East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 09, 1901, Image 4

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    TUESDAY, ri:ll. e. nKU.
Cant afford to htiv shoes that I
for von spend tv. tl rdi ol real
them. Ko aline, no matter at what
paiea, can fit more c aafortahlr, mow
naturally, non fra i a ene
The natu.al
"iueen Quality
mpon theae !.'
in." Ttiev fee
(or wMMHi
woman 'a foot
' LMt That
ps nwl no a
n Boaafortahl
It lag
' a
ptooKinc from
enters them.
the moment your
None Higher
Practical ftvot all I
Mi !.
Try Pulton' ice cream eh roletee.
Bicycle, recycle, t-icy. i
Karly Ohio seed poUM - at Haarlnj
Buy yonr Ifiadon shades at
Murpl -Kew
wash goods at Cleaver Bros. I'ry
ItOOlif Co.
For rent Five nwoi cottage Inquire
of M. Comptot.
Columbia. Cleveland. Imperial
wheels. Nolf's.
Have yonr picture frame.'. .ate-:
style at Murpl '-
Kew deeigns in wall pajvr at
Murphy' paint st..e.
Call and tee Crawford hieyalea and
racyclea at Withee's.
iresh neas. ne potatoes, rhubarb,
1 r
Latest noveltie
window. Cleave
Oldest place M
Koy'i. cir. Com
Cool and ref:
wankee beer on tap at the Mates.,
The latent in biejreiea ii the cnahi n
frame Come ..:
N. Berkeley has some very des ml
towi. and eo'uutry SJUUartJ for sale on
easv ternis.
Flower and point WMm I refnjraaa
nwi eorn, broin. ft- a :.. . - '..
Haw ley Bros.
Finest bam and lard on the market.
Home product f it. lie guaranteed.
Bcbwarx 4 OlWMh
Spanish chicken tumales are - -.
evening fr "
Qoedecke A Kirkman's tamale parlors
opera house tdock.
Mrs. BMM la
and ahe thought our line ol spring
good were the DiOSOl It I w i. I i I M I
Bros. I'ry (lood l
Kemember 1 have a haMat BlOOB
Oil, Olle-greuse I 1" . an
otbor harvest aop plies tbon aver be I
lore. P. Son, Helix.
For lodge,, MVtJaa all . we can j
furnish chicken tamales in steanier at
any hour. You can have mem rod I
hot from the can. i odaatta Kira
man, Palace ot bweet. opera house
If you have not done so already m I
aak you to cah ami M Mr big I -of
new wallpaper. Fveryt: ing ti) U
uate and a. lea a. lei ...-
Paper hanging an .. :t..
done. See C. hari i jera :
Jame A. l ee ha praaMtad ten vol-1
umee of the ' Literatu'.
Natious" to the High school linear;
making nearly "
boon presented during Iba pa', viator.
There have I-j-.-i aboul .
presented to the llbrsr formed I
Use of tlie . .'-a i.--
Tbe maximum temperature .v
dieton for the
eliJinn April b
.1 aj lav ; the mini
jrsd Ttie f irw
tn. the ri i .rd of
luutarv obserwr,
! week us cmpared
WceE. or ior the
in Pen lleton i i
mum waa V ol T
going figures are
William Hilton,
and show a eoj
witb tbe preeedin
first week of Apr.
Blank Books
All the latest
Magazines and
I) : (l , I BtMnU Louri ic betsion.
I CllUUILal . I i. i arrived Moadag
avai Ing Iron. Meppoei aud is holding
up adjoataed aaaaion of circuit court.
Th. case on trial today is a compli
cate. s one, entitled, (ieorge W. Prueb
a iii executor of the last will and
Uu,nll,u' l,n tesumeal an,! J aeon Slgiaan, daoeaaad,
T1 1 pt i riTi-i r-- 1 ewer. Mr. Proebetel, of
I UlLc I k I Ll hS
1 an I Mrs. A J. March, of Milton, and
'am a Johnson, of Adams, among
others, are present, interested in tlie
Tallman Co.,
We Have Received
The most eouipk U- liut oi men ' shoe ever
fcliown in l'eudlelon. Oar experience en
able ub tn give you a perfect fit. The gtylgg
are correct and nohhv. See our display
window and then get our price-
W W. Cavine ll appointed stock
iiupector of Malheur county.
The Maker Cm breWWf? may be
I : t.v Hasten, parties lor 140. two.
For wale Lagging boat, owe bloofc
from Main street Inquire of this
A cpMpnol ott the east side of Garden
fect. alHiut To 1-et south of Webb
street, if of such proportions as to need
i i king after. Warm weather would
torn it into a malaria-producing dis
trict in about ii months.
Ids. Helen Rcdk. v will he at the M.
r obareb, Thomp " treat, tbla Tnea
l iv .veiling ami will recite selection.
Miakespeare. Tennyson. Bryant
BBC K iev. Mies K slkey come, highly
-,. commended a. an elocutionist, lien
oral admission, IB cents.
t Anna Pom! a-a. relea.ed from
tn.iav. havinvr put m W Imnd
t-.r her appearand before .Justice Fits
...raid at 1 o'cl.vk 08 the aftern.xm
ol next Thursday to answer to the
charge of having raited the amount on
duck invent- bel by II F. McKlmv.
payable at tbe Petni eton -avmgs bank
That was intended a. a news item
in the Fast uregonian of Monday
dido 'I rend Mortis right. That was
where referoaeo was mode to a Black
Cochin hen of M. B. Kevs bavin laid
M Offj that weighf i ;1 wunda. ror
Ii read Mttcea and the item i.
vu it a number of those who
read the item tfioTisht ttiot ne Strang
irnrt of the story was
... jhed - potui l-
that the hen
iswton Towniltr lompany Raorganlz.d
th Bar Harrlion Mm.
l.awtnn araadla company lias
roreotly )een reorganixed and local
., ., .- :i no iiaioi. oi mi r.u
I wbolm- inaugurated a policy
that i bound t bring a high MgfW
i pruoporlty to thil camp, tays the
iwi : Btaadord Tbe eompuw, aMMt
Mr. Allen's direction will build a neat
mi I ciuiiKxlion- iiotei designed to ac-
noaaaooala tbooi mining moo wbo wtM
: Mt a.s Mfftrloo. Many other im
IHirtant improvement, will also be
made as soon a dry weather sets in
ami material can be transported in
fjVMl the railr ..
There it. a pr le-ty up in the 'ireen
bora mountain- wbien, to all at
pearances will soon ke a winner. It
l Um Boa Ha-- - t. This property i.
ommd by ,laine A . Howard and F.
...m and bia I D. Allwrt GIIIIml
1'endleton. It if noa nnder IkiiuI
for a laree .mi ol ne.nev to A. J.
Irating tor a
irodVaata. Uecentiy
Mart a ide and assay,
a a. encountered in
I'm. ore-chute kaaM
neiiig permanent,
, i Harrison will .oon
.ivy prixlncer of the
;- in f )f b
er tnnii
: ittnt I oaMord mine tias
ocloaivi rettiod within the
pool few arooks, and that it is destined
...niie OBM M thOgjMM big mi lies of
I .. a .rid ha- DOM demonstrated lie
vuud an opportunity for a quibble.
; .,! va n fortti are apparent
.ti MM a i visit -tlie property
and place bimsell for a brief boar in
lh booda of w W, Bobbin., manager
: miM, 01 I reman C. .'. Carl-
. i w :. take pleasure
,i aemoaMrattog tnat we speak noth
l ml tbe tratn and yet we have not
told bait of it.
It WU. Bs Hsic si Ssattl Until Summer
btsamsri Sail.
Ai' v I'er.on. a ho are
n Indulging n Iba diverting past-
aril etter p their friend.
- : .- a- ate- i v'a Nome ir
BDf of u i iower river iKjints of
v. ".: e"ten .i.a-Ku oev.iiid Taliana
may well postpone the expenditure
f -.heir efforts as their mail will be
I la the -u'.'.ie m. jthce from the
';uie it I. aeiited thereuntil the
-. ng the -'..-uuiers :i the summer
Tin action on the part of tbopoatoffioe
:i tHKlietice to an order
b was usued by tlie department
lata Malt 4l a result a large
htiuitwr of o tters written by persons
win ii not understand, nave accumu
., tin e uioi continue u
i. held (or at .east another montb.
l'aper ma i. i if Nonie and tributary
nointa lias bM accumulating at the
a .
w inter. and there
oa ovr twentnve tone of it lor
.paicli n.'ti when the earliest
eoyaga ot any steamer
ntruct to carry mail to
ne ol the W. A. T. A- T.
. which will sail about
I, It it altogether prob
r, that there will be
utcn nas a
Ii DM will be
I - BtaaaM
ow e'. er,
s will
und that tbe earlier
uke some mail, but
bo doing have not yet
To Aecon.odal. P.ndl.ton.
William Well is in tbe city from
A'.h-iitt lb -Utes that the game of
hum-hal! to oa piaveil between tbe
ullu uud Athena team, on
April ill BO the ground, ol the latter.
ii ting t i" i hummer. The manage
ha. MO ne ed that if sufficient
lletMiani attend play will be
called at 1 i or 1 Ah, so that they will
be able to g up on tne train in tbe
n. rning au 1 r. turn in the afternoon,
: and see tbe whole nine inning The
ieiuiietun contingent had t
miM the
ninth Inning of the 6 to 4 game on
Saturday, Marsh :io, in order to catch
'the truiu for pome the same day. If
tba mnagpraaat should announce the
. ol eonitueuciiig in advance quite
r utteiiJ frum l'enlleton
in.-. I si ies had rested at -
,,'.,,,.lr U I Ulu.u. u ...I I k L' ...
" . . m. . miri ., . ,- I.,
a, uttoruevs ior tbe plaintiff aud A.
U. btiituian. for tlie defendant
WM. FITZtiERALD, Manager.
W. S. Goodman OfT.rt Suxirstlon at to
Propsr Procedure.
To the Kditor-Onr present ..tcm
,,f road work is a farce, and one M
should not lone toHirBtO, Vmler the
old sv.tems. the county commissioaers
appointed al! road suervisor
In nnr Inralitv. in the month
wn" ......). . ),u the harvest work
ll'IIHTI .'..
about all done, the supervisors MilM
on everv man in his road district he-;e-n
tbe ages of '.'1 to sA to work Ml
his roa.i tax, also all men of property,
Tbe farmer, general Iv having good
teams for the purpose, of carrying on
their farming operation, and all in
working order at that time of year,
turned out and did nd. faithful work.
It was in the neighliorhood at their
homes and tbev took an interest in
their work. Vie of the rural district
then hail good roads.
But how is it now? Our road tax
goes into the county treasury, and a
r. a.! sinervisor is elected. The super-
visor drives over the ro,is semi-
occasionally, in a iieht rig, generally
a cavuse team, r-ometiine. he gives
the road a scratch here or a shove, fu;
to dirt there, and that i. about the
extent of tbe work. Hut. when the
bill comes before the county court, it
calls for pay for lirst-cias teams ami
herculean labor expended to the ver
best of advantage.
1 do not claim to lie a radical. 1
ciailli ill an uiiups. imii
I do say that our road laws through
legislation have lHen greatly wn-'
Fverv voung man in the .tate should
be required to contribute something t
hi. state. The majority of them MM
own horse, and buggies. Others DWB
bicvcles and travel tbe roads more
than older people, and would natara.ly
take an inlerest in good roads, and
I think would willingly contribute
work for that purpose
Mr. Goodman'i Remsdr.
And now for the reniedv. It is al
ways easy to rind fault, but sometimes
hard to propose a practical remedy,
which I think 1 will be able 10 d I
think our state road laws should he
again changed, still allowing us to
elect our road supervisors, hut allow
ing every man the privilege of Jgorkiag
out txth bis poll and property ta
and our county cor.. missioned, most
alway mei well informed am: of g i!
judginetit. make and print on a card a
program to be distributed to the
! "-.in survisor elected, suited to
toeir respective localities.
The same program would not do for
every road district For instance, in
m district the whole "o i'eet of the
road should he plowed to the center in
H ember anu level lel off. ' the
ground would become Ami before the
following summer, and, in mountuin
district., it pfOMbly wouid require up
entirely uinereiu program. nui n
on 111 ne easv i nsceriair. jusi w uai
. i . : : H
would lie wanteTI.
In incorporated towns aad dtiea,
the present system if satisfactory
should lie allowed to remain as it is
In this locality there bus lieen no
work done since the system was
changed We live long distance, from
our markets ami tr ling i nits, and I
think we are justified in this cm
..laitif fwl MuiiiMf r eiiimrv ennrt t.
Uaik into the matter until we all be
able t. secure a chlllik'e 111 the road
laws W. S. lUit 'I'M AN.
W. C. Kelts, ol Meacbam.
tared at the Hotel Pernio- u
i- r.-g.s-
Mr. and Mrs. Kdwin Saitrier re
turned from 1'ortland this morning.
William Nash, the veteran merchant
of Adams is a visitor in town today.
J. P. Isaacs, of Walla Walla, was a
guest o- the Hotel 1'endleton Monday
s. H. Hoobier,.a Portland drummer
was a guest of the Hotel Pendleton
Phelps, of
the Hotel
Mr and Mrs
Heppner, are
Robert Hums
Waila ol the eV
8, w
guests oi'
genera! agent at Waila
k & N , is speudmg
today in Passu latM.
-tate enator ' ieorge W. Proeuetel,
of Weeton, is in Pendleton to day as a
w itness in a case ou trial in circuit
C. I Redfield. an attorney of Hepp
ner, was in Pendleton Monday evening
and took tbe train this morning for
James H. Haley came up from P in
land Monday morning. He has been
absent at Itonver. Colo., for the past
two weeks.
J. K. Smith, the -heepman of Pilot
Hock, is in Pendleton today. fie
state, that be is in the market for tba
purpose of buying yearlings.
C M. Cartwright, au extensive
sheepman of Prineville, was a guest at
the Hotel Pendleton bniiday ale1
Monday morning ior the west
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad KoblOf re
turned on Saturday in good health after
having been visiting lor the past IbttX
mouths at i. Paul and M laaeapnl ll
Minn., and at different place, in Ne
braska. They had a very pleu-ui.'
Jobnuv Jordan is in town irom Pilot
Hock tudav . He says there is con
siderable activity among the aaaajBMBM
anu tne shearing season is opening up.
Pun Knerrv im, it bmnl of kIi-hc hi ii
Hock now which are being sheared to
a gang ot four.
Milton Eagle: Oeorge P.ohrmuh
came up from Pendleton and a.
main here. He expects to have l. is
bakery opened in a lea days.
Kohrmau I. a baker w ith several
experience and will undoubtedly
up a good trade in Milton.
Mrs. Ida Keheagall and Mise
Neberaja.ll. of Baaiptar, have
guests of Mr. und Mrs. henry llurper
for the past Week. The former re-
turned homo Momia evening. Mint
Nebergall will be the guest of Mrs.
Harper, her sister, for u few
Mr uud Mrs. 1. O. Hader,
aud aunt of M. A. Kuder oum
Iron Wuilu Walla on Mohdav eveuinc
where they have been visiting with
relatives for a lea aeaki Thai a
leave un the Chicago-Purtluni! ipm
at gj this evening lor their noiue
v7oleotti Ind.
Mrs Kuspar Vau I 'ran am! her
sister, Mise Moutieth, expe-t to leave
Wednesday evening for Portland,
Albany aud other Willamette valle)
i. nt They will be absent scv. ru
wees, which mi. bo nriucipolly iponl
at Albauy.wliere the lormerly resided
and where they will U- the cu-.-.s
Milton r.ttu le : Hen L. I.elm.,1
up from Pendleton Monda
aud has
aasuuieii charge of tbe dry gobdl depart
uicui iu saoagrove store, Mr Hanks
takes charge of the .Iuh- and gent's
furnishing gooda department, u, the
place oi M. fmytbe, who has gone
over to Weeton to look altor tiie bank-
runt Ptivk that Mr. Mosgrove i.
ing out at that place.
fgaj H Parties and family. Henry
Uierlich and familv, Mr. and Mrs. l.eo
I'.ggertb. Rd Beatliorii and Oeorge
Itoehde of Pendleton, and the Mise
Mrlvoatar, d Pilot Rock, t.vk tba
earlv train Sutidav morning BOO spent
ka .U,. ai ilie boine of Mr. and Mrs.
Tbeodorc Harn II being the btrthdae
anniversarv id th
latter. The train
stopped at'th. farm of Mr. Harm, four
mile, aboea Wllbar. aad laa weat
boaad train .topj ed in tbe evening
and plated np the party, whietl wa. a
great convenience. A sumptuous much
was .prend. the partv having gone well
supplied with viands for the tnhle. ss
well a. two Kegs ol SXOpllent leer. A
Bambat Of U(lak views were taken Ol
the HMrtRbara of the party. Mr. Md
Mrs. Harm were thorough NrpriMd
and all bad a dejigj llnl lime.
He Waivod Examination at '.he Hearing
In Athena.
Athena. April P. This morning in
the justice court. John Tnlm. charged
with rifling the pocketi of Joaeph
LaroqM, Saturday night in this city,
wa ved examination mid WBI b.iund
i eat to tbe cirealt OMrV His bail ip
fixer at 28 I.
George Froome, id I'endletM, came
to Athena vester Inv M bunies
Mrs. .T. F. Wright, who bai bean
coiitined by i lines, to her home for the
past BsMta, is rapid I recowiug.
. B. Bond returned reeterda from
Walla Walla, where be baa baeti
transacting boaloeei fr several dajrs.
Will Wells iff ve 1 i BM bit de,l
horse to Pelldletoli ti-tlav.
John W. Kimball, of Pendleton,
was in the cit yesterday. and surveyed
and laid out the grade m the proposed
new road. He will return Monday
and estrtb.is). the pew grade on Man
i. H. -aling and wife, am! JaM
aling, went to PoMleton today to re
main a few weeks.
Conntv Commissioner Horace W.t.k
er, of Hefta, who ha. been eMflned lo
his home sit!: smallpox for the past
ninety daya, spent a lew hour, in
Athena vesterday, while on bis way to
Weston. He was accompanied by his
i.ro'.her. Hugh Walker. : West ....
Win Burdeti Pftaraed m - erda from
Chari. i Bargeant, atbena'i eontrac-
tor and builder, went to Adam. Mon-
dav on bualnaaa.
Ward st. John, ol Trootdale, "re.,
arrived in thk I 'v -iindav. Mr It
John is a good hull player and will
pr.'hably catch for our nine tins sea
son. Tw a men were arrested by nur city
marshal Sumlay evening lot running
their hornet m Hi i M the i
trial yesterday BlBBfBOOBi tbev were
assessed ' a piece. W I, id, tbev paid.
H irn, to Mr. an' Mrs Miirvel'Watts.
-. . . . . . : I w m
n tne cirv, on .ioniisv, Aprn
ll i ram
left for Wu! la Walla I
.. . . ' i... i,. ,...1
i i . i. .l. in " .... .. i
., ,, . , ,
. Wa! la Wai ia bund has
t. Allen's Honis Near lorn.r
Court and Jonnson Streets
A lire alarm was given shortly after
o'clock tins morn.pg which ciiused a
ruih t
lobnoon street, near t. oiirt,
ofi- llames hurst t irth trom the
south side of the house oOCUpleo by bd
C. Allen and family. The tire was
first discovered b) ' W. Oliver, u
Imarder at W. i. Loee'l hoarding
house next door to tin sooth Mr. LoM
and Retldy Breunan. the priietighter.
nseisted by a numl-er of women
manageii to get a few buckets and
washpans of water out., the "ide of tba
house, where the (Utiles were, ale!
checked it. Protection h m oompan;
arrived a few seconds ufterwur 1- an
turned on water, so that tba Bn had
no chance whatever.
Origin ot the Firs.
The iiouse is an ancient one
chimnev of brick BOSIBMBOOI I
and the
out six 1
i feet from the tloor. It had becomi
honey.com bed wub bolea, allowing the
. flames from the fire bj the MOM I
i reacii the inner boards or sheet!
ami, having turned ti.r ugh that,
tackled the weatherboar I ing am! got
through to tbe open ai. Fortunately,
it eras discovered iu time, or there
wouid have been little left of tbe
UOtlSe hilt ashes.
Mr. Allen is absent at l.awton. The
building is owned b Lt l.ivermore
It was necessury P remove some of the
carpets am! furniture, hut the princi
pal damage inside wu aused by the
de.llge of muddy Wuter fr m 'I.c
hydrant. It hecui.ie neee--a .-a'.--(ally
remove severu! square feet oi
weatherl ourding from the south side of
the building so that tlie fire could In
exactly lucutetl and wuter app.od where
it would do the most good.
J. H.
L.s.ler. ot Thai Cil, and
Elsie Aysrs ot Heppner.
Walla Walla, April I. The wedding
I of James H. I-asater of Walla Wuliu,
and Miss F.lsie Aer. of Heppner,
lire occurred Easter morning Ml the
residence of Mrs. Tabitha Jones on
: Blreb street. P.ev Austin hue of the
First rjoaigraajatioaal ebnreb ofbriot
ing Hoss P.. bruttaih and Miss
Berth ioe Oraym were tbe attend Im
Mrs I.asuter is a resident ui H.-pp
I tier and is well known in this elty,
Mr. Laater is one of Walla Walla's
prominent voung men und bj a gradu
ate Of the cia- of '00. Whl'.n ti
Waa The young eople will reside in
this city .
The bride is a sister of Tlioinus W.
Avers, jr., of this citv, mid is like
wise weii kiioHh an ! aaeBtaaad bare.
Bake, l j Talks Sprinkling.
The lluker (' I) Paaaaoral says: The
Matioci ol street sprinkling is being
discussed iii other towns and whv not
in Uaker 1'ityV There is no place on
eurth where -her, Is more dust in the
summer mouths and boa her uitiaena
can put up Mitn aaah u oniaanoe is a
mystery I ovary neveomei Ti.ere is
a ruined v and thai is by diatrictiug the
city und putting on street sprinklers,
the M penal U m borns by tbe property
owner in tin- r; live aiatriota,
Uaker City has reMDOd thu- stuge in
aoaatnarcial importance to iiemand a
change from the old systems so lung in
vogue If this is to be a city of homes
us veil us business, tii. i. we must
make our aurrMudiagi nriting und
adopt those methuls by which We can
claim recognition,
La irauda Obi inii .. i The marnuge
of Mr. Blaine Qeer, brother to gor.l
rtjur of ( iregoii am! Miss Addie Hell
daughter of ii. f, bell, one of Cove's I
most esteemed cili.elis. look iiU,. ,,i,
bUOday, Mam, I m the resideme of
the bride s father. A lame uianU.
"f relative.- and friends had assembled
nuiiesr mm ceruuiouv, which was
oundneted by tbe Hev. li liarri., D.
I)., rector of the Church of the A -mention
the beautiful and impressive
service of tbe Protestant Episcopal
church being ummJ.
Mr. F.
Y. ehuck Retires tor the
Present and Will Seek
Bettsr Health.
Ben Pnpu is and dames C. Thomp I
son have parobaaad the White House
rroean from F. Y. ihaek and taken
i,.sesei .11 .Mr. mini'. suon-.n..
Brotbera on If a few months ago.
nnfortonatolf has been compelled
sell out so that DC can
e:i ill the mountains
take things
this summer
in other busi-
and eventually engagi
lie 'll
account of hcing m pwr
He has sustained nil "epiitn-
ii.... ,, ., i,
t imi as a popular grocer mi., im ...o...
many ffleads during his brief business
career in Pendleton.
Much may ha aaid concerning ina
nopnlarllf Ol the new tirm that sue
em li to the noaeeaalM of toe white
Honee grocen Baa DaMia ba baan
sngageo in baalnaaa t weeton for
more than a raai past, while Jamea c
Thompeon has recently ln-en one 01 the
partners in the Standard OroCOTy com-
pain. OoaaaaaMtly. both bare bad
experience. Both are young men and
popnlat and both wpre likewise mom-
iin ol Oompany D, Becond Oregon.
and passed through the Philippine
eampabjtn with credit. Tiny are
"hustlers from the word go." and it is
easv to predict that they will score a
decided saeeeea In the baalneaa erl icli
they have just acquired. Tbe White
House has alwavs beM popular, and
it reputation will 00 donbt be more
than upheld by the new owners.
W. H. and Luke a. Hawl.y Succeed
Hawie Wilcox.
V II Hawley and LaM M Hawley
I, live sureee.led Hawley. V Wlleo ill
tbe gfoeafe business ami will continue
'n Bake things lively at the old stand
.Hi Mum street, telephone hlark Bui.
l; H. WilOM and the Hawley brothers
mine to Pendleton three years iu'o
irom Independence, and have since
md c sd Bet lag a cr i leoee and
lining a I ik' business. Mr. Wilcox
recently entered lata pa'tnerhip with
W. P. Temple and purchase! the larui
iin: implement biiMiies- of W. 11
.1 lies.
Tbe new tirm w ill be known as Haw
lev Brothers. Hoth the ineinber. of the
BrOI have established excellent MMta
ItloBQ lot aqaara'daaliag and business
Bapaoity, ami all thiiitf. point to tbetlr
going eight alone in the successful
maimer which has marked their career
thus far Those who trade with Haw
ley llr.itiit-rs are assured of courteous
treatment und a aqnare deal.
linker t'ity will eutl May 16 on a
nronositioi. t. issue 1107.754 of bonds.
to improve the water system, us fol
lor the itistr, hilling svsiem
i aaltad, for tb. storage
iir ' oihi and for the elevtrn
plant p.M-100, or a latal of HC,-
Owl Tea House.
Facts worth
That I have some ol
the greatest bargains
in New ami Baaaad
bund bedroom Beet
('all and see them und
be convinced.
Court 5tret
. llrnat. Mill cure
The Specific it
Liy tredm Bdlm
It u qui. kiy eaaoeeag.
M.-li.l.-nl,. tl
Bteell Ko M'T- ury Sv
i.r li Cts. ; Limn tlM
i mall
Marri'U til , Kea urS.
lii.t i. . nuiuml MKS'PEI . UYNAatCTAa
I l.K. icll.-.i .l-uiuui . fr.ui tlssir euersyj vru.il .
vk ueiiifcr mtiucni mu. Iwvlvt buuf. i,,i
tjt tlir .uist uf v.'lu- over instil.
. umt im: ol irnp I ever bL A half
.l.eri fri:iii ImaJ urt. cures Hull u tmjiy m,.
Ile. ..(Hi. PVSAiJh T A ll l t.tji. To SO uuu
moI la.) .t..pi UUi ui.l iul vuukIi Uu rim
iiUfhL I eislursi sii.i MfuttinuNuJ h.co. u u u...
.. I.Alu l.AV U EE LEV, r .Member Vunm
n.i Au.n.r. lo: !Miu..m slrecl, imi, r'rj,..uc,
July Ti 1WAI.
"Winter llAVe ftleyg Inieh eeriuus llilfue j
ate. They Me Etnl suo stny lor mmitli. but Ik
t"iT'is'?,",',1,1 ' MIMO.I 's PWAMU
TAUI I.ES bulb yU(b aiul culo duapperetl U)
v.. up.. .ifUAye NuUiuik' tin . .- lur u,t- '
MK. KMMA L HOL1.IS, 11 Mur bt, Nu. Knu,
aaa Aug 0, uu
"J U. UmsWmI buai ebsie MENOKLV
WV SAMP 1 Alll LEe ere uuvH Tlsrt u hoe I tint
l...k tbem I liei Slop v., lib) williuiil notice I luul
suosen b.iee iti, me lor avll en.l Iriedus wbeu 1
.cult.. Nome' II L. VAN WINKLE, piuvlujt,
1.1I" WeeJiiuiet.,1. Mreel. iu Inwiw. Aiuujt In
s- nl p.lpaci I .i i.weuU 11, atelnlje by INLAMl
UU! U 1 Xi WH We-Jiiiifrtoti bweet. tm, Sreueux.,,
eiTAKMA' UVU SQilll. kOtl'et.S'b
lust received from the largest manufacturers ei
.i. .....,.,..cr lino .f SHIRT W A kre
I', I Mill. -i. " - ' , is
S i I it I .no' nKiimiiB lound j
city. Ladies, call ami look them over whether
. l ll.l L I VIII l.-lv l. l-h., I
wish to Day ot not.
. . k -: l i ,
on cm l aiiorn to nu . uuiuiinsuc suit until.
i t M v BPajWM vies
. . . I I ll I i
They arc nol e juaUnl anywhere. 1 his is the
expression oi inic whw iivv cAmnineo (hem.
M..r n i i . U Sale, with Lining; fr . M
fmiip iinti .i:i,T, A i ilMH. .April I 4 1 1 1 Me...
ilk: l -tii it 1 1 1 i l. ' ' w nv't t v i. rn nisi. -
E. M. LYONS & CO.,
Viuiilii-r. the ii
i ., ' ; , ... mk-Ii av lnt .
., wAsaf nas anu I a ;.k t i'ifl' a.
,.e..sxf-. - ,iT..-. r- tt t .-.,' v rVvti"a U NvMMfffM4rntaM -
nt-ni iitn n.a ... - i ...... i. t- i.i i urn allluiiit nn iniairr.il um.
rwrtntrT r: m - t uec jtTiuuriu k.-irva,
t -j . , .-... i i i HBM nuej au.
wnn ii Kin i m v .t c v. n. q-itit. lWtM(M
. . . . . m a t.Ba taa- a aa i . , ii. as-a u -.-. - ewa
Furniture, !trpets,
Mattings. RugS,
Window Shades,
( 'urtain rle. Picture!
Mirrors, Baby oabs,
roearts, !-!
I ndartaSing parlors in eaejMOtl
9 '
Monday Evening. April 15, 1
In tin- lal ' lbs roolblU," b K.lpb Conner, Mis. Oliver p. -irsri i
pallia ol vv.siero llle with h fldehlv anl aer equal In any ol her OM
Hobble Mm
rVDMlSSION 50& St . .dents of Academy and High Si
A sure remedy for lice and mi tea.
International Poultry Food keeps the hens healthy, mica grit
A dean, inoffensive but nutritious fertiliser for voor
C. F. Colesworlhy Pou,,rv and B Su
mi v.Kviaiuv iiri-psr.uun
D1 Ui. hills are rui,uireJ
with ll Take uur Kurd lor
It lint u ajgoud sprio. medi
popular prici-U .irun lore
on Ciiuri Suuel
every eae is that w inn upon muj bora., ior
It i put ou right ami u.ver loin cuuilurl a.
well as euai.hiiK bifh to ll.vl eitli , ...
VA In 11 yoUJ larr.ag. needs repairine or re
pulliUUM all.-r VA ml, r'i i.vaa. .- hrl UBT It la.
our alitu. uud v avtll maki. n uluJ -a. ...... 1 -
NEASLE BROS. jtsim., only i cuts a
.nt I l ' I I I - . V 11. r I II . i '
... i 1 L A . 1
. , "ny
The i p totate nuuee.
i mil ci h i - iia r renrn PiirtH'tatn. will
.. .. ' ' ' :w ( I .ii'KtteM iif i TT
m i. . ' I -
"You're worth a million,
"Then." -ui aba
, , pl
Ml "f it and I will
go 4
nice uptndate furniture."
U Kader'., of cotirs,
und Webb strt-i-t.
- .iTiin
a a ,y -hw
1.1 Vl'iN.. ll Y
Miss Katherine Oliver
Presbyterian Church.
A youns Biission.ry. ni. snsasd
v. :. I . . "rl. id bis work."
Act Il-Hnw lie . hii'rb was built.
Hone meal trives strength to voung chicks.
ran . S .
1 a a v a a aaa
I I tl
e .wwa
v . . e. , ;'I'U
It 4 I IN I I l
1 1 1 1 a.-
Locust Hill
and Poultry 1
r cuiro - w
...... ...... I, red
UUU yw
I J ar. I M I nn Datf.
Barred, Buff, and
.....I. u,.i. sloaf
a Hittini ior 5Tai;
barred Kock egai
kiuse and h I lik'ls
i i i u. I inft
iniuiKi .-
:; iituuts loi ;.-
V iuil.im we.ioUrS.
laloraaatioii aaaali
firniiTs L
- aaaw
Pre Waltere,
... .nk.rmlaal
v.apaei.T, ia . i
Hi.... . -Kammm'. III! ."
riour. Mill read.';
ou hand
l OiS