H ilLY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION .. WISH WhlN RKTlTJV 01)1 . i, li nniM, to Nil. TpII your .,"rvil.l"'Pl'wT nrt MAKE MONEY rlr tonight nii-l r'rhlay roni,. t lonUlit will. fr,ti " POO", 1 I J roL. i4- PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREIHfN. THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1901. NO. 4108 01 ILL ANT ROCERIES I imvp a large stock for MM 10 -elect from. 1 make M specialty of wholesale orders, i pay the highest . M fof count rv produce nnl chickens. . R. Demott. A new stock just received ami what pretty btylM they are. Sev eral that we have never shown before. New tans, new patent kids, new enameled calf, new bicycle boots. Sorosls Price $3.50 Every woman who wears Soroeis shoes likes them and recommends them to their friends. IMeas to show them. 1L i 1 r 1 Alexander & Hexter, The Boston Store An Exposition of Shirt and Silk Waists Tl e Bottotl Store gathering is the richest in this city. Nowhere will you tind itylei that approach these in beauty, and no other store is making it &o easy to own the BWeUetl designs as this one. W'ui.-t- cost less here than you'd expect and look surprisingly better than the I price indicates. WASH WAISTS . Shirt waist of neat pattern, percale in pinks, bluet, reds and heliotrope soft cuff, stiffened collar. I or lawn waists with embroidery, trimmed collar and soft cuff's. Crv Kine gingham shirt waists, varied Owl i olor stripes and plaids, the general letl't'ct is the same as most expensive ones. ttl 91 'rown linen waists, white India yl.uv )inen waists, lilack lawn waists. wait of hatiste, lawn, mercerized Alex andra cloths, etc. U RA $1.85,12.00, $-2 :.", 250 up bo fWv 4.75. made of mercerized Louia- a i id silk mixtures, but space forbids in or- descriptions; you must see the show SILK WAISTS (JQ -7R Waisls of soft wa-hahle silks in 14)0.(0 plda colon. These waists are worth more. 0 4 10 A few size left, we'll not say tJTl.T'0 what they're worth lest 'tu should accuse us of exaggeration 00 Taffeta ilk waists in the newest 14)0.10 colorings antl black, every one made with the new long w a i -1 effect. flQ Fancy corded and tucked hacks, i4)0.IO fiunts and sli-ews, color- foi st reet and evening wear, also black. TQ RA $10.50. $13.00, $14.00 and $15 pu.Uv styles in waist you'd never ex pect to tind in Pendleton, lut they n here and the prices are right too. The Busiest Store in Pendleton. Wheel made iperienced Workmen The reliable Leading wheel in America 5 $35. $5". u intend buying a wheel we Have a tull line to select hum 4801.7' House Cleaning Time. creates a large demand fur soaps, scrubbing brushes, sapolia and other dirt eradicators. We are in fine shape to supply the demand for these articles, however large your order may be. All of the standard brands of soap some just as good but as yet untried All house cleaning helps here. C. ROHRMAN. '"- al and Cleveland wheels I22.5O tO $40.00 style tire, handlebar or color. :ondhand wheels bought, and exchanged. sold e have received another shipment Liasle haul curtain stretchers, satile pins, they aave your curtains uui Uue cheap nimay kind. Garden Seeds I" rt.M- out our entire atook of seeds otter all 6c packages at JSc or o (or We avoid carried over seed, thua r uew seeds every spring. lundreda of rolla of crepe paper, all Id ami shades at 10c. J music s.1 Sc Sluen. Gooiiie. e; Mv bugar Nell , You am de s, ueiiu (Jen Ira 1 give uie nenveu , ll 1 Uueee Yea ; etc. redericK No stationery. Bchool Buppliee, BYERS' BEST FLOUR To make good bread use Bvera' Beat Flour. It took drat premium at the Chicago World's Fair overall competi tion, and gives excellent satistactiuu wherever used. Kvery sack is guaranteed. We hava the heat 8team Rolled Bailey, Seed Kye and Beardless Barley. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. BYERS, Proprietor. HOSE LAWN MOWERS 1 have a full line of cotton and rubber hose direct from the factory; also have ball bearing lawn mowertj, grans catchers, yard sprinklers at prices to suit all. Examine my atock lieforc buying. T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man. 0BNBBAL NEWS. he Three brigadier-general will named by the president. Carter Harriaon i aaid to have an ambition tn he president. The Franco-German expedition ha reached the Great Wall in China. The primary election in Alabama gave a majority for the new ronrtitn t ion. Kneineers on the Great tjtkes have struck, raiding trouble for the teel trust. The native of Samar in the Philip pine are being terrorised by the insur gent. Minister Conger speak in justifica tion of the action of the missionaries in China. Lieutenant "Kdwards has leerted from San Francisco to escape court martial. A vigorous campaign will be prose cuted in the Philippines by the Ameri can troops. Monignor Tarnai will succeed Martinelli as the papal delegate in the United State. Russian student refuse to partici pate in the examinations, on account of the refusal of the minister of elocu tion to make concessions. Csdet at West Point are in a state of insubordination over punishment of one of their numlspr who failed to re port a breach of discipline in one of the mess rooms. Chief III Police Ripley, of Chicago, has resigned, twins informed that Mayor Harrison did not intend to ap point him for another term. No suc cessor has been named. PACIFIC NORTH WIST NBWj. Is Grande is to have a Saratoga chip factory. Astoria will construct a wagon road to the Nehalem .1. J. Hill talks of buying the mines on Vancouver Island. Skamania countv had f in, 000 in the Vancouver bank that failed. The Presbvterians of North Yakima will erect a f 10.000 church structure. Depositor may receive the most "I the amounts due them from the Van couver hank. The free ImliaiiN will be driven back to Canada this summer, or be placed in jail. A suit is begun by Baker City to prevent Union county from collecting taxes in the 1 anhandle. Fifty-four petitioners ask for the re moval of Postmistress Mrs. Conway at Kennewick for incompetency. The united Kvangelicai conference adopted resolutions chiding the ad ministration for not suppressing liquor tratlic in the Philippiens. Old Pioneer Suleldes. San Francisco, April 25. The body of Geo. A. Snook, seventy-six years old, a pioneer plumber id San Fran cisco who has I wen missing for ten days, was found in the bav this morn ing, his pockets tilled with rocks. Vole Cava Him Away. Omaha, April L'.V Young Fddy Cndahv, who was kidnappd and ran somed for 25,0O0 MMtitivelv ldciiHlicd J mi Callahan ibis morning in court as one of the roblwrs He recogui.ed him by his voice. Walton It Guilt Manila. April 25. -Commiaaary-Ser- geant Weston has been found guilty of defrauding the commissary depart ment. He will serve two years im prisonment and ia discharged dishonor ably from the army. Mrs. Allan laid Greenspan Dead. Topeka, April M. Ml. Allen Sella (ireenspan, widow of the late Show man Allen Sells, died this morning bin- was one of the wealthiest resident of Kansas. Villages Destroyed by Fire. lenna, April H, -The villages of Brzisiua and Roaelchui, Moravia, were destroyed by tire last nigbt. Many lives were lost, and four hundred were rendered homeleas. Mrs. Canton, O. Sexton, auut this ne. ruing eKInley's Aunt. April 26 -Mrs. Maria of Mrs. McKinley, died Played out Is one ol the curiouk exprcstiioiiH i for worked out. Many a woman aiVBJ into a chair, in utter weariness ''all ul.iN.-ii oui. anil woiiiieri. wliv -die ferli weak. She has irt yet rc.Jucd tliat the general health i intimately related lu local health ot the womanly organism, thai weakness must follow womaiilv dis eases ReAo -ation of the general health invari ably follows the use of lr. Pierce's Fa vorite I're - i in ion I t regulates the periods, dries weakening draiua, heals i nflanuttalion and ulcera lion, and cures female weakness. ll irauouilizcs t ie nerves, nuit..i; tile appetite and induces refreshing SUM Illere Is no nuimimiH' WANTED TO KILL A KING o Hint at a Scheme to Murder Monarchs. o WAS AFTER CHARLES, OP PORTUGAL o - The Mid Confessed lo His Intentions When Arrested it Bucharest While Ilk lug the Attempt. Hucharest, April L'fi. A nan named Hava Petroff ha been arresttil here for trying to force an entrance to the roval palace. Petroff stated that hi object wa to kill King (. tiarlc. it ts thought that he may be connected with a gen eral scheme to assassinate all the Kuropean sovereigns. SCHWAB'S QUEER ACTION Said to Million Have Refutsd One a Year. Pittsburg, April II The formation of the United States steel corporation ha given rise to various wild rumors regarding the sine of the salaries to he paid officials of the big concern. While ( harles M Schwab, president of the combine, waa in New York a week or r.o ago it was heralded throughout the count rv that he was to he paid 11 OOn.mM a year for being the otlii ial head of the steel trust. The announce ment naturally created comment in all quarters, a the salary was the largest one ever tendered any man by a busi ness concern. 1 he varn was but a twentieth cen tury fable. The salary of the prcsi dent of the 1'nited States steel corpora. t ii hi is $100,000 Hr year. This informa tion emanates from a former official of the Carnegie Steel company now identified with '.he Morgan steel com bine. The statement is made that the latter sum was the most that Mr. Schwab was willing to accept as head of tlie new concern. It is intimated that more was offered, hut Mr. Schwab, with all modesty, is said to have de clared that no matter what a man's ability mitrtit or miulit not be. Ii should not accept a fabulous cnmiiensa tion for his services just because it was tendered him. He is reputed to have remarked that it would he an extreme Iv bad business stroke to accept $1, 000,000 a year, and that he could not do so conscientiously. Mr. Schwab is at present making his home at the vy ahlorl-Astoria in .New York, where his suite of rooms, it ia asuerted, is costing him f'JoO a day who ll I- lit the r.lte of over HI,I KM I a vear. If this be true and it i- nun I more likelv to In- true than the million dollar story be would, according to these figures, iniw- but flu, mm a year pin monev out of his annual pay in iiis new position all of which would go to show that he values the honor conferred on Ii i lit by the steel men probably mine than he does the OOflD' iwnsation of his new job. than two-thirds of the stock at f'JOO per share, payable in Joint 4 per cent bond of the Great Northern and Northern Pacific railways, with the opinion of part payment in cash. THE NEW YORK MARKET Reported by I L. Ray h Co.. Pendlston. Chleavo Board of Trade and New York Btoek Baehange Brokers. New York, April 25. -The wheat market continued strong today, and, while top prices were not maintained, the close was "-Hc over yesterday Liverpool closed l-H higher, 510 New York opened 'c higher, 70 7-H and sold between 70 7-H and SO :i-H, closing Mb bid. The grain markets are all strong, and promise to go higher. Stocks strong. Money, 4 per cent. Wheat: Closing yesterday, 70 :t-S. Opening today, 70 7-R. Range todav, 70 7-H to HO ll-H. Close today. HO. .Inly corn, 50 :t-S. Sugar, 148 Sl; tobacco, ITSM) RtwJ, 47; St. Paul, 100. C. B. Jk IJ., 10M., ; N. P., 105'., ; Brio, MIC. Wheat In San Franalseo. San Krancisco, Calif., April '..'. - May wheat 102 ll-H to 102V Wheat In Chleago. Chicago, April 25. May wheat, 72 5-H. New York Market. New fork, April 2V Sugar, raw (air, refining .1 I I in centrifugals, 0i test, 4 il-ltl to '4 ; coffee, Rio, No. 7. spot, l rice, domestic, :i'4 to 8; wool, unchanged. Baehango Basiled Over U. P. New York, April 25. The Sto. k hi change again was the scene of wild ea l itenient this morning. Union Pacific was the storm center, on reports nt a three cornered tight bet seen the Rockfetlers, Yanderhilts and J. J. Hill fur control. The price ran up m 110, hut the gain was lost by noon on a semi-official statement that no deals are .. .litem plated Dealings in stocks are enormous. Corn Ooes to 40. Chicago, April 25. Corn shorts ame in out of the wet bslay, and sur rendered to Corn King Phillips at his own figures. Armour took half a mil lion of abort at 4H'.,. The price ran up to 4H, Phillips unloading to relieve the tension. WAS A BOGUS REPRIEVE All Jaek' Attempt to Have "Black Kelahum From Hanging. Santa Ke, N. ftf April 25. -The alleged reprieve sent from here to the sheriff of Union county. who has charge f "Black Jack" kctchum, scheduled to lie hanged in Clayton, is a forgery No word has la'cn received here this g concerning the nroiHisituui to lynch Kctchum. A Texas Fire. Dallas, Texas, April 25. stroyed the oMira house o'clock this morning 1100,000. -Fire de- here at II The loss is On the Boad lo Mandalao. I'uIi.iiIIii Ai.rtl A -1 1 Mandalay, the 'hief cilv of Huriiiah, . I -- - 'I' I... I..I I...!.... jjij --..... .... ......... floisls did great damage to proierty. THE RIVAL STEEL COMPANY A ,AIK op TIM) l0VKKS Canadian fight loi " 1 .iwrit : script uod " agixd"lur woiiuui) ins. "1 srlsk lu alver the suttriinf w.iuc . .' ini. grml Uud. uf lUc guo.1 I ksvr recssvrd iK.ni lr l'if-i.- favorite Pirititi'U 4U.I '.ol i. ; ical Discovery, ' " write sir. klsry SIiuuk II ui Columbus Oroc, Putu.Mii Co Oklo i I ait years I Ii . 1 Isrcu sugeri-r froiu fossslc i and si times was u liable b do i-ven II . h -us.' work fur three lu the faui.) I hsd su Ii rj its thai I sugered utmost desth rhu. us ol I I alter taking ove bottles ti your ascdu-tiu 1 uii Liulhlully suy I lis I my heultli wa. grebtlt im- Kroveo I Have a sool sppeoo in i -i" 'i'" i flesh right along- rltis s linx l In 'rw liuc Id Ave years thai I haw .lou. m limnar clasnuuK all hy aivself au.l will... tl lllk-iM whatever 1 ii.j an sun.nu women y UU'l reller a l nave uoik sly itaiu iu w.-ight has la-t-u just leu 1.- aud 1 am stilt gaming " Dr. Pierce s Comuiou .vcns- Me.i al Adviser, iouH large utgrs, tiapt-r . ov rs. is sen' ' on receipt of tl Oil' i I t slaiups to pay rtixustr ol liialllug o ' ', or for clutii-buuud Isxik, st ud i sLnnus Addices 1 K V Pierce, IJulialw, N V Coneern That Will Bllllon-Oollar Trust. Detroit. Mich , April 25. Regarding the liiternatpinal Steel, Iron and Pipe company, which will locate immense steel mills at Sault Hte Marie on Isith the Canadian and United States sides of tb Soo canal, with a capacity of a s i iks) tons annually and employing alsiut In, mm men. It is said that Un consolidated bake Superior Power com- panv, of which Mr. ( lergue is vice president, it is understotai, will take a large block of the 150,0110.000 stock of the new company As an outcome of the establishing of the steel works at the Soo it is said that a blast fur nace will be established in Detroit with a capacity of 1000 tons of pig iron ncr dsv emnlovinu lOOIJ men It was intimated by those interested that the new company would he an BBilVB BOMpBtltOf of the recently formed steel combination in the United States. I'he plant will he oianrated in con nection with the great power canal being constructed at the Canadian lot by K. II Clergue and his associates of the isi I'ower coris. ration. Financed In Liverpool. I he linaiicing of the project is lu the bands of Alfred R. Harvey ot I.iver pool, a well known Knglish promoter, who has enlisted American, f.nglisl and Canadian capital to the desired amount When asked how stsni it was exiaicted to have the plant iu opera turn. Mr. Harvey said : "Well, an enormous project like this takes much time. "However, we are so tar advanced that part of the mill will be running inside of six months, and the entire plant within a year and a half. Then we shall epmloy 10.000 men at least It is our intention to have mills on i.oth si.b-s of the Sault river: iu the United Mates and Canada. "Wa have the advantage of the latest patents and much of our beat ma chinery has been ordered and is either building or ready lor shipment lu Knuland. We will have the most "in plete plant in the world, and from the ore which comes to us from the Lake Superior minee we will turn out cast ings, raiis, structural and bridge iron and everything finished and ready for 11 MAI . "The power which we will gH from the 8oo Power canal will make a great uii in the coat of the pnajuct aud we will also aave materially in ahip i in tin- orai. as the water supply Is very short, r'or tiiis we will build all of our owu docks and unloading derricks aud apparatus for the speedy and economical handling of the ore. ' THE BURLING TON DEAL I Outline of Ibe Plan Is Officially Olvea OuU Boston, April 26. The lirst official statemeut regarding the Burlington deal was made today after a special uieetiug of the directors. It says that the proiasjitiou has been received for the purchase of all Oa any pari not leatg Want to Walla Walla From Hllion and dot Married. From Umatilla county, Oregon. there came this morning a timid pair of lovers, who uolw ithstanding the fact that Is, tb had attained the age of dis cretion, wauled to get married with out having anvlssty know anything alaiut it, says the Walla Walla Mates man. Up at the auditor's office is a south who delights in furthering the devices of Cupid, and not knowing how goon he might im in the same predicament, he promptly agreed tl soiipreae the names of J. Wilder aud l-.ssie Kinney, the would-be bride and groom. He assure. I them that there would be no danger ol any one fiuding out anything about the proposed nuptials, and they Went to the Palace hotel, where they were married. The couple are Irom Milton, Oregon Until a laic hour this afternoon no irate parents had ariived (rum across the state line, hence it is supposed their desire to keep the wedding secret was prompted h their inherent bashfiilness and nol from fear of iiareiital opposition Mr and Mrs Wilder a ill go home tomorrow and lell the old folks all ab. .it it. ANOTHBB BlCYtLB hTOLgN CUBANS SEE THE PRESIDENT o Met Him Today in the White Honse. -Oa CORRtSPONDEHTS WERE EXCLUDED Soitor Pint ToDlubt Will Politely inform To'tii Tbit (be Ualtri Slitm Will F.nforcp lis Wlsbn. Washington. April B. ItwsftU be fore 11 o'clock this morning, the Cu ban coinm iNHioners were driven to the war department, accompanied hy (Jan.. eral Wood, and there introduced to Seer.. tun Root. A fter a brn f intert iew they were conducted to the White Hoaflfl for for n i n i presents! loB to and conference with the president. The com m lag lone n will bfl tUnad to night at the WhitB House Slid will be told ill polite phraseology hy enator Piatt that the senate meant what it said In pas-ing the amendment which hears his nstne. The president will assume them of the benevolent interest th is government takes iu the political future of Cuba and that the great ambition of the United States is to safeguard that tn .lepeudence which will surely lie 'heirs so soon as thev assent to the plans out lined bv congress, tiiong other guests tonight will la Senators Morgan, Daniel and Cock ret I. Introducsd lo President. tieneral Wood mi rialuced the com missioners to the president in the Hiue room. Correspondents who accom panied the commissioners were ei eluded, also the represenlal tves of the American press. The audience lasted jusl l went v-llve minutes. Another Phlllpplns Surrender. Manila, April '.'ft. lieneral Morales, another prominent Filipino, has sur rendered with ii few of bis followers Me BaVf himself up lo tin. Americans after he had been lsaten in a tight in llulacau prnviiii e. PROLIFIC Iff LAVIN0. Dalles Has a Rseord Brasher In the shaps of a Hen. The trust editor of the Dalles Chronicle gives out the following: "A. P. l ergusoii, of this city, has Bl old hen thai has just made a new record iu the egg producing DMlBBBfl Icy laving three perlectlv natural, full--ie.l, hardshclled eggs within the space of forty minutes of time This happened one day last week when "Old Kheumall." as the hergilsoll children call her, had been shut off for a week or more in a lo bv herself ! cause she had lieeii suk. When "Old Rheumatic' was heard lo cackle the children knew something had happened, and going lo a b.n in the iiu Insure, out of which "Old MM' mat I.' has just emerged, he loBJM a lush, warm egg. In a minute or two "Old Khcuinali" was hack oil the Heat, and in due tune she announced the arrival of a second egg, to be ltd lowed by a third, all arriving well within the lime mentioned. The hen ladnnga in a tlisi'k formerly owned bv Hill Kobliisoli. ol Vaiiaeue, ill which was one hen that every few days, dur ing the laying season, used to lay two eggs a day Tor two or three days in succession. All this is vouched for hy the hergilsolis who vow thai every word of it is true. " m The "North Coast Limited.' Will resume serv ice on -unday, May , 1801. The train will he even lietter than it waa i" rial I' n H le a itim plete home op lieels, parlor, dining MOBBi sleeping rikuu, library, smnkiug room and bulb rOOSB they will all Iss there, and all ligliteii hy electricity and healed by steam hirst and second class tickets Isith 0fld M Itslfl tram. I'e this crack train ot Hi. Inpml on voiir way to the l au Auiarivau aspoaltioni Butlalo, N H oi can go either by way of Ht Paul and I Chicago, or Duluth and the I. real Lakes In. pure of any Nortl. i rn PauiBi ..- nt a to lurther particu lars, or write to A D CHAltl TOM Assmtani Qm1 I'assenger Agent, Portland, ore. BbO Hswsrd. OITsrsd by Whseiiiien. Causes hums Aatlvlly. Frank Moule left his bicycle in front of the uiiera house alajiit - o'clock Tueaiiay evening, ami a 10 o'chs k tne wheel was missing. It was found in the W .V C R freight yards n W.-dn. s.htv ne ruing by Frank Day and relumed to Mr. Moule. Both tires had linen taken, likewise the chain. 1 1. . I si reward for i he arrest ol the culprit is causing activity in aiuaieiir detective circles. Ffty wheelmeu, of whom Mr. Moule is one, put up fl each two weeks ago for the arrest of bicycle thieves, and this is Hie nrst offense since then. la...-. II KaUu mid W. 14. 1'leroa returned Wednesday night Irom la liraiide, a her., they had lieeu acting a- OOancil in the case ol Chandler va. Pierce on I rial Imbue h. W. Bartlelt, r, gi.i.. i ot the laud olhce. The laud in dispute, is on the Meadows, near Kcho Slid was taken up bv the coiileetee under the deaeit lands act. The lesti BMMJ "I " witiuiases, VJM each aide, was taken I in testuiiony is BOW la ing traiiscrihtHl by Mlag OouO and Waller s-wack hauier, the stenographers. I i, e .. . s cupieil eight days In trial, bin it will he much longer than that before a decision is reached TO CUBB A COLO IN OHB OAT. TBBe laisilvs Bruuiu wululua Tabless ate $BO BICYCLES FOR 40 $45 HIC : VCLKS FOR $35 $.'i5 BICYCLES FOR $25 Sale in now on at H. J. STILLMAiVS Corner Main and Webb SU. Oun and Bicycle pairing a 3p9Cimlty. and Mot lone.