East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 11, 1901, Image 1

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n h -linplo w '"'
IL. H.
NO. .four,
1 have a large stock for
00 t select from. I make
cialty of wholesale
prden. I pay aba liifjhft
pi m (at rountry produce
uiul dickens.
R. Demott.
The Boston
ew Lines
n Today
Children'! Wash Dresses
S es 1 year to 14 years, made of calico.
; rcale, gingham, linen, pique and duck,
Wi 11 made and neatly trimmed 40c to $3 .00
Ladiei Long and Shun Kaim. 11:1s
Made of dainty dimity, organdy and lawn,
trimmed with lace and embroidery, li 50
to $5.00. They're both daintier and
1 heaper than you can make them.
lies' DvtMfog San lies
In white and colored dimity, lawns and
organdy, neatly trimmed, Jti .oo to $3 50.
sftditt' ( 'rset ( 'overs
of tint- organdy for summer wear, white
and colors, elaborately trimmed, fi 00 up
to $2.25.
Watch us For
Pendleton's Big
If Ht lowest prices.
lUliiug tackle, here
i.'Kiki-, all kinds and aisea, 15c,
I s 1411(1 I'm . 1
l..u a :..:., ,: .. i , on.. . . I
"mi Hi mi bankets 9Wc, 91 .24 U
uikem, tiait boxee, etc.
t i lu nrm c . ra n ai aa.--
HM-riMi i ' I i ..lu o.l a . A l .1 ii ik .i ii
t $.0 ttlKl 5U l,.rlf Wf UM-
LVing tte .tailing and bent line of
ll4 I II I'miwI Uh .i.
L-ond hand heela Urn-flit, Hold and
t u I .. .. I . . I II II I ...
' l'illlliil. Ti. ltd .u I I La -
led. )
aucy metal picture trainee lUc to
sachet nowder 6c.
aiK V Hir!iiuie tfc lo i.ti ' er iMiuie
alf pint papers 5c, seeds in bulk
16c a pound.
rederick Nolf.
Our magnificent stock of wcarihlrs for man.
woman and chiKl is being added to day bf day. as
fancy and fashion can create new things.
This week we show a new line of neckwear
for men. 25c, 50c and 75c the hitticst hits for
the advancing season.
A handsome new line of fable linens and napkins
in new and exclusive patterns. Linens 25c to
J.2.00 a yard: napkins to match $1.50 to $6.50
a dozen.
w omen's colored petticoats made of silk, made
of mercerized cotton, made of fine soft sateen,
made of linen and madi of striped secrsucket,
and made to cost you just about the price of the
bare material.
Some ladies decidedly swell shirt waists fresh
from the maker 75c to 3 00.
No store in Pendleton equals our showing.
Alexander & Hexter.
of Summer Goods
Fine Table Liuen
Fine Irish. Scotch, Cierman and Belgian
linens as well as American makes. Already
finished cloths in elaborate designs, also
plain damask centre with fancy borders,
napkins to match.
LouitiiM ilk Waiiti
They come in stripes and woven dots in
white and colors $4 75 and $5.00.
Faney Wftifti
in albatross, French flannel, surah, tafleta,
and Poi de Soie. $4.4 to $14.00
Fancy Neck Hitches ami Suimmr apes
In silk, chiffon and chenille $2 50 to $12.
New things in neckwear and belts arming
Correct Styles and
ar)d Linoleums.
All best quality Carpets, sewed and layed
cheaper than any other house. Linoleum
in all the latest designs in fancy stamp
See our office chairs and desks.
BflKERA FOLSOM, Main Street
Seed Sowing Time
You must
have good
seed if you
expect t o
gather a
good crop
ww tt-tm "
have a full
T. C. TAYLOR, the
Low Prices.
A Much Mooted
' Wh.it shall I buy them for a w.-.l-dituj
present?" Answer: Nothing
could Is- more a, eptable to a new
ly m.trr .-1 couple than tableware .r
bric-a-brac, such as can be mwn
hern. When you are looking for
china and kindred ware, for your
friends or yourself, you will do well
to visit us.
Stock is from selected grasses grown
in rich soil which insures a healthy
growth. Timothy, Alfalfa, MiUflttj
Blue Grass, Brome Grass, Bed and
Wliitft Glover in anv Quantity. Also
y A
line of garden tools.
Hardware Man. ,
A Texas ml gusher ha- been sold for
1, too, 000,
The railway has BOW opOBOd from
Rlao0bw to riaotaa, Oh 1m,
The ?-t .".-I trust will now take in the
Crucible Steel company of Pittsburg.
Bf f tad tat -0 antral TntBhia, soldier,
author and scholar, ia insane in
MtMMbiB Anglo-Auntrian clean!
from New Orleann for l"arH' Town with
MOO mulfs.
A linen trust is forming in BttfOpa
to embrace every concern on the con
tinent of I'll rope.
All the sewer pipe factories in the
countries an being combined in a trust
with 12, 200,000 capital.
A new process has DMA discovered
hereby heavv i !:! armor . :i le
sold at 1100 h ton. It will nave the
government tl!00 a tn.
Mike Conlev, known as the "Ithaca
(iiant " pugilist, ia under arrest at
Cincinnati for alleged Barter of Obtl
I. (iildea. telegrajilier.
Tom L, Johnson, Cleveland's new
mayor, has decided that corporations
there are not paving just share of taxa
tion and w ill remedy the defect.
Ieputy Bbarlfl Alexander, convicted
of the murder of Mrs. .1. J. Hums, was
shot at 1'hocnix while bolag taken
from the court room to serve a life
H. H. Clatlin Company, of New
York, is lOraalM a trust of department
stor-s, capital 100,000.000, TI.e atSM
plan is to be followed in all large
cities. J. P. Morgan A Co. an- work
ing the deal .
Win. K. Corey, general suiterinten
dent of the Homestead steel works,
Corey furnaces and Howard Axle
works, is to be president of the Car
negie company and the Carnegie Steel
com pan v. Charles M. Schwab to
resign the presidency and head the
steel trust.
pacific northwest nkws.
The Presbytery of Orenon is in ses
sion at Albany.
Salem hopgrowers are contracting
hops at 11 cents.
Boise Knights of Pvtbias will build
a ball to cost f2(),00o. '
J. It. Osborne will establish a popu
list jiapet at Moscow.
Colfax horse owners are organizing
to protect against thieves.
The Portland brewers strike has
been satisfactorily settled.
Poise requires saloons to pay the
year's license in advance.
Placer gold has lieeti found at Vale,
county seat of Malheur county.
donations of standard literature are
needed for the Salem penitentiary.
Malheur county expects a large im
migration from the Last this season.
The Arlington postottlee has been
equipped with 200 lock and call boxes.
(Mark county, Wash., has prospects
for the largest prune crop ever known
The steamer Mascot sunk in the Wil
lamette river. She was launched on
The move to the new capitol at
Olyinpia will probably be made next
Tin- circuit court of Multnomah
county declares the new county com
mission law valid
CiMjuille, Oregon, refused a franchise
to J-rauk Morse, Ckiab, Calif., for an
electric light plant.
Haleui will have new and larger
creamery plants to replace those
recently moved away.
The appeal MM of Henry hang, in
the penitentiary at Salem for hoise
stealing in Malheur county, has been
Chas. Horner, Salem, and Ivy '.race
burton, Independence, are to be re
spectively salutapirian and valdedic
loriau at the Corvallis agricultural
col lege.
W. H. Hacker sued lrr W. 1'. Via
and C. L Large for malpractice at
Hillaboro, the X-ray having been
used in examining bis arm. They
wen- acquitted
The Excuse
Made by many a man for taking a drink
ai the lr la ifiat be netU a br.u er. He
feclx weak, hi stomach is "out i soil-,"
und UOMOf rilukts bun " let-1 gol." The
tired man who ib
-Ajapv i nil 1. .p up
1" V but no one w Id
7s st v i h .. i t b
. ascrgy
t s n ii f a
Wdk CM
o t t li e
fctrcugtk giving
m r oi a piu
with the en
ergv induced by
liquors '1 hey
only jui llii 11)'
on, but do not
Btreagtittn it.
Streuxtli is madi
from txl prop
i rh di sti 'I and
a a i m I 1 a t ' d
When tin Umii
ach ia diseased
t'.ere la a failure
to extract the nutrition trotn bl and
the DOiiy grOWl cak. The wmk I'oly
ut ! atn iiutlieniiit;. not nimui.iiiuu
Or. fierce s Golden Medical Oiacovery
llli- diat the slolll.llll .;ll ! ot cl
or,u;-iia of digeation und nutrition, kg 1 1 it
ttie nutrition ot loot ia periecuy ex
tracted and aafjnill.Slnl and the licaJy
nourialiei into health and atreiijth.
There ia nvaUohol in "Golden kfi dicaJ
Ltai:osery," and it ia enlmh Ire. sVUM
opium, Kxaine and all other Ml'OUticS.
Accept nobultitute for "(.... . D .Mid
. .il Oiacoverv." Than la ffD otbel medi
cine jcat as good " for diatraaea of tile
loiuach nA allied organs
-Your 'OaMM MtiUgl uiwtry m.i EM
taaae'a Catarrh krinoly havi lm "I "Jl
Uu.fii tc in. write ( Prof ) flruaaul A oliv.r
ufViulj -uU..ii C Ark M ..r. I u .1 liar
avr niculi'.i.. 'I oincillca uiy 1- ! -
a ...ii'i digealioii l..t a coauuual fciltUK of
uucry I uw feci Ukc a new nau "
lr. Pierce' J'leasaut I'elleU negulut
Ukc bowela aud liver.
TO l-l'T t MlJKK CAM
ucla, ou ahelvt-e, walls, ot
tor wrappluc purpoaea
mi . . Old uewapspera lu large
newspapers t-uudi. ui ou huudred
each at to unit buudle
at tuk kabi oaaooNiaN orncit, fuudu
XXf ' 1
Auditor Lawstie Says Postofflce
Accounts Are Mixed,
GoverDtiifDl May Scad t Force o( Expert
ArrouoUDts lo Make i rtioroufih
Invesiiinn at Manila.
Washington, April 1 1. A big scandal
in the Philippine Mstal affairs ia
pronnxed. Stvretary Root has receivwl
a reiort (r.Mii Auditor l.awsht. srtyiliK
that the Account, WW there art in a
terrible state. The amount said to U
involved is at least :t(Xi,000. I'ost
maMer oneral mith may send a
torce il expert accountant, from Wanli
innton to Manila to makt a thorough
Lawaba writes that a numlier of dis
Mota have not reportetl for months.
The absence of linancial accounting
may mean that the llnancen are in a
tangb'd shaM or may have no sinnili
cance whatever. The rumor that Secre
tary Root had not been informed of
the shortage of $.!..,(.) gAined cur
rency, but rotild not la continued.
"I am certain everything is all right
over there, " said Postmaster-, .cimra I
Smith this afternoon." It la merely
a failure to report on the part of a
number of postmasters."
Two Provlneas I read.
Washington, April II. Oat Mac
Arthur cables another capitulation of
insurgents and says: "Col. A rco sur
rendered at t'astillejoH yesterday, with
L'Vi soldiers, 11 officers ami arms. This
and the surrender of Col. Alva at
Olongapn, on tlx eighth, frees both
Bataan ami ambales provinces."
Ho Was formerly a Raaldant or I'ondla
ton. Lataly Living In Portland.
Portland, April 11. Special to the
I a-t I 'regi ill I UN . I.. H. t 'of died at
1:16 this afternoon, after an illness
extending over many weeks.
Mr. C.x hi- been ii resident of this
city for If years, coming here from
Pendleton, and continuing the practice
of law. He was for years a member
of the well known and influential lirm
of Cox, Cotton, Teal and Minor, the
lirm being counsel for tin O. K. tt N.
railway, (if late he has practiced
alone. Mr. Cox was one of the most
prominent men in Oregon, lie stoisl
especially high here ami in all
sections, being known aa a MM of
ver ken sense of honor
Arrangeineiits for the funeral are not
yet complete, hut it is thought it will
lie ou Saturday from Trinity Kpiaeopal
church, of which he was a vestryman.
usueral Hagral In Pandlalon.
Receipt id the news in Pendleton
will cans. general regret among all
Mho knew Mr. Cox. lie was a resi
dent of thin city aud practiced law.
lie was of remarkably upright charac
ter, and went away with such Mliaa1
as seldom is felt for any alllaM. He
was l' years old at his ileath.
Goabal Nurdar Mattar Haopanad in
Prankrorl, Kaatuaky.
Frankfurt, Ky., April II. When the
Ripley case was resumed this morn ing,
MtNMMNM was granted retjuiring the
IsMlwilla V Naahville railway to
produce its bills of lading showing the
shipment of guns from the adjiltant
geiieral's ollice to Ripley the day pre
ceding the assassination of QWWMW
tioebel. A Hiibp'x-ua was also asked
for requiring the telegraph manager at
Kmluence to proiiuce all the messagea
receivl by Ripb-v during a year past.
The testimony submitted this uiorniug
waa unimportant.
Harbor Lommisslouars or 'frlseo He
stora Him His Llcenis.
Sau Kranciaco, April 11. Ry a vote
of two to one, the state board of harhor
commissioners acquitted Pilot Fred
erick Jordan of blame for the wreck of
the Rio Janeiro, and restored his
license. They held that the wreck was
a matter of misfortune rather than of
bad seamanship.
Ha Disbellavas aaporl or Uawat's Mam
al Unsoundness.
Amsterdam, Aiiril 11. President
Kruger does not believe the report that
tteneral iewet is nienlally uiisoiiikI
saying that it is promoted by the desire
of the British to demoralise tiie Boer
comijjanUers iu Cape Colony winch
lately have achieved several auuctatus.
baa. Metfauea is aaeoverad.
liudou. Auril 11. -The war! ortice
has announce! that tieneral l...r.
Methueu - with the British forces in
South Africa has been discharged from
the hospital and returned to duty.
Mlolster Looinls Baturas.
Hau Juau, Auril 11. The cruiser
Koorpion, with Minister Looutie,
United States representative of Vene
zuela, auoaru, arrivtsi uere tmjay
Minister fxmis will sail for the
Uuited Htates tomorrow ou the steamer
Reported by I. L. Ray Co . Psndleton,
Chleaxo Hoard of Trade and New York
Stoek liehanxe Rrokers.
Now York, pril II, The wheat
market turned lirong today and alMd
A full cent over.vevterdAy', close. Ihsj
government repirt. which came out
late yesterday, giving Condition of
winter wheat as til .7, compared w ith
S2.1 last year, had been discounted by
Snow's roort earlier in the week.
Liverpool was lowar, B B : s.
New York opened t.t lower, 7n, and
mild up to 77'v. closing 77 1-M.
stocka lower.
Money, 'v, per cent .
t'losmg yenteril.iv . , 8 l8,
t)ening tislay, W,
Range tinlay. i
Close today, 77 I -s.
July corn, 1-s.
stcH-ks: Sugar, 114 94) fnbacco, lfj
5-8; steel, 47; Kt. Paul, IM1.. . C. H. A
ti. 18H4 ; N. I'., !I7 l-s. Krie, .17',.
Wheat in Chicago.
Chicago. April II. May wheat.
to 704.
New York Market.
New York, April II '-ugar, raw
fair, relining, :l I .' . , offa RIo ...
7 on spot, 0 T)-S ; rice, doniestic, :l't to
ii'4 , moderate deiii.ind. unchanged
Johnian Died From the Wounds He
Was Jtalous or His Wife. Who
Saw the right.
Memphis, April II. Jack JoblUMI
a railroad man, and llnr.lv Parker, a
clerk, fought a duel OH the strccti- here
last right with knives. Johnson died
this morning iu a hospital. I he men
slashed each other until thev fell
apart from sheer weakness from loss of
hhxsl. Johnaon's wife wi'nessed the
tragedy, ami, aa her hushand lav on
the sidewalk, placed his head in her
arms and stained her lips and cheeks
with bis bloisl. Johnson's jealousy
caused the trag. d
Vandals Destroy Hsndrlcki Statue.
lndianaMilie, April II. N'audalN.lid
serious damage to the Ib inlricks in, mil
inent in the state Imiis,. grounds last
night, (hie of the large granite orna
ments, surmount. . I by a lieav) plec
hronre, was broken from the base,
thrown (o the ground ami the bronie.
shield forcetl from its place and
carried away, While the scales which
the figure of justice i,,-M in its hand
were stolen.
A Recluse Suspected.
St. Louis, April II. Kighteen mt
aoiis narrowly escaped oraniatlon at
o'clock this morning in a lire which
destroyed three one-story Ira houses
on the south side. Conrad I. char,
recluse, who owned the bulldlngi has
been arrested, lie i-suspected o know
ing how the llaines originated
Cuban Convention In Uuandary.
Havana, April II. The OOaMlitU
tinnal convention is in a qaandWf
over what course to pursue in view of
the latest developments. It is pissi
hlc that the convention will asked lo
be dissolved unless some encourage
ment is received from Washington as
to the future. Ho far as there has been
A i. mill MANY SKVt'NV
Peculiar Colneldsnee Noted by Walla
walls'. Pealraaalar,
The DOJIoIBm "Ihcials iu this , ity
yesterday bad brought to their atten
tion the uueerest coincidence, or series
of coincidences, that has eve.- oc, urred
in the history of the Walla Walla
ollice, says the Walla Walla Union. Il
came by mail and raglaiarad mail at
that - and arrivisl over (he Washington
V Columbia linn railway vclcrda)
morning I rum Hps.ii.e
Itegisterttd mail, , cepl where It Is
carried iu large (iiant it ns, has a
siiecial Miuch wl.ii h is smaller than
tin regular hag and which is placed
inside the lattei. This ipeolal bag is
IfM'ked w ith a . ii. ni i. ii m. i ii al n gls
tering io. k Kverv tune the key in
'me d III the lo, k a umnlHir which
shows under a glass plate, is in
creaseil by out, lu this manner it is
possihle 'or the uffioari at the differeiil
olllces to tell whether the sack has
been oslied wh n ti.in- t With
each registered hag is sent a rtweipt,
or check card on whirl, is written the
day the mail is sent, the nun, her
which the lock shows, the nun, her of
packages inside the lag and the nun,
tier of the train ou who h it leaves ita
starling point.
When the reglnt. red hag art. veil . -terday
it showed the following fi in
the accoiuiatny in, tag: To begin with
the tag waa nun, hens 7, it lining the
seventh in the series for them ou 7th
of April , the hark was uumlHirtl 777 it
having heen the ,,','th one constructed
at the factory; the niiiu)ar that showed
under the glaae plain was 77 il heing
the 77th time that particular I s k bad
been used the bag started ou ita
journey on the 7th of the month there
were seven registered letters inside the
sack and it left its destination on the
Northern Pa, I lit- train Ho 7.
"Talk alaiut lin k In odd uumhers,"
said Postmaster HruntOO.
Bicycles, Guns
and Ammunition
an made a specially and not a side Mm
You get the bench t b) buyitaf Ol
Quns and Bicycles Repaired.
Corner Mam and Webb St5. Pendleton, Ore.
Three Hundred Car Men Were
If Not RflnsiaN, So II Is Claimed, 750
llli Will (lo Out Along
Hi Linf.
Wilkesbarre, I' ,, April II, Three
hundred man eiMplnved in the car re
pair department tl,,. Jajfawjl Central
railwav at A-hlev struck at noon I.,.,
cause -.'7 ot their MBbM were dis
missed ior the alleged naMM Iba! tbw
baloog to the union. If the men are
refusal reiiislati'inent. it is BlalaMd
that 7'si will go out.
Jertev Central oniram and Hroihsrhnod
I onter In Now York.
New York, April II. At o'clock
this altOTBOOn a aMlaraOM began l
Iweeti the representatives of the vari
oils railwav hrntherhoials and the
uAelali of Um Jaraay Central eoinpany.
at which it was oonfldontly baliMad
an amicable tgrWHsMl would be
reached OOnCernittg the deinauds l the
employees, and that anv further
trouble Would be averted.
Slilkars' Trouble In Hungary.
Vienna, April II. Serious conflict
occurred Ittjaj batsTMn the strikers
and fhe soldiers at latatovaros, Hun-
garv. In the, ilnt, four miners were
Hal IIUU Man of MM Voluntser Infantry
Washington, April II. -The trans
sirt Jerome, en route to San I'raiicisc,
with the I'weiit v si t h volunteer in
fantry, nine hun.lris! men, is now
foiirdavs overdue The Jerome la Hot
Ural-class ami her machinery is said
to he old and weak. Oilicials are
alarmed let the -Inrin has overtaken
her in mid-ocean.
Patrick and t o m pan I on a l liargsd With
urder of Hlce.
New York. April II. Lawyer Albert
I'. Patrick and his companions, Short
And Meyers, wr held to the grand
jury Ibis aftcrmsm The grand jury
charge torgerv in connect ion with the
will of the millionaire, William M ,
Itice. Justice Jerome will render a
decision mi Mondav as to whether
Patrick shall be held on the murder
Loyal LaStaa Adlourned.
Washington, April II. Willi this
morning's -essoin t he congress of the
military order of the Itoval Legion ad
pmriicd to ii t in San I rancisco in
pril, lUUfi I In- I, ,,s. ting deyotisl
consideration to the proposed amend
ments of the constitution, hut practi
cally no changes were made
naaiaa captain Hiusd la Pekm.
BwliOi lWll li' A dispatch to the
I okal An.eiger Iron Pekln stales thai
Oapialn Barueh, Kussian, has baw
shot ami killed m ar the summer palace
while horseback riding.
ie.ther disputel, comes Irolil Pekm
saying that inquirUe lend to show (hat
the sh, siting was an i lental.
J. H. Uatei. ol l.sglalalive Uoodls fains.
Ai i utiad lor rorgery.
J II. QatM, who has H ,il iretl wide
spread notoriety ou account ol hia
getting awav Villi tl'slO during the
lale lamented legislature, says
the I ugeiie 1 1 MM, suppoetsl to
he inii'iclcl lor some legislator, during
the senatorial light al Salem is now in
a pre In. in ient from which he cannot
so eoail) eatrlcate hiutavll and which
no doubt will result in his serving a
term years iu the state Mniteuliary.
lie was arrested this morning about
II o 'cloak by Uhorifl Withers ou the
charge ol forgery, was taken before
Justice of the Pe.ee t' . Wineriueier,
where he waived examination and was
planed in the county jail.
litis in. ruing shortly DOlON II
o'clock tlatea ante red Iba l irst
National bana and i - i u
Cashier P. K. Meslgrass a check on
the fire! National bank ol Portland (or
7ff ailli tin- nuilie ol Henry f 'orlielt"
attai bed thereto Mr. Sinslgrass iiu
mad lately saw that the chek waa a
forgery and held i isles until heriH
Withers, who was telnpholied for, ar-
rivod, when he was inroad wm t" n-ai