Shirt Waists for Spring. We have just received a large assortment of s.hirt waists which we are selling at prices that an all right. You can get an elegant waist for 50c, and our dollar waist is simplx a "peach."- just the kind that you like to wear. Our spring and summer goods arc now in. Siiks Ginghams. Lawns. Dimities. White Goods. I'cr cales. etc. SEE L'S FOR BARGAINS. THE MAGNET CASH STORE Clements & Wilson. Court and Cottonwood "TT" Fmm tru -I 'D- from thf (oltinitna ami tlin highway of conmeree it M VPAY. APRIL 29. 1901 A NOT ABU ERROR Cnder the caption. ' ' A Notable Omission." the Salem Statesman, in discussing the Portland labor inrulvnt. says: At a meeting of the Federated Trail.- Assembly, in Portland, a BlOtiM to atk the privilege? of taking pari 111 the reption to President MeB Inlay -tabled, for the reason given by a riralft ate from the CtgarmaKer-' I'mnn. "that the man at the litsad o( the raeeption eooiniittw' van BolitiekaEes, and tuat the more wWktksJMM UM eonld get to join with them, the Bon they would be able to 'twell them wives' about their following." The Statesman believes that Iba Mtioa taken and the remark "t Iielegat Vermier were nnwiae. Whatever of honor there 1 intende.1 In tiif tion will ha to Preaidant Mckinley, and not to anybody at the head of the committees, and there it no man on earth today to whom the wnrkinifmar hoo Id so delight to render honor a t William McKinley, for the policial of which he ha stood the champion and sponsor hsve given profitable employ ment to the workingmen of America, and base made it possible (or them i maintain UUlulie, Uj bui.u ani to dictate terni to en. plovers. It appear to the East Oregon tan thai the reaaon given by the BtatBs man why Portland workingon-n thould join in the recaption for President Mi K inlay is a very uotable error. Port land workingmen or other VOrktEfJEwM should not attend iMaajSjaaa i presi dent because of any political siwwl and policies they represent. Each s course of reasoning would lead r 11.. inverse propoaition tiiat workingniet, who believe not in a president view and policies should not attend his receptions. Citisent, without distinction, shoald welcome the nation's chief magistrate. The great office be fills demand re apect. He is every man' preaident. This is the spirit, permeating the nation, that manes it safe (or a presi dsnt to travel aboot the country. France's peaaident seldom goes acroes the land without threat of assassina tion, kulers of monarchical countries laar conatantiv the bullet, the knife or toe poison. Oar peaaident need (aar none of these, or, at least, the (aar is reduced to a minimum. Lat all citisens make Preaidant Mc Kinley welcome. Do bim highest honors. Stand before him in respect ful preeence. But do these things, not as supporters of bis policies or at op ponents of any other policies, hat be cause be represents the suffrages of the greatest nation on earth of win. : ga are all component elements. POPULAR BOND SUBSCRIPTIONS baletn some time ago boated a popu lar loan. Of city bonds, loo.uuu being issued, all were taken by Salem prop. at 4 par cent, and IId.OUi o! Bgjaaj school district bonds were subscribed there on the same terms. Independence it now floating faMQI bonds Oregon men will take the entire issue. Maker City could have don. kyi sauie tbnaj with tier f luu.uu.) issue, if Baker Oity will pardon an outsider for seak ing of bar business interest An ) Peodletou, for that matter, could have sold bar bonds of issue a yaar ago on the same plan. Take the Baker City case. That town baa, ao is claimed by people there, one million dollars lying idle n, ifca banu. This money would better be employed, of course, and M better manner (or its uae could I auggesteti than that tiie owuers tubacriU- (as and take the boudt of ue municipality. Than wuald the interest he kept a borne, and uot go to the east, New York or Boston or some other money centre. Popolar loans are the modern ten dency in public borrowings. The United stales government, alter many bond salsa to foreign person aad large tiuancial institution, triad the popular loan plan and (ouud that a loan many times as large maid nave beau taken bad the offered. M doe reassert lor the opinions of the officials In the various towns of the Inland Kmpire that have recently boated bonds, tbe popular subscrip tion sbould have baao tried in each a. la taw inataw, would u have tailed. There have leen nigger in wood piles. How shout Chi woodpile I lit not strange that Mr. I ing to the West to learn of the re ; source and need and conditions. ) thould overlook the moer important of , them all? Newspaper readers will re member that Washington congressmen "ii"" the Columbia river anpropra ;ion last sinter: that an influence wa eierted froni Western Washington again! the Colunibia river. Although inch act; on wa commer cial and industrial madness. i it possi ble .hat there wa method in that madness, and that someone desired to handicap the Columbia river valley in its development" And it it possible that tome such influence was eierted to fix the tour of the president in a manner to preclude hi seeing the river and being convinced, as he would be convinced were he to see it, of Ifejg imperative need for governmental action in he premises? And San Francisco care not to have the Colombia river improved, and would not rejoice at a generous appro priation for that purpose. Here i a series of otieriee that are. of course, mere queriej. But. the very fact of their atking it au intimaation that that nigger may be hiding bj :i presidential weeiem trip woodpile. men find it so easv to y uiath ixe with the Marguerite whose tin anil life end in the beautiful "Ange purs, ange NMliaflg" aria written 6 loumod, and 11.1t w ith the Marguerite who ends in the hospital, the morgue and the Potter's field. It make a great d ifference, apparent ly, to moral and virtnons women, whether the erring Marguerite has a tamon tenor on one side of her and a funioii bMM on the other, or whether she he on one side of her the t ook COUntV hospital and on the other side tbe Bridewell. I much in criticism of womnn's BttlMwl to her sister. Hut rememler that all criticism of universal condi tions is necessarily false. Thing are Hist right they are a wise purpose underlie them. Women are harsh with women be MM wtaroa witnm wills that they shall be. Women fears. above all things the contempt, the harsh con demnation of ' ther women. While that contempt punishes brutally many unfortunate creatures, it saves from disaster thousand of others. The cruelty of woman, is woman's great salvation. Things are a they bnoid be. But for an interesting studv in hu man nature, go ,md watch the fqre a! the old iadie at "ran!'' while ti e tenor screeches. IBS devil poeee in his red tight, and Marugente sings : "Je t apartiens : le t 'adore. " Chicago American. TALIS FROM WASHINGTON. Senator Mason, of Illinois, rushed breathlessly into his bathroom a muffle gaj at 'W" BgjO M shave himself. He was late for breakfast. He hastily scraped hisjtriple chiiisaml reached for the tule of fact- cream be keep in a closet above the washstaml. It ao hapenel that his sniall son had. M ins evening he I ore. carefully place a tube of idcycle cement in the closet, and the senator got tbe cement instead of the face cream. He danhed hi broad expanse of face with the cement Ml -I- he realised anything wa wrong. The skin specialist he enn suited think he will have all the cement off the senator's face in a week rati u Lonely Homes A bora li never complete without ihildren. Vt rnsav homes tn childless Many wtPtJ a desolate for the lack of a chili 1 to lovt Their lives trt aimless void 01 the hih motives of metrwrhood While harre-isess M IBBBNBJ imal culable tsdacM tnd lorrew. It exists ir. molt cans on suount of torn tittle fmk trouhl. which WMM of Csrdui vould ipwdilv "t tip. Thb pert Wins rtsult th dio'd-cd Irmilr crjiiu by bwildinjl up th worn out rrti tnd rvsuUIInt the roeiutrtnl flow ll raawTPal th( Isotn womb t iu proper place. Bv ttrentlh saira the generative ortani. it mke prt nancv postible where Karrennen exiit You can depend on WINECARDII SuftVHnt women all ever the land have been tkpendinf, on It for teventv-five vcsm No more convlneinf proof can he tiven Iran the tsitimonv ol fin. Benson, who 11 BRh ne of thouundi of women to whom Wine of Ooul hat broeafhl a psrmsnsnt curt. Manv csiei of mii.imiji thai trouble which robe mothers of their hopes have been avoided hv timeh BM thr Watt. Yea art asked to tn Wise of Csrdui and Thcuford t Black-lirautht. Hs Mf aiiiiKi medicine Nine out of ten cases of female trouble, barren, nets included, vieln to them All dmyiili sell Si 00 bottles of Hlne of Csrdui. Vandsnroort. Ark.. April 1 1BX. Last May I had a mitoarrlasw. wblch waa foi.owr.l by flrilMi I rrad your Altnaaac and mr busbanif got rue a bottlr of tnr of ( antui ud It topped mi Baadlaa and rMtorwd m fallen womb to it piscr. ROW I am eurvd afwr taking BM bottles and'hevr another to takr which I V" tbls nurnuja I am eiportlnt to become a mother and Wtae of Cardui wll b mv doevor Mr. MAKV L. UKNSON. n We're Just as Thankful For a smsll package ns a large one. F.uch a ill recto ve toe same I borough and careful attention. If we Mf the firmer it niMy in iitnegtow to the latter by the sstisfactmn yon will derive in wearing our laundered work. Steam lestic Lanndrr, J. r. I Nntm, Prop. Tsinbore 60 Pendleton Planing and Lumber! Can cheapo J nV -rm jn ,he 1 beCUM they buy J quantities, if luni,,rr or y kJ mill work caU .i tfn ir prices fOTEB, - fj for a4vt aad Ueaniorp. addreaa. ri.K lpartment. TV ChaBaaouca Hu- srmworrn Tl id!i A.lTWorj ediaae CoupanT. rnntta.-.-vm Tsol Equal to any in the world. a vuw or ims! You kuom what happens in (ion nod's great opera. "Fault," which is hasml on Uoethe't workt. An old man hi name i Faust yearn (or youth He get tbe youth, makes the davit's acquaintance, sell bit soul to tbe devil for the devil's he. p. ll. the .ijiera the dev. ir m . :,- s called Mephisuipheles. Kverybody is tMrautiinlly dressed. from tlie d'evi: and Faust, the pea taut gins and the ballet dancers, to tbe old grand mother, with their diamond and paaris. in tbe tuxes . If you want to stiniy strange freaks of huniau nature, you ought to took at tbe respectable old and ypong women at tbe opera while "Faust" is sung. The servant of the Chinese legation Ml prepariug to take up and store for ' the summer the large and expensive ' ! "I'at have covered the rloors dur ing the winter. When the rugs are taken 1 up the tioor of the variou room will tx- rough and discolored. Caller who do not know the reason why will i wonder ut the absence of oil. varnish ' or nax. Ttir explanation It brief and pointed. Three year ago. when the first spring of Mr. Wu's residence in the j present legation rolled around . ttie honar steward, a bright an'! up-to-date ! colored, man took up the rugt. Than I the floor- were ruhted and waxed lint: thev shone. Just after the waxing of the floor had lieei (.erlected Mine. Wu came dowiiitair and started for the front I parlor. Her feet are very tmall and it i not an easy matter for her to walk . at heat. M.e fe.. down three time in going a yard and wa picked up and earned from the scene. Minister Wu ordered that the wax lie scraped from the Moor and that thev be made sufficiently rough for Mine. Wn to walk thereon. Thi wa d n. . The curious and inquiring need Bl longer wonder at the appearance of the hour in the Chinese legation whan ttie rugs are taken np. Fresh Clean Stock of Groceries For you to select from. Will tivf you reasonable prices. Tr us with an crder WHITE HOUSE GROCERY Thompson & Dupuis, Props. PILSNER BOTTLED BEER. BRKWI RY 1 wa bMrTTLDIO. High! fVsmeetmeMaMd to family trade l-.vt 1 li. guavatiteesl . Schultz Brewine Co. i Rv " a - a aa . a i Boo1! Steal a .Van's Time oNt LINE 1 time . time. .:.. ac esscb toe lie vxira CLASSIFIED ADS. lim line OOltT 8 EVEN UtiKl'!- To TIIK UNI or more per week ai il rait of i t"- k'Ii sxirs FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. : A SKW UX HUESI POVTKB QAfsO line sagtae aad all ttxiur. aataaaMt tank, ptpinf. uatir' anl ls tri eperkor, at a low BANKS AND BROKERS. ikaaaags n. urlwuo. PHYSICIANS. HKKT NATIONAL BAKKOV ATHENA r(o:. i apiia. ASo.OO' aiirpoi. and profit a..iX) Interesi uo tim iI?imiu lvai. in l"rnn an ' aaBBHttC excftaiigi ( olivctlou piompiiT atieaosd is asarv i v ... . area Idem. T J. Kir. vn-e-preenWul . E I bar net! -ahir Ur. E L Rrutl uiiiuni lsr. The center of the whole vouug woman named When the curtain tin, opportunity raWDBar aag. , coi,uriBUi Pk v: u - 'luwaaouuiaineasr audorsm the vjragouian a ssjiaiAilatsrv ... Hon plan, and thinks that President McKinley should awe the Columbia rives, iaaru the woadearial poasibilitias of the grawi walea-way, that the genal jwaanaait may asa tU reaauuableueaa thing it a Marguerite the ha ttie Desat of intention., the best character, the prettiest of faces, aud two long, yellow braidt down her back. la draaard verv prettily, indeed, and in tiie opera house the hat a high-aoimo-nig uame, like MelDa, Nordlca, Caive or Fatti. Every night that "Kautt" is sung this young woman goee to the bad Sue went to the bad again last uight in the Auditorium. Every night that "Kautt" it tung every woman in the audience sym pathises with Marguerite, woo be haves so badly. Many shed tears over her mulortune. All forgive tier, feel sorry tor her. and kuow that the it not to blame. The most severe old woman in the moat expensive box would put her arm around Marguerite', neck and teli tier not to fret. Now, we atiouid like respectfully to lecture that tain.- severe old womaii in the axpanaiva box at to her attitude lien the leave ttie ora. How dues ttiat old ladv act if on the wav to tier carriage .tie 6nd tiie mde walk obstructed hy tome unfortunate creature who ha Margiierite'r sorrow.! without Marguerite' good clothes? 1'ows) she uot ay that it il gg outrage for the police to allow such thing'.' Poaaibly she will ooserve tuat in the opera Marguerite hel urn a fairchaace. i rautt ha such beautiful silk tights, one leg itrined auJ ttie other leg covered with spangles: and, betides, he has a devil to oring a box of jewels to tempt Marguerite. Ilut we would like to tell the con servative old lady that the errins I Rheumatism Rheumatic pains are the cnaa of amfm -;re9a from tortured muscles, aching bundins iu.ui hu hi. iicu narvws. 1 ne diodo BBB been poiaoned by the accumulation of waste matter in that awatam H ' 'n.. u.j. r a i i. in longer tupplv the pur, ad health saatau,. -h Bag food thev require. The whols syataaa feeU the effect of tuis acfd poison and r-rh dw 1H1' 1HV.-11a.s- : not until the bioud has been nunheA ..H ou' ol tto. DK. W. t.. i.LK OmOl IN .'Ul oulMlna . bour. l a MB . I to i P nr. Talspboa 77. K. W. VINi'KNT M 1). OKKK K RfcAK of rim HattaaaJ bant nBw noun U u lv a. a . 1 lol p a UK.S. SMITH 4 HKNUKKSUS. uKKU'E ortr Pvodlsioo Maeias. bank, lelspboo at, reaoltucr laiepUuor J. H. 8. GAKflKLI) M. 1 HdMfc PATH ir Pbnieiao aad Sursreni, usiv m judC 1IBI ' III. ill,. ! t tD. Ml. au.-e. biaut M THt. I'KNVLaTTON .VIttS KAN k Hvndieniu. (riin organise.! Marcn ; UBS 'piu:. ni.0rx mi. frsi alloweil on time .I, poaiu Kiciiaug.- on ujht aud wid on all pru. cipa. poinu Hpeiia. atlentup (itd u r.i... Uons W J rurnlet . pmsndetii. J. N lual vio-pras duni. 1 1 Morris cashier Away Iron Mm in burins; in--Is whtn be lia. rvin to pa lur lie eaiiusi wall affurd It Bui if jrou aut la ei y.iur real t. i dollar, worib iu llarnaaa. .Jla. Brnlie.. Jpir. hip, (.love. Ilru.bss. Coajb Tenu waawOavsisaBt) ktavat call on tbs aau - urn- .... rwu. ll. pay Call up:::::: i for Wood, Coal, Brick and Sand. HpOVI' H...L aa.uw .. jam. l IUU1I Especial stiaauta rjsa in t "inignmmw , . , , r . ' VMM i . v w vaawi Hold by JOHN SCHiOt The Louvre 5aki PEN HI. ETON THK KAllMKl; r ll A N K oY WK-! "S v.ion 'irvgon imm a gentrsU baui ny ru-:ti' fci :iug.. nought sn : un: i ,,. lej iiou. proaipiiy alUDdad it, Affair, iu musi mit'?aoo5il!i?Si!ff J?''"" Ur"" ''' ArtSOI'I A- 1-r.n-bsic. . prvs ,1 J k juhawrs! a.i 8. A iiartmau k M Orsw. J r. Klhgoe-. Y nwoaia. Jobu i J Hnci bouin Jamooii . r orougin lay. a to a asaltky oondiuon wUJ the achsrs and pains cease tr. )amea Ke:i. of r Nlatb aireat, . gt Waahiastoa. D. C wntaa aa four... -a a on a' - i aar. ...! "ri aw as Sal ii tasrn in tu wore (oral Tba Sai m lairnar that I tWaoie cosapleseiT praa traten Tta attack waa aa aauauall. trnr. ugt aad ear oassditsoe was rcsrara ao as jring vr . :igt- I - v aileodrd by tat sf tbe mnn at sloe. Ionia Washmglou wbost eiav a ascs.Mr r tb f.c- oi a leading Bteilcal ll b Bf lold ne loi. more to esatiuur hi. i i ..i hii : amll i" lima, without rl 1 LYNN K BLAkKHLEK. CHUuNU and uarvoua dlaaaaea and diaawsa of womsa. pp Hole! cor Water aad Bam St PaodiS soo Urs. ABLHITBCTk AND BUI' DEBS T. T. HOWARD. ARCHITECT AND M pennuudant. snakes complete and reliant absas los- bulldlag. lo the city or country boon 17 Judd butldlDf A WAV, t ONTRACTOE A Mi builder Kaumaiea turnurwd ou al. Iiu maautiry -moil waits stune walls, etc Or dsn can be lefi ai tbe East Oregon i a- ...i e rUIT NATION Al on apiu. n ' act a genera, oaunug tu ami Utiegrapni' transfers tol rYauri.1-.. Sv and tbe Nortbweat hralu Draw an l a ii, ii. Mai . . terms her: Auteny prra ,v,-viMiiiBin i n w uaesuteT aMisian Joseph eii. Prop. Take the Oregon Lumber yard WOOD QUTTBSI For ham snd dwell ings. Chesper than tin. WAVE V t'KNDLE BWBtaa,, Trana I tiiiauiesw Eirhaii. r siid on OakBkga nai ISCgLLANgOUS BOTICgS. NOT! th l-n Uossaaul I . AJtsrhartaa- I lllag lla ,n. , ,1 i . . Kinini iu cmuaat as nesrssesi ssi kmc: ltT,;1(i uaarttol S S B, Banff .aawotc'l if. i or P h main aar 1 lands it aiasos. --"r to snvsi tlx snrdsctar a trial, aad . ici : na.: laara a tear bonk i - a,. iiraea.aasl tatwaaaa o,o. aft, aad ao war for ibera a', all B 6 S bavloa tttred sne a und aad well All tb rtien sin j E9R ",r m r appetb. baa fwsaamad - " wy m aajaui raasvtwa as DENTISTS liKMle) OKKI'K e. a. varan m In Judd Bulldiaf A. L. BE ATI t. U. II. H. OEEM'E OVKl: Bav uigs Hank Ows adauntsurwd E. A. MANN. DENTIBT IN AB8UCI A tloi Block over W B Clopion ottea ber ol direvlur. Iium mnr l, Bv.. Lutn her, Uth. ShinnleN lillll.tin.. Kj... uou. on raaaoiiab, .. '-..m.. i KI, w v Maitaak XUt f'.itier. d caaniar li W . rm ' at I ...ic and ( xniciit Mouldiniih. I'itkets u . Plaster. Screen tkitinli W indows, s,i-,h End I root v i crra (tta Pipe. 11 . L ' L L " v fSBtB, SW (aa.B.WSI aa e7 Columbia Railway Fa. ('hicago, Kt fan., St . if. Mi afaj a . ny, rt. jos, All Points tast am IS-NOTK'E I. BM in, i,ur nr. and ol luce the nun.- ANN' I' A 1. MKKTlNt. .Sou, v aamki g. eating of stoct io I r Wooleu MlIU will l. heli at 13 p m at tri. ..t rQ,ikin irrg,,u bTOCEHOLDSbj " ii tuat the auuua. of ia Poudiotui, I BBS lai slay 7. lu . of lus ' otupaay, id Portlaod sod on the Souos Arrlvea Uondar. VSad a as aa. BBS I UJtjV J a y B , I U iwm'- f&t 9 -M a. m fur llifiirmadni. resrarillDf ilM m iu sat I lona ia11 nr airlrMaf sss buuseuiaid wtioiu tlie may have judgtnl o anvurtiiy nail grvat.-r teuipution and a better excuse tliau did BsBlgBBI Ita, even lliuugli slit- could uot gt ner voice up quite ao bigli. Mepisiaiopuerea it just a tiuty with house niaide and poor, overworktsd ahup-girli a with anv Margti.-riu-that ever lived. And hit work i made easier bv long hours.uull routuie and bopelase future. It is ttrauge and aad that mortal wo ItchUtchUtch! Awful Itching of Eczema Dreadful Scaling of Psoriasis CURED BY CUTICURA allav io.i,,."7 ' , Ouiuusnt, to the great vearctabs purifier and tonic, it the ideal rcmedv Lu ; rheumallc trouble a " here are no it i.ia. o aunerala in it to disturb tka digwatiosa aud lea,; to ruinous Eabita We hivr preparad a special book asn Rheumatism which every sufferer (rotn Una pain: ai diseaae thuuid rsw1 It is the moat complete and interesting book of the kind in existence. It will be sent free to any one desanng it. Write our pn uaua iuu aim trecivaOOUt VOUrCBI ie m i harie for medical mivirr 1ME IWIFt SPECISIC CO, A t LANTA. sU. ATTOBHBTS f E JfliD. BBtStUii IN POVN ! i ny k. r.JDBO, fraalden I AETEE A EALKY ATToENKVb AI law i'Bw in aaviugs Bans H . bkan a vowmul, Tttorney a I Law Boom is Aasuciation Block Keudii ion oragoL T.G.HAILEV LAWYER. OKKICE IN Judd Bulidiog fcudlcion Oraaon s-TIhl.MAN A P1KKCK ATTi ilr v r v I MV. 1K u up by tn i expiration t about in,, d t on rifbt Borie .5: Light, Prop' 411. At.) orm CMjrl M oe h I 'A I Hr-kHrAl' i. r a Ualla alia . "u. dark iron gta norw:, w.-tgm au.ut lata haled April A. ifaji iUlATUHAS. City atarabal We r.lWawa. . .aa Swuii lu. 1.. a tut Vsakasa.ik..- AM I,.,.. - ' ..,ii, .iiiii-m i iir-i ...... . .r,i J -..i uk iur magajluaa ur Telephone 72. ALLEN BROS., Wood and Posts. Oslieered Promptly frloa Kight Eir and laiumaraea fuel od nioa sun dry. Office rear of havings Hank. PENDLETON, . . OB EGOM Farmers Custom Mill FraeJ W altars, Proprtetor. Capacity, laO barruit a day. Flour exchange! lor waaat. fiour, an. rasd. Cbopaad freed, gM:. w on naud N, MEREEI.EY ATTORNEY AT uAVV (Wat 10 Ataueiaiion H.oi a I .It. BOYIJ. ATTORNEY AT LAW Court St. 111 to Magazines L R REEDEB ATTORNEY AT LAW feudietoti. lir-gu ,A " 1 have ii ten IUOUc Ix bulb iru I, Ibe I Addr - -, in Ibe l nilel NUUm or Europe remit o Po.U. n,u. 4 , send to Ibe Eaar ii.h, Uh Ibe net publiit,,, price of w.r pubiuaiiut you deaire, aud m you and aa.umr al: rut of ibt It will wee you t II you are a .ohx..&Z: IS.HI4. l, f. i , . I Lt Ray (Sc Co., kuy aad tall St''kH, Honda g I . astw taw fyiJaiH sM Mb m nasaaT and Grain th lcgo Stock Exchange, t-hicago Hoard of Trad. i iur Short Union Tims SehaSaSS from P.oSlStss- the blood, make tiie - (. w""l'"-i and r.,,r,;. i 'or toeturinjj. da- oo i h?mon- rsahea, and irriuiiuuT wTaklaatoe-aah, which hav.dei, tTuTI ahyaiciana and all mi,., .male am (,,. ...,. ... cure the .ii-. -7T. r? w'" eaaaWttBBi U - vtm biAsaVWJ i. 4tasL of the boat ,t ob JWPV'WTHESETM.ZS "-aai- tJ-'tr-.HT &'. at. BB" asaaa V WJt . tTMaJa KtU ROUGH HANDS esaaae aat baaaaSaS i,j CuvaTsaa! ..French Restaurant.. aMaLVIIMfl 7" wm ms I'll AM, Ml, Hi TBOl'T a I tiAalE BEABoX Juat Racalved a alee ot of frog . leg. na LaFoatain., Hroprbrtor I bul"1"'. -sin m Hllmm, Oro. We are ail Ready lo start ilocoratmo sour walls and ceiling with the most elegantly designed wall patterns ever de vised as soon as you are through with your Spring, if you prefer to have us out of the wa prior to starting (0 dean house. Fatterns on v.ew long ago-don't miss the exhibit. Jesse Failing. Mam ttreeit near bridtje. -,.ri satrssot. ''i,,l,.l.,n '-., MlBba. 1 fo"""-T SB fVTr-7-Wa r JZCyPn WHOLESALE h f LIMBER I' ' f -aS a. c m t oo, i BatVUaL, Manager. AMI RETAIL l.'blcaao lrtland nnc:la5 ! tb v. tn via Hum ingtoo. it i ... iiaaear. Woril, (,maBa..ks;. aat City t n-a, and I Atlantic Expreaa iia m Via Hunt lugton ball lake m.- .k ia. caao auu - Ml faul faai Mall a BJ Via ' I-.,. i. a . .LEE'S LICE KILLER... ItBMIil.Ml Poultry L 7!Z T fi U'iU-' HONK MKAL A cean. moBanBiva but nutritious ferfligarr for your t. . tOleSWOrthy Po"try and b Supply Depot DEALERS ...... -.r.iiaBB M.,1SUC . i man Miuueatajav-l-.ul ouluib.alisw Esse, t'blcagu aSSM Ocean and River PROM HOKTLA fsjp. tn. Yartl on Webb Htret,t OpuuBiu, Hunt rreigbt U,,M,t e . e Bnartd to furnish anytli111c "' lu'"Ur IU" Mil guarantaJ prices to be as tbeap ,f , S- -ft we x "j; e lioe of iws. Windows and Mou, ll to aee us t-.f, i ,Z .. order. W. 7 facing Uieir urocrt e also uarrv i i.. , 1;. ' r.Ml air wood. Pboas. u. u I'aliy ui apl n, ,n, lay p. In . oaiorday iu p in bally aa. Buuday ta a. m. luea. Tbra and Bat All aalllns UiasSW toct to cbasas Kor ban KraaatS Ball svsry i l Columbis fUs .ai MM IU - auaiuga. Wlllarostls BitST ivraaoo i "'i iaal and "Bt-l""' Cor vallia and was LauidluS 7 a. m. Tuat. Tbra. lOreafstB avim l . .Ml w t.iii gifars ciiy. Lmsvc Hiparla I Sa. w. Ually Bnaks . BMaaartS ts I t.