter the employment of the
Northern Pacific
lr. l oll has 1- in ued to hi ' L
Johli Hav country after h.alu
rltltod in PandletAfl. He came to tlii
city op account of the iilneas of his
father, Postmaster C. K. Pell, who is
recosering from an attack of rheumatic
A renident of Pttndli-top uw Boberl
Lindaajf at the New Walla Walla
boanital OB Sunday. Mr. i.indsey lias
cancer of the liver ami cannot recover.
At least, bis recovery would surprise
tin physicians attending and the ho.
pital officials.
Mr and Mrs James Crawford uud
M la Maude Crawford mwuit iut t
day m halt Pake City, according to u
letter received from them by Fred
Crawford. They exited to leave
that night ami would be in Denver hv
Sunday uioruiug.
Mrs. J. M. Horton, who lias heen
visiting her son, H H Horto,, a.
family left this morning for Portland
Hue will continue ber jouruev to Call
lor.ua to viuit with relatives ior a lew
On city property at a low
rate of interest. Can la- re
paid in monthly install
Will man on unproved
property or will furnish
money to build willi ... .
Will l pleased to gue hg
urea of artuat cost to any
one needing a loan
Hoe Main Street.
At lowest rates
East Oregonian Building,
Peodletun, Oregon.
Thaoc Marks
ikfssillua isprubsiiir Jiw,Vii,ie T i " "
XswtSM. -IhMiuiclVni tS, 'a",
gpOIB 0 lh oi
Put Up.
Among the provision 01 IN
......... iUUu iu one rciiuirmg a
I , mi I,,., from residents of
.!, rUiri' In bunt in Oregon
! People having trit-tuls who mint
elsewhere to BO JOT
batter remember
I new game laws:
It shall he iinliiwlnl lor any parrot
who is nut a resident of the state 01
flssuwsa to hunt, pursue, take, kill or
capture auv specie Ol game, bird
annual within the stale of Oregon,
marketing purpose, without having
first obtained license therefor from the
state game and forestry warden AM
person desiring such license shall fib
with said warden an affidavit setting
forth the general section of the state
in which said person denre to hunt,
ami that he will not hunt game during
tiie closed season therelor, and that
will in all repsects ohey the gamt
of tha state ol Oregon. At the tunc 0
tiling such affidavit such person shall
also amy to lOcfa warden I license fee
of $10. ami thereupon said warden shall
issue to such person a license M0d Ml
the remainder of the calender vear,
which shall authorize such licensee to
hunt game in any purt of the state
during the period covered thereby. All
licenses issued hereunder shall he Pun
transferable, and shall expire I'ecem
her :!1 of the vear ol issue, ami ul!
Ii ise fees collected by the stale game
and forestry warden hereunder shall
he by him paid into the general fund
of the state treasury. Anil said
warden shall keep a fiill record of ali
licenses so issued, and shall report the
same to the governor annual ly.
Good Roads Cotivsntton.
New Orleans, April W, Tba
national good roads convention opened
here this morning with two hundred
delegates present. This afternoon th y
witnessed the hllihllug oi three miles
of fine mail now being done by mu
ch men ,
Revenue Stamps nn Call Dsals.
J Washington. pril I'M. - Iu the
T'n it ed state rarprema court toda)
it was decided that "the 'call' of a
stock broker g equivalent to a written
agreement and that the war revenue
tax law of lSU. require a revenue
stamp of two cent on each 100
While in
Y purchased u tn.iniifac tun i I
line of sample china ! a bargain,
We will pvt some startling values
m tiit'sf iater.
We also purchased a job lot of
Johnson BfOa . I hit semi . pone
celain at less than jobbers cost
that we will sell at the pine of
common ironstone win,
The price list will he published
upon arrival ol goods. Watch
this space for it.
Owl Tea House.
II roll ereM' pacr 10c.
Locust Hill Rabbitrv
and Poultry Yards
Pedigreed Belgian Mares
and pure bred (owl
Mure, $o QO per pair. $.: each,
liarred, Huff, ami White Plvin
oath Hocks - Kgg $:'.ihi per M
3 sittings for U ik: also ome
Harred Hock egg at fl .50 p,tr
hose and Single Comb Kluxle
Island Keds Kggs-.'.0ii atr IB.
M sitt ing for $,'i 00,
Visitor welcome For fiirtliur
information adtlress
Pendleton, ' iregop
The Columbia
Lodging House
...Our Prices on Groceries
1 6 pounds granulated sugar .-.
i keg plain or mixed pickles j
10 imps ItMldard stigat corn "
10 cans standard tomatoes , "
lj pounds bSl French prunes ''
5 pounds best bulk coffee in city for the price
i eaMi rans, tomatoes
i eiM, .'.i cans, susar turn
.hi pounds line pink beans 5i
3 dozen (n-sli countr) eggs '""
" Mo
2. It
lliu Ic Sam tells linn to steer towani
Rader s Furniture Store
Main SOS Weld' streets, l'endleton, Oregon
Wham he can get one of those nice
Golden Oak Rockers at $2.25 before they mi
furniture, far-pets,
Lndim Shades,
t hi rtaJti llo iv.
1 1
e .1 . . . . u
Mirrors, Baby cabs,
I ' iwli.rt 11 k i in, i,urlM I.
Friday Night, May 3rd.
1 lyil- I lleli .r.I nl tin Mrluil til the Amtirli'SJI Kinlntlos
The One Grast Evont of the Year
Tkt RajasFajMvitJjrfJvv Amerioan Play
an Excellent Company.
A. I II .1 I I . . I
J . .1. I 1 I . . . . .1 .
bocker theatre. New York
A Sumptuous Production.
' t'iitn 'Illi'S'tir . A if
IlilHIi k 1 ' r li n Slnre I'ril-.r 11 J II.004S4
Frazer Opera Hou
Wednesday Night, May 1, 1
100 Laughs in 100 Minutes.
in un Qraai nsiei) rrmmiiii
- iilnjri il i Mr Kin over lissi iiiiim
A lisppy lilemliiir uf Vntrr liin .ml V .utlevtlle Nuv.lllss.
Till-. i.HKAl LaOOUBIfl HlldW.
ue."i-.l.il. avat no Bala at Tallinn' lirus HMH
F. X. SCHliMPP. Prop.
Do you
want work?
Do you
want to hire help?
II sii '-.II r aiIvim- un- .ml
inir uil srlll l .liuiul-
4 la I'Uomiti.v.
C. P. COOk'S
11 J A
ull line of CIKars Confectioner y
and muker' Article.
nick club room.
Scientific jHliiicricfln
A l,..t, . -
' Jt'SU"'. " .Uf ..i,,, in, l,.urii
.fourmoiithi si. boluLvi
l-nrwust etr
1 urius. $3 .
M " t in.. Ws.li
vosuiiy aa.eBayaar. IwsUn,,!,,,
Can g ,.c.u vuu ,
I. - w i
jvui '.uiivojaii, i: u.
'iiiiu.tji, uiur alui oi
lOUIIl) u, gut auui rturk
uilltieru bon'i utacf u, Ulsc luo il.uu V,,u,
uiMipur pi,twi iii
iii Kuii.rul ibi.i, .,
For Rigs
! go Flihiaj
or for a aajk to BjaJu CMn
Uilejilii.ne Main 7W.
aiv IN CKA1G,
Two Blaoh
Bt I I'm U1
( 'ombination
I liev artt vnry rare.
f Villi
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Mtcii Ul ill' iruiM-
IIUTi'liHIltl" t'V W tlK'II I
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h'MUH'is I rt i ii
nr ladv vnttni the IDOlt
s s . . i ..... i Tli.
ny June aril, ihui.
inn iiiHrithuntH will Ufa
w itl. aeofa - i' purofaa
The eooples Wnroliuust,
Uatlilng .nil tthuvt .
hniei & Mel Ol ..- I'fUp'
While Hiiuse Oroeurji C
T. C. Taylor, H.nlwaft.
m A K.iler. Kurmiure.
City .K, inl u'rocsij
I. - l
j'iiiiii iimiii iuiw,.;
Umls Huuilnkrr, jew.it. -
I'.rrler Slllllll.rV. m
oruKitn Raaary, uimss
(i RuhriuAU)
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rruui-i, iu'hwiiiiii'" i. .
I .,t m t Uro. , ttnoil ud
nitf s,ud iruekiiiK'
PIANO mi Bablbttla
ine iitti un mis i" '
Court Mi cel.
PUT UNliitu .
puis, ou shlv. W.U. o.
Newspauers LuUdr,rs?Pi?S
sr- "a 1 IIUUIUU
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i ..ii. i New
K.UI. l.,, .ud I1.6U lr
Hpuel.l K.UH. by Ihe aMBJ
Bust MoUil iu Itw
Kim Ul All kr.ius. Kwe
ui -i.. 11 hi.
J I All
vvr. v vun
dp mm i litis UH
mr akaasr