East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 27, 1901, Image 4

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Just Reet-h td
a line of
Ladies' Handsome
in Patent Leather
and Fine lngola.
All late styles.
Call and see them.
Practical Boot and Shoe Men
Try Dutton' ice cream boaolMH
Bicycle, racvcle, Mafi w ithee
Gold ring. 2Rc. warranted. Null's
New wash good at Cieaver Bros lry
Good Co
Bar roar window chad
Bl I
Compn md yeast fresb IWJ day at
R. Martin '.
Call and we Crawford bicycles and
recycles at Withee's.
Have roar pictures framed . latent
fty 1m at Murphy .
New designs in wall paper at
Marpby'f paint tor.
Haw lev bare fancy line nf dried
trmta and big oranges-
Fine mountain potatoes, mustard
greens, comb honey, Hawley'.
Is lest novelties m spring good. See
window. Clearer Bros, firy Goods Co.
Oldest place and beat taaialss. at Le
Boy's, cor. Court and Garden street.
The latest in bicycle in the cushion
tramit Cone in and aee tbeni.
N. Berkeley baa some very desirable
towc and coo u try property lor sale Q
easy terms.
Finest bam and lard on tbe market.
Home product try it. iu guaranteed,
bebwan A Greolich.
Freab invoice new peas, string Iieanr
asparagus, sweet potatoes, MBM
radishes and lettuce at Haw ley's.
Ice cream and pare cream at I but
ton's. Leave your orders for Sunday .
Cream delivered to your home, packed
in cans.
ft I bicycles on tbe installment
plan at tbe Crescent agency in Mm Bast
tirewoman building, payments fl a
week, no interest.
Mrs. was in tbe store vesterday
and she thought oar line of spring
goods were tbe nicest in town. Cleaver
Broa. Dry Goods Oo.
ke member 1 have a better stock of
oil, axle-grease, rope, belting and ail
other harvest supplies than ever be
lore. P. Sones, Helii
Look and see their new colors in
nigra ins and gilts. Paints ready for use.
Paper banging and painting proti.pt j
done. See C. "-harp, opera boose
block, Pendleton, Or.
A meeting of tbe women's committee
of tbe Young Men's Christian Associa
tion is called for Toesdar morning
next, at 10 o'clock, at tbe Commercial
eaociatioo room. A In., attend I
Tbe iaatest aelliug book are ' ' Lben
Hoiden. ' "Alio of Old Vinosnne. ' '
"Tbe King of Hooey Island, '' "Bleb
ard Yea-and-Nav , " Wanted, a Match
maker," and "Stringtown on tb
risk " at Tallman C 'l
At the Popular Shoe Store
aleb. iumiu p..
no one uau iail u da tbe vrr taust
uuvslux in tuuieaar lur boil kik
i Slurr
uur sasss euuiblu i.y. Bi, au tulu-l and
'luraomty aud U rvpc t ,,- SWT iu'. n
uur cas irue uac.afr ibe best n Be louu I n
u. t ataasr.
Pendleton Shoe Co.,
Mana er
Spring Troubles
jksssasss. aassBsBBBBBsLa-
fluent line of rng ami mattine.
Automatic refrigerator and water
cooler at Kai1r's furniture store.
John Ward bar cm tract for carry
ing the mail ks l.ebnum springs.
Window shades curtain "les. mir
rors, etc., at Kader's fiiritture store.
A lorket. with crescent on tbe out
side, bar been lost. Please return to
East t'revonian.
Kor rent Four non house in .!
location. Inquire of J. H. TstMkfi
corner Main an.l Bluff stnet.
Here ii a chance of a lifetime to
make tUH figuring on the Kacvcle
crank hanger Tbe c Id Men awaitr
you. Call and see them at Withee's.
Hoo-is-moi-inox. one of 'he oldest
Indian on the reservation, tietweeii M
aini W. war in town t.xlav He
nisrne.i than one year ago.
Times Mounta nerr I Mr. I'.righam,
t?te nvl hover, arrived in the city the
first of the week, and will make this
bis headquarter? during tbe BMRsi
season .
Will exchange for stuck ranch, with
cattle or sheep, splendidiv Ica-eU.I and
improved real state, income 91SM BM
vear. Must seek drv climate. Owner.
Box 802. Seattle. Wssn.
Times-Mountaineer: The wool stored
in the D, P. A A. N. war house is t
lM baled and h:pel to Boston. It is
understood that some 3isj.ii pounds of
it has been sold but the price was Mi
given oat.
Heppner Time : Matlovk A Keeiiev
recent !v sold al! their range horses
about Ave or six hundreil head to
CaTTwy A McOarev. of outh "matin.
tbe animals to be deli VMM at
H-pp- '
ner. June no.
Ttie 0, R. A N. company will com-
nience selling round trip' tickets to
Meacham op Sunday. Mav h. and cop.
tiuue it eacb Mimtay during tbe sum
mer During tne season last yea over
70U ticket were sold at tne reduce!
Heppuer Times: Jas. Keener in
f I'm u that the horsemen Mill com
mence a generu. round up at tbe Ileus
ranch, mouth of Willow creek. Mav
IS. Horses will he corralled at Ileos.
Cecil. Well Springs, Butter creek and
a: Moke. All parties concerned shouid
be represented.
William MrCormii-k has five plows
id successfa. operation on his farm
nine mile east of Peudletun. Tbey
are all operated by stream, and the
way they piow througti the dirt is
enough to astonish one who is onlv
familiar with the old style o. plowing
witb a team.
Hood River 1. lacier: H. E. Blocber
came to Hood Kiver witti hi family
six rear ago. Arriving here hi
worldly good amounted to f-t.-V) in
cash. He engaged in trawber'y grow
ing and bought forty acres on time for
$.'. Two iiioutlt ago lie sold leu
acre for IIUUU, aud ou Monday the
balance for 4000.
Herman suhl and Miss Anna Pahi
were united in marr.ageun WeJueaday.
April 24. at 1 o'clock, at tbe home of
tierman Koehlk. near Fulton. Rev.
H. W. YiugDt perlormetl the ceremony
in tbe presence of a large number of
the friend ot tbe popular young
couple. They have gone to lmue
keeping at the home of the grinim in
iutb Cold spring
If yoo are going kg need a shirt or a
rait of clothe go where complete line
can be found. where the newest things,
as wei. as tbe beat value are shown,
where you are jat a welcome whether
you come to buy or to iook. The Pe .
pie Warehouse is now showing the
greatest and handsomest assortment of
men's furnishings and ciott. ing thai
it baa ever been their good fortune to
Locile Pierce, daughter o: Mr and
Mr. W M. Pierce, while at play
aooot 5 o'clock Friday evening fell oat
of a little wagon in which she was
riding and fractured both bone of ber
right forearm halfway between the
elbow and wrist. Dr. T M. Hender
son reduced tbe fracture. Later in
the evening the arm was examined by
ucans o! the X-ray and found to be
in good si. ape.
Arrived on Friday Borrin Witb
Good Tor Paodlaior arcban.
The county and city officials are
looking anxiously for a man or men
(all of red claret wine and MRM drugs
aud wearing new suits of mixed cloth
ing and show. If any persons answer
ing toe above description cin )e fount)
tktf will be arretel for rOBMn At
IO, R. a N. cor which arrived in Pen
dleton trom the east triday morning,
i was foood to have been tampered with
1 when too railroad official came t
check out tb freight. Among the stuff
no las lug were several rait of nothing,
storo! pair of snows, mm Bsgw
claret win, fruit juices an : reeer
fruit. Tb freight in tbe car war
j signed to Chorle K Dottoa, tb Bo
I ton store, Cleaver Brother aud Br sjfj
A McCuma. Where the car was en
tered and robbed is not known. It may
! have been done after arriavl in Pen
llalon, but it is thought that the rob
bery was commit tad many mneeeasto'
Paid Two beau Clams.
Mr. Johnua boilermau, clerk of
liaphoe Circle, No. 2, Wom.i
Woodcraft, during tbe past week ha
paid two death claim, a follows:
Oue ui 20u0 to W T. bovntoi .
twueuciary of the late Mr Magg -RoVstoo,
his wife: tbe second of llOuo
to George F. Mtoeker, of Altai, guar
diau of hi children, benebciarie of
the late Mm. Jennie Htoctter, hi wife.
AttsntioD Ploort.
memuersof Win. Mart in encamp
ment are requested to assemble at hall
on Suuday morning, April 2. at 7
, o'clock to attend the luuera! of the late
. Mia Nellie Brown.
L08 of a,rtttitfc,
Stoinat-h ailment,
aud Other Eruptiouu
are gome of them.
Correct all of these
maketi the blood l)U M
At Rader's furniture sto.-e it
Silt LC S TH S A t:lK WITH rik-
II Kl HfcWpgtH ,UIC
Iht Funsrai Will Occur at Athsi at
to O'aiecK Sunday Mornln a
Pioneer of IM Pac'Bo.
Ni-r Nellie llrowii died at I oMock
a.m. on Saturday , April 27. at the
home of Mrs. Ad l ent on Frank I m
street, hetweeti t'niitt ait! Webb
MjmM, Am MM of driirh is givn as
purpura I eiprrrhsnica. by the attend
kkf pi ysii :aiis. Ir. C. . inith. T.
M. Henders-m and D J M Fanl. 8he
was Istii in Ntslawsy county, Misouri.
M March II, iHM.and WM roi.equeut-
i ly in her 1Mb year. She was tin
step-daughter o' reeli K'es. Her
f.:lnr residts M X -iraska.
Atundsd th sthana Bxruesion.
Miss Itrown was one of those who
went SO AtfMM Oil the elciirwi.iu on
sMtof April 21, and a'tc her -eturn
in the MMtM was stricken with a
i chill, followed by a fever. By II
o'clock MOsds bMnilMJ she was
artliited with voinr ng. hut seemetl to
M in ik i tH'tter later iu the morning,
and Dr, Minth was not callel until
i the evening. Bo Ml luM reanlt were
anticipated until ou Thursday,
ou Tlmr
her condition became critical
Mr. ami Mrs. Lstes were at Bing
I. am. M tne 0, K. A N., and a tele
gram was sent kg tbe latter to come at
MM She arrived on tbe nigh' train.
Dp l-ridav another leiegram was sent
lor Mr. hstes, ami he arrived in the
eveuing, but by that time the iiatient
was uii oiiscnius.rec. guiimg tm iersoii.
tr-u that conditioo be never re
coverwd aud deatti came at 1 o'cha'k
the following morning.
Cam to Oraon I I Tsars .
Nellie Brown came to iregon about
11 years ago, and alter having lived In
ttie Vt .atpette valley tW years, came
to Athena, where she resided until
last J sly, when she came to Poodle
ton. - h' e laat epteuiher she has been
an employe ol the itostop Store.
At the meeting of Will ism Mari n
MM! puieut. No. 1. Pioueers of the
Pacific, neld on Wednesday evening.
April 10. she was admitted to the
society a a social mem tier.
The funeral of deceased will take
place at Athena op -uuday, April 28,
at 10 o'clock. The funeral party will
leave I'eiidletun M the regularnioriiing
traiu. Tbe memlierB of Wnliam Mar
tin encampment will attend in a body.
A large circle of friends is left
u. mourn tbe death of one who was
considered by all a of a lovable dir
pMttloa and who was universally re
Purpura Hsmorrhtgisa.
The disease which caused the death
o! Nellie Brown was pronounced to be
purpura hemorrhagica, deacritnjd as be
ing characterised b livid spots on the
skin, followed by low of strength. It
is similar in that regard to hemorrhagic
nisasie or hemorrhagic smallpox, but
there the similarity ceases, a it is not
infectious. The disease carries witb it
hemorrhage of the mucous and serous
memrirancw. The cause of the disease
is 'i i. known. One physician staled this
morning that during hi practice in
Pendleton he had ba'f five case ot
purpura hemorrhagica, ot which three
had proved fatal. Another physician
remarked that be tiad treated three
case during the course of his practice,
and that all bad been fatal.
7t Cnu for Rouod Trip.
The Pendleton baeball club will go
to Athena on uuday morning, April
2s, on the regular train due to leave
at Ills, An excursion rate of 75 cent
for the roond trip will be sufficient
to insure the attendance of many en
thusiast in addition to tbe team
proper. Tbi will be only a practice
game, but it will be tb first ap
pearance thi year of the Pendleton
boys a a team.
Draw Griffin Injured.
While engaged at practice Iridav
aflerti' am I'rew i if.ffin was injured.
He war at the hat aid Jake Mariu wa
pitching. Mr Marin shot one over
the plate nt a rapid gait and Mr.
riffin made a swipe at it. Tbe ball
struck I. is hat g.auced and struck him
on the .ett cheek. Mr. (.iriffin's lace
is badly swollen todav and be will
have a discolored eye for several Week.
anacar Stiarpaiain s Ultimatum.
Manager -harpatein, of the Walla
Walla teim, tar issued an ultimatum,
as lullows: "Tb oew rule is that no
tin horns, tin-nans, bells or othei
noise-n.sk ng contrivance will be al
lowed tin the field, and anyone having
the same will ue refused admisaion
until he or she shall have otherwise
disposed of the instruments nf tor
ture " Tbia action of Manager -narn-
-l. :i reardiny gamer :u Walla Walla
will be com mended. The rule ha
Oeen in force in Pendleton for three
or four years, and it works well. Mar
shal deathman will not allow any
ti. ng of the kiud on the local grounds,
and the spectators stand in with him.
Story of Revolutionary Time
id Blasiarful aannar.
. ir I-itch 's powerful play of "Na
tnan Hale" will be tbe attraction at
the Pimm on Fridav, May 3. It ha
ik-i. r.-atdly said of ttie remarkable
play that no more brilliant example of
a trul rcpresentalivi American work
exist iu tbe literature of tit Ameri
can stage. The production will be
made with all the splendor of accoutre
ment that characterised its successful
career durme its Ions run at the
Knickerbocker theatre, New York.
Mr Clyde Fitch, the author, is en
tnuaaatir over the auporb cast that
I will aet forth the luorit of his plav
1A- . I I s .a a .
ine nor roie ot tne spy uero win,
sac n heed hi life at the age of 21 for
his country, and whose lamou dving
words. "1 only regret that 1 have but
one life to loos for my country ," have
gone down iu history a a uoleworthv
utterance of a eublime hero, will be
in the hand nf an eminent youug
American actor, Howard Ky le Tbi
actor ha acouirod throuen' the (nr..
of his fervor and Intelligence an
enviable reputation a one of our
frominent leading jnu. U is well
MM through bis ioug association
witb hhakeaiNseriau and other legiti
mate drama.
beat on aale ou Tuesday at Tall-
mau .
Musical boaaajr Tfcat
Bs Mall
aura. Famous.
The younger generation of playifovr
will have but a faint recollection ol
tbe Widow Bedott, which comes to
the Iraaer oo Wadoaadav, Mav 1. This
! IS a musical comedy, poie anJ
-'uiple, with a touch Uf snrichm.
eutlmuu wbicb throw tb liehu.'
veiu of lbs pisos in bold ret lei.
nen uurgsss tirst achieved fame a
an luipersuuator of wooaakric women
witb cork -screw curls, ami hi sm-.-es-iu
the title role of "Widow Bedott"
was tbe foundation of his present M
tat ion There are endless opportunities
for clever cnarncter w irk 11 this pic
and its poasibilitie for butuor af un
boundrxl. This role exploited to
many famous actors at various times
will be played here ,bv Horace F.wing,
who ha won wide reputation as the
laughing widow. ..
His interpretation isfde iared to be
even more ludicrous aud delightfu'
than that ol Burgee, while bi make
up M simply immense, to chajely dia
tie follow nature. His humor flows
constantly and permeate every scene
in an irreitahle manner. This music
al comedy is in three whirlwind of
laughter and is located "way dan
eaat," affording tbe author ar. opening
for the introduction of typical charac
ter familiarly associated with that
region. Tbe story bas the widow as
the central figure and a charming love
story is twined through the scone ,
and the neart interest is sustained in
an enjoyaule style.
Kay Salisbury is studing medicine
iu Bi. C. J. Smith' otti e
Ben T gle.JobnT. Ogle and Misees
Kva and iva ogle are in town today.
Miss Tillie Carlson returned today
from a viit at tbe farm home of Wil
liam McCormick.
Dr. F. W. Vincent left lor Echo ou
this morning's train, having been sum
mooed on professional bum neat.
Walla Walla Statesman: Mr. J. C.
Thomapon has returned from a three
week' viait with friends aud re, a
at Pendleton.
Heppner Times: Mrs Wm Hunn.
wife of Heppner 's foMBM ratlrad con- '
tluctor, 1 up visiting her friend.
Mrs. H W. Bartholomew.
Prof. George A. Pewh'ee, of the East
ern Oregon state norma! bbbXmjI. arrived
in reudleton this afternoon anJ -reg.'tered
at the H ote 'i-orge.
Athena Proas: Ld Heudrvx. a w
known Milton boy. in compauv with
. K Coal, witnessed the he. . gain
uudy Kd is now editor of 1'r.u.k
Hull's Milton Eagle.
Athena Pre: Mr. Fred Bam,-"
nephew of E. L. Barnett, arrived it.
the city Tuesday from Monroe. ire
gon. Mr. Barnett will probably re
main here for tbe summer. Kor BOM
tune be ha been postmaster at Mo. -roe.
Walla Walla MMMRMBI Mri. K. I.
Walsh, with ber son. has gone t Port
land to viait a few day. IM will
then proceed to San Irsuna m wnere
she aill await ttie arrival of bsf liOa
hand, Captain Waist . frou, the 'i
DbJIM Tune-Mountaineer K Y
Judd, representing Judd A Hoot wool
merchant of Boston, wa in the eiti
Tueday. Mr Judd did not spea !
encouragingly of tbe wool market or .
the pnatpects for high price this sea-
U I...L. ........ ... 1
iuiuii mere uiay pOBMIDIV oe
a alight raise later on. but does not ex
pect the market to be a good ur .t
laat year.
Cburab Announemnt.
Church of the hedeemer-In tj,r
absence of the rector, the Rev W 1
Potwine. service aill be conducted hy
ttie Ke. Mr. Warren, of Baker Citv
Early morning service, 7 UJ o'cl
with commuuion. Morning
sun sermon, u o'clock,
urayer, 7 :Ju n'ciocl baooaj
10 a. m.
eVel iii
C l.ristiau church -Sunday school at
10 o'clock. Kev. K. K. f ix will hi!
the pulpit at 11 o'clock, fcndeavor at 1
:4f p. oi.
tat. Mary ' church - Us m a I
R. bigb uia- 10:ay a , , ,sull u,
mT, 8 p. ai. ro.rs ,,d u1iw1k:.
tion. r t$ p. ii. .
Around tb. ttloak.
Uoy Kockwell, . hv. ol about 14
J'.. rU' HlKi' "k. drove ,io
town this morn.n,, and .Urtoj p, U1 .
blteb bis team on (Jolt lU. axl -treet
BOOth 01 Wehh Me I.-,!
Pl.shed hi. nurtsaa, . ,,, "d . '
of onfastenin, "oo. , 'Z,:7 "
noross. It started ..rf '
the waan... .(,-, ., .. "r "r-HffSt
fiintiing to
"eon, men to .Man,
t circled aroioul
ana stopped
nthin 5i) fet from place
one block oT lei Zi T
limn. ,,i w-j. :7 . w-ilbiu the
vn.iuiiiiik- ail ur..a :l i
. uuigii.i. 0
msa Reaay far Work,
low Kius are lu prime coudition fur
aggregation Thev have ham, ia.,i..
ractice aud are aettiiu, T.. '-
ui. and in l ,7 ..t - ".o.j-
uew wruiutle
are being smoothed out under the good
head work and COavtliM of Captain
Rrown. Tbe team aill go in tomorrow
to win, and w work fas' ami g,ng-r
!y with that end in view :n other
words. the will not be caught nappinc
with a surprise package S) tin-, r
Ttie ine-up aill Ml ML John,
catcher: aupder and I! Brown p.
Mitt; Vaughan. II Villa, .;....
Brown, as: IM1, 1. f. : Koontt, c. f. ;
Francis r. f
Tunes-Mountaineer : About I.Vi.mW
pounds of wiad were void at tbe Wasco
warehouse this week to Boston tuners
at prices ranging from in to 11 cents
While in
We purchast'd a nunuUcturer's
line of sample china at a bargain. ;
We will give some startling v.,
in these later.
We also purchased a jol lot of I
Johnson Bros . unite semi puree
celain at less than jobbers cost i
that we will sell at the price of !
common itonstom wire.
The price list will le publish' '
upon arnvai oi gooJ Watch
this space for it.
Owl Tea House.
11 rolls crepe pa;mr 10c.
Can wo help you?
The Columbia
Lodging House
MAK I N ( o. M.i TION
F. X. SCHtMPP. Prop.
bader New rtanageoioat.
Bawi!lsly.,If TL'
apw.ia.ssij. ti lue aioutt,
t HoI Iu tor oitj tor F.a
Uu. w ail u. i.i
KUetlc ' ' aauibi. ruuaw
ogl'U i. : .-1...U.
' !! bun i.i. g
Cor. Court and Johnson Stg
naps m
My, but folks have
easy time now& d&
Look at our Prices for ONE
sVboM goods are worth much more, so you had better
ot t'o. 111 u, hile ttiev last.
We have the hues: ; ot clothing in this city, styh
and prices are ncht.
-1 . t 1 , . . . .
kjui iiirnisning gooas line is ctnupieic neckwear giovn.)
junipers, overalls, tin l rwcar, in fact anything you want,
and 100k them over and you will buv
0 .i:
him to steer ti. ward
iclden Oak kocktrs at $2.25 before tlM-vairtl
. j& -it
Do you
want work?
Do you
want to hire help? I
it soeal. or siItim roe aiol
c. p. cook
t ull line of Cigar Conlcctioocry
and dmokcra' Article.
Locust Hill Rabbitry
and Poultry Yards
Hedlgrood Belgioo rtaro
and pure brad Howl.
u" 2 lr Pi'. each
,Wwh'i,e nm;
outh k.a k. - Kg., 2.(jo ,.,,ir,,
sating. "l 11 -50 f
H'sa- and - a- - - .
I.LI I, i """i r.liixle
" '""'I vetif, r.gh I"
3 sittiugs for 16.00.
W per 15,
VLilor. welcom For furthor
iu format lou atldres
Poodlotou, Ureaou
For tVigs
To go HhhiriK
or for a cab to make a call
telephoue Maiu 7.
ULVUf tiaaio,
25 yards good calico, fast colors Ji.
35 yards cod effJl toweling
j. ards Komi 30 inch l.eav hod muslin t,
j ,uds gnud 1 'heck gitigham I,
ao yards good cheviot shirt: r.g j,
a a
20 varus gouu ngurea tawn, last cmors . i.oo
Rader s Furniture Store
Main ane Webb streets, Pendleton, Oregoa,
where In can get one of those nice
Pumitore, 'arpets.
U ind w liade8,
'urUin I'tllef.
Uirn n . Dalv otbl
ig parlor IB i
Two BIsV
Ji. A oiu
'on H nation
; I h. are er nV
aVl al Bm ' ' aVJt-awr"M
J.l! i .. J
Oieeonian. Uady
mail. Waeklv J ,
'Veski ga-oo a vaai-