1 Glove Sale For one week. pair of fine kid gloves, worth $1.50 to $1.75. to closo at $1.19 pair 800 pair regular $1.25 to go at "oc pair KM) pair email sizes to sell at 49c pair SOME FACTS ABOUT CLIMATE R. RUPPK DISCUSSES THE ANNUAL WEATHRR SUMMARY. Miss Maggie IVtcrs. of the glove department, will tit all gloves at the counter. leaver Bros. Dry Goods Co. FRIDAY, APRIL B, HOI. (BED WIRE TELEPHONE INSTALLED BETWEEN FARMS OF bLIAH AND WALTER M'CORMICK. Snd ! Near Havana, on th 0. R N.. th Othar Naar Fulton, on th W. S. R. it telephone liner, heing part ni I mil iing t lie extensive harlie.l (..it.... .i-utjini i,i I inuTil'ii i-,iiint ., .... - ---(' (i(li, y ltclitT NiiMiit Tuesday in install- line with three , :. net lot Mc- ink nrothers, northeast of I'en- rw , i, . 1 . HIM11-. Cti. l lie line esienus i r. hi i nimam irmii'k - (arm, three-quarters of 111- north lit Havana station on the A N. rail way. t tea farm of Oid In, thence in the 'arm t waiter prinick. near Fulton station, on A ('. K. railroad. The scheme inir harheil wire leuee hp tele- les has lieconie quite popular in Ml Hectiotlli Hi this conniv.ailtl Mill ire extensively lined a- it merite known, trod 1 1 or Discovery. Inicrniis perxonn haw appeareil ling the credit for the discovery of He of harliel wire fence a tele- lines. Its first practical awe Ic. never, uiunt he credited to But) liter. He etumhled onto It hv slit, in tact wan forced to use it. Hk' ii' Mi- was repairer Hiimi Iton-Konrke line in that connecting llclix and i'elidleton. Slav it wan found to lie inipossihlc a communication between the iwns. ami Mr I'lctcher started i find the OMMM of the difticultv. lisi-overetl that Home person with- rcgard for the richt of corn ira- had taken the telephone wire for a distance of ahoiit half a He did not have enough wire ailk ' :n lo connect the two endit and el :p I ne hreak, so fixed it up h Bt iil: the disconnected ends around Haiiie l wire fence He wax eon- idlv surprised t mi ver that the TOrkad an Mil a though it fiad repaired with the ordinary tele i wire. The hrrhed wire was tlm ed a a telephone for several , Mr. I leteher not having the to go out to make the change that ' time, and the difference to tie working of the line wan not dis MMa)i Mill rate it w ill lie only Hrt there will In- no bity of ringing the diuuerhell or Hog a horn on a iArtu. The chief ,Bi' k tcheii department will just the IirUHt - telephone and nehd IgeH all over the harbed wire un the place to the different w hen heTineii an ,a tk an I larlt. iheiu to come to dinner by Itc hy all people living within the tein tory emhraceii in the three States, H wefl ai hy all who rnnteniplAte coming to the West to live. The hook let wan original I written hv Ool. Pat I'onnn, And is issued now in revised form for ui n nil d iHtrihut ion. The reading matter ha leen revised Ami rewritten; the iwentv half tone i I Inst rat iotip are new, and include view of the farming, chipping, agri cultural, lumbering, mining, (dock raining and finding industries of thia territory. The cover in new and of latest design used for Pilch purposes The hook contain- a large map of tin state of Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Thia man dan been recently revised and ii to be relied upon. I'ermihh desiring it nniv secure a d Heinling to the general oldce of the company in Portland, addressing the letter to A. I., t raig, general passenger agent, O. K. A N. Ofl svn Years in Bed. "Will wonders ever ceasu,'."' i quire the friends of Mrs. L Pease. Lawn nee. Kan. They knew she had been unable to leave her hed in seven wars on account of kidnev and liver troohle, nervous prostration and gen eral debility; but, "Three bottles of Klectric Bitter enabled MM to walk," nhe writes, "And in three month I felt like a new person." Women Buffer ing from he. i he he. backache, nervous ness, sleeplessness, melancholy, faint iug and dixy epclla will find it A pricelctip bleaaing. Try it. Saticfac tion ia guaranteed. Onlv BO cent Tall man & Co. Aitei line bAM i .mtsi - rwi ;em wimmmm) The Popular Young People Were Born Umatilla County. Leonard L. LaHone and Mine Hella C. Tweedy were united in marriage at o'clock ThursdA.v evening, April 4, at the home of the bride' parent!, Mr. and Mr.. T. J. Twe.-dy, at the c rm r ol Lew ii- uinl Stonewall Jackaon direct. County Judge G. A. Hartman per formed the ceremony, alter which the principal received the hearty congra tulation of thoMc present. He: ment were afterward ervd Boifl the bride and groom were ru in I'malilla county and arc well known and popular in Pendleton. They have gun- to housekeeping in a home pro- liUCU llj KIHUI1I Street on Went Webb A Ratting, Roaring Flood. Wahil down a telegraph line which Chaa. C. Kills, of Liauon, la., had to repair. "KUnding wait deep in icy water," he writes, "gave me a terrible cold and cough. It grew sfOTM daily. Finally the best doctors In Oakland Neb.,8iou City and Omaha said 1 had comuinptiou and could not live. Then I began using Dr. King's New Hisuovery and was wholly cured by sis bottles." Positively guarantec.1 for cough, colds and all throat ami lung troubles by Tallmau Oo, Price 50c. IT IS PARASITE. Cauiet ileblng Ssalp, DAndruff, and Finally Falling Hair. itching scalp, the falling hair Hie dandruff that annoy are the of a paratiite hidden in the scalp. Iparasite must lie killed to cure fun; aud the only preparation Till do that ia Newbrn's Herpi I "Destroy the cause, you remove Iflect." 11 Kned of Victor, Idaho, say: elf and w ife had dandruff -aud Ig hair several yours. Two bottles ewbro's Herpicide completely us, after several other hair pre- llous had failed to do good." i hair grow glossy and soft as Huudreds of other teitimonials fcs strong. tiP O H . It s b htW BOOKLET. atM Artiitie Publleauou That Describes .ti-gui.. Washington and Idaho. I. Craig general passenger agent O. K. is . to., sends out aii lie booklet, entitled "Oregon, liugtuu aid Idaho," that well de- notice, and that should be read Have vou a broken Taaehers' Esaminatlon. Notice is hereby given that for the purpose of making Rfl SUMIUMtlOR I all persons who may offer fhailsxl ISJg as candidates for uachers of the schools of this county, 1 will hold a public examination at the court house in Pendleton, commencing April 10 at 0 o'clock a. in. The following program will be fol lowed First, NOtea aud third grade certi ficate. Wednesday PcnniuiiHhip, his tory, orthography, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory ' f leaching, grammar, school law. PrMa) graphy, mental arithmetic, physiology, civil government. Primary certificates Wednenday 1'euiuausbip, orthograpdv, reading. Thursday Art of questioning, theory of leaching, methods. J. F. NOWL1N School Kupt. Umatilla county. CASTOR t A ears ths stgnstuic of (. . H Pl la use fur iiiurc thau thirty years, aud Pendleton Ralnftll 18 22 Inches. Wes ton's SO Inehei and Umatilla's 7.97 Inshes During; 1900. Pleaaant View, April ft. According to the- Annual aummary of the Oregon section ol the climate And crop service of the weather bureau for 1!HM recent 1 issued, the mean temperature over the whole state war ft2.0 or 1.8 Above the normal. The highe. mean wan "HLtt at Berlin, .lo.iephine conntv; lowest 44, At Joseph, Wallowa county. The maximum temperature for the ear war li degrees al 1'chdlcton. and oi curred on ,lnlv?;!0, the next lnglient lc ing lO.i at UlahH'k ', (Olliam cnuntv The minimum temperAture for the year wa 11 below At Pavville.tirant conntv on November 21, The average mean II I'matilla county was "i4 degrees, lowest 4 below, October 1. The average precipitation over the state was 41. S7 inches, or 3..M below tde mean Annual rainfall of the state Matter of the Rainfall. The rainfall at Pendleton was 18. inches, at Weston :!0 and at I'matiHa 7.97 inch. The little mm-e than foot And A IiaH precipitAtio i al Pendle ton eonals a plus ihqiartnn of about inches from the normal, while some of the Willamette stations have nvords of 1 to 8 inches minus departure. Thus it will be seen that, when one section of countv has an excess of rainfall over the nominal, it i at the expense of some other section. The smallest amount of rainfall tor this countv in any month was in .lulv, both Pcndh ton And Weston reconLng 2.07 inches And (he heaviest wa in October, In ing .'i.OJ at Weston and ;!.02 at Pcndh ton with I : at Umatilla. i he elevation ol imatilla i given as 340. Pendleton 1074 ami Weston lK.'X) feet above ea level. Thi difference in elevation in connection with the difference in proximity 0 the mountains plainly Account for the lifference in precipitation at the sta tions named. More Nsarsr the Foothills. iwcntv-lour inches would cmn nearer being the aerage raintall a few mile north of Pendleton than 18, as the elevation a mile or two from the river must be several hundred feet more than the river vallev, and, con- cnuently, bring more rain. A foot lifference in moisture precipitation in a distance of less than 2" miles hi tween Pendleton and Wesloti is a great leal. People of till i oltllM .ire 1 ikelv h think that there has been a good deal if wet weather, and so there has for this section; but, a compared witl some other sections, it ia a drouth flic rainfall atOlchora, Tillamook otinly, is given as 132 inches 11 feet Maml a six-foot man on the head ot anotder stx-lootcr. mid tde top man mid just lie able to keep his head idove water. Still that would he con sidered comparatively dry to some parts of India, where it I said about ' feet of rain fall annually. If that muchfwere to (all in Kentucky in one vear, there wouldn't be a "cunne!'' or 'maiaf," there but would get ui and leave the state. A lil' I'l l Catarrh Lannol Be Cured Willi lis sl siiiilli Hl Inn., tln-y csiiimt rest I lie SCSI ll Mil lllM-AM'. 1 Hlsrrh l-n IiIimmI nt uimtitiitiiinsi iiiscs.e. Mel In order to rurs 11 mi lllllnl tske iiin rtinl rellli-dlo llnll I n tstrh nri i- Olio ii Inti-riinllv m ml s I - llre I h II llll- IiIimmI Hlld line o, i- Mill., ,-- 1 1 H II s n- Isrrll (lire I- not H ,'iie k llleiln I lie ll un- in scrilied t one ill the lie-t li l inn- III till- untry lor years, mi l l h n-k'ulnr nresi rititinii It U coiniNitiud of the U-.t nam - klinwti, cuia hilu-il Willi tin- I--I i. I nurilirr- nilliiu lirectly mi lie- iiutcou. siirfsee. The pern-el iillllilllHtlnll el the Iwe lllgri-illi-llts I- wlist priMtuees sin li wniiilerliil n-siilt. In curing en srrli SelKI I. il le.llllinlllHl.. tree. F J. I IIKNKV A CO., 1'ri.p. , Ton l. (i hnl. I h !t..t-,- price 7.V. Hall's Vamily I'lll- sr. the best. AN ARTISTIC SUCCESS. In Fresh Ooods. K. Martin has received a big ship ment of ham and bacon from the east. Dan Sully and a First Class Company "Parish Priest." Once again Pendleton fail to patron ize high class drama, and gives the famous Daniel Sul ly a small house. Whereas the entire lower flour and very Ihix seat should have Imk-ii tilled, the Isixe were emptv and so wen- many seats in parquet and dress sec- loll. Almost auv one who knows the theater knows that Daniel Sully is g genius in highclaas comedy. His ia the lean, sparkling, wholesome variety of wit and humor. His is a voice la-auliful in the ordinary sentences of a usual conversation His i a real llguity that loses nothing when meet ing ami appreciating a good joke. And its is a pathos that finds expression in acts rather than in mere words. Summarised, hi jiersonal oualities on the stage, in "The Parish I'riest," are the ideal constituents 'hat would make kindly, sensible parish priest with a keen sense of humor No better play has been on the stage in Pendleton. This ia not allowing any xceptiou for Warde's "liichilieu" or 'lay Clement's "Huron Hoheiisteuffen " r any ol the urtistn- successes Pen- ih-ton theater goers have witnessed in the Fruxer. The play is beautifully written and its pcrformaiii e approaches perfection Mr. Sullv was oiien to no criticism iiuhis role, and the supporting com any of eight artists fullilled require ment and left no room for adverse omineiit. (.'hrystie Miller us "Dr. 'assidy," Al Phillips us "Dr. Kdward Welch," J. L. Tracy ia "James Welch," John D. Orifliu as "Michael Sallivun," W. C. Hro kmeyer as I rank Dougher. I. uclle Spinney up 'Agnes 'assidy," Kule Heneleau, us Helen Durkiu" and Mildred Lur- ence as "Kathemie (Jorrigun, each deserve the meed of praise (or finely delineated characters. Toduy, not one person who attended the play is aught hut enthustiaatic in referring to the event The audience gives unanimous endorsement. Playsd Out. Dull headache, HUM hi various parts of the body, sinking ut the nit of the stomach, loss of upjM-lite, fever inline, pimples or sores ure all ji live evidences of impure In -,.,d No matter liow it became so, it miint Is- ii is in i ia cured and very One. Martin : puriti.sl u, order to ohtaii. good I i is receiving fresh shipmeuls of green ; Acker' HI. ni Klixir has never fuileil syphilitic (Siisons f member we do all kind of tine l repairing and guarantee it. Oui Uisarantcc la One 1U you 0A depend upon what my, as our busiueus, our nauie Mur Ini ire depends upon it. Work Cil will receive our prompt aud I atteiitioj. L. HUNZIKER, tweler And Optician.., t door to Alexander A llextoi s vegetables every day, such as spinach, ouious, rhubarb, and asparagus. Hi also has a very Que selected stock of canned goods aud dried fruits. Martin is uiakiug close prices and it will pay you to call aud see him Our great-grand mothers' garret contained the same Uood Thing herbs of all heal ing founal in Karl's Clover Koot Tea. Thev gave our ancestor strength, kept the blood pure, aud will do the same for you if you uuy to. Price 26 cts and 50 etc. Tall man A Co. , leading druggists. Morses Waotad. Horses weighing from 1000 to 1000 pounds from 4 to 8 years old. Must be sound and iu good condition aud blocky built. J. C. UAYKS 4 HON. Pendleton, Or. It- cure scrofulous or or any other hl.ssl diseases. Jt is cer tainly a wonderful remedy, and we sell every bottle ouaiiositive guarunU-i V0I sale by lir.s k A M. Comas. CONFIRMATION OF SIX. Rev. M. W. Volgt:Wrlles of iDleresllog Services or Sunday Last. The Oermau Lvaugelical Lutiieran rlmr li north of Pendleton, last Sun day was the aceue of a jovfui and solemn event. Under impressive cere monies, a class ol six young people were confirmed and accepted into the church. It is the practice of the Lutheran church to baptise children in their infancy, and afterwards, as they grow up instruct them in the Christian faith and the doctrines ol the church until at the age of 14 or 10 years after a special course of religious iu struct ion, they are admitted to oou In Selecting a SPRING SUIT I HIN T let altogether. cheapness i;m.lr you Vou must consider COSVSM1MT, ItCO. mt, MMnrrkiii iui QUALITY if you expect SATIS PACTION. Without .t dil appointment is boUttd to follow. This spiinc, we have gathered for inspection an assortment of suits that an- perfection la their t.nlor made stylishness. V R I C B S RANGE FROM corxiOMT, nod, ..T. K-Mrrsl fton- $10 111 $20 W in n we add that The buttoti5 don't come off. The iining don't rip, They hold their shape, They fit better than ordinary custom clothes. cormOMT, IM MUST, KHalrsr S M yon have it good. our guarantee to make OOSvdlOMT, (M9, ((mi. . m m munt 175th Surprise Sale Friday, April 5th, Saturday, April 6th, 100 dozen yards narrow Vallenolennaa Laoe.it nv pet Jomb varde and 10,000 Tarda Velteaelennei taoes In dlflereni widths rajrnUrly mid tr p., Ir rani, zc, .v, ic. h-. (ic, 7'c, c, -Mfl., . m, at discount ol m per viird, will o 25 per cent. New (ioods Arrived Bofe' Shirts, I IftpS, Suits. Babies' i a.e un. i Muii Caps, . . ir OlrU' Apron . H . H , g , , Hose i hc bail -. hv, r.c. n , children. aeb, fs- ami 7'c and use en. h Htc I lose in town, for women and Easter Sunday You'll want many ol these things Ladies' Fancy Naokwsar iu great varieli at tuodftgf pftses, Ladlae Belts, rite, Pompedeui Oossbs and ths Ladles' Silk Welsts la Blaok and aolors Loot the tnwa ti ind roa learn thai we ha. the only uomplete line Pettlooats in c.itton, Merelsed and Silk, Tailor Made Suite, slses H t.. u prion f-l, IU tofAil 00, hlark and sulotl, Shoes lor liov In i,if, Velonr, lei, Tan, Rnssal and Blond A lew alts of that M inch llleach.-l Muslm (J m- for fl.im tOBMTI BUTTER tOK 'I P in RHI The Peoples Warehouse The Peoples Warehouse W.D.IIANSIOKDt&CO. I biejrolas abieh be priced. Ha4Bda' lo remain here vlsitlaf (I... I...u, 1.....I l Tu'ilh Liu rlulii-nu a, (..it- .Iu I. i ( tirnitit i m , which in the church Ian- g'lage ans the renewal and conlirnia- ion of the haiitismal vow, vix. : "the onfession of fnith and the iiromise of Until i tin a Christian life." to which is added the iiromise of adherence to the Lutheran church Through contlrma- lon young Christum are admitted to active church ineinlicrhii and only such as are hnptised and continued nmv njoy the )ri ileges of the same. The names of this year's class are as f..- iwb: .lohn Kggers, lliuirv Ilrednik.'. Ilerinaiin KoseiiU'rg, Miss llertha Eggvrt, Katie Itosenherg, U rtha Hude nuuia. I'he service was well attended on the part of the congregation. There were also some American neighlsirs and a nuniher of visitors troni I'endleton present H. W. VOIUHT, Olil.KhKI STONIi ARRESTED Bicycle Thief Adopts Plan That Would Not Work At I ESQ Thursday morning I'elhert Stone, a voimg in., i, iihotit 1M years old. alltsl at .loc Hasler's store and asked I.. Sharon, the clerk, to look at tl stock . nicked ii in t w-i il full of wind ready for a iard trio. Me returned in half an hour, and wanted permission to try the wheel for a few minutes, which was granted, and he started off. In the otirae of two hours, Mr. Miaron thought the ..ung man had had time to give the wheel a thorough test, and, as Tie had not drought it hack, the heriff's ollice and the marshal were notified, and furnished with a descrin- tioli of the youth. Me wore a white hat, red sweater and helt, so ciuhl not fail ofeheing identified. At .i o'clock in the afternoon, a telephone message from the sheriff's ollice announced that tin- soling man had heen arrested at Athena and wofild la down on the train at 5 o clock in charge of an other. According to program Mr. Stone was laced in the county jail last evening. I ne Arrest at Athene. Athena, April 5. Saris Fharadas afternoon, City Marshal tieorgn Mc- lloliald received a telephonu tneaaage from Depot Sheriff Davis, of fondle- on, to watcd for a young man riding Cleveland dicycle and arrest dim. Ahout '. o'clo. k a young fellow answer ing the des. rinl ion wa seen riding along the track, and tde officer took him in. Me claims his name is Ihdliert tone, and that he caine from Sher man county lie lit not deny the t lief t , hut gave as an excuse that he was looking for work and was hroke. Coimtahle J. L. Hm it It took Stone to I'en. Iieton on tde iiasseuger train ITHENA FISHERMEN QUILTY Caught Trout on Sunday Last In Pine Creek. Athena, April h. positive itifortna t oii came to this city yesterday that several parties were guilty of fishing last Sunday in Pi reek, delow Wes ton, one of them doing aide to hook nine dig trout. The fish commissioner should see that droakers of the lish law should he apprehended. Joseph C. Krame, of Walla Walla, is transacting husinesa in this city Thursday. F, O. Itogers, grain huver for tde Western wareliouse coiniiaiiy purchased this week from A. J, Wagner Mssi hushels of whiiat, and :!i)0ii from other parlies. Me paid I. cents. I'at Kmc, iIk Paadletoa hog raiser, was in the city Thursday, hnjlhg hOSJS I. 0, Kirk, of Weston, was in tlie city Thursday, on husitiess in connec tion wild the MeRaS iniisic tuner. .lohn rersjueoa, of Adam Athena Wednesday . Ilcnrv Wright r.tiirne.l from Venule Dssisn in II KDW.KK. 8TOVK8, BARBED WIRE, SHELF HARDWARE, PUMPS sod PIPE. PLUMBING SPECIALTY. 601 Main Street, Pendleton. Oregon. was iu which he will goto his ranch Inline near Prosser, Wash. II. iu v l.alirasche returned Wednes day from Chelnawa, where he has heen) at tend iug schoiil , Jacob BetS, oi Walla Walla, was an Athena rialtor W .liie-.lav It. J. W. -peer, who has heel i cm 1 ducting the doldcn Kule store here (fir ihll oiamI u.,ur in l.u..Lia..a .n.l .... I I -'- , I- I I. . I , ! Ills stiak, ..I. i will leave for Seattle In. lay. Mr. Sieers and sous will enter into husiness at that place. Anthony Jenkins, who has heen a resident of this neigh Isirhood for the past M) years, died at the residence of Ins soii-in-law, T. J. liallaher, ahout I wo in ilea east ft this city, at I'i o'chsk today. The latsnseat will he at the K. .- cemetery at o'clock Fri day. I.. J. RoblnSOn is bate t(lay from Riverside, Wash., where he has charge of W. K. Hood's new llouring mill. Mr. Robinson will return in a few days, when he will place the ma chinery iu M)itlon. BYERS' BEST FLOUR To make go. s I dread use Byers1 I'.est Hour It tOOS in ' premium at the Chicago World's lair omt al I coin pel i tion, and elVOB SEOslleOl satisiaotioa wderever used. I'' very sacg is gnaraatsed. We have the bast Stsera Rolled Barley, Seed Rya and Beardless Barlej PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS v. s. BYEKH, Pniprletoi Locust Hill Rabbitry TmVa and Poultry Yards Sick headache ah idy a Moki and per- tea. A isolillel inaiieiitly cured dy uain pleasant herd drink. DONE constipa tion and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money hack. cent and 60 cents. ivdigirrd Itclglan Mares and pure bred I owls. Mares, ft,00 pat pair, l each Marred, Muff, and While I'lym (Mlth KiM'ks- l-.ggs lii.UO iei I i sittings forfiisi; also -..mc Marred kock Sgg l Kl pel silt log. Itose and single Oosnb Rhode Island Kesls KgS t'-' dW sl 1i sittings lor f I Visitors aelensae For (under information address 00 Y W. VADK, Washiiiytofi & Columbia Kiver Railway Fm Chicago, sas City, Bl Paal, hi Lento, Kaa ii, ).., Omaha, and All Points tast and South I'ortlaud anil polote (ill the s,ouud In all ntages of nasal catarrh there hould he cleanliness. As eiperience proves, hly s Cream Halm is a eaiikt-r, p. H.ther and dealer of the die- eased iiiemdrane. It is not drying nor rritating, ami does not produce eneeg- ing. I'rlce v cents at druggieta or it will de mailed dy Kly Mrothers. fitt Warren street New Y(jrk. I'pou lielng plaesd into the nortrils iii spreads over the memhraue aud relief is imme diate. It is an agreeahle cure. n.io, i j... iei ii rai i.. SlSMllsl Halca t lbs aiwlllll Heal Ui.lrl In II..- IlitiUisIl Walui. Kin ii. plo iimibm Elm id. tin liia .. I Mlcsiii Heal Kne piml l. nniing Cur. Court and Johnsun Sin, PENDLETON. 0UE00N JOE Ey IN PSMOIE TOM. Urn Increase of Lamas in His rioeks Will Abuut loo Per Cent. Joe Van is in Pendleton today. Mis home ranch is on lower Mutter creek, seven miles from ItBlt Me states that the lam ding season is progressing favorahly as far as lie knows. Me has ii")" ewes, and figures that the increase lamds will he aliout i" ner cent. Me has detween 4000 -and ysl heal of yearlings, iu addition to ewes and ducks. Chris Nelson, of Qardane, who was in PandietOfl on Wislueaday, says an average ewe aud lauih dy its sole are' world fl, tin- lamd figuring la at fl.fjo and the ewe at 12. "). At this SsasVril the ewes and lamd are sold together, hut ordinarily only few sales are made unit i he lainli lias docouie old and strong enough to go in the iamb hand and hustle for itself. Sore Iungs BMM wrakened lunga all caused by a cold und cough Weak lunga sooner or latti mean consumption. Shiloh's Consumption The Dead will heal and strengthen the lungs, cure cold and atop the cough. I gtcl fes- rsr Sa I I' - .U.IU.J I ,m L Lul ,.. Pendleton, Oreaoni Under New Management. J. W BANCKOI I . Prop. Arrles M.neUia I - II Ms III Ui in lltru .Is r.i iiif.iiiii Ul.slsll.H.a aedaeederseaal rn.isriti I h.irsilsri siel sn,. I, , , BSM rtuuilat si i . i o ssnllliS III, Sll'l ,1. .,( s.M o M W 11 ill ' I III 1. ted Olsguu i ai oralis, ii o r a , Wall Wells tttsi. tgsul I O.g.-. Is . MrsU u Ml fur rsiulliss ..if IrisS as luatulstsJ. a- . sifss up SU kwM I essli IrtsS ' ... ii iwrsa IS... Alllo.M s.ill II .Ml UnUl Iu ,ili( LasKb Mkb SLOkEMCE HkEW, Esst UkklSAvi, i si b ( uusuuiuMuu Oui, is Mid b ejl s. ...i. -i ii, , a. , si kwleie. A rllutd gUAfSMllS MUSS will, tri S4lllls I f mi srs not SsllsSsg ! U gOAtS uluggUI si. a gst ,uur iiious lis sS . Sen l .i Ulu(ilS(l Suuk ui. t 4iuiii..wi Sssl s-.ikvui 4isrM. a C WssW 4 Cv , LslUf, M V Jror smaIu hy '1'silliuaii .V , tlrunKlsls Advertise not . . . Ih vou? Telephone , i'. ALLEN BROS., Wood and Poatti. iislivr.'sd eieuii.ll I'm . . Kigl.t S Sir su.l lsuiiiisi.es HosU W.iu.1 ulc suu (ll f. nine rear of haviiigajllank . I'KNMJ.KTON, . . OBJCGOJfi Oregon Lumber Yard WOllD .l PI h (K Kor hams and .1 ell nigs. I 'lieaper than tiu. LfJaVbtfi lath, ShuiulcM, Itinl Imi ; Pel pgr, Tar Pit per. I i in. .iiiJ ( v in. ni MouUlillklM. Piektls. Neitltl . lirick aud Saud, Screen l. i a Him,h s.i-.h aud 1 i.mii i, Terra (kittu Pipe. Borie & Uht, PropV Alta St , ap, Clin t House. Lu Jk at your . And see if it is reflect ing health or disease Karl's Clover Koot Tea beautifies the face ami complexion, and assures t-rlecl health All druggists 'ib cents and 60 cents Money refunded if result are not satisfactory 'fall man A Oo. For Health, Strength and Pleasure Drink rtm nnriirni nrrn UlLUULUV Ui I U Polydore Moens, Proprietor: J jjU ff Lfl i uLLH. (