East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 20, 1901, Image 4

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sa Tl'l.n Y, ri;i i, 1 i .
Just Rmieivrd
a lino of
Ladies Handsome
in Patent Leathef
and Finn 1 onur'la.
All late styles.
Call and see them.
Practical Boot ml HI. - M-n.
Honrtf'K fmii crop will hp
Try Iluttoti'h ire ereiim chocolate
Bicycle, recycle, bicycle. Withee
A new line f late ImioUh. Tall man a
MM vour window shade ttt
Murphy 'h.
Now wash k i - at Cleaver Hro. 1 r
Goals Go.
Call and ee Crawford hirych- and
racyelee at Withee'..
Have your picture? framed; latct
style at Murphy ',
Now designs in wall par at
Murphy's ian,t store.
Ilawley's have a fancy line Ol Mod
fruit and bit: orangee.
Kino mountain potatoes, mustard
KreeiiH. eonih hoi "v ll iwli'v -.
Oldest place ami liest tainalea, at Le
Roy's, cor. Court and Garden street..
Latest novcltie" in priBg Bi
window. Cleaver Bro. Qfy Good 00.
Some good "gage" will 1 "..iruiig"
at tht Tuesday evening minstrel runm.
The latest in bicycles, i- the enthiou
frame. Come in and see that.
N. Berkeley has sotne very desirable
town and country property for sale on
easy term a.
Flnoat hams and lanl on the market.
Home product : trv it, its guaranteed.
Schwara A Qisj)lliflh
Ice cream, ice cream soda, nice lug
navel MaMHi at QsjeeJsjeSa 'v Kirk
man's on Court street.
Fresh invoice new peas, string boa ai,
asparagus, sweet imtatoe.-, onion.,
radishes ami lettuce at i'uu
Ice cream and pure cream at 1 Mil
ton's. Leave your orders for Sunday.
Cream delivered to your home, parked
in cans.
Crescent bicycles on the installment
plan at the Crescent agency in the Kant
Oregoniau huilding, payment f I a
week, no intere-:
Mrs. was in the store vestenlay
and she thought our line o! spring
goods were the nicest in town. Cleaver
Bros. Dry Goods On
Kemeuiber I have a lienor stock of
oil, axle-grease, rope, belting and el
other harvest tnpptie than evi
fore. P. Hones, llelis.
It will pay v .ti i.. tigure wt' A l
Clorke it Co. on pluinbiug. All work
uaraoleed. hhop on Court rear C.
Sharp's oaint store.
Owing to a change in the hiiildiug
Mrs, Campbell will close out her
entire t., k of summer miliiiery in the
next H days at great baigaina.
If you have not done so already we
ask you to call and s , our lug stock
of new ai . Kverytlnng up n
date and as low as ten cents per roll
Paper hanging and painting promptly
done. Nee C. Nharp. opera house hloek,
J Brushes mid dusters at Noll's.
Ml gin is to have two new planing
l-'oeall is building a new court house
for Wheeler county.
At Under', furniture store is the
llnpst line -f rugs ami matting.
Antomatii refrigerators and water
COOlen at RmHF'i furniture store.
Window shades, curtain poles, mir
rors, etc., al Uader's furniture store.
Tickets are troimr rrtp'dlv for the
niinstrel snow MMt I u, sdav even ing,
K I'rivett, ftiik"' conntv V sehiMil
superintendent, died id consumption.
For rent Furnished rooms tor gen
ilemen only. Cottier Main and liluff
-i rcuU.
O. W. Williams Im- sold to .1
Ouilev i ill) acres of land near Cove for
Mr. Mlalock, of Walls Walla, sends
lilo hoxes of apples to Buffalo for ex
ui bit ion.
A Wellman has In hound over to
the granil jury at m Unuido f ir dog-
drande Koiiiie farmer- will have BO
per cent more hind in sugar hects than
last year.
Herman Buhl and Anna I'ahl scoured
a marriage licafMevgl the oil ice ot the
'"iiutv clwrk today.
Wanted A woman to do general
Itousewofk in a small family, two
children. Apply this ollice.
Z l''or rent - Four furnished rooms fur
aOOWkSjeplsjsj, corner .Main and Water
streets. Inquire of .lease hailing.
liukcr City's mayor and council have
accepted Walla Walla's invitation to
i'Mii in the reception there to President
Hi Kinley.
Koy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bd Ham-
QMf, ol r.Ctlo, illeil at the resilience ot
hurr JotJtlMtl, in I'endleton. ami was
mm d in Bcbo on Wednesday.
There U a demand among firemen for
the putting in ot a tire alarm .v-teu,
in Pendleton. The ,ueation of expense
i- where the matter hangs (Ire.
At the minstrel performance on
Ttiesdav evening at the Krar.er (lov
ernor HeGoogM will put in his ap
pearance ami amuse the audience.
A suite or rooms in the Kast Ore
goniau building, hot ami cold water,
liaihrooin, for ll a month during the
tumOMr, Apply at the Kast Urcgomau
There will he a meeting of the Pen
dleton bu-ehall association at the
council rooms at 8 o'clock this even
ing. Tin I 'anl of dire, tor w ish every
one interested in the success of the
Olttb to ie present. Severn i business
nutter. will come up (or discussion
snU action.
Hi.' "purring contest ,it the Colum-
hi.i bar last evening I etween "lhiin
my" and "Silent" Kowan. brothers,
wa wilnes..-,! by ipllle a crowd ami
tin contestants put up a good exhibi
tion. They are still in town. Tom
Stott is Irving to giH up a match with
ilcnt" Uowau. tin- smaller one.
lucre will he a lecture in the Chris
tian church next Mondav night on the
Order of Pernio hv C. W. Wheeler,
depntv supreme orgumcr, commencing
at W o clock hvervhmlv is cordiallv
invited The liindlni: star sav of Mr.
Wheeler: "C. W. Wheeler, one of
the jol liest (raters that ever told a
l,m.iI storv. Htld one of the best poftSjd
lecturers on the coast, has taken up
the work for Pernio, after live vears of
successful labor witb the Woodmen of
the World.
Kntries for the horse parade close on
Thursday of next week. April -o. The
p.ira.lc occurs on Satunlnt . .Mav -4.
Munv entries have already been made
ami the horsemen generally have
given assurance that they will assist
Frank Fraier, the manager, m making
it a greatilav for horses, as well as a
It . M.
I lie".
Il Will He Acted on at the ( cunolls'
Next MsetliiK Uala of H caption
Mav 36.
Mavor t. W. Vincent is 'n Mf0ttl
of an invitation trom Mnvnr JstflOb
lt.-t . roiillterslglied hv Iv. I' Kevnohls.
cite clerk, of Will Ih Walla, having:
"'on and or BMOfiht are cordi Ih
Invittjd to he present at the reception
of President William Mi Kinley to lie
liven M the citv ol Waha Walla,
Wah., Mav SA, l'.n)l."
OiBcial action will he taken upon
the (riendlv invitation at the next
meeting of the citv council.
Should there by any change in the
date of the recaption timely notice
will he given.
gg Itinmpson,
i Pendleton.
,f Walla
We Have
The uiusi complete line of
men's shoen ever shown in
Pendleton. Uur expeticm,
enables us to give you a per
fect lit. The stvle are cor
rect and nobby. See our
display window and then
gel uur prices.
Pendleton Shoe (.,
ieetacle long to he rememls-reil hv
-I tators. All owner of g.rsl hors
are invited to participate Kntries
must is- made by April Hi
List or Those Wnieh Have Juil Bssn
Plaesil or in Sheivss
A number of new and popular rxs.ks
have just I received bv H. C.
Gnetneey, cbnirmnn of the library
committee of the Commercial Associa
tion, and they are now ready Ui lie read
ny those entilted to do so. The list,
Alurh is as follows, contains some
work which have been hut recently
read by a critical public, but have ai-
rc.elv passed the let silrcesstUllv ami
liecoine sought for :
"Kiien Holden," by Bnebeller ; "In
the I'nlu f the Ktng," bv Crawford ;
"Bpriasjtonn oe tbe Pike, " by Lloyil j
"Alice of Old Vinceiines," by Thomp
son ; "F.leuuor," by Ward; "Tommy
and iriel," Barrie : "Master Chris
tian," Corelli; "Unleavened Bread,"
hy drant; "To Haw- and to Hold." by
Johnston; "Cardinal's snuffbox," by
Harland ; "Bed Pottage," by Choliie.n
deloy ; "When KnighthotMi was in
Flower," hy Caskoden ; "Bil liard Car
vel," by Churchill, "(eiitleman
I ron, Imliaua," by I'arkington ;
" apt. Dieppe," bv Hoiie; "Skv
Pil it." hv Connor "Wanted, a Match
maker," by Ford.
Il Commanssd en Wsdnssday, Usssmbsr
t J, or Thai Ysar.
A dispute that has been agitating
tie- inlielr of M.lne of the oldllue-r- of
Pendleton for tbe past week, was
settled Unlay by reference to the tiles
ol the Beat Oreeonlin The question
was over the date of the big flood.
Man) in I'endleton who have come
here linoe have frequently heard "the
big Hood" referfed to. From the Foist
Oregon leu's report, that famous lloud
commenced on Wednesday evening,
iJecember 13. IS8, and reached its
height at o'clock on Thursduv morn
il ing, December 14. Water ' ran in
many of the streets several feet deep
and much damage was done.
Spring Troubles...
Lobs of upputite,
Btomaflli uiiuionib,
und Utlior Eruptions
are lOtm of tlmm.
Mrs. Pig
Walla, is in
Mrs Frank Pike, o La (irande, is a
guest of Mrs. II. L Curl.
District. Atfomev T. U. Hiiiley will
arrive home tonight from lot liramle.
The Rev. S. B. I.. Penro.e, D D.,
returned home tni morning to Walla
A. T. Brewer, ol Adams, is in Pen.
dleton tisluy accoinpiinied hy his
Mr. and .Mrs. f, F. Wamsley re
turned this morning from u trip to
.Inn Pepper left fodav to resume
work for C. i. Wade on the Cox-Minor
ranch, or Dixie ranch, near Alba.
C. Ci Berkeley left Frtdav evening
for Portland on contracting business.
lie will b- home Siinduv or Mondav.
Mrs Thomilnon, of Weston, who
recent I v UndefSfenl un operation at
the Pendleton sanitarium for cancer,
is recovering rapidly.
Mrs. I-). 11. Conklin has returned
from a visit at Union, accompanied hy
h"r sifter, Mis .Nellie hck-rsley, who
will remain in Pendleton tor a short
Charles i toodwin and family, after
having lived in Pendleton for about
two years left lost week for Portland,
where they will make their home in
the future
Latest advices from Bob hindsey, at
Walla Walla, this morning, wore to
tlu effect tiiat he was still alive, hut
verv low. Ills death has MsOtJ expected
linUj lor more than a week.
Frank Bacon, of lower McKay creek,
is in town today, lie says he has sold
the lust of his Mitatoe at the ranch
for 7' cents iter sack, lie raised lLTi
sacks of Burlianks on less than one acre
of ground.
Charh Nelergall has changed his
plan in regard to oteuiug u candy and
cigar store at I .a (irande Instead, he
expect- to go mto business at Sumpter
lb i- still a guest at the Hotel Pen
dleton, but will leave this evening or
W. H. (iarrett, the traveling man, is
home for a few days, iiejutys he was
in the Cornucopia district of Baker
county recently, and encountered be
tween four and five feet of col. I snow.
He prefers the balmy zephyrs of I'lna
tilln county to that kind of weather.
Jobfl Paine is in town today from
Walla Wullu. 11c is interested in the
appln atioti for .i ' "I through his laud
and the laud ol .loi n King at Helix,
which will come no a' the next ses
sion ol the county court. Mr. King is
averse to the granting of the petition
lor a road .
J. W. Keen is in town todsv from
Athena lie has MO acres of winter
"h.-at which he thinks will go from '
IB to 4 bushels per acre. His farm
is five miles northwest of Athena He
sold the most of his wheat at -t cent
lust fall, ami wishes he had let it all
go. He says that wheat generally in
his una i on is looking well.
.lis- iloch lies returned from the!
.lohn Dav country, leaving the stock in
tbe ciiurge of .lohn (iarismi. Mr. Iloch !
s.ivs the weather has settled and cattle'
and horses will get along all right!
from this time. Gus Lufontaiuo, Mr. '
iloch and Mr. Oanson wintered their
stock in the Cold spring country and 1
use the John Day region as summer j
Klmer Iv Cleaver, Cleaver Bros., re-i
tnt d Friday from a trip to Prairie
Citv, w hern ue is interestisi in minimi I
property and real estate He t u greul
faith in the mines of that district end
says that if ore us rich as has been ,
recently found there hud been ills-;
covered in a Colorado cump there)
would have been a stampede of Iii.imsi
people to the scene of the excitement !
inside ot SO duvs.
Bev. F. I.. Forties, president of the
Pendleton academy . Kev. Koiiert .1,
Diven, pastor of the First Preshvteriun
church Bev. J, C. Coruelli.oii.Presfn -teriun
missionary at the t'matilla In
dian reservation; Bev. Levi Johnson,
Sunday school missionary; Bev.
Bnooli Pond, native born Presbyterian
minister on the reservation ; and the
Ul A Adaias, of Milton, went to
.Horn, niieriiiau county. Ibis muruing
to attend the Kastern Oregon presbytery.
Rliiei. Sr., I'.ontr-ictpr.
Potlllon In Pnrtl.nrt
P. M Pin r. fr. . who built the Pen
dleton hm e, a contra t"r of Portion',
has Hied il jetltlon in I'nib'd Stabs
court asking that he he declared a
bankrupt. Rln'ef Mtl forth in his
po'ltion thai he Ii.ij creditor sthOM
claims are antMfttreff, amoufilng to
RfOO; also, that Ks signed an a pi cal
mtrri en which JndL'tnent Ii4 since
been taken for l IMO .hen are also
Ann snntHiff debts, nml the nwsxftn id
'I'e petitioner lire j(ltl to co ".i-'t of
Pnrilntid htbjwMyvfilnrrt af'lIOfJ dHti
two lots lit loo ' Wl .Hut "! . v ili Pi are
veined at 00 He 'Icclan that Iip
had only ehungh funds to pav the ex-
MnSSJS ol I'e II Hlk"tpf''v 'oi ei'dlt.gs.
Mr. Bin. t re. i fVi I C WO I I i'fflf
Itrnctlng tl n I" eo Sere, tfpi rdlng to
h own .fn'etnei , he expended only
Rri,nOD in boil. ling the levee, h aving
110,000 a his profit.
Govsrnment tn lnvsllirnt' tho Quslltv
ot hst Now Uird.
Wushin)ton, April J(). The navy de
partment intends to make .in investia-
tlon of the i h trader of the smokeless
pjotnler at ppeeenl utetl m the srelrs,
This is a result of fie seeident Wllfeh
recenlh" befell u :l-inVh gun 01 the
There is n suspicion that the smoke
less powder has deteriorated to a de
gree nhii b makes it I dangerous com
position. Some such experience befell
the smokeless powder adopted by the
army and it was found ncce.-niry at
that time '" destroy a large quantity ol
the material which was found HI safe
to use in the army guns.
The nav sniokeles powder i n ade
from a different formola, hut ther" has
always been more or lees snpsicioi. of
smokeless powder, which is ecotnpari
tively new composition and h d md
hy the experts to he still in an experi
mental stage.
If the investigation shows that the
navy smoklos powder has deteriorated
to a degree of unsafely It will he a
serious matter for the service. All the
ships are using this material and its
rejection at tills stage will be a costly
Hi,: Fire In Redding.
Bedding, Calif., April SO. Fifteen
hnsine.s houses, including the Monte
Carlo tliPAt-'r. nt Kpswi 'k. ourti-d this
morning. T'.e loot is f:i(),ii()ii There
was mi insurance.
BulldliiK Rsiumsd In Tasoma.
Tacniim, April 21) The building
trades trouble nere will ne submitted
to arbitration. Work on two hundred
structures has been resuunsl
Ease your burdens
Lot ynur hoad snv your hands.
Lot (inld Buttdo Un wurk for JOtL
It ninkoB gUd tlio liourtH of ttlOM
who nro ttoi lmppv iibIiw BVWjrthillg
ia clnuii. Gold DtiHt is WOBUl'l
Lent, friend, dirt'8 worst eiutuuy.
l.i i LI
M Housework is hard work without Gold Dust."
In ..I Its iai;"i '.lien
ftiiouM jo aJteaaMS
Kly's ( ream Bilij
the eMMSssi ' .-'r
Il cur.-. I'irrlia.. i ii i
twee a la Ua Ls.J
qiiitk y.
Cream Kiibii ' pit) . i Into , c noitrHi, spreads
sear tin' tBenbraet iajt la absorbed, IHOsi is im
i. diets) aart a cars follows. Ii ts not drying -lrs
ml ru,uco lassslng. Lego 81m, fW erul. si limn -gl.ts
or liy ins! I; Trial ttss, in ccot t hy mall.
ELY ttltUTUElto, i Warren hir:l, Ntw York.
.esjssser.' . ua-.
The Columbia
Lodging House
BAH IN CoNNKt i ikn
an- in Cortland. Come ami try the
young ones for buryains while Uiey
are gone. An immense line of white
semi-srcolain just arrived.
owl Tea House.
rolls cre(sj. iaMT Mg
f' V V" sP T"' Tw- .MsV76sPyl-ff
Do you
wont work?
Do you
want to hire help?
If so call ur ailvtae nn- aad
ynur wantu be iicn l-
st id r k si im
t mployment Agency
V v. Silk Shirt Waist:. New Percale Shirt Want.
Nan India Linen Shirt Waists
All the new things In Shirt Waists,
Thi Niceel and Prettiest line of Ladiea tailor madt suji
In- toitiul iii titc city.
K, inn day skirts, in tart a complete assortment of new
ilesiranle skirts from cheapest l lu st grades.
kv " I.. .i:i.. f i i i. ,i .
iss guuue wiving umii; unn aim iouk llieni ovet M
post soiirst l vi's as tu styles ami prices.
Uncle Sam tells him to steer toward
Rader's Furniture Store
Main Ml Webb streets, I'endleton, Oregon,
when he can gel one of those nice
Golden Oak Rockers at $2.25 before they are lUj
Kuril it 11 re, ( ariHjtH,
Mat tines, Rw
Window Simden,
( 'urtaiii Poles, Pie)
Khm'Is, Scrwa
MirrOTt, Baby cabg,
I ndcrtnkiiiK arlors in
urm r
I ull Inn- 01 CIKar Cut. . tioncrs
and .imokcra' Articles.
ihone 72
Chursh Announesmsnts.
Cliurcli of the Kulccnicr Iliviuu ser
vice toiuurrow at liourn as follows:
Sunday Hchool at 10 a. in. I.itauy,
oelebratiot) of the lloly Oonoionioa
ami leraoa at u a. ui. Kveaiasj
lirayer ami .d.lr. - at 7:30 p. BJ,
Ki-v. I. K. Tobey, the CoiiKruuat ional
inlatai from 1'ortlaud. will talk in
the Salvation Army hall on Sumlav
alter noun at '.i o'clock. All are invited
to come ami hear hiui.
Wood and
Ullv. reil fruinplly Hrlce. Iti.l.i
ir auil
Christian ohurch humlay school
10 a. in. ; V. 1. K. C. K. at B:4Q p,
I'reachiiig aervicsH at 7:30 p. in.,
William A. Baker . subieet, "Ih
Bible the liispirutl Word ol God?"
M. K church, south- Atll o'clock
In tin muniing there will be Him reu
lar preachiutt service. In the eveeTtig
at 7:30 the pulpit will he occupied hv
the Rev. 1. F. Tohey, slate au peri u ten
dent ..I the Oregon rhihlroir.-, home
unuer society. At II) o'clock a. lu. the
Siludav school iiimuIm an nial I i
I Krl, sueriiitcndent. The Kiiwurtli
League meets in the eveniug at ti::SU
Topic, "WalkuiK with Jesus."
Ht. Mary's church Low m.. h H
m. hkn mass, 10:30 a. m. ; Huudai
school jl p. m.; roeary and beuedic
tlon. 7 :3V p in.
TR UC K 1 .(
ST OK' At; K.
lainuarac.a hnU.
VSul nice auii Urj.
Dttice rearol having Bank.
WtDLWOlr, . . ok Kt it in
ThLIFIioNh Main .
it i ii iirsi ,.- hi,, i'. i.i i..
. i" i..iu,..i yiM,ri . , v; v. v?.,i.u.w
i.i.ks tLftii.i.i .iv .: i an
Wf.lt a ,,r.liimr.v trj.iui.ni
.nun int. Hurs'. .,r colila
ucir i-ur? iul .
""" "'lie IlllUI, .....
I Hop I (1,1 l,J. A )mJ
.. null It lidDK ,,,
..... . tKI m.
tx'i'i .in. ssaae ui,
J rench Restaurant..
Just kwelved a nice lot of frog leKs
Uus Lai oiiiatne, Proprietor.
fcisbuiMu HMuM .. fsuui.u.u. orseon
Farmers Custom Mill
Fred Walters. Proprietor.
0pclly, tfto barrel. dr.
nNienkaaaed for wtiuat
()! Main Street, Pendleton, Oregc
Wt arc all Ready
tu Hi.irt tlenereting )toui wails umi
peiiing with the mo alegtsiitly
dwigntd wall paitcuis fver ilc
viied u ioqii M yuu art. liurung)
with your Spring hoisaMUkOrn
before, if yuu prefer to have us
out of the way prior to starting (q
eaten taousv. r.ui. ni., on vu.w
long ago don't miss the exhibit.
Jesse Failing.
Main ftre.il near hride
A nuro remedy for lire and iiiiLhn.
I'oultrv Pood ksjtu Lba bam healthy, mica grit tstde dej
ISoiie meal Kives StreiiL'tl, in v,...n ..l.o.Wu
w - - ... llUlllj
A ..lean, ini.liem.ive but nutritious fertiliser for your lawni.
C. F. ColeSWOrthy "'try and Bee Supply
Ooneot- all of these
makes the blood pure.
, . I ' "I'l'ii.r iwma
ino, Sail
None, to Waiee Contumers.
All water eoUtuiaer failing to pm
in a.etere bv the Ursl .lav of May !J0
w.llhave the water ihutofl tnm Sl
premises j. j, BK1WN
U.t. Water Works.
issue a hioraphy pi liovemor I Sieve,
first governor of Washing!,,,, '
iii.nl th
pi- "
aiul Aiu.ru.r. lui Si,,,,,,,,,
Jul i, i
Wtatar aoW. luvt- sla. 'Ttiunrluui lalaawS.
in. TU. aiiaMaj.l.u la nvLh. iUli".!
a kiHiulo ,,i a.t, Nuii,,,,., ,.i,. , 'i'ewri,i ,
I.... ih., ,uj; "
iurii 1.uxm .in uu,rM;ll audi.
' ul t. Nuaa." H. L. va Wis'ki i
nill,UfL.l .S,...tf ku.. L"
. ... wi wmttii,
. ...
i li.m 1 In,
'u'ac. I xuuk
'Mill. I,CJ, I
' t)IUllat,
Autftut lu,
"'' on aaiu l uur
Ulon TOt-vt Saji
lutal aw,t, i
i II
iH-JsaVH i
, .lu 0n'n b Rastsrn Ore-
he o.rZ'-nUUr 11
n!i,Pm P ,'p'cU,e " how ' hy
heir hbsral paironage. It ia th. adv.ir-
- , ...... ,,,, w,. ,
ii u pm on riKlii u,l
s .uaoliiiK
"I'lU VOl,r lrrl
suo;uawsWu,Iuv,'ll',,,," 11 ,o
nit IIUOII VIII, r ,-
verrlMM aw.-0 reu.,r. ... r;'
Two Black
( 'Oiubination
are very rare,
Court Mreet.
Locust Hill KM
and Poultry Yards
Hedlgreed Belgian rfcM
and pure bred FowS.
i. at i
riareH. so lai er ii ,,,
Barred, Buff, ami Wbit W
out Ii KiM'kH Kuiis f- ev v
3 siUiiius for 6 U0; ! "
Barrtal Roi:k W l lJH
Hitting. .
I.'..-.. mi,l Miiiulu ty'iilllll
Island Reds -KggHl.OOp"
.( hi UlligH for 16.00.
Viaitore wolcowe.
information address
ouy w. wapUi
mwiiua or ia,a s.mlou.
l'uUlelos. "1