East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 29, 1901, Image 3

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igtflll itylei all new, direct from New York factory.
Prices 50c, 75c up to $l.98c.
U' otiiwss hew liiii- of walk. no- irlnvps Mits
V V - J m .
,. Pct. i- will le pleased to show you this lino.
. aa D v r BKMt a I i i - a v
a t w I B fl . ' 9 B xst v W " ea 4k. BaT V-Jr a
nnn irn i nun no
noniy.un " - -
ehaiad rwsnly Hsad.
T(,.iniinnn ioint renresenta-
mat ,it Hil l Jiiirnm i-niiiiurn,
I . . ... 11 1 ..ft..., .. ., luff
. - - I- ft. . ... ....... l.'..l...
i "f- 1. f
I I P m .......
1... I..t Ku.it. vilh Lyyi
I L'..t.r, m,.l u- tmru tfiaL'
earlntid of Miort horn
bred rattle, lfl bill In and four
iiavinc therefor the average
1146 Mr. T i mm pson states
.i l . i ; .1 .1
mi ire had to tie paid lor them
tlir IiiiIIh. Those lit) head Will
1 H ' LT iimi nin svii'in,
Km. !' Tlioninson. .lesse
Robert N . Stauflrld and O. F.
... i . i i . ...... ..
rut mentioned. The news in
. i . . .. ... , , i..
I mat 'iinty are EMping
r wild Hie ureeoern ol omei
rk nil.: :re iMinir to raise
aninialx that ran be produced.
K (auiaa oy a barm inn sapi
i t Halr'i Vitality.
...i .i i i i
oa Hi'iurii mi i tutu 1 1 it 1 1. 1 1 ii 1 1
bv tferm. Fall iiiit hair and
are the remilt of dandruff.
J lleardle , of Champaign,
bold of the new hair prepura-
I It !.!. . t I ..
he ilandruff germ. He
i ii " i nerpirioe lor niv iniii-
tallitiK huir, and I am well
with the result. " Ur. J.
I, of rrhana. III., aays: "I
I llnrpn'ide for dandruff with
rft U H . 1 .1 r II II II II' ft. I I H Lilt'
iterm. Physicians as well as
Now la Vermont
Ubehalu, :':04i4, to Messrs.
f . I .v B l III a
ii l he ' rut-ii ir -u m iwr tnt
tnok by Peter McCfthe.
tbe niAree bred to Chuli
I Bit' I IM HI aallfl III l'lrr
instance tbe colt taken after tbe aire
in look. In one cae the mare wa a
chestnut, with three white feet him a
hi ate in the face, but her foal ha not
a white hair. Iland Wilke 8:11k,
sire of Island Wilkes, jr., 2:0)i,4.
one of the stallion in service at the
new home of Chehalis.
It Dailies the World.
No discovery in medicine ha ever
created one quarter of the excitement
that ha been caused by Dr. King's
j New Discovery for Consumption. It'
severest teats have leen on hopeless
, victim of consumption, pneumonia,
hemorrhage, pleurisy and hronchit,
I thousands of whom it has restored to
perfect nealth. For coughs, BOldl,
' asthma, croup, hay fever, hoarseness
'and whooping cough it is the quicker,
surest cure in the world. It is sold by
Ts 11 man A Co., who guarantee satisfac
tion or refund money. Large bottles
50c and 91. Trial bottles free.
: Walla Walla's Mayor Will tract a One
Slory Brisk.
Athena, April 28. Jacob Betr. was
in the city vesterday and let the con
tract to A. L. Swaggart to tear down
I the uid building ) ousted un the north
-;.le if Msin Htreet on the land recent
ly purchased by him from W. F. Mat-
j lock. This building is an old land
mark having been erected by B. F.
wuggart in 1B7W. its removal will
make a marked improvement, a- it ll
in a very dilapidated condition, and a
menace to adjoining property. Mr.
Bet will, as soon a the debris is
cleared away, commence the construc
tion dI a HsM DOB atory brick on the
west half of the lot. This building
will lie opened up by Sam Boober. who
, will fit up a first-class saloon.
Catarrh Cannot Bs Cured
W lib local iulii'tiou, a tbry cannot reach
tin' ! ill tin- illvaae r:nili n lillHl I ..
eoimtiluliuiial tliMMUM-, ainl lu order tti cure It
vim unmt take luternal rt'iutxliea Hi. - ('
iarrh run- m taken Inteniallr ami ai'tn directly
on the bliMMl and iuuuoub nur(aren. Hall' 1-a-larrh
Cure i um a iiuark medicine It pre
acriuod ty m of the best phyaiclaui in tbli
! country (or yean, aud Isa regular orvwrlptloo
I It Ii compoM-d of the heal umli a known, com
hliiad with the hat IiIihmI puriliera, artlnc
dlrsctly on the rauroua surlacea The iwrlect
combination ol the two Ingredient U what
prmlurei auch wouderiul reaulla in curiug ca
tarrh Mend lor tealimuuiala. Irss.
F. 1. CHENEY 00.. Prop... Toledo, O.
Bold by druggists, price 7Sc.
Hall a Family Pilla are the bait.
ui come after vuur clock
III' If iMiitii to x-,, ui .. . r c-
f C hmra sir ' I I Ah 1 wm A
a, rt 1
. t
or miaranteea.
cicr ana uptician...
j" vu Aiexanuer itexuir s
Oil en Prustt's Plaes.
Kev. W. H. Pruett was in town yes
terday aud informed the 1'ress that
petroleum has been discovered ou his
place, says the Athena l'reae. The
evidence of oil comes from two loca
tions on tbe Pruett (arm. Oue is from
a spring on tbe upper portion of tbe
homestead and the other is farther
south near Mrs. (iallaber's place.
Whether or not oil is there in quantity
Mr. I'ruett, of course, was not able to
state, but from his report of the dis
covery, it is safe to calculate that there
is a verv nood iroatect. The dis
covery was made by Mrs. Pruett and
her sod. Mr. Pruett then made an in
vestigation with the result above men
tioned. He was not prepared to aay
i whether or not he wduid prorpect bis
premises for oil, iu order to uncertain
if the fluid was there in (laving quantities.
Strlkst a ftlcn Find.
"I was troubled for several years
with chronic indigestion aud nervous
debility," writes F. J. Green, of Lan
caster, N. H., "No remedy helped me
unul i began using Electric Bitters,
which did we more good than all tbe
medicines I ever used. They have also
kept my wife in excellent health for
years. She aays Electric Bitters are
just splendid for female troubles; that
they are a grand tonic and iuvigorator
i for weak, run dowu wotueu. No other
' medicine can take its ideoe in oar
! family." Try them. Only 60c. Satis
faction guaranteed by Tallamu A Co.
For Sals at a Bargain.
167 acres of timber laud, one mile
from Kamela Station, at an exception
ally low figure. For particulars ad
dress E. B.Clark, Port Stevens, Oregon.
nuraoiia main .
ler in
Wood and
a. AaCiatWam
The mo jt wholesome and
nutritious substitute for cof
fee and tea.
Made from the choicest
California figs, prunes and
; selected grains.
A delicious, strengthening
; beverage holds its delicate
flavor to the bottom of the
Physicians recommend
; Figprune.
All grocers sell it
A nit nniiar paid at Outside Ware
houtat and More Than That at
Loeal Hills.
Saturday evening, April 27, was a
busy time with wheat buyers and farm
ers in Pendleton and throughout Uma
tilla. In the first few hours after noon
the sales of wheftt in Pendleton prob
ahly amounted to l-J.r000 boshel. In
terest grew ami considerable excite
ment developed between .r and 7
Sores of i he Purchases.
The Western Warehouse company, nf
which F. S. Curl i manager, bought
about i.OUi bushel!', paying fit) cents
Ier bushel. F'ollomng are the names
and amounts: W. P. Temple, ol the
firm of Temple Wilcox. I3.5s7
bushels, the wheat being at I niton
station, on tli W. A 0 It.;. I. B.
Kennedy, Ml bushel, at Warren
station; James A. Fee, alut soti
bushels nt Fulton, Cay use and Havana
A. L. Knight, local representative of
Balfour-Guthrie, purchased the follow
ing, paying .V) cents er bushel; Olif
Hendrickson, Havana station, 2400
bnshels; H. Iorenien, Warren station
3000 bnshels; and enough more in
smaller lots to make about 10,000
Bysrs Buy 40,000.
E. W. McComas, representing U. W.
McNear, purchased 9000 busnels at
Warren and Fulton stations, paying 50
cents per bushel therefor.
W. S. BMN liming tbe day Saturday
purchased close to 40,000 bushels. One
pool of HL'.OtK) bushels, iu which 10 or
more farmers had holdings was pur
chased from E. L. Harnett, cashier of
tne First National bank of Athena.
This wheat is in the wareh mses of tbe
0, K A N. company fr.uu Downing to
Adams. F",. W, McComas was instru
mental in obtaining the wheat for Mr.
livers. In addition to the above-inen-tioneit
!ol Mr livers secured inure
than 5tkM more, 8600 of which is in the
warehouse at Wallula. Wash. He also
contracted for about 3tM) bushels to be
delivered at tbe mill. He paid .'sj cents
BSf bushel for the outside stuff, while
that delivered at the mill will t.c from
to 1 cents per bushel more than
Pay for a Shave.
W. P. Temple, in accordance with
custom, went to Privett's Iwrber shop
Saturday evening for a shave. After
having had his face renovated, he
presented in payment a draft for be
tween fll.OOU' and tlJ.iHKl to Mr.
I'rivett, who, after scanning the paper
carefully, decided that it was too big
to he changed. This draft was in pay
ment for the wheat above mentioned,
iLal ftftttf boiftft!it bv F. ? . Cur.
Major Barnhart In Town.
Maj r tieorge Hnrnhart came liack
home Sunday from Portland, where
lie has been visiting for live or six
months. He has a farm on the Wild
horse six miles northea-t of Pendleton,
and about HtKlt) bnshels of wheat at tbe
Saxe and Havana warehouses. He
staled ttiis morning that he had been
holding his wheat fur "si cents per
bushel, hut was not inclined to sell in
the present condition of the market.
He said he might have occasion to feel
like the man in tbe Willamette valley
in IMS wlm was offfd 'i per bushei
and afterwards sold it at :i6 cents uer
hn-hel, hut was willing to take
chances Mr Harnharl is looking we' 1
and will continue his residence in
pBUdlaSjOtl except when out on hif
ore Than 114,000 Bushsls Co at
Fitly Cents.
Athena, April 28. Yesterday saw
more activity among the grain buyers
aud more wheat was sold in this city
than on any one day for several years.
I he ii ii ii 1 1 ftft-r of bushels bought was
114,253. This wheat is stored at the
various warehouses aud is of the crops
of 1 mm and H- The price paid was
50 cents.
One lot of wheat, sold by E. I..
Baruett, was a pool of 48,253 bushels.
V. Rogers, representing the Western
Warehouse company, purcahsed l.UOO
bushels of this lot. h. W. McComas,
of l'eudletou, bought tbe remaining
bushels for W. S. Byers, to be
ground at his large flouring mills at
Q, W. Bradley, of Athena, grain
buyer for the 1'uget Sound Warehouse
company, purchased 20,000 bushels.
Tbe highest price paid was 50 cents.
Mr. Bradley purchased a few thousand
bushels yesterday for 42 cents, it be
ing ol an inferior quality.
W. J. Wilkinsin, resident agent and
manager for the l'acitic Coast Eleva
tor couipauy, purchased :4,000 bushels
of wheat at K) cents. This wheat is
stored at Athena. Weston, Downing and
Blue Mountain station warehouses.
Fred Kimberk, representing Balfour,
(iuthrie company, bought 12,0tX)
bushels of wheat from Muse Woodard
at 50 cents per bushel. This wheat is
stored at Adams.
A (iood Thing.
Our great-grand motiurs' garrets
contained Um same herbs of all heal
ing fouisf iu Karl's Clover Root Tea.
They gave our ancestors strength, kept
the blood pure, and will do tbe same
for you if you say ao. Price 25 eta
and 50 eta. Tall man ACo., leading
Portland Tslsgram Says II Is a (iood
Iu support of "The Widow Bedott,"
that comes here on Wednesday, May 1,
the Telegram says .
Horace Ewiug as the Widow in "The
Widow Bedott," supported by a good
company opeued a week's engagement
... . I . l . i I , I ....... ... I a ul
lftl Llift- .'I III Iftl ft I I ft (ft ft. III. Mill IftftOl
I mft . . . . : I . I I . ,1... I
lug. i ne attraction is tne unai mai .
been seen in that bouse for some time.
The plav, in which the late Bishop
was so well known, is diverged from in
many ways, many specialties being
introduced. The members of the com
pany are better fitted for the vaudeville
stage than for actors, but nevertheless,
are up to the standard in their parts in
"The Widow Bedott." Tbe songs are
catchy aud are well-ieudered. Mias
Olive Vail is possessed of au uuueually
clear voice, and she knows how to use
it to tbe best advautage. Two nougs
by Uuy Tully were well -received, sev
eral other members of the company
contributed to the vocal portion of the
i liter la ll. in e m
F:wiug in the title role, was a tritle
...... ..tri.ii. ...i hut l.e created coiisidera-
uuiia.i-'. i . ,
ble ainuaeuieiit in spite of that fact
i As Elder Hnitties, Edward Clisbee did
a good bit ol character acting. David
, Swim as Benjamin Harriiuan and uy
Tully as Tom Follett were good. As
I Fred Harriiuan, Clarence hyudon is
The lady members of the company
are good Mias Madge Tucker is an -thusiastic
aud Mias Olive Vail ts
charming. Alice Wreun is up to her
part as Dotty Snift.es. The "Widow
Bedott" will run the balance of the
Athena Han Will Have as Good as
Thsy Make.
Athena, April 28. Herman I.eppold,
who has been conducting a blacksmith
shop in this city for several vear
yesttrday leased hi shop to W. S.
Buell, and will leave this evening in
company with Mr. I rank Martin of
the firm of Martin A I.emery, exten
sive reservation farmers, for San F'ran
cisco. Mr. Martin while in that city
will purchase an auxiliary engine to
rim their separator. Thev have just
purchased from the.1. I. Case company
a 7ft-hore power engine to propel their
large combine harvester. When this
machine i put in running order. Mar
tin A Lemery aill have one of the
finest harvesters in use in the west.
Mr. I.eppold will have charge of the
engines, he being a very skillful en
gineer. The Athena Third nine, known a
the "Juveniles," played hall on the
home diamond on Saturday with a
nicked tefftn from the high school of
Weston. They defeated the visitors
with a score of 72 to 22. The ".luven
iles" claim that the Weston Isvy were
easy and that they could have made
the score 100 to a shut-out, but did not
like to beat the boys too badly. This
is the second game played this season
by this nine, in both of which thev
have come oft victors.
C. A. F'ischer thi week bad A. K.
Armstrong painting the front on his
Main street property. It make them
look like new, and Mr. Fieher' ex
ample should be followed by others.
This is the year for improvement as
well as growth of our little citv.
Mr. Alfred E. Sutton, of Portland,
manager for Eppinger .V Co., grain ex
porters of Portland and San Francisco,
i sanding today in this city, the
guest of Dr. and Mr. Hotkin.
Mrs. McFerran and three children
arrived in this city from tialesburg,
111., to visit ,witli her sisters, Mrs
Sam Booher and Mr. C. M. Booher,
on Saturday.
E. R. I 'ox. the Athena hardware mer
chant, pent Friday in Pendleton.
Sam Bisaher, W. H. Booher, Andrew
McCune aud French Crigler spent F'ri
dav in Pendleton visiting with Count"
Clerk W. D. CliAmtrerlain.
(iu Levy, a student ol the Berkeley
university of California, came to this
city Saturday to visit with his sister.
Mr. Jacob Bloch.
It Will Do You.liood.
A blood purifier and tissue builder is
Karl's Clover Root Tea. Sold for half
a cent ii rv on our guarantee. Money
refunded if results are not satisfactory.
Price 25 etc. and 50 eta. Tallman A
Nathan Hals" Will Equal Dan Sully's
Bngagsmsnt In "Parish Prlsst.
The rtest event of the season, "Na
than Hale," with the brilliant Howard
K vle in the title role, will please lovers
of line drama and characterization
better than did Dan Sully in "Parish
I'riest," and Dan Sully" was one of
tin- Is-st seen in Pendleton. It comes
on Friday, May li.
"Nathan Hale" stands alone as a
brilliant example of the representative
American play. It treats of the life of
the glorious iiatriot spy, who, at the
age of twenty-one, faced death on tbe
gailows without a tremor. His ambi
tion found its noble climax in tbe
sacrifice of bis life for his country's
good. He secured 'informal ion which
he conveved to Washington that en
abled that great general to frustrate
tbe plans of the British. Although
Nathan Hale paid the psnaltv of bis
patriotism with his life, be died
bravely ill the thought that he had
served his country. The pathos of bi
untimely death is heightened by the
fact that he left belli nd,him a sweet
heart, Alice Adams, for whom his
love, great as it was, still gave place
in importance to his country's need.
The moving spirit of this great play,
"Nathan Hale,' will la) intvrpreted
by the brilliant young American
actor, Howard Kyle, whom nature has
endowed with the essential nualltiee
for this role. This is the opinion of
the author, Clyde Fitch, who is en
thusiastic over the superb company
that Manager W. M. Wilkisou has
brought together.
m m
Look at Your Pass.
And see if it is reflecting health or
disease Karl's Clover Root Tea
beautifies the face and complexion, and
assures perfect health All druggists
2.) cent and 50 cents Money refunded
if results are not satisfactory. Tall man
A Co.
Mouse lo Contractors.
Notice is hereby given, that the com
mon council of tbe city of Pendleton
will receive bids for the grading and
graveling of Webb street from Oak
street ou the west to iti inter
section with Court street on the east,
said jfrading and graveling to be done
iu accordance with provisions of ordi
nance No. M8, Measurements to he
furnished by the city engineer. Tbe
common council reserves the right to
reject any or all kids. Bids to be filed
iu the city recorder's office on or be
fore April 2V, 1UU1.
By order of the Common Council.
J. E. BEAM, Recorder.
Dated at Pendleton, Ore., April IK,
Hick headache absolutely and per
manently cured by using Moki tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipa
tion aud indigestion, makes you eat,
sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction
guaranteed or money back. 25 cents
aud 50 cents.
It's a Short Road
from a cough to consumptioa
Don't neglect a cough take
when your cold appear. The
"ounce of prevention u
better than years of Ulne&s.
Lau ftmn ta Um IkMw aaat ar parts.
w M e aalaal. KawaS aa ma
IS. lair en
WNk F. L Cssae O.. Baste, a-aw V. T.
sail ill a (iMnaaaiiii Oar La aftl4 by all
xuat4. at IStelsSe. 4W4t
17 t rVatSTT mkJf to , Jilr uU I
mmM aS yssaa- BssSaL
s. L -- bask as wsuajasiaa. Bsas
o -. ac.wu.ac.L.iu,.i.v. ,
fur stale by TaJluutu 4 Co., druflu
Salss In This County This Spring Prise
SI.7B to ga.so.
Umatilla comity has sold approxi
mately 20,000 sheep at prices ranging
from l.7R for yearling wethers de
livered after shearing, to 12.20 for
mixed yearlings, same delivery. These
figures are almost identically the same
as t hose recorded for last spring.
The sheep market was deadlocked for
manv weeks, owing to the belief on the
part of the sheepman that the hovers
were too low in their valuations, and
aft. . I l-ft I . 1 I......... ll.al , .
me insistence oy me uurrir wvmm aaao
growers were too radical in their de
mands. The pressure of ton many
sheep for the range available, and on
the other hand 01 the desire of the
buyers to get sheep, caused a sort of
compromise, tbe prices paid being be
tween the figures set earlier in the
vear bv the seller and buyer.
E. A. Kugg has sold 2000: Peter
Blancbett, 1200; Antone and Joe V'ey
and Joe Cnnba about 10,000; and other
sales bring tin tbe total to Bbotlt t0,000
at, Bi Smith, the Pilot Rock breeder,
Kugg Brothers of Pendleton, and Tivis
N. McHroom, a stockman from south
of Pendleton, anl bslay that all live
stick owners are asking for rain. Saul
Mr. Smith :
"Although light showers have fallen
at times, really no amount of rain has
fallen for two months. Tbe range be
gins to show tbe effects, mid in this re
spect, at least, the conditions are un
favorable. "
Playsd Out.
Dull headache, pains in various
parts of the Ixslv, sinking at the pit of
the stomach, loss of apstite, fevcr
isbness, pimples or sores are all posi
tive evidences of impure bhwxl. Jul
matter bow it became so, it must be
puritltsi In order to obtain giNil health.
cker'- Blood Elixir bus never fnibsl
to cure scrofulous or syphilitic poisons
or any other moot diseases, n is cer
tainly B wonderful remedv, and ETC sell
everv Kittle on a positive guarantee.
For sale bv Brock A McComas.
A Wslla Walla Opsrstor Hai a Watar
R. A. Smith, stenographer at the
Oregon Railroad .v Navigation com
pany's citv ticket olbce, has an inven
tion which he IsMicvcs is destined to
revolutionize irrigation along the
hanks of the Columbia, Snake and
others rivers and convert veritable
sandbanks into gardens of plenty, says
the 1 num.
The machine consists of a wheel to
he ..p. rated by the current of the
stream. Ihc wheel works on a vertical
shaft and the arms ou which the pad
dles which the water effects are from
10 to 25 feet in length according to the
wish of the builder or the amount of
nower he inav wish to generate. These
srins are so constructed th.it when they
are forced toward the bank fjliv the in -
tmn ol Hie current tlleV lillse .too
swing backward, the advantage in this
Iveing that the machine may lie sei
several feet higher than the stream
in which it is to work. The power
thus created can he appl led to pump
lug water or to the generation of elec
tricity, ami it is the belief of Mr.
Smith the inventor, that as stsm as the
merits of his machine are dlsOOVOPBd
by the farmers who live near running
water, much g I will result.
Mr. Smith has not as yet sceurcii a
patent on his new device tor the sav ing
of labor and the betterment o!
mankind, but hopes to within a short
There Wllh Goods.
If vou give your grocery orders to
Martin he will he "there with the
gistds." Finest canned gssls ami
dried fruits in the city always on
hand; also, nice fresh vegetables. He
is sole airent for J. It. Jacob Horns )
celebrated butter. Low prices ami
high itiiality Eastern hams ami bacon.
A nice line of smoked fish. All the
gissl brands of pickles, sauces ami
relishes. Morula siraw is-rries in me
market in a few days.
" -
Aiv worn by the Btntrt
csi dresssn all over tlu
oountry, With your
NEW si it. llnt you'll
wsini to buy thai of us
too if vou nu fbf BjOod
value combined with
Correct style, you should
hsve tbe eorreot ihirt
itml you 0IM1 Ml it of Hi
do mutter what your
taste is, no mattiT what
pries you want to pay.
in Biles from lii neck,
for little bits r fellows,
Jo neck for gresf hijr
The Leading Clothiers and Matters.
hln likllii-r, tin. trisi'rltiiii nf a I hiium Ireiii h ell vali inn, will iiili
bla VltaJKl-r. the nnn-rlel Inn iiiui , ii t I ' , ' i H 1 1 nli ml, Inn. u il null . I i m.ii nf .ll
1 1 t vi um or tlli.-iMs m ul t lis m 'ii' i ll l..-t ilattltiittS, liiMititnls,
I'mIii In Hie Um b, Si hi in i, I i.tiiioliiaft, Nervewa It.uilln l'lnitlrs
I ai II In Hitin. I ft liitii.lt ii llrnliift ,1c 4 nnal I mi I I ii n.
I II III ft 1 1 1 i ll i 1 1
1 1 1 1 "itiiaua the
wan waaaas ' t hiii' an iisim's iiy ti.i v tir iiiki.i. i-t. ,.! ,., k,..,, . m. n 1 1
''VjBaW Iwi' l In Hi.i riiiMi.iirlin i iiihI ml tin. Imrrins . I a. , , . i. , , (lliINt:
llvi r.ilin k i.m- m iftinl i n in .try urijiiiia ul ail lininiiiii. t I'lllKNK
ami aaaaaaaa amal I vt Ball iiiuitini.
1 liiiri'tisnn anlTi-ri-ra an- nut cnrtsl hy iKw inrsltlwraimetlOiii ri'i'iit urn Irotlhlisl Willi I'rnatalllla.
1 1 I'l HKN K Ilia tmly know n rvimsl y in i nin w Itlmut i ii oiicriillnll, trim I i i. A wrliu-ii
Rlarnnlwislvi'il ami li y r-1 ur -! If r. hiIi m i..,a litit t lK:l u lnt luaiiulll t Ull. SUuDa oaftlul IUW
r limit. H I fur sitKK t In iilur itml ii xiiiiiiihiHia,
I in,,, ii t ft ill. n ii a; ( I. i), iloz Hail I ouii isi.a' ul.
s I ft. 14 ft I I
To all sufferers of whaUner weakness
or debility, rheumatism, lame back
etc., I offer my
Jpofl one or two months absolute free
trial, without one cent Isiing paid in
advance or deisisiled iu any mannrr.
All I ask is that the receiver ileal
h niiestly w ith me, as I will by him.
end for my latest lsok of informa
tion, just published, giving all in
formation regarding my invention ami
free trial system.
Dept. A. Uuaa-el Block,
POK II ami, OstKOON.
W li.. '1. in,.!. a aUuiii'ti, perfeel running
iic.l 111 bla sporU la uu uioru (.-ultiuaiavatli
about 1WI
tban art- llinav nu n ami nuuieu vtbu ilila lur
11KA1IH ami fLKAMl KK
uu autii-stli ruiuiliig wbaebi ul proveu wrorlb,
lor ootutuli uiid aafsly' sake.
SlMliilttl'l H-tUtilt-IH CftNtt
Ladies or (ieot's Hoadster i
l.tidn n or (ients Eight Hoadster lJ 00
(ienU IU pound Hacer 60 ISJ
I ...d,es orOeuts C'hainlesw tOU.00
Ideals lao, W, m
Again i ui.iilia ' ouuiy
Fa41suu, Orsguu
H01 Main Street, Pendleton. Oregon.
Hotel Pendleton
Under New rtjnwiy.' n t nt
Strictly First Class
Excellent Colsine.
Every Modern
Give Us a Trial.
lltM $2.00 a day
Special Kates by
W rk ur uiuntb
Br and Billiard Uooms. HeadQUartcra lur Traveling Mb
The Kest Hotel In E.stem Orttfon.
Van Uran Bros.. Props. Sim essori to t-. Moore
I B W I y awav T
SaBaBal BBaBaBBl3
fl asal
-aaaVaBftHHawCftUaBBaBBai Saw
If yon are the oiilortiinate victim of lark of nerve
yon know it, and it Bid ha UMlCBl to detail the
aal ft a I, B . ui.ii . .it null . Li .sain I II I ii ill it iii.it Mil
SM III If tt'Illlt I t ' I 'Ml ft HVJM -
ttiln -cxual I'lIU rsgenarsts and build up the ayBleii,
ft ft .i . i : . .t ..... . i , , , . , i
ol tne liritl until, IIUU jfive um iioair laainiwiiai
lions to the vital oiirsiiH lie the kind of men yu
i'i.'M to be yen be a llisll '
PrlOB, fl i per Ihis buv of your druist or siil
hy mail on rett ipt ol prlmi III plain wrapiier.
I ..ii Wayae. hid.
llel l mm
-li r iMNVinn, Hrwp
Eleuotly Fumhiied Steam Heated
liuropean elan
Block and a kail friM depot.
Sample Kooan la rniHrtloa
Room Rate
50t, 75c, $1.00
For Health. Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.