East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 06, 1901, Image 3

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love Sale
For one week.
p kid gkVG, worth fl.aO to (1.75, to cfotf at
$1.19 pair
800 poll rtgulu $1.2) to go at
98c pair
100 pair tmall sirs to sell at
49c pair
ht a
Peters, of the glove
at tnt counter.
er Bros. Dry Goods Co.
bnildins of farmlioiie am) harm
mill be done soon lamtter ran he
1 he I'kiah school began April 1,
with Mi Inet IVp.w M teaefiST. Mis.
-tt'la Marple, of Penillston. will tak.
chars, fel the primarv department thi'
15th o! April. Mi Lory MoMie il
teach in what i known a the Clark
ditrii!, beginning in a few week
The proprietor of the I'endleton-
l kia! stage line nav thev will not ran
rowlh ot His Indmlry In
kmn Prsiris.
.tie of the larger i their thorou(jhbraee eiiaehe thi Keaon,
"smsa vallev re in I and will therefore be unable to haul
but ill start up with
or three week. Thi
M )ritieaiie in m in-
ra. ley. bill will aMlllie
I' n Mil vear man ever
tie-h)rhork of 1200
liked witiiin the limit
luring the coming eaui
1 led among the Crwllll
follow: The I'kiah
McKeynohlf' creamery.
creamery, NO j and the
tie rattereii among the
make and market their
Phil Mil lev ha many ad-
a dairyman poim m
n tl t ii- oi ' Ti
to it elevation, the
I miduuimer, are al
t in June, July and
IliO .nicotinic .n uictirreiiec
name fact, the grat-se
r in the fall than they
er ; t itu ler . mere are
feat jiv tlie ' range.
ed in the orairie.
the stovknien have turneil
n ttie range, ami. it e
a few warm ilay t'
cattle would o(n be
i,Mr Induitrlsi.
at All an.l Ukiah
hi. The two mill" have
eel of log on their
thought thi will not
pply the local demand
r ti 1 that fi- I ( mill
1 irk will 'ion be moved
und that ra ArK.gat
Hitter sawmill to Tezai
ry ic tvt b" itiiing. nut it
lilv ai. a.l Though per
it aa miiw countries, it
-tantial. Ouite a num-
Head have been taken
iait three mouth, and i
will be tiled upon within
i waeki. t'onni terable
k vou a Broken
the amount of butter that they
handled lat aeason. Thi will make
:t necewtarv for the creamery men to
tiaul their own batter to market.
Kirk, of I'kiah, will enlar- bit
More building to about three times it
prevent lice, and ht stuck accordingly,
in the near future
Kacter eserrie will be held at the
United Brethren church in I'kiah t-jn-dav
The weather on thi particular part
of God't footstool ha been a eon
glonierate mixture of snowstorm, froet,
and sunshiny for tiie lat fortnight,
with now in tlie majority.
Catarrh cannot B Cured
W lak.
it i i takaaoaM tiir
I'llllM with I lie lieal
dim tl)' n tlie tuiiciv
i omMaattoe of the t
ro.lln .u h aen.lt
...rrli H, let fur tc.tlu
Mold try .IrunUf in
IU. . Fatuil I
In -1 lolll I HO II colli
uloo.1 .ur,tn r-. Kiting
aanaoai rna ssrfsci
0 mitreitieiiU 1 what
(ul reeuli. I n . nrltiK a
Ait' Crop- , Toli'l.i. 1 1.
an the ue.l.
Taaehar' Examination.
Notice i hereby given that for the
purpose of making an examination of
all persona who may offer themselves
a candidates for teacher of the
schools of thi county. I will hold a
public examination at the court house
in Pendleton, commencing April 10
at w o'clock a. m.
The following program will be fol
lowed :
First, second and third grade certi
ficates, Wednesday Penmanship, his
tory, orthography, reading. Thursday
Written arithmetic, theory of teaching,
grammar, school law. Friday--'
graph, mental arithmetic, physiology,
civil government.
Primary certificate Wednesday
Penmanship, orthography, reading.
Thursday Art of questioning, theory of
teaching, methods.
School Supt. Cuiatilla county.
sar thr l-n-.iur uf Caa II Ft.
la MM &r mure than thirty year, and
we do all kinds of tine
)riug and guarantee it.
Uoarantec is One
can depend upou what
our business, oar name
lir- ilepetid UpJil it. Wurk
lli receive mir prompt and
Itrr and Optician..
to Alexander & Hexter'e
sii i p-
Prsih Ccodi.
K Martin hai nttiwd a big
meut of ham aud 1 a m from the
It is mild cured and iery fine Martin
' is receiving freafi rl.ipmeut of green
vegetables ever) day, such a rpinacb,
oulouk, rhti'iar1 , and n-puragur. lie
also has a ver m led "t"'k of
canned gjoiU and dr.- I ' ii' Martin'
is makinv cloee pri. n I it will pay
you to call an J a. . kit
A suite of rooms In Ifc Ka-t Ore-
Kuiau building, hbl a. d euM water,
throoui, for fll a too tl. dariag tite
summer. Apply ul ti.. i st Oregouian
iStonishing But True Story
'home m in Sidi.ev Ohio. 1 have been nearer death with consumption
other living person in the world, and I want you to read this, so you
Ktier I took a severe lo.U :.iiix.tcU it I grew worse a.. IUS
at t:ie etiU ot
I had run into
Hon. 1 co'..ghct
Boat :'.cih tould
and !jciame so
fy weak thai I
aae to tc. In
ring e-ghteen
1 gradually
. the loat staves
spuui.. No less
i-eu ui. .
se and all
.v.ng 1
1 was abv.luulv
The w!. oja iam
t hemic vet out
r me. Out cay
Eafd sister tume
!.-.i i'. end aid
jrciolive. Tears rolled down their cheeks a they
the : . . d njtori itad declared 1 was ia the last stage . and no
leinK could u a me. 1 willing to die, but before going to the cruel
wautcil to to o M a:. . nr.-..e.i: ly Ueiovea town or rsiaucy once hioic.
ll iuc such a th iiij was i :.-io0le that I would suiely die before I got
.-. 1 u d u;..l to v ... IV my dying wtsb. a carriage was fitted up
ed of inllowi. a--.il to tuis I was carried aud slowly driven around Court
.... . , m, . i . r ...
' l-iar. I j.it noma mora UcaO toau anve. urougn me mercy oi rii-
m one biought a trial bottle of meOicioe saiaio oe a consumption euie.
Ligined for au instant it was worth trying. But as a drowning person
a straw, so I tr.cd tins medicine. I wa better after taking two doses.
jliot more of the medicine and I took it, improving all the time. Today 1
sll aa an v teador o( tins paper, aud tne meaicine tnst cureo iuc w.
lEuglish Remedy for Consumption
rord here oriulcd is true "
Ircaiarkable teaiiiuuni! on blc in n. olh. ui tat n
ru( Dr Ackci a C alclnalau l.U(iaii ku.u
t diuil of bHlncy, Oblu. uaia
"aoLO iii u io. at M'ouMU, tjtxurixi, osut.
PLANS FOR BAStBALL CLUB ' t attempt ... ,ieny that
they came into the room WIMIM the
woman wa MrMeo, I hypnotised one
CONPBR 11 '."'ln one evening cverai nav ago.
She and I were at the reeideiice M a
friend and I had been giving an ex
hibition. 1 wa prevailed up n bv
those pnent to hvpnotiie her and 1
did ao. When be aw nu vesterday
she wanted MM to fantcn her lianil to
gether and etnl her to feotlOOl iiying
she wanted to play a trick on ' the
teacher. "
Thar Must Support the Movsmsnt If Pan
dlston li to Enjoy the National
Oame Thi season.
About a sxre of the young men of
Pendleton interested in baseball
gathered at the council room last
BlMHl to discus the matter and
make a start toward organization
Frank Dlricw was Mlfwd to the chair
and i-red lrake wa elected to act a
The question of who shall he mana
ger is Mill unsettled. Some of Hie
player seemed to be apprehensive thai
sonic one mould be selected a manager
that they might not like, which .state
of affair, according to Iheir notion,
would necessitate a fdUUNJB ol mana
gers. They seemed to Ih iinaMiire of
the fact that occasionally a manager
does not like hi players, ami instead
of resigning und getting a new mana
gers, he fire the plavers und gets new
one. What the Penolletoti team BMtdl
i a manager and a hoard of directors
coinosel of alsmt three businessmen
to insure the solidity of the financial
end of the scheme. 1 Here iniist 1h a
big change in the quality oi hasetmll
played Of there will be no patronage.
Pre interest is being maiiilesteil in
amateur baseball in the Inland Ftnpir,
this vear than for vears, and there i
no arvd reason whv the liner oi the
great p.rt ; u'.i not have the op
portunilv of seeing everal BjOod gam.-i
during the season.
A committee consisting oi Rol
Fletcher, Clarence IVtiland. IVan
Shull and Frank l lrich Mas apiiointed
to interview the businessmen and learn
their view as to how t" host carrv a
baseball organization through the
season successfully. This committee
was instructed to repurt Bl a BMBtlM
to te held mi Tuesdav evening. April
t at o'clock, to which time an ad
journment was taken.
Vlslbls Supply of Playsri.
There i material in Pendleton and
vicinitv tor a strong team, l.ieunllen.
of Adams, has announced hi intention
to plav here this season if a chili were
oragnfzed. and o has T.anda'd, of
Walla Walla. Ib ftinai, pitobel of the
firegon t it y team of last vear, i ti
town, and willing to remain. Mori
Meacb. who has plated with the team
two massns, is at Portland, but would
return if a club were put in tlie field.
Tatnbler, from California, is in town
a.iiting to see how he would look in
a Pendleton uniform. The following
well known local players will help the
movement along, und play if called
upon: tJIrich, llartinan, Shnll, Marin.
FJInier Turner, rve Turner, Claude
Pelllaild. Fd IllpUls, I'le'.dier
Pointer, Crow tier, W. T. BfOWB,
Lowsr Alts Street Grounds.
W. F. Matlock, the owner of the
ground on lower Alta street which
have been tixed up lor Itasebnll and
football, is expected to return from
Alaska within a few day. It will
then lie possible to make arrangements
with him for use oi the grounds und to
red u grandstand ami perhaps telie
the grounds They an ch enough to
the tiiiines section ot the city to
make them i- accessible, and are
in such a condition that thev can he
fitted up with a small outlay of tn iin-y
Rseordt of Two Boxsrt.
The sparring contest to take place
at F'rarer o.ra fmnae on Wedto s iuy
evening, April 10, is between two men
of more than ordinary reputation.
Brsnn an's Bseord.
ileddy Itrentian is one .t the ttert
known tighter and sparreri in the
country. He I, a- heen kn n for ears
aud il called the "St'eator Wonder,"
M renter, 11!., being hi- home He
has participated in 171 finish contests,
but of which he lost but three and hid
two draws. He kuoxked out the famoile
Jak Kverhart twin-, . nee ti eight
rounds, the second time in seven he
kuockeil out Tern Purke and fought a
six-round draw with Matty MftttEewi
he knocked out (Jeorge Mulhoil and
in one of the hardest nghtf ever aen
in San Fraucisco, before .Vk) iieople,
during which he had his lett arm
broken in ttie seventh round, but got in
a knockout blow with his right, alter
hi chances sere considered hopeless
and he had been advised by hi
seconds to throw up the sjtouge; lie
knocked out the great Tommy Pauforth
twice aud fought a ten-round draw
with Tommy Kyan. That is a record It
which nothing lined lie added.
Sammy Kslly'i Bseord.
The other party to the contest ia
Beamy Kelly, of Chicago. He has lost
on.v one light aud nap (ought tin
drawi. He has knx-ked out the follow
ing: Peter Moore, Jack Callahan,
Iiuve Branu, Mike Kelly and Kid Wil
son. In addition to those he ha re
turned winner from In other tights.
Any of the fighters loitering around
(Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma or Portland
can get a game by writing, if thev
think for half a minute mat they cau
bet Keddy llreiinan. None of them are
barred. First come will be first taken
A Ragioa, Roaring rluo.
Washed down a telegraph line whn h
CI. as. C. Fill is, of Lisbon, la., had to
repair, "tjianding waist deep in icy
water,' he writes, "gave me a terrible.
cold abd cough. It grew worse daily.
Finally the best dOBtOffl in Oakland,
N.h . Moux City and Omaha Bfeid I
had consumption and could n l In
Then I began using Dr. King's New
I'iaoovery and was wholly cured by
six bottles." Positively guarantee!
for coughs, colds and alt throat and
lung troubles by Tallmau A Co. Price
1 Uodaxv before God and man that
Hooker Co . Saw
, ia vouciiaC lor by tbaea, aa wen a 07
Walla Walla School COIldran Crsats a
Small asnttlioa.
Walla Walla, April h. With their
bauds clasoed together in a vice-like
trip, two little girl, pupil of the
ker school, returned to that institu
tion yesterdav after their ntjudai meal
aud lufornieJ their teacher they had
bona "hypnotised" and were unable
to release their hold. The children
claimed the deed had been iierforiued
ov "JfelaOM, the Great." a hypnotist
wtio has been iu the city for the last
tao weeks practicing hie art and giving
exhibition. The girl after being
threatened with punishment were at
last induced to free theuisleves from
the "spell." Nelson denies having
: v; 1.. ti. d the childn n. Miae 1.. I.
West, orincinal of the Kaker school
was visited last etening by a reporter
for The Union and gave the following
aciount of the incident:
"The children in ouestio'j are about
11 years of age," said Miss Wast, "and
came to school this afternoon baud in
hand. When the bell rang Ihey went
into the room with their hands still
clasped. Tlieir teacher requested they
be sealed iu their respective place.
Then it was the girl gave out the in
formation they were hypnotised.
"There is nothing to the story,'
said Nelapn. "It was ouly a trick
played ou the teacher by the little
Can Cuhans Govern ThsmselvsiT
OOB Ol MM best kOOWfl diplomatist
recently declared that the Cuban are
incapable ol governing themselves, and
that the I'nitcd smtes must maintain
its present control indefinitely, or else
annex the island. There will lie those
who will dispute this, but there are
none who dispute the well established
fact that Hostctter's Stomach Hitters
is capable ol controlling the common
diseases of the stomach. It is n remedy
that is backisl by fifty years of success.
It is an ideal medicine (or constipa
tion ; a strength builder for those Bfhd
are preliioed to lung troubles, and
for nervouness it i of wonderful
Ivnetlt. As an appetuer il is incom
parable. Those who stomach are out
of order should not tail to try a
It t 10 satltly ih Slbton & Ksrr Mort
sage for 994.8S7.SS Part of
of Bxtsntlv Lltlastlon.
A mortgage sale is advertised to take
place 011 May M at the court house of
the Hamilton-Koiirke warehouse prop
er, el, under a judgment in the
sum of IM.837.S9, held by Sibson
A Kerr, ami the sale il to satisfv
the judgment. The sale is a part of the
extensive litigation that has been in
the courts of Oregon and Washington
:'or icveral year- past. The properly
to lie disposed of ti:
The Propsrty to Bs Sold,
l.amls located at or near the follow
ing stations : Canon, Vansycle. Stan
ton, Athena, Waterman. Graudview,
Hillsdale, Helix. Warren. Fulton,
Blue Mountain, Mission, Thorn Hol
low, Cat-use , Weston. Adam, Hatana,
Saxe, Pendieton, 1 'owning, Spofford
aud P-arnhatt. Ou these lands are
sari houses, platform, and in the
U 1 and on the platforms are tool,
machinery, implement and van MB
appliance-1 for the handling of wheat,
' Together with all and singular the
leasehold interest of said mortgagor in
mid to the real property uim.ui which
-lid various warehouses and platform
are. located ana situate as aforesaid,
under and by virtue of certain inden
tures of lease, executed by said Ore
gon Railway V Navigation company,
or the Oregon short Line A Ctah
V rthern railway company, 11 lesee
of laid Oregon Railway .v. Navigation
company, in favor of aid mortgagor
or 1 I it predecessor in interest tliere
iu, or otherwise, and all and singular
the wurehotise scales, truck and other
machinery mi l apparatus used iu and
-hunt the operation of said warehouse
and platforms, belonging to said tin rt
gag .r .
"Together with till und singular the
leasehold interest of said mortgagor in
and to the real property upon which
-aid van. .11- warehouses mid platforms
,ue located and situate a aforoaid,
under and by virtue of certain inden
tures of lease, executed by said
Wa-h ington iV Columbia Kiter rsilwar
company, in fat. r ..! said mortgagor or
its 1 redecess. rs in interest therein,
ur otherwise, and all mid singular the
warehouse scale, trucks, and other
machinery and other apparatus used in
and about the oHratiin of "aid ware
bortBBB and platforms, belonging to said
mortgagor .
"And also a private telephone iys
tern OWnOO and operated by the said
defendant company, in connection
with its wurehouies, forming the ap
purtenances thereto, and which tele
phone system runs from Pendleton,
Oregon, to the various warehouses in
Oregon ami Washington, situated on
the line of the Washington .V Columbia
litter railroad, aiel tl e 1 ir-gon Uail
wa; A Navigation company, tOMtit
From Pendleton to Helix, Oregon, and
from Pendleton to Thorn Holloa, Ore
gon, with all the Instruments, appur
tenances, extensions and connections
belonging thereto, to and from Helix,
Warren, Fulton, Pendleton, Mission,
Cm) use and Thorn Hollow, and also
all pritate offices connected with the
said telephone lines, or any part
thereof: should lie foreclosed and "said
property sold bv the sheriff of Uma
tilla county, Oregon, to satisfy said
judgment, ami all costs."
Ths Kunelloii Wss Gotten Up by
Perhaps the largest crowd of l-.lki
BVBfl assembled in llepniier attended
the baieiuet gotten up bv that prim u
of good fellows, Mr. F-. II. Clarke, the
popular wool buter, in the K of P.
hall last 'Thursday evening, says the
Heppner limes. 1 he regular routine
husiness whn h wa tran-arted prior to
the banquet proved of unusual interest,
four candidates Ijeiug initialed and all
the ofBoeri beina ele ted und installei.
The reault of the election wss as fol
lows: Flatted Ituler, Hou. Huury
Ills k man. Fsteemed Leading Knight,
i-rans Kol rls . r. I.oval K Hate
McAtee; K. Lecturing K., J. A.
WOOlBff ; Secretary, Jas. Hart , Treas
urer, Frank GiiHolfl; 'Tyler, Lew
Kei net I n. Harry JohMOfl. Chap
lain, Hi W. Partholouiew I - ,.iu.
Percy Garrigues Trustee, J. J. Harris,
refreshment committee, lies Matlock,
K. M. Hum and W. , Simth. The
new candidatea initiated were: W. K.
Corson, Lloyd Woolery, John Neilson
and Geo. Luud, all of lone. The two
lOIBBBff were given the pleasure of rid-
iug the goat, aiel saw the ins ami
out of the order 111 all their bewitch-
iug grandeur. They'll never forget tlie
night they joined the Fllkl.
Alter all the business had heeu tran
sacted, and everybody had had more
fun than you could snake a mallet at.
the member, numbering about S4J of
the jolliest fellows 011 earth, gathered
around the festive board and enjoyed
the elegant bai.ouet gotten 111 by Mr.
T he delicious viands were prepared
at the Palace hotel and the repast wai
food enough for kings and orifices,
bat all did ample justice to tlie feast
goes without saying, a vote of hearty
thank. Lv..ng intend,. I to Mr. Clark by
th entire lodge.
.Sot the least entertaining feature of
the evening's exercises was the ephu-
dnl instrumental music atid singing hy
the tao colored musicians.
Altogether it was an OBOBBlpg that
will long I mi remeiuberod hy the
Heppner and lone K Ik a
a Win 00 vou boa!.
A blood purifier aud tissue Isuildair is
Karl's Clover Hoot Tea. -old for half
a ceuturv on our guarantee. Mam-y
refunded if results are not eallslactory
Price 20 its. aud 60 cU. Tallmau A
THS 'lit
ru hi 11 ASF-
One Thousand Dollars to Bs Expended
Town Btrssl to Ba Baek
Athena, April n - The citv council
met in special session Thursday even
ing and decided to purchase the right
of wav through the lands of I. A.
Kich.uds. William F'ste and .lackou
Nelson. The price to bo paid for this
property will he : P. A. Richards,
tour and one-half acres, $si; William
EstBBj one acre, 1I0 Jackson Nelson,
urn -eighth of an acre or more, at the
rate ol IliM per acre. The proposed
road will commence at a point ' feet
west of the Mi'sgrote warehouse, on
the west ide ot O. R, A N. right of
way. and run due sooth to Parwin
I treat, thence at an angle ot IB decrees
west to the 'ownship line between
range" 14 and :t . tin nee across Wild
Horse i reek, thence south to the Mc
Arthur lane. When completed this
road will till a long-felt want, a the
old road has been a menace to both
man and beast.
committee id three, Messr.
Hawes, M n 1 r head ami Garrett, were
BppotnMu 10 secure the services of the
county surteyor, and bate him estab
lish 11 grade on Mam street. This im
provement is also much needed, as our
streets have DO0O, particularly this
"pring, in a most wretched comutiou
Crushed rock will bo put on Main
street, mid when all is completed, we
will have a most substantial thorough
Local Notation.
The friends of Mr. and Mrs. L W.
Pierce, formerly 61 Ibis city, now
re-' laats of Helix, will regret to learn
of the death oi their youngest child
on Thursday.
Will Well is transacting business at
Walla Walla.
Mi-. Henry Harper, of Pendleton,
accompanied by her sister. Miss ldia
Huggius and Mrs. Ida V Neibergall ,
vilited with .lames llnggins in this
city yesterday. Mrs. Neibergall ex
pects to join her husband in a few days
at the Golrondii mine, near Sninpter,
w here he is engineer.
Harp Casey, foreman for .1. N, P.
Snider Ht Ins ranch near Havana, left
that place this morning for Kamcla.
Mr. t asev is an experienced miner and
prospector, ami goes to that place to
prostiect for mineral.
John Savage, of Milton, stopped over
at this place Wednesday to visit with
his friend, Robert McKee. Mr. Savage
has just sold hi fruit ranch to a Ne
braska parly, mid will now start a
robbitry at Milton.
porn, to Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hodgens,
who reside two miles south of this city,
on Tuesday, a girl.
Sevan Years In Bed.
"Will wonders ever cease,',"' in
ipure the Iriend of Mrs. I.. Pease, of
Lawrence, Kan. l'hey knew she had
been unable to leave her hisl in seven
vars on account of kidney and liver
trouble, nervous prostration and gen
eral debility': but, "Three bottles of
l-'.leetric Hitters enabled me to walk,"
-he writes, "and in three months I
felt like a new person." Women suffer
ing from headache, backache, nervous
mas, sleeplessness, melam hol v, faiul
ing and duty -pells will tlml it a
prici less blessing. Try it. Satisfac
tion is guaranteed. Only V) cents.
Tall man A Co.
a a a
Hones Wkntsd.
Horses weighing from heJT o IMkl
pounds from , to s years old. Must
le sound ami in go, si condition and
bl'H-ky built.
.. 0. HAYKM A HON,
Pendleton, Or.
0 a)
Look at Vour Pass,
And sou if it is reflecting health or
disease Karl's Glover Root Tea
I -caul Hies the face and complexion, and
assures perh-ct health All druggists
M cents and W) cents Money rcfillidi-d
if results are not satisfactory. Tallmau
A Go.
people are killed ever year in tki
country by CONSUMPTION. The
fault is theirs. No one need have
consumption. It la not hereditary.
It is biought on by neglect. You
have a slight cold and cough. You
do nothing to get rid of it.
will core a ceugb or cold la
"Sbilah't it as aafalliaf car
ll.rual ai.d utrif lyoabaM II l
aiapuwa II u a raaMrsablt r.ia4y
a '.Ai.rah, u l . a.i....
ill caie
N. V.
eiU by all
I,. .11 la
tl I. I uueiuiyll.H. ( use fa
I,. .!. at Ur, Sec. 01 OS a
alulail auaranlaa a- ' - Willi eve
1 (......,... i i iali-u a . - U gttut oruglaa
-, i , .. i.. a
tt i u I . il uelteiad fcaak
iilauut vutt ui . I. C Wa la at
Kor -! I tallMMB a n
. .....I,
ill. u
US. ,
I ciiatat'1 -
a,. I
lb J iU tf- fcaV
(rK'yUUi IstC t.Ceaili.l ' t.
I 1 , ' i ream I
eMa la
t'raaia iiaiui it j,: u ad li W tin. wu apraa U
ovu i,,c ii,. ... f..u ai..! la aisuiil. iu.iefleiiu
iua4islsi..l a ii.i l......a. It 1 lest Uriiig -l"f
i. a IgSailM issuing, l-argtj Sue, 60 eeltle St Uiu
-riaia of by mail ; 'i'r.ai Sim, lOccula b ma...
kLY tiioti tiaioi, ee w if ausei, Niy fertv
Out .a I- . . -I, r ... J, , , . . 1 1 ,. 1.1a .1,, ... I I. .
l.a.t U, Im llduf. air Mo I s ! , ; tain I All
tLSS liiaaajuaa Ifwut Uavir el..,.,,
at-il'a ..rdlnar) ll.-ll... i,t llid, laahi i. ... aiaiJ
aliort tiie aurat .it cAiia uvr nlg-SI.
"I I - a Um a ' lal iaMi ui IftX 1 V S l-S-l A
.i.,a., frianO l.al aurv eeraa Srtill It huiif
' --a I,,, n, SAU 1 HO 1 tM. Iu uil aal
n,vf,l Oi, . aailMJ l-li c,li ai.al guuaai Uiv ttimi
falal.t. I ialuaau aial fiu,liiluoiil tliaau tu Ul pc
llAaU'l.At UrJIil.St, aa alaiaUr liaiaj-lcaa
aa-d Atb.ru, lyl Savismna sta-aal, Baa, JfaSMaXeuu,
Jui 7, l m;
"Vt ij.luf wolala liara alaaa liaali aarii.iia Uilusa U
Utv Tla, J I. aid ai.'i at. '"I n.ul.Uia llul III,
I aal aa at.,finl aislil.i.U l.j MrShKl.'S OV.VAMU
TAtll I M a,tl. UMirfh a.. I ...1.1
1141 ill
UUa KM MA L lioU.10, 11
man, Aiia e. ou
' I III aveaa tia illtil li .u. ami. aKMItl n
I . t N A M I 'I A 111 I.KNe mad I Lal la liua I Hi.t
lixl tin ii. I lial (.). M.lUa alUiulit uutlie I laauk
a ,I..aa.u i..u IUi i..c I I ..II ai.l liujia al,.i, I
, . II 1 IAN WiaaLtv. I(allallal.
t)7 VVeeiuiiflw, M. al, aa 1 lauvlauv Atual 111,
Saul ggalisMd iut aftMaule I ateauaj b INI.ASli
l.lli O (XI , aul Waalailaataw SUaa.1, Oaa, Srai-viaw.
AW. u eala hy uut local a.ui, KOKfeaM'S
ell asm ac I
.!laaijM., c.J
Moaa M , Sail Crau
1 1M ML
Tt. i w - m
Maw nnHi'Nll ajan LmW
. M S t
In Selecting a
spring sun
M.C( 1
opting wr
& Marx
DON! IcteheBnnesj Knuv f0M ,tnKf,thrr
TOM llliml I OTIC, ... Mi ll ITU . "
at ei... . ...... ' vi tui i i , vim
on i inr tt t ion V,tht it
in. nl il DOttM lo billow. Thin
11 1 I I' 11 1 h, r.,.1 f.
"7 ",r " L V ,MSl'"1 asMirtment
o suns thai ire parfectfon in the,', uilottnasle
ityliihneta PRICES RANGB PRO!
$10.00 TO $20.00.
When tve ni l that
rhc button! dOll't come off,
I he lining don't rip,
hey hold tluir shape,
I he fit botttr than ordinary custom clothe.
you have oui gtiitrantcc to make it good.
W. D. HANSFORD&CO. Take the.
601 Main Street, Pendleton. Oregon.
Washington &
Columbia River
fat Chteaao, M.
I'ltV. Sit,
Paul, Ht. Iuls, Kan
i iinalia, and
All Points tast and South
l'o m ike Bjoorl broad Byara' iie.t Klonr. n took ilrt
preiniutn at the Ohlcago world 'i Pair ovof oil eonipBtl
timi, and icives cxcelleiti mk ialaotion oherevet Died
Kvery saea is nurauteed. We have Ibn best Hlearn
HoIIihI liailev, Heed Kye and lleardlaei Barley,
V. s. BYERS, Proprietor.
I'nrtlitnil anil point!
ui th Soentf.
rr'ri- VI. ui lay., tt a.lneiara ami ttU
ItfJf a
in I urhlar ftnm-tar. an.l tii
M at
' a .
Hotel Pendleton
Under New riAnagoment.
Strictly First-Class
btcelleot Colsioe.
Kvery Modern
iql laRsai aar jjV tej'lllirH'' '
ilve lib it 'I rial.
Hates $2 00 a dij
Special Kates by
Wee. or mcRtti
lisp' la itall eti Sfl Humlaj al a, 111 p.
Vni lnliHinaiii.il o aarillni raise ami
imslailotii rail en ui aiMrsae
I'allillslan. 0
s. a i'ai iiKiiiiK ii ii r. a.,
Walla Walla, vt ash
Oregon Lumber Yard
Kor bsrue sndilwa Hums.
t'lnW.per tlian tin.
Ituiltlinia I'aper,
f ar Paptl .
I i tin i ml (atfineul,
Dl Icll .iinl .nd,
Screen l)arfii VVuitlofVM.
.ih an t lMir,
Ten . Qptta Pipe.
Borie & Unlit, PropV
Alta St , opp. I'wMt I loose
Bar and KHIIard Mooms lleadquarlers for Iravil'nu en
The Bool NoUl In ..si. in Uregun.
Van Dran Bros., Props. SUCCOOOOIM to J. B. ROOM
Steal a
The Wheel that le
Shy High Ui Quality
Pricos From $22 to $00.
Road (rhotltj S36
RayoiB, - - - - $bU.
Ohainleu OretcoBti
l'JOO Models aa low an $lb, $20, 126.
CroBcmit VMii okiKippliod wiiii ipring frtnoi
ond Morrow ioa.-tor luaktH or wiiii Bithei
Torni ol ptymont to Htiit ouitomsi
lotorotti ( ill ttioi gol MtoJogisO.
Willi lb'
Eaet Oraaunlan Bulldln.
t iaj Ii ..IU llllal IS
la lur u
Mill If ita naiil
ullala aurlll In II
I'.ifl'l va4S
. I II.
i II. ..
i an.
i ualy
Joseph lill, I'rop.
I itUcr Nsw
I.alea I . aiel I t-rldai, Maatla Me).
IU . a. Ilal.-a III IIS ItOUIS
i, ii 1 1 1 - - - - - r "laiHea.
Una iu all la.. , a ra aan. I Baa
. ha ltd - .am liaw
( or. I'ourl in. iotiiiooa
inliijiuus 72.
W ooii and
-.. t people lo know
you have lo aell If you
The net atore
known unless
can never be
It advertises.
Uelitu.uU riumnily
ru an I laiaiiaa
i nfii i. in
crc ia H (St
Mw,ru . -
For Health, Sirenth und
Pleasure Drink :
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
w nr