THl'RSPAY, Al'kll. 1WH. Jasl Rtooivvsj a line of LtvcLiW Hftiidsomc Party Slippers in Patent Leather ami Fine I N ttgolaV. All late styles. Call and see them. CLEAVER BROS Practical Boot and Shoe Men. BRIVITII5. Try Putton's ice cream chocolates. Bicycle, racycle, bicycle. Withee Boy yoar window shades at Murphy's. Sew waah good at Cleaver Hro. Dtf Gooda Co. Com pgaaaaj veast fresh everv dav at R. Mart in 'a. and f desirable lor aale on Call and see Crawford bicycle raevclee at Withe'. Have your picture framed . latet i style at Murphy's. Sew designs in wall paper at Murphy's paint atore. Hawley's have a iaucy line gfj dried fruit and big orange. Fine mountain potatoes, mnatard green, comb honey, Hawley'a. Oldest place and neat tamales. at Le Roy', cor. Court and iarden street. 1 ataat novel tie in spring good. See window. Cleaver Bros. Dry ttood Co. The latest in bicycles i the cushion Iramea. Come in and see them. Withe. S. Berkeley ha some ve town and country property easy terms. Finest bam and lard on the market. Home product: try it. it guaranteed. Schwart & Grenlicb. Ire cream, ice cream anda. nice big navel oranges, at troedecke Kirk man's on Court street. Freeh invoice new )ea. string bean, asparagus, sweet potatoes, oniou. rail ishe and lettuce at Hawley'a. Ice cream and pure cream at Put ton's. Leave your order ior unda . Cream delivered to your home, packed in cans. Crescent bicycle en the installment plan at the Crescent agency in the East oregonian building, payment tl a week, no interest. Mrs. was in the store veaterday and she thought oar line of spring goods ware the nicest in town. Cleaver Bros. Dry Good Co. Remember I have a better stock of oil. axle-grease, rope, belting and all other harvest supplies than ever he lore. P. -vine, Hells. Look and see their new color in ingrains and gilts. Paints ready for use. Paper hanging and painting promptly done. ee C. Sharp, opera house block. Pendleton, Ore. John Olwell, of Contra! Point, Ore.. C. H. Pierce, who i arramrimr u es tablish a fruit aud vegetable cannery at Milton and Freewater sue Col. K. C. Judson, who is encouraging iur enter prise, went np to Milton tLi morning to look farther into the matter. Mr Olwell la too owner of a 140 acre apple orchard near Central Point, and is known as -'The Apple king of Oregon." Water sets, water bottle st Nolf's. At Ruder' furniture store is the finest liiierf rugs nuit matting. Board for n few gentlemen in pri ests family. Mr. Altai Smith. Automatic refrigerator ami water cooler at Rader' furniture store. Window shade, curtain pole, mir ror, etc., at Rader' furniture store. See the new style bal I hearing lawn mower at Taylor', they are cheaper than the ordinary mower. For rent Four room lion w in good location. Inquire of J. H. lOOBf, MfMjgf Mam and Hluff street. Ladies id tlx Bftptral church will give an ice cream social at the parson age Thursday night. Ann! IB, Ice cream and cake. In rents. The Msccatee will hold a cs-i; session in Hendricks hall this even nig. Knight' ami ladv Maccanee. and a tew invitel outsider w ill gOsBpOM the company. tnir new stock of Stetson's hats have arrive). Many new styles and colors in soft and stiff hat are out this M M and are here for your choosing. Alex ander A Hester. ' The case of Senator Mitchell, an In dian charged w ith horse stealing again potonei this morning in ,'usttce Kits Gerald's court until 10 o'clock Friday forenoon. Walla Walla Union: Rohert I.insev and Mis Maggie Cavanaugli wer united in marriage at 1 o'clock p.m ., vesterday at St. Mary's hospital. Rev, Lee A. Johnson olficiatitig. Ld Cnw, an Indian boy on the reservation, son of Five Crows, who broke Ins leg twr. months ago while playing football, was able to walk I about Wednesday lor the first time. An ice cream social at tbe Baptist iit'onge this evening inaugurate 'that kind of entertainment in Pendle ton lor the season. Preparation have heen made lor a large attendance. A widow without incuinhraii an affectionate and home-loving dis position, desires tbe acquaintance of an hnnorhle man with some means, with view to Oiatrimony. Mrs. N. A Wood. Spokane. Wash. Princes Taylor, by her attorney Peter West, ha commenced action for divorce from her husband. William H. Ta ior. They were married at Tren ton Mercer county. Mr,, liecember J. I, The plaintiff claims that her husband deserted her on or about S'ovember ', 1892. hence the suit. F. W. Hendley ha. resigned hi posi tion as manager of the I'uget Sound Warehouse company, and will be suc ceeded on May 1 bv T. (i. Montgomery . of Helix, of the firm of Montgomery Bros. Mr. Hendlev ha not leased hi independent warehouse n, ti.i- citv to the Paget So and WarehoiiM- company, hut will continue t onerate It. Carl Ames, accuse,! of burglary, wa brought to Pendleton on Wednesday and placet! in the county jail by 6. P. Barton, who had been deputised a coustahle for that purpose. The crime a- committed at Ckiah, and it is claimed Ames stole a pair of shoes and a revolver (mm a house. The constable and hi prisoner came in on the stage from I'kiah. FOUND PLENTY OP MANGE DR. MKI.VIN RBTURVN TO W .-H (NGTON WITH INFORMATION York citv last February, that portion , THE FREE POSTAL DELIVERY of the rule referring to Iteing hit with a pitched ball was rescinded. That left it in such shape that the only penaltv it ( a pitcher for hitting a hatter with a pitched hall INFORMAL MEETING OF COUNCIL WEDNESDAY THE tITT NIGHT. Will Rsport to His Bureau th londi tlom on ths Rassrvsllon Hops for Action Now. I r. O. P. Melvin, of the Rureati of Animal Industry, a branch of the de partment of agriculture most important to this section, lis come to Pendleton, been taken to the reservation, made careful examination of the maugy horses ''! ha taken specimens of the parasites that constitute the disease Pr. Melvin, having driven to the reserve and returned to Pendleton, was asked what was his opinion of the dlaaaas). lie said : "It is mange in a hail form. I have -liei imens that I shall take to Wash ington am! submit with my report to the bo ratBi I have seen en mgti to uMviMo me that there i need for action. 1 Hope tor Aetlon. Pendleton people bogfj that now ac tion will be taken. I r. Melvm came her at the solicitation of Coi R. C. jMdSoO, industrial agent of the o. k. A S. Co., who iniormed him of the state of things on the reservation. Or. B, S. Hutchinson, also of the bureau . Dr. Lanti. stationed in Pendle ton by the bnrean. Thomas Thompson, deputy tate veterinarian. Col. Judson and Lee M oor house constituted the party. They visited several localities am! had various animals under esti mation, it, asses were used and care was exercised ti make complete diag nosis. Mr. Moorhouse took a number of photograph of the mangy horse and will send them to Washington to ac company Dr. Melvm's report to the bureau Ih Melvin learned of the presence of mange on the reserve here only when told by vol. Judson ana is anxi ous that the disease Pe eradicate,! r. Melvm went east to ui ; Lake this morning. st Buslnsst Msn. In the evening Dr. Melvin, Dr. Hiitctnuson. Dm Ju Ism and the others were entertained at tbe club rooms of the Commercial association. meeting a nnmhfr ol husiness men. Willie here, he made llio,inr the resource of tiie countv with special reference to the horse indusm and was surprise,! when learning the fact. It is believed that hi visit here will result in great good, and tbe : --men of tins town and count v highly appreciate l.i- coming. was to call it an unfair hall. It come upon good authority that the director of 'he Sat 1 league took a vote upon the matter ) telegratdi on Toes dav, with tbe result that thev put the MM as it wa in 1WN1. and that there fore a hatsman struck with a pitched ball will he entitled to take first ba"e. This last action will It received with favor by all except pitcher. A Proriionl In Town. Charlev llendris. who played a couple of games'with the Multnomah last season, and then with the Kansa City team of the Western l eague, is In Pendleton. He was in Portland until a short time ago, when he receded a telegram and advance tn ket money to come to Penver He did so, hilt upon I arrival there would not sign a contract as thev tint imt oner him enough, tie may plav with the team tin- season Portland league N ATHLW PIONEER DEAD samusl DoDl Passes Away at a lamp Abovs Wsston. Athena, April 26. Word wa re ceived in this city 'inlay that Samuel Donle had passed awav at the wood camp of H Heel above West in : CAREER OF AN ALASKAN when- he was iBaploved. He is an i,l pioneer of this section, having landed from Ins home in England in Weston ome 26 years ago Mr. Dohie engage,! ;n the furniture business in Weston 211 vears ago, hut IBM tired of it, and ha since then been engaged in many saw mill enterprises. He was at the time of liis death the owner of a sawmill on Pine creek He was well and favorahh known in this city, where he was in busin-s ten vears ago It cannot lie ie trued II he has any relatives living, a Mr. Doble was of a taciturn disposition and made confidents Of but lew Hismixt inti mate friends place Ins age at ma years. Ttie arrangements fur his interment have not yet heen complete.!. I ir will prohahh lie at the West li cenie terv tomorrow morning W J. Wi'ktnson. on Tuesday ptir chased 17,000 bushel of wheat freni Weston parties (or the Pa. in Coat r;ievator company. The price paid was I- p tit. As R. K. -tewart wa driving into tow n vet. rday. his team Urn-ann frighteneit am! ran away. Toe wagon was loaded with lull caes of egg which were badly damaged, heing scattered along the roadside. No other damage was done. An Ordlnsnes to Bs Ppspsred With Con dition! Psmandsd by ths Governmsnt. An informal meeting of the city council was held Wednesday evening. Mayor Vincent and all the conncilmen ev rapt C. B. RiMsevelt and T. B. Wells being present A. P. Smithers, representing the postofhee department, who has bOM m Pendleton for several dsvs, met with the council and gave his view as to what would he necee- sarv for the council to do in ortler to have llMJ free postal delivery ytem for Pendleton. H. F. Johnson was in- trncted to prepare an ordinance in ae cordance with the views expressed by Mr NsBlthOfl) and the ordinance will be aed and become the law of the city as soon a practicable. It will emhody two features as heretofore re ferred to in the Kast t)regonian. First, the business houses and residence will have to he properly numbered . econi! the names of tiie treets will have to he plainly and distinctly marked at the intersections. Two or Three Months. It is presumed that the free postal ae svstetn will he in operation lit about two or three months. Prol b!y two carriers will w put on at first, hut, a the city is entitled to ti.ree. the third one ma be added shortlv thereafter. The selection of earner, the placing of the mail hoses, and many other details, will necesaart v consume time, but Pendleton will soon he able to swell op a little over additik1 one more BOtfOfJOlltM feature tu its town life. "ST. JOE ST0R I lllfi II Look at our Prices for 35 yards Rood calico, fast colors, 25 yards Rood crash toweling t 20 yards good 3b inch blrachcd muslin. 30 yards good check gingham 20 yards j:ood cheviot shirting. 20 yards -ooil figured lawn, fast colors Al'i'vc Roods are worth much more, so you had of them while they last. 1 00 1.08 100 1.0a 1.00 letter rr tv- styles. We have the nicest stock of clothing in this ami prices are riRht. Our ftirntshtnt; ootls line is complete, neckwear otw. 1 nnsnimr. in furl an,tV,..,.. K vou and vou will buy. jumpers, overall and look them over LYONS MERCANTILE "Nervs Waits.' One of tbe most helpful nc-ve weak 'less ever issued titled "Nerve Waste." bv PIONEERS OF THE PACIF IC How Dr. Pslton Corns to Hli Dsath uakland Man. An I PERSONAL HgNTION. iieorge Hu.-aii, county upssiir, re ft " - The circumstances I turned Wednesday night from a trip to Twenty-Two Mew Member Initlatsd Wsdnesda) Ivsnlng. The increase to the ruemtiership of William Martin encampment. No. 1, Pioneers of tbe Pacific, continue in a phenomena! degree. At the regular meeting on Wednesday evening of this week 25 new members were initiated. A M were initiated on Wedneedav evening. April 10, and 44 on Wednes day evening. April 17, it make an in crease of iff in three weeks. If there is an encampment lodge or secret society of any kind in tbe world that can boat tne record of William Martin encampment. Nc. 1, now is tbe time to produce the record. The contest lietween the side choeen ' by Captains B K Kennedy and M. Murehead continue with good-natured rivalry. The contest will close with Uausteti iiimibiiuui m .oe Ilie- Jlll 01. T. el, - noarlay evening, May 1, after whnd. the losing aide will give a banquet to tbe in and to all the new member. That will occur about May 8. and will pmhablv include a dance in Laltow nail, adjoining tne lodge ruom. We Have Received The moat complete line of niei.'i shoe ever shown in Pendieton. oar esperience enables us to give y un a per fect lit. The styles are cor rect and nobby, fees, oar display window and then get oar price. Pendleton Shoe CfL WM FITZOKRALD, Mauuger DkATH OP JAMS'- ASH Dlsd 00 tuatfev. April 1 1. of Paralysis . at Aleany. Recorder Join. F. beau, returnee! ti.i morning from Aluanv, whither be t. : irnf on account of the dear: of Jame Ash, whicb occurred on bonder evening, April St, of paralvsi. The deceased came from Ireland to Uh W illamette valley a quarter of a cen tury age. and after reaid:ng at Browns ville, where be was an operative la the woolen mills, removed to Albany 11 years ago. Tbe funeral was held from the Catholic cnorcb on Tuesday morn ing at w o'clock, when requiem mas wa celebrated. Mr Ah leave a wife and two jaugniers. Qm oj the daughter is onmarrieo and live at Albany, the other being the :. ,: Recorder Beam. Jamas Ash of this city is a son of the deceased. He and Mrs. Beam remained in Albany and will be in Pendleton tor a weak er go. Is Tdis Plain tnougb. If you have a nauviiiv coiieh wnd n. iuaing tieL. go t. a drug store and get a bottle of Bhhob's Csoanmption Cure. Take two-thirds of it, and tnei.. il you are not benetiied. return the I bottle to the druggist, and be will re turn your money. Isn't that fair? No one could ask more Srjru.,6U cts and fl a bottie. Tailman k Co., lead ing druggist. For Sal ai Bapsaia. ' acre of timber land, one ooiie from hjuuela Htation. at an e seep', ion -ally lots figure. Fur particular ad dree:. B.Clark, Fort Htevens. ir,. gou. surrounu nig "is (leaih 01 nr. relton ill the Nome countrv, who was froien ;n the trail near olonnui on January L'l, are pathetic. rhi Nome I'lgger ay: He came to Alaska' in 18IW, with a party bound for Kotiehtie sound Pelt 11. propected in that bleak and barren country, hut lound nothing to r'ward him for hi pain. later he came to Nome and located claims in different part of the country, alwavs without striking anything that proved to Is rich. A year ago he staked a ctaiui near olomon, and recent! v he went to do some proectiiin there and hold his property against New Year jumper. '"The result of his work were so encouraging that lr Pelton felt jus tified in believing that at last he had found a fortune. He spoke enthusi astically to several acquaintance of nis ciaim, ami ret need in the thai atier many disappointment tie had succeeded in strtkins it rah. Full of bright hopes for the future, be was on bis way from the claim when the n: lizard of the 1st overtook him. In this terrible wind and swirling, blind- lUk' suow, the vuunu doctor from the trail, lost hit way and after irare.iug 11:1 mt strength waves- lay down ik u.ed aluue without a friendn hand to succor him. "lr. Pelton ' people reside in I kk land. Calif, from whicb place be came to Aiassa He was years old. His brother, tree msn Pelton, is C. D. Lane loreinan atWi.iu Muunuiu. Both "loc" Pt'toc and "Free" Pelton are well known name to ail last win ter's reei. lent of Nome, and the young doctor's uotime.y end ha aroused a of deep regret it. camp. "Tbe first news ut the catastrophe was conveyed ic tbe following letter, received 01. IgflSjasJof n . a. Pepper "npruce Creek. January It, 19tM A Pepper. Mr: Ir. Pelton was t li. Hie storm nigf.t before last. you pi ease aenu word to hi nrotiier a-. W 1 ite mountain. A partv just came in reported as finding bodv uh the trail about two mile froti. here, between perr and olumon I will try ana nring tne iiv to Nome. Will you try and notifv hues well that Crow aud 1 are alt right keepectlullv c. t. patch." 0. E. S. RECEPTION IOMUHT . immt C. Bonis tns Cusst r Honor at in Vi Horn. Mr. Emma C. tnins, ol bnohomith Wasn., grand worthy matron of u,e Oruer of Fastern Mar of the state or Waeniiwion, will :,. IWJieton at 5 o cioca this eseiim ui. tne tra'. truu. bpoiiai.e, and ... u- c.e guest at a reception in her honor at the home ol Mr. and Mr, John I'm it... Z. ing from I to lp o'clock. This recp-' lion an.: be an . .,dr of the Kasteru HSil, aim uiemivnr of ti,at ere cur.l,a.iy llivitr.: f Mrs. fcnnis will leave on th lu 40 laokffal fur Portland Jeasie b. Vert. be,ug r-j,i matron of )rder of the auir ui Uk SUU of Urenon w Athena, came W'ednesdav and of Mimpter, 1 a guest of la ''ramie. -am P. Purdy, of down to Pendleton on returned home todav. Miss MM Carlson formerly of Pendleton, Mi Bertha Alesander. Judge W K Klli left this morning for hi home at Heopner. He espect to return t. Pendletou nest we.-s Svlvester White captain of Marcus Whitman encampment. No. SI, Pioneers o'. the Pacific, came down from Milton Wednesday afteriPMiu and returned this inoruiiig. He visited with Willliam Martin encampment last night. Mr and Mrs. James Crawford and laughter M.s Maude I ief: on the C hicago-Portlano sps-iai Wni. ueeday evening for the east They will je "so so. i? usseurj, ra., aiieuu the j cuer. Hsniiuiy 01 me j respyienai , . cuurci, ai I'hiiaueiphia lor ten ilavs commencing June In. ami afterward 1 go to the Pan - American espoaition at Huflaiu Thev will return in about three months. books on i that en fr Mwer in its fif'h of an M physician is the vast sum prevails on It a'ound in SOMt Wna: WALLA WALL SALIS Cnansas Hand at Ppvsllins bsod Ppii The magr. itude of sales of wheat UJ iVsalla Walla during the past four weoks baa not been equalled, at tfais t.uie of tbe seeeui. fur a number of vears, say the htateauiau. ;ioring the mouth 7,Vl,00u or m ire t.usbels of wheat, set. mate na change.! hands, and it is be.ieved that before tbe end of the month that amount 1 will have bean greatly increased 0jl dealer alone ha purchased 160,000 bushel of wheat tributary to Walla W'a'la. Of th entire annum that ha ! bean purchased much remains n be St.. pjied t., t.dewater, the delav ., trani)ortation being caused by the scarcity of cars at this time Mam of wo- aanauie .cars have Peer. .mo service 0 the Kast bv the .ucreased amount of transcontinental roads -Not in many year nave the t' e . ui.-. tssen !. ., gi If re.ieved ot wheat a thev .1. .T- of an Prancisco. imw thousand This work penenced and reputable in agreeable contrast h of false leach ins w Inch this interest ills' nheet. carefullv considered and practical ad vice, and has the two h'reat merits of wisdom and sincerity It is indorsed by both the reunion, and eeulr pre. The Chicago Ad vance says ' "A perusal of the book and the application of it principle will put health, hope and heart into thousand of lives that are now suffer ing! through nervous impairment." The bMik i II. by mail, imstpaid. One of the most interesting chapter chapter gg, on nervine and nerve tomes has been printed separately as' a sample chapter, and will In-sent to anv addresss for stamp bv the put- 1 lishers. the Pacific I'ub. !.. Bos I -an Franciaco. Wors Than War. Hundreds are killed in war, but hundreds of thousands are killed bv consumption. There would la- no deaths at ail caused by this terrible dieae. if people could' la made to un derstand that Shi loh 's cmgl. and con sumption cure is a sure remedy if taken in the early stage. 2.r cts.. So cts and 1 a bottle. Druggist orill refund the money if a cure is not effected. Tall man A Co., leading druggists. While in Portland Wt purchased a manufacturer's line of sample china at a bargain N wUJ give some startling values in tl.ese later We aiso purchased a joh lot of Johnson Bros . ahite senu porct celain at less than jobbers cost that we will sell at the price of common ironstone wire. The price list will be published upon arrival ot goods Watch this space for it. t I at? 1 ' . I v ncic oain urus inni iu hivvi icwam Rader's Furniture Store Main ane Webb streets. Pendleton, Oregon where he can get one of those nice Golden Oak Rockei-5 at $2.25 before they 1,1 Furniture. ctrpeu. kt-sJ Window Shades, CurtaUn Polsa, wan Minors. Baby cabi. 1 t iM.eruking parlon in ...I EE S LICE KILLER. sss A sure remedy for lice and mitaa. 1 1 S I i I I I Ik I 1 1 - - 1 1 . , . ssseeewsnssiBBSJi iwuir nsi sees me ueu Itoailhy, mica grit none uiea, k'nw sireuKtu to voting Chicks BONE MEAL A clean, inoffensive but nutrition fertiliser for yotu lata, " i"" s . s r ii . 1 l . r. Loieswortnv rouury ana nec Fresh Clean Stock of Groceries For you to select from. Will give you reasonable prices. Try us with an order :::::: WHITE HOUSE GROCERY Thompson & Dupuis, Props. Owl Tea House. 3 rolls crepe paper 10c. I re...- rwaon of I truthc ut. ware- - mww lion i ervativeiy cat. mated that alter all the wheat that has already been purchased is sl ipped to tide water, tne no.dover of last year's cron me ero Ul, rinM 1ft ibui. ggsjasj ot ti,e wheat soid the month we of tne Wuouuons today war ftu canU lor hlueatem and 4e for club. per !' Qeavor tu iaae 1'eiidielou a SI . . r. in. ie pieasant aj possible. so- attend, i- train Mr. worthy Kaatern .. Bl,- to Spring Troubles... I'f.NDLtlON VERSUS ATHENA Lone of a(etiie, Billiou8ue8, tojuach ailmenu, and Other Eruption are some of them. lay , SAI&APAR1LLA Co,:recUi 11 of the blood pure. TALLMAK Jb sOaTl " aaw VV . and As gxmoiuaa fiaa will k Sunaaj ai lU.u Manager M A l.ader announced this morning that he will take his team to Athena next sundav and play racuce we with tne clot there. lh Uiburu. manager of the Athena sent down the invitation bv tele phone. It will be strictly a pracihie or est.ibitioo game and will uot ba east sidensd in the averager ol mdivid ual player or counted in tbe rxurd of citnar club for the seMun. Masaaw hader expre-:y UUI that hi 21 was not yet ready to comment the season, and this game WI be uh preliminary. The r-eudieton team ha. noi bee mcui m4 ,hr Dfcw ' k!"" 100 uiu-t not be expected aaiur an r p,MhM g-- laSS "i' rule 4B',n Ptaeided mat the ljaee-runnr .k..n 1.. mieu, without he th base if ti.e tu. Ilia L.S . " i ,'" ""uan a heat ,Jtl our , n lor beuu 1,11 wni ..... "u or m - piion to Nsw Pastor. A rwejit. ji. Vil (, uudred to Rev boiairt J. DHsaa od familv in the prion of the Freenyterian church on fr.dav evening, April All the fiend, of the congregation are invited. Kev. liven ha. receutiv arrived in t'endleton from Jiew-Haoibarg-oh-the-tiudie., Y , and has accepted the pastorate of the Presbyterian church aui. the reception is neld for the por e of aioirdmg him and famns a ordia! reception to big MM home and Do you want work? Do you want to hire holp? II sini; or 0 ...rsc aninSati? C F. COOK'S tmployment Agency The Columbia Lodging House NEWLY KI KM-iHEU HAH IN I OXXEn ION IN CEXTEB OF BLCX'K HLT AI.TAssWKHBs.-Ipv aaawjasesas Two lila. k Walnut BwIshxnb Setg ne Combination Burt-au. i NOR 1 ni l llsf 1 Thev are very rare. V, STROBLE. Court Mrcct. sVSia . .... fxfyjjyjj ... 1 nri F. . SCHEMPP. Prop. on IIU.'i sLel lr. I dark ifor gt, i dMWIMQ UK- s- . up by tia l 10k sxiilra'.iuo sight abu'il lieu Miided r ui, rignt ) .ur... . Kutt ettgai .lelr hKO aastl i o 01. 'If Ul imt UIUTHMXS, CHjr etc. aai.s ASb alt a sraturn uh due ol U "hall been "g pot out. Ui tak. ! u"'l'ir. award a i. . I SsXf NICE CLUB ROOM. u fin cNbaa caa H, -?.r""'" 'a. ui Insurance Fire, Life, An nlent, Flaw- uiaas, Loans on City and County Property, Real Estate &Xy urn mmm rarmt SEE Locust Hill Rabbitry and Poultry Yards Pedigreed Belgian Ham and pure bred Fowls. Hare, lo uu jour, s.t Barred, Buff, and White Flvui outh k'k Kgg U.0Q per' 15, S sitting log fTSOl ai- some simTg 11 -50 P" Island Bed - Kggs I j.oo 16, 3 sitting for 15.00. laitors welcome. For further inlormation addree. 9CTT w. waik Pendlehiii, Oregon. KUfS Pullman Sltx-pug. l leuunl Ikimnul 1 uuriMt Ml-cdiiui To 1 1 1 11 .111 tu i - ' a a CHICAOO WASHINUTM! PHII.AI'ELPHU MiVk Yt'KK UllHM I.V .. . 1 1 Vaat SX UU .11 UUII1W 1liruuh tti-feMts :u JaBS ' ' M, BUM HUHUT.. sod Aatertoaa lias. TIMS iCHIPVU 1 a . ...... itsliT tliUIII SB. f, . 1 i ...... n. I UIS auu iicseis. can un ur wos. Thlro aud Morrissasa. rVt 7 1 I To and froatwl Cm Is vur oonvsiauus It ku II. . . . " . "T " or . Mi " 'fpius purse7 I sra e-v . . aaat UsaMMMssai Kni i,,. ou7 l.ttassl ..1 uror las ... .. eri oorsuisi.atali, ,.a . JVTZT .""Ji '' ia eguiuaai Building. OuuO U ...tor l Hi; asapj ,1Mwf r UJ-UOJ saju 1 . . Illinois Central Solid TralifOa Mnu; S 1 1 III asi 11 ..e 1 m 1 u A B. cuuuire aaeui y- B H TtiiJalBUl.L. W" 142 Third WM a.a.Aaa- Bs'aa. ataaia 1 aa DAY AM OPgh HA .u.,.ulg I UL I A ua- Swissisu iMsUsUea. MslsSt ,