PENDLETON OIL COMPANY PKIDAY, AI'IMI. 12, iwn. YOl THE NAVAJO COAL AND PETROLEUM' ORGANIZED HBRK. Cant afford to tinv ibOM that hurt jroo. for you enend two thirds ol your Ufa in them. No itioon, ii o matter at what prio, aaa Hi mora c aifortebly, more naturally, more gracefully than 1 1 - Shop" for Women. The natu hI woman V foot is the "lueen Quality" ! ' That i. the rvMnoii theac utini'i need no 'breaking in." Thev feel u comfortable a a loefclag from Um moment jrjw font enter. theMi Price $3.00 Vine Higher. CLEAVER BROS Try OVT Iwffy ratuliea, lateet tlavora. Oodei Re A K irktiian. . .1 gottaga ml chicken loal fancy Ini, i'h gml-, and evcr thing you need (or outdoor lunches, llaa-ley Bfoa. A mil" of rOQM in the Fa-t Olt D in hniMiiikr. hot hum com . Colorado nd N.w bathroom, lor III a month -luring M - Property Hi r. Apply m' the Kant Dreg-mian : Been seeur.d. il. . Artnle. o( llMUf UOMtlOtl of the iv-ioir.ia ran no nirwi ny -ismm , . . i.- . i :.. iiki. ,i Navajo Coal an Kor s . vr-rm -: '"",: ' ..,..,.,.. today filed ill the nflie. tin buxet - I LrockA J .lo,,,.... aswaa ,f Kjfk J c,ltoIlf j i.. I! Rmilll a'I I rati VtMll- were () (a,.v, rj. m. Wad'. Robert tonUM i melrlmnii) at I 0i lfS p. n,i j 'h', pj,.kon, though it i un to, by Jdltl Fit! Gi raid, at nil offl t J-tatood ti,Bt ,aMv other prominent j,, Aeeociation i.Uk, the mnmony be m ureaSed la Um stoaa of till ing performed in Um RfaaSBaa M a few ,.,,lnpanv- invlted goeM. Tl(1 penMlnl place of him i near of If JRM hiiv'H not done an already "c the corsiratioti ir designated as I'en Ml R90 to rail ami BM nor big StOSk l,i(.ton, i ut the articles provide that a of UM H-allpapi-r. Kvrrythinn up to : part oi the himine nf the eompany dale and a- low an ten rentr per roll ,ai he tran:irted in Archuleta PaiM-r hanirink.' and naintiiiB nroniptlv .,,.. (Vilofado. and for uch bail pa-l thfOMgh f'eiidlelou for MMM on Wfdncfdai . MrK. TbOBiM Coinlon, of BlNjMM,aBH Mr. Kobert S. Jtean. of Salem, are gueaU of Mr. anrl 'alrn Ftm Wolf. Mr. Hean and Mrx. Nolf ar.' aitUara, daoghtari of Ufa. Qondon. Mr. Oondon I in uiulaaaor of gaolon ol Um otnte onl ver-itv ut KofatM, wblla irs. Baaa i" tin i(e of Jadga Baan( aaaoolafa jua- tice of the Fiipretne conn oi orenou. I.. ('. Il"jera, of Kcho, recently had yuiti a! Ma larui. Pnatloal lii Men. BRBVITIKS. Try Kuttoti'" MM afaUB chocolate. Hiovele, racvcle, hicvile. Wllbaa Bioyelea and flah Iiik tackle. Nolf'-. Karly Ohio peed ; 1 1 - .it M.i llro,. New wanhyootkl nl Cleaver llr Iiry (iooda Co. liny your window IDJ lea ut Murphy . kjr rent Hix rOOM hoti-e. Inqain of Ma! Dlakaon Have your picturei m nil latct atylea at Murphy v New dnaiunH in wall paper al Mnrpby'a paint ntor Candy, nice and frexh every day , a' liodeckeA Kirkniun'M. Call and aee OfMlfOTd hii-yclei and racy i leu at Withe. '. Krenh i'an, new potatoca, rhuhjrl., a-i a-.i.' i- llawley Bn a, l.ate-' noveltiep in uprinj: i"' I Window. Cleaver Itro- h:. . - . I to Oldett place ale! i " -1 ta n i - r l. Roy's, or. Ctuirt und QMiktO Itnratl Cool ami rafraihiiiK BebllU Mil" araukae baaf on Um BtaMaal U Ladies' batba,al Mrn. aMIaaBmlUi'a, corner Wobh und Cottonwood itrci ta The latent ill hn M ien in tie cilrhioii Irauioa. Coma in and eee tiiaoi. V ithee Call UN Up over teleplione if ' . li want nice hot lannlai Godaoka a Kirkiiian. N. Herkeley ln wuoe very deoralile town and country property lor Mh eany term. Wanted A fOWaJ uirl to gamut in houaawork. So cook my. Apply al thia olhif. Wanted A woman lor general bx work. Antiiv to lira. J. H. Bryant, Willow kraal Finest ham." and lard on the market. Home product, irv it. itn gMMBtaad. Hchwarz & Qraolwb. Hock lieer, cool and cleliciotM, froin Hitz' hrcwerv, on tap at the l.onvre. John Schmidt V i-aloon mi Mum xtreet. Mra. wup in the -t.,re vertenia and he thoiiKht our line of "prm lioodn were the luc ent ill town Olaavtf M Dry Qaadi c. Kemeiiilier I have a U-tter aloik of oil, aite-greaau, rope, baltlBg and all other harvest Hiioiilie- than eer de- lore. P, Sonen, llelil. Owinjf to a chanue in lie I . t i M 1 11 p.;,.,. , I . See C. Sham, opera nooaa hlock A ifana ol It nln-epheareri, with t Water- ai foreman took the wept- botrad iratn lor Kcho thin morning. Thei will commence ahearinu iladley Harker'c heep on lower Butler creek OH salurday, April 18. HavitiK iminhed that hand thev will aoaMMBM -tieariiiK ihaap I'T Jot VajT, M Tueadav April M Key. I. t, Tohey. Mate piiperniteii dellt ol the llre(oii childret '" home loeifliy, will preach at II o'clock on unda for the Christian aOUgragatiOB in the ( 'onureuational eiiurch. At ; :.;n o'chK'k Sumlav evenun: Key. J. it. Liatar. of Boajana, atate aranyaliat oi Um Christian church will preach to the Obriatiaa aoflfNgMlaji Pendleton lodga, No. 28h, H. r. . K , at it- regular meetinu last even- log initiataa Bod at tab HaUiMtM brti a. ml fallowablfi The entente COtdiall i- uaintainad alierwar.l by Mr. Mathifoti taking the -;ik la a body t . Qoldftl Hole hotel, where a few ottie" w. r er ick' d and the eontanfi 1 1 'I ... 1 1 ol Willie the hcailtien of the nrdi r were diaaoaaad. Bar. John Ueid. Ir., of 'irfnl Falll, UnntM n commeiid' d Bly'l Cream I'. 1 1 :n lo me 1 can emphaiue hi lle- man!, "it i i a not hi fa cure lor catarrh i nod aa dlrtctad. " Bar. Pranoli v. Poola, Paitor Central Praa. Chnrrb, Helena. Mont. Aftar ualaaj Kly'a Cream Balaj fix wacki I balktaa nyanfl cured of raMrrh. Joaeph Stuwarl, (iraud Ave., Boflalo, N. V. The Ualn ill M not irritate or cauw . in.' sold hv ilriiagiotH at oti eta. o' in 1 1 1 I In I I-. llrother- .'a. Warren st.. New York. incorporation oi tne j ... . .. mZ. ..i i W .1 l iirniHh at a tlle.l in tne omee o, - , 1,11,11 l hnmnah I brad aattla la which ba takeia graal and reasonable pride, lie also has 78 'or Sll stuiul of honey bees us well as a I.. !... of iliiflo.Mt ii'Mted wild ler"e wpich create a sensation lly int thronjjti the orchard and ornumental tree.. Mr. Hoiiers' lields of alfalf t are marvel- of richness and beauty. John W. Jones, and hll KM, Oaofga w.. arrived in Paadlatoo this morning at 10:15. The tlrst named a brother of W. II. JOBjMi of this city, and thev had not seen each ..ther hefore today lor more than M year- The VMltllM brother and bil son Bra from Oaldwall County, Mo where the former has been a tanner. He llM leimed his farm and remain- in PendlotOO a lew month" at leut and may lOMtta perm- lie I.' . i- designated as li Thli Plain Inouah. if you have a nngninii rotiiih and are - Mesh, ?o I" a driik' store, and got a bottle of Shiloh's Consumption Ufa 'lake two. third" of it. and then, if you ar.- not beneliteii, return the bottle to the ilrn,r,'ist, and he will re- Inrn roor monay. isn't thnt fair'.' No tie i. old a-k more. 2Ticts.,ISU cts. ami ti a bnttla. Tallman & Co., lead lag drutfiiiata. m m Bakar City Wants Baiaball. A BMatlaal of the banc ball entbu liaat ajaa held lust niubt and the old I ir N i ue w liii li played so si -- I'll I v last year, was reoriiamted and n-iderahly sireiigthuned h addition". Th" (ollowinii ollicers were elected: - l.eveim. uianatier : Jas. lJuly, lacratary I A. B. Hterna, treasurer ; and Ken Lacliiier, coach. The new oriiun uation (outeuiplatCH leasuiK the Wis dom property the old league ground . ncloinn it and erecting a grand stand thereon. It I" lielicved OUT pie will lake - lib. lent interest in maintaining a gsl team here to contribute towani it- -upport, so a commit!. e will wait upon the huiiies men and others in . day or two nr.d give them the oppor tunity to do so. It ia expected that " uie lively games will he plaved with vi-itiug teams Democrat, during the season Blrs. ( auipliell will cloae out her entire atock of summer milinerv in tin' next lib iIiivh at great bargain-. K. W, Fletcher, tiie liamhler man, will give away more BMIvaaiN Rnl Saturday inorniuu. l.verv hov or aid calling at the Kami. i. t haadqnarTari will receive om A Poor Mllitenalra. Lately -tarve.l m London becauae h could not digest hia t : Karly u-e of r. King's New Life pi I la would have saved him. They strengthen the stomach, aid digestion, promote as"imilati in, improve appet it.-. Money back if not latiitiol Sold nv Tullinan .v Co., druggiate. We Have Received The most complete line of ni en h shoe, ever khown in I'eiidieion. our ggojajiiaaaa enables uh togiv- you a per fect tit. The style." are aaf reel aud nobby. Hee our display window aud then get our priime. Pendleton Shoe Co., wm. nilfllBALD, Manager. somathina Naw in Suraery. Dr, W. 1 1. flgjg of tins city apent Tbaradaj at Walla Walla, and while mere operated upon a man from Helix who was soft. -ring from hernia. The patient was placed upon the o-rating table and had cocaine injected into his spinal column, which is soinntli ing new in surgery, this lieiug only the second operation erforuiei in tin- acc tiofl of the country wliile the patient was in sueh a condition He leela no nam while in tnat state and it able to eoiiverae an though nothing impor tant were going ou. It is much more satisfactory than putting the subject under the iniluence of an anaesthetic. I in- operation was very rurcevsful and the man is recovering rapidly. Bjs--aa i riva Thlngi the live dlseaae for which Hhiloh'a Oonauaaption Cure ia especiallv recom ineiided, ar. Couiiha. Colds. Wbonnltui Coiigh, Cr.aip and Coiifiiinptioi,. No medicine ever made by inan iH eiual toil in any respect hwdd under a ; h i 1 1 - guarantee. Monay back ii it : fails. 26 its, ftu eta aud 11 a bottle. Tallman A Co Stappad Into Llvs Losls. "When a child I burned mi loot IrightfallV," writes W. H. Lsdb, ol Joneevllie, Va., "wliich caused terri- g aores lor :id years, but Hui klen 's Arnica -alvo whHv cured me after everything else "failed " Inlallible for burns, scalds, cut", sores, bruises an I piles. Sold by Tallman &. Co. L'.r i en I - coiintv ness l'agoa springs the head ohVc. The entire aital stock of the com pany has I ti subscribed and taken. and by the articles of incorporation i. made non-assessable. The revenue stamps on the original issue of the to, k of the aOMpany amount to 760. while the original purchase price oi the lands in some instances was as high as 12.') per acre. While the exact amount invested is not made public, these llgures are sufficient to "how that the original cord of the "plant' is no small sum The present holdings of 721) acres of patented land", anil ""' acres more in location" now in process of patent, and lying in a com pact body between the fork" of the Navajo river and hounded by the lerrae Armarillo. Work to Baaln at Ono Mr F. O. Hih'knian, an exper letMed I In lag exs-rt,is now in charge a re raaantatiVe of the company. Lumber is Peing placed upon the ground", and rapid piainratioti is in irogres for sinking oil well', the lirst of which will be innb in the vicinity of the oil Upringi whnli now naturally Hows about ten giillons of pure erode potrO" h um nil pi r day. The lormiit ion of thi" corporat i.m. i tbe result of investigation made bv Col. J. II. Baley ami , H. Bobbloa. iir-idem of the siimpter bank, and Bsperl F. 0. Buekaan, on UMirraaanl trili to these oil lands. 1 he a. ouiriiig of these investnii'iil by I'eiidieion parties i? illustrative of the "mere chance" of human affair In I Mg, Mr. Ilui'kiuun wus awarded a contract for running some exterior government lines bordering the Trrue Armarillo laml grant on the northwel . anil, during the courae of the nrve . he dis.overed a small spring (lowing a peculiar oil product, then liuillV mile- tr mi transportation or settlement, in a wild, and. in fact, danger.. n- coun try. The tin. I wa" of suflicieiit impor tani'e, however, to aajgaj Inm to note in Ills record its location und bear ing from certain line- and tixed tnoiin nients, fully intending to make further investigation at a more opportune time. The matter had, however, al most vanished from his mind, until the great oil strike in California. Told J. H Bobbins. Alxitit the latter part of January of the present veer, Mr. Kuckinaii wa a resident of Sumpter. in linker county, and related the circumtai to Mr. kohbins of the Sumpter bank, who. without hesitancy or delay, ad vanced money for Mr. Kuckinaii to no at oncn and investigate the present condition of the spring and its sur roundings. Mr Boakaaaa returned reporting the spring to be still steadily llowiug oil at tin- rate of about ten gallons er day ol crude petroleum oil containing per cent oi illumiiiuting iialities ;that goVHrnmeiit survey wa.- i"-ing m. eh .. the adjacent township, and that the lauds Would be opetleil for settlement on .March lb. Sir. itonbins im me diately came to I'endletoii, and in terested bis friend", with the re-ult that he himaelf, Mr. Kuckinaii am Col. Ituley were til - p. 1 1 led a' oil. and furnished with funds to corral anv loose maps that might apear. I'poi mrther investigation, the oi! Isdt con taming cropping" of oil and oil Is,, was traced on the surlace lor live or aix miles. Meeara. Kaley and Itol bins emved on the ground the dav la lore tiie township was opened for settlement, anil they and their I'tndle ton associate" pun based outright acres of oil lands, ami located about )0i acres more, the lirst to he I. at.. I in the new township. Within three days from the lir-t loaatioiis the adjacent land- jump.i up in price iroin I'.'. .si to f2h pur ucrt and some tracts could not be purchased at any price. LEWIS B. COX'S FUNERAL To Ba at the Trinity Church. Portland, Sunday at 4 O'clock. The funeral of Lew i" II Cox. who died in Poftlaad l'hiirsday at I tit in the afteri n, will ba conducted at the Trinity church. I'rotestant Bptaoopal, Portlaod. at 4 o'clock p, in. N Barkalay will g from Pendleton, and perhaps several other friends ol Mr. Cox. .Mr Cox wa- tak"ti ill last October, and was operated upon on the 17th of that month. He recovered suHn'tcntl v to leave tin' hospital for a low days, hut wa" com pi lied again to go to the hospital, where another operation wa performed on Pebroarj 8. The malady was cancer of the inteatinee. There was DO hope for the pAtl'-llt after the second operatPti. deutn ha l im been expected -at iiiiv tllne "inn that time. Unca Bdlta.l hit Paper. Lewis llerkiey I ox wa- horn in I. oh don county. Virginia, latin. tr Hot. lie was tin son ol Kid, anl S. t ox, n prominent resident of that seotlofl lie was educated at the Washington Lee l'nivcr"it. ot that state, receiving both boelneei and bar education ther Haoame to uregon in the latter part ol iHiti. lir-t ".'tiling at I'endleten, when he engaged in the law i ii-ine-- and wa a partner in the law lirm of lurucr.v Cox. Mr. Cox became proprietor of the Last (iregouian in 1HH0, iieing atic- led o (' s. .lackoii and John A 'oner in Mv2. In I an:; he ,liulved partner-nip with Mr. Turner, am formed a eoparUierahiu with Wirt M inoi In 18H Mr. Cox went to Portland and sliortiy alter hi- arrival formed the linn o! t.ox V leal. Jlr. Minor atill continued to represent the linn ul Cox A Minor at I'endleton, until Jan uury, Inva), when he went to PoTtlajM and it wa- then (' ix.Teal A Minor. Hi was' d in tin- law husinesi with Mr. . tuor until recently, when he etiitiarKed lorhimell. lie via- a member of tiie legislature in l"! being elected frolll I lliatlllll collllt Mr. Cox wa- alway- a democrat, and was u presidential elector on tin Palmar-Bockner ticket n i -. li. wa" the second president ol the Oregon Bar association, which oihce beheld for some time. THE ARBOR DAY EXERCISES SCHOOLS OB-KRV'L THK OCCA SION BY PLANTING TRBKS. Bach Ronni Hat a Separate Proaram Thlt ATternoon In All the Bulld Inai of the Town. I'endletoii public schools today ob served Arbor Pay in the BOadaOt of ap propriate . xercit in nil the rooms at the Central boildlOf and the' two ward school". Kacb room had ita own separate program, plant inn a tree lor the adornment oi the school grounds. Dii- exercises consisted of speaking and sieging, these programs being given during the BltemOOB in the rooms, before the tree planting. Mining the forenoon, Dr. C. J. Smith and C. S. Jaekaon, of the city chool board, visited the schools, and came awav with words of praise for the institution. Weston's Obiervanee. The Weston normal school observed Ihe day With tbf rendition of a pro grain in the chapel, consisting of a song bv the training department : Memory Heme, school recitation, Carl William" concert reading, school; recitation, Muriel Saling. liainbow. six little girls: concert recitation, in taut class; The Seasons, lour little hoy a; long, training department . reci tation, I'ora Meilpenstell . concert reci tation, Intantelaaa; r. citation. Bather Kit radge; Flowers long and recitation, school ; song, training department . recitations by Claire Drake, Tracy Kittredge, Raaal lilair, Lake rlaanor oiig, I'lininii- Trees, school .recitations by Alne hriskell, Krank ilargraaves, Kdlth Drake, Laura Painter; concert reading song. ST. JOE STORE um received from the largest manufacturers of the easl tin prettiest line oi SHIRT WAISTS, DREss sMIM's an 1 UNDERSKI WIS to lie found in ib; city, Ladies, cell and lool them over whether wish to !uv or not. this VO Yon cm t afford to btij a tsilormade suit until you have seen our line foi BEAUTY, SVTLE and Fit The) an not equaled Bliywhofe, This is the genera expression ol those who have sxamiood them. Our Dress (mods Sale with Linings free, will con tinue until Saturday night, April 13th. Many are taking advantage ol Skltf why not you, reader, also. E. Ma LYONS & CO., The Cp-to-Date Houae. JOSEPH Hl'DSI'lilH DEAD Was 'a Native ot Mutouri and Lived In Thlt County. The Weston Leader savs: A telegram PKOPLK HHHk KOH A DAY. Spring Troubles ,1 see mL.j aeaa- 1 m l-').s.- ol ajiiictitf. BllliouijieVti stomui:i ailiuontH, PlmpLfj and Othr Eruptions iv lOOkt of tlioin. SARSAPARILLA Contjoti ull of makes tho blood TALLMAN & CO. LMdiag Urugglau. tliuso pure. und Ii.e ailerinteiident nl the Oregoi 1 niiureii's Home society, 1. . r.,lie is in the city and ha- several small children for adoption. This lociett .LIU , 1 . 1 rrrrivHS Clllllireil irolll all Collntle- 11, the slate, K.ard, clothes and plate- uiem in lamny tiomeN lor a'loption. In twenty -lour states the Children ' llunn irir ii" receive.! ami placed In liomes more than a regiment and 1 half ul homeless and nelgected child nnpucmioiis ior cliihlren ma is- lelt at tills Otllce or address the so perintendeiit at C(s. Mar-piam building Hortiaud. P.rtonai Mention. I.. L. Montague returned this morn log Irum a bosiness trip to Arlington. 11. Jackson, of Walla Walla, returned nume mis morning alter a brief buai ness visit in I'endletoii Keddy llreimaii left for Spokane Ibis warning. lie win return Nuudav end wee a iMJsition on Mmidav in the Peu dieses stasrukj mill H..I. 1 . . .... I. HIIWV iinuerwtnt an operation at a Walla Walla liosniui on Tbureday a 1 . n" '"'ditiun is critical and his recovery scarcely expected. , Baker 01t Rapablioani Mrs. Warner 01 1 eini lelon , Is in the city at the Miivra. one is en route to Carson on .villi 10 ner brother-iii. law K.litor Junes 01 UM r.astern Oregon Tocsin. Jirs. IslSSM l.rowner, wile of John I r..w ner, who underwent an operation at the I'endletoii sanitarium on Tburs uay ior cancer ol the breaat, is recover mg satislactorlly and will (ally recover, Weatoii leader: Mrs. Lillian l r..l- ericas is expected to arrive al Wenton w.uun a lew weeks from . uirouHi. wiiicn country she has been iimriug in company with Miss Verdie unior, loruieriv ol renilletoii. lr. W. (. Col,, uii, wj(,. loft f, 1.,, Angeles, ( ahL, oll Tliursdav nluhO. Ill resuonsH t,, u iuu;.... , - , -"wsui mi- mi.u, n aerious illness of ..ner s sisier. 1 11 tram ..... .1 - ... "US Illness of the llo.' .SI I A. ). ItUlassa will log at S.16 ir Hums, wnere lie will evening. lie leave this geeaj llarimy comity arrive next Mouday UOuu ev I 1 a I IO look 1 I I . r t-LT.I n.ull..r . I It ... . IH T "oitt-n, 1.. u. wehuter. of l'((ri is ferrr1 wui' Mi"-?. Vf "u,h eat fur be.riiiv un ruureday, April i. Mr '"ZlmZ ATHKNA NOlBs. Wlr. W im Ma. Uamaaad :,ome Cropt Naar Athena, April 1L'. Joseph BodSOOi Who tv.,s near llell was in this cltv Thursday. He reports the crops of his neijfiii), rhood as looking well, only that Hi several localities the wire If oral bai done some damage. John and Claude Kites spent Tues day in I'eiidieion returning Thur-dav morning. Jauies BriSM went to Adam- Tliur dav on business. II. il Curtis. 01 the Athena Lumber company, returned Wednesday Iroin .1 business trip to More, Sherman county. Jacob Beta, ol Walla Walla, was in tie-city Tliursdav on business. Mr. II. -t is on a deal to pureiiase buiiness popart in this city, and, If sin Ml, will at .once OOmmel ba erec tion ol a two story brick. I' red l ischer, of the lirm of I'iaclier A .Miller, harness makers ol this city is in Union tins week. U. J, Kobineon left Monday evening lor iOverside, W'aali., to place the new BUebioarv la position iii W E. Boad'i lou barrel rtouring mill. Jacob dam and Mllo Allen, of Port land, arm. ,1 in tin- city Monday Jir. nam mis accept..! a situation the Commercial stables. ( I. smith is constructing a coaj four-r. on, . . ,t Ihj;.- ut the comer of Main atraal and (.rand avenue I- L Rnglaaiaj iii mtmmaaoe in a mw days the construction of a iour-r.Him collate at the corner oi Main street and Hunt avenue. Irving Perauaon. of Adams m. i thia city Tliursdav t ran-. ic 1 , in, !.... i . near. 1. II. Tledeman transacle.l liiniiiumi at Walla Walla Tliursdav received -aturdav morning by Hodapetll onveyed the sad Intel ot the death Of his brother, Hndipelb, at Vineyard. Calif, h.r the pa-it tWO vears he had with hll family. The news sailoned much regret to the Ibihert I Igence Jo.eph , where reeldi d has nc-maiiv friends oi the decea-. d in this vicinity . iv here he was well and favorably known losnph 1 1 'i 1 h was born 111 Jack ton county. Mo., August lu, IM, Kiir the t.ast L'u years, prior to his depar ture for California, lie had I'ved in I mat ilia ami linker counties, princi pally at linker City. The remains are being shipped t" Weston tor interment in the 1 cmctcrv here, being ssaoni pained b Mrs. Hodapetb, who resided in this vicinity prior to her marriage W.ston hotei. Apropos ol the celebrated brood sow recently brought to public notice by lieorge Keynolils, which is railing a family of lourteen pigs. Pan j', Oick- call- attention to a sum ar animal at ins plaaa above town that is entitled to even greater credit. It is sucklinc only six little pigs, to In- sure, but III addition nourishes g Jersey calf thai strangely adopted the sow as it mother. The scene of domestic happi ness depicted with SIX pigs contentedly procuring nourishment on side of the sow, and the Jersey calf oil the other is described bv Mr. Hick- a- DOrel liiili pleasing lie WUS compelled. however, P. take the calf awav. as it was developing a milk trust ami getting mote than its share, to tiie manliest detr nt oi the young pork er-. I'ik Ic Sam ti lls him to steer toward Rader's Furniture Store Main ans Webb streets, Pendleton, Oregon, where he can get our of those nice Golden Oak Rocker at $2.25 l.oforo thoy ar ull gone, FuraHure, ( 'arpets, Mattinps, Rug?, Window linden, rurtain Polett, Picture, Raueli, Boreaai, Mirrors, Baby calis, ( looarts, EttJ 1 ndertaking parlors In nniiaaajsj that no true education is possible without religious instruction and we have the right to insist iimiii our de mandl. There ism. doubt that nearly all edaeatlonal laera anaotad by states are aimed at the Catholic school ays tcm It 1- our duty both to ourselves and our people to protest and c ntiuiie protesting until our objections are he. di d . arrivals at Hoi.i I'endl.ion. W Hunt, Cortland. J A Allison, Cortland. J W Caaon, Cortland. Wm Habn, Ohieaajo. A T Ha It bets, Denver. a J Donovan, Spokane. J A Allen, Han Crancisco. Q B Logan, San Prenelseo. Oau 'l Ooyne, Cortland. K II Clarke, san Franci-co. Harry R Lewie, san Kranoleoo, J h Kelly, san Fraueiaoo. Irene ,1 Bay, Obieago. Mrs Boy, Chicago. c w Qarleti 0 a Oluatead, Portland. san Lee, Spokane. II C Ucch. Ld Wetael, Uaeabam. 0 L I 'owner, Spokane W' l Olendenufug, Hpokaae W 1: iteii, Spokane. a lire-has in A llomu Hruuily Klll.d. A case ol eruellv to u u. ....... i white and unauallnud i.r.o .1,,', Mlltinu in lb., death .,1 . 1 just come to light, Xbe horse w.l- II 144 II If Jf. V" .4 I I .. ... siocayanin. 1 oung men ho are known spent a forenoon lasso ing the horse and Qulliiiu ii u, 1 could stand it no longer and lesuiicd. I hey e t to., I.,u.. - - . . . , 1 . , R(, sl' u ...... ,, ... aiainad ior two dav i...f..r. u flT nrerad and take,, awav. vku i ! "' "l a series of caaes of er v 1 brutality which have r tlZ . H-iirace the hiutore ,. H.....11 ton and v., ti ...... i 1 ' 0,""u" An ordinance was i.a-ed omcnlm.- for a special election to be held Mini. lay. Aiiril LHJ, for the niirnoie of bond- ii.,- llie env in llie Ulll ol f. IK'o ,, h, prove the waterworks A new line ol BSIVanlaad iron pipe fmin the spring to ine reservoir, replacing the wooden pipe now 111 use. is desired, together wioi oilier improvements 1 1. . I agrwd to appropriate floo toward nur- liasing a racing hose cart for the Ucri 1,..., comp.uiv. which 1 onstitnies ISM Weston nr.. department. The boys thems Iv. s will add tbo to this amount making SflO, and huv a lirst -cla-s rac ing carl, with ball Ix-aring- and other modern improvements. Thev will at once begin the active train 1 iil of .. team for the llepimcr tournament. Ihe Walla Walla Union sage I v Maa mat it would he the nroiier' thine lor the fellows who have been ill II... habit ol . i-iiu,.- iinkl es into Hi.. lot machines p, enatinn. n, .. by Menrini a niekla safe for the baby. 11 would oe eoiiUIIV as Matl.-dactorv tiie man and a darned sight prouiunie ior llie lulliv. lien IhliiiliM has become a I'endlelon lan again, after a year's stay at W'es . .1. II.. ... Ill 1 . : 1 .. . " " o. .1 1 m 1 a 1 ei 1 in iiusines- ill tiie White Mouse (irocerv 1 1 ... r. u ill. lame- Thollllisoli. ail ompane 1, und Weston I riellils u ... then, a large measure of success. ( harles Dfl pail ha.- taken charge of the Unpins grocery and toabeco store at Vj . -loll. Ir.-d i.erberding has purchased llarve Martin's ml. Test in ihe business Ol the Weston Livery Co., uu,l will personally conduct it herealler. Mr Martin ha- not vet decided upon his future 'employment, but will continue to make his home at Weston. METERS IN VaIXA WALLA Baker City the qoaation electri" light Maker City secure privil Oden, I'tah. will vote on April on oi citv ownership of the plain. men ges ar. to endeavoring Mpply water to more NEW TEN CENT LINE or GLASSWARE, Owl Tea House. BED BUGS Miw Is llie t me lii 11., II..,, 11, , 1,. 11. .y. 1 No lietllniKs wlisi- I vvn, ' ll'ii Hue Iv.froyer." j isavirrGk, iMatllle vermin of ull klmli KIImJ . . 11. in,. 1 . . u.'ii iiiiKs. r.s'Kr.nfML .1111- iiieih, un, 1 inse.'W ofall klmli h in" only de-it. ys Ihe Insect, hut ,ntnn Un- inm us well. Non-p laoatee 10 nil, 1 in MOTHS II aftai in. in noe before His riy iipl ii" ".. ti e sii in ,1,. n. -ii-. a 1.1 ruroM I " wan lamiilini. Nul'iillin a III hoc. 'i iowiler lo ll-e li, put M4l j'.in 1 11-. inn Hiinri ituriiii iils KOEPPiENS PHARMACY 1 n. ..ptilnr prlceit ilrnn .ton OU l "un aireut. loraicrly ihe rtoaeet until ieatli lead in the LMs.-rienee is ti,, H, u.acliur. v V.ker H Knglisl. remedy in any case )f oouirba. co his ,,s oT ... ,.11 , .."""I'- niioui.i II . l". iiUUediate relief money Talk or Kuttlna Them In to Sav. Wane or Water. Walla Walla, April 11'. The water works system of this city ia steadily being improved and enlarged. The construction of a new main in I'ark treat, between Whitman and liircb streets, a distance oi about live bloukl has just been completed. A shipment ol mti tons of pipe ami littiugs is now en route and it is expected bv fall that the larger portion of the same will bavebeea placed m petition. Water ior the purpose oi irrigation will be supplied reajdents of Walla Walla on and after Mav 1 and it is 11 .1.. fr.,.., 11 . ... ... .... iirniii Ollinsia, thill win ne hiilhcient during the Hlll.,.l,..r .,r ,1 I I . !f ........ , ,,,, ir . iu... 11 . , ... .. . 1 - ..;r .. 001 allow an on, In, precious iluid. Tiie water commit if,, 11IH wt,n co s...L-r,,1K ,,. aaviesoimy of attaehioe I.. Il.i. .Im .1 1 .. .... .... ,rr i u,ose Wll aM wit u-iiures to waste,'' said K...rar ,, . lrllur y,..k.r,HV mill if un.. I. 1 1 1 1 . . . - ...... ""' auvisalile, wind ... ...iwt, me cost ot t, ,eU.f ... . ,aen 10 the consumer. Th new wuti.r - . " ., . ' r" icceiiuy enaoteu ut T """i. require meters to he Placed on all service pipes at the ,. HU.ner-H cost. This was found necea iary to prevent waste and I belmve -00 ru ,ng would prove henelicial if carried into aflasl in this city." L A I II Ui. it s Aft a OPPHBSSKD. "ontlgnor tonaly. 10 Alleged. Speaking In ctiieaao. Ohiaajo, April LJ. -Speaking at the nu.veiit.on 0. Catholic educators t,s ay Monsignor Conaty eg Id I ,5. V" M"u'yu hit soJrajbsi but " are here aa Ainericai. eitiaeoa do-n-nding our rights. We are not ask M '"vors; all we want is juatice. WJ want recognition as uitie8 HI Uxpayera .,1 gefiool aftaira. We he,;Ve ther, coming iisumcr waste of th. 'Iwn Hlut'k Wulnut lied room Btti One rombinatioii hureau. Thev are very rare. V. STROBLE, Court 5tnMl The Columbia Lodging House M:vi.v I'Tiimsiikii HAH IN CONNKCTION I N CKNTKH OK BLOCK BIST. ALT A eY WEBB 8'1"H F.X. SCHEHPP, Prop. eVsaeajaesjbSjMj Locust Hill Rabbit and Poultry Yards Pedigreed Belgian rtarei and pure bred Fowlt. HSMS, to Ot) per pair, f.'t Mtb llarred, Huff, end While I'lym outii Kocku Kgga " 11 1 I -ut mgr. for S6 00: aim. Harred Hook evga at II Jd Bf rutting. Bona and Slaada Comb Masa iHlaud Kedri Kggu IL'.OO per !' 8 Hittiiiea for lo.Ou. Viaiton woleome. For furtb information addreea UUYW. WADK, reudletou, 1 A LUCKY H0R8E.6HOE. PHb.ii.,. ,ne, wi.,?..,'." : .::r'. i u.r. our .nop jmd w. .IU "JTIA 3 NEAQLE BROS. Subscribers to Magazines it- in a AM 1 TO huh cilUi lor uinMii,e. or iicw.wu.H 11, the Dal ted siui.'s or Kuropc, reuul uy ponUl uoU, otiBca or euil lo Ihe K (m,,, hun the ucl publUl r price ol tiie publication you du.lre. u, , ...m The Dead ffTffl Do you want work? Do you want to hire hW 11 o call or advlMi uii "'' your wnuu will be .iwail ed lo PHOMPTJ.V C. F. COOK'S Employ mentAgen 11 Mai i luoue bvlui Is. Hi II. I,. II.. L , , .. Jwiuct i7TZr, . .' "y.lM ou can Corner MAIN ANU A I.M A HIUWH I ull line of Ciar.r. LoaUi and sHmolera' Artie NICE CLUB KOOM.