THURSDAY, AIKI! 1 1 . I'HM. YOU Cant afford to buy iboaa Uial hurt you Iot yon upend two third ol yont t hoin . RO ifapOl, DO matter t Wh1 irii ran lit matt o BltoTtabl) . mora naturally, mure gracetnll) ihan the lUC'fl uauiL Ibaai lot Wuiuau. The WOOMUl'l loot h tba "Qaaaa Quality" Laat Thai li the reason them iboaa natd DO "breaking in." Tliev ImI tir Doiufortable M a locking from tin- BOBHMrt your loot i-titor thorn. Price $3.00 None Higher. CLEAVER BROS Practical 1U it an.! RIi M u. BREVITlbS. Try Dagtoa'i lea cream oho ilatee, Bicycle, raryi-le, liicviio. V Orouuct nf. haaBBall gooda. Nolf'la Marly Ohio wwl p. ti. - at Hawley BfUgi Hn v your window tdiadee at Murphy V N wash goo if at Cleaver Bros. 1'rj 0OOdl Co. For rent Six room boOW, Impim I Ha'. Diekaoa. Have your pit'tnroe framcl . latent Rtyloo at Murphy's, New deaiitn in wall papor at Mwphy'l paint Itoae. Candy, n ice and freti every day, at liodeeke A Kirktuan'a. Cull and aaa Of wfottl btoyolM and recycle at WKI - Frenb ikt, new iitatce., rhubarb, MpHMM Hawlej Bl Latent aoaeltiea in tpring good. Bea window Cleaver llr .- fJrj ala Co Oldeat plana ami heel t a ma ' .' . at !. Roy'n. cor. Court and Qaiden It root. Deal and lafreeb ing - i ;i Mil waukee beer on tap at fna Stat' mIooo, Ladies' Initio, at Mr. "inith'a, corner Webb and Cottonw I strMta. Tbe latent in bicycles i thi cuahion (rallies. Come t tt and nt thotu, N, Berkeley ha I0BM v. deeirabla town ami country pTOpaflfl of easy terms. Flower and garden -. ii- I vergrei weet corn, limine gHata, a I (alia need, i law ley llr.ih. Finest ham ami Ian! on the tn.trket. Home product : try it. it- yii.iMin.-e,: . Hchwarz A QlMllCh. Young lady daairet a situation on the farm. Do n.-nural bOMt work. Good ciNk. Addresp C. F. Oook'l uin ploynieut agency. Mm. f in tbe ston v,t.rday and she thought our line ol ipriD giMHU were the nice.? : t"Wl: (.'leaver Bros. !rv i loodi Co. Remember 1 have a better atm'k of oil, axle-greaite. rope, beltiag ami all other iiarvest Mppliat than ever be lore. 1'. oner, li.-':x. If you have not done so already we ask you to call ami aaa our big i at of new wallpaper. Fverything Bp 10 date ami a low a. tei Qttl per foil Paper hanging ami palatini prompt done. See C. Sharp, opera Iioum- clock". Anna Pond wa- to have had her pre liminary hearing today before Juatici Flta Cierald. on cnargc of check-rain-ing, aal oarlai U tba lauf thai Itaifat- loruev, Jaiuen Fee Wa- out of the city, the baartaf aaaoootinaad until Satunlay, Apr: IS, at 10 m. Try our tatty candies, latest ilavors. QodaoJM a Kirktnan. At Bailer's 'nrniture store is tbe Hnoa) line of rugs ami niatttug. Window Hbades, curtain polw, mir rors, etc.. at Bader's furniture store. l or sale Lodging hoOH one block Iron Mam str-et. Iiuiuite of this othce. QiJI M iip over telephone if you want nice hot taniale. Qadaakt Kirktnan. Wanted- A yonni air! to assist in homework, So talking, Apply at this otlii'e. Wanted R aoiaan for general house work, Anidy t. Mrs. .'. H. Bryant, Willow stre't. Owing to a Change in the building Mr. Catttpbell Will close out her entire stock of summer inilinery in the next BO day. hi great h.irgains. K. W. Fletcher, tbe Kamhler man, a ill give away more onvenirs next Ntnrda morniiig, Ferv lo or gir calling at tbe Rambler headquarters will receive one. I d Pntefl caught a salmon near the Mam street hridgi roOBtttly that Weighed nearly II pound. He bad all kimln of sport landing his victim, ami the leal aa w itnessed by a number of Intonated ipw tatora. A. F. Stanley, nt Fcho. has a th pro agh brad yaariing Bhortkora ball for sale. nir.Hl by Tec, . No. J8S,110 He in a straight, ricblv tretl regmtered animal. Those intereled can write for full description ami price. Oharlei Matt and Oatheriae Joodai, f ruin the feeer ration, were joined in marriage at IP o'clock thin forenoon by Justice of the Peace Thomas F itz Herald The anraBMay wai performed in the office of the justice. A small party of friends wan present. A aglet! will be It rook !with the novelty ol tba dlgplay in tbe south window of T. C. Tavlor's hardware Mora, Bods, baaketn. tlies in fact, everything (or fishermen. This is the - a-hi of the year when such thingn look k"ih1 to iboaa who like to flab, ami the fmlay of tackle is certainly such an to please. l or their 17iith surpr,e naie the !'e.. ploa Warehouse offer. Mil yards mill end lengths of calico at St per yard. a line ol iniishn drawer, worth al'i lor tie, a lotofmuliD skirts, witl mfBOi worth Hoc for SBe, a lot of ablld rao'l shoes at a special trice, a lot o wonien'n nhiMs at sp cial price, and So boys ".'-piece kne' pants nuitn at half price. The riding of bucking horses at I- anion's corral ha.- been a pastime I oaj Wild Bill n thrown a couple of times this morning hv one wild ani mal, and the same horse was ridden bj I! ib Kntes this afteri n in the prenem-e of tiiits an asnemhlage of "pectatorn. The ine.i i-animal in the ronntry, what is known an an outlaw. will lie brought out m.'ki this evening. and will U riddel, hv Oscar Bust. Spring m a favorite neason (or Mb jou.iiiiiti l new uiiriiiN auiiiiain ami ttite a crowd will doabtlaaj Im- present tonight to see the sport. Tne t n i ted state- grand jury is in session in Partlaadi n t' Meane, of Pendletoa, ami ). I.. Elan, ol Milton, are inenihern, the others lieiliu I'. W Qillette, Port land, tntaman. wniiani Bweaiiev, I.e.. Fried, f.dward llughen. J, 0, Lnokal, Otto Hreyman. Oeorge C, Flanders. Cleveland Rockwell and Hiislave Konenblatt. of Portland: J. Pillabnry. Oregon City n. c. My en, Blaiook; A. B. Hainea, Klk tou; J. A. Miller. Halsev; W. L. Wells. hal'.aa: Richard ' Cornell. nee : S. M. Kelly. Oakland .!. J. Unrgi'nn. Oregon Citv A. J. Voder, Reeoyj Marshall. HonSaaa, t'nion. A lire alarm was bMBtd in at S "'clock this afternoon. Many congre gated at Court and Cottonwood streetn, ami along north. The lire wan located in a pile of rubbish in the rear Of the Qpldaa Rule hotel. It burned an ti char the lenee. but wan axl ngaiabed with tbe small ho- used :n wnsniiig hugwiaa, so it wan not nec ensaiy for the department in lav hose and turn on water This makes the third alarm witlni. a few dayn Fires go b) threes, according to 'firemen's npentttlea, a it i- , .. ,i that it Will be some time before there in another alarm. A WEDDING AT ATHENA PR. J. D. CL A MON PON AN P MISS ARKTA BARRKT MARRIKI). Thsy Ars Popular Young People of the Town at Horn ATMr Miy First In Their New Home. Athena, April U.-AI I o'clock yen tcrdav evenini: at the home of the bride's parents. Mr and Mrn. C A llarrett. Mmn Arcta llarrett and Ir. J, I. Plamomlon were joincl in the hoftdl of holy niatritnony The cere inonv was parforaad by Ber Mr Bramblet, pastor of tbe Baptist church of thin citv The wedding wan qUMJl one. there being present only the rela tives ol the lirnle and Mr. and Mrn. William McBrlda, ol tbleelty. ami Miss Mitvlena Fraker, of Pendleton, The bride la a ataal aoeompliahed ami eetimable ronng lady, who ban hoati ol (rlendi who wiiti bar great future happinesn. I'r. t'lainomion. 1110111:11 onlv located here a little over n vcar, bae baill up a large practice ami ban made (or himself many llfal0Bg friends. Tin- voiuig couple w ill be ti honic alter May 1 at their rennlenc. on tbe corner of' Fourth ami College streets. A DECLAMATION C0NTES1 Five of th Students ol the Pendleton Academy Will Compete. The filth annual declamation conteai of the Pendleton academy will be held in the Presbyterian church on Friday evening. April IV, OOfltBtanoIng Bl I o'clock. More than DfUOl latetoel ll leitig taken among the DOpill in tbe contest this year, and that too when the interest in vears gone by ban ill wavn been considerable. There will le live competitors in the content all yonag ladv studentn ol the luatltntlon, as to! lows: Mabel McPill, Rnby Whlttoaore, Thraei Porter, Lola Marple and Kthel Forties Maeic under direction o( Robert Pond, will he in terspersed with the declamation!. The small charge oi III BMtl ndminstnn will be made, to defray the no ar expensed, the attendance win un doubtedly he a tax upon the cupacitt of the church, as Irtaadi ol the aootaa tantn ami ol the nchool will la- present in large numbers to enjoy the treat. PERSONAL V.!M ION. was snrprined to meet him. 1 asked him if bis name was .loo Piinn. and he said it was: biuI if he was from Worth ingt on, Kngland. Be aald he wa-. and then I diiid, 'you should know me.' He Myi, 'Yon have got the best of me ' lie did not know ine from a crow, but when 1 told bim thai I was Jack, he did no' know what to think, but wc celebrated the event in good style. Re nays he will take a run out aiid see you all some of these days. " Jck and Joe I'm i Meet. Jack and Joe Dnntl separated more than L'd nan RgO, when .lack left - Rngland, Joe the younger remain ina there for a low years. He ulterwaid ! left Rngland on an Kngllah monofaar laud ban been knocking ai'ouml over a greal portion of the world ever since The two brother- hud md seen each OtHbr since the parting at home more than 10 years ago. HOTII PLAN RK.IKITKD. Bunrd ol Ronentj at We Have Received The most complete line of Wen's, shoes ever shown in BaadlabWi our iBparieooe enables us to give you a !! lei't fit. Tbe styles are cor reel and nobby, gfg ur display window and then get our prices. Shoe Co. W.M I ITSQKRALD, Manager. Baseball aeetins Tonight. kBOt bet meeting of the Pendleton haaeball euthusianis will he held at tin council rooms at r, o'clock this evening riie ci nti.-e apptiitited lor t :it purpose will submit a brief ronatitatlon and bylaws for adoption. Tba agitation -if hateball matters ban I ei carried ou industriously fur the ta days. The warm' weather bai btaajgjbl a aambof of new playon k the Mrtaoa, There hi good material lot u team in Peiidielou and the new board ol directors seem to understand theaaaalaai ggaj their hi.. Tbe outlook II good. Wedded Thursday Bvenlna. D, If Dtabj gad Adallg Bamville aare united in tarritwe at the French n Itanraal at : 0 o'clock on Wednes day evening, April It) Judge Pita Cierald tieotbe knot. Jiamj liackett "a- master of ceruuioniaa. Onll a Mends, including W V Belts" and E.U Paten, were present U) witness the ceremony The principals are from neat Ithana. on tne reservation, whore thay grill continue to anaka their home. Theee Witt. Goods. II rOO give your grocery orders to Martin he will he -there with tbe goods " Fiuoat vanned goods and dried Iralta in ti- citv alwave on hand; also, a lea treati vegetables He agent lor J. B. Jacob Boms celehrat.-d Putter Low price and high iaality batorn bams ami bacon A nice line of Iffloked fish. All the good brauds of pickles. MPQei and relishes. Florid.i ntrawlKirrien In the market in a few davs Jainen A. Fee in aNent at I'n ion OB legal business. C. V.. Fell is quite sick at the home of bis son, T. I. Fell. !lenr Bparkl went t" Walla Walla this morning op huslnesn. W. H, Hilliert i- one of those pTOOent in Pendleton from I'kiab toda . M. Rosenweig, a merchant ol Athena, in a visitor in Pendleton todav, John Sylvester ami lamily. of Pilot Rock, are vialton in Peodletoil today. tttiy Wade has lieeli kept at bOBM (or several davn with a severe attack of la grippe. Misn Bwittleff ban returned home to Walla Walia he was accompanied tiy MbW Mabel Ne. Mayoi Jacob Bm, of Walla Walla, is a visitor in Pendleton this after noon, lie will leave for home at :'-'. Mrs Kaspar Van Dial ami MIm Monteitb left for Portland and Albany this BMffahag, to he gone a mouth. Henry BcWcr got back from Hot Luke, 1' ii tern county, lust night. John Foe-:. ie will remain for a lew dayn longer. Judge W. R. F.llis and C. F. R.d- tiehi ratoraod bis morning to Hoppoer, The former will be in Pendleton again next week Mrs W. F. Harretson left (or The I'alles.ber former home, this morning. She will continue her journey and visit her sister at Portland, and Qipecll to remain away two or three weeks. Mesdames Catch mg.Patton, t I'llarra. Turner, Johnson. Vamlell and Pointer assistetl by I'r. C. J. Wlittaker, con, posed the committee of the Pioneer the Pacific that plovided the supper last evening. W. F. Matlock did not arrive at Seattle on the Cottage city lam -un-day as was expected. . letter from bin arrived instead announcing that he would Pe in Pemlietou about the middle of April. State Senator .1. W. Morrow returned Wednesday atteruooti (nun Weston ami took the tram for Portland last night, lie was accompanied hv his little daughter, whom be is tukiug there fur the purpose of having lier eyes ex amined by a specialist. Mrs, Millard I While led (or l kane thin morning, after having visited in Puudleton for a couple of weeks. Hbe will resume her position in tbe millinery store of her aister. Little Marguerite White will remain with relatives in Pendleton. 0i A i Burrett, of Athena. 0M "f the incorinirators ol the Athena Blectrii Light Power conipaiiv, is in l'endie ton laday, lie states that things are shaping themselves satisfactorily in regard to the (lower scheme his com pany is handling, and that g i new. concerning it may be given ool loon, Joe Hocb ami John Qariaon ratarnod Wednesday from tbe John Lav. wher they left their cattle, ggt) head. OH summer range. Thajf tmik the cattle (rom the Cold .spring country on March lh. Thev arriviil at Willow L: ... : .... i I'oin" un numiny .liarcn where they aaaoaa toned a haaey snow storm There Imve ben-ii several snow storms in the John Lav country at night w ith in the past two weeks, ' but there, as hen- the weather has turned off pleasant, and the ranges are in g,.,H condition Mr. lloch ami Mr. Uarison will return to the John Lav a few days. Hold a Mooting BfeCtea Wednesday. At the meeting of the hoard of Haeanta of the l antern Oregon state normal school held at Weatoii on Wed Incedey thee were plana mbmltted by hut two rchltecte. C. H. Bnrggraf, "f Albany, and W. D. Pngh, of Halem. Neither of the gentlemen BUbmltting the plans loomed to he In u position to state what a building would i nst con ntriictid according to the drawings, so both propoeltiona were rejected. Boo rotary P, A, Worthington was not present, but he was iMtMICtod to coll ier with B. Mi Laaama, an architect of Portlamli and make a contract with him to draw in 1 table plans and peclltcatloni tor a three-story brick bnildlltg to cost ggfi 000, and no more. The n gents pnrpoeC to buve a build Ing erected that will la- US good as poaaihle lor the money, but do not in tend to commence to build one with a plan that they cannot tell within several thousand dollarn ol what it will cont Another meeting o( the board ol regent" will be held at Pen dleton oh Batntdoy, April 90, at 1 o'clock p. m.. to see what Mr. Laaama ban done in the matter of a plan, e a Arrivals at Motel Pendleton. t; W Phelpa, Hoppoer, A 0 Koeppen, city. Mn Lucy Utto ami lamily. Tall Thompson. Portland. D shultn. Portland, w ii Colby, Dobnqoe. II M Burna, Laramie. Wyo. A s Hoatfleld Spokane, i lao Whltln, Henpner, 1. L Hiinlock, Heupnar, l.eo l.mfelder, Portland. I w Jackaon I lliirns. K lliirne, Spokane. I ' L ii ker. Spokane. Wei 'el. Portland. 1' Leigbtoll, Milltieilpolis. II Roes and wile, ummerville. It Bai In-, -cattle. M Ogden. Portland ! rtn, p.,sll.,.l Win Mabar, Portland. A I Spemer, UhtoOgO, ii F I 'an i.l, Chicago. C II Hunter, San I rancleoo, Frank Wilson. Pondon, Win Maber, Portland. I H Burns, Portland. It This Plain bnouali. If you have a nngging cough ami are losing llesb, go to a drag store, and get a bottle ol Bhiloh'i Oonanmptloa cure. Take two-tbirds of it, and then, if yon are not benefited, return the bottle to the drngglat, ana be w ill re turn your money. Isn't that fair'.' No one could usk more. 2octs.,.'ai cts. and ft a I -ot tie. Tallman A Co., lead ing druggist . liu.t.i, ui Mrs. Lw . Sewn ansae to tbis city this morning that Grandma Law. who made her home with her daughter, Mrs. (. W. B. Zurha. one and a half miles this side of Waterman station, died at fit o'clock lust night, riie deceased ladv was ns years Ol age and (or the ant Mo year, has had the utllii'tlon ( being totally blind. The later meal will take Place at the Athena cemetery at 1! o'clock this afternoon. For bale. One yearling bofthova hull. Sired h Teco No. 188,110. Oilor red. A straight, richly bred animal. Regis tered. Write (or lull description and price, or call at ranch one mile below ObO. A. B. STAM.FY. Baho. or. J l t i; I l: J H i country in JACK AND JOB Brothers Run DUNN MKKI. Spring Troubles aaa SARSAPARILLA t illltU'tilt- 11 I UilliiHitnorg, SlUUItoll ailUMOal, PiiupkM ami ( )iIum- Brupiioiii are ioiue tt' them. uorraoig all of thou inakus the blood pON). TALLMAN 61 CO. Lcakbug DruggUta. uml A familiar Joseph Lilhll 'change and "Cap'' Dnnn. of Pendleton, eeveral vears received a Aerost Kaon Uthar Kiondlks. figure in Pendleton but he is known on generally simply His son Jack, (urmerly went to the Klondiki ago. i-roui bun "Cap" letter on Wedn.-.d.. . In the written at Uoiianza poatomoo, Yukon territory, on March -.'4, in which th. re wa- information of a romantic nature. Baahtoa WO tbre- b.ns in Pen dlaton, Mr. I miii has another buy, J. mi, who has never been in Peu.lleh.ii. J.H' remained in Kngland until a i. w years ago, when he struck out ai.d went o Cauada ami British Columbia, then.-.- to Alaska Neither Jack UOI Joe knew that the other was in that country. Jack Tails the Story. Jack addrenses his father as Cap aj do thoae who are got K DOarl Mtoto ami says: "Well, i'p, I not Joe hare a week ago tonight. He looks tine we had a g.nni time together. H. hai been a.l ovr the sUtes and Canada c c ..... Bpriug and went Nome, and then to Lawaun. He lasaii working on Hunker creek uiier, uut quit there. H -.t.r it. Unrk ii... i r""" ciaiin i an -..U, Ull USJI HM)k, Wol The MEDICINE FOR SPRING? tin- lull I .11. II till eiaa. ' pruparuii.ui arc hMUirad our word lur id spring lucdi KOEPPEN S PHARMACY INipular prti . .1 .In. on L'.mri Siivct MM laVi and CUMi i n .N.itllllll! bill H I MBMMl) limine til . hlnnl, u 111 cure CATARRH. The Speclllc is Ull Cream Bill CATARRH EASTERN ORIidON'S FRUIT Cemmtoileaer Jnge oeor says lla 0li trial Will Produoo g 1 .000,000 Worth. J Odd (ieer, of Cove, who bus been III Milton examining the (mit, says thai tbe fltth hortlonltnral district, ol which he ii coininissioiu'r. will DfO" duce a tl.lKMi.iSH) (mil i run Ibis year. The district comprises Baker, Dnlon, Wallowa, Harney, Umatilla, Malheur and (irant COItntlgl innre than one third of the land area o( Dregon. Com- mice loner Gear says tho Saatorn Ore Oil crop is in no danger (rom late roots, "We neser lose nv spring Iroeta," he agld. "The thing that geti the beel Ol Ol is extreme cold weather in the winter. We have bail none ol this in the winter just past. Tbe weather has heuii OXCOpI uuially favor I able, ami our orchards have come through the winter strong and healthy. " Commifelonef Goat Hndi it ImpoaaB ble to pay a Hall once a year to every part of the ll.'i.b'il square miles of territory in bis district. He lias rialted In Union ami Umatilla ooon lie., ami received reports from other counties. He says Kasteru Oraaog is making tremendous progress in horti culture, and many orchards are being planted. 'The majority of our orchard, that are just beginning to hear," be said, "were planted six and ten vears ago Then there was a lull (or a tew years on account of the bard times. Now we are planting again. This year our people planted every tree they could ijet. We stopped only when the supply Ol trees gave out. "Baatorn Oregon is destined to be the great fruit region ol the stale. What We OaO do is illustrated by a f-year-old orchard near l.a Grande. I.asl year it yielded hiHXi boxes of No. 1 apples. The money received for the crop undoubtedly paid the cost of the land, trees and all expenses id main tenance up to the time the apples were gathered for the market. Among our nig orchard- is that of Van (lilse, near Nyaaa, etalboor county, it covers phi acres. Tbe oldest trees are nine years old. Next in sie is the K. B, i I. orchard, near Van tiilse's. It covers 160 acres Both of these are on irri gated land, which, until a few years ago, was considered worthless." Fivo Things. Tbe live diseases for winch Sbiloh's OonaOmptiOfl Cure is especially recom mended, are Coughs. Colds. Whooping Cough, Croup uml Consumption. No medicine ever made by man is aqoal to it in any respect. Bom under a poalttve guarantee. Money back if it fails, '.'fi cts. rm cts and ti a bottle. Talluian A Co WW ST- JOE ST0R J IIKt eail received from the largest the prettieal lino innnufa, to, t ...... . .ID !! Ml IK I WA S 1 R smkis nna i inukkskirts le he fom,. city, l.uilics, call anil linik them wish to Buy or not. in AL ovor whether J You can'i afford to buy tailortnadg have aeen mir line foi Bl Sllit i,n,:i 41 i . BULK i noy ;iu- mn aquwiea may wiiaia, i ins is the expreaaion oi tnoge wno nave examined Von and FT . n. . " Otll I'lrss- (infills Sale, With tiOlie until Saturday niojit. t.ikmj; advantage oi salt: will con- Lining! free, A ... a Vttt'l ill. i I 1 .im. i :im. why not you, reader, ajj Ke il. LYONS & CO. The l p to-Hntr House IIT T 11 A WkTa WVtra, -ar-v I reali n in HARDWARE, STOVES, BARBED Willi:. 8HELI' IIAIJDWARE, lTMl'Sand PIPE. PLUMBING A SPEC1ALTT a k t a. ' an -a i r m m . mm Uncle Sam ti lls him tu tci t toward Rader's Furniture Store Main am Wabb streets, retulleton, OrL-o! where he can Ol one ol those nice Golden Oak Rockers at $2.25 before tin J nk li NEW TEN CENT I INE OF G LASS WAKE. Owl Tea Mouse. BADCOLDS Vii'niii l. t.-n o .r- ' . luu,. Cokta .1. hut n.,w ii U Im umlurtil MKKPKI.1t PVN'AniC TAB I Ln (llail 4Mual4 Iron. tl, ir aaagprl vri.w.t ,4 -Miliar. IrvOiiHiit int. lvl, li,,ura 411,1 almri Hi. .ri .it vlU i-r nlKlit. II a tli.. ,,nt vaa.' ol irrii. I . . r i.j.i Furniture, ( ai'iretg, Mat tiiigB, I N iiulow Shades, ( urtain Pokg, OHM'lf, OB Mtrrora, wtby cabs, . 1 , . ma uij; iiiri'irt m 11 .in aa a m.. LIBE l III V r SI K MfJI I uropean Plan liiitck ana a hall froa a 11 I Room Kate Mllll It MX T.. a luir Iiiiii- ..11. Ml. Tun I'll Miih.iw lr, , , lai, I nuMav,. Jul. T. I U aaa ll.inirt iii ..r ii . all.. Hut t:. le.MKLH n NAMie aoU liHi-4r.l in 1 ii. . tin i,,r in, Mum 81., (Ui, I mn I li.. MM ll,, it r. 1 haoi lir MKNhKI 's PVNAMIi TAUt'LKH an uaJi Thai la I.... I lint '" "'"I' '"i itiim 1 t.k iiloirii koaaa illi lurluratll ai..l IricUiw wlim, . 11 1. ..s INKLE, 1 aiulia(. Uhi Hirv.t. bait l rutiivu. August lu. . lit M4twt mo 0 10 i 'll .UMAi'X . I. r : . v.nt 111 .Uiuii. In I.SXAMi .1 Waaaiaatoa timv. m, Kiaiu-iwn ii. ..ur Iwal ajut, KOKI'rK.'a mnT3n mm III.- Nil-,) l'Hni -AIU 00. 1: , 1. Hxnh iiil brolacli tl,. V.1I-. in tL.i.. .,..1 Kl BKO Woman'a Work 11 ir)iun ..11 in. ,. . I r tti.-i .' 1 - iin j ir4ln I.-I ' WbtO -IIIL' y.ill ll.Mll. I .III.IMll 1 , twl nU, , antra a pali or ulahnKM in. i, ui re ton tin -1 ilit tn imriUiii . mlit..ii utlurwiv total ar I .... 1... .11111.111. . luu. ii-, un ii.ivhii; ,1 lam, l.K-k of " l.y-i;iiii.i.i-.- uml . .in 11: all . . 1 . 1 1 1 1. . 1 The Columbii Lodging Houfl M U I.Y Kl IM-HI HAK IN K(Tia I N CKNTEH 1 K BU) IlKT. AI.TA4W KIlBd F.X. SCHLMI'F.I -.Hill Vt,-, .r,. Hi, ,. Sn-Ctm'lfl-. Ill u Ir inimurn lloli nittkr to .11 U.-I . Ok. W. E. QAkkliTSON. Hga Hg ttyi, i aatrl at., ivuuiuiuu lw, I 1 aaaaaaaa r aaaaaaaraii mm ,m at i 1 a t a a a BMBmrtl '1 1 :1" jj foi . TtataaWBM COLD HEAD mail. W nrrvn s.( s Vork. to 1 1 a all in going ti, Subscribers to Magazines aavc 11 .tio .., IIIK I ibli- u iroi want to aua crlbe lur uhkiui. oi i.u'paari. 111 ia fiouxl allll or Kiitoi-, rt-uiii poital uoit, til k or eii'l to tn, Kaai uhua. Man Ui, uul iHililiatiura prli ol Hie imblli-atlon you dt;ir. u,i u... v..,, : .,- -. vv " mum- U n, i.i, ,'. 7, -V" 7ruu."" ." W botli if.,l,T,. u.l ruk II i fv'' ou .i-l . .7 . "".KIN, .in, I,, r. UUIIIUH vuii ..... I I Saaj vaaVS TWO I '.lack Walnut Bfxlrootii s-t, Qui nombinaiioD Bun au. un- vers rariv Locust Hill Rat and Poultry Yar Medlcreed Belgian Hrl and pure brU I uwa. Huron, $6.00 per pair, Pj Huff, an-1 WlilKf outli Korku-hxip- ?-'.UU paj :i HittiniH lor fo.mi: ai "1 Karrtnl Kock oki;- at 1JI Hitting. low and Siiiulo C'ouib IhIuikI ketia-Enk-i- :'.r 8 nittiiiuM (or tfi"0D. Vinitom welcouu'. For K information aUdrttati UUVW. WAD1. ii-iidiaMM V. STR0BLE, Court Street. raw A LUCKY HOHbLbHOE . W.. '1V ' "i nan Ki.c. iom ... .. .iini'iiu un,, .. ii.-u vii ur llp.ll. trawl uvraa, lor uailorti a Willi aaau. in loin l.i .11.., - r?. . . -ioriii r re NEASLE BROS. SEALS! NniArai anil Corporation t C. F. CO0K1 I8.S0 to $s Delivered jEmploymentAp Do you want work? Do you want to hir 11 m .mil or ailTlat BM uur mmiii w vd hi ruuMI'll Ordarol uaami Bv inUBy OrUera fi r Hubber Huunpa alio aolicitod. 1 EABTOaEQQMUM PUB.i O I on. i MAIN A M AIWA ! sOaily IUB, Orouuin, dakvW,j carTMM, only i5 LauU a wk. by I ...11 li. ri... Cm and Sinokcre NICE CLUB