East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 20, 1901, Image 3

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it) latent Btylei all new, direct from New York factory.
Prices 50c, 75c up to $l.98c.
1 1... nvnnwu llW
i.t. r ui lie tueasea u snow you una nn
All II I I n 1 . I I ! " "
Mi k. .. .... 11 ......... ,1
Pandlvton Dog sioes.
I At ....... i . . , . .11 till. Ill 1 I I I 1 I t II 111
iiw mm l on iHiiu, nn Mii(.n...ru
""... Kl. l-.l
VrtinHHv. i liny Miimiutni tun
i. . ...... l Wufiiiiliiv mam
I ...... ...I M.Bil..
iv iiriniii 1 .
i descendants tinni umauiia
h pointer owned by him, from
, r i. U.......I.1 I...... I... f'
m lllg Sine i 1 1 . i no... v..
bite. I'matilla Wneeii herself
not entered in competition, tint
l.. .....I.. Im u
Di th,. lit of derisions, tint fol-
IIV.'II- 1......
coiirarn tjiienn and nor ad-
UTB. I Mint- win,
i, ...it .iimu iimiiir
n-Firflt. Whitt'Htnrm, ownwl hy
JackMon, Spokain , himmuhI, Sana-
II 1 i . . U7 I I I ii L i .i
. . tt . r 1 1 .
II TV r J' InliUi . v s sw i irn ,
Little Nh1, jr.. owned liy A.
..... i : . ..
In Oiieen. Little Ned, jr., in
wim I hy C. O. White.)
. .. 1 r r .1
ii'ih i it1 tiiiL.'f ill mi'' ' imiii iin
Mil nwued hy Fred Kvans,
mom. Printer-'! Ned, owned
W. ivu-iee third, Printer's liny,
by Will 0. Uibson; reserve,
i iiu.nt'11 iv iitviiir
l mm i r- m ii ir in i iiiti ' ai'T
by W. V. (iihion .
ler. viuhi i mnp- i ins.
. ii..... i l... i i
in war n riniii'Bi unnon wni-
fur IkmL pointer shown ) .
liuKiar Will Uo at One to Moun
tain Horn. .
I'ugger, uf Cripple Creek,
a hrotliiT of L. K. Huuuer. hxra-
o prospector 01 uie ciaimt ownon
Independence iniiiiiiK company
uroiiurty at Mountain Home to-
. . . i . . i i i
tabs we do all kinds of nue
repairiug atid guarantee it.
Our Guarantee la One
n you can depend upou what
r future deuenda iiimn it. Wnrk
' - ' '" ni-. uui iinnit
il will receive our prompt and
WIVIMtltt v
-w ivaHiIUUi u, ucAiaji a
a -mM m
rium uie WttV IUV wile e.iue lieil for
a. """wou K,n ner too, and her body wasted away to a mere skelo-
Atter she got down in bed the doctors couldn't do any good. I called in
p. . o -" " ... ft.. . .... uuLiuia
Zl'. V A' ,h"nnon and Dr. N. L.
would reach the trouble
MIVl U 1 1 1'
o-. ... wuc a lamer
lu .1-. I ... ...... .1 .. I
wug iia . w linn
ui u.tn ...... i. ...
.o , wniie we
in Rice Wis He
He knew what was needed,
ttade me get a bottle of
Umilllon I . fft
WCIll lu
wu. iuuu aruuttisi.
cutaway. She took eight
wies, and they put her
on her feet and made her
-mu uu wen a any wo.
in town. She k.. . i
. sne aoesn t
and if any one wlm
know il. s
i. v 'ww was in
lastie was so near death
wuauruptiou, he wouldn't
11. Hv wW
does all
at niffbt
oandlvaa vnu hIum
no longer gives ner any irouoie at an. aiayoe you uouoi wu.
k ii ho i artuiH. unu in aae i. ix
S EnurllaW D ... . . - .-....ft. ,...
Acker' P,,I..U U 1.. im ui,L,wlr( ol
1 "" a guarantee to cure, or money
OOIIIM KftL 1.1- -ft lftV. . .....1. 1,.
" ill B mult, 1.1 l.t.'l... Mv
"r neaeii, Rice Lake, Wis."
Acksr', hunii Kenady Is .sold by all
. 'rai loonav will ba rluoau 111 caaa
In eaaa
oiaia. and CaaaOa.
la Muglaad . ad.,
H'o uaUUrtu ia, ,ftW uftM-uiftio. W. h- HOOtMM U.
eoLftU ax atatotut at wvomab. ruMoumotf.
litlc of W.al L" I III' Cr1IVA. MlHB
which had been sent to him tor assay
by his brother, and that he bad seen
other samples since coming here. He
could not and did not wish to express
an opinion an to the value of the ore
until after he had given it a thorough
examination. Hi may remain and in
torest himself in the proierty, or may
go on later to Heattle, where he has
something else in view. Mr. Dogger
has had rears of experience and the re
suit of li's investigation will tie given
a great deal of weight.
Arrivals at Hotal Pendleton.
F S McMahon, Portland.
T W Jackson.
J J Burns.
L O Lakin, Portland.
C A Rurke, Omaha.
I) M Fitagerald, Chicago.
II H Corn well, Han Franicsco.
M H Patton, 8iokane.
J H Kloeckner.
J A Pennington.
S Heatfleld.
Cowan, Portland.
ri Mandel, Han Frane.isoo.
H Clarke, citv.
K Kohinson, San Francisco.
F tihaw, Portland.
w Wanor, Portland.
i ieorge Mattes, Portland.
Mrs M Johnson, Portland.
Mrs F T Abbott, La (trande.
C Kquire, Payette.
Baam the ulcnalur of Cua. H. Flbtcsbb
In uif for mure thau thirty yan. and
TTu AW Vom JUvt Aim'
Bit Yield or Lambs.
William Caldwell wae in Peiidletou
this morning from Imh ranch at Our-
dane, in the southern part of Umatilla
county, where sheepmen are busy, the
tubing season being at its height.
Mr. Caldwell says the yield of lambs
trom his band of ewes will be 110 per
cent. land tbat otber sheepmen in that
neighborhood report a corresponding
yield. Three weeks ago they ware
figuring on 100 per cent increase. The
weather was cold at tbat time, and a
few snow storms caused apprehension
As the lambing aeason began the
weather became warmer, with the re
suit that the loas of lambs from cold
and exposure has been reduced to a
It Will Do You:aood.
A blood purifier and tiasue builder is
Karl 'a Clover Root Tea. bold for half
a centurv on our guarantee. Money
refunded if results are not satisfactory.
Price 26 cU. and 60 eta. Tallmau &
There Wltn Goods.
If you give your grocery orders to
Martin he will be ''there with the
goods." Finest canned goods and
dried fruit in the city alwaya on
band ; alao, nioe fresh vegetablea. He
is sole agent (or J. B. (Jaoob Borua)
celebrated butter. Low prices aud
high quality Lantern hams and bacou.
A nice line of amoked fish. All the
good brands of pickles, sauces and
relishes. Florida strawberries in the
uiarket in a few daya.
Look at Your Fass,
if it is reflecting health or
disease Karl's Clover Hoot Tea
beautiliee the face and complexion, and
assures perfect health All druggists
26 centa and 60 centa Money refunded
if results are uot satisfactory. Tall man
& Co.
- m
ki mnnth. I Iriutur aha. halt mniuniti.
wuuiuu v uu mil V vmi. a i.iiuu lu
Hawaen, each of whom ia a nrst-claj.e
neninini. eiia aruviriai. wuo win
U 1 1 dll ...... UA a u . K.nur Ha
ii. all tl,,...l and l.incr l,..iilileh ! thAt
returned, and he never
yet had a
My name
h.u u.,1.1 h,,,..!,!. . h,m
"...v. .. .. M v. 1 wft
druggists uadss a pualtiva aMaftoe
w ibiiuic .5t , y- aau ai a
uf failure
as. j(L, aad a. Ad.
The First Leeture In the Psndietea
Aeademy course Dr. Hill on Monday
vetting Next.
One of the most pleasing speakers of
the Inland Empire Is the gifted presi
dent 01 wnuman college, the Kev.
B. L. Penrose, D. D.. and by the lec
ture delivered at the Presbyterian
cnnroD rriaay evening, the lanrels al
rBuy earnen upon the plattorm were
enhanced in the opinion of those who
were privileged to be present.
The theme ws "Oood Citizenship
and its treatment was upon the broad
grounds of civic mors in and higher
The speaker divided his subject into
two parts, the responsibility of the
OftlSM and the duty of the citizen.
and his portrayal of existing conditions
111 America was a hrilliant analysis of
the partisan spirit which chains men
and the commercial selfishness w hich
blinds them.
Moral Cowardlee of Oood Men.
The truths uttered demonstrated that
the responsibility of men to the state
could not cease with voting or bearing
arms, but that the character uf munici
pal, state and national governments
would always be moulded by public
sentiment, and that in consequence
there rested npon the shoulders of the
men and women of the country the
pertietnal necessity of arravins them
selves npon the side of law and order,
and sustaining day by day those things
which make tor righteonsness and
higher national life.
'I he danger," the speaker said,
which confronts cities and states and
nations, is not the had conduct of bad
men, but rather the moral cowardice
of good men."
Voters Should Attend Primaries
Among the duties of citizenship the
speaker placed first the attendance of
every voter upon the primary of his
party, urging with added force and
brilliancy the axiomatic fact that the
men who control the primaries mould
the character of the government.
Next he urged the necessity of vot
ing at every election, and declared that
much of the'resiionsibility lor the cor
ruption which existed in the ereat
cities of the land was due to the fail
ure of men to vote, and illustrated the
point hy the fact that seventy-five
thousand men stayed away from the
oolls in New York, men who, if thev
voted, would change the wole charac
ter of the government of that city
Then he said there must be a willing
ness among citizens to hold oflice, not
hut that there is an abundance of
ofliceseekers, for the fact is patent that
the men heat fitted to iierform public
luties are often not willinir to make
the sacrifice.
The Chaerrul Tax Psaysr.
"If Haint Paul were on earth to
day," aaid the speaker when he
touched upon the question of taxes, he
would sav, "hloased ih the cheerful
taxpayer," for the state must be main
tained, and each ought willingly to
hear his share of the burden.
I he lecture closed with an eloquent
npeal to all to aid
tv ineaiiH am
llnence in public
improvements of
very character, to
support loyally
those institutions
1 etter manhood and
which make for
woman hood, and
perform each day, according to the
bilities and opportunities of eacL,
the full duty of citisenship.
The address should have been heard
' every citizen in Pendleton, for an
iservance of its precepts and an adop
tion of its principles would make our
(immunity lietter and our uvic life
Dr. Hill Speaks Monday Evening.
On Monday evening next, the Kev,
. P. Hill, I). D.i pastor of the First
Preshvterian church in Portland, will
ive the secoud lecture iu the course
on next Monday evening at the church.
Dr. Hill's subject will be "The
issot pictures". A etereopticoo will
be used in illustrating the lecture.
Dr. l'eurose, wno spoke rndsy
ight, gave the East Oregouian the fol
owing hriel yet comprehensive state
ment an to the pictures :
The Tiasot paintings were the
sensation of Paris when they nrst ap-
iieared three years ago. Hince then,
tbey have been exhibited in the other
capitals of Europe and in New York,
and have made a profound impression
pon all minds. Tbey are the work of
tin I liant rreuch artist, a representa
tive of the modern school of real
ism, and for vividness of color, origiu-
lity of conception, ami faithfulness
to iii have rarely been surpassed. But
ow did Alfred T issot, luxury-lovin
cynic, come to devote seven years
is life to painting the lite of Jesus :
Thereby haogs a strange tale. The
Keview of Reviews told the story in
1 mix, an astouishiug Parisian romance
hicb explaius the conversion of a
brilliant delwuchee to a devoted fol-
ower of the Nazareue with a life am-
ition to reproduce with his art the
earthly life of his Master. Three years
travel and sketching in ralestme
gave him the material for this gallery
I oriental lite which has both shocked
and amazed the artistic world, by its
realistic effects aud weird imagination.
To see these pictures is worth a loug
A Uood Thing.
Our ureat-irrand mothers' ttarrets
contained the same herbs of all heal
iug founet in Karl's Clover Root Tea
They gave our ancestors strength, kept
the blood pure, aad will do the same
for you if you say so. Price 26 cts
and 60 cis Tallman A Co., leading
Baltimore and Waterloo Papers Spsafc
In Complimentary Terms.
Mrs. Ada Wallace Unruh has been
in the Last lor many moutbs. Hhe has
many friends in Pendleton who remeiu
her iter as a frequent visitor here and
very eloquent aud logical speaker on
I he Baltimore News, in mentioning
Mrs. Uuruh s visit tiiere, said:
Mrs. linruh, however, comes upou
peaceable mission Hhe is a national
lecturer aud organiser of the W. C. T
V., aud she will hold a series of meet
iug iu the ctty aud will spend five
weeks iu the state of Maryland, kibe
does not intend alerting a hatchet cam
palgn, hut she says site would if ber
y was being made a drunkard in
Mrs t'urub is a lady of vigorous
ideas. Hhe is a noted speaker aud has
several lectures which she delivers
hile she is making bar temperance
urs. une oi tueae is upon toe suujoci
That Old llachelor" and another is
. . a attf f t
pon WOW M tame a nger.
M rs unrun nan a mira upou snap
shot From a Tramp's Kodak."
The Waterloo, Iowa. Daily Courier,
telling of her lecture in that city, gave
the I ..I lowing tribute:
i ne first Baptist church was crowded
to its full capacity last night to listen
to Mrs- Uuruh's ureseuUtiou uf the
temperauoe queetlou. "America" and
Mine Kyee Have been tbe uiory
were suug with enthuaiasiu, Lak - j
lag no small part in raising the patri
otism of the congregation to a proper
pitch to enjoy Mrs. Unrnh's invinci
ble logic, magnificent flights of oratory
and scathing rebukes.
Mrs. Unruh is an attractive speaker,
her voice well modulated and ber com
mand of English and ner choice diction
command at once the undivided atten
tion of her entire audience. Though
she had spoken in the Walnnt street
Baptist church in the morning and had
addressed the men's meeting in the
Y. M. C. A. in the Afternoon, she was
apparently as fresh and unwearied as
inntign sue nan returned trom an ex
hilerating and recreative vacation.
Automobiles In War.
Automobiles are to be used as army
transport wagons. Trial experiments
m I ranee have proved convincing.
is odd to note the different uses to
which natnre and science are put. On
the battlefield tbev fight for the de
M ruction of life, while throughout the
country Hnstetter's Stomach Hitters
of nature's most scientific modi
fluhts to preserve it. For rift v
vears the Hitters has been making
strong stomachs and curing dyspepsia
indigestion, constipation and bilious
ness. In the spring when the system
is usually run down this wonderfn
medicine will be helpful in restoring
your health and strength. It will also
prevent malaria, fever and ague and as
an appetiser it is unequal led . See
tbat our private revenue stamp is over
the neck ot the bottle.
Ih Arrest of Ssnator Mltshsll Brings
Out Discussion.
i ne arrest ol senator Mitchell on
Wednesday for larceny of a horse along
while ago has brought out discussion
and numerous smiles. Judge Kllis
when told that Henator Mitchell would
be up lief ore him for horse stealing at
the next term of circuit court, looked
surprised and grieved to learn that his
old Iriend tiad got into trouh e. but
was relieved in mind when informed
that it was an Indian and not United
(states Senator John II. Mitchell, who
had been captured )v the officials
There are a number of Indians on the
reservation who have names which
were given to them by the whites at
the time of the allotment of the ITma
til la reservation lands. Tbey had on
pronounceable names, and in order to
get them on the books, one was called
Senator Mitchell, another Major Ham-
hart, and so forth. A third Indian on
me reservanon wiin a name thai is
misleading is Poker Jim. A person
might think that he had acquired that
cognomen on account of his poker-
plsying proclivities As a matter
fact, he cannot plav isikeratall don't
know the joker trom little casino.
Catarrh Cannot B Curad
With local applleatlona, an the) eSMSjSl reach
Uu ..'ui ui l lie intense ( nlnrrli In n lihmd or
coiiHllliilliiiinl illneHHe, ami In order h cure it
you iiiunt take Internal n me. lie. II., Ca
tarrh Cure U taken Internally and acln directly
on the hhssl and inucoiin nurfaccn. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure in not a uuack medicine It an pre
crlbed by one of the hem phynlclaim In thli
country for yearn, and ma regular nrcniTlption.
ll l I'oiniKwd of the leM lonli n known, com
blnsd wlih tin hem used Mrigsis, acting
dlructlyou the mueoun nurfaccn The perlet I
combination ol the two lugrcdit nm l ulmt
produern such wonderful raaulu in curing ca
tarrh. Hend lor t -tluiotitnln. free.
r J CIIKNKY dl CO.. Prop., Toledo. (I.
Moldjiy druuKtntn, price 7ftc
nan family film
In an t lie Lent
J. J. Shuil's Fin Beats John Tharps
Idaho BUI.
Ixical horsemen were somewhat in
terested in a horse race wnich tisik
place about 6 o'clock Friday evening,
April P.i, at Frank Frazier's racetrack
on the Tutu 1 1 la. John Tharp has a
horse ca I led "Idaho Bill," which up
to that inn it had never known de
feat at "Joo yards. He is an old race
horse man and very seldom gets on the
slow side. ). J. Shull has a "Chest
nut Oak" filly which is fast enough to
warrant her owner in putting up gold
com on her tleetness ol loot, the own
ers ol tbe two animals got into an
argument as to which horse was the
swiftest and the matter could not be
decided by them satisfactorily without
an actual test. A few outsiders knew
that tbe match had been made, for a
small side bet, and the whole crowd
congregated at the race track at the
appointed time. The race was run on
its merits, distance UOU yards, and Mr.
Shuil's filly got to the line first, much
to tbe surprise and disgust of Mr
Tharp. Those who saw the race say it
was very exciting.
Saves Two From Death.
"Our little daughter had au almost
fatal attack of whooping cough aud
bronchitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Ilavi
laud, of Ante ink, N. Y., "but. when
all other remedies failed, we saved her
life with Dr. King's New Discovery.
Our niece, who had consumption in
an advanced stage, also used this
wonderful medicine and today she is
perfectly well." Desperate throat and
lung diseases yield to Dr. King's New
Discovery as to no other medicine on
earth. Infallible for coughs and colds.
60c and tl bottle guaranteed by Tall-
uiau A Co. Trial bottles free.
Notl to Cooiraeiors.
Notice is hereby given, tbat the com
mon council of tbe city of Pendleton
will receive bids for thu grading and
graveling of Webb street from Oak
street on the west to iti inter
section with Court street on the east,
id grading aud graveling to be done
in accordance with provisions of ordi
nance No. 363. Measurements to be
furnished by the city engineer. The
common council reserves tbe right to
reject any or all kids. Bids to be tiled
in the city recorder's office on or be
fore April 29, 1UU1. .
By order of the Common Council.
J. E. BEAM, Recorder
Dated at Pendleton, Ore., April IH
Do Not Trifle
with danger and remember
ev-erv cough or cold means
will cure your cough or cold
at once. It will heal and
strengthen vour lungs. It is
a safeguard (or you alwaya
Take it at the nrst indication
of a cough or cold.
-A mnvm alS aaula hi (Waal uS I ui itlil
uba aakU alaM laMaa ..! mwmllm. I
triad SUuiafc Ii 4 aw at aaea Aa
-WtJtS6ftro. mv
Mmtmr ' Btaifca Caauua. taKajr, M. V.
atUuA'a 11 iiSsi Oat hi aaia r
SraacU M a,
pvtalaa aras
with m-mri aott.
ll aa t ..UaS. aa
mm at yaw mtmmmj mmmV.
yur ttals by Talliutau a Co.. druaa'-
Baseball Tomorrow Will Attract Largs
Crowds Prom Hsre and Prom Walla
From the appearance of things. Pen
dleton and Walla Walla are going to
send very large crowds to the game of
baseball tomorrow at Athena between
that town and Walla Walla. It is re
ported here that 400 tickets have been
sold in Walla Walla for the game. Not
so many but yet a great many will go
from here. The Athena Press has this
to sav of the event :
"Sunday will be red-letfer day for
baseball in Athena. In tbe matter of
size and in the art of rooting, the
crowd will break all records. The
Walla Walla team will be accompanied
by tbeir own regiment of royal rooters
brought over by a special train. It is
known as tbe crack regiment Ol Wash
ington, and their weapons of warfare
are said to be unique, noise-producing
machines that have struck terror to the
hearts of many a ball team. Thov will
he met by the Athena Automatic
arousers, whose record for continued
spontaneous combustion baa never been
equaled in Oregon. Both sides will be
reinforced hy lung power from Milton.
Weston, Adams, Helix, Pendleton and
the intervening country. The 0. R. A
X. starts a special excursion train
from Walla Walla at 10 o'clock a. in.,
passing through Milton at 10 :1K), and
through Weston at 11. The rate from
Walla Walla and Milton is Hoc for the
round trip, and 20c from Wesbm. The
same roan makes a 7fc round trip rate
from Pendleton. The game will be
called promptly at 1:30 to allow visit
ors from Pendleton and Adams plenty
of time to retnrn on the afternoon
passenger. "
Pendleton passengers go on the regu
lar morning train, leaving at 8 tlft,
returning at 5 p. m. The fare will be
Whit Man Turned Yellow
(ireat consternation was felt hv the
friends of M. A. Hogarty of Ixington,
Ky., when they saw he was turning
yellow. His skin slowly changed color,
also his eves, and he suffered terrih v.
His maladv was Yellow Jaundice, lie
was treated hv ttie hest doctors, nut
without benefit. Then he was advised
Ui try Klectric Bitters, the wonderful
Stomach a;id Liver remedy, ami he
writes: "After taking two bottles I
was wholly cured." A trial proves its
matchless merit for all stomach, liver
ami kidnev troubles. Onlv 26c. Sold
by Tallman A Co., druggists.
Hearing Postponed Until Monday Morn
ing. April 22.
Tbe hearing of Senator Mitchell.
which was to have been held at ll)
o'clock this morning, in Justice Fit,
(ierald's court, was postponed until 10
o'clock Monday morning, April 22.
District Attorney Hailev is absent at
La i .ramie on U,gal husiess and will
not Iw home until tonight.
Jim Joshua, who lives at Thorn Hol
low, and from whom the horse which
has caused the arrest was stolen lent
May, was iu town today. One peculi
arity about this cast, is that William 1
I'arsotis, who was attorney for Jiuii
loHliua in the proceedings taken to get I
the horse hack when stolen, is now at
torney for the defendant. Senator
Mitchell, who has Iwen spending the
most of hi time since the original
theft of the horse, at the Yakima
reservat ion.
"hat a remedy cures is the words of 1
those who've tried it.
How oli,. ii i- it Hani, "I can't (deep, I
my system is run down, my digestion ' !
bad, or I've rheumatism or kidney
trouble'."' KeKirts of cures by my
Dr. Sanden's Belt
Four in bv every mail. Them, show
it to be the greatest remedy for all
pains and weaknesses, and if every
Hufferer ummI this treatment there
wouldn't he an ailing man or woman
today. Write for my interesting Ixiok
free, and see the cures I've made.
Dept. A. Kussel Block,
There not a
Lame Place
In the Rambler anywhere.
One part is as strong as
another. That may Imi one
reason why
Outwear other wheels.
Ladtea' or UenU' Roadster.
La.lier or liunts Light Roadster I e m;
(ients IU pound Uacer 160.00
Ladie. or lieuts Chaiiiless ibO.OO
Ideals M, fit,
Agsul (Jiualilla ' ouuiy.
I'sadlsiou, Ontuu.
Under New riaaageaneat.
Kata J i'j and l M ar day, MaU Ac.
4oet:lal Kla bv IU BWBlO.
Bast Hui.-I lu las olty lor KauilllM
Sua Ui all um. rraa trnmyU room
hi. . u l!iiU aud Sicau beat.
ytr'pr(Mf bulldlLg.
Cor. Court and Johnson Sts.
For Health. Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
Trunks that are Zinc covered, that are Canvas OOVfTtd
that an Leather covered. Trunks for Men, Trunks for
Women and Trunks that will hold the btlongingi of A Man
and Woman. Prices $&.8A to $87.00.
14-inch to 2(-inch in
22, 24 and 26inoh sizes,
Leather with canvas lining, Leather with Leather lin-
log, Alligator with leather lining from II inches U26 Inohei
in every Kind of a worthy bag that is made. Every style,
Trice from ;fe to $20.
We enow you the greatest variety of the above things
ever shown in Pendleton.
Prices guaranteed, quality considered, the lowest
"See display in large middle window."
SI Store
7X1 Main struct.
Dry i Ih
7IH Main
Pill '
MllliUl.tel lit l Anil .rn. in lr,v
MSMS a Bsaaa, iu im. hk.uh u..
von - i ,v T A I.I. m a v
av- "Mim.m Di in'
aVtaV-sMB kII'", J''... .. tiaan, or clgn..ino.mj
wamV-iTTae RPtf f.?.r fc. JP"r, NlBot-Los.., apnrm
wEYM M .1,r!"cJi' WVlX!ta. r"i?L ft?'?1?"!', i
fuiKtlon. I - r ."t a ,ura i, hi i ., HTl
lo make good bread iihk livers' Bejel Hour, ll took lira!
premium at the Chicago World's Fair over all competi
tion, ami ifive excellent hatinfact ion wherever need
Kvery sact is guaranteed. We have the Im.hi Memo
.tolled liailey. Heel Kye ami HeardleMS llarhu
W.S. BYERS, Proprietor.
Hotel Pendleton
Under New
Strictly Flrst-Class
Kxcellent Cnlstne.
livery Modero
Bsr and KHIUrd Rooma
The Best Hotel
Van Di .mi Bros.. Props.
unl ihal old
lave all your
your inghtH
aFssi Hsttx
size and
from 2oe to $:..r0 each
in price from $2 to 10 each,
& Bags
Trunk. Burt
10 M i in Street.
Ouraa Loat Munh
inhood. Im
imnla, .tln
Narvnua Oa-
aiorrnoea Inaom
ftfav-., - w '
amn, Vnr
. i .
Hop Nar
I i ' i-.l
rnnrgv, ai
i .... it ,
Ausrasa, Miction Rmdy Co., tun rrmmsuo, Oal.
Give Uh . Trill.
Riles $2.00 i diy
Special Kates by
Week or month
Hesdquarten for Trsvellna Men
In Eastern Oregon.
Successors to J. E. Moore
After von lire of Hisf UM u Um1 kidney reme
ilMM without nm Ix neiit. ii SS MiKohi Sexual Rills end
In- forever ml ol Ihom-dull pHlim in Sour haek Dis-
fogy idea of "pain in the L idueya" and
bladder ami urinary trouble eured, aud
made rt-Mtful by the iimi of nature's
groutex! anniHtaut Lincoln Scmual Pills
Prloe, tl.Oi per u iiuy of your druggist or mint
by mail on raoalM of price, In plain wrapper
Hurt Wayac, lud.
Hil 1 mm
eieuotly FuroioHetl Steam Heated
Buropeaa Hlan.
Block aad a half froisj depot.
.sample Room In toaoectton
Roooi Rale
SUk, 75c.