Shirt Waists for Spring. no i. at tileedinif beneath our ball m a mfeMM m itendArd, nation. We aha) I shirt an tir i ,ur.rl a lar:'i; assnrtm'ttit O. VTC IIH O i-'.'.l' r - l... I ... ,r.. Q.-liin.- at tir!C'.-S tliHt all ritfht. You un fM an elegant waiat for 50c, and Nf dollar waist is simply a "5":ar-h-' just th: kind that vou like to v:ar. Our sprint? and MMMMM fOOOt Ml now it Ginghams, Uwm, Dittititts Win" Ooodt, calr:s rttt. SKI. CS POH BARGAINS inks, Par THE MAGNET CASH STORE Clemunts & Wilson. Court and Cottonwood old ot thrive onder the ..... it . nV'il ''Ti 10 i"r .i. 1.Vi,..m nf I lie kenuhllC, and prodMti will pmt ma-t-adrttr-, n the dependent patron, of ' iMdatan ban into dm afaaff off tba" of W !h'iLE2lt ,h- m.-rnt million an'Jiiw -- 1 MtMatt tnm tr-e torrid ill- of the HOTEL PENDLETON rider New nanafcernt'tit. c iriont. an: point aetivi-e in ifarafje th irr held o plain. flan of It. n. '.' "I'' TUEHfA' Ai'ia - .' r it " M '- 11 u.o affJbBB a ;.'.. : i"'J. IM TBI 'DAILY. WKKKU AM- i." EUiLT i ri-fw i t' da 1 1. w iv wrrwi p-"W , HtoM'; "7 wp' 1 TfUl NBKFIfOkM ( mm't Mr aa a H- ' , Lmm rssffr ur nvi'Ai T.i . llM 4IMll ON Mf ' ( ai'f 1 -. Inn rnfaVA Date WW I MaM " pM DMiiia,a4M i -- "! ImMtM - r.k.1 mi 1 1 p 3 :f Ban Crokaf Ma. Political 1 . -' 1'' ' ''! i t it i Mai patflati , - r .. :- - -larf" i . kv.rii. imr-r: lor MMli-"lornin:' tn j . 5. a; "anr ti S 1 : -u-i - ' f' ff "i , hi. . i.j -1'-: .'' i n a u. : r ." a;t..T! flat: or Odol!. It M .sa a K bop that the ;r- xf. .. ::. MM .f. ti.- BM f tarurt' r th pi of liiv, Ikaa bl Padirtoa fwtirO can proparljr . f ,r mi- mtiier f.aa r. arMt a I .r a- c'letle rii- v t l 'ia DUTIKY OF THE NATION AGITATE THE CRfctMKPr b.KSTlOa Paadlaton can wall afforo V .iut th eraumiry qtiMtion, ai ti induni a profmr .' and eatabllah aiieli an ladaairj a. tlio argiimitit la . nion- uit-ri l 11 1 ptiopi of tlm Maa. la 1 irv of tin Nortli cant, wi a fiiotlliK.Vr.-uiii. r,. and laalr opMatioi aa rwrwlljr naata with Kndortfni'-n' 11 1- grx huairiMan judifin-i,' 1 r 11m aMMMfMMt. ll Ma toward" tin BMW H tiiuifx lor t! mat 1 1 1. 1 m lat ll HI Itnn with latlnr -lay a-r to-dab- farming foiiiiiioiiHi. It prom law incroari aradaMJMl ok battel ami tin- mini Iiiiumii n! al. nn- trihilt'- tiwarl It- n . 1 n t-1. h 1 . SHOW THE Rl VKH TO THE I'RESUUNT TltK nt'iat ignili-nt l.. u- iiy Ut memtr M Iha fTtllatn Puin cial eliin, lurn.,' tliflr r. n-nt vimi to tlif Paritir na-t a- ilia ti,. . u,,,,. of thi Coluuilua It hit llanin lNf r. conaran iiafM not rMtifnl tin a voeay daarvMl. Tba praal Ian I 'if the club, Mr. fullur, aanl Ml tin aM rv fonian that ka ami all In. lallai irTi iit nil na: Hnor nyr-r ij!iirl an to Itf eharactar ol tlm ",mt, r r propoaition. ami tna' liM) )M N torn hooin with a u-tt.T ni...-ii.ii..l,i,k of th Nortl. l'acihc MMM'l aaaJt Inan tliy I tal iK' making in. . t. ri (ournny It la raaaonaiili ti a-un.i PrnaiiJenl McKlnli-v ami 1.. wm. will netniiiiiuiiN urn. on Id ba wrought ia-tly the aan. . woulil have tlmir i-y.- h. ii.i! to tin nel .,f ii,.. '..,rtl, C.,a-t. ami tin- atranutl. of th- tiattaa (at Mm I olaa bia Hivur llain wiiai.iver may tin- ilan it I iin- varioun low 111, tnr pjb win. Ii th praaidantial nartv will pnaj, M tin lilaa 1 ki .' 11, iiiiinl. ! r. . ii(. riw r ami tij Ui ai tin ooaatn telboury will do mon- 1. intir.-.i tin nation' i:hil MMaatlM than QM baa drtnl ('iiugruamnDa. t .1 ,j. .,, yaam o( laitlnu MwMlltMa "rk OB tho part ol North ( nail r.:irwiitalivw ml aHiiatorn Thin iiiuatiin unui hi. baauaMad way at tbrowghiait all of tin- vaat ux- MM M aaaate aMMaaM m tba c.i- uaihia Kiver Jiamn. It will MqaiN year in whirh bl Maka HMMJiaM I" tlm goal. Tberaforo. l.-t MM hbMMMlai bl kant Bp, Imm dav, tin- baMMMlbg will hammer awuv ba nbMflMUlIM at Oalilo, or Ijo tho ajHMI Ol tba OMHtrat tion of a canal aromnl ti,. rgnkai of "an annual rial 1 we. Faw people realue th. fltoBI of ih,, uiatfnificeut empir.- einhra.l in Kai am QaajM ' late, the ut. lieHP. paM)r have been .riiitin a iMIllUjll borne out by Mm faMl MtaHIgg UlAl llarney i-.,.iut l,a i f.,uar.- i, - oiiornior), or tig tlaaa aa muab ai a within the bounuariei. ,,1 n ut,. of Khode talaud. In Ikb IraMlRduai exi.-ni of country are f pmpl Very jMP '' ti land m m liugla ranehea which kmm rkj aill ba eul up into amaller f.rmi. fr a greater DBM1 oar of jjeople Marnm souty, i. poor maaaaaaad wealth bal r h g natural rea.,urcea, will in the future a population which will uo prevent one appear like advance guard. Troy before tin- Irrjnoi Francico apok tktM at ifaiiiilt f. t..fH.i ami treriifthried I Tii- iin-rririif judgment and lofty patriotism of tli lat-mn wlio have ; pvmI the pathway o' our national M .tiir- with ior. turn from the . ,., f. ot tboaa MMari ol sivll f r trnrnwati and uhvert th ip land Id fabric of their conception until it btnaaalaai with the Boamwraial in Itineti ol it movement that rManiaai wealth a the aole criterion of greatnei .' -hali tin- germ of r.,ntituitoua: got anUMOl from whii', our BNBMll glorc ntity ha- iruio t iteMroyad ' Mhall the chariabad Ideal that in iprrad Iba birtb .f llbafte la Um Ne World to interdirei by the irMEOMbla flat of tin- inaaftel mMT Hhaii the genial atmoaphem of freedom that ha i.ineil Mm victim ol oppremion tnroughoiit the world give W.'lt to the Ofdid rJaapotim of wealth that would maki our banner the i-mhiem ol ag-.r.-.ion and tvrannv ! It will not. . . . The heart of the nutioi. i.iiUate- to- da) with tin' Name thrill of iatriotim that aniinateil it in the hour of the reolution Irii". ult.-r the wtr j tnai a tought to break the chain of otptivitv tha' enthralli-il tin- ilauntlaa -Ml- of (Nihil. Ill tin- delirium of Vic t rv ami exulting in the fate of our baplen- ( we iiirg. t our min-ion. an. I in tin- Philipiiiin wi nave immolati-l the patriot, who, in defending their country, obeyed the .-xarnnle that our patolalioa furnihel to all mankind, fbaii river-, itla-. an- MMraad with tin maugii-l lofBMo! hoot e warrior-, an : in I- unlea wm-.l with tlm DMad of their (lain. Bat tin- wrong will aoon ( righteil. 'rimviaage.1 war will OoMl (hh wrinkli-l front, am! the baaM ' th.' aoMariMad wiMier will i- ttebaaaad for the garh of the civilian ami th.' on Horn, Hi Ina rolantoar, A thev wh have fallen are gathereil to their lather- the of' toiTiai of Mm church liell nol the angrv roar of cannon wl I inn. glo with tin. mu-ii ol their re l . i. fut. ami Nllvervthriiateil choir ' t 'iii'ltt-re.! -igh' o! the Woiinlei will ciiant tieir tiineral iliruu. I the light of that H fflaa lommainlinent of iiamoeraey, tiotrawaato iterira their it iw..r- from the roimenl of the governed," the blight of daipollra will m lifted from tin- blood. rent i n . I. ami the mellowimr InflrHMIM ol will l.-vel th.. lioiiebaapa ol their tiittriut aaaia The (arid glare of mom will m. loiu-r light the noatbarn kie- ii .l the humni heat nf 0.1111.. u i 1 1 vaniah in the ray of the tropic un ... T . , . .. o t.'ie r.a-i tarr, MM "ord ol fltrhting Into plowharw that will ditch and rinbflcai the re-tl-.. w that MmJI irrigate th" arid P.KloiT and onallil m "ir we wil. lino me ""i-i" rfmn. and through the -,.T, r,) we hall behold a th onfwite fhor the Old World, '' .,' .tif ii-Hii n. ton, l inijQtionr ant rivalries, polluted wditioo and perfidy, devatatl by r.g tr.r- ' - mi 'ottering dyna ' wbne "e mighty in our 1aolatn.11. t eat 11 oar virtue, radiant in pwpentv. aoatwtant In our MtkMB, ar.'f true to our OOfMtita , wil urTiT until the dawn of rment a ar. eximph- Ol porfwStioa overiiment ti nation yet unborn MMUI Or MARK TWAIN William J. Lanptoo'i boot ol irvantional ere, recently pub- I . .. . Henry Altemm eomi an) Philailelphia. under tha title Oil "Yawp and Other Tiling-," than i- I prem which ha- brought forth a letU r from Mark Twain. Tba great Amerl-I can humorist ii a friand of Lampion'" I hut at tna ame time Ii oatpiofoti If di. favor regarding the I'hilipplOE war. hence he wrote : DaarUiMptoni Will you allow me v av that I like tt.o.- fm- ol f on ;-r Ba r,. Kanmlally Iba one winch v:v:diy pietaraa tin- rapooaa ol our roung fellow" when they were BUM" omkI to itrlka down ar. oppraao r ai.'! set hi- victim free. Write a com : unwi t 1' ami "how u how the young fellows respond when invited by tha govaroBMBI ti oal to tho Philip t, aaa on a land -tealing and Itbarty nn ifying cruad" I BOtlOB that ttn'v .warn, to the Pa mitlag OBsM at tin- rate of MO a month, oal 1 I ati enthusiastic popala tion of 78,000,000 freemen ; and that no ABMflan-l".rii i"-ron can pronoun," their name- wlttKMf damage to biff jiw, nor tpell tm-ui without a loroign education Hincerelv vour", M Al'.K TWAIN. Can Cubani hovarn Tnamilvii One ol the be' known dlplOMBtifftl rcentl;. declareil that tin- Cuban are laeapaalo of governing IhrmttlTtt ami that tin Cn Red Mates must maintain it- preent control imh'llnitelv, - r annex tin- i-iand. wil i-- BOM Who will dl-pUte till", but tin-re lire none win. dispute the well established fairt that Moatetter'l HtoBMUia IlitK-r- i" capable id controlling Ina OOMBi n I !-ea-. of tie- "t- 1 .a- I. I ' 1- a remedy that I- backed bj Bill I BBMOai It 1 an ideal medicine for mattipa MBB a strength builder for those who ar.- priili-pored b i 1 1 r.k' troul le-, as . I for nervoutne" it 1- of wonderful banedt. A" an ppttlfftr ll 1- incom parable. Those BOO -toiiMch- ar- . g of order siioiild ii"t lail b, try a I ttle. oot ar. avenue 01 1 that will Alaska With SlflClIj riril-tlrti- Bicellent Colsloe. inrj Modem Convnienc 'BffaffBffaHfflltvflffBffBffaffaffaffaB aJwH JRjJi E BalLBBffaBBBaEl.' A Give Us a Trial. Hate) $2 00 a daj Special Rates by Nft or moDtt Bar and Billiard ROOfM. Headquarters or Traveling Met The Best Hotel In Eastern Oregon Uaa or,., umsi. DrotM. Successors to J L ..core VBII Bfl Mil - vr - - - " t Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard Can eli cheaper than any hrm in the county UBB they buy in larr juantitirs. If you nct:d lumbal or any kind or mill work call and k';t tlieir prices. CLASSIFIED ADS. r'each sitM COrW IttnW ' iBHrtloa, one line, or iBorc. tcr week : th rsteof jwr ilo ,B " - tiiiiki LIMB rOOB UNM I ' nmt Mb I tlra ' ' I r- ' B IX , 'A, .100 I , ' t-ona. juc ch additional HJ " j rill n - ; I ; ' My Clothes are at the.. Domestic Steam Laundry, a;i ...YTnere youfM Ought to J 1. f, Robinon, Prop, R, FORSTER, - Proprietor, Closing out at Cost at Hqua, tQ flny VAUGHAN S the world. fi WAN I Bll HELP WANTEb -AhKMMKN - HANKS AND BROKERS. MM 1 s.WINtiS HANK raaniaad Msr,'!. I, MM , M.I Ii." w ; F'lrntsn rretdsiit pre dn'. ; "I. f, Morris, cashlvr. S. Tea! A NEW n NATIONAL KAN Kni- ATHKNA ton Oaailali lU.Wi : surplus ami prutlts, I n tun .Ivposlt" Hesls In . 4 ,.i.itl, exchanic. tton itei m, Hcnrv ' Adam, praa . i' J Kir, rlew-prealavnt E. L Hr lr: Mrs K. L Harm 1 aislsUu' BUIK I'linl . Ri TIONAL li.WK OF PBNDLI ai ITO.00Q : larpla, ko.oki Tram KffW York siel Mini Inn! point" li est iirft" Drawn on ' iii -is lapai Maie I'.-illectlon" "'1 reaonaMe 1 Ankenv praaMant ; W. t Matl,., ll nt: I'. B Wa.U c. titer; H. C Now Ii tin' line t" 1 ii in vour BPRntti BUPPLIBi lddie' shoes, 1 1 .7") now . . . f 1 .00 l.adi.'-' -hoe-. 1,M now ll .Men'- heavy shoe-. .... 1 10 Men-'- t'J N -hoe 1 ,94 I ad i'' vests, upriiig weig'.t JO 1,1-1 thraad dooan i'ic ipool nt Copper W'Hh boiler-,.. L' M '' SB Men's t- 80 nndarwaar, nil I 0 till 1 offee pots io.' I.ow Wa-ii baalai All good- must go a BOOM lAKKN MM il" PC IN TRAD1 S.0B 10 Du Hibla PILSNER eoniii BEER. HREWKKV.- OWN H rTTI.INh' 11. ..1 1.. k . . III!I J ree. iMIIIll-IIll ui IHIiillvtSJ rverv Dome mm guavHiitn l lf K KAKMBH V.tuii. Oregon PHYSICIANS. 5E v. 0, 1 'o.k orncK in ' vvu tmll-ling offlce initirs, Ii 10U1.B., t,, p m 1elphon. r Y. W. VIM I.N I M. Ii. OKKHK KB At) ol Kirs- Ballaaal Msnk 'jmce hoar lu n. u s. in ; I tn 1 1 id. I HANK OP WB8TON Ihhi n gpticrsl l.snkui. :. boaybt sn.l sold Oof II b4m to Affairs In MOBI mi, I "i, r. ieirl.'.l iihiii :,. Kllli ', A ilsrtt iraw.J f, Prrststtl. B07 Paadlaton. Mail 5 tret I Orafon. Dl HKNHBItHOK, ui 1 1 1 K navingt Hauk. telephone SI, Acker's Saved Her Life II. 8 OABKIBLD, M. I) . HOMK PATH K HhjrM.isii anl Mraooa Oflrs ladit BulMlng I. 1 ..,ie iiBlc-c. t,l k mi, re-i K. A. VAUOHAM In lll.l.l B llldlug. DBNTISTi. UBMTI8T. tiKKIt K A. .. BBATIB, lb lb B. 0PPI0B OVBH w'.ui Ham ta admluitlere. I . ItniiM 17, ABBOCIA- plinti,' ;, resl'lem-i- tle- A M ANN. i. Block ovc 0BKTI81 IN ABBOOIi V H lopton'soBce. n-! KOI'ATHII PHYSICIAMfl Keyi-- .v K' )i. Oltn, , one block wc ton store I' 1 Ml l.i. BOTICIS. Buy aii'l St ol bv 'S Racket Store Schnlti Brewing d TRANSFBI TR U CKINj S T O R A Gl CROWNER & SO I L. Ray & d H( )Ml Its fit , iii1 ( irain for cash or 011 maraius New York .Stock l:cliungc Chicago Sioch BxcbMfB. 1 'In. ago Itoard ot TraUc S'NN K. 111. an. 1 ait roa aiaaai p. Baa 1. ear. ton. or. Cniin Htmai, I'emtietoi, in Aimut hra no ATfOHNKYS. l.'AKTKIt A KAI.Ki . ATTOBNK h OBIi.-111 laftefl Hank Hinbllii BBAN '"AWBLL7-A TTOK N V, ' haw Ko .111 11 Annul lat lou Uloi k ton Ori-K in T.O.HAILBY LAWYER. oKI-i J, i t 1 B'i;l li.-ut fin. Hi inn ori-eon PIBKi r- 1 lei ,,: I Hi" mini K, Y Jl'UI. -r,'!,ii' b'LOinrOK, Maratarri MKKTlNfl I 1- aerebr im h n lie cure- S 1 sir. Bffibai you 1 ; doubt 1. 11 win. m own yes i bah tni on that wiied I.. 1 rtai tl I. ! . iuu on IB I owe m H 1 .. na'gbborl much 1. .nun. 11 Mead Hai , m il...ugh' i' ara while until ilie aa a druggii Iim-I U; le . DIOffI (BBjbM) 1 leu from Vassar. Mich . ,. .. 1. . . as. 1 11 - .- r ... 1 1 1 , ' . i , , , h' -yisr. nafffJfSJPJPp ARLHITKCTS ANU III ILDKHs. woman irat wall and Btrou Jj BOWABH, ABCUITBI T ANIi -si r In 11 very hort lima the ,'?,'atl,al- BBaw complrte n,l rellaU. nt away' and she !'.! e'V' t-'t'l 11 Jttd bolf?iag '" Offaatn ,, Acker 1: i i, l .i,,.,l, ...na2. . . ' ' fA' IOII ANU f h . 1000, telBlat T" KIIO LOB II H 11 tlia'. lie' annual in- 1 oaBBaaj in I00D PNMteat IM POUNHTHB KOLLOWINO DB I " taken ap b laa sol i a: tli- expiration Subscribers to Magazines 10 tea nine. .,r ..French Restaurant.. BJM WBaM in mi. CITY oi-kn iiay AMD H10H1 . . . TBOOT and BAatl is MAfOM .lu( RaMlVBd o nice lot ol Irog's le Oua Laf ontaine. Proprh-tor. Saltiler bBBffJBJi Malnm. PaatMMB. OffMM 1 1 1 1'ihisr main ian by or ta aoaial KENTUCKY .WHISKEY Money to Lod 1 Hi city property at a low rate of interest. Can U- re paid in BMMthlf batteJK liient NO COWMISSIOr.&J will ionn on improved MMMMl or will fun -i. BKMMJ to build with. . .. fill is- plaaaad to give tig. lire iif tii tuul rout to any one needing a loan FRANK B. CLOPTOI Nov Main Street. deal Hi aldMSfc . the I lined St lead ati- u Mii-ni, 1 (Am jrourdruKin-i UV a, w.u mtoKi aeiii tirui ntS'.aii.tala,ttl, I rale and empire cannot thrive to g'-tber tile OOIH-tf le- of (lie I 1 11 - 1. r MllNt Vitlt to IllH flie imIIi.I llielnorie- ,,l I'.... . I(,,in.- of t'arthaae. in. iuii.,1,1,1 ';... tun- of an unrighleou amhitnui o rub- tin- world, disturb In., mlm .1 the llli-h-rii de-iiot until .),.., .... .-arl with the r.-aiitiea ol lat. ,. s-'ion of ari-i M-raci, - gghnnt at our prugreamve eneiuv, umr amen n- a. u .. i ff - ' ' ... 01. o tra men, but i p,4V (...I w. ,nln never .ee Hie dll ..." .-Aiurilin voice ol J.llH.rtV W liell cru-lnil make only .(,1, I L D labeaJrb) Ibir sutnulatt Banjamin Odall. governor u Nuw York, look. Tom l'latt t,piarv.-h , u, lace and aay bff'll nol abay tin- ban ne procewo, to kill the polic metn HH bill. Hj bj 0rBju luilw)4j ipo- sin. i at taw reel ot Uu Sair maki, i( aaaa. run cu.iiii laliiua aii. iswaliy 4iu mil A Health bit. "A Wars, ail.r al 0, 1. M eMr sbaatli .. 0 1. rlu th. uif.r Olnmll, ..' nariu Iba lauraal layer. uC" uik. Ua raauer ike ktr. NEWBROS HERPICIDE "Bairoya thoae paraarUc aermr. parai Hair! troy tflact.' rOJf Silf BV DRliilSTS- rift is L aB- ih.. . omy tl"r Praparation that doaa. Daatroy the cauiaa you remove the affect CU -.-.11 mi 11. ilirouahuttt lea and 1 -, ,,i. ail g 1. . bl, Id I- ial ll you ar.. btiving r torn I ha boula M anl m 1 yo ir nionev i.j. k I J 0 ' , Mm i,t. A Nkllouia. P.n.11.1,.. r... I " ' ' - w . law, v. j An Easter "House Beautiful" 7 That tern, m antted t fir. au! 1 1-1. in , as we ar.- -j,., BaatMar I IB kcrutiny o- I, and inon thai artii, 1 , a , 1 liffAvJa mmj 'i.v only t a Ml in nam,, and pat 0 to. for ih.- Kprin Wi IllVlle ,. Mi! JOHN BCIIMIHT The Louvre Saloon PKNDI.K1.IN OKKI.ON Jesse Failinfl, Mala mibm near brida. ' . -A. n --!ZI1Z! BhOOUng pains in the I.vcs 'linn .. 01 v,.i in 1,1am i. Ue, ol ol - 1 airs! tliai 11, ,- i re pern-cl n-liel IK-T- u:i pBBB UAPERRINS TM$ toigtod Wnnmrnrnkiu MBMM os iM.TAr.ons ULtyiv, b the n ,,. . o. uiipiarti; 1 ' i 1 . . 1 l a 1 I , I 1 T I 1 1 .., V. SAUCE B?UW Fish, Ga lirb Li..- v. u-nms. tiu, Bj aawa i . o ,y lus. uk. w. ii QAftReraoN. Bian Uig ly, 1 .run m , Vkuu. Or Farmers Custom Mill Hred w altera Proprietor. aaBMBfi Bu bMMffJ a ilar. ruurxeiiauxe.l lor wumi flour Mill . ... uuppaal yawit, lt aiwaM Old tO P01 I'NIiKh UAH pets. aa Bbalm, aan..." iy "' ",i,i'iii i,,,,.,.,, riewspapeiN tuisr 0WS-ptv ' -a I I BalBaBa COLDEiN IDLE HOTEL Imder New riaiiaxement. J. W BANCKOI T, Prop. hates n,t : per day, Meals c Iffaalal lute- m iha utlmxu Beat Hotel In tm.. city tor l-aiiitiiaw bu. to all train., ree aamplo ,, fcu-cUK' liuliia and Btemn heat Kue proof bulldil g Cor. Court And Johnson Sis, PrDLFTON OPEGON Fall phuiie ?L'. ALLliN BROS., Wood and Posts. OalivereU Vtm ir an Price,. Kialu "iniiiarack I'o.i, WihhI BieB ann dry tlllice rear of Savings mk PBBPLETQH, - . wjuoj. MO D4VaUUi 1'iop. Nmij) hnM Steam Heated liur ipea i l'un lk . ha rrom BaaiaJa kuo, i tHMa KuumkBtc - S(k,75c,$I.UU PaiDtin or s Time ABj hack in my old BteaJ Md can ih, the mm,,. r. liable work Ba iM.h.r., ' "'ting and ,,ap.,r lal ....... a. iirnvH to eiut your I".. i:i ijook . Chas. Lane, For 22 years The Uambler People lla. i, ,,,,, i,, j, ,.. whivh bavi- ,atl in in popular in style, laucraj e . a ii i - .,,, u a BICVCLB5 tin HI M I in, mi atyiitl. luabi : " ' '' an price. in. pra llle HH.,-.' u Ka,,,l.:-r -ver anlH t..r $35.00 l adies' or (ieata' Roadater. f .1 1 or iiont Light Hoadriie. Hi 'ui- ID 1,0110,1 k a laauiwi di 1 )eutl (.:i,ainloaaj. 160.1 0(J R W. FLETCMER. Aaail 1 uiailiu County. fendlei.ui, OH A. C. SHAW k I W. J. BEWBLL, Manager. AMI KET1U LB IIEAIil affJ-n-BffJJJJA 11 w Yard on Webb Str.. JiooMit,. Iluut Freight DopffJ w' lire priiiMtrod to fiirniali unvtO" ui UM lanbar llaa aud can guaraa! prices to he we .-hoa,,. if not obMPl tliau othorH. We aim, iiavrrv a B line of liwre, Windowa and Mouldiaft mrtioM ' oiiuuiipiatiuit buildiiiK wil" wen m aeo Ulj be(orf, placing iNuara. Wo aim. carry Caacade ' ir wuai. nam iip wz. iiornei boarueu by iLe day, week or uioB Klveu the beat ot vara. First Class Livery kip L'!,' "biained on abort uoiice. lelepuoue Mam Ta for aaL i ou abort milium a in vv tor aab Depot Stall E alll.lBBBBBBllMBlllllllllll,atea,afa KI VIN OKAIU. frUprlelor BaaBBBBBBBB