SILK WHIST ShLE See Display in the North Window $2.50 to $4.90, formerly $5 to $10. laver Bros. Dry Goods Co. (DAY, MA ROB Its)!. team) ilN CLARK'S THANKS. I In Apprsclatlon of Orefron's Courtesl.i ry of Htate t. I. Ihinbar in it of a lttr from (upturn I,. who eonimniKlt'cl th famous t OrttKon, on hnr record -break- frotn riiK't oiiiiii. annum rn. to i ui'. i iiixi it i no annul , nr buttle of Hiintiauo. ('upturn ites tn thank the Oregon vf- j through the sin-rotary of statu, I resolutions adoitttd at the H Kill III till' UHSCtlllll''. 1 lilt I OWI : ' I . I. iUjnhnr, secretary of I mb i Of agon, Sir: Please accent my sin- k? for voiir letter of the Sth eneloHin", a cart Med ropy of to resolution adopted hv the rst li'Kislut ive ii"Hi'inlily of the Oregon. ly K-ruteful an 1 am lor the ns 'iki ti in r'HM in mv sur- (1 those of tin- ollictira anil man l with me, I urn atlectcd ire i the thoilirht of the icel- M'oili' ol Oregon, that in their distinguished reprcsen- such 'hi(lli'lit of ruin mi. indeed a reward fur hanlNhipH ami service rendered our mi hoard that nohle ship, to hat we IiiiiI hiiii tlic love und Ion of t In' i pic hone stale the naini', Oregon. high esteem, I am, Wrv ) OIllS, ViKiii'd ('. K ('I. A K K , "CapUin I B, N Yard. I'hiliulcliihi.i, M an li Arrival! at Motel Pendleton. A Iloderiek Grant, Portland. T I) Wool ley, New York. A Nlvauder, Portland. v R iiarpor Portland, .! 0 Mai-kii n, Great Northern. F W Jackson, New York. J Ellsworth, Portland. J L Bktpton, Balam. Tom Johnson, Wallace, Idaho. F C Diamond, Dnlnth. B w DotIm, Dolnlh, Herbert KngiTN, Huston. B F WilHon, I.a (irnnda. I. Maclcuv , Omaha. Phil Btelnbarg, Chicago Frank Villa, jr. Walla Walla. .i M loholt, Janotlon City. D M Wright, Ht Louis. A K JliiBtficlil. Spokane. I) ShultH, Spokane. .1 V Pr.iHHir, St Paul. .1 A Kirkham. Portland. II W l.oveland. Portland. .1 W ('anon. .1 II Kloecknor. I Powers. t Mont, Walla Walla. J A Allium. k I: Howard, Spokane. John M Strnek, Kansas ity. 100 Dollan Reward, S100. The reader nl thin papvr will l iilt'imcd to li'Hrn tliHl lliorr Ik ill leant our ilri'Hilliil l I ' m thnt l('ll!llt'C linn Ihmmi Hlilr to I'lirr III nil lift -'ii-' j 1 1 I i Inn I. ralarrli Hall'! Catarrh OUT Ik tlir only punitive cure now known lr t lie MOlMl fraternity. Catarrh helng a eoiiatltu tlonal illaeaae ri'ipilri'K a I'oiintltiitloiial treat ment, llallV Catarrh Cure Ik taken Internally, ai tlnir illruetly on the IiIihhI ami aUIOOOl nil r he . k ol tlir Kvnteiii, therelii ileilroylnu the loiiiiilatlon of the tli-ae anil k' Iritis the ja tltftit itrungtli by liullillliK up the eoimtltutloli ami ii--i- tiiiK nature In Mollis It Work. The proprietor, have no niurh faith til IU euratlve Ixiwern thai Ihey iifferoiir llumlreil Hollar, lor any caae that It (alia to curt. Hcml lor Hit ol li'.tliiioiilalM. AihlreiHi, P J. CIIKNKY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. Hold hy UriiKKlH". We. Hull Kamllv fill- are tlir hvHt. Ulil Miter letter, writtnn n BOOrO l liar miller Hie MOM dale. ( up ft r u mvc: )ll h.ive mil alreaih hriird of tnire von will he glad to hoar p. IIiiIniiII, nl Itimton, the llm palnled the Monitor and hattle DOW in the eapilol ktiit hi. hah nearly eompleteil llii, twenty luet long, ol the hrniL' the hint hIioI at Santi- lli the 'Golan in tho diHtanre down I rr Hag. " Will Be Horn Saturday. Mm JeHHie S. Vert, grand worthy niitron of the Order of Kantern ;tar, held her lant mieting of htf preneut tour at The Dallen on Tunmlay evening, ami left tialay for Portland to eouier for a few days with the grand Herretut v ol the order. Mth. Vert will return home to Pendleton mi the OfalOftfO Portland Npeeial whieh will arrive here Saturday evening. Daring her trip idir Iiiim vinited in an ollieial eapaeity tai eliaptera of the Order uf FaNtern Mar She lian Ihmiii away for more than two monthV Eight Ci Piva Thinvi. (lifi'iiaeH for whieh Shiloh'H in ion ('urn in oapeeially reeoin- are ('ougliH, Cold, Whiaiping Croup and ConNiimption. No ever made liy man la eijual any renpet i Sold under a guarantee. Money haek if It i eta, 6(1 eta and $1 a bottle. .V Co Notloa or Sal. litlorxigned will reeeive ana led (lie Klair ntock of inerclian lixturuM and tor the Hlair mill at Weaton, 'reg until Mnrcti in. at I- o I'loek noon. In li- are requested (or the Iportv, uud the Ntoek and The right ia reHurvud to re- aml all IhiIm. Property mav led on applieutiin t y Iiii .Murliolli, at v union. K. 1 SAHIN. lid, Ore., March 20, IU01. e sell Alarm Clocks 75C, $I.OO, $1.25 $1.50, day Striking and Alarm cks, guaranteed, (or $3.00 up i will convince you we m: the lowest 011 clocks. Hi we ask is a visit from B HUNZIKER, eler and Optician.., loor to Alexander & liexter'n Nana, catarrh quickly yieldn to treat. uient hy Fly'n Cream Halm, wbifth tl agreeahly aromatic. It ia received through the iiuhI 1 ilh.eleanaeH and healn the whole nurface over which itdiffiiNoa itaeK. A remedy for uaxal catarrh which if drying or exciting to the dit1 eaaed meiilhrane Hhouhi not be uaed. Cream Halm in recognized 10- BHpecilic. Price AO centa at druggiata nr hy mail. A colli 111 the head immediately diaati neurit when ('ream Halm in uned. Fly Brothers, M Warren ntrcet, eu N'ork. The Baiaball Outlook. Hob Fletcher, Frank I' I rich and other have been iliHCUHHing the organ- I itation of a hunchuM t lull with a num ber of bunineaa men and action looking I thereto will be taken within the near future. Thingn will remain practi cally in Htiitu 0110 until after the re turn of Mort Meach Inm Portland. Kiih Fletchur left thin morning on a I trip to Adaina, Athena, Weaton, M il ton and Wallu Walla, and will nee the game at Athena on Friday between tbu club there and the Whitman col luge team. m If Tblt Plain hnougti. It you have a nagging cough ami are toeing ttuah, go to a drug atoru, and get a bottle of Bbilob'l Conaumption cure, lake two-tlnrila ol it, and then. if vou are nut lamented, return the bottle to the druggiat, and he will re turn voiir money. Inn 'I that (air? No one could aak more. 28 eta , 60 eta. and $1 a bottle. Talltuan A Co., lead ing druggiata. Want Your Trade. 1 waut your grocery trade and I can give you the benefit o( my buying in large lota (or ca4l. My atock include all the beat brand o( ataple and fancy groceriea. The laikery departiiieut can't be beaten. Would like to have you call and get my pricea before you place your apriug order. K. MARTIN, Prop., City Uakery A Grocery. non't Lot 1 iiou Suffar. Often children are tortured with itch iug and burning ecieuia and other akiii diaeaaea, but Buekleu'a Arnica Salve drain the raw aorea, expel inflamma tion, luavea the akin without a acar. Clean, fragrant, cheap, there' uo aalve on earth aa good Try it. Cure Kuar autued. 1 in l 25c at Tall man A Co. 'a. A creamery is proposed. UMATILLA COUNTY IMPORTS FIFTEEN TONS OP BUTTBR ANNUALLY. Craamarr Hera Would Kaap Money at Horn and Not Interfere With Othar Craamarlan. Umatilla county importn fifteen tonn of butter annually, the moat of which in brought all the way from San Fran ciioo. The above tignren are the careful nntimaten of thone who deal in butter, do much of the buying abroad and are consequently in a position to know w hereof they npeak. Fifteen tonn of butter from California and Wanbington nieann that 19000 in cent out of thin county every year for a product which ihOflld properly be manufactured here. A Remedy li Propoiad. There in a remedy proponed for a continuation of thin state of affair, and it in to construct a creamery in Pendleton, increase the number of cows now in the country tributary to Pen dleton and keep the profit! at home. It would increane the amount of feed used, it would employ more people in looking and caring for the ntock and perform in the work at the creamery, and it would make it much more natis faclory to purchasers and would he just as good for the merchants who di al in butter, for they could get their commission just the same w bet her t hev buy IB California or from the local ereiimerv or ranchers. It would cut down the item of freight, and would to that amount be a direct saving to the consumers Fifty Jersey Cows for a Nucleus. Churl' Wilkinn, the Indian agent, says that be 1 in a position to guaran tee that if a creamery i" eslnhl isheil in Pendleton he will furnish the milk from fifty Jersey cows at or near th agency, mat is hig 'or a starter, as a nucleus around w hicli to gather tin offers of others who own cows. A 1 rramery plant DOflld he constructed mil placed in running operation at an expense ol all the way from $5000 to 110.000 It would tllk'e the milk of L'llO to (Kl cows to warrant the putting in of a creamery. Here i a chance for the ranchers near PindlatOO to show what thev think of the proposition. Milk could he hrought 111 from lit . -x Vansyclc, Fulton and Warren station on the W. A C. It. railroad, and from the small latious east of Pendleton t as far awav as Oihhon or Meat-ham 1.11 the O H. A N. The train on the first mentioned road general l reaches Pen tlleton aoout noon, winch might he a little late, but it would do. The trail from the east on the O. K. A N. road, arriving utS:10, would come along at just the right time to suit tin taut in 111 From the Meadows, mid Foster would he a different propo Hit mil. As the train pastes there so earlv in the morning, it would la in convenient to do the milking hv electric light in order to catch tin train, tint moiuc better wav can he de vised. Stimulus to ( nitle Raising. A dairy in remlleton wotiiii mean better grade of stork. Cows must In bred up in order to be the nuiKt proli table. Bight here nothing can be said 111 a stronger wav than to oiiote the ri marks of Ir. .lame W ithveombe, of Corvallis, in hi address to the Farm ers I ohgrr-s at Salem on the Mb of last Januarv : "The Murcessfnl dairj iarinet of the 'iuli centurv must net essari 1 v he a specialist. There is a bright fnturi for the dairy industry ol this stati Our poMcioiiM in the Orient will givi to this nation a commercial prestige 111 those densely populated countries. I In drelopuieiit of our shipping interest on the Pacilic will he phenomenal. 1 no alter line ol steamship ami a rapidly increasing merchant marine will ply the Pacilic carrying the pr duce of our farm and lactones civilized Asia. Willi thin .1 or ex pand iug trade will come a demand for the finished products of the farm, such as butter, cheese, meat, fruit, etc. "The high-priced nriliicl of tl larm come Irom the dairy. With up-to-date dairying, wealth accumulate in various brauchua of agriculturi Dairying paves the way lor larger crop It rolaj the soil o practically nothing. the 1 .product allord a valuable sustenance to calves, swim and poultry, tun enabling the farmer to secure larger annual returns from the sale ol farm livestock. The dairy farm stands uuxt to the lactory for giving ronslanl employment to lai r era. "Oregon is peculiarly adapted to dairying. Its geographical location hiininnnn house for an amaiinff din tance. In population Pendleton (alia somewhat short of Baker Citv, but ita growth has been more gradual and substantial. The town ii very nicely situated, and in the natural anpply point for one of the richest wheat producing sections in the I'nited Staten It is claimed that t niatilla county of which Pendleton is the neat of gov ernment, produce almost 1 per cent of the total output of wheat of the whole country, in addition lo large quantities of wool and other sheep and cattle products of all kinds. A goodly portion 01 the wheat and wool output in con verted into the finished product by local industries, and tor this purpore a tKiu-narrei flouring, null and a scour ing and woolen mill of no mean pro portions are maintained. The out nut of the latter, in particular, has achieved quite a reputation throughout the Northwest, and especially in the quality and beauty of its blankets. RING WORM AND DANDRUFF. by a Pestiferous They Are Bach Caused Germ. Bing worm and dandruff are some what similar in their origin, each is caused by a pArasile. The germ that causes dandruff dign to the root of the hair, and saps its vitality, causing falling hair, am!, finally, baldness. Without dandruff there would never be baldness, and to cure dandruff it is necessary to kill the germ. There has Is'en no hair preparation that won no tins until the discovery ot .ewhn Herpiride, which positively kill the dandruff germ, allays itching instantly and makes hair glossy and soft as silk. At. all druggists. Take no susht itutc. There is nothing "just as good." Whitman's Director or Athletic. Prof. Charles W. Allen, formerly of Shattuck military school, now of Alma college. Michigan, has accepted a call to Whitman college, lie will he director of athletic and assistant professor of Fnglish, say the States man, lie come highly recommended, both as a scholar and an athlete. The Whitman boys are rejoicing in the prospect oi his presence next year as in him they will have the best athlete trainer and football coach in the Northwest. Mr. Allen was a fa mous athlete when in college and has hail coaching under the best talent in the country He was captain of the Chicago university football team and Stagg, the Chicago coach, considers him competent to coach any football team in the land. e -Food Chanirad to Poison. Putrefying ft! in the intestines produces effects like those of atsenic, hut Ir. King's New Life Pills expel the poison from clogged bowels, gentlv, easily but surely, curing con stipation, biliousness, sick headache, fevers, nil liver, knlnev ami ImiwcI troubles. Onlv LTc at Tallman A Co. 's. We Obey the Command. The Albany Ilemocrat received the following printed by hand on a postal card : Revelation 17, 11-17. The Lord lesu Christ Will Ilestrov Those That Will Not Ohcv Him. Those That Cliiim to He The Childrt II of (iod Shall Not Take (iod' ahbatb I'nv For A Preparation Iav To Keep The Sun day Of The Kneiny of Qod. Tin Mes sage Is Prom The King Of Kings, And Lord of Lords He Kules In CoUQUer And To Save. He Command The Fditors Of Papers To Publish This Message I'ntil The Sabbath Is By All In Their Locality. Isiah It. THR PROBLEM OF THE DUST. PBOPLB ARB TALKING THB CITY. ABOUT IT IN A Pew Streets Running Bast and West Would Re All That la Needed. Kept M to Moki tea iiitivelv cure ick headache, indigestion and const ilia lion. A delightful herb drink. Ite- niove nil eruption of the skin, nro- iicing 11 itcrfcct complexion, or money refunded. Bk and 60c. For sale by BriM k A Mc( ulna. Convalescents at the Fort Walla Walla, March 17 DbBBBiB Lucieii C. Polk arrived at Fort Walla Walla I uendav morning irom an- uver with a detachment of convales cents, M0 in number. As all the con- valeacents have eight moiilhs lo serve they will, in all probability, he stationed at Fort Walla Walla for that iariod of time under the command of Captain Polk. Of the numU r there mt one soldier. Private Alexander. who had been in Walla Walla, he having been stationed here with the fourth cavalry. Home misapprehension has existed regarding the proposition to have the residence ttreets sprinkled in this city. It has been the impression that it was proposed to have the city coun cil employ men and teams and pav them from the citv treasury. This has not been asked for, for the reason that the city treasury will not now stand the expense. The plan as outlined by those who advocate the project, is that the town he divided into districts by the water conunmnioners, and that the renidentn in these districts pay for the sprinkling. One hundred dollars a month would pay for a man and team to do the sprinkling in a very consider able portion of the residence district. This amount, would have to lie pledged hv properiv owners and tenants in the given district, and the idea of the promoter is that, once the plan were tried for one season, the people would Dam again be without it "( ertamlv 111 the district in which 1 live." said a prominent oltlaon and man of family today, "we could secure pledge enough to carry such an n pense, ami I am sure "that when we bad enjoyed t he greater comfort from lia' ing the dust kept down during one season, we would not again consent to live without it. " Dlteusilon In General. The mention of the plan in the Fas! Oregonian has occasioned coniderable liscnssion, and it i apparent that it would lie wise to put it into operation. Kroin this time on, all disposition of the city water is to be made by the eommtMlon which takes charge of the system on Monday next. It would In- wise were the matter to be laid before them, with the end in view of securing MOM decisive action. Said a bOUM wife today, in talking of the matter: 1011 mav he sure I would welcome anything tiiat would reduce the clouds ol dust that float in the air during the summer, for three or four months, ami that all women in the city would do the name. I am more than willimr that the plan be taken up ami carried to sucec. ' ' Easy to Settla Dust Question. Said another citizen: "People jener- ally have not thought how compara tively easy it would be to settle this lust question in Pendleton. All of the streets running east ami west. along which blows the prevailing wind irom the west, are wehh. Alta. Court and Water Were these sprinkled, the major portion of the dust WOO Id he ared lor. hecailse it is these street that make moat ol the dust. Pendle ton is so formed, by its topography, a to make it of minimum difficulty to successfully handle the dust matter satisfactorily to the majority of the people. " It is likely that the matter will assume definite form in the near future, and the proii t mn will soon he made to the water commissioners Every good dresser knows that on the petti coat, more than on any other feature, de pends the success or failure of a toilette Any woman wearing this adjustable yoke underskirt, has the satisfying consciousness that there is nothing belter to be worn. We have them in black and colors. The Peoples Warehouse. Agents Butterick's Patterns. F3 MANHOOD RESTORED Meft.V. mm -.- e .1 w - .1 . , , t I I I I M , ,, I le'U lo S, ,,,.. ,,1 ., ,. 1 1 .. , 1 .'.'r ,1 - irrini-Si-:;;.";;, "CUPIOENr Till to-ul III, will rn, .. v , I .11 M I ...( I ...1 l.Htmm "'l IM-Mlllj riniplr n v ' I III I t'. Nltt'iLKlhciw FIGPRUNE CEREAL. A New Neibod of ralnit Pralt la to prepare It In such a manner that It still retains all of Its natural prop erties and then OOBBbtM It with se lected grains, thereby producing a per fect bn-akfast beverage. This la the way Fig prune Cereal, the substitute for coftVu and tea, la made. Your grocer sella It. Ask for sample. For 60 Years mothers have been eiving their gives her ready arr. s to important children for croup, coiuhs and Centers of consumption. I he climate , LOUIS Shiioh's Consumption Cure Mothers have you Shiloh in the house at all times? Do you know just where you can R Ft IACE 'AIRIN 'Your New Carriage it vour little one is crasDini? and choking with croup? If you haven t it get a bottle. It Mt is a beauty!" aaid one friend to another, and the Irieud smiled complacently. As a matter ol fact it wasn't uew, though it looked it had juat been overhauled, put in thorough repair, painted an J varnished here. The comment tells the whole story, 1 rv 1 l - -- However. lupnir worn tut wnutjp, ( a.v.uu.mW, - 1 1 . 1 , r, iidlt la made: ouggios, eur.orc, ruimunuu, -a - . .,,, lika th(J otl.flr tottl.B named, has not been going backward in the mallei ot population, Lul lias forged steadily to the front. It has as sumed metropolitan ways to quite a large degree, and the wide and BOOB mudious streets are lined with spleudid ami soil condition are all that could he 'leaned for tins purpose. The verv best forage crops can he produced in great abundance, hxpensue barns t( protect cows from extremely low tern perature are unnecessary. With strict ly up-to-date methods there is no re a son why Hairy products cannot ie pio- duced here at a stilbcieiitlv ! coll t" defy competition." A Money-Maker. With such ideal conditions for dairy ing, a creamery ouiibt to make money The next thing is lor a business plan find it if VOU need it quickly fii uiuu trit Ii, :i1 t. t litt lit I lo ..11 1 I .1 I . - i - ' BJ 1 V IIV II V I V .'ililHi'li if I amount to run it. and canital for the VOUr lllftie beginner. It mav lie necessary to ask lor a few suggest ion a Irom li. C Judsou, indus trial agent of the O. K. ic S , and ex olticio paler to every industry that bubs up. Creamery Men Are Available. K. 0. Judsou, industrial agent of the U. K. iV N. Co., when in rendle ton recently, aaid to the Kast Oregon lan that he would at any time take u the matter and place here or at any other point iu the couuty a creamery man of exiierience, provided it be as aurud that milch cows ran be pledged to keep it 111 ct'iislaiil operation. "Many of the people who are coining to the West just uow, said Mr. Jud sou, "are practical creamery men look- 1 nt.- for locations. 1 heae men are Mill ing to invest their money, whenever it ia demonstrated that there are enough cows to insure a constant ouptut. It is not practicable for creameries to operate profitably unless the iiumlwr of cows and the manner ot liamlliug then. insures constancy ol supply. Hie .Milton creamery ui growing in importance every week.alruady putting out considerable uiiautiliue ol milk I'eople from the Kast Knd who have knowledge of the enterprise slate that it is proving to be eminently satialac tory to the dairymen and the uianag ers. PBMOl.BTOM'8 BTBAOT UBUVVfU. fruarass Has Been Substantial. Says tbe Portland Tradesman. In a recent issue of the Portland Tradusmau, the following mention, of Why -1. hi.- arc fttrellra) ami nervous even their own tr.otlH N are unable to tell, feasibly they have been given coffee or tea to drink, l ie prune Cereal, made from choice Cali fornia fruits and let led grains. Is a beneficial substitute. Flgprune will feed the nur$ centers. It will make the child strong and healthy. Made ilk. toffee. Looks like coffee But It's I4 per cent fruit snd 40 per cent grain anil r.tnre. Min i rnk, in tuni BTtlltmn tt-l' O V. II Ami tnii . v r. hi. . . 1 . t , , . " 6 limn. s..,l for mas nr.- r ..i l.'.ii, 7 ""ul ' u,vl ""-'" '"" .uirr. mm TWm SBSUII ,.. f, u. Uo arm. htji ITniiMMliTMt rn sai.k hv ta i.i.M an .e g nnvnui 11. ! km. i n (iv. ninini I . ...l-.l.l. If. A trillion ILtAJ boi4 Kir A4 W.D.HANSFOKD&CO. Deulfiv in HARDWARE, 8TOVE8, BARBED WIRE, PIPE. SHELF HARDWARE, PUMP8 and : PLUMBING BPECIALTY. H01 Main Street, Pendleton. Oregon. Hill SI Gil 0 BO, IIAKVhAH, I'rop. Klendntly Furnlsbd. Steam Heated Huropcan I'lan. Hlock nihil, huh from deput. Sample Woom In connection. Room Kate Nc, 7Sc,KJI If you don't feel Just right substitute Flgprune Cereal for coffee. It a the per fect food beverage. At grocera. will save your child's life. "Shiloh . uia t bby ol ciuuig, Ukb. J. B. MAKT1N, HuuuvUU, Ala. Hlil l.ili' t tiu.nuiLitliiu Cure Is sold by all drutffUU ,., aa., mi. , liw m tiutlli. A orioteil luamnlt'i wiftu every If you M,re out Stll.Bfd go to your tiruggi.t xuil kjl your ........ j omd. Writ, for llleeuewd book ee eseeeaieitoe. I without Lt u fou. b. ( . W.h a Co., Leiu.y . K V For aale by Talluutii A t. , .InmtfUi CUT OUT THIS AD of the first rank. NEAGLE BROS. ENCLOSE IT TO ME WITH TEN DOLLARS. And I will furnish you all complete, ready for use, my ltJl Model No. 7 bANJJEN BLBOTBiO BKLT. It is superior m make, .quality and power to any belt offered by other dealers for which they charge 140.00. Established 3U years. Write today for uiy latest books, "Health in Nature" and ' 'Strength ; Its Use aud Abuse by Men. " DR. A. T. 8ANDEN, Dept. A. Kuaael Block, f K 1 1 AMI, - OKtiOON Say, Do Ye Know That there are too many p. wl use their friends as coaling stations'.' That a dead lieu will lay wherever you put her? That Kline's 1 onir I'ort is the best spring tonic. That a mouse is afraid of a man, man is afraid of a woman, and woman is afraid of a inoiiso -and ther you are? That no drug is a tonie? That character is the mr man capital? That Kline's Tonic I'ort makes rich red blood Telephone VI, ALLEN BROS.. Wood and Post. Ocllvi'IC'l I'Olllllll , rlrauil i mi, i,i. i uk 1-o.u. I'll, Si Ulght Woutl no c suu 0i y Office rear of ISaviugs iiank. PKNDLKTON, OKKUON GOLDEN RULE HOTEL l J oiler New riauageiuaat. J. W BANCROFT, Prop. Hate, fj.26, atitl i til pf day, Meala utc. Special Kli- bv Hie uiolllU nr. t uuKi iu itir city tur rauiine. Hum Ui all Lreiu, ! ae aautplo reuras. gleclrlc Uftbu and SUaiu beat. Hra-proof building. Cor. Court and Johnson St. PENDLETON. OREGON Byers' Best Flour... To make good lucad use Kycts Ikst I'luui. it took fiist pjnjdlHi at the ChlOMO World's Fair, ovii all OOMpftJ. tion, and gives cmi lleut satlHliictlon wlu n vci used livery sack Ih Kuaranteeil We have the best Steam Rolled Harley, 8e-'1 Rye and Beunlli-ss Katley. Pendleton Roller Mills W- S. BYKRS, PrOD, Mra n. Shorts. Take the... Washington & Columbia River Railway Pal t hirago, W I'aul, 8t. Uiius, Kau nas fit), hi, Joe, Omaha, aud All Points last and South Portland and polole on the Souod. OREGON Shoii Li in tt UAUON PACIFIC i.snsr roa Tlius b.h.dui. Mum P.iidl.lun. Mi ago- Sail Ijkkv, Itvimui, Kurt I'urllaiiil Wo nil. (luialia. Kan SiMsclal hi (.'lly, St laiuls. s t a tu at i m. OileaflO ami Baal via Ii , legion. Atlantic Salt l.aae, liunwr. Pi. gipria. Worth, Ulusfta, Kan (16 a iu aa City, SI Loul Cbl io ) p. u via ii ,i,i , ago ftM Baa) luguia. at Rami waiu Wall. ImMbI Past Mall Spokanr tt allara.Pall I l a in tuaii, Mliim -,ll. Hi , H f in via I'aul. i,uliilli,Mllwau Hpofcati. ken, I liirago and Baal Ocean and Kiver Schedule. PKOM I'Ohll.aNK . All sailing data mli s UU p. iu. tu to t tiauaa. Por Hau r i aiicl.t o 4 p. m. Bail svsrp f dapa Arrl.a. Muitlav.. ft .liiarMlays aud ii A. ut I ,..., I and Haluid.yi at I 46 a ui Itcparta dally rn t( Suud. at o UU u la Por laloraisllun ragantlag rata aud ftwou uiodatlou! itu or addritJ W AHAUS Agaail. I'aU'lUluU. Oiagua. B. B. t'ALUKHHBAI' (i I A A. . V..1I. Wft.l, Dally Suuday 'ii in Saturday iu p ui O.ny as. rain i.) a. at. Ceiumbla Blver iu A.ii.i .. aud W.y lauding! I Wiii.iuoii. Blv.r UaluiB. ludapeudaiiea i uu ay l.alltlllig. turn a luudajr 4 Wl n UI UI Uuudajr 4 . Ui. lUM I I.I. and gal. 7 a. u I .. . Tbri. aud Bat. t ui lain. ud Wsjr. Laudlaga ( :SU p ui Mud, Hed. aud Pri and Vain iver nip, (Iruguu C aod Way Iaudiuga it It. in HayUiu Sun Wsd laav. Hlparia i:4tf a. m. Dally Klparla tu lwl.Uiu. aud Pri Lear. Iwituu ana in Daily P. V. Waesxav, Agaut, fwidiatou Oregon Lumbei Yard WuoiJ QUTTKUH Kor barns aud dwell tugs. Cheaper than tin Lumber, ShiiiKlcM, Buildiuu Paonr. Tar Pupcr. Lime und teuieut, Mouldings. Pickets. Plaster, Brick nud Snd. Scrcu l)NiitV Windows, Sush und Doors, Terrs Cottu Pipe. Boric & Light, Prop's Alta St.. opy. Court Honm.