East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 27, 1901, Image 3

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I1 nuiit ilir.rt frnni w York fiiclnrv
lul't PI V lt mil aw. .
Prices 50c, 75c up to $1.98c.
Lived by express new lino
Peteri will M pieasea
of walking gloves. Miss
lo show you this line.
iver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
HP AY , Al'KIL 17, 101.
Milt N T.. Paper Sore
Falls. N. V., Morn
a oopjf ol li ii'h. dated April
ir ttic hast irrejonmu .
Itrani, h prominent citixen
, T in, wan in town yea
r the tirt time I'"''
MUM bf t'1 Hill n'B ',1("n
;:rk Bmitli.
fbtMt the rivalrv of Seattle
Irn ol fortlni lor mprw
t!i. north nut. he promptly
('cattle if a (food town
itv iii the whole ol Portland
,. There in no rivalry anions
va men. The more Seattle.
Tacotna. Ki't-' ' "".
. . .1. ... 1 1 - ........ i
taml vaiia nana arm.
land groan an the chief city,
llieailiinarter- atnl ..iiiresn ..i
Mil "
Portland'! I. oniTieree.
ean at Port land .oontiBMa
Ed, while the only city ol any
e in the whole northwest,
it whollv unknown in the
bommerw. u is twiay tne
IIk' great cities ol tne union
k -. of wheat ami BtMf
I it iliipp'l a round million
wheat to foreign markets
Colnmbia river. The preliminary
capital ia already secured, the co-operation
of the Pacific roat elates anl of
the general government ia assureil.
Agent are already visiting the various
Asiatic government for the p-jrixiee of
intereeting them. The name hy which
the fair ahall be known is yet nr.
Mettled, but I think 1'ortland will
Avon iba egpOfitiOB fad and have a
plain Pacific American fair. I here
are millions of wealthy Asiatic mer
chant who are joining the modern pie
cession in all trade matter.
Glvat Tham Advlea.
The practice of going to a fair to Imv
and sell merchandise i a hahitwith
t!.ein a old and firmly rooted aa the
love of money. They will attend thi
Pacific American fair in uch crowd
a will load every ship that can lie put
afloat on the Pacific ocean. Your
eastern manufacturer will do well to
keep an eye open for space : not for
mere eihihit alone, but pace for
sample of all the good they manufac
ture, for customer from the orient will
he there in at number. .lame .'
Hill, the acknowle Iged leader of all
astute transportation men, can aee
what is coining out of American expan
sion over the Pacific and ii putting
millions of dollar into ship for this
Pacific OOMt trade If your manufactur
er see, also, and take advantage of
the situation, they will put more
millions of dollars into their pocket.
What's Your Face Worth?
Sometimes a fortune, hut never, if
v mi have a wallow complexion, a jbuii
W of wheat to loreign maraei .. . ,(i , m(lth .,,,.,, blotches
, ttrt ten days ol April -not Ui(, Hkin, .gtl. f jVer trouble.
, .. re the beginning of the ,(uI ,,r King' New Life Pill- give
f the new crop. This "r"1 Clear Skin, Ko-v Cheeks, Rich Com
be ne century it w 1 1 1 d i-tam e -leK j, . onlv cents at Tallmaii A
cit ies aa a grain shipper , . D rllg KtoM(.
is Wk alone. Wheat is not m .
, ,nh product. Its fisheries Notiea to Contratiora.
, 11.1) a year, us woo lt ,c i herehv a-iven. that the com-
mon council ol the city of Pendleton
will receive bids for the grading and
i I lL'.UUAI.fajU, its came anu
. i mio. :t lilinlM-r ,uoo,-
fruits '.',O0X),U00 its dairy and
arm pn I net 16,000,00, and
-ilver ;),ls.uini more.
In. if f the latter is just at a
M ot future greatness, me
B in lie. I l iregon are the
and most reliable products
as metal -the cash prouuci
I- : !he world.
Boom, tha Csntanolal.
hi Bcraeil its population
pi ;'r cent in the decade IH1HI
Li. 'I why shoultl it not with
Irt trade resources'.' It is going
le its population again in the
years. It is going to have in
tnggest and moat interesting
air o! modern limes to ceie-
m centennial ol the arrival ol
t (.'lark expedition on the
graveling of Webb street from ak
Mtrxet on the weat to iti inter
Meet ion with t'oiirt street oil the east,
said grading and graveling to he .lone
in accordance with provisions of ordi-
i. mice No. :;.ri;;. Measurements to he
furnished by the city engineer. The
common council reaerve the right to
reiect any or all kida. Bids to be filed
in the city recorder's office on or be
(ore April 2. 1001.
Bv order of the Common Council.
J. K. BKAM, Kecorder.
Dated at Pendleton, Ore., April 1H,
till come alter your ciock
l! it home to you wlieu its
taaia tlsr stgwxar at Cut. H
la iw fur more thau thirty yean. uJ
m AM Aif
fix it so it
; s more
kler anj Ootician...
lour to Alexandnr A Hexter's
O R A G K.
Thara With Ooods.
If you give your grocery orders to
Martin he will be "'there with the
goods." Finest canned goods and
dried fruits in the cuv alaaya on
baud: also, nice fresh vegetables. He
it aole agent for J. B. 'Jacob Horns)
celebrated butler. Low pries and
high oualitv Kastern ham and bacon
A nice line of smoked fish. All the
g I brands of pickles, sauces and
relishes. Florida strawlierries in the
market in a few days.
Job Couldn't Have lood It
If he'd bad Icthing Piles. The're
terribly annoying; but Bucklen
Arnica SaUe will cure the worst case
of piles on earth. It has cured thous
ands. For Injuries, Pains or Bodily
Amotions it's the liest salve in the
world. Price J5i a box. Sold by
Tall man & Co.
I I.KW.1M.
. - ." UK A I I H
CVltr. rou
Ely's cram Balm
lid pIvUMUl t
routaiiu uo In-
1t iii .
Wood and
nry Kopittke
in rum UruK
t is quickly ltrUl.
Ulve rellel al uiu e
It ieu in.. 1 . .. hi. -
the Naiml I'luanao.
Alls)! lutlauiiualluu.
liuaU null uruU'i L. the
II..MU ..ml I, rot, i I. the M'M
the livuiica of lM.e ud Luu i. Lar
at Urusaiala ir M iaail;TrUl Hh
U.Y BKoTUKJ. U W.rran 8t
T;i- le, 00c
Trial Hlse. Ilk lor uill
11. Large .
New York
"Nerve Waste.
"ue of the nioal lielutu! l..jka on urrv
wi akiu aa svei laaued la that entitled "Nerve
Waate " bv lr Hawser ul Sen FiauclAOV, uow
in iu bill, ihi.uaui.'l. This vtork ol au expe
eneuued and lepuiuul. phvaiciau la In agree
able coon iial to the fast auiu ol lalse teachlug
Vktck niesail Sat tfeiS inlerealing hUbJncl
abouu.ts iii carelully couatdered and nrai inal
adeioe. ami ha I he two greal meriU of wU
doui and alueviily.
It ia eudoraed br both the religioua au4
aecular ureas. The Chicago Advance says :
ueruaal ol the book aud the application ul
principle- will put huallu, hope aut heart into
thousand ul llvos that are uou ufleriug
throuafa nervous unpao mem '
The book la 1.0o by mall poeepaid.
i me.. I the noal intercating chapter chapter
U, uu Nerrlues aud Nerve Tonic has been
... ii.lhiI a, uai.ii.lv aa a aamule chapter, aud
will be enl to auy addrea for .lamp by
pobiisaei. THtt FAC1MC I I BLlaMl mo CO
Hw 'Vas, aau Vrauclsao.
Kaeltamant Subsides With tha Lessen
ing Probability That Ona Win
Ba Katabliahad.
I'kiah, Atiril &S. The excitement
over the saloon question has subsided
somewhat in the last few davs. It is
learned on good authorilv that there
ill le no saloon established here, at
present, at least. A protesting resolu
tion was adopted, and to date has been
signed bv just 140 residents of this
the resolution lollnws:
"Resolved, That the citisens of
lTkiaii precinct regard the sale of
iiiior either by saloon or gallon house
as a curse to any coiuninnitv, and that
we are pleased that thus far we have
been free from such it source of evil,
nd attribute the growth, prosperity
and good will of this people largely to
this fart, and we will do all in our
power to prevent a saloon or gallon
house from being located in our midst,
and we will consider any one who
won hi attempt to establish a saloon in
oor localitv an enemv to the com
Carl Amas Arrested.
Carl Ames was arrested at Pilot
Rock Sunday for robbing the cabin ol
Fret! Kchoenchen, near I'kiah and
rough! here lor trial. He plcnded
gnilly, but en li Hvored to justify his
fill by saving that be was cold, and
that his own shoes were et, so he
needed some dry ones, an I that he
needed the revolver because he thought
it better for him to travel after night.
However, Judge Sellers didn't see it
that wav, so sent him to the
VkiHikum house" lo ausii I hi action
f the grand jury .
I he i'kiah creaincv started up last
Mondav and the merrv jingle of the
Ik wagon is heard once more. The
number of cows is limited now. but
ill rapidly increase in the next few
Piphtheria is raging in the town of
AJIig t reek, miles south ol here.
One death ha occurred and several
more are not expected to live. A por
tion of the town is quarantine. I.
The farmers are all bnsv plowing
and sowing.
School is progressing favorably
under the management of Misses Ines
Daps)) and Stella Marple.
Mention of Many People on the Lower
Rev. .1. R. Huh and daughter, of
ig n made a short visit here Inst
aMk i PMMDI through on their way to
Sherman count v . Mr. Hall was lornier
pastor of tl Meth. dist church lu re
Mrs. Wm Henedlct is recovering
from an operation and illness, and has
returned to her home at F.cho. She is
able to walk about, though not vet
strong enough to attend to her house
bold dimes. Her recovery is sure now
l conditions remain as favorable as at
, r. -.Irt.
Uao, Marcev came near hreaking his
leg a few days ago. Ife was helping
the Pedro lirothers with their sheep
hearing and was working on the wool
nacker, alien it fell over, catching Mr.
Marcev as it tell. He i now on
rutches, though recovering slowlv.
A. L. Anderson, of Anderson Broth
ers, railorad contractors, came up irom
Portland Wodtiexday morning. I hey
w ill soon remove in tai norma to en
gage in w..rk at i-.urega
flan ttowmaii ha removed to i.cho.
from Butter creek, and will make his
home here for a while. He ia con
-i lcrnhle of au artist and will make
that his business bora.
M. 0. Trible ia almost well now
and was able to be down town Wcdiies
lay. His manv friends were glad to
know ol his recovery.
W. H. Paughtrev, cattle buver for
the Pacific Meat Co., of lacoma, is in
this vicinity.
Mrs. (j. N. Miller and Per ley
Miller, mother and brother of ( has.
H. Miller are visiting at Kcho. They
left Boston about a week ago, and are
making a tour of the west.
Merritt Warren, B. I" . Palmer, and
Mts. Palmer are convalescent. Iur-
ing the recent mild weather Mr
Warren came up lo Kcho.
J. B. riaylor, delivered cattle to the
Pacific Meat Co., on Thursday, there
by nil in-- contracts made last fall.
the city was gelling it bargain In the nAVTliN
purchase of trie crusher at the prloe .
asked for it.
"Rock r.rnahera are made iu three
siies.and the one above anecitied is the
medium aue, require three mce to
iced it, has a capacity of never! tons
of crushed rock per hour when a 10
to IA horse power engine is used. It
runs with a belt and two llv wheels on
the machine weigh a ton each
"After some deliberation the conn-
il instructed the street and public im
provement committee to accept the
vokane firm's offer, and lake the
rnsher at $500. The Arm was imme
diately wired to this effect and the
crusher is now at a foundry undergo-
ng repairs. It weighs several tons and
the freight on it from Spokane will
be quite an item of expense. When it
arrive and is ready to lie put to work,
all probability, a threshing ma-
bine engine will be use.! to furnish
P. V.
Dogger, of Crlppl Creek
Inveillgaie further
P. V. Hugger, who recently arr'ved
here Irom Cripple Creek, (olo.. and
went out to Mountain Home in the
Southern part of this county, to in
vestlgate the in ning property of the
IndeiMUideiice comany, in which his
brother, C. E, Hugger, ia interested
together with T. C. laylor, ueorge
i. Feebler John .Met ort, J. 1
Hlnkle, B. E. Kennedy and other
Pendleton ians, arrived from the mine
veslerdav. v ben be came here he an
nounced that he would look at the In
lependerice properties and thereafter
might go on to Seattle, where he had
been offered something pretty g'sal
When asked II there was reason tor
big mining excitement over the M um
lain Home prospects, be replied thai
there was not at present. He thinks
the outlook ia good lor striking some
thing, by further development aud for
the purpoae of making a sure thing of
it ia not going to go to Seattle juat
now. but instead will return to the
mines at Mountain Home within
coin. i e of davs.
Mr. Hugger is a miner with years ot
experience in different fields of Colo
rado, including Cripple Creek, and
not liable t . go wild over pieces
low grade float, but if the ore oh
tained a lew feet from the surface
geir richer, then tiie claims will le
still further developed, working under
the old saw that "gold la where you
liud it."
Told by tha
New Usa for Bleetriattv.
A profesaor recently discovered that
electricity is a stimulant for the brain.
We do not w ish to dispute the merits ol
this discovery but are incline! to think
that the only natural stimulant for the
nrain is sleep. 11 you are not ante t i
sleep you Are certainly in a bad way
It it usually caused hy the stomach tie
ing out of order, the disturbance being
communicated to the brain. Keep the
stomach in good condition bv the use
of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters and yon
will have insomnia no longer. It is a
splendid medicine for strengthening
the nerves and will Pure dyspepsia, in
digestion, constipation and biliotisiipss.
a spring tonic it has no equal, see
that our private revenue stamp is over
the neck of the Ivottle.
Arrival at Hotel Pendleton.
Fred S R'igers, Portland.
F J Perkina, Portland.
T W Jackson.
J Burns.
L W Held, city.
I H Davton and wife, St l.oois.
(. A McCod.
J T k. Seattle.
I H Clarke, citv.
T (4 HAthway, Tacoma.
P .1 I, von- arid wife. Walla Walla.
M Br War, Rockford, III.
I R Cox. Athena.
A R (irant.
S A Frans, Spokane.
M Rasmusseii, Cascade Locks.
C K Roosevelt. Citv. Jjir
.1 Wool ley, Portland.
0 L Howner, Spokane.
Sam Fee, Spokane.
W M Livingstone, San Francisco.
.1 H White, Salt Lake.
Cork ie.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
With local application, they cannot reach
the seat n( the ilt.caw. Catarrh Is a blood or
nnalltulional 1 -i- and In ur.lvr to eurc II
uu must take Internal reim-dlc Hall i a-
tarrh Cure 1 taken internally and acta dtrerUy
on the ul. in. I mil nun uu .iirlace. Ilal.'-in
lurrli i ure la not a uuack un-lli -Imv It uu pre
acrlbeil by one of the bft phy.lclaua In till
uiiiitrv lor vear. and la a regular tireacrl pi Ion.
It I composed ol the beat toulca known, cum.
blued with the KM blood purifier, ru ling
llrevlly on the mucou urlacpa. The perfect
ouibination ni me two lngreuivnu i ni
produces .inn vionieriui re.iiu. in curing i
tarrh. Mend for te.tlmnulala. free.
Y 1. I 1IKNKY A :U.. rrop., loleilo. '.
Sold by druggtat, price TV.
Hall's Family I'llltare the beat.
a. B. Botworlh's Absana Worries Hla
Frlandt Considerably.
Walla Walla, April '-'7. K. K. Boa
worth, a furniture dealer of Dayton,
is miming. It is said that he came to
Walla Walla Wednesday night ostensi
bly to see a traveling man, and in
stead of returning to Hayton on the
following day, left for Spokane. Be
fore leaving Hayton he sent A note to
his wife, saving that he would return
from Walla'Walla after having com
nlcted his work here.
Neither bis family nor friends at
Hayton have received any news as to
his wberealsiuts since leaving Walla
walla, and it is leareo mat no has
either met with Ion I play or has re
turned to bis old home at llhicago for
a rest, neglecting to notify his friends
Hos worth is a popular young business
man of Dayton, prominent in bxlge
and club circles, and is in a good
linancial condition. Naturally much
(Mediation has lieen aroused as to his
sudden departure, and none have le
come more worried than his family,
with whom be baa had the most
pleasart relations. It is believed that
in the course ultimo he will return,
but until then his strange disap
pearance will be unaccounted for.
Gun Club
tha Garrison
Tha "North Coast Limited."
Will resume service on Sunday, May
II, HUH. Ihe train will Is even better
than it was in HUH). H will be u com
plete home on w heels, parlor, dining
room, sleeping ro.im, library, smoking
riHim, aud bath room they will all he
there, and all lighted by electricity
and '.oh led bv steam.
First and second class tickets both
good on this train. Cse this crack
train ot the northwest OH your way to
the Pan-American exoitinn, Buffalo,
N. V. You can go either by way ol m
Paul and Chicago, or Duluth and the
ireat Lakes. Inuuire of any North
ern Pacific agent as to further particu
lars, or write to
A. 1). CMAKl.lll.V
Assistant GenM. Passenger Agent,
Portland, ire.
It Thll Plain Enough.
If you have a nagging cough ami are
losing flesh, go to a drug store, ami
get a bottle of Hnjoh'e Consumpl ion
cure, lake two-minis oi it, una men,
if you are not benefited, return the
hoitie to the druggist, and he will re
turn vour inonev. Isn t that lair: o
one could ask more. ' ts.,50 its.
and 1 a Isjttle. Tallman A Co., lead
ing druggists.
Wadded at Happnar.
Married, Wednesday morning, April
24, at the home of the groom's mother,
Mrs. J.N. Klder, in this city, sir.
James Klder and Miss Margaret Page,
Rev. Victor Carlson omciatnig, says
the Heppner Times. The newly wedded
couple left on the train the same
morning lor tbtr new home in Wyom
ing. Both were popular and highly
esteemed young people of this com
munity and the Times joins their
many friends iu wishing tin-ma lo::g
life ol happiness and prosperity.
five i rung.
The five diseases for which Shiloh's
Consumption Cure is esi-ially recom-
uieuded, are Coughs, Colds, Whooping
Cough, Croup and Consumption. No
medicine ever made by man is equal
to it in any rospect. Hold under a
positive guarantee. Money back if it
tails. 26 cts, 60 cts aud $1 a bottle.
Tallman A Co.
Scores at
Walla Walla, April 27. -The Walla
Walla bun club held a practice shoot
at the garrison grounds vesterday
fcttafOOOD. The following scores were
made :
F.vent 1. '.'" targets Campbell, 20.
Ker-hHW, II; Peck, 19 1 Sinai Is, IS.
F.vent 2, So targets-Campbell, 30;
Kershow, 17, Peck, 17; Smails, IS.
I-vent :!, L'p targets Cnmpliell, -d.
Kershaw, I6i Peck, lh : Emails. H.
BvtBl t, SO targets -Campliell, 22;
Thomas, 19 Scott, 11; Kershaw, 12;
Mrs. Campladl, II .
F.vent , 2fi targets -Campbell . 89
Smails, 12; Thomas, IS; Kershaw, II .
Peck. II
Fvont , 2.ri targets -Camplsd I , IS;
Vck, IS; Kershaw, 12: Thomas. 14;
Smails. 14.
F.vent 7, 2f targets Peck,
Campbell, (9j
is. Smails, in
14 I
Kershaw. 1"; Thomas,
w one Tnan War.
Hundreds are killed in war, but
hundreds of thousands are killed by
consumption. There would lie no
(Jajathl at all caused by this terrible
disease, if people could Is- made to un
derstand that Shiloh's cough and con
sumption cure is a sure remedy if taken
in the early stages. L'o cts.. .'Hi cts. ami
fl a Is'ttlo. Hrugglsts will refund the
money if a cure is not effected. I Hu
man a Co., leading druggists.
Dallas Sheap Notes.
The Chronicle says: A sheepman
who di'dikes to have his name in print
told the Chronicle thll morning that
ins increase ffom a band of Sill) owes,
175 of which were barren, is 909 lambs
I'll.' lambing took place in a high alti
tude when the weather was intensely
cold for the season and where shelter
irom cold w inds was impossible. As a
rttO.lt "quite a lot" of the lambs were
st, yet .the net increase from the
pregnant ewes is over 117 per cent.
This year seems to be u phenomenal
uie for large yields of lambs. W. 11.
Crawford, of North Dalles, yesterday
on 1 1 ted the increase of lambs from a
Hock of 'si ewes and found jt to be 120
per cent. That is to say, from the
entire Hock of INN) ewes, including an
uncounted percentage of barren ones,
he marked loHo lambs. It is only fair
to adil that in their entrance into the
world the lambs were peculiarly
favored as lo both time and place, and
as a result the loss was not worth mentioning.
For Sale at a Bargain.
1H7 acres of timber laud, one mile
from Kamela Station, al an exception
allv low tigure. lor particulars ad-
iress K. B.Clark, Fort Stevens, Ore
"Natura of tha Beast
The Athena Press thus describes the
rock crusher bought by the city couu
til, previously mentioned by the Fast
Uregouiau's correspondent:
"Atbeua, with 703 population ac
cording to the late census returns is
uTut fashionable aud aspires to
metropolitan airs. Hbe is to own a
rock crusher.
"W. H Hawes of tbe streets aud
public improvement committee, re
turned Tuesday from .-pokaue, where
he went lo iuspoct a rock crusher,
which was offered to tbe city for
I shi On Mr. Hawes' return, sisecial
meeting of the council was held aud
be made bis report.
"He stated to tbe oouucil that tbe
crusher offered for sale was a setsoud
baud oue; that it would be put iu rirat
class repair and ruuniug order, with
... ...xin frame, new boxings, etc,
and placed on board car at Spokane for
ISJO. lie coosiuereu mat wneu
.. ... ir aa rsar contract mane oy me
" '"C-" - .
nrin. tne maiiuiir wv.
Do Not Trifle
with danger and remember
every cough or cold mean
will cure your cough or cold
at once. It will heal and
strengthen vour lungs. It is
a safeguard for you always.
Take it at the first indication
of a cough or cold.
a ween sea) eewieS ia ibeaa " HeaiSul
aaU cuUa alwar taauS aa 11 auuMS. 1
iriad SSllok aaaf Ii eaieS sm cave. Aa
asote. Si. Mark' Caverek. LBUr. "
atruuUM . avave.
axiuia J auaraau. jeee wUS eavry
IV f" - a. " ..MaWIs a- t ' ai..
ea Se.
Kor atUe by Tavlliuavxi ( o. , Urutfsllt.
And I will furnish you all complete,
realy for use, my 1111 Mods! Nfl '
OptrlOf ni make, quality and poWM
t anv belt offered by other dealers lor
which they charge 140.11. F.stablished
.'Kl years. Write today for my latest
books, "Health in Nature" and
"htreiigth; Its Use and Abuse by Men "
Uapt. A. Uuaael Block,
Wlui rleniaiKl a ataun
wheel in hi .porta la uu
abuUl I'JUl
IB, perfeet ruiiiillig
iuo ulllliualaatli
than are Ihuae uieu and woueu whu ride fur
on uUktth rttanlaj wheel uf proven wurlh,
I,, i i ..inlorl and aafety' sake.
Hlaielaid Sauihlera . ul
Ladies or (rent's Moadster :16.(K1
Ladies or Gents Light Hoadster 0.0U
i .eiile IV isriiud Kactir
Ladies or (ieuts Vhainlett attO.OO
Ideals IZX, lA
st I
country. With
m:w si it, and
want tn buy thai
too If yon cant fur
yalue combined
correct style, you
have the correct
and 3 on cum orpt it
no matter what
tatc no matter
price on want to
worn by tin- mart
resseri all over t h
t)f UN
of us
in .-i.c-
lor little
to L'O nr.
1 A
k tor
of fellows,
great hi
The Leadins: Clothiers and Hatters
rat'-iH ulfaliuM,
W3P:'M Potancy, Lost Powor, NiRht
av li', J in u.ieu, kvii uoeireai aieminai
TaTaTamA v4 ,,w Diuiyj naiiancne.virvritnaej ' n"
ruiii..n. l"iir -t .1. i" . I. ul. a
ocai. Sllmul.ta. tt. Iif.in and i.. .hi
aa luaaay rcl'iudaU, with In... Circular Ira.
in in m i.tr HX T A I , I . M ivi
rmon Oiehopa Pllla ""' t""1 (,,.,.....
'. Cure Loet Munhr
Loeeaa. Snnrmulorrnoen Iswimni
of tWm Itmin, Vnrieocel.
IJ f , ,' 1 e I '
ST 1 1 1 1 1 i .,.
Address, Bishop Remedy o., B in Fruncieoo, Oal.
CO IIMl'i.nlN IS III I llO I f I' I J 1 1 N
I mlaelena.
n i iv. Loas of
ulnkneea of Oia-
lood, Irtv
nU, ruins
irvou. !)
Daalerain II akdwakk, stovks. BARBED
H01 Main Street, Pendleton, Oregon.
Hotel Pendleton
Under New nanny n t nt
Strictly First-Class
Kicalleot Calsioe.
Kvery Modern
Give Us a Trial.
Il i i?M a daj
Special Kates by
Nl or month
Bftr and Billiard Hooms. lltadquariera for Traveling Wen
Tht Heal Holrl In taattrn Oregon
Van Dran Brot.. Props. Sum sv.r s to J t. Moore
VaMi lam
v UR KI1 NEY81
Alter Mfj nr.. of aaieVJ Hi au cailfd kiiluoy sMMj
JMM iw, ..nt mi) IwiifHt, n -i I iikoIii Strsual Mflla ami
b lor. vnr rid l iIm t'"11 paiwi In your imck li-
r-anl tl.al ol.l (ov Idea f.l "ialii Inlka Liilusya' am
liavnall voor bladuVl i"l urinary troiililce curtal, anl
sour niuei's mailc rt sllul b UM 'i of nature s
rrua'Hri ussiitani I Iwolsi taaual IHHl
I'rico, l it UMI ls l-iiv ul your druggist or aunt
to mini an rtu ii.i ol iirUa , !u iilaiu vraiia'r.
I ort VN ayae. Ind.
Ul SI Mi
KlaKauiiy Furnhbed St4tJD Heated
I Ul opeart I'lau
lllok and a hall front daptt.
taaaplt Room an iwouc. tioa
79c. Ii.oo
Farmers Custom Mill
Pre WaHare, rrrttr.
al.u.L una
' i 1 1.. i. tu iuilaiiiMllf ' m baa
as good as uow, .u ja - -
Clapavllj, IMI barrel s day.
VWuf aictiauged tor Seal.'
flour. Mill Wl CUoupad reed,
ia., alway
mil I n in r-i e-TtLAC-O
t V. ritafj Vrfl faeetV e mw
AKeiil I'uiatllU ' win) Kooio Kte 50i
t-aadleuju, Uregoo
I For Health, Strength and CI TW nfiriif mi
Pleasure Drink ::::::: 1 V UJJL f L f Httll
Polydore Moeos, Proprietor. J LllLfiLlli uLLl