East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 27, 1901, Image 1

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Fair tnidihl a4 HhilIk, ; unrnir.
.'.sire tney
, V tell Tell yor
..M ,.,m,.lrw.yni1
I 14.
NO. 4110
1 i ate a large stock for
vmm t s-lect (mm. I make
IaIH of wholesale
gi ;. m, ! pay the highest
DM country pnsluce
himI chickens.
R. Demott.
A new Itock just ivivi vnl and
what prvttv ttylei tluy are. 8av
eral that we haw Itavaf !ion
''fore. New tans, n'w j : 1 ?i t
kidt, now eiiiitihlcd calf, ntw
hiowle bobta.
Sorosis Price
Every woman who iretri Snroaia
shoes likrs them and recommendi
them to her friends.
IMcaned to show them.
Alexander & Hexter,
The Boston Store
n Exposition of Shirt and Silk Waists
Tli. Boston Stotv gathering is the richest in this city. Nowheit will you And
.1 1 t 1 A... 1 il A I- I ' A ..
- mat aroacii inese in neauiv, anu no oiner siore is inaKing n si t'asy w own
he -w.'jl.-st tie-itm- as mis one.
W liitc cos! less hen- than you'd expect and look surprisingly batter than the
) mdica:- I,
Shirt waist of neat pattern, percale
in pinks, bluet. reda and heliotrope
ft cuff, stiffened collar.
R.. I 'or lawn waists with embroidery,
trimmed cullur and soft cufl's
Fine gingham shirt waists, varitxl
color stri pes and plaids, the z neral
lect i- the HUM as most expensive ones.
4 OK Browil linen waists, white India
I'OU .inen waists, hlack lawn waists.
8 ik of latiste. lawn, mercerized Alex-
idra cloths, etc.
11.86, 13.09, 2.96, 12.50 up to
1 7". made of mercerized Louis-
- and silk mixtures, hut space forhids
re descriptions; you must see tha show
CO Waists f soft washahle silks in
yPU.IU pTain c ilors. These waists are
worth more.
M 40 A few size- left, we'll not say
(JjT.tO what they're worth lest you
ihould aecuse us of exaggeration.
00 7R Taffeta ilk waists in the nowaat
4)0.11 ooloringl and hlack. every ODi
made with the new long waist effect.
(0 7R Kam v corded and tuoked luck-,
4)0. 1 U fronti and ileavei color- for
-treet and evening wear, also Mack.
tflfifl $10'", $14.00 and $16
pt.lV itylif in waist- you'd m-wr ex
pect to find in lVndleion. I ut they're
ban and the prices are right too.
The Busiest Store in Pendleton.
heel made
M-ienced Workmen
a ling wheel in America
$35. $4. $5-
u .mend buyiUK a wheel we
v h full line to select from.
House Cleaning Time.
creates a large de
scrubbing brushes,
dirt eradicators.
shape 10 supply the
articles, however
My be AH of the
of soap some just
yet untried. All
helps here
mand for soaps,
sapolia and other
We are in hue
demand for these
large your order
standard brands
as good but as
house cleaning
,trial arid Cleveland wheels
$22.50 to I40.00
style tire, handlebar or color.
fcudhand wheels bought, sold
and exchanged.
iiv. MHtoivod another shipment
I ricle Saw curtain stretchers,
able plat, they eave your curtains
. uut the cheap flimsy kiud.
Garden Seeds
3 1 OSS Out our AiitirM utiuk ..I
-r all 6c packages at 2c or tor
We avoid carried over seed, thus
ring new need every spring.
uudreds of rolls of crepe paper, all
r and shade at 10c.
We music at 23c Bleep, Ooouie,
Mi Mv Sugar Nell; You atu de
i Hello Central gie ue Heaven;
I 1 Gueae Yes; etc.
edericK No
la, tatiuiiery, hcitool Supplies,
aud Notions.
To wake good bread use Byers' Best Hour it took ti ret
premium at the Chicago World's Fair over all cowpeti
tiou, aud gives excellent satisfaction wherever used.
Kvery sack is guarauteed. We have the best Hteam
Hulled Bailey, beed Kye aud Beardless Barley.
W. S. BY Kits. Proprietor.
1 have a full line of cotton and
rubher hose direct from the
factory; albo have ball bearing
lawn mowers, grass catcher,
yard sprinkler at prices to suit
all. Examine my ujck leforc
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
A Pittsburg Arm will build locomo
tive for India.
Walter J. Travi wan the victor in
the national polf tournament.
Ohio capitalists have formed a nyn
dirste to develop parts of Alsska.
Proprietors of New York pool room
have drclarftd war on the )ookmaktrs.
Om, A O. Miller, ageil 74. one of
Indiana's notid Civil War heroes, dtsxj
at LsbMMOi
It is now thought that Kngland may
Q0MMI to abrogation of the Clayton
Hulwer treaty.
Knglsnd is now endeavoring to W
cure a recluction of the claims agsint
Ilnssia hv the powers.
Wm. T. Stead predicts r U'tween
Kngland and the United States over
the Nicarsguan canal.
Bishop ,1. ,1. Khsr, senior bishop of
the Kvangelical Association of Americs,
died in Chicago on Tuesday.
lien. II. C. Merriani, commander of
the department of the Colorado, op
poses a large standing army.
lowans will celebrate the return of
Minister Conger from China with a
reception in the state house.
7i. C. Wolrev, a burglar pursued hv
constables, leaped into the Missouri
river at l enton, la., on Friday.
Tan workmen in the guise of elec
tricians robbed a IHica, N. Y., house
(d f 10,(100 in diamonds ami jewelry.
Kev. W. S. Ament, a missionary who
has returned to San Francim'o Irmn
China, rejwts the charge of looting.
Minister Congr supports him in his
itenl mil.
OM. Cailles has DIOolsinMd himself
dictator and Aguinaldo's successor. He
is said to have condemned to death
Filipinos who refused to dej his com
mauds and assist the insurgents.
Snohomish county will put in a ferry
at sultan.
Marnev county naid its taxes in lull
for 1B0O: li;,7;7.43.
Walter Tooxe has been re-Hipunt l
IHiHtmaster of Woodburn.
Everett has grantetl a 60-year
franchise to a telephone companv.
Iiuring a storm at Oreuon City trees
three feet in diameter were broU n.
Dr. C. O. Brown has been nominated
for mayor by Spokane republicans.
Oregon City sold .'.",. ' bonds, A
per cent, & years, for I2W0O premium.
The house members of the national
river and harbor committee will visit
Oregon in June.
The Benton county court will estab.
liib a free ferry acrosa the Willamette
river at CorvaUis.
A party of horse rustlers have been
located iu Malheur county aud uiliters
are pursuing ttiem.
John F. Caples, who was consul at
Valparaiso, Chili, has returned to
1'ortlaod, his home.
Portland's committee on entertaining
President McKinlev has apaled to
the public for 5000.
Seattle has failed to convict the
gamblers. The law and order league
were the prosecutors.
The entire logging rew of Mr. Iloll-
nelly at Aberdeen, Wash., have tiled
liens upon the produet of the camp lor
their wage
round wan broken at Whatcom on
Monday for a Il' hi.o.Io ice and cold
storage plant for the Capital Brewing
company of Olympia.
Cltixensof (ireer, Idaho, have raised
a ItllKl ol fOOU to rxleiel the wagoll
road froui there to the e 1'erca sec
tion of the reseravtoo.
Experts working ou the books of the
school land hoard, have reixirted
shortage of f.iO.OOU !,,r the latriod that
(eo. W. T'aviit was clerk.
the Washington state boarU ol wo
men managers has taken tbe ijnarrel
with the commission tor the ran
American exposition into the courts.
The report of Receiver Muir it of i
haraeler to con vine thai President si
John Dix wrecked tbe Scandinavian -
American bank at New Whatcom, bor
rowing the deposits on his unsecured
Tbe Northern Pacific has served
notice on the lacuma V Eastern, a rosl
owned by the Ladds of Portland, to
discontinue construction towards the
Nioouallv coal fields oi have the line
A Sharp Encounter Took Place
Between Them.
Reports or OHtbrsaks Creiis Fear In Ptkln.
But Tn.-y Are Tbougbt to B
Part of No Concert.
I'ekin. April '.'7. -The Herman ex
peditionary force has had a sharp en
counter with the Chinese in the
province of Shansi. The Germans lost
four killed and S.' wounded. The
Chinese loss not stated, but is believed
to bi large.
Sprsadlntf to Provinces Uulbrsaki Art
Now Numsrous.
I'ekin, April L'7.- DltOTtlef in the
provinces occupied by the allies is
rapidly spreading, and numerous out
breaks at different (sunt are reported,
Hut, so far as known thev are not parts
of any concerted nlsu. In Peking
itself, b0W4 ver, there is much anxiety
ss to the future.
Republican Conarasiman Babeoek to
Insist on Rsvlslon.
Chicago, April L'7. A Record Herald
WMbingtOD. dispatch says:
"Congress, as the representative
bodv of the people, will fall far short
of its dnty if it ptrntftl a tariff to re
main on certain articles when such s
dut is not needed for protection to
home industries aloii) the lines ad
vocated hv the republican narty," Maid
Representative Italic. ck of Wisconsin,
who relurned to Washington from tin
West today. Mr. ltahcock savs he has
looked carefully into the industrial
situation in the middle West, as well
as in the East, and is more than ever
convinced that his intended hill to
uipeout the tariff duty on manufac
tured steel and iron pnslucts is not
only a just but a necessary step at
this time.
"It is not material," he said,
"whether it is an individual or con,
lunation of individuals that has gained
control id any single product, so thsf
they can tix any price they see tit and
make the consumers pay that price.
When an article can lie manufactured
in this country clu-apcr than it can be
Raportsd by I L. Ray ft Co.. Pendleton,
Chleaao Board t Trad and Nsw York
Stoek Ixshanga Brokers.
New York, April 27. Wheal gained
another cent today ami closed at the
top. Foreign markets again lead in
the advance. Liverpool closed ! II',,
; compared with 5 10 f-8 yesterday.
New N ork opened f-Sc higher, ,"!',,
and sold up to 804 nt the close. The
export shipments for the week are
1,110,000, compared with 8,014,000
BMM week last vear. Argentine ship
ments continue to 'all bofalttd last
year, the last week's shipments btini
only one-fourth of same week last
year. Foreign crop conditions indicate
a big demand the coming year
Closing yestcrdav , 7i I -H.
0 pulling today , 79 1 1
KsngM today, 7I34 to H0'4
Close today, NO1,,.
Jolt corn, 80 1 I
Wheat In Sen Franelieo.
san I reneieoo, Calif., April L'7.
May wheat, opened I0;t'tf ; closed, 104.
Wheat in Chisago.
Chicago, April L7.- Mav wheat, 7Si
lo 74 3 S.
New York Market.
New York, April 87, -Su.(r, raw,
fair ronning, :i I Mil; centrifugal, m
lest. 4 : -1 si to '., ; coffee Kio. No. ,
spot, ti 1-H; rice, domestic, to )i'4
wool, unchanged
steldrum Survsyor-tisnsrsl.
Washington, April 17. TIM nrest
dent hslay nominated Henry Meldrum.
ot Oregon, lo he surveyor general of
Al:iv seeks to hud nic exprt-hhion
for itself, and womanly gratitude will not
keep mlt ni a, v. nioa people sometime
kay A n do women .nt. tiiehe lestmio-
Illu.i tothe v.ilue oi Or I'l.-rce I'avontr
I'm b. i iptiou? Tlie
a II w c r i .ill In
put ill one wool,
Ijtattiudc. When,
after years of
agony a woman is
treed from pain,
wh 11 the weak
woman is ins le
bi r o u g and ll.e
sick woman w 11,
the natural im
pulse is to H i He ,t
word ol ftfllU ful
thanks lor the
medicine wliii' h
on..-.. ! the cure.
Or. riaiTa'l f a
vorite ppaacriutiou
tun k aieeeae :'
a cultar to worn. n.
it astsblishi
birity, RtBM
eniie' drain , hea,
iiilluinuiaUou and
ulceration and
cure f e n. a 1 e
" Huvtaa ' Or.
Firm Psvartle tre
a u aiel ' u
anvwliere ee that indtistrv
need" protection no longer. Il the
republican parte fails lo meet the new
conditions Its whole theory ol proter
turn fall to t he ground .
'There is a ditiereiice, lor insta
between steel and sugar. Sugar still
demands protect ion to develop the heel
i growing industries oi tin- west and lor
the cane growers of tbe South
I u rt her lie ire, sugar liirmshes more
revenue than any other article on the
tariff schedule. Sugar should emit. tine
to receive protection under Ihercputd'
can isjIicv. Mewl and iron manulai
Hirers produce no revenue to ejaiak of
An AfTront lo Kngllsh K in baador Was
the Causa.
Paris, April 'il A lively dispute is
going on in the party press concerning
the real reason for the sudden recall to
M, PetefliHirg Of Culotivl Muravn-lf,
military attache to the Kuaslan em
bassv here 1 he cahiuet organs say
that the attache leaves because he has
received promotion in the army. f'h
OppOflitlOfl papers declare that tl
colonel attacked i o ueral Andre, mill
ister of war, in letters to the Kuiau
uoveiiiiueut, and that the I rem h
cabinet obtained his recall.
In connection with the colonel's re
moval from Tans a sousat lonal story IS
float to the effect that at a large
diplomatic recepl Ion he was guilty of
an ipdiscretioa thai would have Isien
offensive in a layman, but in the case
of a diplomat was a serious breach of
eti, incite as well as a violation of the
QOdw of oil society. Kir Edmund
Monsoii, the Hnllsh ambassador, was
present at this (unction, and in the
presence of that official Colonel
Muravieff, referring to the liour war,
is said to have spat on the floor,
saviuu, "That is the way I would like
to serve England." sir Edmund
reaentod this public affront and th
colonel's recall ensued.
'Deadlock Is
Paper of
xi, afeu I oimi.v. i v
du.o a i iic -
write. Mr Matlkr Uirir f I'l.iul. V.ilt H ny
Ou He " 1 cau im.: .il... . . n imru.l I n no u
v u. fur all fomaU Mraka ' 1 ' id
bcvcial lutiU ef l-avorit rYceeriixUon 1 whicb
. rfmhtr r s yrral IiUmmiiik lo wck wuirn I
wa o urrvou ud dinjiiaK.il lHt I lei oily
kurw whal lo do Your kiud iidvi. r for le-uic
loi.ouriit ht-lpcd iur woudcrlully Thauk lo
1. 1'Mricc "
I kx tor Pierce Plraant Pellets cure
biliouaiiess, aud sick headaclir 'Mir ,
,!,.. i.i Ix- ucd in coniicctiou with
"favorite I'm, ription " uheucver Uxs
use of a laativ is iudicated.
tor Her financial buprsmaey bines U.
U. Nsgau Loaning Mar.
London, April 7. the aggressive
eaifeineci, ol the united Males lo an-
sorh as much as poaaihle ol tue new
issue of hntish consols is causing a
ureal tir in hna-lish liuam lal circlea.
Not only the hrokere but the editorial
writers of all classes are having a go at
the matter. Nome of these welcome
tbe invasion of the yaukees as supply
ina a healthful tiuancial and economic
etiuiolus. while others, bemoan what
they profess lo believe the irretrieva
ble decline of England's monetary su
r . a
Juet how muck ol th, new war loan
of XrtO.OOO.OtSJ sterling ( 11, 000,000 ,
will mi to the I J ii I toil htatea reuiaius
to be aeeu. J.Pleruoiit Morgan aud
lua associates have already taken care
of ,...110.1,000 of the issue anil syiu
probably stop with that aiuouut. They
think that all tbe other American
bidders combined will scarcely get
more than f6,UtW,UU0.
aif W rasas at eilkao.
Bilbao. Spaio, April 'fl.Th
Hritisb steamer Proulrious from Hun
derland struck the breakwater while
trying to enter the harbor, and totally
wrecked. t;aptaiu steward was
A Pittsburg rim.
Pittsburg, Apiil 27. Fire this after
noon destroyed r). McKee ti Co. 'a glaas
factory. Loss is $ib0,0U0.
Hruken," Sayi
That Town.
Says the HeppOOf Tunes: I'he dead
lock is broken, and over 80,000 head ol
beep in this locality beVe ihanged
liiuiils within the past ten davs as fol
lows :
Milt Morgan, 1400 yearling wethers
to .1 kbn Meek at i.7f.
John Edwards to Mike Marshal, jooo
vearling wethers at fl.7o.
Ihos IfeOotloogh to Mike Marshal,
tKI0 mixed yearlings, at
Win. Harrett to .lonas Hros., of John
Iuy, nil his yearling ewes, at 12.40.
John i,i. Wilson to K. S. Clarke, l.'SHl
mixed yearlings at a litlte better Hum
I, E. ami H. W llarlh loinew to
I'nion Meat market, ItSKI 2-veur-old
weathers at 2 M0.
Henry (iay and J. (!. Kirk to l. S.
Clarke, all their Billed earl inns at'.'
M J. Corrigall to E. S. Clarke, 8600
'im veil vearlitigN, at f"
w. p. Dattoa ami 0, B, Pornewortb,
to E. H. Clarke, iooo mixed yearlings,
at 88.
Kufus Nichols to ft. S. Clarke, 8000
mixed yearlings, a little better than 'J.
I . If, llager to E. S. Clarke, 8800
mixed yearlings belter than 2.
J. C. Keithlv to Kred i ling, 4o0
yealring wethers, at 11.75.
I. Clarke to Frank Kllkennv USUI
yearling wethers, at fl 7.V
.foe ey to John BtBMa, 2HNi v. ar
lillg wethers at fl 76.
Wool is arriving from the int.. ol
Itartholomew Eros , hriuging in their
first loads th IS Week
C A. Khea sold 4800 clips of bis
wool to the Pendleton scouring null at
,' cents . . pound.
Rsespllon lo Nsw Pastor.
The reception to Key. BJohorl J.
Ihven and family at tbe Preshyteriun
church was a most pleasant affair I'he
newly called pastor was made b. i. . I
Ibat his lot had been happilv . ,it
The church was tastefully decorated foi
the occasion aud many were present
not only from the Presbyterian but
sister congregations Hobert Pond,
on request, rendered a lew select m
on the new organ, which lias recently
been installed. Itefrcshmi uts were
served which rotimhtd out the dIomun
of the on aston
A. O. U. W Social
I'he members o the Aneleul Unlet
of dolled Workmen gathered in lone
in their hall Friday Mailing in social
Session. I'he early part of the evening
was devoted to music, as billows: Vocal
solo, Mrs I A Marslon plblM solo,
Miss Alexander: viasl solo, Mrs
Kia-sch , viwal n o in la. r, male ipiartet .
vocal sol,,, Miss Fraker W M. pjaros
tl.. i. del vered an excellent address,
which was followed by a bamniet ami
a generally social time About llh
I pie participated In the affair ami
prnoiiin ed it a sip i
Altsebed by a Vicious bullion
l.d Hartholomew, while riding in the
pasture near the mouth of Willow
creek last Monday, was viciously at
looked by a bjg Dtsll ion, who agBM
tearing down toward him like a cv
BlOOe, says the HoppOOl I loiM lb
fore f-M could gel awav the yigioill
beast rushed up and bit him on the
leg, at the aame lime pulliiia- him off
wie reining lie was .riding, anil lor a
lew seconds It looked like I lie rimes
would have to write another obituary.
ilowever, Ed, in some msniier out
generaled hie adversary and soon m.ide
his escape, but be will carry a very
sore leg for many days.
Three Out of Five Favor the
Capolo, Llonniu r.iiuyo, t Mijorily, Vute
Yes BotdDi'ouri and Portiiiinto
Arc IliidiCldfd,
Waehingloo, April 87. Three of the
V0.1 unmisnioners.a majority oj tbe
dalflgation, have decided , so it .
derslood.lo vote for a renorl nr....,,. il...
oiisi iiui lonai ention to accept the
l tall amend it. They
t apoto, Lloranto and
""" nun i oriuaiido are not yet
tboroaghiv sutisiieil with the eipleoo
tion gtvi n us to the meaning o the
interview ttlOOas). and are desirous in
gay event that the I lilted Mates
hotlld agrii lo give pref. renl ml rates
on On ban prodorts as a oooditioa ol
the acceptance of the amendment It
is expeited, however, those two will
reel lee tbe bopalaaeneei ol their pom
tion and eventually join their 0ol
Leave Tomaht for l uba.
I'he coluiii issiouers called on Se. re-
tarv lbst, at tha war depart nt, (his
morning and by him were taken to
the White House, where they hade
good-bye lo President Mckinley." After
ward, i. oueral Wood had a long con
ference w lib the execill le ami leave
tonight lor Cuba. Qofl Wood said
that tl had I n decided lo refrain
from any oflloiel statement regarding
the visit mil 1 1 the cumin tssoncrs re
turned o h nana, as thev
delicate position politically
.ire ctiors
htmovoi iiotau-
are in a
Uunsaulut Orslor si Ualena 7th
QelOMt Ills., April 27. -Prom three
slates the pie llock.il to (.rant's old
home today to help eelebrote the
anniversary of the great warrior's ,Mlb
birthday. I'he i en monies began at 2
o'clock. GoBJi tiranl's widow sent a
message regretting her inability to at
teiiil mi in i oiint of illues I'r. Prank
QOOaanltta was the orator of the day.
Millionaire's Son Injured.
Philadelphia, April IT TnOgoh E.
Widelier, son ol Ihe In 1 1 1 lonal re, P.
Wldouar, was probably fatally lnorod
this PJorelng by the overturning of a
tally Im couch, two others were also
in in red.
Widelier, with nine prominent
society young men, was en route to the
country home ot lleurv Mckean, when
a sudden turn eapsi.ed the tally ho,
throw tug all underneath and fracturing
Ills skull I'he others were badly
Forly in Caaal4eall Party.
Washington, April 27. According
to the oflelel program of the presi
dent's weslein trip, made public this
morning, the parly will number forty.
The longjaat jump on Ihe schedule will
be that between San Antonm and El
Paso, gM imles Ihe train will travel
over 2 1 railroads and will start on
M lay at It) id lu Ihe foremsiii.
Hloi In India.
Lahore, India, April 27. -Troops
lllld the police were icjllirisl to slllsllle
a violent riot provoked hv the govern
uieiit plague inspectors who offended
the native custom and prejudice py in
IgOOting the women. great BJM)b
fought tiercel i and sever, il were killed
and injured
buvplslous in...
Chlcugn, April 27 lacob llruski,
I'hoiiias Conrad and Jacob Kokowski
were suffocated early this morning lu a
burning inn shop on I as Hall.-a street
Three otbeis w. rn uvert'oliie. Ten inen
sleeping in adjoining rooms were ar
rested on msplciofl of Uung implicated
in the origin of the blae.
Lallshaii Wat tool.
Oeaaiia, April 87. Jeotse Callahan,
eherged with kidnapping rooag
Cuiiahy.t'slav took the itaod aud c.sdy
tried to pr in all on Ihu ulght of
tbe crime He denied any colilieclloii
whatever with the kidnapping.
truck. i Uiium Oswaasd.
Nea York, April 27. Millionaire
( 'r..i km handsome Fifth
avenue mansion uarriwly eatap.d d..
trtHitioil hv lire early tills morning
Considerable damage was dope to the
costly furnishings.
Nun Killed Mine W reeked.
Mom-, llelgium, April 27. - Hy an ajga
iiloaion in a coal mine at llorml, SIX'
r " -
leeli in. ii
w rci ke.l
were killed and the in lua
I sk.
I amine
hi. nun duiaiue FaMasi
Frazer Opera House.
Wednesday Night, May 1, 1901
100 Lsugbe la 100 Minutee.
In Unions! luajudy Triuui(ili
A plefed by Mr Kwlug unit 1UUI liuisa
aOfl'i'MTkll MV A UPgOIAlXY Sbpkl TKU OtiMfAMr.
A i.s.y blaadlug uf If m lev, Aluslu slid suduvMls NovoltlJ
film Mm. MS.-. 76. At .0. s. w ue Sals J lai'lsssu'e SU.S