East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 12, 1901, Image 1

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.ttlM IB Wsrss ,he
' ,T::''.Cf
rlr tnnlntit mi, I Hutunlsy
L . ... .1 Olt HI'' "
f f f
NO. 4097
kvi I uirpr pa
L ptiool tram, I make
I -
,. i hi the hlfhaat
fur country prisltice
!. Demott.
Our magnificent stock of wranblrs for man.
woman and child is being added to day by day, as
fancy and fashion can create new things.
This week we show a new line of neckwear
for men, 25c, 50c and 75c the hitticst hits for
the advancing season.
A handsome new line of table linens and napkins
in new and exclusive patterns. Linens 25c to
I2.00 a jratd napkins to match $1.50 to $6.50
a dozen.
Women's colored petticoats made of silk, made
of mercerized cotton, made of fine soft sateen,
made of linen and made, of striped seersnckei,
and made to cost you just about the' price of the
bare material.
Some ladies decidedly swell
from the inakt-r 75c to 3 00,
shirt waists fresh
No store in Pendleton equals our showing.
Alexander & Hexter.
now raging in
he Boston Store
w Lines of Summer Goods
In n s v ash 1 nvanes
BM 1 year to 14 years, made of calico,
hrcalc, einiiham, linen, nimir and duck,
11 made and neatly trimmed 40c to $3 00
Long ami Short Kamonai
I;h1( of dainty dimity, organdy and lawn,
mined with lace and embroidery, fi 50
55.00. They're both daintier anil
' aptf than you can make them.
! resing Sacqut-
ehitfl and colored dnnitv. lawns and
andy, neatly trimmed, $1,00 to $3 50.
I ionwl ('overs
tiiic organdy for summer wear, white
d colors, elaborately trimmed, $100 up
Fine Table Linen
Fine Irish, Scotch, German and Belgian
linens as well as American makes. Already
finished cloths in elaborate designs, also
plain damask centre with fancy borders,
napkins to match.
Louitint Silk Waiiti
They come in stripes and woven dots in
white and colors $4 75 and $5.00.
Fancy Wai-ts
in albatross, French flannel, surah, taffeta,
and Poi de Soie. $4. 4H to $14.00
Fancy Neck EtuohM and Summer apes
In silk, chiffon and chenille $2.50 to fi2.
New things in neckwear and belts arriving
Watch us For Correct Styles and Low Prices.
endleton's Big Store.
Cable laying proceeds in the Fhilip
pi nee,
Oockflfhting is tn lt permitted in
Yellow fever
Colorado' is buried beneath a 2 to 10
foot HMWa
Rot ha has reopened eaee ncgotia
fclOM with the Rritish.
A New York inrv has derided that a
iambi I na, itt is legal
The lead trust has reduced tln price
of lend from f I to fit.. "SO.
daard Mevens. a veteran Imlian
lighter, died in New York.
A Canadian Romanist Archbishop
pronounces against cremation.
Japan has accepted Russia's latest
declaration regarding Manchuria.
California's Cured Fruit association
has reduced prune prices to 2 cents
Agitiualdn will not le released until
he secures surrender of (ieneral Tino.
Surveying corps of the Burlington
have heen taken from Wyoming and
New York will enact a law against
using live birds at shooting tourna
Three thousand five hundred steel
rails will go from Ohio to (ilasgow,
(ten. Win. Root It, Salvationist, cele.
hrafed his 7'd birthday on WedneHilnv
in London.
Steamer Arab, which left fer Ma
tiila. returned to San Francisco in dis
ahled condition.
The Independence and old Columbia
will sail trial races off Sandv Hook to
select s cup defender
J. V. Morgan at rived in Kngland
well and hearty, lie will Mont gigantic
blocks of trust stocks.
Englishmen are buying immense
quantities of sugar from Hamburg,
owing to expected Imposition of duty
by Kngland
Loudon Filipinos allege that en.
MacArthnr threatened -to torture
Agiiinaldu, thus compelling him to
sign allegiance
A court of appeals decision is that
only the vessel owners are liable in
damage suits, and that the vessel itsell
cannct be attached.
good ut lowest prices.
A Much Mooted
"What shall I buy them for a wed
ding present'.'" Answer: Nothing
could lie more acceptable to a new
ly married couple than tablew.ire or
bric-a-brac, such as can be seen
here. When you are looking for
china and kindred wares for your
friends or yourself, you will do well
to visit us.
ibing tackle, here
11 hooks 12 for a,
ika, all kiuds and sites, 15c,
ind 46c dozen.
0c, 19, 24c up to 11.96.
i jointed tiHhpoles UUc, others
Fish baskets Wc, $1.24 to
inkers, bait boxes, etc.
pes and sundries
F1" Cleveland and Columbia
10 uud 150 heels We are
tin- leading ttiid best line of
11 l'eudleton.
kj hand wheels bought, sold aud
tl values
large bottle H. H. anion iu 15c.
Union's l., ill, naate 10c.
tuitou' hair touic 3ttc, (war-
uietal picture frames 10c to
chet powder 6c.
perfumes Uc to 3.oU per bottle
all fresh seeds 6c paper 2c
pint papers 6c, seeds lu bulk
f a pound.
ederick Nolf.
ar)d Linoleums.
All best quality Carpets, sewed and layed
cheaper than any other house. Linoleums
in all the latest designs in fancy stamps.
See our office chairs and desks.
FOLSOM, Main Street
Seed Sowing Time...
You must
have good
seed if you
expect t o
gather a
good crop.
St ick is from selected grasses grown
in rich soil which insures a healthy
growth. Timothy, Alfalfa, Millett
lilue Grass, Brome Grass, Red and
White Clover in any quantity. ' Also
have a full line of garden toola.
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
Woolen mills are assured for Port
land. The Hallei is now building a new
(louring mill.
Columbia countv haw flH,7:m excess
of resources over liabilities.
April wheat shipments from Port
land averaged one cargo a day.
The Oregon I udeiendeiit, Salem, ad
vocates forming a farmers' trust.
I-red C. Bradley has liecn missing
for three months from Mnldoon, Idaho.
l-'orest rangers will guard Hull Hun
reserve to protect ittiainst lires during
Independence will issue $himi bonds,
lo-year, 4 per cents, semi-annual pay-
Judge (ieo II Williams has known
II presidents, so lie said to h Kugene
The I ' 11 i ted Mates promised to have
revenue cutters 111 tiering sea to pro.
tect seals.
rortland's Lewis .V ('lark centennial
committee will send a representative to
the Orient.
Kstate of the late Sol Abraham is
found to be tt&.OOO, much less than
was expected.
James Aiken, the llillsboro mur
derer, received a life sentence for
killing a Chinaman.
L li l.enan, a gigantic Swede, had
his neck broken in the Seattle jail,
ill I scutlle with other prisoners.
Canyon county, Idaho, sold $ ift.UOO
1 1 percent bond to K. II. HollinsA;
sous, Jlenver, for I'.'tsi premium.
Salem's power and light company
will remove the plant from its city lo
cation to a site 011 North Mill creek.
Fifty families are encamped near
(ileliu bride, at liellevue, Idaho,
awaiting to go to Camas prairie, Idaho
to locate.
Mi". Ashur, of Corvallis, who
recently aitempted suicide with a
raaor, on Wednesday again tried kill
ing herself with a pistol.
1 .I ,,'Uni- (.'.ii i 1 ' 1 1 Mltttt ft 111
polU ot diirlnrai s)Jt-. befori u.l -.
and u rniK'i-' lliAm m the lieail. Theac
(VmptOUU arc 1 omiiionl v MOCiated willi
liver M traubte " a tlta nu!t of 1 'li u 1
.-oiidillon ol tllu bloinacll aod litbl i
aua ot dlgwtkwi and auUririoti.
Dr, i'icne'-. Coidm Aledic.il Diaoov
arycurea dlioaan ot i'.i- itmarii aod lh
alliod org in- of ditfeaiiou und uuUit
It cure.-, tltrouab the BtOilia '
aecuiiagly rwniufaa from ibal wg . utl
which nave ilieir origin in a di
ooaditioa ol tb nmarh -"d dig -
and nutriliw .s.m 111. lb iiic, CUTI oi
heart, luu.i. liver, Udueya, uid other
Oigaus are coutJiitly effected b (he
u .. oi Dr. Piense' Ooldvu Medical ii-
Tiierc is 'x alcohol 111 the " Oiwovcry"
aud It is free from opium, cocaine, and
all oilier uarcotic.
Some dealerj may ofter a euhatitUle M
iut as auod " Dr. Pierce's Gulden
Medical Diacovery. TUere'euwn profit
in aubetitules for tin doaler. Theae'i
more litalth in the "Discovery" for you.
Dou'l be iuissed 011
"II i Willi Hi' B'ale1 pWsMiW I srriU w
the brut-Hi mv HUahsr Uus irviiitJ from )JUl
Golden Medical Uiteuumty,'" ty '!;- im
lubuwiu. uf l.on-i.ville. A.ulitr.t Co V
th. .iia. i.il uniol.l mi.-.. 1 witli uuiin. .1
aud ucr'ou aic, and U.d a ixiuai on maiiu
uud numun iiuim ill In i In ud A it. i luklilg
"u uaif. 1 i. I'icrca 1 Goldcu Mi Ik ll W
Guvrry 1.I11 euiirely luic i "
When - laxalive is reijuued ut i.
ilcice s fie. 13.01I rVllcU,
1117 HID V)btU
Dressed Beef for Army No
Longer Bought Here.
Parkers Allele It Will Nike Little Difference.
England Explains Tbat It Is to
Protect Her Industries.
Chicago. April It, Arthur Meeker,
general manager of Armour iV Co , this
Doming confirmed the news that the
British government has derided to
discontinue the use of American
dressed lieef in the army.
"The contract for dressed beef is not
very large, "said Meeker, "and the
new rule will have very little effect
OB Chicago packers. We send great
qtMMtltlM of canned heel to the Mrit
Iflh army in South Africa, and will
continue to do so, as the contemplated
change does not affect canned beef.
The people of Kngland consume ;!00,
OlMi.llOO pounds of our dressed beef an
nually. The proposed restriction will
have no aflaoi on this trade."
Another packer explained that Kng
land has been buying cattle in Argen
tina and shipping them to South
Africa, finding it cheaper.
Washington's view
Washington, A ril 11!. The action
of the British government excluding
dressed beef except the home article
for the use of the army, is believed
here to he predicated on the tying up
at New Orleans of the recent shipment
of horses and mules, designed for South
Africa, not as a retaliatory step, hut
for the purpose of protecting the gov-
rnmeiitragaiust annoyance and delay
in the shipment of food supplies. The
department of agriculture as vet has
received no utticial information from
Kngland, and it is not known whether
it 1- the purpose of that government
eventually to exclude all American
meats, dead or alive. It is feared, how-
over, this iiiHtance is a step in that
To Protect Tholr Industries.
London, April I.'. t the British
war ' 1000 tiKlav. the d i rector -genera I
ol contracts declared that the order
rrl.u mg to inofiflU I f was issued
in the interest of British and Irish
agricultural stock raising industries.
The U. S. Wants to Know.
Washington, April I'.'. -At the re
quest of the agricultural department
Secretary llav todav cabled Amhasna-
dor Oboato at London asking him to
hud out why American meats are to he
shut out from British army contracts.
The Cabinet Olteusted It.
Washington, April 12. The cabinet
todav discussed the heel iiuestloii, and
agreed that the action ill the New
Orleans 1 oiirt 111 tieing up the mule
shipment was a mistake. Attoruey-iirm-ral
Knox will probably render a
decision pointing out the proper course
to he pursued.
Oallle and Death In the Pennsylvania
1'iltshurg, April IS, Tragedy held
the hoards in I'itlshtirg today. At M
o'clock this morning, Thomas I.
Klianey a gromr in the suburb .Mount
Washington Mas shot and killed by
01 1 three burglars who entered his
Shortly alter noon, three suspicious
charaters were seen in I 11 1 ton street.
DotOAtlva P, V I it.gerald and two
officers attempted their arreat, and a
running battle ensued rltr.gerald
was shot and killed instantly, lid ward
Wright, one of the siisnects, was seri
ously wounded. J. IV Wright and
Koln rl Wlhox, the remaining iin in
tiers of the trio, were linally sillslued
and captured, after a desierate hand
to hand struggle.
Reported by I. 1 . Ray A 10 , Psndlslon.
Chisago Board of Trade and New York
Stock Bxehance Broken.
New York, April IS, The wheat
I market allowed considerable strength
today, advancing a fill I cent from the
I - I I A At I . t ,
opening, nui toe mivance was noi neui,
and the close was the same as y eater
day. Liverpool closed ;i-s higher.
5 P. New York opened 77c. sold up
to 78, and closed 77 l-S. The foroHjn
houses are big buyers of spot w heat
The clearances for one day this week
being l,tlM,00 bushels.
Stocks higher.
Money, I per cent.
Closing yesterday, 77 N
Opening today, 77.
Kange today, 77 to 7s
Close today, 77 1-8.
July corn, 4HC, ,
Stocks: Hngar. lit M; tobaOOO, ISt
steel. Ill',, . St. Paul, 54) ('. B. .v.
W., 1HU'4 . N P usi4 Krlo, i'4.
Wheat In San Kranclsco.
san Fmnolfooi April is, May
wheat, 1004.
Wheat In Chicago.
Chicago, April IS. May whr.it.
71 1-8 to 77 7-8.
New York Market.
New York pril 18. Sugar, fair,
refilling, IlV-lti. centrifugal M trst.
4 it-ili! ; coffee, Kio No. 7 on spot, o
tire, domestic, H' to id4 . wool, un
1 mums to Be Bequlrsd to Kxplaln
Alleged Interview.
Washington. Anril 13, tl is earn!
officially reported thai the minister to
Venezuela, I nouns. now in route
home, is to he relieved oi oflloc if he
does not disHVnW the reported inter
view in which be was made to aajj
that Proaidonl Oaatra ot Venoatwla has
laid up tS,000,000 in the last two
years, although his salar li only lt,
tkkl a year, and that Oaatro Invited the
N'eiie.uelans to sei.e the claims ceiled
to Americans to "embarrass f he I 11 ited
Slates and force it to make armed
doaoaatratlona aoot as would poaoibly
lead to trouble with forolgfl nations."
hik Cannery hire
Oakland, Calif., April IS, H Ml
nery of .1. II. Hunt at llavwards was
destroyed bv lire earlv tin- nioroine
The loss is between frV M , i M s I and 4 KM) .
(XM). Kighty cottage- I by the
employes burned, and 170,000 worth of
tin plate ami f.sl.tMM) worth of new
machinery recently received were de
stroyed The Southern Pacific dopoi
was partially destroyed The origin is
supposed to he ilicelld nil
Apostle Cannon Dead.
Monterey, Calif., April IS, The
celebrated Mormon leader, A poet la
I ieo. Q, Cannon, one of the three heads
of the Mormon church, passed poaoo
fully away at an early hour this morn
ing, surrounded by Ills w ife and child
reu. heath had been expected for some
days. Tin bo.lv was shipped to Sau
Krancisco, embalmed and sent to nlt
Lake (or burial.
A New Version of the Alleged
Attempted Killing.
- -o
Thought Assassination Was Intended When
the Young Nan Entered His Room
Vienna, April IS. The nowapapBt
"Neva Uciorma," ol Letnhorg, tialacia,
prints a version ol the recent atfemnt
mi the Ufa ol the car A voung ofHoot
entered Miiannoiin, isl tin- room in
which the c.ar was working. His
majesty, suddenly seeing the man a
few feet awav, snsnected nu attempt to
assassinate htm lie seized a revolver
and, ill a panic, shot the oilier r dead,
(iiiards quickly removed the corpse.
The ctar, iroin renior-e h r his Imstv
act, has grown into an acute nervous
depression .
Thinks the iNBBlaa Was Aiiaiilnatsd.
Ilerlin. pril I'J. dispatch to the
('ohigne Uaaetto from Paktn indicates
that the death of Captain llarsch, the
Russian who was shot, uas the result
of assassination and not an accident.
Six eye witnesses have lieen arrested
Morgnn Talk In London.
London, April IS, J, l'iermnt Mor
gan said in an interview today: "The
UBjItad Htatoa Stool corporaiioii will
have a stead) ing effect on Rrlttafa and
loTinan markets, which will not
suffer " He said DO securities will lie
placed in ICniland, as all shares were
long ago nl lot ti-,1.
Cngliitter and fireman Billed hnvine
Down an Binbaiikinsnl.
anta llarhara, Calif April 12
A sM)i ial engine that was lieuig
brought to assist the northbound
oiithern I'm i tie train No. U iumiiMil
the truck last night at Curve Miramar
lour miles e.isi irom Here, ami two
miles from the scene of yesterday's
wreck I ho engine rolled down an em
baiikmiiiit one hunrded yards, and was
completely ilemoliBlieil. r.ng i imer
hlimr liclew, of rresuo, jumiiid and
met instant death, fireman 1'erry, of
Ioa Angeles, reiuaiueil in the cab and
Mils si aided to ileatll.
1)1 I II 01 A KAII.K0AUI:K
Aidses r. Walker, ot tne Ateblson. Dsad
l.i New York.
New York, April VI. Aldace I.
Walker chairman of the Atchison
1'oia-ka iV. Santa Fa railway, died sud
deiily at liouiu in this city this mom
ing, aged bU. rrom Inn, to loU2 he
was chairman of the Interstate Com
uierce Hail way couiinission, and its
successor, the Western Traffic assorts
tion lu iaw3, be was made receiver ol
the Atchison, and tlnee years later,
wheu the road was reorgauKed, be
came its bead.
Italy's King to Be tbe Nation's Oueat
Next rail.
fairs, April 12. -It is reported that
tbe i'reucb government ia making ar
rangements to entertain King Vic
tor hmuianuel, of Italy, as a guest
of I fan e next autumn at the review
of tbe French army Should this pro
gram be carried out, an almost im
portanl international announcement
will he made at the bamjuet following
the review.
Small pox lias disappeared from Vale,
Malheur county.
Boers Laulursd.
London. April 12 lien. Kitoheaof
sends a dispatch from Pretoria, stating
that on the lllh, Col ManrOO, Willi
Methuen's mounted infantry, alter two
hours of bard lighting with the BOON,
raptured hO men, including Comman
dant Uresis and Lieut inderiim, , (
steals' artillery, and eight wagons near
llewett's dorp
A Battle Baatna.
Knnberley, April 12 It is reported
Hint a battle is raging batWOOfl lacobs
dal ami Koff vfontein lu Southwest
Orange Free tate and that tin- Moors,
are losing heavily.
I Sioclo, Proyfajoita paper in I'ans,
lailed and was sold at .notion. It sup-
ported Ragiaad la its Booth Afrloau
Heavy Lou In Arabia.
London, April IS.- Ilombay advices
Bin that the kingdom of Nepl, in ('en
tarl Arabia, has been recovered by Ibu
Kilshid after a tight with the forces ol
Mabarotik. Mabarouk's casualties are
-aid to be 50H0 killed. He was lured
into a gorge and butchered.
Houghl No ll. out .
Washington, pril 12. A ritnior cur
rent in the I'.ast tislay, that Smretary
Cage had made OOOtbot large put base
of bonds, is denied. Secretary liage
will buy no more Isuids until the mar
ket price is lower.
A Murderer Hanesd.
BoaaoTllla. Mo., April 12.-K.lis-
wortli I. vans, a DOloTOd murderer, was
hanged here ti-lay. The rop. broke
and the roudemned man bad to Im
lifted and dropped again.
flshlna Sohuuner Uoss Down.
Alton, April 12. -The PoIbbBIb tlsb
lug teboOOOr KBIBM went down during
a storm in the North sea The captain
ami a crew of twelve were drowned,
tlBwel Headed lor Plelsrtbura
Oapa Tova, April 12. Qoai, Davat
is reported lo lie heading Inwayls
Plotorburg, the late Bom oapiwl
recently captured hv I he Itritish
Becepllon lo Boyalty.
Colombo, Ceyloll, April 12. I he
royal steamer Opher, with the Ihike
and Ihichcss ol Cornwall aboard, ar
rived hern today, en route to Australia.
A inagniliceiil rBOOptloB temlsre.1.
sandlso Sueessdi AauliialOe
Cans, April 12 The rilipnm rep-
leseld.ltive Agoucillo says that lieu.
Saildico has been electisl to succeed
A tblneto Oliailer.
HoafJ Kong, April 12 Hy a OolllohM
0 two boats on the river, isitb being
sunk, seventy Chill. ilueli were druw mil .
I'll I rtci-li persons were rescued alive
Tsks I n,ii.' in .,nii. siuiiiine Isble.a s
My Lady's
is Well Served
when the
hot roll or
muffin is
l Kelt.
Stale bread for breakfast is barbarous;
hot, yeabt-risen mils are dyspeptic.
adds anti-dyspeptic qualities to the
food and makes delicious hut-bread,
hot biscuit, rolls, muffins or griddle
cakes whose fragrance aud beauty
tempt the laggard morning appetite,
and whose wholesome and nutritive
qualities afford the highest sustenance
for both brain and body.
The "Royal Baker and I'astry
Cook " r"fMainlng over Soo
Mel practh al uud valuable
cuoking recoipti free to
every patron. Scud postal
card waii your lull ildu.
There are cheap baking pow
aera, nuuie from alum, but they
are exceedingly liaimful to
health I h u asliiiigilil and
, ..iii. 1 1 u i ou.dilica auii a
. B -, .
daugcrou cleiiiciil io
hov ac bahinu eotvoaa co, au william sr., Ntw voaa.