East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 11, 1901, Image 3

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ay, Saturday, monaay
Regular price, ioc to 30c yard.
sertion, 3c. Embroidery, 7 l-4c.
g rommences FriJay morning at 8 o'clock.
See window display.
er Bros. Dry Goods Co.
.....i. icour
...luar-B inn w r ir ui
Kir. Goodman.
a : i in ! , . , I,,.
III. UI -- - -
l N dll r iHHIlt' Hi VIHUTtlly Bl-
niiititi n ut inn irom . n.
u nrniuiiHMit larninr and
i. in Vullv- nri'ciiirt .
Iv tind" fault with our road
- I Tl ..
... .........i it r.iiii.inv I lit'
l.nviiii.ii mm ami
nun ii" i " "'i
oi tin- "Utijuot iliotild renult
Hiich ac ? have, and
.- .1 I.l m.ufi.ni fit U-1 irk 1 Til
mid property taxee, and
. - : I I M I la ,. , .
Illl (lain lira. I'nm mma m
Nil Hint' in rnuiii, in r...
ral mad in m tor lyati'in wai
n partial trial, and the iko--iii'rviHorn
ut the June
The rmintv roiirt lift Idi'd to
ith the Ntwrtl read mafiter,
the matter of madu entirely
HtitierviHorti of the aeveral
Thin method linn only beM
lit .luly, and of run rev ae
w hut the' reHUlt will be.
m I be lunt leitiHlatnre ami
requiring- the appoint
OOQnty court of a general
r. Bo it will Ik- SBM that
ii hardlv put in niatriitiuii
mii-d i' 1 1 hp ge front,
law alo reouireli the road
p li I "I in I 1 1 . ' .'
in earh mud dmtrii't f.t,
baiaf u'iven t work it out
turn of the miporvianr. It
fc the inaiiner of collecting
in cane of retnaal, via., by
priM'eHH iiioli the employer
ining In pay.
j lift received the new Hi'-
lllul have itiat uim'oviTitti mm
tit think it a I one ami
urdored the reoeipta to be
thin law and hope to hav
lie ... I- of the ..n..T '-!
Thif will adil unite a hind
nut appriipriateu.au it in all
,i the iliHtricte where col
will Ik) MM that the new
, U' I I .'.I. 'B..I. '
l I i J f Tl... I..u.
Hit ID IllUKIIli: lor. lilt' lan
levy lor road panpOtM
Mr lioodliian iliould'itir
l r Hi I I II HIM I N ,1 1
Canyon City to Chicago.
rettdern of the Eagle will
tn heur that Major Joaeph
hi it utiuwii in every pioneer
iireuoii, la atill alive at the
ui daughter at Ogdttnaburg,
- r i I
New York, where he aent Hex era 1
vcara ago after an ahence on the
Pacific meat for over a half century,
na y h the Hlue Mountain Ragle. The
major i" w-ell known in Uranl county,
where he reHidel for year". Mia lake,
on the headwater? of Beech creek,
which ha- furniahed BO much port for
pot hermen fur aeveral years, waa
the acene of many a pleaaant hour for
the aged pioneer. The many trout that
have been captured there in recent
veara, w here carried there hv Mr.
Slagone from thtj John May river in oil
nana. Could he realise the manner in
which the product of many hard day
Ulmr til being alaughtered by the
pcM le, he would at once polish up bia
needle gun. ami return to Oremo,
It will be remelnebreil that Mr.
Mag. me walked from the court limine
nleiiK iii C'a:iviin tMv to the world 'l
fair at Chicago in 1888, leaving here
on July 4. and making an average ol
bout thirty mile )ar dav during the
entire trip. Me waa 0 publish a Ifook
on this trip, hut it is not known
whether each baa yet gone to the press.
Mr. Magone is naaring the century
mile atone, and even at thla advanced
age, his mind was vet in its prime
when he left here a tew years ago.
Catarrh Cannot B Curad
Willi Intel B)tltratlona, an they cannot reach
the .cat ol the dlM-aet'. Calarrli i 11 Moo I
pfmitlttitlotial ct.M-'ast. &ad In cril'"1 ' rs M
yen iimi tHke inienial reniiHllva. Hall's Ca
Isrrh fare I. taken Internally and BCtl directly
oil the IiIikmI and tntifuiia nurtarei. Ilall'r Ca
larrli Cure I. nut a utiaek ini'dlelim. It ua-
aerilN'il !y mil' of the lie-t ili ) ilan lu t li It.
eeiiuiry for yearn, and I. a regular BMsarlptlon
It I. I'o'uiiMiM'd of tlir U'.l limit's known, t'liiu
limed with the la'.t IiIimi.1 imriller., a.liiik'
diriH'tlyon lh- iiiu. nu aurlacet.. The M'rlei I
loin tiinat tun of the two lagredlesti M w In. I
brodaoM .m il w underfill result, ill curing I a
larrh Bend lor t .--i i mini Ik I . free.
K .1 IIKSKV A in , l'rui . luledu, 1 1.
Mlil hv druggNl-, iriee T :
Hall's Family Pills are the hot.
Detained in Boiton AwaitlnK Her u
peetad Husband.
A lioston dispatch says: "Minnie
Campbell is detained on the steamer
C'ommonwealth and will he deported
unless her in ten led husband, a pros
perOM BpolUUM fanner, a pears or tele
graphs, as be agreed. They have never
met. She came from Ireland. Mer
relativos live in Spokane. Their letter!
started a correspondence, they ei
changed photographs, he proposed and
was accepted. Me sent funds for
through transportation to Spokane.
The immigrat ion commissioner here
telegraphed the tSpokane farmer, but
received no answer. The commissioner
refuaea to give hia name. The law is
very atricl and requires the proapec
live husband's presence at the dink or
the bride will be deported. Minnie ;
U5 veara of age and pretty. She is uow
under lock and key."
leaped Into Live Coals.
"When a child 1 burned my foot
frightful I v," writes W. 11. Kadi, of
Joneaville, Va., "which caused terri
ble leg aores for id veara, but Buckleii't
Arniea Salve wholly cured me after
everything elae failed." Infallible
for burns, ecalda, cuts, sores, bruise
and pi lea. Sold by Tall man it Co. 25
i - .ii . . .i ,,.
iriug and guarantee it.
r Miiarantvo la One
can depend upon what
ac our business, our name
i r i oi'ii.'iiiiM niioii ii. nom
ill receive our prompt and
Fresh Goods.
K. Martin ' u- received a big ship
ment of ham and bacou from the east.
It is mild cured and very tine. Martin
is receiving fresh shipments of green
vegetable every day, such as spinach,
oniuus, rhubarb, and asparagus. Me
also has a very tin. selected stock of
cuiined good- and dried fruits. Martin
is mukini! close prices and it will pay
you to call and sue l.iin.
Beat the alguaturc of Cuas. H FLBTcaai
la uac for mote thau thirty yean, and
Tki K,md I've Uv. Alvji HomgU.
A Hii il.. r.f r i .. . i , , K in the (.'nut I In -
uniiian tin i hi i nit luil mill eilil wutHr .
T....1.. i - ii i. I...;.... .1...
I... j utiviirifuuj, en u a uiuuvn uuini vno
hummer. Anidv at the Kast Ireuoii ian
U t I I 1 M. UAV.Afa 1 nAl .u.
i r am
Frazer Opera House,
Friday, April 12tb.
HOYT'S ,sfuE08;
At "BA60A8E."
Illi Will Pay 46 1-2 to 47 Tor Club and
Pendleton, April ll. Kxporters are
paying 45 as ton price for No. 1 club
and rodchaff. while 4i11! to 47 can be
ObtalMd for the MUM delivered at the
mills. Thaw prices are practical lyjtbe
sniiie .is tbnae of a week ago. The
pastern and foreign markets are weaker
than rendleton as compared with one
weeL. niro. The local market lacks the
speculative feature noticeable with the
markets of Chicago and New York.
Local Produce Market.
rendleton dealers are paying the fol
lowing prices for ranch and farm pro
duce :
Hotter, 40 to ,W icr roll.
Kngs II '...c per do".
Potatoes 50c jer sack.
Parsnips, 50c per sack.
Cabbage 4c tier pound.
Turnips. 75c per 100 pOOttdl.
Turkeys Alive, 12c per pound.
(ieese III per dozen.
Pucka 11.50 per dozen.
Chickens -:1.50 to 4.50 per dozen.
Portland's Wheat Market.
Portland, dr., April 11. The wheat
markets were dull ami lower yester
day. Kurope showed the usual sym
nathv for the decline which baa been
going on in this country since theholi-
lav season was on in force aivrnmi,
ami the Pastern markets went off over
a cent a bushel. In the local market,
here was a very little doing, hovers
were unalile to secure wheat on an ex
port basis, ami were indifferent about
putting out limits. Walla Walla is
nominal at 57c, with some dealers
quoting 5ic and MWo, and the usual
reports that the country mills are pav
ing 'ac more than the top quotation in
Good Wheat Prospects.
New York, April 11. The fortbc. in
iuu number of the American Airricul-
turist Weekly will ay :
"Local reports lnun the Aniercian
Agriculturist's correapoiidents and
coiintv observers. carefully consolidated
into state averages, show a condition of
wheat higher than has been noted nt
this time in the past In years, with the
exception of l'il. I he general
average, as reported for the wheat lielt
is H5 5, a figure which represent! a
practii'itllv perfect prospect over the
greater part of the winter wheat area."
Boiton Wool Market.
Boiton, April 11. The wool market
here, though not so active as lust
week, is very steady. Mealers are
hopeful and 'entertain the impression
that the depression, which bus held
the market for the past two years, has
at length ceased, and are looking for
ward to netter linsiness. I hev now
think a market value has been estah-
lished. The situation, however, is
hanUv Ptich that a ris? in value will
be immediate lv forthcoming. The
hulk of the business transacted baa
been territory grades. For fine
medium and tine the annue l basis i
tMt 40 to 43c, while the staple calls
for 44 to 45c. New Australian wools
are held on the basis ot the coit to im
port. QootatKMIII Territory, scoured basis,
Montana tine medium and tine, 14 to
15e ; acoiired, 42 to 45c ; itaple. 45 to
p.r ; I'tah. Wyoming and Idaho fine
medium and fine, 1-' to 14c; scoured,
40 to 42c: staple, 44 to 4c. Austral
ian scoured basis, spot prices, combing
superfine, nominal, Hh to 70c: good, i4
to Bftc ; average, i0 to ('.'c.
Eaitern Livestock.
Chicago, April 1 1 , Cattle-Receipts
13,000 ; choice about steady; other!
weak; good to prime steers, ifl.lii) to
Ti : poor to medium, d."0 to 4.K5;
stocken and feeders, 12.75 to4.80;
cows, 2.T5 to 14.50: heifer!, 2 .80 to
14.70; canners, 2 to f2.5 ; bulla,
2.5o to 4 :15 calves, 4 5o to 4.5;
Tesaa fed iteen, $4.35 to 15.25;
grassers, tH. Vi to 4 . bulls, 2.75 to
lioga-Kneii.ta today '.'n.ism; tomor
row 22, 'Ml; left over ::i50: generally
weak : top fti.lU; mixeil and butchers,
15.75 to fti.05 ; good to choice heavy,
5.87L to $0.10; rough beavv, $5,75 to
$5.86; light, $5 70 to $5.W5; bulk ol
aalei, $5.tt0 to $.
Sheep Receipts lii.000; steady ; good
to choice wetberi, $4.80 to $6; export!,
$5. 15 to $5.25; (air to choice mixed,
$4.b0 to $4.tf0. Western sheep, $ 4 . t I to
$5; yearling!, $4.W0 to $5.15; native
lambs, $4.75 to $5.40; Western lambs
$5 to $V4".
Portland Wool and Hldei.
Portland, April 11. Hop! 12 to 14c
per pound , lStfU crop, to 7c.
Wool-Valley, 13 to 14c. Kastern
Oregon. 0 to 12c; mohair, 20 to 21c
per pound.
heeskins shearling!, 15 to 2Uc ;
short-wool, 25 to .'15c: medium wool,
30 to 50c ; long wool, tiOc to $1 each.
Tallow 3c; No. 2 and grease 2 to
21l!c per pound.
Midei Ury hides, No. 1, lb pounds
and upward, 14 to 15c; dry kip, No. 1,
B tO l pounds, 14 to 5c r pound ; dry
calf, No L sound steer, oO pounds
and over, 7 to 8c . do, H to laJ pouudi,
7 to 7lc; do, under 60 pounds, to
7c; kip, 10 to 30 pouudi, M to 7c;
do veal, lu to 14 pounds, 7c; do calf
under 10 pounds, 7 to 8c ; green un
salted ), U per iiound leaa; culls
(bulia, stags, motueateii, badly cut,
Bcured, hair-slipped, weather beaten
or grubby one-third leaa.
Pel is -Bearskin each as to sue 0
to$20;cuba each $2 to $6; badger
each 10 to 40c; wildcat 25 to 75c;
houae cat 5 to 20c fox, common gray
30 to 60c ; do red $1.50 to 2 ; do croaa
$5 to $15 ; lynx, $2 to $3 ; mink, 50c
to $1.25; marten, dark Northern, $h to
$12; do pale pine, $1.50 to $2 musk
rat, 5 to iOc ; skunk, 25 to 36c; otter
land , $5 to $7. panther, w ith bead
and claws perfect, $2 to $5; rtVOM B,
30 to 36c; wolf, mountain, with head
perfect, $3.50 to $5; prairie wolf or
coyote, oO to 75c . wolverine, $4 to $7 ;
heaver, per skin, large, $5 to $ti . do
medium, per skin, $3 to $7 ; do small,
per skin, $1 to $2; do kiU, per akin,
50 to 76c.
s, Clever Comedians.
New Mueic, Novel Uauoea.
Frii: Joe. Sac. 76c, f I.0U
Kvaervad aeaU TalLiuan's drug at
Worie 1 nan War.
Hundreds are killed in war, but
hundreds of thousands are killed by
consumption. There would be no
death! at all caused by this terrible
disease, if people could be made to un
derstand tiiat IShiloh'a cough and con
sumption cure is a aure remedy if taken
iu the early aUgea. 26 cto., 60 cts. and
$1 a bottle. Druggist will refund the
mouev if a cure is not effected. Tall
man & Co., leading druggists.
Baker City Dimoerat Indignant at the
Boise lilaleman.
Replying to the aeuaatioual article
on the supposed murder of the rati
old Jielia Fav Hull. printed la Wediiea
day'! Kaat dregouian, the Bnker City
Democrat says: A harrowing tale M
told iu a long article under lurid head
lines in hunday's Idaho Hutesuian ol
the foul murder and rape of little
Delia Fav Hull , 9-year-old child of
Mr. and Mre. .lames Mull, of l'aytto,
Idaho, w hile on a visit last Julv at the
house of Mrs. .lacks, hoarding houae
keener at the Virtue mine. The details
of the st.iry are sickening, hi.t a! jus
tice in linker county is now assailed,
the Democrat, which at the time was
cognizant of some of the claims made
by the parents of the child after the
burial in Fayette and did not then
make publication of any story, as the
authorities stated that there was abso
lutely nothing, after examination, of
a criminal nature revealed snlllciently
strong to either fix the fact that a
crime bad been committed or to Ox a
crime iion any particular person,
vi sti rdav made a careful investigation
of the whole aubject. The reault of
this reaearch leavea but one conclu
sion. The child died of diphtheria in
its worst form, or else the professional
opinion ol the Payette doctors and the
Maker Citv physicians will have to de
cide w hetFier a crime was committed
and a jury will have to find the
How About Oregon Jtmiee?
Commenting further on the denial
by the P.aker City people, the Boise
Btatatsnaa says: la that the kind of
investigations made in 0f9gM when it
is charged with the charge snsbtan
ttatad by the certificate of reputable
physicians -that a child of the tender
age of I' years, has been done to death
by some lecheroni brute! It cannot
be that Oregon inatice is of such
quality. Hod forbid that any Ameri
can community should ever permit
such a case to be dismissed as the re
sult of such an investigation as that.
This is the kind of a case that makes
men's llesh creep; that arouses people
to action I ike a trumpet call; that
searches hearts and lights the Ores of
determination to see justice done and
vet. according to this statement, it has
been brushed aside as a prosecutor
would dismiss a trilling complaint
growing out of gome neighborhood
The Boer War.
The latest newi from South Africa
indicates a stiecdy and iteacelul
termination of the con Mitt tliat has
been raging for the past two years.
War is a terrible thing and has slain
thousands, but stomach troubles, we
believe, have slain even more. When
the stomach is cut of order the entire
sv-tein suffers am) disease takes an
easy hold. To insure health and long
life keen the stomach in good condi
tion by the use of Mostetter's Stomach
Hitters. The next time you arc
troubled with dyspepsia, indigestion,
biliousness, constipation or any other
disorder of the stomach do not fail to
give it a trial. It will cure these ail
ments and prevent malaria, fever and
ague. Insist on having the genuine
with our private revenue stamp over
the neck of the bottle.
Phenomenal Increase In Membership of
Wiiiiam Marvin Encampment.
At the regular meeting of William
Martin Fmampineiit, No. 1, Pioneers
of the Pacific, hel 1 Wednesday evening,
April 10, in their hall in I.aDow
block. ii4 new mcmhvrs were initiated.
The applications of 90 iersons for
ineinberabip Were acted upon favor
ably. The increase in membership of
the Pioneets of the Pacific for the past
three months has been phenomenal.
The membership has nassed the 300
mark, giving it by all odds, the
largest membership of any secret
society in the city, and placing it on a
lirtn basis. Never since the days of
the Mganlaatioa of the order in the
fall of 1MI7 has the like of such an in
crease in membership been seen or
beard of in Pendleton.
fter the initiatior. of candidates,
which was an imposing sight, a couple
of hours wit- spent in the banquet
hall, where lunch was serevd, and in
amusements of different kinds, and in
social conversation.
Sore Lungs
mean weakened lungs all
caused by a cold and cough
Weak lungs sooner or latei
mean consumption.
will heal and strengthen the
lungs, cure cold and stop the
"I coughed (or yeaie kad kamorrhagaa.
DoiiuiM.d 1 ewe la aa ..iuauoii
tn.il Ua.. aivau up ell hopa. 1 finally triad
Shi i un ana ll luiad taa coaulaui. Ala
today lu (x r fact health"
fteat Oakland, CavL
Btillciti'a CunauimpUon Our la aald by all
Brugglala mi SAti. 60i . i no a butUa. A
rrli.n il guarantee guaa with every bottle.
I you are not .nturu-a go to your uruggiaa
avttll gat your wouay baoA .
Wi.o- i. i Uleatraaei book on cooatiatptioe. Seal
ukvui MM to yau. a C Walls Co., LeaWy, N. V-
Kor xavlo ly Tall man dt to., drutfiflMUi.
Oregon Lumber Yard
Kor harm and dwellings.
Cheaper than tin.
Building l'.iK i ,
1 ar Paper.
Lime and Cement,
Brick and Sand,
Screen Doors h Windows,
Sash and Doors,
Terra Cotta Pipe.
Borie & Light, Prop'?
Alta St., opp. Court Houae.
The Dead TtA
Farmers Custom Mill
Fre4 Walter, Proprietor.
rapacity, l&U oarrele a day.
riouc vxcliangeu tor waaal.
riwuf, Mill SW1. uopoou faed, etc.. a, ways
Brannan wining to Meet Any Man In
Waihlngton ar Oregon.
A fair-aiied audience wa! present In
Krarer opera houae la't evening to
witness the sparring contests, of which
there were three. The tirst was a sii
round affair tietwoen boyi, Tom Stock
date and Troy Todd, which was an
eagv going affair. The lecond event was
a six-round contest Udween Milton
Stoettdale and Oharles Smith. Mr.
Stockdale has been assisting in the
work of collecting the citv tag on tlogs
recently and Mr. Smith lias been en
gaged in herding on the reservation,
rhev were well matched aa to 1st anil
reach and gave a tine exhibition of
punching. It was very intereating from
a pugilistic standpoint and waa
watched intently with approval ny
those present.
The Main Kvent.
It u,i about 10:80 when the princi
pals in the main event were introduced
to the audience by the referee an
Sammy Kelly, ol OhiaagOi and Raddji
Hreiiuan, of Streater, III. The match
was hilled at Ifl rounds. It was one
sided from the start, as it was evident
that Btannan ontclasaiHl hia lighter op
ponent, lu the tirst round llreiinan
hit Kelly a crack that sent him to
the ropes, ami, had it lawn followed
up judiciously, would have bfOQfhl
the affair M an end then and there.
Krennan knocked Kelly down Ifl the
third round, tbiee or bmr seconds
elapsing liefore he could rise. Noth
ing, of great moment happened there
after until the sixth, when Hrennnn
struck Kelly hack of the left ear with
his right hand and knocked him down
and out, as he bad to be dragged to
hia corner until he could regain hi
senaes. A Broken Hand.
Brsnnan apparently broke a bone la
the hark of bis right band in the tinal
blow of the tight. The bone injured is
the one leading lrom the knuckle of
the right index linger. The man from
La Qraada, who announced a few
davs ago that he would tight the
winner may now have a chance to
make bia bluff stick, as it will lie
some time before Bran nan will be able
to do much punching with his right.
A Poor Millionaire.
Latel" starved in London beOBUM
he could not digest bis food. Marly
use of Pr. King's New LlfS pi III
would have saved him. They
strengthen the stomach, aid digestion,
promote assimilation, improve appet ite.
Prloa Me. Money back if not satislied.
Sold by Talltnan Co., druggists.
There not a
Lame Place
Iu the RamblOT anywhere.
One part is as strong as
another. That may la one
reason why
utwear other wheels.
i till, s 1 or i. nt - Koadater.
Ladies or tients l ight Roadster f lD.isi
ticnts 19 pound Kacer 100.00
Ladies or Ueata Obalnlam fflO.OO
Ideals ::o, Ml, r.5
Asenl l.'inalllla County,
I'millf urn, iiri'Ki.n.
taM t john S0BMID1
The Louvre 5aloon
iil.K'.' iN
Under New Manage meot
Kate, HJI, aud II 'J r day, Meal, 26c
nutcial kataa by the moulb.
Meat Hut. ! In tbe city fur faiulllee.
Bui to all Uaina, Kree aauiple ngn
Kl. i trie 1 1 at 1. la and Steam heal
fire proof bulldltf .
Cor. Court and Johnson Sts,
Take the...
Washington &
Columbia River
For Chicago, St Faul, Ht. Louie, Kan
sas. City, m. Joe, Omaha, audL.
All Points Cast and South
Portlatnd and point,
oo tb Sound.
Arrives Moudayi. Weduaadays and rrldayial
II 66 a in. Tueedaya, Tburadayi and Baturdey
at s fto a in.
Ueparta dally eacepl Sunday at U) f. a.
rot iuloriuatlou regarding rate and acorn
lucalalluua call on or addreee
W ADAfeia, Agent
feudletou, Oregou
H. B. . a I or ail a ah o K A ,
Walla nana, waan
FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1901.
Mill ends, i to 10 yardi Itngthi m
3o Per Yard.
A lot of Childrtfl'l shoes at spt'v'i.il DTiCC
One lot MUSLIN DRAWERS regular price fac, Surprise i2.k-
One lot Ml'SLIN SKIRTS, with ruffle, ragulai price, 650, SurpriM
Price 3 t
A lot ol Women's Shot s ,it special prices
'The above prices are GOOD ONL FOR WW OF SALE."
"Not more than uo yardi Calico to one peraon."
"Not more than 1 pair drawers and I skirts to one person.'
A lot of 40 st 4a WOMEN'S TAILORMADE su i s ..t ipecial price
50 hoy's 2-piccc knee paotl suits at one halt regulai price, Yon know
the knee pants didn't last long, Iteithei will the mil .
Our Women's, Misses' ,tn, Boy'l dost lot IJ( an better than any 25c
hose in Pendleton.
1 1 1 1 1 in
attt 1 1
JleaB llHllaer, I In- in-'rl. ikii ,,(( ,mi,.im Krenili ilivlchin, will iinl. k I v cm ymi rf all
'J; ". ' "'I li'" i.' 1 il li ax I.11M nanhnaa, laiaaiila,
"Ilia It. Hi. 11 n. k s ,1 1 . , , , 1, 1111. I,aira
jm; ava f."1""'.!!1" fair... It lmu.l ln llraln.. Varliui rli ami iiaallBaUeaV
BR afJBja Itatnimall Inswahy iluv or nlrhl. I'r. v . hi i.,n, 1,11, h ,m( ,(.m,,u,., 1,1,1, II h,.i'li,ki3
VfJtaV l''"'1" to BiH-riiialurrl ira c. I nil Ihn hnrnira .-In v. It run 1: . inanw. Uih
... llvcr, Ilia ki.l'ii.y. mi,) un hi n.ury urgum ul all Iiii.iuIii. i. 'l I'llll.N i: ,.i i.hiI...iw
and rMtnroe anmi I . ak oikihii.
Tliiin-aaou unir. n ra arc i . t cured h tliriiiraliilirfaiia(10.. rrent an' trOBbHel wild freieiaiUtla
fjuPIDKNti the only hnnn rrmnty ti rure wllhuiil nn uiwruti .'.' tiuiiimilnla A writnn
gilarnnlor. given ami mon. v rctiirnol if It ,,, I llnee UUt 0St u IH iiuaiifnl , mu. LM a fuc aa.00,
b mall. Hen, 1 fur nine c(n n ir ini.t i. -.1 liniuiliila, T
AJJrwa, U A VOL, HBDIilNKI U., I', o. Um 3T, Man Kraiu-auie) al
WlH n, A.I.K HV TA I.I.M AN . t: 1 1 It I U Hi IHTH, PttltMl I TtV. OWIMrAMJ
To makii aood bread ubb Byera' Heat Floor, ittiwiu ti r hi
premium at tin- Cliirairo Vorld'l fair OVer all DOttpetl'
tlon, and irivt'H t'AT'rl lent hatiefai'tioii vvlit'rv,r tunsl.
Kvery aaca iH Kuarautvi'd, We have tint lient Stfiim
Hollisl Haili'v, Hit'.I Iv.vr iitnl lli'iirdli'Mit Hurley.
w. s. BYERS, proprietor.
Hotel Pendleton
Under New riatiaenu'tit.
Strictly Pirst-Class
Excellent Cntsine.
Every Modern
Give Us a Trial.
Kates $2.00 a day
Special Rates by
Week or month
Bar and Milliard dooms.
Headquarters lor Traveling Men
The r.f. i Hotel !n fcaetern Oregon.
Van Dran Bros.. Props. Successors to J. li. Moore
The Wheel that la
Sky High In Quality
PrlOM From $22 to $00.
Road wheels; - - $35.
Racers, - - - - $50.
Chain loss CreucentH $60.
Boys and Girls WheelB$22,
1900 Models as low as $15, $20, $25.
Orttoont Whoeli ivippliod irith 8iiiiK fnunoi
mrj Mormw OOMtiT lnuk;s tn with eitlu-i
TorniH of pAytntllt 1" Hiiil OllitOintaTti with in
lotfftlttt, ' -ill din I mt u QAtffJogtlfi
Eaat Oregunian Bulldinu
I I S t A rf VAI I r i "' ' i 1 f i ' 1 1 1 1 to know what
nUVV LJKJ T VaLal you have to sell II you don't
The new store can never be A f JBBIN AMjA
knorvn uniei,.', ii advertises. AA LJ V CZ II I lOEZf
For Health. Strength and fl
Pleasure Drink ::::::: 1
Pol dure Weens, Proprietor. J