East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 26, 1901, Image 1

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I t$ a a a a) 0H 1
ronUh?1""" M,""Mr; fret !
Ml ih' srs 2
, t-ii tii your f
. . .. -a-a
NO. 4109
nr.... iit.1i k lor
t. ...eot from. I make
I, I y the highest
f.ir country produce
. Demott.
A new stin k just received ami
what pretty styles they are. Sev
eral that we have never shown
before. New tans, new patent
kids, new enameled calf, new
bicvele boots.
Sorosis Price
Every woman w ho wears BoTOfti
shoes likes them and recommends
them to her friends.
I'leased to show them.
Alexander & Hexter,
he Boston Store
Exposition of Shirt and Silk Waists
lie Boston Store gathering is the richest in this city. Nowhere will you tind
that approach these in lieauty. and no other store is making it so easy to ow n
. ti J :
1 . . r, l. steak, i h 11 l f.ll ' . -as .s.nt awe,., 1.. 1. I - 1 . . . d d . . .1..-... t 1 .
hirt waist of neat pattern, percale
in pinks. Iilues, reds and heliotrope
un. stiriened collar.
I r lawn waists with embroidery,
trimmed collar and soft cuffs.
Fine gingham shirt waists, varied
poloi stripes and plaids, the general
kit same as most expensive ones.
Brown linen waiste, white India
linen waists, Mack lawn waists.
of batiste, lawn, mtrcerized Alex
cloths, etc.
11.86,12.00, l'.2o, $2.oo up to
-4 7"). maile of mercerized Ixjuis-
nd silk mixtures, but suace forbids
detoriptioDfl; you must see the show
Waists of soft washable silks in
plain colors. Tnese waists are
worth more.
10 A few Me- left, we'll not say
(JJjt.tO wl,at they're worth lest .'u
should accuse us of exaggeration.
C 7R Taff ta ilk waists in the newest
y". 11 colorings and black, every (MM
made with the new long wai-t effect.
ffO Fancy corded and tucked back-.
p0. 1 u front and oolon for
street and evening wear, also black.
TQ fSi 10J0. 118.00, 14.00 and 116
(J)u.0v styles in waists you'd never ex
pect to find in l'endleton. out they're
here and the prices are right too.
The Busiest Store in Pendleton.
. I x
i mane
l 11 a
ecu w urtwiicii
ing wheel in America
$35. $40, $50.
r V
iuil line to select from
House ft easing Time.
creates a large lieniand for aoaps
scrubbing brushes, sapolia and other
dirt eradicators. We are in fine
shape to supply the demand for these
articles, however large your order
may be. All of the standard brands
of soap some just as good but as
yet untried. All house cleaning
helps here.
and Cleveland wheels
022. 5J to $40. OO
tire, handlebar or color.
I . ! ui.ii-i. I.i.oo i.r
and exchanged
roceivtftl another shipment
Miiu curtain stretcher ,
ins, they save jrour curtain
the cheap tti may kind.
M em a
men Seeds
out our entire alack of seed
I 6c packagee at 2c or 6 (or
!J . At
shade at 10c.
ua ic a I '.-id r-iauv. uwuto,
hUKar Nell, Too am de
o Central give uie Heaven ;
T w ; etc.
ericK Nol
aliouery. Kchoo! Supplies.
To make good bread use livers' Beat Flour. It took fi rat
premium at the Chicago World' Fair over all com pet i
and give excellent oat intact ion wherever used.
Every aaca ia guaranteed. We have the bent Steam
Kolled Barley, Seed Kye and Beard lea Barley.
W. S. BVtRS, Proprietor.
1 nr. a full line of cotton and
rubber hose direct from the
factory; also have ball bearing
lawn mowers, grass catchers,
yard tspriuklers at prioes to suit
all. Examine my stock before
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
Boat I in on the St. l-awrence river
have combined.
Afrikanders are protesting against
British treatment or Cape Hutch.
The crown prince of tiernian ha en
tered a a student at Brown university.
Count Arvid Poasid, formerly premier
of Sweden, died in Stockholm aped Si
There ia a report of a warthip build
ers pool. Irving frott, San Francisco,
denies it.
California Cured Fruit Association
old 20,0X10,000 pounds o( prunes on
The insurrection in Panav inland,
Philippines, has ended, all having
Callahan, charged with being the
kidnapper of r.dwanl t udahv, is on
trial in Omaha.
Secretarv Hav and Ambaosa.lor
I'auncefote have held con(erences on
the canal question.
A monument will be raised at Valley
forge to comnieinorate the sufferings ot
the revol utionary heroes.
The yacht Constitution, cup de
fender, will be launched at New York
the week beginning May 6.
The tranpsort Kilpatrick at last re-
EDrta was in quarantine in Honolulu
arbor with smallpox on hoard.
Mrs. Clara Kluge-Sntro of t-an Fran-
cicso, has been allowed 1M 000 as the
contract wife of Adolph Sntro, the
dead millionaire.
Senor 8ixto Loper. will return to the
Philippines, and it he tind the reports
of general surrender true, will join
Aguinaldo in swearing allegiance.
Kugei.e Paul Crowne ia appointed a
lieutenant, alo hi more O. Worrick,
in the regular army. Both are Oregon
men and were in the Second Oregon
Princess Hatfeldt, daughter of the
late ( r, Huntington, may sue tor
her share ot the increase in the HBO
tiuKtoti estate that hae accuinu! ated
since hi death. Her share of the es
tate was $1,000,000, and of the lattMM
Jake Uaudaur otiiers to row any
ingle scull oarsman in the world,
Tow lie and Kumohr preferred, at Kat
Portage, Ontario, for the world's
cnampiouRhip and a aide bet ot U '.
three miles with a turn, between
Augut 1U and 30.
Smallpox i epidemic in Snohomiih
county, Waah.
X. Schmidt, an insane Swede, sui
cided in the woods near F'ugene.
The Oregon capitol grounds have a
tulip bed 70 feet in circumference.
tiov. John K. Koger and hi party
have viaited Vancouver, Waah., on an
inspection tour.
W. W. Tripp, a noted Indian tighter,
died in Baker City on Wednesday. He
waa rVt year old.
Kay Waylett, a miner, waa killed
at the Tiger mine at Burke by falling
down an ore chute.
Mrs. Mary Jackson Wilkes died at
Hillsboro ou Wednesday, year old.
Mm wa a Virginian.
Byron Simmon, weak minded by
his own confession, says he burned the
oreenleai school house.
It i now aaid that Nome travel will
be light, and several steamer have
withdrawn (rom the traffic.
An Astoria cigar dealer was arrested
for violation of the i.h kel-iu-the-alot
law, and will test it in the court.
Gov. Oeer is asked to pardon ;J. I).
Luhrman, sent to the penitentiary
from Baker county for manslaughter.
Aa inaana woman is said to be MB
dering at large in Farter u Clackamas
county, thought to have escaped from
The Washington board of control haa
removed their oft ice Irom Tacoma to
Olympia, under orders from (Jov.
Attorney (or James . Oreen, oon-
vuted of the murder ot K Benjamin
Empress Dowager to Select
One Sood.
The Otber Three Members of (be Council
Are Now Id Siinfu With Her
Imperial Mijesly.
Washington, April 2i. Confirmation
is made here this morning of the re
port that the dowager empress of China
has delegated her power to a national
board which will occupy about the
same position towards the Chinese
government as a cabinet does to the
-i me department. It says:
"The empress dow.tuer has appointed
a hoard of national administration to
relieve tier of h..r until le flinrtinna It
embrsces three members of a cabinet
now vk lilt the umiiniaa at 4imntn uml
Prince Ching, Viceroy l.i Hung Chantr
J r. i . . . V .
ami i rinct iuiih'. who are now at
French OITIcer Wants to Capture Km
prm Dowager.
I'aris, April L'l'. -Col. MarcliHml, who
as major of the rreuch army won dis
tinction in Faahoda, Africa, and who
is now with the French force in
China, his formed a scheme. so Oaulois
aays, to capture the dowager and her
entire suite bv method similar to
Funston' capture of Aguinaldo. The
miniaters of the power, however,
would not consent.
H Wai
Reported by I. L. Ray ft Co., Psndlston,
I Chlaaaro Hoard of Trad and New York
Stoek Sxehang Rroksrs.
New York, April 2M. The wheat
market wax strong again today, (he
foreign market leading in the ad
vance. I.iverMMl closed '4 higher,
5 10 ft-8. New York opened ft-Sc up,
7i'4, and sold between 7i H-S and
78 7-S, closing 79 1-8. The strength in
corn and the light receipt of both
wheat and corn make the buy ing ide
th favorite.
Stock Htrong nnd higher.
Money, 4 per cent.
Closing yewterday, 7S -8.
rptalDf today, 7!i4 .
Kange t.xlay, 78 7-8 t 7I M S.
Closing today, 7H I -8.
July corn, SO
Sugar, 14IJ4 ; tobacco, 128; sttnd,
4s' . st. Paul, 170'4 ; C. H. ,y Q.,
1U84 ; N . P., lt)84 ; Kne. :t.
Wheat In San Franslsao.
an Francit o, April 'Ji. - May w heat,
Killed and Wounded Number
a Hundred and Fifty
Fears of Further Calamities Ctuie People
lo Flee From (irenbeim to Frank
ton for Safety.
near htevenaon, Waah., have a
for a new trial.
Expenses of tha late Oregon legisla
ture were $46, SOW. 54, ot which $&,0UU
waa for clerk hire, pay and mileage
for member was $lu,242 Ott, mis
cellaneous expense, $H6oo U4. The
average coat per day in espeuee alone
waa $1146.24.
strong JTq
Arc 7
YOU? I 1
Not Particular About Whin
Clayton, N. M , April fB. "Hlack
Jack1' Ketch u m, who ttrlav pays the
iH'iialtv of a long career of crime by
hanging, maintain a bravado and
courage to the end. ANked by Sheriff
(iarcia thi morning what time he
would rattier tile, he replied
"Any time before noon. I'd like to
he in hell for dinner."
The death watch spent a rertlei-r
night for fear Ketilium'r former a-ro-ci.tter
might attempt hi rescue.
Ketctium wrote to I'resnhuit McKin-
ev, absolv ing A I UTtHon , Hoffman and
Waterman, who are serving sentence
for mail rohherv at Stein s l ass in
1807, and Mtatiug that he and live
other diil it.
Many Weapons Shown.
I'he hanging was original ly cheliileil
lo take place tills morning, Imt-wu
I isMttpofied. Just la-fore iksjii, Keclmm
I I I .1 . 1 J . 1 . I ! t.
caueo ror music aim vioun ano guiinr
iiluver wen- sent him. lie said he
wanted to die to lively music. A large
crowd ahlch tilled tin' to n yeaterdav
waa further augmented by the arrival
if over lOOn ranchmen tislay. the dis
play of weaisma on the perou of
spectator.- waa remarkable.
Died In Two Minute.
Clayton, N. M., April i. -"Black
Jack" ketcliillll wa hanged at 1 10
p. m., and wa dead in two minuter
Tba Central Railway Train Hald Up
Tnla Morning.
Atlanta, (ia., April 21 An espre
robfeaff on the tieorgia Central rail
way occurred this inorinug between
Macon and tinrdon.
The roblwy wa committed by tan
handlta, at 1 o'clock till morning.
soon aiter the train left this city (or
Havaunsh. While the train was travel
ing at a high rate of speed, the men
entered the car and hound the mes
senger while they secured $tfi, leaving
a f I s i pacakge on the Moor Tuev
were i-nahle to enter the safe, and left
ttie train at tiordon.
10.1 to Kill'
Wheat In Chleaao.
Chicago, April L'tl.- May wheat, 7t,
Nsw York Market.
Sew York, April W. Sugar, raw,
(air, refining, I 1116 1 centrifugal, 1MI
test, 4 .'l-ltl; coffee. No. 7, spot i 1-8;
rice, domestic, I1., to l4 ; RNMl, un
To Be Hald In Chleaao During Moatb
ot July.
Pittsburg, April Ltt. A national con
veution ol all labor organization has
been culled to meet in Chicago during
Julv to form plan to bring all the
trades union in the country under one
federal head. The delegate will re
present two million men, who have
become alarmed at the enormity of the
combination of capital.
Secretary Root Olvas Tham a Luncheon
at a Club.
Washington, April L'tl Secretary
Hoot entertained the Cuban commi
sinner at luncheon tislay at the Me
tmpolitan club, liens. Wo.nl. Mile-
and Corbin. and Senator r and
Foraker and other were among the
guest. Afterward, the commissioners
adjourned to the war department to
renew the conference, (ien. Wood
leave tonignt (or Havana.
Ha Will Develop the Island' Rsioure
Throuah It.
Waliington, April '.'li. Sir William
Van Home during the nest year ex
pect to lav 400 mile of railroad track
in Cuba between Santiago and the I'ort
of Nipe in the province ol Santa Clara,
through the center of the island, and
connect at the C ity d Santa Clara
with the western sytem of railroads
in the iland.
"Thi railroad i only one Hmb in
our enterprise," said Sir William an
Morne, "which i intended more lor
the development ol the natural re
sources ot Cuba than to lornisli trans
pOrtRtloll. In other words, the railroad
is merely a ineana to an end We lould
not carry out our other plan Wltbotll
tranasirtat ion facilities, hence the
railroad wa the lirt neceasarv step.
We have purchastsl vast tract., of laud
in the central and eastern province
of the island, including (uresis, pas
turea and flral class agricultural land.
We pp. pose to settle colonic upon ll,
giving the preference to the best men
in our construction gang. We shall
cut up the agricultural land into iuall
fariii and aait people in IMIf culti
vation. We shall also assist in the
eatahl ishtneiit of ram lies ami the in
troductlon of highbred cattle."
Ludlow Hat Consumption.
Manila, April lib. Brigadier-Gen
eral I.tidlnw. recently appointed mili
tary governor ol Viaaya, will return
to the United Mate immediately. All
attack ol grip haa develoiusl Inttt a
dangerous case of consumption.
Frankfort, April N Kighty Isslms
have already Is en recover.sl from the
ruins of the explosion and tire at
tiresheim near tins city. It i believed
that more bodies a ill be found . The
work of searching and clearing away
the debris i going forward rapidly.
Troop guard. the ruins.
t least one hundred and fifty per
son were killed ..r wounded by the
several explosions and in the tires fol
lowing. Many ar ssmg and large
crowds surround the work tislav
watching for sign ol dear ones. MORI
of the Mad are too Ladly mutilated
and blackened to be idcntllled.
A message (mm iriesheim st ROOM
staled tl at danger ol further ex-plo-ioii
Wa not yet averted. Fverv
body in the Balghncwhood i fleeing to
Frankfurt .
Purther MploalOM at (ireshciin are
imminent. Firemen, soldier and
person near the scene have l-cti
withdrawn A huge tank of ncminc
has explisled
At I O'clock1 the reservoir containing
half a million gallons of Inter tannine
had not Siplodod. Several women and
children wen- trampled under dsil in
the panic stricken (light.
Says Report Ixsassralsd.
Berlin, April M A Frankfort dis
patch state that the Ion of life at
I i r leshei m has been exaggerated, and
pla.es it at twenty live killed instant
Iv, H lalared, and one liundred ami
tlltv shgiitlv injured.
Surtleal Operation In St. Louis Wai a
t. i.ouis, Apni L'i. Patllla 0aaB
at, whose heart Wound wa Mtitched by
Dr. Nietert at the City lloitsl Sstur
daj night, died this murniiig st .'1:60
o ' I lock .
1111111, a i oil,, f,,r n,,. a. F.
Shapleigh Hardware coiupauv, liveil at
llll North Tenth street, ami claimed
he was stabbed bv John o'Hcarn in a
light at F.tghth ami t'arr streets, where
he was loaad in a .lead laint Saturlay
night At the hospital QrMR was put
upon ii,,. opei.itiug table and a section
of Ina breastbone aawed out ami hie
heart cxsied Three HtiU'he were
taken between heart licat, after which
the outer covering of the heart and
dually the akin were Mtitched closely
I he -eel ion ol the r.-ast I c removed
could Hot be replaced
All day yesterday the man with the
stitched hesrt waa kept under the lu
llueme ., morphine ami watched
closely. Or. N ietert considered it re
luarkable that he lived aa long a he
did There ar Iv a tew aimilar
case on record a a rule death atcurs
within a lew minutes alter the heart
is even touched by a loreign substance
liillili regained his senses after the
operation, spoke clearly ami identified
hi assailant It was thought his
chances for recovery were gial.
I- no ,1 Some tikll
Kansas City, Mo, April "Jtl. H. A
Weltmer Hi d Joseph Kelly, who Con
duct a "McllOol of Magnetic Healing"
at Nevada, Mo.. l.sla wfre lineil $ftttS)
each, charged with MOttHatS prohibited
mail matter Weltmer claimed to In
in. smallpox uuarantlim has hnou I able to cure all human Ilia by .or re
raised at Kootenai town 1 pondence and uggci ion.
The dial of the punch
ing usschine won't
answer that tpiclioii
Ktrtugth .ii j I...9 on
nutrition. V. baa the
ntiziiiach ami other orgam. of digest ioB
and nutrition arc dlkcaaed, the UTl (ails
to receive it full supply ol" MMM i hi ul
ami hrnct grows weak. That ia WU) no
u 04 ii u atrongei than his atom .
Ir. fierce' iohien ajedic.il Dial u
cures iliiiiaii 1 ol the atueiiach and tht
allied organs vf digeatiou aiul auiritiou.
Tlur food eaten ia tin u perfectly digel. il
od 1 11 dated and the huty ia uuelc
in the only (anaatile way oy liu-
hcorchliig Arlleios on
Injustice in Courts.
Huhliu, April 'Jti. Patrick Aloyaius
Mcllugh, nationalist meniU-r ol par
liament for North l.eitritn ami editor I
of the Higo Champion, haa been sen-
teuued to six mouths' imprisonment lor
a aeries ol learleaa article putiliahe.l
111 hi journal deuouncilig the packing
ol ilipjo juries with Protestants for the
trial of I .'11 1 ted Leaguers, who are
moat I y Hoiuan Caholica.
Usd an Saprs Wagon In Removing a
Hutu- Mont.. Auril 2ti. Two burg
lars eutereii the Alaska aaluoii iu Ana
conda early thia morning, loaded a
tbree-huudred-poumJ safe on an express
wagon, carried it to the city limit and
broke it open, securing f 10,UUu in gold.
Thev made their escape without leav
ing any clews.
aaaaW 1LJ
I Iroubtr'l will' luUlgcadoU for stag two
MSfS i
irmelu-ft twit Ui IMi Mvall utttll 1 w
eud ou lutd rk w Qt lo do I sue.
uaiu iu ttjr alouiacS tuid lrlt side a
that it would kill use Now I aui gl
tbi ud let you kuowr that I sui sU li
do mv work now without iu sua 1
it tiled Jcrlia luat I ued t., l.v.
tic of D IVm .oSla Medic!
I two TUUS In
flrasut rVllet. lui.d
Di Heroe s Heasaut feilt-U adiuuUl
tac Uv.
Loodeo D,. natch sys Ma's lo TraaavaaJ
Philadelphia, April K. -The North
American prints a London Ulspal. I,
saying that the belief is steadily grow
lug that iieoeral French was captured
with hia men uear L'rybold on April
i 16. aud is now held a prisoner iu the
mountains of the 1 raiieyaal
graasS aepurlad.
J Loudon, April 'Pi. .(Jan. Prancb.
a. cording to today's advice, is sick at
Vrodefort, Orauge Kiver Colony.
Veuac May Rsslsaed.
Waahiuatoo, April gO.-Adelhert
Hay has reaigued as uoueul at Pretoria.
No other article used in the domestic
economy of the household has so many
enthusiastic friends among the lioir e
keepers of America.
No other article of food has received
such emphatic commendation for purity
and wholesomeness from the most em
inent authorities.
The great popularity and general
use of the Royal Baking Powder
attest its superiority.
to cuaa a colo im aaa aar.
Tfce "Royal Rafcsr and Paatry
Cwofc " (uulaluiug over auo tuoat
! a. is ml aud valuable tuukluM re
a le every aalroa
id wkb yvau lull ati
fffl? daaris aa. uTltad
tm.. a wsUM aTMaar,
and Hutti