East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 15, 1901, Image 3

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i. -w w iw w .
. . - . . t rvi I air
fc"ll UTIA I II. I. A inWAlV
User Petitioned to Prevent Them
Prom Kncroaehlng on Settlers.
deer has received it retiuest
n linn to forward to the secretary
4iL.ii. 'il hv KKIO Viillow rniuitv
tlir Hon. Secretary of the In-
Wuhlnftton. I. ('., ami to the
an hl'.'iiIh having charge of tin' 1 n-
i r 1 1 ihti'iii i i . i ii-.t i" .
nr nianv venrs ihmv tmm a mm
1. 'I 1 . A I I .
r. 1 1 1 i v l.... ............
V lll.lllllin. i.i . i.v, 1 ti i ...wo..
Tin li 1 1 i I r it I i-ri -1 t i'ii r
made annual i til-urn mne into thi
. t 1 I
tv, i'iiiiiiii iti inn various uepretiH-
0 Um injury of the law-abiding
lnv ili'i'uar.1 our (iiiiir lawn, kin
iIiimi the" streams in plates ami
Mlnon by tin. trboisanle before
Hpawii, ami riuiiiuriiiK tnc HircimiH
ii I I AAlu
li i r mi I in 1 1 1 1 m i
lii'V Mlaii!ii no uio tieer ano cm 01
uresis ami exterminate Um wild
111 .Mlt'll II1MI1IIII I' - ' I "Mil ,.mii
luv linnu in vast ncrus ni ponies
i seiner.
ii nniiiv instiiiiccs l icv rut it'll.-." .
. . ,1 I I I 11......
Ill1 urn. in 111. 1 t iiitiur.1- mi, i iikiii
ll 1 I I ' I .1 1 I I I I I I 1 I i I I I. Illl I i I I I i I i I I
to till I'ltl I
.. . La .1... ' 1 li...
i rriore we .in ...Hi nino ni.-iin
l.ni timi uill fiirnviir 1 1 1 1 1 . tint
Indians from hereafter ruining
Mil rniuitv.
( itlarrli Ciiiinot He Ciirod
I. . . , . I ii u III. iv unit i. i I
mi tl i i.i-i mil In tirilt.r In i ni It
i. I lit..' inn iii.t i ini-. 1 1 1-- ii.ii - "
I 'li' i mil li inii iiniiij nun in 11. nun
i ni. -I it 1 1 1 1 timi . hi.. .write rv nun . a-
fur yoHf. Mini Lit t.'iiiilitr iri'. ruitliili
i 1 1 i i - 1 1 i i i li i in-. nun' . ii nun. ...ii
I .. .1... I i . .... . .....
null I In- l'i'-i IiIinhI i i i i r i i i i i Ht'lhiK
liiilinii ill tin- turn nurri'illi'tlti In wllltt
n il Willi. k'rllll NMItl ill MlttsJ i'
M ini lor i i r 1 1 1 1 1 ri i Irw.1.
. J illKSKY A I'll.. I'rops., Toledo, O.
by 'i i -.: n -i price T.
r'uiiilfy Pull itrt' IBS ln)t.
ill t U M 11 1 III 1 I l A I I I V
critic Oliver, wnu nnui itiu amy
Pilot" This Bvonlns.
i - ii 1 1 r!-u .iirn " in r
PiIiii'.i ill mi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r .. I lilui'MJI tlli-lt
riiuiiiieiitt Hurh aa tliio:
'lull .HI iDil Inl'l , iJUIllia.l .ii, niiw,
I'liitruiliig perfoual it v of .M ihh
r won the NVinpathv of the nu
llum the lirnl. Iter pieaning,
Have you a Broken
ri'i'.tiring and guarauttte it.
Our Uuarantce la (tin
in you can depend upon wnai
in- our hiiriiuer-.-, our name
ur fut'.ire depeudo upon it. Work
II will receive our iiroiunt and
. ar V
i w inn a
In the Uamhler anywhare.
One part in au atruug aa
another. TUat may he one
ruaaou why
Outwear other wheel.
l.adtea' or Uenta' KoadaUr.
or uenlu Light Koauaier jw.
Hi pound Kacer 160.00
orOeiita Ohainleaa 00.00
m, m, 26
,n 1 . . ... , ,. i
A,.ut UutaUll. OW.O-.
. . -
.... ' viiiU A "A
; 01l" w m
Good ones for $1.00
Better ones
$2 50 to $6.00.
New line just received
direct from New York, all
sizes from BO to 50 waist
leaver Bros. Drv Goods Co.
highly-cultured voire, inr onsfleeted
earnestness, unforced vivacity, and
"- . graceful movements created at
tlir outset a favorable impression,
which quickly deepened into a (wiling
nf the greatest admiration an the
reader's conception of Scotch charac
teristics and her ability to portray
them no delightfully were more and
more unfolded.
MiHB Oliver reads Ralph I 'oinmr's
"Hkv Pilot" tbi evening at the
Presbyterian church. The ticket are
50 centa for general admission : H 049 tl
(nr Pendleton academy and High
school students, and are on sale a Cull
man's and llrock A MeConins' drug
If You Kill the Dandruff Germi With the
New Treatment.
John N. Fuller, a well known mi
ten of Colfax, Wanh., says: "I hnd
claiiilriitt hi i hauly tliat it cakeil on my
scalp, llorpinde completely rum
me." (ieorge If. McWhirk of Walla
Walla, Wind. savs: "llerpicide BOSS
pletelv curetl me ol a had cane of iland
ruff of :I0 years' Htanding." 'I'liev took
the olilv renllv HeiiHitile treatment .
remedy that dcHtrovn the dandruff
........ ' v. ....I.,.. . 1 1. ....!:. i.. Bin. ,i i.
H. ill iifiTiiii n inn fill, i.i' i.iiri ii.uir
ruff, hair won't fall out, hut will grow
luxuriantly. A I lavs itching iiiHtantlv
and inakeN hair glossy and soft an hi I k
At druggists. One hottle will con
vi nre any doubter of its nieirts.
Arrival! at Hotel Pendleton.
L M tlannah.
I' K (iarretHon, St l'aul.
I II Blnfban, Cortland.
1' II Mcl'herNon, Srhuvler.
W 'I'homaN, l'ortlaud.
K ( ileiidiuning, Portland.
O 1, KoNcnfold, l'ortlauil.
W Mcl'herHon, rortland.
M II I'atton, Spokane.
0 0 C McNahh, Spokane.
K A I'euuington, Spokane.
H W Dunia, Dalotb.
0 li shalie, San Fnuioiaoo,
lie.. MarriM, 1'ortlaiid.
Andrew Nylamler.
A l-'raiiH, Spokane.
.1 Wooley, Portland.
Chan OmUMTi
(. W Ttnld, St LouiH.
Cor ike.
Win Pathrie, WorceMter, Mann.
Alta Ireland, I.iih Augelea.
H 8 Hill, Hay.
1 Mar lea y , hnaha.
Orion Kiuemly, Portland.
White Man Turned Yellow
(ireat rouaternatioii wait felt hv the
friend- of M. A. Hogarty of Lexington,
Ky., when they eaw he wax turning
yellow. IIin akin alowly changed color,
alt... hiit even, ami lie miltered terriulv
Hia malady waa Yellow Jaundice. He
wan treated hv the heat doctor, hut
without heuetit. Then he wax advittcd
to try Klectric Hitterc, the wonderful
Stomach and l.iver remedy, and he
writett: "After taking two hottlea I
waa wholly cured." A trial ptOfM itf
matchleaa merit for all atoiuach, liver
and kidney trouble Oulv 25c. Bold
hy Tallman A Co., tlruggiatH.
Look at tour h'aee,
And aee if it ia rellecting health ur
diaeaae Karl'n Clover Hoot 'lea
lieailtiliet. tlir fit. .- and romidesloOi and
aMHiiren tierler! health All drtlgglMtc
26 centa and 60 cent Money refunded
if reaulta are not aatiafm tory. Talluian
& UDi
There With tijod.
K you give your grocery order to
Martin he will he "thero with the
n I- " Kineat canned good
dried (ruit in the riiv uU.ivh
hand, alao, nice freah vumtftblai
ib aole ageul for J. H. Jaroh Horn )
celebrated butter. I. u j.rirol and
high quality Kaatern Iiaoi and bacon.
A nice line of ituioked lih. All the
good bMuda of pickle, aauce aud
reliehee. Florida atrawberriea in the
market in a few day.
Acker' Kngliah remedy will epp a
rough at. any time, and will cure the
worst mid in twelve hour, or money
refunded. 26 eta. and 60 eta. For aule
hy iirttck 6i McCoina.
That a remedy cure i the word of
thoae who've tried it.
How often in it aaid, "I can't eep,
my ayetein i run down, my digeation'
had, or I've rheuinatiaiu ur kidney
trouble?" KeporlM of cure by uiy
Dr. Sanden's Belt
Pour iu bv every mail. Theae bow
it to be tiie greatet remedy for all
pain and weakueaae, and if every
sufferer ued thi treatment there
wouldn't beau ailing uutn or woman
today. Write for my intereting book
(free I aud aee the cures I've made.
Dpt. A. Kuaael Block.
Will Join Joha Dodion on the Tanana
and BnKaca In Mining Budget of
Newt Prom the North.
During the summer, T. K. Fell, nf
this place, and Howard Dodaon, of
Portland, will leave for the north, pro
cnetting to the Yukon river and en
gaging in mining. Mr. IHhIpoii wan in
town on Sunday, en route homo from
Spokane. The date ol their departure
hait not been announced. They will
join John Modnon, who hap tieen in
Alaska and the Yukon Territory, B
0., for the greater part of the time
since WW. He now has a number of
claims on the Tanana, 125 miles from
Circle City. His last letter, written
in January, said he was then leaving
for the mines, taking in three tons ol
"grub." Mr. Fell and BoWaVfd Modson
will join him ami engage in mining
with In in. John Dotlson reitorts hav
inc found excel lent prospects, and
hopes the ground will turn out finely
Bit of Northern Newi.
S. 'utile, April 15. The handsome
steamer Victorian, Capt. Roberta, of
the Washington and Alaska Steamshii
company's line, pulled into Yesler
wharf thirt morning with nine passen
gers and a very light load from Skag
wav. She left there last Monday at 10
o'clock in the morning, ('apt. Roberts
reports fair weather, with no more
ice or storm than is to he expected at
this season of the year. There is an
unusual stir going on in the Alaskan
cities a the summer season approaches
hut news from outlying districts was
hard to get on account of the recent
blockade of the railroads hy storm
and slide. It was reported at Skaywai
verified hv the Skagyvav papers, that
severe storm was raging from summit
to l.e Harge and possibly lievonu
April 4 it had reached its severest he
tween Caribou and the summit. Kotl
rotaries were out w ith ind irat ions that
their services would remain in demand
lor some t i me .
Neither Capt. Roberts nor Purser
Parmelee had heard anything of the
reported death of Consul Mrt'ook, and
while fears are entertained here that
the rumor inav be lonmled on fact, his
friends are still hoping that t lgl
undoubted! v ilangerotisl v ill, he mav
recover. There is some ground for
tins hope, iii the fact that the Senator
whose passengers brought the news to
Seattle last night, started from Skag
wav the dav la?fore the Victorian left
and no news of that character had tiecn
verified ti ji to that t iine.
Koyukuk Attracts Attention.
Mail carriers from lower river points
report that the Koyukuk is attracting
more protectors just now than any 0
the other camps below I'awRou, am
other arrivals from the lower river
give the same report.
A man who has been iu close touch
with lower river travel all winter says
that a most favorable indication is the
fact that those who were in the camp
last season are returning.
Dawaon dispatches to the Skagway
News of the date of March 2'i say the
first sluicing is expecteil to begin in a
week or sooner on some of the Klon
dike creeks. Constable Wood, who was
in town this week from Hunker, savs
some expected to have a lluiOS head
hv April 1.
Reports come from the vicinity of
GMMld Forks that sluicing was expected
to begin there soon. I be more conser
vative feel that the last week o
April or the llrst in Mav i- more
likely to prove the starting time.
Lumber is being sawed for tin
sluices, treight is being taken over
the snow while the winter highways
are vet (inn, saw mill. are being
startetl and the leaven is work ing in al I
parti- of the ramp
Another dispatch of April -I from
Dawaon say a:
The Klondike bridge is at last com
pleted. Iialay the structure is an
nounced as finished. The construction
of the bridge across the Klondike has
been au uncertain laiajiihilitv for the
paat two year. Active wor,k was begun
last fall. I he dedicatory ceremonies
will take place Monday.
A Good Thing.
Our great-grand mothers garret
contained the same herb of all heal
ing found iu Karl' Clover Root Tea.
They gave our anceators Htreugth, kept
the blood pure, and will do the same
for you if you say ao. Price 26 eta
and '50 ct. Tallmau ct Co., leading
Second Team Win a Ball tiame Prom
Athena, April 16. Invitations have
been received announcing the mar
riage ol F.dwih Lee lliteluan to M ins
Lottie limber, al the home of the
bride's mother, Mr. Lvdia tiruber,
2i Kureka Mtreet, Sail rraurisco on
Wednesday, May 1. Mr. Ilitemaii is
well and favorably known here, Isping
a on ol J. II. Miienian, oi mi city.
Yesterday morning a baseball game
between the Atheua aecond nine,
known a "McClure' Colt," and a
nine trom Weston was piayeu on (lie
liamoud iu thi city. The reeult wa
a victory lor me Aiuena team oy a
score ol Zi lo Vi. Mono Drown,
Athena' crack pitcher, acted M
umpire, aud his decision were satis
factory. A large number came over
from Weston to witues the game.
1 he ttnru nine, composed oi nova
under 1 years of age, plaved a game
of baseball at the home of Jerry Stone,
who live about three miles southwest
of Atheua, Haturdav. The opposing
team was boyaliving iu that auction.
The Atheua boys won with a acore of
I to UJ),
Joseph Raiiiville wa a Peudleton
viait on Thursday.
Loui tiergtiviu transacted business
in Walla Walla Friday.
Clark Wood, editor of the Leader,
aud Oti Turuer, of Weetou, were
Athena viitors Saturday.
Mr. F. li. Boyd and daughter, Miss
Cecile, visited with relative Saturday
at Milton.
F'red Fiucher returned Saturday
morning from t nioii. lie reports that
his sister, Mrs. Oweu Uuaie, who ha
been dangerously ill for the paat two
week, is now rapidly recovering.
James S. McKay, traiuer for frank
I iuoi-i, of Pendleton, was iu town
Saturday. He drove Mr. t rais ier'.tiue
horse, Westheld.
The Misses Hryson, ot Weston, were
Athena visitor Saturday.
James lint ten left today for Walla
Walla, where he will accept a position
in the uaudy factory of Owens &
A man by the name ol Uotnrock was
gathered iu by our city marshal on
Saturday for disorderly conduct. Ibe
, i, i.tiir assessed mm eo.ou, wumu
he paid. . .
Mrs. Austin cos auu mi itontn
Foss left laat evening for More, wner
mau county, to attend the wedding of
Mr. Johu Foa at that place next Wed-
K. tl. Htoue weui 10 nana
Saturday on business. He expect to
ho i.i. sent several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Kemp and children
left Saturday to visit Mr. Kemp's
narents, two miles below Milton. Ira
was armed with a fishing rod.
Mrs. LaViers, of the Nonpareil Mil
linery store, of this city, transacted
business in Walla Walla" Sstnrday.
Helix was represented in this city
Saturday by William Richards, princi
pal of the public school at that place,
and Thomas Montgomery, Mr. Rich
ards says that everyone iu that place
will turn out and attend the Athena
Walla Walla baseball game next Sun
W. J. Wilkinson sold to Ren Cragen
a brown driving team for 1S.' Satur
Bastern Oregon and Washington Prom
in nt in tae Lists.
Pendleton horsemen have made a
nnmlr of entries for the Salem state
fair races, and other Inland Ktnpirt
towns are making a fine showing.
F.ntries from this region are:
f 1000 for 2-Year-Olds.
Thomas Thompson. Pendleton, b.
f. Promise, by Westtield, dam Lean
tier, hv l.amltert.
Frank Krar.ier, Pendleton, h. c. Or.
Smith, bv cttichl,dam hy Altai it.
Cria Simpson, Pendleton, b. c
Charlev S., bv Homier N. R., dam
Cris Simpson, Pendleton, b, r. c.
Oiegon Sunshine, by llonner N. R.,
.lam by Caution.
Cris Simpson, Pendleton, ch. f.
New If MB, by Bonner N. B., dam by
Tom V.
I'ns Sitniis Pendleton, b. f.
Orphan, bv Bonner N. B., dam
.lames Krwin, Pendleton, b. f. Ollie
M,, by Westtield, dam bv Caution.
H. B. Rutherford, Walla Walla,
blk. f. Ada Norte, by 1'el Norte, dam
hy Adirondack.
Thomas lionan, Hayton, Wash., cb.
f Merwin. hy Antrim, dam Darwina.
by Meredith.
J. W. Striber, 1,a Orandc. blk. f.
Lady of la Orande, by Chehalis, dam
Thomas H. Brents, Walla Walla,
blk. f. Mvlady, by Chehalis, dam
Saffrone and b. f. Halladv, by Che
halis, dam I.aurellia.
Thomas Koiian. Mayton, Wash., m.
f. Amelia, by Arrnnaux, dam Jay
Robert Prior. Klleiisburg, b. f. Wil
son i.irl, hv Wilson Hoy, iiam un-
J. A. Baddclev. Weston, b. c. I'ncle
Remus, by Saltese, dam T. A. T., by
little Tod.
B1000 for Bill Paean.
Cris Simpson, Pendleton, hr. m.
Alta Norte, by Dtl Norte-Rorkwo.i.l.
John Camiihell, Pendleton, hr. s.
John Kdis.in.hv Caution-Jerome Kddv.
Frank Fra.ier, Pendleton, b. s.
Uassalo, by Westlield-Altamoiit .
R. Starkweather, Pendleton, hr. g.
Slarkev, bv Chehal is-Jennie I.ind.
$1000 for 2:20 Trotters.
Cris Simpson, Pendleton, h. g. Phil
N.. hv Bonner N. Il.--Hrace.
j. A. lttddclev, Weston, b. m.
0eta, hv Caution-iiohleii liirl.
(ieorge Peringer. Pendleton, br. g.
Mount Hood, by Wcstcrlield-Ingram.
L. I. I.ott, Vaitsburg. ch. s. I inal
Chance, hv ntrim-I.evi.
600 ror I and 4-Year-0ld Trotters.
I rank Harrows. Walla Walla, blk.
C. Phal Norte, bv Mel Norte-Phal 1-
mont Maid.
Brara the knlar of r H. II. Pi.btv
In use fur inuir tlwu thirty years, and
Tkt Kind Vum Hun Alwayt lloufkL.
Many Oevices In Use In the Arid Land
"in the development of the arid
West," says F. H. Newell, llydrogra-
pfier ol the dttologiral Survey, in a
contribution to National Irrigation
'everv possible device Is being Used by
which water may la brought lo the
surface. Some of these methods are
crude but effective and interesting,
a affording an indication of the in
genuity of the people. Wind power
is largely useu, uni wnere pract icanie
water Hiwer Is employed, one of the
luoMt interesting devices being that hy
which uiehi shot water wheels are
ilari'l ii, swiftly flowing streams.
Sometimes these water-wheels operale
pumps, hut more usually they carry
upon tHeir rims small buckets in
which water is raised from the surface
f the stream and dr.ipi.ed into the
llumes through which it flows by
gravity to the field.
Water-wheels of this kind are as
Id a oiviliiat lou, and were employed
long before the dawn of history in
Kgypt and in the far hast, Thttv have
beeu reinvented in almost every part of
the arid region. Almost numberless
ltrsons have attempted to obtain
patents upon these, believing in earl.
ase that thev had brought to light a
new device. 1 he tllsgust of theae in
dividuals may well he imagined when
they are iu formed that thuir invention.
instead ot being new, dales bark into
the traditional past."
It's a Short Road
from a cough to consumptioa
Don't neglect a cough take
when your cold appears. The
ounce of prevention " is
better than years of illn
l ufli0 for ftntnm wut. bronchial
aad Isag uoubU. Ralwd blood lrauuur
b, . ... MJi iu tb IMkotu .ad akv part. i
Mt but muI raHsi. ICturaa MM mm4
li ,.i lak'nc bairuiM A l.w bottlM w.
fltlr iuihI m I
it Lb. IIMW ol
hsmky t. pitch i a.
With F. L. Otmm A Co
., witsi.. Bugals.
M. Y.
llllna's Cna.ii Cue la sola b aJJ
.nuuuu a. . mmm. u m no. m
pnataa gaa-iaHl ma mm wimm iur Oottl.
l, bottl
If jau ava as aa4aaBM ga ta juur
Wnu far Ulyti.lwl baak aa louauiopiioa. baol
.itaaat caat la ras. . C. Wall, a Co , LiLa, N.V.
For aaUe by Talluuui At I n., UruggleU.
For Rig5
To go Fishing
or for a cab to make
telephone Main . w
ai W.N CKA1U,
Depot SUbie.
Interest In Baseball Is Mora Pronounead
In Pendleton Than It Has Been
for Years.
The first practice game ol baseball
of the season was played on the lower
Alta street grounds Sunday aftern.Hui.
bv two nicked nines, in the presence oi
about an hundred and fifty ladies and
gentlemen anil a lot of bicycles. The
game showed that I he interest in base
ball is more intense in Pendleton than
it, ha been for years, ami that gotxl
games will hu well patronised, whether
on week day or Sunday. There RSff
a number of candidates for pSSltlOM
on the first nine iu the game yester
day. The Pendleton hoys who have
been the bulwark of the club in past
reasons showed up to good advantage,
Whllf several strangers caught (lie
nopals' fanrv and became prime
favorites at ."lire. The full nine innings
were played and the score at the close
was !! to B iu favor of the team com
posed most largely of those who will
play regularly with the Pendleton
nine. Cmnin, a member of the High
school team, pitched for the winners.
Bd Mupnis plotbed the latter part of
the game for the losers ami showed
that he will continue to la? a standby
this year, as previously, both at the
hat and in the field. Frank I'lrirh,
George Hartman. Klmer Turner. Bob
Fletcher, Claude Medley. Boxy Horne
were in it, considering all the disad
vantages under wit it-It thev plaved
Frank Hoffman, a new man, did fairly
well in the field, hut was out of luck
at the bat. Jim Cox, from Poratello,
fielded anil batted well. Charley
tiraham got into the game late, and
did not have much opportunity, but
gav.. e idence of being aide to hold his
own in a good team.
The New Rules.
Jack Baker umpired the first few
innings ami Jim Seace the rest of the
fame. The new rules were observed,
his was a good schooling, as the game
brought out several interpretations
that caused great surprise even to
those hall players who thought they
knew something of the game.
The First Real Game.
The Is.artl of directors have more
business on hand than J. Pierpotit
Morgan and his advisers in the steel
trust. They will first put the grounds
in good shate and get a few new uni
forms for the players. Another thing
of prime importance is the selection of
a manager. This will tint be done
until after title deliberation, if it
takes all summer. Allowing for
reasonable delays incident to com
mencing operations, it is not thought
that the local team can get into
proper condition for a game before
Sunday, May It is the intention
imw to open the grounds w ith a victory
on that date, and start the season with
a boom.
It Will Do You;uood.
A blood purifier anil tissue builder is
Karl's Clover Kts.t Tea. Sold for half i
a centnrv on our guarantee. Money I
refiitidtsl if results are not satisfactory.
Price 2f eta. and fiO ct. Tallman A I
One hundred and tiftv recruits of
the Nth cavalry regiment deserted
from Fort Leavenworth on account of I
thinking Aguinaldo's capture will
prevent beiii going to the Philippines.
The oul) HeMllli CulTec.
The stepping atone to perfect health
Is-Flgprune Cereal. This dellghmn
beverage la a great aid to digestion and
Its dally use. In place of tea and coffee.
la already being recommended by plty
elulana. Klgprune consists of 64 per cent fruit
and It per rent grains.
i ia ...! Prases
attain the highest degree "f perfection
In California and theae choice fruits.
eomblned with selected grains, eclen
MHoally blended, make the best aud
aaost nutritious oereal ouflt. on the
Flgrrun. la prepared only by the
Flgprune Cereal Co., Ban Joae. Calif.
Coffee la more Injurious than tea, aa
II not aaUy afreet the nerves, but has
a deolded tendenay to analce on bilious.
Tlgprune Cereal la an agreeable and
healthful substitute. Aak your gro.ar
for the new health ooflW -Ptgprun
Oareai. a California produot.
Under New nanagement.
J. W BANCatOPT, Prop.
Kala ll.r. aul ll.'iU per day, Meals itx
Spei lal UaUia Lv lite uiuulti
Beat H..u I in the illy lor I'aialll
Bus Wall Usui.
Kim .ailiHr in.,ai.
Klerlrlc UatiU ami Mleatii Ileal
Kir prooi buiidii.f
Cor. Court and Johnson Sts.
Take the
Washington &
Columbia River
For Chicago, Kt. Paul, Ht. Ixiuis, Kan
eil. U. I,. Omaha ami "
All Points Cast and South
l'ortlaud and point,
on the Sound.
A.nvua Uoinlay., Weilueaday. auU Krida.al
Mm m rut.l. Thurailart.ud satui-d.).
11 :6 s
HI, at.
llaparu daily escepi Suuilny al .uu 11
Knr lufni niaUutj roaardlu. rale, aud
uioxJaLlou. rail uu ur addraa
W. AVAMU, Agaai.
fandielou. (Iregou
g. a i of ..11 m. n U. I A
Wall. WalU. Waaa.
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
& Marx
m..t. . - a
Blue Serge Suits
Bins t hat's blttfi wool that's
wool, cool. dtOSSy, perfect titling,
doubts or Millie bfeastcil sacks
with liningi half lining) or iii) lin
ing. Just the suit you ought to
have at the price you oughl to pa
$10 lo $17.50.
ThSSS are suits
that are nSVSI
right ami you
wrong, are .i Iu .i
know with
satisfaction guar
m. ttst mm IbW
I.I a V UallK.-r, I lie ri.'rttiiui nf a fniiitii. rreiirli nliy .Irian , will qnti
In r i hi. nr ill. ,iat nf the JO'llr-roliys It i.. I.n.t ajniili
I li'l h'll if ft
til ii i f tlitt k ')' rul
am. in in. k ... ...I..
Im it. . .,(,
III Marrt Sal.
mil nr. a In a.m. I.ili.n.il.,, muI .n.ilailai
1 1 StOl'1 till It-JUM'H h V I In v lir lllarhL
It'll In Iii (sin riNMiorrliu niHt h1
II lr. lilt L I.I 111 V fi i.i ill I till HI 1 uaf
Will rMorOrinnin,l w - k
I ..tir. oh nulTi-r, rn Mr. i . t rnri-d liy IN m ot
Cri'lKKNK lint stial v hniiuii
tunmiiU'tiglvi ii mi.i moiir r. lartir-il If iUm t.,.(.wi,ok (Uatuiaim.itin.tuiv. ll.uu L-ul lor t
mull. Sftxl for ritKK rin'uhir rtinl t M um mUla,
AOJrfMtn l VOL ffl I. I fn a. .. n Hoi 91711, Hn Krsutt lanus)L
FOIt H I.K II V T l-I.M s (U . IMMi,(ISlS. I'KMH I ION, OIIKUiiff
li un n v i.. , un w
'I'.. gMSa K'hhI blSSd SSe livers' Kent Hour. It took li r hI
iireni jtini at the OhieSStP Wot Id - I'air over all gSSSBil
t hill , lllld gives exrel leiii Mlt inf art ion M herever IINitl.
Kvery saea in naranl I. We have tin. Deal MeSN
Kolleil BaileV i Heel live and IteardltHH llarlet
W, s. BYER8, Proprietor.
Hotel Pendleton
Under New
Strictly Flrst-Cltti
Kicellent Cuisine.
Kvery Modern
Bar and Kllllard Uooma
The Beat Motel
Van Didii Bros.. 1'i'ti.s.
A sure rniuedy (or lire ami mites,
international I'oultr) POOd keej the heiir. heallliv. ml. a aril aids digestion,
IS' in meal gives strength to ynillig ihiiks.
A .Iran, inotteiiBite but nutritious It.rliluer for your lawns.
C. F. Colesworthy Hou,try and Hee "pp'y Ptpot
r am. warH aw m ii iim in. tjuuitu
For Every Age
Every Size
Kind of a hobby with us.
I lag continually about good
nig, but We know pist how
I diflsrsnes thsrs is bstwssn
and pout clothing and how
otic nets fooled sometimes,
ask cy. iy man who is in the
i loth
much good
ket for a sun to see our collection
ol spring snd summi t Suits
These stilts are made ol all wool
materials. serges, cassimeres,
Whipcords, clays, cheviots, tweeds
herringbones, easily the handsom
est line ever shown in I'endleton.
1 hit urrnl Vegi l.
f nil mt I I rn. li tli tii lull. Will 41 Mli k I V fin Vi hi nf Ball
i v ' i.i . i - Mi I l 1 tan littuffl, I VwM mleV
ImUatiMlS iMrntina llrt.ll.l v 11 1st fia
. la... Haul... m mm a- I I a. Bka.il ..i.al aialiaat
.1 l N . mil. II. I.IIH. in.
I ' r . I HI ioiiLL it.taa iif it .seh..iL'e kvliLfh 1 1 tint . h.stk 1
llm liormrn f iniiNitfnrv, I' HI gKWK rltwiiNOM lh
V itretiiiB ..I Sail 1 1 1 . 1 .1 . r 1 1 liia I I IHIkllMI1 .1 ruoalliaital
In hfw 90 im t n-nl ui tnmhlitl nrlih Prstwissllll.
nil nt mi ni.-. -in f. , inn it. t A wrltli'
aiiiiv. 'it nt
Give Us a Trial.
Kales $2 00 a daj
Special Rates by
Week or moid
Headquarlera lor Travcllnu Men
In flaalern Oregon.
s ii 1 1 c sso i s to J. c. (lloore
Steam Heated
tiuropean Plan
Block and a hall froia dpot.
Sample kuom In touaectJoa
Kuoill kale
50v. 75c. Sl.Ou
nrSffl '1911 LV
ii h