East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 15, 1901, Image 1

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UT I Tim r
Advertise thi- Warm thoy
hsvn to sell. Tell your
t.irv In s ilmple way and jfe
J rlr tnnlxht .1.1 1 Tiif ,uy : frost to.
lllit . wsrm.'r Tin..,lty. 7 '
vol. 14.
I have a largo stock for
vun to select from. I make
n upeeialty of wholesale
urdcrii I pay the highest
prion fr Boon try produce
and chickens.
G. R. Demott.
The Boston
New Lines
in Today ---
Children! Wash Dresses
Sizes i year to 14 years, made of calico,
percale, Ktoghuii linen, pique and duck,
well made and neatly trimmed 40c to $3. 00
Ladies Long and Short Kamonas
Mailt of dainty dimity, organdy and lawn,
trimmed with lace and embroidery, $150
to S5.00. They're hoth daintier ami
cheaper than you can make them.
Ladies' Dressing Sacques
In white and colored dimity, lawns and
organdy, neatly trimmed, $1 00 to $3 50-
Ladies' ( Dorset Covers
of fine organdy for summer wear, white
ami-colors, elaborately trimmed, f 1.00 up
to $2.25.
Watch us For
Pendleton's Big
Kdieiliir K'huIj' at liiwont pruvh.
. . .. ........ , . ......
1 .. 1 .1.., IO t K..
' uuuin, Mil K1IIUB niiu niii-r-
in aud 4oc dozen.
mm la hi., io -ii.. .... ,.. .1 UK
'oh. 4 ininluil Ull. ,,rl...r
to $4.06.
rcuch MmIi basket Wc. ..1 to
95. Sinkers, bait boxes, etc
cvclee. n nri ..innlrx
mperial, Cleveland aud Columbia
, $40 and $60 wheeU We are
wing me leading and beat Hue 01
1 1 1 1 1 1 t. 1 .1 1
. j .
nil mrifii hit 1. ri ri h um m I .-
vaiinou a nun iviiio .Mn;, ; wni
auey metal picture trainee 10c to
sachet powder 6c.
aucy perfumes ttc to B3.0U per liottle
elf pint pa pern 6c, seeds in bulk
toe a pound.
rederick Nolf.
Swell Muslin
Shirtwaists. Underwear
The kinds Can always
that he
are not relied upon
shown when
in they come
other stores from this store.
Originality I Conspicuous Dlatlnot Individuality
in all at the
the very lowest prico
dainty designs consistent with
we have thorough
on dependable
special display merchandise is
this here awaiting
week. your inspection.
Alexander & Hexter.
of Summer Goods
Fine Table Linen
Fine Irish, Scotch, German and Belgian
linens as well as American makes. Already
finished cloths in elaborate designs, also
plain damask centre with fancy borders,
napkins to match.
Louisine Silk Waist
They come in stripes and woven dots in
white and colors $4 75 and 5.00.
Fancy Waists
in albatross, French flannel, surah, tatleta,
and Poi de Soie. $4.48 to $14. 00
Fancy Neck Huclies and Suhiukt ( apes
In silk, chiffon and chenille $2.50 to $12.
New things in neckwear and belts arriving
Correct Styles and
ar)d Linoleums.
All best quality Carpets, sewed and layed
cheaper than any other house. Linoleums
in all the latest designs in fancy stamps
See our office chairs and desks.
FOLSOM, Main Street
We have the most complete line of
AthiAg tackle in the city. We have
fly hooks from 30c to 75c per dozen,
leaders from 5 to 30 cents, jointed
split pules from $1 to $5, reels from
25c to $6.50, baskets, hait boxes, etc
at prices that are all right. See dis
play in South wiudow.
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
Low Prices.
A Much Mooted
"What shall f liuy them fur a wed
ding present?" mmwi . Hethlag
could ! itiuri' hi-i'o plablt) to a mm
lv married couple than tableware ur
bric-a-brac, audi ae can be aeeu
here. When von are looking for
china and kindred ware for your
friends or youraelf, you will do well
to vitdt us.
Boundary dispntefl may cause war
between Hayti and Santo Ikuningn.
No further strike troubles are ex
pected on the Central of New Jersey.
It is stated that the trust of news
paper mills has not operated successfully.
The federal government wili investi
gate the case at New Orleans in whu
Hntish mules tor south Africa were
detained by an injunction suit.
Aguinaldn is guarded closely against
escape or from harm from friends of
General Luna, who claim he was con
demned to death by Aguinaldo.
Secretary Hay is securing opinions
Irom the I nitetl Slates senators anent
the hais of the proposed canal treat v
between the I'm ted states and Kng
ine American Cigar company was
purchased by the American Tobacco
company, and now the Havana-Ameri
can company has lieen taken in bv the
Ministers assert China can raise
$:!00,(XX),000 indemnity. Claims by the
powers are: Kussia. BW,U0U,0UU
r ranee, $i;.r,000,000 ; Herman v, MO.-
tXH),lXH; Kngland, $22,000,000; the
United States not vet announced, but
regards the amounts all too high, he
yond China's power to pay.
Lewiston is prospecting for natural
Yakima Indians are having th-ir an
nual pompom dance.
Portland's fire department will have
its own telephone sytem.
nops are at il' cents in saietn, one
cent above recent quotations.
Butte, Mont., has 000 men on
ntrikc, machinists and others.
Kntries for the statc'fair races are
more numerous than ever before.
Maker Cit, Astoria and Kugene
failed to secure visits from the presi-
Lane county will construct a bridge
at l.orunc 1IKKI feet long and 12 feet
The Oriental countries will be aaked
for funds to astist the Iwis Clark
centennial. ""
Die C. II. Lewis memorial building
Iiuh been oi'cupied b Portland's Good
Samaritan hospital.
Secretary of the interior limits grac
ing on Cascade forest reserve to .'(800
cattle and .Vgl horses.
Senator Mitchell telegraphed from
Washington that In' is not serioualy
tick, and will be out in two week.
Anton I'lunner, Purest ( IrOTR banker,
who failed for $40,000, and then dis
appeared, has been found in Switzer
land. A monument to commemorate organ
ization of Oregon's provisional govern
ment will he unveiled at Chain) gun
May I,
Walla Walla will refund 110,000 t
bonded indebtedness, 2o year, four per
cent bonds. It will save $rf00 a year of
Col. Dewey has twilight steel rails in
St. Paul for the Idaho Northern. Tiea
are now on the ground and work will
be pushed.
Dr. W. 11. Kellogg, of Taylor street
M. K. church, Portland, has been
called to lndianaHilis, an accepted
Doe? not make the man. " '; Mood is
(fit life the vital force of the Itody. So
it not infrfpicnllv happen; tliat the man
WU'I l10k to U- II pil'lllle lf pi: , ,icaf
atrnyflh tall?, a sudden victim to ijieaae.
A proK-r care lor
the blissl would
prevent many u
aariiNH sickueaa.
Tito cl in -.ili of
liM l,'ax is h r
Ititly accoiuphab
el bv the MM of
')r. Pi i i ' ( .old
en Ma li ll I Ml ov
cry. It di IvM out
the i'epu i'.ies and
polaoRom Bue
r.t uaaaa arhicb c r-
ruot the lil icsi and
bvBed iiij.i.-.-. u
it: 'rea;A:S the ac
tisity of the fi'.o I
in a k i ii g pi iniiti
anil B0 HtRRRRBM
the biipplv of j'lire
i.!..d. It builda
up the entire )sly
with gool sound
There U no al
cohol in "Golden
Medical Discov
ery " aud it i en
tirely free troui opiuui, cocaine aud all
other narcotics.
The dealer who offers a bul,titun- lor
the " Diecovery ' does RB to gain the lit
tle more proiit Mid h inferior ma ll
cities. There is nothing; ''just as good '
lor the blood as "OoideO M.-:. Dia
covery" therttore accept no kiilistilute.
" t took fivr battle f ' r.oidrn MedV si '
cry'foriuy blood, wrllrs Mr Willimn 1 , U
liit. of Rcroy, Cherokee Nation Inolsn Trrril r
"f lud iiu wurum ' on mr anil I would hum
Ihasi off una tlicy wou'd eoanc ri lit ' k uuj
thry Bjefeoa pst .1 1 ; l oossaiefi i aalua Gold
cu Medical Discovery,' and 'lay wtut su aud
1 liavcii t lH.tr 11 liotlu rcd miy SMM
Dr. Pierce's Ple.isant Pellets cure con
stitution. Do you
want work?
want to hlro holp? C
II so osil or advise uie sud
your wsots will be sllvud
1 iii uei
81 KKKlt).
Full 11 u, of Clsuu-a, Confectionery
and Smokers' Articles
Two Hundred Workmen Go on
a Strike.
Advisory Board May Call on All the Com
bine's Employes to Join In
the Walkout.
Pittsburg, April 1ft. Two hundred
workmen at ltowee'a Wood, a depart
nient ol the American Sheet Meel com
pany of McKoesport, struck today, de
manding the reinstatement of men w ho
had lieen discharged, it is alleged. he-
cause they had organized a local union
of the Amalgamated Association. All
is tiiiet in that vicinity, but the situa
tion may become serious any hour.
The Amalgamated ollicials seem to be
determined, and made the demand
that the advisory Isiard exercise the
iower to susend work in every depart
ment of the gigantic steel corporation
and also to close all coal mines sup
plying the nulls with fuel.
Vienna Festivities Continue Brilliant
Dinner This livening.
Vienna, April 1ft. The festivities
connected with the viit of Crown
Prince Frederick William, of Prussia,
M Vienna continued today. The prime
spent the morning in visiting the
notable sights of the Austrian capital.
Mils even ml' he attends the imperial
dinner at which the emperor and two
hundred i the leading nohilitv will lie
His Villa Guarded Agalnit Anaiilnt
Who Would Gel to Him.
Amsterdam, April 15. A report that
an attempt hud lieen made to a- i
-mile ('resident Kruger in declared to
he untrue. Notwithstanding the de
nial, it is evident that the authorities
are apprehensive that he is in some
(auger, as two p- d icemen and two de-
tective are guarding the villa in which
he is residing.
Denies French's Capture.
London, prii i i I he Hritish war
itlice ottit'ialfy denies the report of the
apture of General FreOCti and live
hundred men by.the His-rs.
Civil War
Vetersn and
('Imago, April l'i. Mineral A. ('
McClurg, head of the publ icliine house
f A. C. McClurg 61 Co., d .-d this
morniiiL' in t. Aiiuiiftiiie. I lorida. of
kidney trouble. He was a veteran of
the civil war ami Mas prominent a- a
publisher for thirty years.
Mine Inventor Dead.
Aiixerre, April : lo. ieneral dras,
inventor of the well known rille, died
today from congestion of the braiu
Death or a Paymaster.
Washington, April 15. General Mac
ww.ur cameo today that the teath in
curred Naturday of Major Moiianhan,
iu master m the 1 n 1 ted hlates army
biandard oil Flsbt Sby ot Texas Oil
rort Worth, Tex., April IV Dday
ami rayne, Mandnrd (ill representa
fives who have been investigating the
Heuiimont nil fieblf, are here en route
DORM They elated that the Ktandaid
Oil company would invest ;M),UHO,i)0U
in the Texas oil proiierty were it not
for the anti-trust laws of this state.
As it is, they will not come to Texas,
hut admit that the held Is the greatest
ever discovered.
His Road (ilveo Right-of-way Over the
Beutbern PaelR.
Pomona, Calif., April lft. The
board of trustees this morning granted
a right of way to the Halt Lake rail
way uu a atrip of laud contended for
by the Southern Pacific. The latter
will not relinquish its claim, hut will
cm lesi the matter iu court. There is
uo excitement in Pomoua today uver
the queetloii as to which road shall
have the preference.
Has a Cavllal or Two and Thrss-
Ouarters Bullions.
Trenton, April 1ft. - 1'he Northern
Commercial company of San Pram lao
was iiicori-o rated tixlav with a capital
of ,7.ft0,0UU. It will' construct and
operate vessels aud carry 011 mining,
mauufacturing, mercantile, telegraph,
telephone aud railroad business. The
Northern Navigation company waa iu
corporated by the same uieu for the
sauie purpose.
(iuastloo or Bervlse Usslded.
Washiugtou, April lft. By decisions
in several cases lrom .New York and
New Jersey the supreme court of the
I nited States today declared that de
crees obtaiued iu one state by aerviue
uisjii a ueleiiuant 111 aiiother stale are
valid. Justices Puller aud Peckhaiu
Spanish Robbere' Work.
Madrid, April 16. Robbers today
held up an expreee traiu between
Orb Inula and Cabana, tiring a volley
iato the carriage, aud seriously iuiur-
iug on. passenaer. They compelled
all to disgorge tlieir valuablea, escap
ing without iden tih. at ion The troops
are uow pursuing them.
Logan Takes Troops.
San Prauciaco. April 16. The trans
port Kigan sailed this noou for Manila
with troops 0 the .Ninth aud Tenth
cavalry and tbe Flrat'aikd Eleveuth in
fautry ou board.
Reported fey I. L. Ray a Co., Pendleton,
Chleace Board of Trade and New York
Stoek Bxehange Rrokepa.
New York, April l(V The wheat
market was firmer today, although
Liverpool .-lo-e-l unchanged. New York
opened unchanged, 764, May, and
sold up to ,"7i4, closing 77c. The visi
ble supply showed a decrease for the
week of 2,017,001) buahels, compared
with a decrease of 139,000 bushels same
week last. year.
Htocks steady.
Money, 3 to 4 per cent.
('lone Saturday, 7HS4.
Open today, 764,
Range today, 7H , to 77 S.
Cloee today, 77.
.Inly corn, 48 1 .
Oloeing atocke: Sugar, 1 t 1-H; to
bacco, It) ft-S ; steel, 47, ; St Paul,
lr4 1, ; 0. B. A Q 180 5-8; N P., 9
38 Brie, 38'.
Wheat la Saa Pranelseo.
San Francisco, April 15. May
wheat, m 7-8 to 100.
Wheat tn Chtaao.
Chicago. April 16. -Xlav wheat,
79 1-8 to ",'(i'4.
New York Prleaa.
New York, April lft. Sugar, raw.
fair refilling. 3H0 1S; , en I r I fnga I , .)'.
test, 43-32. Coffee. Klo, No. 7 tpot,
tlft-8; rice, domestic, 3'M to iH4 ; wool
Suspicious of Other
Troops' Intentions.
Pckin, April 15. ieneral ('haffee
has been appealed to bv I.i llunu
Chang to leave behind him suite lent
troops to do mi1icm duty in the cits
Karl Pi says the Chinese fear that the
f ireign troops will not take prODRr
care of the district if the Americans
leave. Five thousand Herman and
UHR) French troop will leave Pan TlUR
I n lomorrow to drive siveral thoiiHaud
lawlees Chi iiese out of the pmv m e
Cold In the Mountains.
Walla Walla, April lft. To iiiauv of
thoee who are at nrecent enioviiiK the
bright Nuiiehine of the Walla Walla
valley it seems impossible that only a
few miles awav there are nlaccH where
the snow lies many feet deep and the
old, winter winds howl along the
walls ol the canvoiih and make it all
but iiiiiMisHible for a pedcHtnan to ven
due out and escape without a frost
bile. Yet such is the case. M. A.
Williams relumed to tins city venter-
lay from a luriilser camp in the iiiuun-
tains about -.1 miles from Pendleton
and saw that the weather there is
more severe at present than it has I n
at any time during the entire winter
111 tins valley.
Anxious ror the Uaronne.
Wash ingtiin, April li.-The trans
port (iaronue is now a week overdue at
San I-ram i sco and anxiety for her
safety increases each hour.
A tarllst Uprising.
Harceloiia, April Id. Troops
heen -cut to llorg in the northern part
l Spain to check the rising of ( artist
bands under loii (irandia.
Frenah Premier Heaovers.
Nice, April l.V Premier Waldeck
Rousseau, of I ranee, la declared to he
fully recovered.
Hs Hslurnad From Portland This Murn-
Ina and Will Remain.
Moit Meuch arriveal home this morn
ing after having visited with relativea
at Portland and at ancouver, Wash
where he formerly resided. Mr Meat h
has announciMl that he will remain 111
Pendleton until July at least. This
information u received with great sal
isfaction, as it means much for the
Pendleton ba.a-l.all club He will
strengthen the team in the pitching de
partment, where strength is always
necessary in order to win. I he follow
ing froui the Portland Telegram of
Saturday, April Pi, is complimentary
to Mr. Meuch, and when read here 011
Sunday prior to hia return caused
worry for fear he waa going to remain
there: "Multnomah's men are on the
Held every night. The diamond is be
ing put in condition so that regular
pracl 11 e will start in at once ;.
new men have apiKtared as candidates.
that ia, uew for this year, but not
strangers to the game The appearance
of Harrett iu a ham-hall uniform will
Ik) greeted with pleasure. liarrett
played ahurtatop to Multnomah 111
IMWV, when he made a record lor him
Belf, aud will have the same position
this year .Meach, a newcomer to Port
land, is a candidate for the pitcher's
berth. The club is fortunate this year
iu the uuuibei of pitchera. Muach,
Whllebouee, Keller aud Williams are
all available, aud the best man will
win the race Mt-ach Is a dark horse in
the race, but he may have the ijualitiea
win. h will win him the coveted
place. "
isks lxstlvs Rroino Uululus Isblsut l
e d w
Whitman college sludelils won the
debate from the Washington agricul
tural col lege. '1 hey will next debate
against the University of idaho.
Salt ia now oh at
Corner Main and Webb 8ts.
dun and Bicycle Umpiring a Specialty.
Kansas City Judge Gives Her
She dim (be Court Some Bible
and Cells the Policemen
Bid Names.
Kai.eiie t it v . Mo,, April I.V-Mrs.
Carrie Nation was fined tMHi by Police
Judge McCauley this OrelBfl and
given the alternative o( leaving town
before 1. o'clock. She was arrested on
the charge of blocking the streets.
Addressing- Mrs. Nation, the B)rYbj
alii :
"Missouri is no place for you.
Missouri is not a good state for short
haired women, hunt haired men or
whistling girls. ''
Mrs. Nation poured verse after verse
of bible quotation in the rt'sear,
and, after the close ol the officer's
testimony, she said :
"TlicMe otTiosrs are liars, Mrjurers
ami iiaopeta who reoeive pay for dolnf.
nothing." The Judge stopped hat
tirade aud she saitl an would leave
tow II
torbln'i Bnxsxsmeal.
Washington, April lft, Adjutant
1 ieneral Menu ('. Cairhin this after
1 n aut h. -I : ed ilie announcement of
hit engagement to Mih Pdvth Pattens,
of tine citv. rhe I'atiens formerly
were resident of California.
They bBV4 underside wealth and
are 1 great social prestige 111 Wash
iugtou. Oofblfl is a widower. The
engagement has been reported frequent
ly in the newspapers and as (rctiuently
denied during the past few years.
Pro! Lyman. orWhllmaii tollsgs. Writes
sn Interesting Arllele.
In an article contributed to the At
lantic Monthly (or April Professor W.
I I VmaO of Whitman college gives a
ino-t lotsfWting account of the making
of the state 01 Washington, its won
derful PBBOefORt and its comuiercial
prospects, which taller, he declares,
are limited only bv (he coutlnes ol the
earth's tOf fROa llegiiining with the
explorations ol ll.slega, Prake and old
Jeee de l uca, the early, or, as Mr.
I.vmaii calls it, "the heroic age of
Oregon," is charmingly desi rilssl. He
says in part taking the three salient
lealures ol the state the Puget S.aind
country, the Cascade inouutaius, and
the ColeBlbifl Mil lev Mr. I.v man
points out the actual and potential
resources DOBRihlB lor reclamation fur
1 the us.
of man, pointing out how
hv volcano glacier and torrent,
has prepared a soil of such marvelous
fertility that the story of its pnsluc
litrRMaa excites the incredulty of the
listener. Por d. s. iiplive pnrises he
divides the state into lour tones, each
Stand R north and BOelBi aaking
ol the lirst, the western one, cuispicii
mis for its leethei ptodeRiloe(Be says:
"I hiring May ol last year ordera for
;0 , 1 s 1 , 1 s s 1 l.et ol bridge stult and ties
were placed in Waelnngb.11 by railway
companies ol the east and middle weat.
Most icu.arkahle to eastern readers
ia the yield ol an acre of Waahiligton
limber land A single acre baa tieeii
known to prodlHM .'Shi, INK) (eel and one
tree has yielded 50,000 Rstii H ia eati
RMBtod thai w 1 Hi in a radiua of eight
miles from hkomokawa is standing
.,00, 1 -i hel of yellow llr. There is
I try in n I these swaying loresis
which carry their coronals 01 green
BOO feet aloft with Hie sunlight flicker
ing through greeuishly, as if in leafy
ellipse but there are dollars 111 the
knotless steins when saw.. I, and of the
latter feature only the lumberman
Tbs meat effectiveskiu porifylng and baas
Ufllufl sOBRi s wll as partial aud swaelaat,
f,,r toil i, bait., tad Bum ly ii mtkaa al
Ihu t-uuM of bad couiplnjiuiis, red, rough
Baada, failing tialr, and baby blemishes,
v ii , Dm dogged, IrrtlalaaV mUaumd, ovae
woiked, or sluggish Poaas.
B"sJS. b' SAM
k.,1 1