1 SHIRT WAISTS latt Itylef all new, direct from New York factory Prices 50c, 75c up to $I.98c. rtosive 1 by express Peters will re new lint1 pleased of walking gloves. Miss to show you this line. leaver Bros. Dry Goods Co. ;IIAY. APRIL , HW1. IS OF WESTON TOWN period. Every lirmw eapt one along bin route now ha two-story houM rid big red hero, and everywhere are men the (ruita of industry. Orchards only are lacking to make the country a rural pared ise. Cropa look promising in tbe extreme. th Taken Sore laauer Are Local Hm .sailer savf araarv oci.t renowsnip win lOMB rated with a sermon on hiit iuxt rrtaay evening. April ttie Methodist ciiiirrh, under the r,.. Weston 1. dwe No. e, I. O. TtM sermon will M given by B L. Penroee. the able preei- ul A : .liuau collage. I'rice and John Maker have ditigentlv wielding the S-ush at urinal echo. 1. where fresh paint iig applied t building and fence. iBprovamof a.ld greatly to tbe appearance of the preaent school rtv, whicb will now be more in Bg with tbe handsome new build on to be erected. of men i at work rolling i the new iraiuing un t I tli- liaseball park at Athena. Rr Wilkinson tia pun :iase.i a run cart, with pneumatic tiree, in lit- .II be een on tbe track be- hi spsedv aorrel Mt. ernun. na people are taking quite an t in tine horses, a well ae base- id i!l enter a numlterol animal res parade m IVndleton. -aharl rat that do not belong re not wanted a tar inland are ling troublesome problem in tbi tv. ihfv steal egg, kill young Bti. and create tnoch havo' in and granaries. To unpeople, a si- tanners, complain of ball poultry yards by I ittle animal, which ia be- I l ' with trap and poiaon. 8am er a vouns farmer near town. lietter exterminator than either mentioned. It i an enterpris- II dog with a great averion for liuli It haa laiiktitered bv ion tbe Hainater place until they tntirelv diaappeared . fT !,a- a ' ndness for where he ha lived, apparent- Bee the ueighh-.ring Blue tnouo- wen uplifted bv volcanic od- and aeldom trav awav from ' day, bewever. be had to make a trip through Alkali syooa At heim and aaw ft ana in firwt time in ten rears. The -loesses himself a astonished Hat' progreae within that Catarrh Cannot Cured lib lix-al ai. plications a trsr i annul the seal of lbs 41 ronatituuona! Ji rcaon Catarrh to a blool or Ln orlsr to cure It Ti. i-i. a.. j I you mutt take latonal Maiertiwa. Hll' a i- .i " VV uirh Cure UuJtea lalaeaally anrt u directly on IDr Ii. kvi ami mu oua lunxn II au . ( a larrli Cure la not a qua taedlrine. It waa t acrltsM ty one ot the beat phyalclajas In thli eountry for year, unit iunfuUi iinus r I pi ion It la rotnnosed ol the l-i kralra known, con tined wftb the best blood pnrtfleca, aerlng (Uracil) on tnr mmii surtacea The perl, r i romtiinatioii l ill. to.. -.iitfre.l.vuu la whal pnwtucea aucb wonderful reaulta In caring ca tarrti 'iia lor loaiunoDiaia, tree. P J rilF.VKY A 00 . Prop.. Toledo. O mold by druaaiala, price 75c. Hal; . T.miTy I'iUa are the beat. None to Centraetora. Notice ie hereby given, that tbe com man council ol tbe city of Pendleton will receive bide for the grading and graveling of Webb street from Oak street on the weet to iti inter section with Court street on the eaat, aid grading and graveling to be done id accordance wnn provisions u orui nance No. 363. Measurement to be farniabed by tbe city engineer. The common ouni il rnavrve the right to reject any or all kid. Bid to be filed in tbe citr recorder' office on or be fore April SB, 1801. Bv order of tbe Common Council. J. E. BKAM, Recorder. !at... at Pendleton, Ore., April 18, iho: Bring on your Clocks. What Your rare Worth? Sometime a fortune, but never, if the 1 you have a sallow cotutdexion, a iaan this diced look, moth pate he and blotches on the skin ail aigo ol liver trouble. Hut nr. King s ew Llle fills give L lear .-kin, Rosy Cheeks, Rich Com plexion. Only 35 cents at Tallman A Co. 's Drug Store- Cortland Wollen 111). The last dollar of the 950,000 capitol stock of the Portland Woolen mill baa been subscribed, and all that now re mains is the selection of a site, aaya tbe Telegram, bell wood ia believed to ' bave tbe inside track in the race tor the mill, and it is very probable that I tbe plant will be located there, if the negotiations now pending are closed up promptly. Should there be any ' bitch in tbe negotiations, which is im probable, the promoters will at once close tbe deal for another aite upon ahull they eull bold an option. Acker's dyapepaia tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cure heart bum, raising of tbe food, diatreea after eating or any form of dvapepaia. One little tablet gives immediate re lief. 35c and 50c. For sale by Brock A M.t-iinac come after your clock it home to you when ita tat more tay fixed. work guaranteed. we'lf fix it so it Thar Wllb Geo. If you give your grocery order to Martin he will be ''there with tbe goods " Finest oanned goods and dried fruits in the mi alaaya on band ; also, nice fresh vegetable. He ' i sole agent for J. B. Jacob Borns) celebrated butter. Low pnees sod high quality Kastern bams and bacon. A nice line of smoked Oah. All the gad brands of pickle, aaucee and rvliehes. Florida strawberries in the market in a few day. L HUNZIKER, weler and Optician... door to Alexander A Maxtor's RANSFER R UC KING, I I IV f 1-4 m :tixftua atAle . CASTOKIA the aljnalui c of Cwaa. H aa for uwa-e taaa thirty yeara, aad far tale at a argala. 107 acrea of timber land, one mile from Kaiuela Station, at an except ion - ny low ngure. ror particulars ad d gun C. Clark, Fort Stevens. Ore- taler in Ice, Wood and Schlitz Milwaukee Beer. enry Kopittke If You would Tke Whole Truth. Read between the "Flfprune Cereal ia urmoit Nutritious and Bconomlcai el any of the Cereal Cofieea.'' That's the verdict iwodexed by those who know NOT THE UMATILLA INDIANS DIPRIDATIONS t OS WIT f Kt) JT OTHgRS CHAROID TO WR0M0 PRISONS. Th ladalns Prera This Rassrvatlon Do Not Hunt Out of season or Wast What Tee kh, A few days ago th following infor mat ion was sent out from Washington 1. C, by telegraph: "The Indian office, upon complaint from Wallowa comity. Oregon, that Indians have been wandering off the Umatilla reservation and making themselves generally obnoxious, has written th agent at Umatilla for a report. If the charge are sustained a restrictive order will nc doubt follow. Not Umatilla Indiana. - a .it. upon tne imatina reservation are Umatilla, Cavnse and Walla Walla In discs. They are all called Umatill Indians when referred to as being from me t 1 mat 1 1 la reservation. Agent Charles Wilkin was asked concerning the above mentioned minor floating ron n. i mrongn tn crook ana crannies of the mnsty, dusty war de pertinent, and aaid there was no truth in the charge. The Indians on tbe Umatilla reservation are peaceable and non-predatory. When thev go hunt ing, they do so in season and kill onlv what game they can nse without waste, iney are not inclined to go supping around outside the reserva tion. There have been claim mad that the Indians from this reservation went over to the Snake river to rtsh. at unlawful time. That claim can not be substantiated, ln fact, the Uma tilla Indians are as well-behaved modest and unasciiuiing ae are the In nans of any other reservation on earth Their portv pr.., ivitle are exercised chiefly in a little quiet horse racing al ooo time, while a t.-w come into fen dleton occasionally to sustain thereon tation of their people as consumers of n re water At the Door of the Naz Pareas. These depredations ascntied to the l mat ilia may more properly be laid at the door of the Xex Perce, from the Lapwai reservation in Idaho. These Ir.dian excuraion are magnified, how ever, and tbe crime alleged to have been committed generally .lw indie when investigated. AN ACCIDENTAL INJUSTICE T. C salt, of Waiton, Ku Entitled to a First Oraae Certineate. At me leader 'examination held in Pendleton recently. T. i'. Salt, of Wes ton mountain, was given credit for having secured a second grade cer imcaie An so-mental injustice was done Mr. Salt bv tbe board of examin ers, whicb was cheerfully corrected at tbe earliest opportunity. Instead of a aecond grade certificate, Mr. haltwa entitled, according to tbe merit of bis papers, to a first grade. The mistake came about a follows Mr. falt's paper on arithmet ic was marked by the board and he waa given a credit ot IU tor each ot tbe 111 oue 1 1 .xi nr pounded, I . n 1 1 , in-a.-re.! !h.- question oorrectiy. In some unaccount able manner, however, the noiuber ni was written instead of ItaJ at the tot oi his paper as the total lor arithme tn. winch, with a few minor matter. cm in- percentage to on- than .l i-t cent, giving him only a second grade certificate. When be got hi rating and aaw thai be bad leeu given but HO in arithmetic, lie knew there waa sometbiug wrong, for mathematics is the branch upon whicb he is proficient. I here were -41 applicants lor certili caies. lite stale hoard ol examiners had sent printed .niest ..us to supply oniv ... and the other M had to h. supplied by type written copies. That caused some little confusion. Twelve brancne of study were on the list utsiii winch the teachers had to lie ex amined, 10 questions for each branch Ttiat made WM questions upon which the examining board had to pa therefore it is not surprising that few inaccuracies occurred. Mr halt was lormerly a count v schi l superintendent in the state of Wisoonsiu. anil of course will feel in better humor, having secured tbe first grade certcicate to which he thought he was entitled. RATE TO DAWSON CITY what Passencer Must Pay to bo to the Gol Camp. paaaenger tariff to Daweon haa tatien isaued. People who have taken the trip to wkagway via tbe "inaide stnamer route" from the north coast ol tbe Luited State to Hkagway, and thence either via tbe old time pass and small uoai route down me i ukou, or via the river ateamera now operated. ill highly recommend tbe journey to tourists wno aeek new acenea and natural beanty. The tariff is by the White Paas A Yukon route, in connection with tbe following steamship line: Union hteamsbip company, Alaska ijleamahip company, Humboldt hteam ebip company, Pacific Coast Steamship company, i atiadiau t'acinc "Navigation company and Washington A Alaska Steauiebip company. hollowing are the rate: Proin Seattle and other Pueet Sound uorta. and from Victoria and Vancouver, B. C, to Dawaoxi, hrt c lass, unlimited. 105; brsl-.lass, limited, SUA), and second -claas. 80. rrom I Jawaon to fuget Sound porta and to liritisb ( oluu'hia iMjrts, brst- ciaa. S12U . aecond claas. Stfl. A year ago the ttrst claaa rale waa $106 to Uawauii, witb Ittri second- Claaa; and from Uawaoii out the ratus were r.ii first-class and Sill second - lass. It will be noted that there is no reouctKiu in the nrst-elaae rate from Iawon Ui Seattle aa compared with the rate in effect a year ago. while there ia a reduction of S3U in tbe aecoud-claa rates. A year ago there was no unlimited rate. luriug the rate war last season the first class rate fell to 76 from Seattle to lines. .ii, witb a 6ti aecond claaa tariff. Tbe cut rate from lawaon out last year were 1100 and S7M for first and second claaa pasaage respectively . lo At l. ii the rates tbls year will he: First -claaa, $60; aecoud-cfaas. 141. Hates from Skagway to Iawon will be, h rat -class unlimited, SH0 , nrt clasa. limited, S76, and aeoond-clasa, pa Hkagway to Atliu, orat-claas, 126. I'nl i limed, tickets will be good for tfie entire aasaon of 1801 ; limiUid ticket will be good for 10 dsys be tween -cuttle and Dawson going in and 16 dsya coming out. when caught by the extremely low temperature prevailing at that time. Mis body waa fonnd by Don Trent hi v and Henry Nicholson. It was brought ont to Kof( Yukon and buried March '.4 by Miller. The deceased waa a single man, 26 year old and a native of shelhvville, Ind. He was npp..ed to nave triend in the Klondike. A man named Raymond, formerly connected a im trie A . V. t'o. at Circle, started to go to Nome last winter, but was Placed under arrest at Halfway Island, letween Circle and Fort Yn kon. He was charged with being nevnv in dent to the A. I . Co. Kay mono nao not succeeded in procuring osii wnen Miner leit. Miller says dog feed is scarce along the river, selling for 40 cents per poun.i. mere are netmer ixans nor condensed milk at Circle or Kort Yn kon. a Inle flour ie scarce at each of the places, selling at 148 per hundred weight. Atier leaving irawson last "unimer Miller made a tour of the Tanana dis trict and then went to Fort Yukon, where he ascended the Chandelar al most to the head water of that stream. tie participated in the stamiiede to Trail and Monarch creek and secured some valuable property on these streams. Trail creek is about eighteen mile long and enters the Chandelar at a point about 180 miles from Fort c.kon. Bedrock had not vet been m a J k aa i, a . reacneo wnen Miner lett, hut some tine prosties ts were being obtained both above ami below discovery. He con sidered it one of the coming creeks of that region. Monarch creek, Miller savs. gives every indication of becoming a valua ble producer. It enters the Chandelar about fifteen miles below the mouth of Trail and is a stream ten miles in lngth. It has been staked from source to mouth and locators there are confident thev have a good thing. DR. HILL 0PFERS $100 WILL DONATE THAT AMOUNT TO PRNDLRTON at ADRMY Tril Parasites Causa All Hair Troubles. Nine-tenths of the diseases of the scalp and hair are caused hy parasitic germs. The importance of this dis covery hy t'rotessor I nn of the Chari ty Hospital, Hamburg, Germany, can not be overestimated. It explains whv ordinary hair preparations, even of the most expensive character, fail to cure dandruff; because thev do not. and can not, kill the dandruff germ. The onlv hair preparation in the world that positively destroy the dandruff para- ite that burrow up the sealp into scales called scurf or dandruff, is Newbro's Herpicide. In addition to its destroying tne dandruff germ Her picide is also u delightful hair dress ing, making the hair glossy and soft as silk. HILL MILITARY ACADEMY Pormsr Principal of Rlshop Academy to Establish It. Pr. J. W. Hill, formerly principal of Bishop Scott academy, will open (he nui military academy in lortlaud next September. New building- are now in pris-ess of erection. Thev will le complete and modern in every wav Pr. Hill was connected with Bishop Scott academy for twenty-five years as see and principal and that institu tion under bis care has earned a high reputation. He guarantees that the II I Military academy will be placed 00 a basis enabling it to do the very tieat by the young men who may be sent there by their parents. Further announcements will be made bv Pr. Hill during the summer outlining the plans more fully. Is Tbls Plain gnouih. If you have a nagging cough and are losing flesh, go to a dmg store, and get a bottle of bhiloh's Consumption cure. lake two-thirds of it. and then. if you are not benefited, return the ts.ttle to the druggist, and he will re turn vour money. Isn't that fair? No one could ask more. 26 eta., 60 i ts. and tl a bottle. Tallman A Co., lead- ug druggists Arrivals at Hotel PsndUtsn Mr L A Robinson, Huron, ti D. F T Overman, Duluth. O B Prael, Portland J W Cason, Portland. J P Nvlander, Portland. J A AHiaon, Portland. P C Holland, Portland. C H Hull, B C. Jean H Williams, Brooklyn, N Y. Newton Phillips, San Franc ieoo. W A Hardy, San Francisco. 1- B Mack, Walla Walla. V I. Sellec-k, Portland. Sieg 8 Toplili, San Francisco. H K Brandt, Chicago. Bert E Rcnoonmaker, Spokane. P slmlLs, Spokane. j C Luot, San Francisco. W R (ileudenning. 8 D Brinker. J H Kloeckner, Hay. W B Hamilton, Uarton. Cha W Houdrix, Kansas City, Mo. S p Mcliuire, Harney P S Morrill, jr, Kanaas City. L Macleay, Omaha. give i tiinga. The Ave diseases for which Shiiob'a Consumption Cure is especially recoiu- mended, are Coughs, Colds, Whipliig Cough, Croup and Consumption. No medicine ever made by man is equal to It in any respect. Bold under a positive guarantee. Money back if it fails. 26 cU, 60 cts and II a bottle. Tallman A Co. If 40 Others Will uiv the Same Amount Rah, Staking RSOOO In All. Friends of Pendleton academy will thoroughly appreciate the following offer by the Rev. K. P. Hill, D. D., pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Portland, who wa here thia week and who, while here, a a trustee of tic- academy looked into the conditions of the institntion. Entirely unsolicited, he write the Kast Oregonian as fol lows : To the Citisens of Pendleton I have just returned from a visit to your in teresting citv, where I was deeply im pressed ny the many evidences of pros perity and intelligence. I spent a half day in making a careful in vestigation of Pendleton academy, and came to the conclusion that you do not begin to realixe what an important factor it is and may increasingly be come in the life of your city. It means much to that higher life which cannot he niaaured in dollars and cent. Your homes are made safer and more attractive; an atmosphere is created in whicb the choicest, (lower of culture thrive, hy the presence of such an in stitution. But, as a mere matter of business, it would be difficult to think of any sort ot an enterprise that could add more to Pendleton's business interests. People who seek new homes are al ways attracted toward a town which ha good educational advantage. Many tamihe take tip their resi dence near a good academy or college for the sake of the children, and more people always means more business for the merchants. Therefore, it is evident that vou eiti- xens of Pendleton could do no more: economical advertising for vour beautiful citv than to put vour academy in such shape that it ma .1.. the work which it is calculated SO do. if the facilities are supplied It needs a new building. It needs it greatly and at once. I'nless something is done immediately to make the work permanent I'mfessor Forties might lie- come di- raged any day with his miserable barracks and leave, in which case the work would collapse. Whv not, then, raise him a fund of S.'iOOii, with which to begin a new building which shall he an ornament to vour city and a tit home for the academy. I have no money to throw away, but I shall w glad to be one of fifty men to give flOO each, payable at any time within twelve month. If you have not forty-nine men among you ready to match tbe offer of an impeconinu preacher, and an outsider, at that. 1 am much mistaken in my impression of the alertness of the business men of Pendleton FIX i A R P. HIM., fori land, Ore., April L'.r. MM. aa gfj m Worse Tnan War. Hundred- are killed in war, but hundreds of thousands are killed bv consumption. There would be no deaths at all caused by this terrible disease, if ptOplR could U made to un derstand that Shiloh's cough ami con sumption cure is a sure remedy if taken , in the early stages. 'J6 cts.. fa'l cts. and VI a Isittle. Druggists will refund the money if a cure is not effected. Tail man A Co., leading druggists. n 1 1 mm Beginning WEDNESDAY morning, April wtM'K , we win piaro on gale our entin -'Itli. p. stiick- lasl tii' of WOMEN'S TAILOR MADE SUITS at a difcouni ni' 15 Per lent. on the whole line. Collarlets Kton 8uiU, Eton Suits with LAiglon oollar, Single breasted Klonu, Single breeated short n efers, Singh breasted long reefer n feci i complete line nt new antedate suits in thf new colors, correct lv trim med and in siws 32 to 42 We make the ilteraUona just as though there was no reduction. Remember one week. Discount of g per cent. The Peoples Warehouse. Agenta Hutterkka I'at'crna. MANHOOD RESTORED 'CUPIDENr Tlih a.at VwaU. al, Inn, will .inh kly cms yisi of all in., ir enii ion r n f ,m I m T" ' J ' "I" ruialorrl ma ic.l n , ,, ,,, y a Vl IS1 r. clsaiiass lEa Bad ratorsa Mall ela onSSS " ""J ," U'Um" "" fllsESS suTslS n mSI ,:,7 fr;;,:.';,1 v.':,7.',i,;v, ;;;ri,rTw",,'r'w,,",:l"M,,,,-,wm'rr-" run KlveiiBii.ini." , , ream i ., ,,, ,, ,,,, wr tUS A nrsasiaavoi. WrWrI i'.uUo, MS, Ha Kra.snB.Cil. Woo H.K II V T .I.SJ a M Sj . . nm a). MMJWltl -,V. rMSMOw Seat SOMI: LOWER RIVI V NEWS I from Dawao Csass lterssUe frum th Vufee Country. Haaattle, April W.Tbs Timaw aaya: ln.-k Millar of t'lrcle Ultv aad L'liau 'deiar baa arrived at Uawsuu witb tl..- news that Iui Krai tier Ins uartuer, was fruaeu to death somewhere betweaMj January 1U and 16 OH tbe middle fork of tb Cbaudelar. uear tbe uioutli of Oaark crtaak. Kraeber bad ataaed Ne. I t above on Moaarcli seal after a trip J to Kort Yukuu waa baateunia; to rnturu ! 123,000 peop.e are killed every vx is this country by CON8 U M PTION Tbe fault is theirs No one used nave consumption. It la sot hereditary. is brought on by neglect, Yoa have a slight cold nod cough. Yon do nothing to gat rid of it. Shiloh's Consumption Cure will corn n casssh sr osld la on night. mt astat laac isaaalal It via aass m tftt5HWreasWa m Mua.a aa aa. flataS faaii 11 7a avr al Mlnto May Ul Collotorshlp. Whereas a theatrical mari ha ap plied for collector of customs at Sitka, Alaska, the position now held by .1. W. Ivey, the job will probably come to Oregon Such is the Is.liefof local politielana, says the Talagram. Tbe dace has generally lieeii coiicedral to tha I'aciiic coast, and to OfOgORltMld as far as present indications show, there is no dieposition to !. t some KasUtrner have the ptaas. if Ibt job is snpRfthinnd to Orekjon. John w. MintO lias an ei cellent chance of securing it. Minlo is a strong Issliever in Mitchell, and It is said that be stands first in the ranks of eligible for pie. CUT OUT THIS AD ENCLOSE IT TO ME TEN DOLLARS. W.D.HANSFORD&CO. Dealers in HARD WA RK, (3TOVE8, BARBED WIRE, SHELF HARDWARE, PUMPS and PIPE. PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. ttOl Main Street, Pendleton. Oregon Hotel Pendleton WITH And 1 will furnish you all complete, ready for use, my 1U01 Modal No. 7 HAMlKN KLKt'TKK' HKLT. It is superior in make, quality and power to any bait offered by other dealer for WkUk they charge 140.00. Kstabl l.hed ' years. Write today for my latest hooks, "Health in Nature" and "strength ; Ita Uaeaud Abuae by Men " DR. A. T. SANDEN, Uspt. A. Uuaacl Block, PORTLAND, OKBOON. Untirr New Hanaxtnunt 1 Strictly Plrst-Class Kicollent Cuisine Brery lodero COIIMIMCO tilve U i Trlil. Hates $2 00 I day Special Hales by Weel or montb The College Athlete. Car ta ai k aOI i Wlin .Icijisii.u a iiasnoh, kiKi i running aliacl In ola asorU la no were ciittiuaiaatii buul 1VU1 BICYCLEA llian aft- il.oac uj.ii and muuisu wko rlUa fur H II AVI U a.m. rl.un iii. on inuetlj runulna wbaela of pravau wurlk, lor couilurl an aaiSI a aaks. I aiauJard aaiul.L ia coal Ladies or (ienU Light Koaalster 0.(aV UeflU lv IJOUlid Kac-r 60 (JO Ladle or (ienta Chainlet 140 00 Meal- 190, :---' 926 R W. FLETCHER, Agaul UatatlUa (leeaty, f aduxvus, Uraaua Br and Billiard Uooms Maadquarlara for Traveling Man The Best Hotel In Eastern Oregon. Van Dran Bro.. Props. Successor! to J. E. Moor v KM KIDNBY8I After yon tire of using the so-called klilnev reme dies without anv lauielit, use I .... ..lo seaual Hill ami he fotwTsr rut of those doll aina In your tiack lia card thai old fogy idea of "uain la the kidneys" aud have all VOUI Madder and urinary troiihlea cured, and your uigldr. made restful hy the use of nature's real! assistant Lincoln Actual Mills I'rice, l(). .it bos huv of your druggist or sunt by mail mi rSOttitd ol liric in plain arajiissr. LINCOLN HUOPWIHIAKY CO., Hurt Waya. Ind. imakm j rbbbbbI I lei SL mm OKU IIAstVtiALI. Prsp tiiijU-iiy PurolhUdd Stetio UMted oi upca.i Ptau Blistik and a half frass depot Sample Wo, mii la couaovlloe Room Kale Sfk, 7&, $1.00 Woi. Ivt allaatraia has as aaaaaaualia kasat anakow ss as yaw. k C tabk & .Ukat.S V. roc aavie by TavltuMMI a (lo.. drujaaffala. Farmers Custom Mill Preaf Watts, Caiavolty, US barraia a ua tleau aacSauaad tar skaM raawr. Mill !. faupuasl ad. si., aiaaya For Health. Strength and Pleasure Drink : : : : : : : Polydore Moens, Proprietor. off hi m "aly i j