East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 09, 1901, Image 3

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A Rood all-round suit for
If you want to all wool and
eomething that will took
Ukr tailor DUftdi ask to sto
our $8.00, $lo.(H) and $12.00
aver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
SSDAY, Al'KII. , 1901.
Tribune Sayi the City li to
Buy 26.
t hi nt:ljHhiii,i Hirink-
tl, the Hl t imm ITIDWH says
nt Imm :
Itv council SSSini t U' U'lnpor
u tfSS SO 'ar i"1 tlx' methixls
l t: itrSStl cil tlic c 1 1 v arp to
led 1 1 1 r i ii the ensuing saeon
week- hco tH council con-
nira of purrtiasinii twenty-
iij cRftf, InritiK M" unci's-
bus and drivers, and doiiii the
sprinkling tiy tli city. Id
itli this ilm-ision, tnw com-
t A . 1 A -
in 'prinwiinj! was instruct! w
lot Imls (or cart, and various
Ipiihtnitted proposals to furnish
with tlic tifcessurv wagons.
- wrr reiHirted upon liv tlic
at last evening's session of
1. Tlie iiiopt iniortant rt-
kmitteil wax as follows: lo the
bin I'm-nlelil and Mcliihcrs of
0 enril. Salt Lake City,
linen : i our ssSSsBSNSSS on
lit:, t whom wan reterreo tne
tiirnisliihg tlie rity with new
r-. u'ler careltillv invesligal inn
unming into the merits of tlie
i-i'r i n k lern.
Ir Minuend tlie hid of tlie Stude-
N a mi 1 1-1 ii r i ni; eotnnanv an
lor the city for the following
Reaioni for Selection
i-T!ieir vertical sprinkling at-
v r u-fha.l na cim-iits in lv
-t and simplest, doing letter
heing the most economical
ll'tit ihg the water. The driver
li all tunes to instuntlv remove
tnii tioii or foreign matter that
kllinillille III the sprnkler head,
'Uing In. wiit, Another ad-
ix their ahility to control the
the tmrav.cach head oiMrating
BdeMlv of the other, no that DO
I thoroughfares, or in pSJSlni,
I. the width ol the spray on
ide of the wagon may, by a
p D of I he d r i ver 'x 101 I
to the width of the wagon and
intain a (low ot water that
inkle the tree! chiae U to and
lath the wagon ax thoroughly
the valve are in full opera-
Br ti e sprav mav ! reiluced to
liher of t.-et .hx than tlie full
varying the reduction at will,
iipaved streets, we recommend
they tiistrihute the water aud
tial width of tlie xpray.
They uae a larger aile and
OportiOMd for the weight they
We approve of their recotn.
mendat ion that tlie Archibald wheel
i the (tost, il being adopted exclusive
Iv on the armv wagons lurnixhed the
government, and also upon tire depart
ment wagonx, with the beet Tesnlts.
i-mirth- i he piaiiorm springs are
heavier and of the roost approved
pattern, such ax the fire department
tlnils ax being the bent, vn. : the nhla
steel xpring.
1 iflli The wav the truck and frame
are put together and ironed we tind to
he t he hext met hod.
Sixth After summing up the aliove
with a most careful examination by
comparison of the merit of tin
different sprinklers, we find the Stnde
baker xprinkling wagon to ! the he-t
mechanically constructed, and littei
with the most approved and latest dc
vices for sprinkling.
The tt tal coat of the tweiitv-flv
wagons Is 8o70. Kesect fully xul
m it ted,
Cointnittee on Sprinkling
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
With local kw.Ii mi Inu. an they i-ainml rem
Hie M'BI of the ill.en.t t'atarrli l n IiIihi.I or
i-till.lltllliiWsl ill-cai..'. mnl III nr.lcr lo i lire II
Vim ii ii-' lake Ititernnl rcim-illr Hall'.
larrli ur- I. taken liilenialU Hint m I- llre til
on llie IiIimkI ami mucoii. nunacas, Hall'. a
larrli Cure I. lint a ntiark inc. In inc. II wa. pre
! liy one nf tlie Ih-. 'Ii v-h ihii- hi II, i-
country lor year., an. I l a r.'icnlnr pre.i rlptlnn
It l couilHi.eil n( the Ih'.I tonic, know li . coin
luneil wltli the Iw.t l.loo.t purifier.. i tint;
(llrvclly on the nun on. .urlace. The prrfeel
ciunliliiatlnli ! the two Inarcdlent. I. what
rtluee. .in It wmii leriul re. nit. Hi i urluir i
tarrh Semi lor te.iliiiiiinal- fn-i
T. i. ( HKSKY CO., Prop., Toledo, O.
Holil hv ilrujirl.i- price T '
Hall'. I i. in il) Plllt are the het.
ave you a Broken
em vT-
Teaehen' Bxamlnallon.
Notice i herebv given that for the
purpose of making an examination
all persons who may offer theinselvex
ai' candidates for teachers of the
choole of this county, I will bold a
public examination at the court limine
in Pendleton, commencing April 10
at tt o'clock a. m.
The following program will be fol
lowed :
First, second and third grade certi
ticatex. Wediieaday Penmanship, hi
tory, orthography, reading. Thursday
Written arithmetic theory of teaching
grammar, echool law. "Fridav ieo.
graphy, mental arithmetic, physiology,
civil goveriimeiil.
I'rimarv certificates Wednesday
Penmanship, orthography, reading
Thursday Art of iUestioin'ng,theory Q
teaching, met loads.
School Supt. Umatilla county.
ear th ltnlui of t'Hit II FLBTC
la u.r fui muic thau thirty year. aul
Tk4 Kind )Va Um .ilwvi JiarngM.
Ill ITI Mt' till Mil I I 111 T I It.'
liuiriiit! anil tuaratiLe it.
Our Uuarantrc ia One
you CAIl depend upon what
aa our buxiueaa, our uauit
future depend upon it. Work
will receive our prompt aud
. i . . . . .
cicr ana unLician..
door to Alexander & Hester's
Freth Ooodi.
K. Martin mi- received a big ship
ment of ham and bacon from the hhhi
it is mild cured und very tine Martin
is receiving froeh shipments of green
vegetables every dav, such ax spinach,
onion, rhubarb, and axparagua. He
also has a very line m lei ted alock of
canned goods and dried fruits. Martin
is makuitf i lone price und it will
you to call and see him.
Worn Tnan War.
Hundreds are killed in war, but
hundreds of thousands are kiliod by
consumption. There w .uld be no
death at all caused by ihn- terrible
disease, if jMJoi.le could be made to uu
dereuud that Rhilofa'l cough aud cou
umption cure is a sure remedy if taken
in the early stages. "b ctx., ,r0 el, and
$1 a bottle. Druggists will refund the
money if a cure is not effected. Tall
man & Co., leading druggists
A auite of room in the Fast Ore
gonian building, hot and cold water
bathroom, for f 11 a month during the
xummer. Apply at the Fast OrgoaJe)H
2SeT . aj
Friday, April 12th.
Urands Hal a Man to Fight
Winner of Wednesday's
The subject of baxehnll has been
thoroughly discussed ill Pendleton
since the meeting on lnt Friday. An
other meeting will be held at the
council rooms at S o'clock: this evening,
8t which the committee consisting of
Hob Fletcher, Clarence Penland, IVsn
Shull and Frank Ulrich will reixrt
lany ot the i-uxinex men Imve len
interviewed and expressed their satis
faction at the proposition to have the
management of the team in the charge
of a board of director of about live or
seven of representative husinc men
winch will inure a goml team auc
make it satisfactory al ike to player
and spectator. Hood men have
signified their willingness to net on
the board of directors ami assist all in
their power to bring the matter to a
r.very person interested in seeing
I enilleton have it rrcditahlc haxehall
team in the Held this vear is earnestly
requested to N present. It has not
neon iieciueii wim will no chosen hv
the laiard of dictors to act a the
manager to select the players ami per
forin such oilier work that will natur
ally fall upon him. Now is the t n.
tor an expression 01 opinion, ami anv
ta-rson having suggestions will receive
fair hearing. The I- .ml of directors
will be selected this evening and the
importance of the meeting therefore
cannot la- overexl i mated, as nixui the
board will depend the success of haxi
hail in rehillctoii during the entire
season ,
Mort Mcach i at present nt vgtj.
couver. Wash., his old home, and it i
thought will come back OB the run if
a basehnll team is placed in the field
to learn the true state of affairs, as it
will entail extra expense on (hem be
fore they can get their warrants.
Bounty Money Paid.
The necessary blanks for making
allnlavils before the county clerk, etc
to carrv out the provisions of the law,
arriveif at tiie county clerk's ollice on
MRTOn Zi , anil the new metlual was
commenced on March 2S. From March
2 up to o'clock on Monday, April
n, the scalps 01 -jo, wihl animal were
presented to Conntv Clerk Chamber
lain, and he iued thereupon warrants
to the amount of f-lln.
Ii Thti Plain Bnoua-h.
11 you nave a nngtiing cough atnt are
losing Hesh, go to a drug xtore, nil. I
gx't a laittlo 01 Shiloh' Consumption
cure. 1 tike two-mint ol it, mid then
if von are not liouotltod, return the
Ixittlo to the druggist, and he will n
turn vmir nionev. Isn't that fair'.' No
one cuii hi nxk more. SRi'li., Wi ct
and fl n Nittle. Tallman A DO., lead
ing druggists.
A Man From La Grande Bxprenet Hlm-
lelf Plainly.
The encounter Wednesday evening be
tween Rreiinnn and Kelly 1- apparently
not a starter lor something that will
be of more than local interest. A
number of men from I, a (irande sent
over for information in regard to the
approaching con'ext ami intend to come
to see it. They are not satlxtled with
ll. , . t . . 1
iiiat. however, as mey say iney pare
a man there that they are willing to
hack against the winner for a good big
xnle la-t. I his proposition is just what
Mr. iireniian will he only too anxious
to accept. His manager has given it
in mat iirciuiau win go againxl any
( these men around in Oregon or
Washington, and his record is stiilicient
to warrant t he be I lef that he will he
anie 10 horn in own with the man
from In 1 irande. Should the l.a
(irande man make the match and win
it, he will have added a good victory
to bis list.
Crops In and Lambing Commencing
Satlifactory Manner.
Ridge, April it.- This vicinity has
been undergoing n storm period for
the past '2 or l.i day. It has been
raining, xuowing, freer. ing, thawing
ami blowing at intervals. Meek are
doing flue at present. The grass is
steadily growing in spite of the bad
wather Crops are nearly all pill in
order al present. Some of the sheep-
men are lambing already mid some
will start nt once. A high per cent is
reported thus far.
Sirs. J, J. I'roxel, of Alba, was a
gue-t of her aunt, Mrs. B. F. Ogle,
this week.
H. T. Council ami son, of Alba, were
viitor in t Ii i si place Sunday last.
.las. Mitrcum, who is our deputy, as
sessor, is working at hi task.
Mi-s (.race A. (tilliam, of Pilot
Kock, ha secured the iioxition a
teacher at (iurdnue for the coming
.'as I 'avis ma le a t rip to Pendleton
this week on business.
Most of the sick people in this part
nre .1! I well again.
Stepped Into Live Coali.
'When a child I burned mv foot
frightfully," writes W. H. Fads, of
Jotiesville, Va., "which caused terri
ble leg sores for :10 venrs. but Ruckleii's
Arnica SHlve wholly cured me after
everything else Int oil. Infnl 1 1 o
for huriix, scalds, cuts, sores, bruises
and piles. Sold by Tal I. nan A Co. 25
"Braa Monkey'
the Frazer
Katherlne Oliver'! Engageroen: for
Monday In Pendleton
Through the agency of the ladies wl.
have iloiio much to rinse the literarv
one in Pendleton, Mis- Kittherine
I I I I a
1 niyor nax neen secureit lor one en
gagement here, Monday of next week.
Mix.Olner having road once in Pen-
lletoii, inauv will need no urging b
attend. Her excellent renditions 111 n
ber previous appearance here ntuh
iishod her in the opiuiou of all wl.i
heard her. Others may accept the fol
lowing assertion ax thoroughly borin
mt by Miss Oliver's art in publit read
,ng. :
Mi.s Katherine E. Oliver has at
1 I. 1 ; . . i 1 . . ,
1 ai new mi internal umai reputation ax
an interpreter d hifacbr. and todav
ix acxiiow lenegil to lie w ithout a peer
upon tne entertainment platform
1 itted hv nature and education to t-uc
ood along any line of histrionic art
t ....
.i ix. 1 i 1 ver lias recently applied her
gift to 1 he iuipe rxnnutinii and inter
pretation 01 characters pro-cub d in
recent popular literary works, present
nig 1 neiii ,i monologue recitations. Her
success bus la-en phenomenal. She has
been entertained by the authors of tht
stories she interprets, ha given recital
in Itirumi and "JJrumtOClltv" at the
viliile House lor rrexnlent and .Mrs.
McKiuley, at the government houxi
Ottawa, ( auada, for the Far! and
Countess of Aberdeen, and in tin
irincipal cities of the rolled Slates,
roat Hritaui and Canada. Mixs
Diver's peculiar charm is her natural
ness; the absolute simplicity of her
style at once places her 011-raDDort
with an auuienco ami t'lrouuhout 11 .
entire entertainment there is the iie-M
erfeot sympathy hew teen artist and
I he general admission will he o0
cents, and tickets are now on sale at
the drug stores of Tallman A Co. ami
Brock & McOomas. Academy and
I 1 1 11 I .1. ,,. '
llgn oehooi stuilelilx will receive
tickets fur 2t cents, half price.
Corns to
Mi.s Mario Trumbull, the vivacious,
pretty soiihrelto ix the xtur mid sun
shine combined in Charles II. Iloyt's
great farce comedy product ion, "A Hrass
.Monkey,' hooked at the I-mr.er Friday
ght. Her work a Hatitiaco. the
laughter of .lotiah, is .1 creation of her
own and i a performance o rare
beauty, grace mid dash. .las. K.
Wesley appear ax Jonah. There i a
mascot 111 the play and the absurdities
ihtroduied hv the various characters
cave no hope for a "hoodoo" idol.
The (unmaking throughout the play is
maintained at a "rapid fire" rate that
leaves theatergoers panting with joy.
Seats are now mi sale at Tal I man V
A Poor Millionaire.
Lately starved in London U-cauxo
h mill not digest his fixl. F.arly
use of I r . King's New Life pills
would have saved him. They
strengthen the stomach, aid digestion.
rom. to axsimilati m, improve appot ite.
rice Joe. Money back if not satistied.
Sold hv Tallman .V Co.. druutiixtx.
Arrivals at Hotel Pendleton.
J C Jack, Dorchester. Neb.
Km i 1 Willhrand. St Louis.
W Fills, HeppMr.
Tall Thomphon, Portland.
W J Sterling, Portland.
' 1 B Vonngmau, Portland
B P ('iiii'Kii, Portland.
Bissiuger, Portland.
Lohert Kuril, Walla Walla.
Finery H Averill, Portland.
Allen Ci ailey, Marysville, Calif.
J S llarres, KiM'hester, ' .
J P Isaacs, Walla Walla.
Mrs Johnson, Portland.
R H Pramid, Present!, Wash.
I ieo Mcliilvery, Spokane.
S K Gill, Sikane.
i W Phelps and wife, Heppner.
C K Kedfield, Heppner.
Win Maer, Portland.
0 M Smith, Portland.
L A F'rans, BpokaM,
iednev Whelan, St Loslf,
W 0 Hot is, Meai ham.
& Marx
i 1Y m
annua a wmm
. im Vi leMM
In Selecting a
lONT lot ilirapili ss t;iinlc you
'(l must 1 onaidet or 1 .1 il
tnrnt is bound to follow, This
have gathered f r inapectioo an
ul stilts tii.it are nci lei turn m th
-t S lislmr
fou MpCl t
spring wo
ii tailormade
$10.00 TO $20.00.
when we ;ilil thai
OPfVtJiOMT lift
"I"! 1 A A .
i in mil i- ii uon i come
The lining ilon I rip,
They hold their 5thae,
They fit better than ordinary ClUtOITI clothes.
you have nm guarantee to make it ooil.
W. D. HANSFORD & CO. Oregon Lumber Yard
Win ill lil'TTKMS
For barns aM dwelling.
Cheaper than tin.
Lumber i
i-. . i i
601 iUain Street, Pendleton, Oregon. K&tagAiper,
lair rape r.
l .i mt- and CiBMIlt,
llrick and Sand,
Screen Inhs Window),
Bosh and Doon,
Terra Coita Iipe.
To make imI hread 110 Myers' Mst Klonr. Ittiaik llrsl
preiniuin at the Chieattn World' h'alr nver all compel i
tlon, and (fivts excel lent atisfael inn wherever used.
Kvery sacB i guaranteed. We have the last Stoain
KoIIimI llailev, Seed live and Iteardloss Marley,
. S. BYERS, Proprietor.
Borie & Light, Prop'j
AlU St., opp. Court Hon.
Hotel Pendleton
Donl Steal a Han's Dm
Under New nanagcnient.
iris, t levoi UulntiUians.
New Music, Novel Dauctw.
Prices: '46c, MS:, 76c, fl W
kuaarisil Mialu '1'alluuui's 4110
Advice to Thoie Who Mad Affidavit
B.rore Justices of tb. leaee.
I he hew law regard ilia- the sealn
tjoiinlv mi wii.j aniinaU is in toree and
1 1. on- who had scalp Ujsjn vthieh they
prooaoueU in the usual wav during the
umnths ol January and I ehruarv In
eolleot the Isnintv, are given notice
that they would hotter try over axuin
I inter the idd law. it was m-eossarv Inr
the person having the scalps to appear
la-1 or,- a justice ol the peace or a
notary public and make altiduvit that
he had killed or caused to be killed
the animal from which the scalp had
been taken. He would then take tiiis
certibcate and scalp to the eountv
lerk, who would keep theiu until the
succeeding meeting of the county
court. If correct, the eountv court
1.1 .
nouiu authorise tin- issuance ol a
warrant to the said person for the
amount ol his claim. At the last ses
sion of the legislature, a new law waa
enacted. Alia person lias lo do now
is to take his wild animal scalo. to
the county clerk, make affidavit that
e himself killed the animal to which
the scalp was at one tune attached.
and the county clerk will issue him a
warrant for the amount.
When in. Cbang. Was Mad.
JJuring the months of Januarv and
1 -ehruarv this year a number ol oer-
son made proof ,,l their wild animal
scalps according to the old law . When
th. MMMtJf i otirt met in March, the
new Jaw was iu effect, consequently
the scalps on hand upon which the
atbdavits had been made before justices
of the peace and notaries public were
not counted and warrants were not
ordered to be issued. These scalps and
affidavits are still iu the hands of the
county clerk. Those who killed tl.u
animals, in order to get the bounty,
will have to appear in person before
County Clerk Chamberlain aad make
prool according to the preaeul law.
It is presumed that many who made
proof during the mouths oi January
ami February, are laboring uuder the
false impression that their warrants!
await them. They will not be pleased j
riv. Thing!.
The live disease for which Shiloh 's
Consumption Cure is especially recom
mended, are Coughs, Colds, Whiarping
Cough, Croup and Consumption. No
meoicine ever maile hy man is ecpial
to it in any resect. Hold under a
positive guarantee. IfoMf hai k if it
fails. 26 i ts, 60 eta and II a bottle.
Tallman dc Co.
rlors.t Wanted.
Horses weighing from KKJ0 to UHI
pounds from I to H years old. Must
Im sound and in good condition and
hlocky built.
I'elidleLou, Or.
It's a Short Road
from a cough to consumption.
Don't neglect a cough take
when your cold appears. Th
ounce of prevention " is
Letter than years of illness.
Strictly First-Class
Excellent Cuisine.
Kvery Modern
fiinniMMcBsl u E ' I M
Give Us a Trial.
Kates $2 00 a day
Special Kates by
Week or month
Aws) iron Mm in
Imii rmil (ti in- lor Ii
Hut if you wiini
iIhIIm. h' m tir I li In i ,:i .
Sinim, III pa, IiloTtM, I" fU " i
wagiHi ('ev.rs sad i'u,m call
Hailillery hoUSS Hint Itii" mi 'to
Iiiiviiik u ! when
runnel .nil itlfonl II.
In act iiiur real h .n. .1
nil HlS
i i-r
Bar and Billiard dooms. Headquarters lor Travellnu Hi
The Best Hotel In Eastern Oregon.
Van Dran Bros., Props. Successors to J. li. Moore
A few U,u Ua coaa
i tt tttc f n
"I auflcrsad lor feausjrocu
Siwul jraajs 10 ike Umk- lm mad tMke patiu el
wel but got relicl K(ufBd mM ul
Mgaa t- i .mo,
flstelv eutxT me. I .
HBNKV T 1-rfinih
Vuh r. L Cmmp (-. BtoUtt. BWa1mW. M. V.
i ti CotAMaeaWa Cur Is told t ml
Si..KKii. mt Sj, Kli, l Of Ulils. A
l i inied iu stsaileve mm Uii mvmr luoille
it jn nr uol mmUmUma mi.
The Wheal that is
ky High In Quality
Prices From $22 to $G0.
Road wheels; - $35.
Racers, - - - - $50.
Chain less Crescents $60.
Boys and Girls Wheels $22.
1900 Models as low as $15, $20, $25.
Oricont Wbteli mppliad irlth hj j i m-j; rrtmai
ami Morrow couiter lnakfcH or wild eithei
Totjom of piynMOl t htiit ouftonitre, with no
intireHt. fall and got a OfttftiOf U4..
East Oreuonian Buildlny.
Joseph III. Prop.
Take the...
Washington &
Columhia River
i oi Ohisaaoi h Peeli M, LseiSi Kan
sas cay, hi. leet Ossaaa, ami...
All Points tast and South
CurtlanJ anil points
un the Sound.
ArrlTes Mouilsrs, Mp-iuowiaiisauJ ii.i.r.n
al Mi a in
1116 a ui I in !) I liurxlajri ami MaimtlaM
In n iUn in i i-i auuilay al 6 uu p ui
fur liiltiiiiiai nm rv.artllug r.Uts aud acmiui
iiiirlaiiuiii i all mi ur atliln
Ma.la I alia. Hull
Ii g..,.
Untler New naiiaKcrn.nl.
J. W HANCUOI I , Hrop.
Kalos BJI m l l C SSFi MeaU iuc
Sui lal llalva lit ilia uuulb
Hr.l II . I. I IU ll.. city lur auilliw.
Una Iu all Waiu. I n Miuila nma,
Kloctrlc i..i. . sad nivaui liaal.
flit: uriiuf 1,1111.111, g
Cor. Court and Johnson Sts,
Tulaphmm 78.
expect people to know
you have to sell It you
Wood and
Dali.riBl I'rui.i i.ti y frl. Kiaiil
i a
t-ii .ii.l
t. UU U.utfftll
auii . I jruuj- luwaajr baafc.
Won lur uluMiUad uook .
aitUwui ma rum. S. C. Wtllt Co , CtUuf. N. V.
Jfor m.i. n I ..I in. ui A Co., UruKKlMta.
lauiiuarack 1'u.l.
W.io.l .in, 4if.
The new alore
known unless
can never be
II advertises.
Ottea ruarnl havinga Uaiik.
' Una.rd reaiaS, lur Sle.1
Gvnuirhcea and Hunaiaa
IN 4U H0UI8. Car.t KM
aey aaS buaa.r Tr.ull.i
For Health. Strength and
Pleasure Drink : : : : : : :
Polydore Moens. Proprietor.