Da- A 1 1 . Shirt Waists for Spring. We have just rocuivci! R latgt assortment of shirt wa.sts which we arc selling at prices that are all rilit. You can gel an elcRant waist for 50c. ami our dolUt waist 1- simplv a "peach," just the kind that you like to wear. Our spring ami summer goodl are now in. Siiks, Ginghams, Lawns. Dimities, White Goods, Per cales, etc. BEE US FOK BARGAINS. THE MAGNET Clements & Wilson. MONDAY, APRIL ir. 1901. DAILY. WEEKLY AND SEMI-WEEKLY BY THI- Kit Orcgonlati PablUhlufc Company, FHNDLHTON. OKI. .ON. hail H'WfmrTion itn Or copy r ' f 1 Kurrtrf Mont h . 1 v in i 1 . . m n f Pnvropf P . I met frtfti tubacnHton Ua - MHi-wmtv MffM MfW H - Oh MpVtlM Urn f'(' rnnnlht TrUl MM riftton ftterie I ti MMtl MMMMffftOM lAfMi (Ha ro-pa ?tlf t ien'J it tttonlb Tnil eui. ripiton .!' ttW . 1 Oat Inch. M let, in I (Dm A'tt r i-cuti l I .f1 . . 1 . 1 Uee nun. or lea T't (ni he. Ml Qf thta ln rw rr month tamtth I 'i I ,11 IHrf . . 1 fl in nth , SB i.'ln W.'alt,pera.."iUi . . ... it. In Wte.fv. ptt Imh per pionih . . I et. In T11 day'a laas. el b ml Wkly, Ifn-UffiitrnMni. m sii.' Wrtti, Wnilr 2 rttott.lMI iatb.ilw, each auUaeiuenl Inn ttn MM l ' .! 'aaentoa. O... Ik r.',", De.ir. ai HK BUILT LASTING CHAHACTKR. From nil part of Oregon col i pies of the state press i-ontitiniii". iiccoihiIm of IM ilenth of LtWll Herk.-lev OOX In every instance accomi'iiiiyim: tlnni are editorial expressions iiccordin,: b tin- late dltliDgnkUMd eltiMo a place occupied liy few persons in tlx state. He had won mi i vernal bc and bonor by a life ol Ktrenuth. and thai which in corelative, or rather it- ciiiisat inn , purity. L. U. (Vx wan man wliolivci! on a plane for alxive that on which men commonly are content to remain. Kin wan no ambition merely to secure weulth, osit ion , fame, lie had n sordid aim, albeit ho wan MItOMbI) diligent in winning money from the game of life. 1 1 in farewell message t" all bin friend, which appeared in the Eaat Oregon inn. wan that of a man who cared for hi follow nuui , who acknowledged that he owed a debt t" tiie world, and who wan willing to pay it. fie found pleasure in helping Ml fellows, in making a pathway pleaaanter, a burden lighter, a heart lean ad. To him. thin world wax an epoch in an eternity, therefore it mual be live. earnestly, carefully, thought fully. To him, men ami women were of feeling and sensibil ities, hence lie wave careful lent lie needleaaly wound them. II- wa tlH.ugl.iln; tender, en aide rate. Hut be wan more than thin. He wan a lion in courage. He a food for bin convictionn. How few ar- Ih-y who do thin' How man tlms.- v,n.. fe.tr an otlier'n ceiiaure ' Hut La ' ON feared only the ceneti re of bin own coiiwioim uees and bin own better nature. Theae approving, lie would -land againnt tbe world. Kew there are who have mad- the real sucoss in life attained by 1.. IS. Cox, not a success from a material point of view. But real nuccean, the auccean that maker, for eternity There need be no bante in writing a memoir of L. IL Cox. Today as well aa yesterday. Tomorrow as well an to day. A week, a mouth, a year alter bis death, it mattern uot. Hin works re main, remain miperisbable, for he built that which nothing outlanl, character, laaliug character, a char acter lit for what may come to man after panning from tune to the uiyn teriea of tbe great beyond. liUKSTION Of LKASINU. borne form of law for loaning public grazing laudn will l .. o-.l. rbil ll junt an inevil.ibl- m that the rang country will be more thickly nettled than it now in. And the very i.t, t ,,i an oncoming hont of I Ml kaj w ill force the euactm-nl cd law In prevent tbe freijuent trouble- between men who are crowding eacn oilier with their bandn of liventock. It may bu dulanlcful to th- we-l-rn aiieep and cattle own-rc. Suit- tiie earlieat yearn ol aettlviiient, grating laudn have been free to all tOCMM Vaat fortune have been mad-. Knor moun ipianliti-- of meat food have been aupplied from the Went, under a regime that demanded no rental from tbe tlockiuanU-r or cattle owner. Thia ban accuntoiued them to look upon Koveruiiient land an their own, nub- jeel not to tli- name lawn that govern tbe diaponition ol laudn til for agri culture and fruit raining. An aioiiahl agreement in favor of leaning tbe rang never would be roacjied, were it nut for tbe collinion and -narr-l BJB0B kbe hveatock men theniM Iven. Tbrougboul the range country pl- oling altair 00' cur wilb too great freqneucj Vrl tbe majority ar- canned bj mauU of oue man on that which an other riai in- an inn own particular rauge, and the r-. ntuient renulting from invaaiou of tlial wliieii in regarde.1 aa aliuoat a veated right. Tbejja killiugn are doing more to CASH STORE Court and Cottonwood fOm a leasing law than in any other one thing. Arguments as t necessity of preserving the range from spoliation of the grasses have mil half the weight of theae bloody encounters between men who strive to bwp what is theirs only by a "lox BOB crlpta" or un written law. line consideration will weigh, and weigh heavilv with all fair minded oersonn. This is the claim of the settler in the rang- country to a por tion of gra.ing laud near his home stead, l'.veryone will admit that it ia hard, indeed, for him to be crowded to bin verv doors bv stock owners who 0OM from a distance and who would leave no gran lieyond the Inw acres he has patented under the homestead act. FUTURK OK ALASKA. It mav be truly said, and without boasting, that Alaska ami the Yukon lernto-v have a greater weano oi nun eral resource than all of the united Mate- and Canada combined. This is a bnad -tatemetit and rry be thought that we are going outside of conserva tive limits. Hut this wonderfully rich eouotr) '",M l,ot attracted the attention of men of capital until a comparative recent date, and now that her wonder ml pfOTJOftlOa eie becoming known in the center of the world's commerce, Alaska and the llrttish Yukon are rap " taking the lead. Apart from her large, valuable pla-er-. -he has mountains of mineral bearing qoartl, rich in gold, silver and i -pper. With increased transporta tion facllltie- and modern methods of treating the bane ores, she will soon inak- tin- vast mineral wealth pour into (he avenue- of commerce. Header, take inn map of Alaska, put your ll - .... .1... u..,i. 1 1 i. u r .mil ill 1 1 r i ...... 1 f II 1 1 1. . oil lie rmiinvnni w . ....-w. Wales island, then draw your linger along tile limine passage in you iuuir ... ill. rUi. aii.. ii.ki.il nf I vn.i eianMl in pnnnni , no i. ... .. m. ------- You will observe that MM pasn over a . i i ...ii.... country more man u wioiiiwiiii nine long by several hiindreal miles wide, maiiilaiiil and islands, with more than l.'.ono miles of shore line. In area, larger than three mining stales. Along this same line is tin great highway of commerce, over which all th- supplies ami macnuiery pass to the vast interior. Kvery few miles along this route and the outly ing nub districts you will rind mines, either in their first stages of develop ment, or tbe completely developed in having reduction works with the latest modern improvements, oue of which i the largest stamp mill in tin- world. Thin district, just de scribed, i called Southeastern Alaska It is one of the grand division of the real northiaud. Within thin division he the numerous and prosperous sub districts such as Cook Inlet, Prince William Sound. Copper Kiver, Vakutat. Juneau, I'rinee of Wales inland. Copper Mountain, Helm bay, BeratM Bay, sumdum, Ketchikan, sii-tiinbam, Porcupine ami Lynn canal, with smaller ones too numerous to mention. Tiie value of tbe , i.iri mine development of these districts, in a com mere nl sense, in almost in calculable. Beth year brings from t hen i increased demand for nupplien and mining machinery. All told, there are now dropping in thin district l"4 -lam p. The official figures tell un that for the ear 1900 Alanka produced over 4,500,000, and the Hritish Yukon nearly 120,000,000, making a total of -'l, . oo.OOO. I'hm gold i worth far more to the cmintrv than the amount drawn hither from other countries m settlement of trade balances. It in a new nupply for the world's uajed, uot merely a portion of tiie present stock, nhilled from one quarter to tbe other. It is a tangible addition to the money ol the world, yet but little attention in being paid by editor of mining journal- published outside of tbe district to tiie effect upon tiie country oi the Alaska ami Hritish Yukon gold supply. At tli- present rate of development of th- gold resources of Alanka and the lirilish Yukon, however, their si.urce of supply cannot long tie overlooked. The Klondike is already producing nearly tw-nty million annually ; the Cap- Koma district may show a still lligbr record within a year or no, ami recent discoveries indicate that there ar, other districts coining illlo pro duction which will rival both the Klondike and Nome. ISo far the pro- due- of gold in Alaska came largely from th- placer fields. Tbe quartz in me are in their early stage of de velopment . Heloru the known placers ar- exhausted, however, their place will be more than taken by tbe quartz miner and within the present de cade Alanka and the Hritish Yukon will rival the Hand and Australia, and materially ant in placing the bulled staten and Canada in the tirnt and second position among the gold pro ducers of the world.- Alaska-Yukon .Mining Journal. llli LONVKHMON UK PHILLIPS. RVOi l-ather Phillips ha fallen under the hy miotic influence of J. Pierpont Morgan. A touch ol tbe coal baron 'a velvet band sent iuexpreasible thrills down the clerical spilie ami Katlier PhilliNt iu a second wan under tbe spell of the great liuauce wizard's eye. Iu the priest it nceined that that eye look-. I i b ar through him and by a Hash from it lie perceived that Morgan is "a friend of mankind." it is strange that father Phillipa was so slow iu finding this out. Others . i ii. ..I Mr Mornau was a nave aininii !- : ,. friend Of mankind all along. J.WJ move of bis has been purely pnnan-. Ibropie. tl if gobble Of ra. .way- s inspired, not bv a greed for higher rate- and stiffer dividends, hut hv a passionate longing to serve humanity. Hi- swallowing of the steel indn-try was suggested, not by an ambition to crush eempetltloft end to ennenee the cost of steel to consumers, but by bis yearning to serve labor. An I B01 his grip upon the great anthracite COO I Held which (iod created for his special benefit is held, not to extort tribute from the freezing, not to swell the un earned profits of monopoly, but that he mav thus become the "great media tor" between cormorant Capital and needy Labor. "Morgan is the greatest man I ever met." said Father Phillip". "1 l"'k upon him with wonder. In the few minutes I wii with him he reached mv innermost thoughts before 1 could ex press them. Si it seems that III Morgan i some thing more than a touch of the divine. "lie knew what I wanted to l i and said it better than I could. He got at the verv truth of the Better Ml n Hash" something that father Phil lips has never done at all. "I bad dreaded that interview with Mr Mor gan. I feared him a u great capitalist Hut the moment he grasped mv hand mv fears were gone. "In an instant I knew he wasn Iriend of mankind who could be trailed. "I do not believe a higher minded, more conscientious man than he exists today. 1 have been a student Ol human nature all no Ufa), nd I know I have been correct iu summing up the character of Mr. Moragu. "He is the great mediator between capital and labor ' ' Let no man hereafter dare to cavil at the great Morgan or qaeetlofl his benevolent motive. Let no one think of the higher price of coal the higher rates of freight, the enhanced OOej of teel or of anv other of the trivial in cidents of Morgan's superb philan thropic activities. He is a friend of mankind, lie i a mlndrnedor one able to read the simple mind of a pi 01 preacher who looked upon the banket as n heathen might upon his joss and who, in spirit at least, straightway crwoked the pregnant hinges of the knee before the lordly plutocrat whose In.i mav liaaaaaa had in it some deli cate suggestion of how thrift mav fol low fawning. a Iu anv eent Father Phillips be comes the apostolic herald of tin di vine Wall street magician. (Hie band grasp did the business. Saul of Tarsus was not more miraculously convert' d On one supreme instant the scales fell from the clerical eyes and they saw Morgan no longer as iu a glass darkly, but in the naked beauty of his noble character. And thus the world is put under a debt of gratitude to Father Phillis. No one can question hi estimate. It lifts Morgan to a niche iimoiig tl loci ami there let him shine.-John-town Deeeoeral . Scrofula THE OFFSPRING OF HEREDITARY BLOOD TAINT, Scrofula ia but iimodified form of Tilon Poison and Coulumption. Tbe parent who is united by cither will aee ui Un child the aame disease manifesting it self in the form of swollen gland-, of the neck and throat, catarrh, weak eyes, offensive aorea and absceaaes and of tentimes white swell ing sure sign a of Scrofula. There may be no external signs for a long time, for the diacaat. develop alowh in some cases, but the poieon la in th blood and will break out at the first favor able opportunity. S. 8. 6. curea tine watt lug destructive disease by nrat purif yimj and building up the blood and stimulating aud invigoiatnig the wboaeeystem. J. II. Heal., 1 1) Hublueqaart NwhvlllcTaan. To cara agu Uy dumr fall nu.l cul bci foaehca l from ikia aruatul U gUuJa on the BkM of hr facaNicama.wcJ, l ur.ia-t Kotur of llir Wa: aue,or haraj ato sUtwlicra StUuJed hr arUhoajt u. bamtfit. W JrtldeJ Jo try a C. a, sad a fans baxUaj amrasd bcr u afBa afgjj make new and pur B-J 9A BM blood to nounah and W ba stntugtheii the body, kJLEkJ aud la a lji I ire ami 9r 9 BT safe cure for Scrofula. It overcome.-, all form of blood poison, whethau inherited or acquired, aud DC remedy so thoroughly and effectively cleausen the blood If you have any blood trouble, or your chUd baa inherited aumt blood t out take S. S. S. and get the blood in good condition and prevent the disease doiug further damage. Send for our free book and write oui physicians about your case. We make uc Charge wliatever for medical advice. IMS aVWIFT SPIUFIC CO.. ATLANTA. OA. Money to Loan On city property at a low rate of interest. Can la- r t .1 ul in monthly install ments NO COMMISSIONS. Will loan on unproved property or will furnish money to build with Will be pleased to give fig ures of actual cost to any one needing a loan FRANK B. CL0PT0N boo Main Street. 0 KENTuJCKY .WHISKEY atold by JOHN iciimiih The Louvre Saloon PKNPLKTON OHKUON Dally fc.a. 1 Oregoman, deavered by canier, only 15 cents a week. m 0 . wa id l gMp f e SaOBair I bu h w V moons attractive womanhood and equip her for the duties of wife nd motherhood. All dnijgtitJ sell $l 0 boltlea o( Ulno ol Cardul. Tho Hollywood, Asbnrv Park, ft, J., Fnhrnair 8. t900. 1 rra.1 ftat edverl. in rear,l t- Wm.-of t'ardul In th,. ) '. Amrncio sn.l It so f. orahly Impressed to that on iny 1 lattk 1 ' h.7Wa For til IU and IttBTttnn i, flvin llaFpaitiiiant. 1 n t iittanioge !n BUSINESS CHANGE WHITE H0USI: GROCERY UNDBR NE;W HANAGEIrlKNT Mil AKi: INVITB0 Thompson & "THE SKY PILOT. RKAOINtl BY Miss Katherine 03ver Monday Evening, April 15 1901. Presbyterian Church. fa this "Tata of the rootkUU.'' bi Ralfh O0.MT, Miss Olivet portray- tie- innnor mid pal lie- iii flcrn life with M.I. i . i and power equal to any oi lior gaCMh inlepn lalimi- CUABACTgKH Aril.ur V. Iliiitiin Mn-r- . Hroni o inn Ill K.u.lal MereaJlth Tin "llilkc" . It.. I, M ill i Act I Tli Pilot "xei- in ait work.'' Act ii -Ho. the Dhareh an bain, ADMISSION soc Students of NK UM I lime I .' Iiiuca 1 Ittaaof M- each xl . : 1 - - r : CLASSIFIED ADS. 1. U S : s.A'i.N ttoltP. I'd TIIK LINK. Oaa lltV or Oto, per week, at Hie rale of lie per Hue. un,- llii or tuur . it luonth. at Hi- rata- of 4- iier Hue I Utll LINK 1 Mail jo- llisaee.... .. - Slllllea M UK- each .itilltioual ni.crliun pooi uaBi I time tie . liases . . i n' .1 lines tie taah aiiiiiousi lllaerll.lll HKLP W AN TKl). W AS i BJj BALKt MIA. BAIaaVRY iK i'obiiuImIuq ; tobool furniture aad suppllaas. i ii ion - i irnlslitng Co.. Ml i -i. - Chieago, 111.. rO!' - ALK lift KXCHANUK. A NBW BIX 1 1 1 : s r. I'oWKK QAbM) line Bine and all ll t in- couiplele, tnllk. plpiogi Eatterj and aleeirlo aparaor. at a loir 1 r fflll exehange for corawooss, J. i iove, rsnttletou, Oregon. MUSIC AND PIANO TUNINU. fltoK. KOUKH1 UALLOT, VIOLIN SO- lol.l an I loailer of M uh npi-ra llouac orcbsatra 1 earlier ol rioiia, viola cello, ba.a, man loliu, guitar piaus. S'l orxan. barxaMi . i-oiliiterpotiil, arrau-feluaiai and or. Iieairslion Voir-culliin-(lialiaii lualboilj. nuily of parts for coini- aiel gratel opara Piano tuiiuiif ami repamiiK iirouiptiy duin (inlnalra music lurnitlieil lor parlien, bail, ami all ocoaaloiia Kor uaif.seuieiii-. apply lo C ('. 8Urp, upara lliiuaa block I'll Y -all IAN.V UK. W. 0, 0OLI. OFIflOi IN .M'H1 uull'liiig DSlce bourn, 1' to VI a.m.; 1 to S p. m. Telepboue 77. K. W. VIM KNT, M. 1). OVVIUR KKAK ol ri i Nalloual ii ma i ) .ll, . bour. iu io I. a. m. ; . to 8 p. in. Dtt8. SMITH 4 HKNOKltHON. oKKiDK over I'eU'llelon riaviuga ... n. Iclepbouo 81, realdanii u-iepboue .1. ti. H. QABJrlBU), M. l , HO.MK PATH 1c Physician ami aurifeou. OSlee In Jml! UulMlUk Telepboue: OHlce. bla k SO; real tleuie. black at. PR, H. .1. M l Al l.. ROOD lion blia-k Telepboue at; pboue, black 111. IT, A8S00IA. reaidaoe lele OHTKOFATHH I'tf YHI0IAN8, OltH. Keyu. A Keyoa orbee, ouu block ae.t of iioa ton btore LYNN K. rU.AKKHI.KK, OUUONIC anil uervoua iliaeaaK;. anil ilieaau ol women. Opp Hotel, ml Walvr ami Main iat . IVudle tou, Ore aTTORNIfg. t AKTKi: A RALRY, ATTORN RY8 AT Law oflne iu Saviuga Hank Buibliug HKAN A LOWRLL, ATTORN ft YH AT Lav, Kii.ii . 11 A mliiiii Block. I -a ll. tou, Oiugon T. Li. HA1I.KY, LAWYHR. OKKIOK IN J inM Hulliliug. HtirlltalsTI. Oregou. sill. I. man a PIHROK, ATTORNRYtl at law. i... o, 11, j ami U AaMM-iatiou block. N. HKKK KI.KY, ATTOKNKYAT LAW, 111 e 111 A.aoelallOU Block K. P, HOY1), ATTOKNKY AT l.AVY. IU Court at. JAMKH A. r KK, LAW Or r H K IN JUUH buildiug Start Girls Right! Msny hrsutlful .lrli become Invsllds for lift, became t th truclsl prriod of puhrrty they pay no sttrntlon to the lawf of health Mothrra ihould protect their duhtrr' health hy .f,lv ln thtm ncrraasry Informstlon and proper treatment. When the meaiti come on 'rl unawares In her Inexperience ihc l either frightened Into convulilonj, or scared Into try. m to cherk the flow. Many slrli have checked the flow ana1 It has never itsrted ain. And at a reult they have grown pale laced, with "crow-trcki" on their rheeki, nd dark half- under their tyei. A doie of CARDlll taken even' morning after a girl Is twelve years old will hrlng the mensea on properly and keep ak.fr, diilar Ii will helD her to develop Into ITITIg IMNJIIIUni, i a .-a....-- -" " 'dlC I Of ' i'pi it t'lUtlBBiMlBa. In - r t ipti'tn 1 Tka 1 aa . I lata t.UICOfV TO I KADI: WITH US Dupuis, Props. IMPKRaoNATKD yo.nii: uiii niry. nii'kii uii.-l I lie -rtk I'dol " A l.'ou boy Hill' Partner . ,,, Tl a I ttsaer' II liauxlitcr Tbe KllKliah Arll. -rat A raiuli man Academy anil llij,'li Schnol 25c I WD LINK. I lime lie I llUil'I .'AH' tiii i'a Ii Saab extra niaariioii. KICK 1.INKH I lime H0c .' lima. UK- 8 tiuiea . . MV Ah eac'i ailtlllioual luarliou HIX l-l " - 1 lOllr Hie 1 fiaso aoc I time. iiM Ax- each aililltioual lunvrllou A III H 1 rut rs AND HUILUIIHS. T, K. HOWAJBD, AKi'HITKi'T AM) HI' (MriuU'iulvut. uiakea couiplele aud relial.b plan i'ir bullitiuiia Iu Ibe cllr or countt) kuom 17. J i.l.l buiriluv 1) A. MAY, l.'ONTKACTOR AND bullil-r kttluiales furnUbeil 011 all klinl. .! aaaoatl oeiaoal walk, .loiiu wall, etc. or 'ler can be lei t al tbe kaal (trvnoiilan oBicv DIMT1BT8. K. A. V At'trH AN, DKNTfHT. OVriUI III JuU.I H ,: I A. 1.. IIKATIK, I). 1). H. KKKll fc DVKI. ii.., i . l,a ailuuulaloreil K. A MANN, DHNTlbT, IN AttHUtMA lion Block, ovur . H. i loplou'. ottn .- BAN h S AND BHUKUBS. TUa I'KNDl.KTON HAVlNtlH HANK Hemllelon, Oregon Organl.eU Marcli 1, lss'j, eapiisl, ti,uu Int. rvat allowe.l on time ,1. (mmIii Kicbaiige bo ight ami .old on all prlu ctpal poiuix. Special alleiilion given to codec tlous. W. J, riirnisb, preaidvut; 1. N. Toal vhv-prea'Ueut ; T i. MorrU. caabler. HUNT NATIONAL HAN K OK ATHKNA. oregoi. :aplul, 40,uuij, aurplUH auil proltla, ,iii InUjruat ou tlm dupo.lt. Uaial. In foreign tud Uouttttlc . .m,. Colloctlou. promptly aitemted to. Henry V. Adams, pros blunt; T J, Kirk, vice prealdeul ; K. I.. Bar netl, caabler; Urn. K. 1.. Harnett, aultum cashier. , KIKH'f NAT1HN Al. HANK Or PMNOLK ion Capital, t7u,0Ul; aiirplim, flkl.OUU. Iran. i i- I general liaiiklug bualuvu. Kacbaugt- ami leicgratiliu Iraualer. .old ou C'bicago, San rraucl.co. New York auil priuclual iuu In tin .Siirthwest UrafU DraiVB ou Cblua, Japan ami Kurope llnke. collec'tiou. ou roa.onalili term. Levi Aukenv. prealdeul; W. K Matlock vuc-prealdeul . C B Waile. casblei ; U. C Uueruaey, assislaut caabler. THK KAKM Kit s RARE OF WR8TON, Wu.tou oregou. Doe a general baukln buaiueas. Kacbauge bougbl ami .old. Co! laKUoo proiiiptly atlemled to. Affairs iu mual aielleul louilltlou, ami so reported upon b iuveatigalioii eoiumillee ol re.pouaible iTlllell Ottlier. K. JamuMiu, prealdeul; (ieo. I'roeUlul. vie- preildeul;C. U Piirce, caabler J. K. K iii,i.,i- a.Liaul caabler, dlreelora U. A. liartmau, M M. Joliu., T J. Price, ti. P llraw.J. y. Klllgoi", Uoberl Jauieaou, U. W Pro bate) MISCKLLANKOUS N0TICHS. NOT1UN TO STUCK MoLDKItS NOTlt:K i- Kerab) given thai ll.e annual meeliug of in- llockboldera ol tbe I'cmllciuu WooiSi our lug ami l ackiug company will be beld Tues day, May 7, IVOi, at I p. iu, ai Ibe odi.e.of liiu company, in Pendleton. Oregon lor Ibe pur Pom ol ateetlBg board of ilirccior. uud of cliaiiglug the by-law- o aa lo reduce the uuiu-b-r of diieclor. Iroiu nine to tvu. a V m in i , - i.nt I B. CLOPTUN, Hecretary ANN I AL M KK II Nil S IOI KllOLDKHH Nolle i. hereby given lhal the annual meeting of iluukbulder. ol Ibe Pemlletou Woolen Mill, will be held Tuea.Uy, May 7, Haul al iaiii.ui., at Ii.. uili , of the Cuuipakay, In I ii I. -ion Oregon. i. mm, a. . V. Jl'UU, Prealdsnt. r. K. JUHU, SoreUry We're Just as Thankful Kor n small pgekeae its ii Iihk one. Bach will raeelee we same thorantn mid oe refill ettaetlon, if we eel tin- former, it may in lime gmw b the bitter by the itleieetlofi you will derive in wearing our laundetatl work . Steam J. F, Robinson, hep. Telephone 60 Hqual to any in the world. PILSNER BOTTLED BEER, BRRWBRY8 OWN BOTTLING. Iliiilily recommended i,, fumilv traile Rvan bottle (all) giMTantawd, Schultz Brewing Co. Oregon Lumber yard wool O UTTERS For burns RIHl dwelliftgc, 0 hat per than tin. Lumber, Lath, Slunnlcs, liiiiklinu PatpeWi ! ar Papar, I. line ami ( .cittctit, MoutdingB, Picket. Plaster. Uriel, attd San,!, Screen Dnorsli W hhIowh, Sash and iKlore, Term Gitta Pipe. Borie & Liht, Prop'f Alta St., opp. Court HoOM, CIIA'TKL MOM 10 AUK SALh. N lice la lierehy given, lli.it It. reH, en July, 1 1SJU, lull 1.. lintner exeeutrd, aeKl.oil ledg ,1 anil laflviriii in sfusarll a focapesty , .1 eorsssr iiinii, .1 1 ini .1 MoaiMagai lo aasstire Hie sola ol fl-7 . will Inleretl llirreon aa In aald tiatle VurtiiUM' BlaiaVtJ. MltO'l tile fottOwlOII Uellbiail uera ilial pi- l-ll In ll- p.iaeloii in llliullllu I OaJBly, ie on lo wll: On ' In I. M.iK.ir.i I'ltta -eiur.Uoi emu : le, Ho -,.'' .i 1 No s II. ml fre.1,', Midi ii f,H)i hlev aim . nil" 1J I.l.l . -le I .e I II , No ll.'l . .nil- IJ-oi I SI 1 I Wal-I I iik, .So til; ln I , (...it Jki k-oii I ui kt, t 11. 1 .1.1, k 111. . al ia 1 e I ft In. Ii KlrX Mail I aim- oue My.-n. Lull linMli 1 . .a pump. JO erl llnae aud lo feci ,1 uoae, ii" ll.iiu Halt 1 ruck, new , on M l i. inn. - Itei el 1 1 i n I . Ii .ra.- StiiiH I . ui la ii a ll.ict Hiiaaei K glue cul.ipl. te, Be. ,1,1), Willi ...el I pi) - I ., 1.,-llUI:;, A4 I, oue Lay m.iie Ii yeai old. WeiKliI al.iHIt i e Ilia, liraiuliil I T (coi.i.i i le 1 1 i i. I Ii ale.ul.i r. on, l .t) Blare ll ynaia old W'lKlit utx.ul 11 ii Ujg , ii.tidei - on left shoulder. ,.ue liny mile t yeara old, Height itixiut liai Inn., hihihI.iI chain boob "ii It-It .iiiiuider, oue bay mare years IU, weight .ii,ii,t l.oo Ilia, lua. d. ,1 (- ou lefi sliouluer. one ha) mare .a ...na oM, w.iglr. ulNitil IIU Ills , hraudi it ! mi left atllli ; one una) hor-e J )e.ia ..hi, wcght about I Ol Int., hr.ilided . A i ll led alin ililei , uu k - in ire l.i erai a n ,1, welxhl lib ill l.W lbs, blaUidcd I-W on left ahoulil-r: oue browii uiaie hi caia nld welulil about IIUU lbs , lirandi ! on leu ahouldei . :il-n mur neaii i I iniii'ii eows bra ib d mt hnuk m. i ' .ill' lilp aud each in ifarrbtl . foul head of .' year old ealies brtUlded'i on r Kht hi i aud ea"h i a.' under lilt . one yearluix t,vr call In ouieal chan hook on ritfhl hip. mi- y.urluiK lioirei .ill braiKle l eli.i u hunk on mi l hip, oue b Sjcb and wb lecow biauded N on lef. In n nine lo ad nt c.iiaes, yea i lues and lwo-)er old i, ull in um ed chain book on iiulii hip. all known aa tbe Barbel bead, kaielbei Uh the natural Increuw of tile above il.-M'iibal cattle, a liett.-r deadlp llo. i of Ibe In, -slock covered by -.ml Chatlel M . I iKiiiii ia aa follows: lUiebayuiaii II tears i dd, Welulil ll.V) lln., branded i- mi ,-fl Imul del, I bay lua. i I liars old, weight .limit IJUu lbs., braiideal chaih hts.k on left shoiildrr: .uu bay in. u. .. ears old, welxhl aloul IJi lbs , I. r.iuTrd chain hoik on left slu.uldei , one bay urn. a years old, weight about llui ll.a.. biandrsl on left -I. tie, one arcy hor- . yrai and, weiuhi nai Ilia , l i.uiOed J I' (conuecleil) ou left snoul del INM K. ) m.ai e 1 ; ,;us old. weiK'Ut I'aJO Ins., branded PV. on le't i boulder; oue blown mars lu ycaia u I.I. welulil liuo lbs , biainhsl . on left ah. older. : sleets I year obi. branuetl chalu in. nk uu hip; J sla-ers - years old branded chalu b.iiiK mi hit). 1 heifers 'years old, biauded chain book on lnii, cuiia years old, In. in, I , chain luHis on hip; acows 7 year. obi. branded chain Iichx on hip, one cow h years old, branded N ou lllp; which niiirtuuK. was duly recorded n, t,e It. curds of I liallcl Mnrttfato-s of Uunilllla County, Oiik .ii, o i July iiili, I'.sju: Noa tberetoie, Hie coudillous of .n.t inorl . bavlna boeu l.iokeit the said uioriaaaaae, Hu-aed fe I .in,.n, baviuK dei'ldwl to foreclose II, I. W M ll akktir. sh. rlit of l utalllla t'otuily, OreKon asaKdil for said Uusseli i Coinii.li). Iltve taken all of llic above iIcmi b.sl personal propaarty Into mi pus-e lion and will I tin Sillll ,1 11 o'clock III the folen uilinf W. dui sday, tin .'ill, da) of Apill, IWI al the laouth sHe of tbe County t ourt Houac In the l ily of IVndle loii, I iiiatllU County, in.-ttou, Ui Hie hluhc.st biddci for cash in lutud, Hie proceeds of .tie to in appUeu lo the eoat, expenses and disburse uieiits of foreclosure aud in the i.i)iin ui of tbe debt secured by the I 'bail, I MorlKaae. Uale.1 April 13, Hail. ill SSKI.I.B.t'Oatl'ANV My W M, 111. AKI. KV, Mheillt of LuiatllbtOouuty, Oregon, ll, AKeiil. I H AT TKL MURTUAtiK SAAB. Nttlica : u Imcliy nivcn ii, ,i whcicat, on July o, igoo, Jolui I Bavbsi acuMd, aekuuwledacd aiul delivcr.il to kutaall , Ceapaay, ., corpaxauiaw, a Ui4Ul luoruant to ai.uic the nun of iijs wilh unci..! tUrcuii at in .aid chattel uiuiiaaae ttaicd Hie lullowmk JcainUd pti.ual p,.,,,. Ui bii PMMIIIIS la l Saalilla couaiy, Oastgoa, lowit: Ou iliineeii buffa. airaw buriuii,! tniuc, known aa ibe I. I.1U... engine," N 6siv. Kutacli A Conipani wlillb iiiunaaa-. waa duly rceofd.d in tb i.cold. of ihallcl uuwitfaacs 0I I inatilla couiuy, Oihoii, oa isovcaiLaii j, lyoo. Now ibajafi, die caaidilktui of uid wu,,,, baviuK baau. Uok.ii aud lb. .aid uui4(K, KutMll Si .J""" ama Utcided U, loRcliav. II. I, W. M. ilia dev. .hnirt of Ln ajilla louiity, llr.on, aa aacnt lor ,a..l Hu.ll (v Ctaapawy, bavc lak.u all of the alv de.iriU.d oc.aoiul pioovriy int., nay pota.taion alid will Mil the aaine al 1 1 oVUL in the lor.nooli ol I , , ,b' J,h ,Uy of "V"1' 'V"li l dK an ,lh MUc o ibe loumy courl kouac, in ibe city ol i'ciidlc lon, IJiualilla count), tlrt4;on, lo the higbt.t bid.l.r for taah in baud, the pioedt of talc lo be applied lo U" i ma, aud diiliuiaatue.ua of foreclosure and lo the payment of the debt tecuied by lite cliatui mortgage. li.icd April ij iooi. livW u in l Ro'i?fLV COMPalJIY. Qm&' u'"' Lm"',u Lui""' rcnuieioti Planing Mill and Lumber Can sell i' hp.... -pet any firm in thr- -ar SmBJ because they buy in (itiantities. If lumber or any kjnd mill work call m their prices. R. FORSTER, - Call up: ::::: No.S for Wood, Coal, Brick and Sand. H i. -la a H....I' i t ii siniition Fm to Coii.igtunruti I at n i.aai D r, l. r aJ cal l L 1 lav II IXLMd nri Air.A s mi UPMN HAY ANhNIQlr 1 KIM I AM' lirtMK IN lu m kecelved a nice lot of vi mb t-ai uiiaeeiiiaE. r ........ I . . 1 I . I . ... . ..i.. U i.ai UNION PaI i.si iHT Time sehsduli roM Prom PsndlsUi. chicaao I'ortlHiid siMudal lb m I ia llunl. Issitoa M-aatli laikc. Ih-nier. Worth iieiali. as City. 81. Chicago ami Ktai Allnntlc Kxprew ;IA a. in. via llunl iiiKloii. U I I I . L . I I. II ... I , ...... II...... i ago ami Kaai. HI I'aul Kat Mall a:i&a. at. via ispokau. Aall Wall. ...... w .1 .I I III I II O, H 11 Ocean and Kiver KHOal I'ORTLiW All salllut; dtusisS )et ui cbsnit Kor Man Vraadaa I gg p. in ball every 0.7a Hall) csc.pt iuada) I p. Ol. tfaiurday 10 p ui Dally ex. Huinlay a a. so Columbia tin In Astoria udWJ Lauiuup. Wlllamell. loreaou Ctiy, Ha em. I mis a. m. T'utts. Thrs. aud Bat. Corvallis 'l laiuliuft TS 1 1 1 1,1 7 a.m. Rlvsrs UI III. ...II. alii aud Hat aud V,a) Lala lav.i Itlparla 3 10 a. m. o-.li Snake BIW KIih.iI. W K. f. Waasun. RUNS Pullumo SWcfitn l.lcnant DiUlO l'oin ist SlccplDe Pi To ........ a a la .......... Ullll AKn',mnt- I'll i i.aukupbw ........ 1 in NKW YOH BOtfTUfi .11 .......1,. i'.aat Throuab llokeU U JK Taiouia and Northern rm- and Amerloau Hue urn. acHi,lti Tram leaves feudleWU a" .1 r- 1.. 11 ill M Sor lurlitur luioiu..----a. . . . . . 1 1 nil. r aud uukeU, call ou or Hip NOB U rfo DAP aajjj 1 ' Urn, Oregon, or ,, Alrd aud Morrbwa"