Shirt Waists for Spring. We have just received a large assortment of shirt waists Which we are selling at prices that are all right. Von can get an sltgAOt waist for 50c. and our dollar w. list is simply a "peach," just the kind that you likl to wear. Out spring and stintmrt ROOtll are now in. Siiks, (iinghanis, Lawns. Dimities. White Goods, Per cales, etc. BEE US FOR BARGAINS. THE MAGNET CASH STORE Clements & Wilson. Court and Cottonwood : feast (fet(pva JoOllO 10 return (0 tli' The creamery Will 00 liirm lif' BON attrae FRIDAY. APRIL I! 1901 butter, never old method DIOOfa It) nnik tive. It i especially B bOOB tO the women. Pniier tin' croiimeryjpliiii . the farmer'" DAILY. WEEKLY AID SEMI-WEEKLY fife baa abtolotoly nothing to do with m th- Ibo bond liltg ( milk tad cream, the Bam Orejrotitnn ltibUaliliiK company, ,,. perform I Of all ol tlic work, ami HMtonioiii oootti ibno lightening what are freqoentla gTOOt ami always wearvnur bunion of tin women on the farm. Thi" "abject warrant-clnc invest ifia turn hv the tormota Pendleton tad the '5 bllOlll men of the town. The hast 3 On-yon ian will eneouraiic tlie enter 1 prise in every manner within its powei TUB OncT' n ' rmkil ... Una a-nthi, hy mall ......... Daa oof par walk. i . .r.ifr Trla tutvcnptio ajafflo lunhfi i ... UHI w.m IMM IMTM Oat c.p. our fir J On copy in i. UM Trl Trtll tiihauil.tioti itafle luntxri whki.v WWCIIHIIIII mr Oaa fop? on, v.. imt cw7 tn tn.-nth. T, ltllCC . . AI.VIRTI4IN. Our IrtrS, or lall 1 inra. o in. htl Oaa inrb. or in Hi h I a. IMWW,) , et 1.. Mli 1 -1 tl..T--rr-r '- Oni- in rrlaaa, I (Hr thra. IB. hn. In Over thra In. lit. la tSA Si Daiiv . aril Inlrii . , Mon.aiK. Local mVh. ten ,c J PARIIONINC. I'O W K R SavK tin' Portland Orowonioni 13 In a recently published letter GOV' w eriior deer seeks to justify his pardon r.rjJTi - ' '. 2 ot Kdwln 1. Mitno opoo the ground " m that the jnrv rendered 11 verdict of ' - wwfciyB guilty of monologhtor nponno ogree ' mom t. recommend to tbe eoart for a r um. e.ii mimioa. I minimum Mntonooi which mm one vent tl nt the judge Ignored their roe- miiienilation and nave .Mini" nvi yearn; thut the pirnrs anl that if they ,, ... . . ., linn! ni'l "eil till' nuttfe woiilil ILTIIore A pre-,, disputed trnm t Paul gives ., ' ' bf ,ivr the information that the ttornygon- agreed to 1 rerdlcl oi goUty, Then- Is HRBAKKRS FOR THK STKKl TRUST. ii" lone in tin- plea lor 110 jurv inn- l.i legal rik'tit miller their oath to uive any man a full antiittal tearing that 'he 11 01 rt woiilil not he a- tnereifiil a tin inry woiilil he if they were the lii'iirt. The law wlooo blnda the inn be oath to remler a rerdiet in nooor htiiee w ith tl viilein'e. anil winelv n ervuH to the imluii the riuht to M event the attorneyiionernl retoraa tern whether merm Hhoiihl he ex- eral of .Minnecota linn Peon ill reefed by a nenate reoliition to i 1 1 1 1 1 r . into the proponed I'on-ohiiatioii ol tin I'lintti A iron ltaiie and Dnlntb, Sdeaaba t Northern railway-, with a flea to de terniiniiik' whether or not it i- 11 pOD tlli't with the blivs ni the -:ate In tie finding nueh a warrant aetion, iro ceetlinga will he imttitnted to prevent the I'oiinol nlatioti. Thin ii praetieally the only move ment that ha I wen taken (or HHM time to interfere w ith the loriiiat inn 01 trnntri in the I'nited Staten. It in to he hoped that .MinneHota'r attorney lienural will pmMM InreOtigHtiOO 111 u apirit of really endeavorim; to ar-rer tain whether the OOBlblnlng ot tin tw, xtate ruadu if 111 I'ontravent ion of the lawn of that commonwfitltli, (or, il thin Dgf it mav tnrin-i, opportunity to ehiH'k the trout teuileiii'ir, hy luruinh 1 1 u 1. .1-1 for action in nthei Htate-. Theite two road - have for main year 'operated UtwetMi Ihiluth and Two llarlom and the iron miner, nortl from the two oitiOOi The Imliith A Iron Kaiitte in the older, having baOl in BXinteiU'e for nouiethlllK like 1 1 yearn. The .Menaha road wan huilt in IKvn'. The hitler road wa- ai-ipiri-i! P John 0. Itoekeleller (run. the Merntt lllterentn. The t'niteit Mat.-.- lee! eor- poration, which in the "hillioo'dollar trout," ntade arrangementn (or the pur ehaiH' o( the road- ami niukuii: them into one Mynteni. Thene rn.iil- 0011 very ton of iron ore from tin Northern Minnesota minen to tin nhori- Lake hopurior, whence it in transported h water to the Lantern toman-- If the truat ohtain (OStWl ol the ruadii, having already control of the umiee and the lake Pouts, it will uhrio lutolv own the entire iron indontry of Minuenota MH the moat extemm. in the United -tatea. Hy ruavoii of the appointment of 1'. I'. Kliox. win wa- under :i "n,i i ( aalary witli the rileei MMttpOgliOl Uow forming tin truat , ti the lederal at toruey-Kenerulshiu, all hopen ol en (orceinent of national unti-trnnt lawn are hlaatad. Mr. Knox will not pro. Ltml aiiamat the truat tint ha to fatly fed hiui in the pant At leant, one in juatibed in dedmine that from tin logii o! the -itualiun. bo that tin movement in MiaUMOOlg will U- important. It will U- neeea aary, witli Mr. Knox in the atton,e general V ortn e, tO NOQft tO the m xt heat Ualag, the handlinii o( tnnti- n the eourtn o( tin- MVOfft,-ThOaTghtlOl Uieli who (ear tin growing iniwer of the vur-t m-u'rej-ationr. ,,, Mp, ui will watch the Minaotota mm with deep lntere-t A l FOR 1. TUN. Aoconlini- to tiie mate dairy and ggf couimiiaioner, J. W. Bailey, no more than lauuu iieetf he aecurrd ii, order to the building of u ereMMT her. I, Ur aaaertn that u larger aii'miint at tin- I., . ginnioK in HpaWttaaM, Ibil -in, eouid be gotten in hand, if the right pom Dl would take l.old of the enterprise iU,,, after (urmiiu; intoitlfUlt plui, proaeetl toeulial linancial aupport. Aa one reada tht uiauy uewspain-rr- ,.( Oragon aud VVaahuigtoi, eomi, o. u exchange uble, be ia iiupreain-d with the growth oi the rnmn imlustry lawiii yeum. Wherever milel, 1 town can be kept creaiUerieB are being built, aud iuataniaa 0( failure are mirpriBingly tew. It ,,, that in no other mduitrv hat there bean no general auece,a. ) onoa accuatomed to oelling . Uliu ' oiwun, ud obviating lr(,ul,.. u, u taring ur it ud t' ded to tin- uuilty ainl what meaniire of merry, whieh may oitOM t" a mm- pentloo ol mntonooi bol the jury ha oiii t" determine tin uuilt of the oo roaed a- a qnooHw uf tact. They may ui'ipiit it' innanitv to the point of Irreeponolbl I i t y iHeatabliched : they may timl the pri-oiwr guilty with .i pocommendat inn to mercy, hut it be longn to the court to approve or reject a recommendation to mercv. ami to ti x tin meaniire o( mercy it the court deride- to grant the jfUj't praver. It in not a jumr'n biiHinenn to tun! verdictn which nix'll mercy illegullv extended. It in bin mile biiriinean to timl verdictn according to the evidence and to rec Omwend mercv. He munt leave to (be jinlgi' the ipieKtion of mercy and itn 01000010. Bo m bound a-an oath-keep I ii.- jnr rr in leave the ((llentlon ol mercy where the law wiaely leaven it, with tO hi rt To OOqoil a guilty man i e, an,, the jury thinkn tin. judge may not In- merciful enough in not the bnoinoM of the jury, and the law. hy rootrirting the jury to a N0O090M0mO in I mercv, nbown t i i it t itn clear in- tontiOO in to keep the tury down to the gnOOtiOfl of (act aa to the guilt of the tccuoed, leoving the aojootion o( mercy and Itk degree entirely to the dioofo ! ion oi the court. A jury ought tu understand that a juror'a oath in broken when a clearly Oilty man m OOQSittod. Bo in thin IliOM cane it wjn net the lury'n buai- DOM t Si tin- sentence of th irt Tboil NOpOMibilily ended with con '.nt inn and recommendation to mercy. They knew perfectly well that while the judge mav approve the jury 'n rec- tMpmendnttoo to nrotoyibe i- not under the slightest legal or noral onligution to do so. In this particular case the judge did consider favorably the jury's recommendation to mercy, for he gave tin- convict only hTc yearn when lie otherwise would have givon him tif 00 and thm jury ha- the effrontery tO pOOtond tOO! they WOUld have either acquitted tin- prisoner or disagreed i opeleoolf if they had not -om . that the judge would have given the oonfiot tin- ninlnram punishuieut of in- v,.,r, What right nad the jury to mppooe their rooonmendntMoo to uterej would hx the term of sentence'.' -nn i nut (mm the judge or the proae cuting attorney. For tln-e reasons we n. the (iiea of the jury (or u pardon to Minn absolutely weak aud worth lam an ex -post facto excuse for atul tifviug their verdict by iudoraiug ail applh ation tor ardon, ' in- lieatiLit iiui- rmntlonoii in- earciTattoi, wa- a aource of privute sor row to wormy people who were eon liaetod with him by marriage is worth leas, because, as (iovcruor lieer con leeOM that (ilea fill Mir cent of the prioonori OOUld be lin-ratetl tomorrow. The truth in that when poidono are iaoaed on the plea of nrgonal sym patby lor the priooner'i decent famih , r v : n r.. f- atyiiii Make the Hair Grow , . . . . . . on jrin auampooa) or i c m i ka Hoai- aud liKOi areaaiuio " Cdtk.i b, jmreatot euiol. lieni tkiu cures. Una u .,.- ... 0ca aio lidliui? hait, reoiovu, ctuau, avcalaa, and dauatuB, tooUies irruaUMi, iicuim- aurfaou ktiuiuUUa Utu hair lullidoa, tuUm tba rooia wiu, auorny ami u.juri4huiut, aud .u. u,, wuen 411 Ola. talU. nr mi the BlOO that unlenri the priOOnOI in releancd he will die in jail. nUUlib' mont in robbed of Hx Mtrongent terrorn. The rofioOtion that it in poinful t" DO aaataaMiatl from wile and children: that a OOnltontiory if" a very disagreeable plfMM to be nick and a dtOgrOCefOl plOOi to die, rOOtrolM many I man of crim Inol InipoloOl from committinc crime. A ponitontiory ibOUld be made health Ini. and the food nhoiild be laffldlOUt and wholenome, but bevond thin a ponitontiory should bo mode no utterly UatOra and repulsive that no man would ever leave it without an utter disgust and dfOOd of a return to it glOOtny walls. The only just rolo in our judgment should he lor the gov ernor never to issue a pardon, im who snrncd the netitioil, linlcnn it could he shown w ith logol conclu siveness that the verdict was unjusl ami contrary to evidence. Hie dealro, the willingness, the anxiety of a num ber of persons, he they ever so Worthy and Influent Ini, to obtain ii pardon for a convict should never he roopoOted. The state should right anv Wrong wrought hv clear failure of justice in the trial, but otherwise there ihottld be no mercy beyond OOftUBUtOtion lor nod oonduct. COMING NORTHWEST EVENTS. I'resbvterv of BpOnOMi I -airfield Wash.. April lti-18. llreion k. (I. T. U. state conven tion, I'ortlaml. April lb. Montana Stockgmwers' aaaooiotion annual meeting, Miles City, April Hi. North Montana RoflDdUp association. Fort Benton, April Spokane republican BtOnieipol cm 00000) April 99 Dfimofieo, April L'i convention, April L'"i Montana itraml Artm onCOBiptnent, Bntto, April 1 7-is. Woablngton a. 0. u, W. gram! bulge. Bpokone, April In. I'endleton home IbOO . Mav I Sportsmen's A--i ciat lot. .'f tin- North west, Walla Walla. J One gfiS0, State Medical association of Mon tana. 01001 Falls, May IW8, OrogOfl state convention of Ohriatioo Kndenvor, Boletn, Moy 1MB. Washington Mate Sunday BOttOOl association, annual convention, Seattle, Mav 1013. Proahvterv ot Helena, Helena, Mont., April li. dreat council ot lied Men ni Mon tana. Missoula, April -10. Montana State Sundav ftobool con rent ion, Billinoo, April BO to May I, Montane Christian Kndenvor i-onveii- t Hut t'. June i "THE SKY PILOT." RIAD1NQ liv Miss Katherlne Oliver Monday Evening April 15, 1901 Presbyterian Church. n, Mli T,.i. oi the PeottHUj,' bl Ralati Conner, Mlai Oil rer JrWrtray the Jmmm Mi wostern llle with h itiicnn ami pnni i i-niim . nathei Arthur WaltltlgtOB MOOra Rrotli n Hill Ill K e l.i ItarMlth, . Owen . i in- "Duke" Itohlilc Mnlr OHARAOTRNH IMPKRHON tTIDi , muor oilialoneryi nleknoaed the "Hky Pilot " a oowboy Riiiv Partner The "Old Tinier" Ill- Daughter The KiiKlinii Aristocrat A r ii m 1 1 in n 1 1 let I The Pilot "Bain In Id" work. Act ii How the church wai built. ADMISSION Studonta oi Academy and High School 251 BUSINESS CHANGE WHITE HOUSE GROCERY UNDER NEW n ANAGEVU A I YOU AM INVITED To 1 k mu WITH US Thompson & Dupuis, Props. CATARRH t Catarrh has become auch a cowinioti liscanr that a person entirely free from tbia dtaneting complaint ia acldom met with. 1 tia customary tuatieak of Catarrh aa tiothnig more ncrioua than a bait cold, a ainipli- intlamnutiou of the BOM and throat. It is, in fact, a complicated and very dangeroua diaeaae ; if not at tint, it rerv aoou becomes ao. The blood is ipiickly contaminated by the foul secretions, and the poison through the general circulation is carried to all parts of the svstem. Salves, washes and apravs are unsatis factory and disappointing, nOOOOOO they do not reach the seat of the trouble, b. 8. S does It cleanses the blood of thr poison and eliminates from the svstem all catarrhal secretions, and thus cures thor oughly aud t criu.iin.nt.-.- the wont 00000. Mr r II MaOpOOar, of narrodariurit Kt , wrltaa "IIivimk itcit a urribU aalltrcr (roa Caiarrli. ami lelriK uow aouml ami wU, t lie iuta tion otirn put to ma is. ' Wliat Mteq yon f Inan wer I (ret It niy duty to alat'tiui Kwlit a !vcttic la the mcluitic I am raeiia true btltteern the el, a Is ilt spccl&c that I run huuettly aud eonacirntioualy racom Mend It lo any one suffer tnii froai Catarrh Have recanimeuiird n to many, sn.l am hapri t aav that ihiiar whoti- 1 h.ivr sd lo nar it can bear me out in tbtilatemtnt thai It will cure anv Case of Caurtti if aixwrd tog tu directiuas " 0a aOJ gm is oulv purely veg- "A. faV euble blood punhe, 0. b. h. known, and the greatest tkaBhBBuf ull blood medicine If you have Catarrh don't wait nntil it becomes deep-seated aud chrome, but be- K'n at once the use of S. S S., uud sand rour book on I .t and akin diseases aud write out ih siciaus about your THE tWItl SPEC'FIC CO.. ATLANTA. OA W. D. H ANSFORD&CO. Dealen in HARDWARE. STOVES, BARBED WIRE, SHELF HARDWARE, PUMPS fond PIPE. PLUMBINjG A SPECIALTY, HOI Main Street, Pendleton, Oregon. ono i. ink 1 1 time. . . I" -.' tlllli" I V o tlia.a .oi-6i- each cxtrri iniertioii CLASSIFIED ADS. i in Ine or OKM - htl'-. or in. ire THRU bHtM I time 'JOc .' nine :t iiiii.' i 10c SaCh aihlitnuiiil lii.crtion 8af- l- EM Welti's TO THR Llttg ti weeOi it 'tio rate of t e'r hue tumuli at tlic rat.- of i.v pot line K0I UMM I time .'n.' i tunc. Sat .i 1 1 i.n- tit . aaeh h, t.t i tioimi iiiM-rtiou IIKI.P WANTKU. WANTKHSAI.KSMKN. SAI.Ain Ol: commission tohool fnrnlwie and luepliw 1 ii i on Mchool rurnlshtna 1 o., in Mii.iia.m sl Oblaego, Ills, HOH SALE OR EXCHANGE. HOI18K POWKK UABO I all Hxt.ire- i oaaaieta imili. ami ataelrlc saarfiar, at we honna foi corowood S, Clovei PICE LINK- I time Me nniu. Mas I times . Ok i additional I n -.-r I ion iwh LINOI l time IV j limei ,110c times .asr I sett extra uifertlnu U I.I g En I 1 1 llle . LV J lima. . 4h t time. lOa .'' . Sa Ii , : l-'i i I II -er loll A NEW six ARCHITRI TS ANIi HI- ILDKI.v T. K. HOWARD, ABOHITHtTT AM' Hll rn'rlnteiiilciit make- cirniilei,; aud rstlatib plan, lor biilliiiK in in.- dtl or ciiunir KiMioi 17 ludil liulldlUK D A. M.W, UONTttACTOB AND liiil'.d.-r Kaiiiiialo hirnialiv.l mi all kiinUoi ina.iiir eem.-ni lk- nni. null- ,., ur ier-. an be ictt at the East Oregon Ion ooni i MUSH AN0 PIANO TUNING. IpUOV. KollKHT ItAl.bOT, VIOUN Hit- letal and loader ul the ncu Opera HoWM orchestra Teacher ol rlolln, riola. cello, mm mandolin, Kuuar. plaoe, pu ernsti harmon) I oonntarpolnt, arranovmeat and orcnesiratloa yolei evllttia (Italian aaelhou) stud ( ,ari im nine and urioet opera Piano t'uiiiuK ami rapaj rina luominiy itoaa Urchaatra ... I luriil.lie.l (or imrtiea ball- and at! ucua.lon. ' rur cBk'.'-i. ! Holla., II..-- k a .pi 5 s - r R N DR. SANDEN'S BET. Hu do equtl for the oure oi Nervom and PhyeieeJ Debil ity, KxlutUHted 'itulity. aii tTrOoole, Pieixigture Decline, Loei of Memory, Wilting, etc. which has been brought al.out hy early iBdifMlttiona Of later excesBt'K. BANKS AN II BKOKEHS. I Hi. PKNDLKTOg BAVINQg HANK r' "'It- "o koii (iraaiiuei, Jiao b 1, UOt oapllal t- ' Inn nit aMnwcl on tune .1. . taii KseliaiiK. b.. lac It ( and on all pro. i l;a, lunula r.i,ei i allflltloll Klvell Hi eulle, Ueai J, Furnish, iireanleui. J N. loat vi. . pre. iit-iii ; T. J. Morn., c-aalilur. I IKS' NATIONAL HAN K OK ATHKN A orefoi. Caplul. lau.Ok). tnrpni. and prulli.. I '"' liuereat on m, ,..,M1. laila in hirvioii ami doLieatn aschann. 'ollactlons lro:n ni . h 1 1 .. 1 1 .... i ... ii...... I ... . - -. - , .iii.iii. ine- I Sl.arp u,ra Ideal, I I, Kirk. Tlct-preildent ; E Bar '"'" 'aanler; Mr. E I. Barnoit. aaalaiani PHYSICIANS. DB. W. Ii. OGIal OUlldlUK OBle. lie P m. Teluplioue 77 omoi in juDi) it to u a. m.i to I K. W. VIM'KNT M. I' "FUCK It K A li ot Xirai Natioua: bank Offlce bour. lu to w a. m. ; I to s p. m. DBB. SMITH 0 HKNOKItso.N. oKKli'K ov.-r paadlaloB larlng. ham. lalaohonc 11 retsdeM. wUphooi I H. ti. (.AUKIKI.l). II. ) HOMK 1' A 'I'll to Phystetaa and Onigeon omn In IwU ZtSStfa ' ,.'' "'" '' re.l- OR. l'.J. M l At !.. HooJJ l. A-MU'IA- ...mi Itflepuoui- l; real. truce tele pUOUe. black 111. cWKoFaTHIC i'HYBldlAMI Di:s. Kayaa.v Kee. ulte. una i, k aval ut lloa Ion Store K1USI NATIONAL HANK OK t'KNIM.K ion ( apiu: ITc.oui; .urulua. o,ttu Iran, acta r Keueral baiikiiiK buauicaa KxcliaiiK.- .cranio, iraualora aold on Clilcaeo Han rrauciico ork and priuciual poinia In tie Nortliweat. I'ralU Prawn on Cdiina Japan ""' I1 '".I. Maaea eoll.'.'t in r.'a.oii.ibii- l.-rm. Levi Auk."iy prvsiduut . M . K. Matlock rloa-Bfealitant: 0. B Wade, i-aahlor; U. 0 i,i.r i I'HK KAKMKK'S HANK OK WK8TON ..toii, lireKoii. ijoo. a geurral banking b.l.-llleaa EkeballKe iHiuallt mid .old l.'el ... li.iu. prominl) alU'iidrd to Affalra in mo.1 Bxeclluut condition aud ao reported iim.ii b, iiocstigatloucouimliieuol el ti. u -line er: K Janicaou, nraaldaut; (iao. W '""lain; vi. . preaident . C. M Puree, uaahier J. K. klllKor.-, aaii.iaut vaaliler; dlrecnira i A Hartaiau M M. Johu.. 1 J Price (i -(raw, J. K KlllfOra, Hoberi Jauiua.ui li W eroabstci OKNTISTh. Ml Alll.lSHEIi ITllliTV VgARI Wrlle todliy (or ui lair-- bi.oka Ileal!, in and "Htrcngth; lu Um and Abu. b .Nature b) Mel DR. A. T. SANDE-N, Dept. A. kusael Hlotk MOHTLAND, - - ORBQOM. I U Ray Co., Buy aud Mil Stockw, Honda arid Cjrairi (or cash or on uiarglua. New York Stock bxcbaiiKc Chicago Stock lixchangc. Chicago BoarO of Trade. Court aUMt, .'anUlaltoi, U LYNN K. HLAKK8I.KU I HHONIl ami qarroua dlsaaaai au.i -llrtsaoi ol woman PP Hotel. ...r Water and Mam au. 1'eudie- ATTUKNR VS. t A K Th I; A CAl.KV, ATTOKNKV8 AT l.aa Umue In naviuK. Hank Building. in. as a I.owki.i. ATTORNEYS AT Ijiw K.miui II Aaaoeiatlou Hloek l'uudla .UU. '. , 'I. r',(i;.t,uA.I,1:KV i-awvkk. omoi IN Judd Biiltililig. I'eu.lletou. llrugoo. STI1.1..MAN ,v PIMHOB, ATTORNBY8 atlaa Onomi iu. II, u and u AfAetollon N HKkKKI.KY. ATTOKNKY AT LAW, OOtce in A..oriatlon Block. K; K,- IPJ' DBNTIBT. OKKH k tu Judd Bulldiiig. A. b. IUCA Ml. i, l). h. 0JrV10B 0VBB Hariuga Bank. Uai adnoniiiorad B. A. MANN, DBNTIBT, IN ABBOOlA UOB Olaot, over t B Dlopiou'a oOJue MISLEL1.ANKUUS NUTK tk' 1 I'll .all. I T... nyiu r. ii 1 ii K Hi 1 1.1 IK li. m p k ih'.".fl'ft'!' i'V1'", "V1 ""eannual meatluof the atockbolilei, ol t 'emtlaton Wool h.-.,,i, d". Mn'y", """ ."'. ','.; la, Mii ,, Itaj , t i , , a, tl,,-on,, 0 of In,- " ' "P. " IMIrtri i 1 III. r. ...1 ' tllf lllllil- We're Just as Thankful l-'nr a Hinal I pockoie HH lurRe one Boofa will receive tOO mime thOfQOgh anil OOfOfnl attention. If we net tbe former, it may in I IntO tftnw to tbe latter bv tbe Hit inflict ion g-oti will derive in OTOorThg Inunilereil WOTh . .ti ' our Steam Laundry. J. F. Robinson, Prop, Tplephone 60 D Jli. rciiuieion Planing Mil and Lumber y. Call up No. 5 lor Wood, Coal, Brick and 5and. Can sell chcaper ny firm in th, J because they buylgU quantities. If yon 1 lrnt,er or any klnd 1 mill work call and w their prices. R. FORSTFR . d... - a. . , , WOf Equal to any in the world. KIM TH w-r Ilk BEER. Heavy Hauling Kgx t-iul Mttt'til nut gt-ftll hi (ttiioliiiiiiifiitr ., i i " i - u i n 1 . 1 1 1 i l ivy tr v rii'iiiiitititila..l i . . a i m I'.aal . "till LaatZ BrOS. Schultz Brewing . I a-. a . . a -aa. a m KTPnrn w (ct n nt t t: i v a u s m se . i v i iw 1 1 1 1 v .i i ii ii i ii ii t.. i - --- ' k 1, I I - I T f- I T X! IV . I IV IV RKH'I MKAI.S IN ITU- rt l ol'KN DOT AM. glOlIT . . TOO 0T AM' l.AMK IS HEAHON. Just rvcteixt'd n nice lot of Iro'n lrg (Iuh, Prop-letor . s.M-xi.-- )u 1 1.1 1 lie . M.i iii . I cii.lh'ton. orcKon Oregon Short Line Union Pacific mi-ant MO Tlmo Schedule rrom Pendleton. AKKtVK raoH Tih-airo Salt Lake. Denver. Kurt Portland Worm, (nnalia. Kan SlK'clal aa city. Ht l.oin, 8:0. a.m. ' I- ' (TilcaKi. and Kaat via Hunt Inftew I Atlantic Halt lake. DOOJOOb Kt. Kxpreaa Worth, (iinaba, Kail atlS a in. aaa City, Ht.laiuia (Til 10:40 p. in via Hum caaoaud Kaat. liiKiou Ht Paul Wall- Walla. lamlaioii. Kaat Mall Hpokaiie allacv-.l'ull .lloa in man. Miuui-aiHilla, Hi. '.:aoi. ni via Paul, liuliiih.Mllwau- Hpokaua kee, chlcaRo aud Kaat Ocean and River Schedule. MOM PORTLAND. All sailing datea .lib I NI p. ui. to change. KorHan Krant-iaco .p.m. Hall ev.r 4 daya. bally H pl Columbia River """'y . . p m. P in. lo AilorU and W ay ax feundav aalurday Laadlaas. "unu.y 10 p. m. i .. ; Wlllamatla Rlrar i I'ally ax. I , ;""'" i'reou eitr. NewU-roJex. OOjuC. 0 a. ui Haleui liiilcMindunce, and Way-Landings. Sam Corvalliaaud Way. I -.Hup in 'iT.ii','" Uudlngs MouVid. "u'1 81 aud Krl. Wlllamotte and Yam a ' ! Rivars :ao d m '" hio Mm, '..,) and bat aud Way Uudlim. and Krl .leava j ra bally.' Klparla to Lowlslou. "nifly"1' S T OKAG Ol ,a'rr aaa fc aiaaaai kgOj kjaWOjaWt -Vaaa CROWNER & TKI.KPIIONK M il.V , fll A I j . a . r b a v w ... . Hi eit v propert v at a rale of IntOfOOt, I an la? t I ai. I in montlilv in.uK- n it'll t Ill cciii . v www wmu m w a v "ill loan on iinimr pffOgOOtjf or will fiirniO inoiiev to btiilil with Will bo pleael to i;iv fig iiren of actual tost to an. one neiilini; a loan. t K A K K (MUM Hou Main Street. I tu. I if i 'U .11 A II (IIS II K rt t r-. c -awr v v li Htlll 1 1 f aja-a ' BatH. ail' bSiifgl ATTOHNlcv AT uw. in "lomiiiK n,e ,y.uw, .,, lu . , l- i oi .hrcclor hou, nine i., ... r. i. . l.oPTON.BV. re.ary-"1'"' g. Jt 1)1., becretary ' V JVm'- iMMOM w hoovr will Farmers Custom Mill Fred Waitere, Proprietor. Capaelty, lau bariela a day. flour exchanged lor wheal JM.hKaed.CUoppedKa.d. ,L . .,.y. WhN SUMOotf Comes Ajjain. anil yon nr.- tempted i ban lafa Crtriiet.H to llbliviimy r..l - ,iu Will ai'., nines ln tU , Ta" "' "on o we nave lain ii a Md wnplw Th,- pattoro. .i oolwi will oputwl t,. your tant,. ,or ik ;'... fi. on, prlooo U) yZr diro to rZlZ:T' - ,"'rr"l',' "nr "-' i' ai tv ';ur,a"'." lir'' arooojl of Ulllli.a wall paper Jesse FailiiiaO. Mam nlreet neur briilK0. K. K. wmlby, Ageui, Paodloton. NORTHERN PACIFIC RUNS HitUumu Slcepiug Qirn, Tourist Sleeping Can ST. I' A IT I MINNEAPOU8 oui.uTii IKAHliO (liHANI) KOKKb J l.""KS'()N WINM.i'Kii "KI.KNA ami ul)TTK. I III. 11.11 i.illl II, IkllVII.,' IflNlfll ( l.-. ...... . - .. . - V. . "TnTa-i . ...... ... ,,, i ,,, l.iilluu . ,. - ,i ,!,, ... U.Tl IIU. I 1,11 1.1 . ........ ... If I . Hi. Wl.ii, lilVHM Banahaa Cat. W..U. ...I l.....r. ..-I, nn la iaudlarj bouas that ha. M ram iopr Joseph Ell, Prop. A. C. SHAW & W. J. 8EWELL, Maud u i. rn i . oi. iiim W 111! LV 1 I L in Mli ' " 'Ha lllil, lllti' 1MRFR IIFAL Yanl on Webb Street Opposite, Hunt Freight lP- To UAlII k-aa. w bnow what The new store , an Jvg be " dnt known un,eSS afJvert,8eSt ADVERTISE? rUMOUQU TIQLCTt TO 0UI0AQ0 WASHINGTON I-HII.AUKI.I'HIA NKW VOkK BOSTON and all pointe Kaai .n.i uax. . .. "inn. and A .iii.r i. 1 1 .... , !n' Hloaiushlp Co ii,,, TIMK SIHhUULB. Iralu lauavMa i . .... j... atSMJu. m ""y "swptbiuiday o am pro parol! to iiirnim. in tbe lumber linn anil fan pricen to bu aa cheap, if "ot il.. in ntharu VA, .. alia. , ,.rrv .. . ..... .J , ..v ."' . . J'artinr, coiiLuuiplatina Ixiildiag ' woll to aoe ua bofore plu-TOI ordera. We alao carry Case! Fll wood. Phone Mam aud'ua'.Vo'u'w.luJ ,';"aV S Huxae. boarded by tbs day, week or alvau tlia bast ol cars. Pit-a flaaaia I iverV wiv VlUOi? aV-aj " J n. .. . mn .... .ail. luicnuouu auni ' i"1 I Xaarwit B i'i"" 0 I.I. thk Ntwai Take lx n i n.(( a aaa I w.uinaa. '- r . mail. WhUi Oi.SO, W 0LV1M ORAIO. Proprlutoi vnaiy aa on year oamr-