East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 26, 1901, Image 4

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    Tl'KSDAY. MAKl
i 2. urn.
Shoes for
Misses and
Children : :
Our font form ikoH III nice nti! bat
ton for misses and children IrX qtiali !
by few, and excelled bv none. The
fit i perleet. the w.-.ir Hrt class. If
roti are looking f'ir com for : , try a pair.
Practical Boot and Bboe Men
Episcopal prayer book. No!''-.
Try Imttnn's KO c ream -l mate-
Huy your window shades
Murphy 'a.
Have vour picture franieil . latest
style at .Murphy
Now design in wail pa'r
Murphy'i paint store.
in to bailor 1 for toniales, corner
Court and Qtmfl street.
Silk waists, wortfi fin for -1.j
Cleaver Mr.,. Pry io d- '
hee ilk waist d.-nhiv 1 1 . r.orth win
(low Cleaver llr... pry i- ('...
Cool and refreshing Bebiitl Ml
waukee bnroa tapat tm St.it i.
Call at C. Sharp's and con null Par
i'lieliie alxtllt putting III vuiir water
N. Berkeley ha some very ! -irahl.
town ami roiiiitrv pr.'ior'y (. r -ale m
easy terms.
Hliest ham- and lard Oil tbfl market.
Home pnxliiet . try it it- guaranteed
Hchwars A (treulich.
You will want MOT plow- Bled
Hruiir them in ami vet ready (of tie
apritiK work. II. M -man.
Lot Hunch of keys on t h r. c c.ir
nered ring. Kinder plea-e lean -aim
at thin nlliee.
Mrs. liwell would like a few more
i up. i- in painting. Inqnlrn ol lln
K. K I'nrington. .inlni-m, -1 r.t-
Spanish chicken tamales are served
each even i ni.' from 6 to II p. m. at
doedecko A kirkman's tamalo parn.r-.
pn house nlock.
P. Honee, of Helix, dealer in shelf
and heavy hardware, wimw glass
and all kinds of harvest supplies
meetH competition.
J. Clove can sell, or exchange for
cord wootl, a new six horse power m-.
line engine with li.xtur." com I let)
tanks, pipe, battery and electric
sparker, etc.
i . i .
ror nig.-. parti.-- c.-., wo a:
furnish chicken tamales in steamer at
any hour You can have then rid
hot from the can ..... deck.- .' I. irk
man, 1'alac ol hweet- opera hmi
Breakfait mashes, al! nn . I n -..
Twin Broth em, lumho, j. Q, Vitus,
(.'ream of Wheal, rolled OKU eon
meal, farina and hommv. Cull and
gel a package. It i guaranteed, (,.
H Pemott.
Mrs. Anna Hhea, will receive hid.
on tier new residence . plan hv T. f,
Howard, can be seen at bis offiea, bids
to be opened on April (. hy Mrs Shea,
at ber home in the Killiaii residence
Dear Histers school.
C. K. Jackson ha for sale a six
room houw and lot in i I. ck I tine h.
cation, three blocks from Main street.
House in good repair, -m ut.r sj i
meter, for 7o0. Alu twn im- n ame
block, one a corner h,r f i I term- ,.f
payment can he made to Mil purchaser.
There will he a meeting ol Rusher
chapter. No. 19. 0, B, B., in Masonic
building at 7:30 thi evening.
The I.adiex of the Maccabees are re-
njMMted In meet in the lodge r.siin on
frulncadaj afternoon at I p. m. to
Imllot on candidate-.
Cvery boy or irl calling at B. W.
rietclier' iiamtder bicycle heaitiiiarl
er- --atorilrt between V and 12 O'tkWl
will raaalfi a RMvatitf
Arraiiifement have been made for
a re. ital by Mis Katherine nliver OH
tba eveiiinif of April I5 Full par
ticular will be given later.
The center window ol Alexander V
Heater's ItOfa contain an artistic di
pBi ol ladlat1 silk underkirts. J.
C. Mohr. the window -dresser for the
firm, is an exert in his line.
The Thursday Afternoon club will
hold it reuular meeting on I liurlii
f this week, at the home of Mrs. (..
H. Wa.le nil l.ncust hill. A full atten
lanc' of member i earnestly re
,u. -tei, a business of importance is to
nine baton the meeting.
The Hotel Warshauer at Baki-r Citv
Win be closeo on iav , wnen
will begin on IfO.OOO to 0,000 ol im
provamanta by Altert Oaiaar, owner.
inhn I; Hum' lease . xp r n that
late. A Portland bowl man i SO tak.
barge ! the house hereafter.
When l'age I A an wa taken
a-: n.-ek it wa suspected tliat lie
the smallpox and .iiarantine wa
titiit l t' aait (hueiopiiieni- n
told righ: and lett that be nan
mallimx. rut llealti Othcer ( ole
pleased to state this morning that
wa- not smallpox at all.
I.a .ramie Chronicle: An interest-
! J. I I tt
nig ervne. maraing tne clearing on
the lat ient of ileht Irom the nrst
Mi-thislist church, of which Bev. John
W. II Miller is pastor, will tak.
place at the church this evening and
tba public generally is cordially in
vited to rticipate in the jubilation
The deputy city marshal dog taxer
na- t-en doing fairly well since start
ing upon hi work. He ha prevailed
BpOE "a resnient of l endl.'ton to ac
knnwi.dg. tba' li n d"g- va uaM
eiiniigb that thev will pav tne city
tax therefor rather than that the ani
mal should be murdered in accordance
with the provisions of the ordinance.
nr in anv other maimer
o. ft. a.
s in
was the
Bmlnetf Ha Jusllflsdl Ksoplng
Swltehlns; Crow In Pendleton
During All the Past Year.
A new switch engine will he brought
to Pendleton by the 0. B. t N. Co
to replace the one now in use. The
new one will ! much MOtl
than the one now used here. This is
demanded bHMsM the p'esent engine
is not able to do the immensely larger
bus i nes- the company ha at this nt.
The new engine will I' serf her. so
soon as the company rueives from the
l ast the several engine that have
been bought. Another fact, sign itirant
of tba steadv increase . f freight trnllir
in Pendleton, is that, during the past
year, the switching crew ha been
kept busy al! the time. DwtlBfl previ-
on- vears, the switching has been done
hv the engine- hauling the train, ex
cepting during the busiest MMQM
Now, a switching crew ha work all
the time, and even must have a larger
engine to perform the work.
' merit as a product 01 the playwright.
It tell a ston of the civil war, opan
1 inc in near the elOM of the great
struggle, ami ending with scene built
upon the event- "f MW. A pretty love
j tale runs through the live acts, in
which a charming Southern girl ami
a gallant northern colonel 01 volun
teer are the leading characters. Miss
Howard at ''Bacbwal McCreery," and
Francis B gg- a- 'Colonel I'ri'scott"
were clever, tmle.il While some of
the nther member- of the company
were rather subject la adverse criti
powerful ''ism.
looigoi. no wiwpw) HWIMI
Master and Man," an Knglish melo
drama, sensational and startling Ona
of the best and most realistic I til"
foundry MM. where one an ee a roar
ing, biasing furnace, and machinery
in ful I operation.
Wednesday, the concluding nigh' of
the company's stay. "Trilby" will be
the bill. The management of the
theatre wishes to announce that every
piece will he staged pietely, in
every detail, a the company carries
a car load of cenerv and use UOI I
the scenerv in the theatre .
A force of Japanese is at work at the
0. B. N. depot, putting in Mft tie
ami otherwise repairing the main lim
of the railroad at the Main street cros-
ing. It is al ntit as'husy a place as the
nlitig at Tien Tsin, over which the
.tiglish and Bussians clashed The
repair- w ill he made m time that no
lelav will l.e caused to the coming and
going "! to. pa--eiiger train at
I and 0 H this aftermoii.
La Oranda jrCbroniclai Harrv Hast
ing-, ar artist ni c. Mi.i..ranie note.
who painful a number of tin most
noted horse of fame of the present
agi among which are the tamoii-
acer, Chehulis, formerly owned In
rank Pntlar, of I'emlleton, and C.
. Melhiiit's line horse, Mint, look
i departure lor Anaiomla, Montana.
-iindav morning where he i engaged
paint siime of the line horse of that
Tin- man brought down from Weston
Saturday ami placed in jail on ar
unt of hi- BMBtal condition, was
-oinewhat improved M. telav ami to-
iv. He cannot give much of an ac-
oiint ol himself a- vet, however, so
i- examination will not be held (or
veral davs County I'hvsiciaii Vin-
eiit siateil on Momia that he had
iies that the man would recover
Ithoilt the nece-it of sending him
the asvlum.
The summer time schedule will go
into effect on the I). B. A N. Thursday
March '.'s. say the Spokane Bpokat
man-Beview. several important
changes will be made and a new loeal
freight 'rvice will ! inaugurated be
tween Bpokaaa am' Wallace, Idaho
The Spokane-Pendleton tram via
Walla Walla will leave the fliion do
pOl at 7 :4" a. m. instead of f86 p
in as at present Tram No. H, east
boWsfi, will arrive at 8tU p m . as ftl
nresotit there will Is- no cbange in
the tune of detyartureof the "BptMHUM
Portland Flyer," which leave- at 4 p.
m.. hnt No. f) returning will arrive at
t:l.ra m. instead ol Pi, in. as now
scheduled. Train No. 7 will carry a
through twach for Wallace ami Ward
ner. The proposition to inaugurate a
through passenger service between
Spokane ami Wallace na been aban
doned. Qafiaral Agent A.lnm recoin
mended the service, but the official"
could not see their way clear to plac
ing the new 'rains in service at the
present time although the matter may
M taken up again in the future
Official annotiiii 'inent is made that
the 0. B A N. Co.. in addition to it
exierimental farm at Walla Walla,
and its cultivation of grasses in Mor
row countv, is alsuit ! estab!i-i x
sjrgtaoi of fruit waretiouses iii the In
land Bnplra. The first 0l these w ill
lie built at La (iramle. The excava
tions for the foundation will he guide
tin week ami the building will lie
omph'ted III the fall. It will be ol
-tone, two "tone in height, and will
coat als.ut tID.iHS), The ground floor
will he for the cold storage of vegeta
ble ami general farm produce. The
npier story will he provided with
modern facilities for keeping fruit con
ami fresh. The Iruit department will
have a capacity of Vui boa '
apples. These can ba kept through tin
winter in gissl condition for the most
remunerative market in the spring.
Other potato, being considered a
suitable lor the establish!! t nl ,,,i,.
Joe Spiegei, of Portland. I" a guest
of the Hotel Pendleton.
B. l. Hriggs, of Ashlard. Or., is
rag if tend at the Hotel Pendleton
Ahio S. Watt, tax agent of the ()
A. N. spent Sunday at the Hote
William R, Raod arrived tbll
ing from Hepimer and i- at tin
Ftank P.. OloplOO 1" ai'ting BSTOf in
the al . en f Mayor I'. W. Vincent
at Newport.
Mr". 0, R Wad"', who ha been MB
tilled in her bed for several davs w ith
lung trouble, I- better today.
The ladic' favorite corset, kid
fitting, has arrived in all it many
form- at tbe big Boston Store.
Mr-. J. II. Ihirham returned home
from Walla Walla, ac
her sister, Mr-. Mm
this morning
coinpanied hv
W. Proabatal wa in
.Monday afternoon ami
went to Portland on the
Dalle.. Bock ford,
and Milton
Colfax, Waitsburg
Blank Books
sheriff Blakley started nut
morning to the vicinity of .1
until sh,.p ranch south of
Boi'k, called then- to bring in a
. B,
who hud become demented. J. K
"MUtli telephoned this afteril'Min to the
I ait Oregon isn that the sheriff had
just passed in- BSNBO on hi return to
Pendleton with an old man hy the
name ot AugiHtu- HioW in charge
Mr. Hint.- had been making his home
with a Mr. Wolf, who i .ecu pie one of
the smith ranches. It tweame neces--ary
to send for the ollicer in order
that Mr Hilile might receive pro'r
medical treatment ami not injure him-
-I : or any one else.
A "iecial t. the M mm ,t o! i- Tun -s
from Ta.'oma. Wash , says: It is cur
rently reported here, and I- generally
believed m railroad circles, that the
.northern I'aeitic is negotiating for the
parenoaa ol the hnuthem Pacific Iron
l ortland to San Francisco. It is said
that the purchase of that portion ol Um
line within the state of Oregon i as
sured It i known that a representa
tive of the Northern Pacilic im been
over the entire line within a lew day
on a tour of laopaetiOfl. and much de
Is-nd upon the report he will make p
the board of directors Negotiations
have been hanging nr. (or more than a
year, ami the mattW has DOM ke,i
Senator O
town during
evening, and
nigbl train.
J. W. Vlneaat, ot Boiaa, Idaho, is a
recent addition to Pendleton He has
taken a position in William Kra-"ig'-snaving
1'avid Coffinan. who is now living
alone, desire, companionship, and
will give fne rent to anyone who will
go p in no me and lire with him.
William II. June- returned this
morning from u bMiooai trip to Peri
lam), and was informed of hi election
a chairman of the waier commission.
Mis Bflfl Neil has recovered from
an attack of mild smallpox, and the
.Uarantnie ha- been raised at the Nei!
horn, three block' from the Main
street bridge, on Hush street
La Qranda Ohroolalai J. flliaiiatinaii
arrived from Pendleton last night.
Mr Sheuurinaii is here for purno'e ot
buying wool. hide, ami pelt- of all
kind- and anyone having the same for
sale can find a cn-tonier in this gentle
man. John L. Crawford, who was brought
up from Bono Saturday afternoon ami
taken to the Pendleton sanitarium
; iiflcring with a fractured left leg, is
hum nt On uotl 11., jl,.lui. .1...-.
. .. ... ,,. initi iiii-i,
is no pain in his leg today to trouble
him, ami that he feel tine.
Carl Hanaan, win. spent tlie winter
in Santa Bn.a, IVaine imnie sumlay ,
and will remain here during the sum
mer, attending t" his farming interests.
He ha- thr jinirler MCtioni of land
that he i tilling. Mr. Hansen -aw B.
1 1 lliieb.it. jl, ii San I ran. o.,,. To..
! ! latter was not settled in luism,...
having sold the place be had previous
ly bought in "-anta Crux.
Also to Havs a spur Track Run to the
Mills by the 0. R. fc N and
W. & C. R. R-
Fred Wolter i loaning extensive
!iiiirovements at his Farmer' Custom
mill In Pendleton. He will construct
a big warehouse, have a spur run to
ihe mill from thcO. B. A N. tracks.
build two re-idt'iiee- near the mill-,
ami make change in the mills them
laslaaa damandad hv the increase In I
' Sheek A Cole, carpenters ami roti
tra. iors. have charge of the work Of
huihlmg the warehouse. It will he
I located io H tube neculhle to the
idetrack which i" la be run in from
I fit 0 R, A N. mainline. The rail
road com pan has already begun work
grading for the spur track, which is to I
run along the north side of the river
! from the bridge which cro-ses
, river below the mills.
Also. Mr. Walters i constructing
two dwell ing houses about NO yards
jaaJl from the mill" towafdl the main
part Ol town. These house- will be
rented to tenant, and will enable cm
nloves of the mill" to live near their
work.il they desire to lea-e the house.
It i understood olso that tne W. A
('. B. company i" considering the
proposition ot building a spur track to
the Walters mills. In the event thi
;- dom , Mr Walter will hr.ve vastly
improved iwlllttee for Ihe Iraiteaetloti
u the riiiidlv increasing Hour iuisines
he i" carrying on,
On the imrthside of the river iinnier-iii-
hoii-e- are to he built this season.
mprotromenl there is mnatenl ami
many people nnw live where but ten
year" ago was scarcely anything but a
Mr. Walter MNnottaM ago bought
the water rights ami the dlttfa which
nppllai hi- mills with power, and is
BOD engaged in putting it into first
.his. condition, bee Idas doing oonelder.
able new work on the canal.
Issai ,.,1 iffm Von; tfL s
y t t n lii u riii 'i. i oi n iiiir i .
tailor made .suils, a lovely line of
t J M a a
nvpr n tine se ecrion 01 jto n nnH
, " ... . . . - 91
a II ,il.. u U ,
hraias, an wiains, otus ana manv nnt
ties we can t mention in this
Larlicf call and Imk lihose new arrivals over
find good you will nol lee any whett el?e : j
UriKinators of Low Prices in Pendleton.
the s0
Snubbed Hakar City.
Itegarding the Chicago Commercial
clul 's vitt to llaker Ciiv. or. rather,
i regarding Ihe viall the club did not
make, the Republican thus speaks:
IThaOblcagO Commercial Club, rum
i led of the leading millionaire of
Chicago, oho are milking a tour of
the west a- the gii-st td l.dward P,
l.ndey of the Atehlnoon, Topekn and
.intii le railroad, passed through
Bakaf City at 1 o'clock this afternoon.
The aggregation didn't even stop lot
yf.iter in the erenteel void camp on
earth.'' ami pa-.. d u nil like a "wbitt
check," notwithstanding our Chamber
ot I nlllllier, e extendeil the courtesies
and .Mayor Carier offered them tin
"golden key- of the town."
V vi some KPKrf,T in..
Peters' Shoes
t lui "army shoe" made of the
" iii.nr.n I .,
...iig.m v,nn Willi llOtll SS(J
ll.l I It'll Holt'S. IK a hnrtr;. ...
y f i .i ..ni,',,. I,. i .. .
- - " .., ..11,1, i r I n r.
. . . r, . ,
ion hir jikiw snot' at f 1.50.
Tii'i-ml i:irifmn it ..ti. ..
Nii.i. in. en without Miinrnn. 1 d w.iioi proof leathnr. it f,r
t)iu Velout I til ihot $3 30 .iihI our rinmnnd Special dot
.it i no can t be equalled at the prices named.
In ladii i ih " v t havi me ol the lcst styles and nattm
pticet, raiit,'in from ,i 34 to 3 25.
Even poll 0l "in BhOOl Irom tin smallest pair of infants mo
to the largesl and higheit priced men'i shoes, is guaranteed 1
1'iitin satisfaction or we re f 11 ml vour monev.
Bennatl .v, lorbeti Praprietore.
Main Street, Ihlsenlien Itoilding.
ittt r ah
All the latest
Magazines and
A liaaatiful line of
Tallman Co.
0. 0. Howard Cllad as Provlna
tti Cnisf Didn't Murasr.
Many BHMM have resented the
Meertioo made hv J. w. Kedinginn re
garding Chief Joseph, as printed in
Miiijil.i sl.ast iregonian. which was tn
Um '-iicct that .IniHtph wa guilty of the
nrutai mur.ler ot .Mm. .Manuel. In
Item in isceiice of an Old Timer" is
d tin- same a-serti' n One Colonel
tieorge W Hunter 1 the author of the
However, (ien. O. O. Howard, in
his hief Josenll. His l'unmt and
Capture,' shows that Joseph could
not have s?en at the place when Mrs.
Manuel wa.- murdered. ien. Howard
thus writes :
"Until very recently, the testiiimnv
had been uniform that Joteph had
nothing to do witli the srietratioii of
ih. lollOOtal chapter of horrort. Of
late, It la asserted hv Arthur Chapman,
tiie interpreter, that other Indians,
wh. were engage) I with him in the
war, accuse Joseph himself id killing
Mrs. Manuel, with hi own hand, after
Otben. nad left her wounded aud en
treating lor her lllu. 1 believe tint
charge 1 not true. His w ife was ill
and sc i.irat-l Irom the main camp.
seih, it is proved hv our own scout.
remaineil with ner. protesting, until
he believed it too late, till he felt
Ilk. BUUUr who joined the great south-
ern rebellion that in a war already
begun he mint iiientnv Inmaelf with
his .iwii iHsonle."
(ien. Howard lirnceed t.. tell of sev
r.tl murder , anil to show how it wax
not Joeepli, but lOma other IudluUH
whn ram ni It tad them. In the 1
.mil ol a cituen of 'eiidlelnn is lb..
it in,, nf an interview with 1
ohtauietl during hi. recent visit to the
1 matilla reservation, in yvhich Joaenh
indicate how he wa.. draun nit,, tM
t his will.
A car service association is to In
formed in Portland h Inalode ull the
ad- njyeratiiig in the northwest A
meeting of represciitatiy.-s of th.
operating department of the several
roads will be held Wednesday, at
which there will la- represented the
real Northern, Northern I'aeitic, O.
I! A N., I'a.llic l .ia.t .mop.iny lUi,j
probably the houthern I'aclti , Hurling
ton, Canadian Pacifli ami Union
LAUSa UF THC a;, nil.-..
It It Thought Hits Haals faintsd Ualurv
Padlna From ths Pony.
Mis Maude Hetle, the victim of the
accident of last Saturday evening, was
retting easy today ami improving even
more rapidly than wa 01 peeled. I n.
attending physician, Ir. C. J. Mmth,
is of the Opinion that site will continue
to improve ami within u short tune
will Im as well a ever, provided she
is kept quiet ami allow..! to rest for a
few day. She remain, -nm., l,t
weak, bill lia III v r y..r-.l
menial lacuitiea. Hhe tatef that she
remembers nothing whatever of the
accident - not even that tin' wa falling
Of about to lull Irom the ponv lit yy.
fiOiaff. This ha led her mother to
the belief that .Maud.- (tinted before
the accident, and in that condition, of
course, would not know when she con,
menced to fall Tbil theory 1 Hilain-i
ole one, at without something of that
kind, it i difficult to imagine why
so.- tnnlllil ihu, gl t. Jorii(. M M
gentle one ami wat not cutting in, anv
jtranks at the time.
Anksny Ik Chairman or tne uoard In
Walla Walla. March "n. -Levi
Ankenv, president of the commission,
arrived Dome Yaeterdav from Tunmi
where lie attended its initial meeting
ami brought this hit of news. Mr
Ankenv is enthusiastic oyer the nr.ib-
-I. ;i. li - m . . , r
iFimies ni miiKing a um Hispiav m
Huffahi, ami be say tie men wh,. 1
nave the utlair in chargi- wil, certain-
ly carry it through to a success lu I ;
"Gov, Bojen just Htwiftil over Uaal
MS QUO, and told us to an ahead,' njuo
Nr. Anki'iiy "He also as-ured nj
of other assistance in tin matter 1,1
limitinc. rhi' governor stated al once1
: he inn: mi recommendations 1,, nfter
and -imply left ull in the hand of the
Commission he had appointed "
The following ollicers have 1 11
led n eoaydove too orgoniantioo 1
necreiary .1 j. Amiersoii O! lacollia,
A .-1 in' he. retary--I-rank La Wall
01 lacoma at a salary of $1'0
Treasurer -V O Khlrich, of
BsOMtivO coinmistioiier M.
Moore, of Seattle, ut h salarv nf .i0
l'r month.
Tin eiecutive committe', in addition
I" the chairman, secretary ami treas
urer, consist.. ,,f J.. It ' Andrew, nf
bar Seattle, chairman : T. B. Sumner of
l.vcr.-tt ami Lee li. Hart .,( Seattle.
Mineliln Wat Acuultlsd.
BI01 i Minobln, winner of tin
irei,iii mter, tollefflate oratorical con-
tact has been ofneially ;i ouitie.i nf
the charge of nlagiarism preferred
againt mm hv .McMinnvillc college,
The iMeative eoaimlttee ol the oru
lorleel naeoeiation met at Wlltametta
uniyersity, am) triad the cae. The
mutter wa thoroughly gom over, ami
the meeting consumed several hours.
I lie ballot resulted seven to one p
M melon's favor,
The allegation wa that Mlncbin
cribbed Irom I arh- Martvn's "Wen
dull Phillips, the Agitator." or, nt
least, took many portlone ol his ora
tmn from that work.
For Sals.
Two second hand cedur tank,
rapacity Hum gallon- each. Impure at
Doi tn laundry,
m m m
Ohio Bank Ik Kaldad.
Somerset, Ohio, March - Tin
III the Somerset bank was blown mien
at " o'cloeh tin morning hy an armed
gang nt eight men. who tecured live
inniisami iioiiar in currency um
rainablo papers The citisen uttenin
'I I" utluck the burglar, hut wen
oriyen away .y ,. ih now
tin' gang.
Vm iliouldn't miss
I'nli'ss vmi have
I Njcided i do without
this spring. Also
Qocaits, Curtain Poles, Pictum
wan Pockets, Hirrors, etc.
ndoti tking Pirlon in Connection. Corn.-r Main ami WeN
Baby tabs,
At lhi -toii ol lie
boa naay tiasai si
aaswei tin. nusatlou
I- Kll pllll! in.-, 1
Her.- u out wsaaral 1
in steiaeai um tnjU
11 sm always a4vl
ah, 1 it raa imv $ ni
prrteripiiuii you can
According to the Salem Statesman
Ibe iruit proepeeli ol the Willamette
valley ar. growing brighter a the sea
"ii advances, ami with a heavy crop
in view the grower should lien in to
set about QOeuiaf melhodl of securing
a murUet Ibroofboal llie eastern state
lor toe fieb prodoet of Oregon orchard.
nil X"
,-tuiin 'rM,un: muii
Slmnlllle iri'iira,.,'
lirst I'. slay ilrtigt tUi
i.li.ii.iluy IhiHsytr.
w.tcurrv in .loek nil id, re
iniulil.. rnif.he n.lvvrliM,!
br use la sariaa. ws sUsii
be p: ased i..ivi;n 01 Seal
in yiiu. iitinnini's 8iiriiN.
riliu 1- lbs hest genernl mr.l
I tut- we know of lt,u power
hit veneialile prvparathin
ami no ii ,,. re,pnre.l
with 11 1gr our W(ir ,or
li litis U a food spring mvdi
iue p-ipuiar priee.1 ,lruK .lore
aa t oust Ureal
1 wm .s
We Stand Behind
our carpet, and what we sin aboil
I'eople who know na and our good
'" ' in our statement. W
Ml m know us von will (ollovl
ample. Kor spring We ure ofTeru
neyy and hamlsoiue ihwign in Vfi
Body Bmeeala. The dleoUjr ieaj
our pri :, none the leas so
Jcssj Failin
Main sirei" nsaral
Call up
We are Showing
The best Hand Turned Shoes lor ladies at j.0o
$3-5 u Eastern Oregon. ICvery pair warranted and
lit Kuaranteed. liest value , heav .h.ms lor work
ingmen in tin- city. H( N Al LIU) I HEE OF
Naialessl, .iu.-10 Hiutbrd & Qa
no stui ua una of the Deputies ot the
siaio liame Warden.
T. H. Wells ft - . Hi t i fi..ai...i
. . , 7 M.iiimuuuii ill-
uay ol lim appointment as deputy -i.u.
gume warden for thi dial
i.nw game law passeil at the recent -e-
sion ol the legislatun- nfovidaa lor .
aie game wunlen, who is authorized
HI p"), ilepm, r ,l. ,lfl,.ri.11(
....wiiiu, wiucii are iletuuHi 111 th
i. ' w. Qeimby in "tba state
waruen. i,e Ueputy game ward.n-
.eyei. e p,.r Uav and olpellhe- will!.
swtivwiv engage)! 111 their dutiei 1
"Ml violator of the law Mr
Well; will receive the hearty c-operu
UM of all true sp.irt.men in thi. dil
,.. eeemo Uiai the provisions of
. pws ma are 00m pi led with, ami
that Violator there,. f up.. I.. 1
' Kill lill
with a round turn at the bar of ju.tice
' Held by the Kssinr u,, Bill lor Mon
day NlKUt.
W. lam tuiiette 1 (amotu war drama
at the I raser on M,luy night. fj,,.
company iVK milutl Uj?,
scenery, and on thi occamon u,.d l
lace 1. more or UttO (amiliur Ui
theatre g.H.r. ,,d U of acknowledged
Cold Dusl
With I t:;.0li purchas.' of teas,
coffee, baking powder, pJoM
extracUi, el.., yy,. will give
tlb package of Uold Dust
Washing powder Iree.
Ibis offer i gtasl until Katur
dav night March Hsd,
Owl Tea Hon
Cheapest Place in Oregon.
No. S
IsL THE NBVVU! Take tbe Kaat
"any s.oo a year by
Veakly ia.ooa yat Uaaipletvpy f(e
Heavy Hauling
1 -l cul slpmlion given
lo L'.iiitinuiueiil-
Laatz Bros.
QiM by the leading reudleton
merchant by which u Hia) Mur
tin 1'ian.i will iH' given away ah-
sonneiy tree to the
or lady voted the
lllllht i... 1 ,
I... I .... . .. , l-""".
sj " am, IBUI, The follow
ing merchant will iuue ballot
with each i',').- purchase:
ill, Peoples Wr.lioue. l)ry (loou,
I lolllllin null Hb.S). '
Broflk .y
1 11 . a" .
'.... iiuui. ,.ro..-r7, (r.
. mimr, narawan 1,
M A lUllef, I I'll'1 1
liy Hakry uJ tiroiery
Mntlin. iiroi.rii'ioi
u,.f,'::li"r.'. Juwlu' "i-ucian.
I'r.'Kiin Hakery , (ii
Y iMhuck.)
I. Kol.ri.,.,, I ' ' -vr
W. H. II., yy man Pliii,,vr.liMr
..,?". 1,HI"' Wanosau.l Uranus
freaeli H. -1 luram (iiu. uVnatala )
Uai h,h wood 10..I coai, iraiwler
iiik siiil irnekliig. wavs
PIANO on Inhibition at Hrock
ft .Met ouuij) Drug Htora, where
the hullot box I ul. ,a-atel
The Columbia
Lodging House
a l; i n OONNEI HOJ
1:1 I I.TAAWKl!llh1
Locust Hill
Poultry Yards.
. riU'U nuiiual i,n-
U;en taken ,, by Ihe
line .orrol lior eboui .', vean.oi l,ri..i...i
hale, I Mar. I. 16, (ul
Facts worth I
Unit I have Home of
the Kreutest barguins
III New uii. I N-,(1
bund bodro in Mrs
001 ami MHI tbaui and
I' convinced.
Court -Street.
i . . L 1 r - .1.1
1 1.H1. in inwiliiiK um ll.
going to sou at a price
reach of HViiri' ..... A
. .. .
my nares will convince j
uiey are the very beat u
I hV, 1.1 1 ..... I A ....... . ill ill
mailing HiruillH aiwuy "u
isitors welcome ror
information address
Notary and
y V fl I W M hi K. 1 1 I I I
Order of ua and aave musW'
"idem for itubber HUgaf
alao soilclusd.
Ity Mariliel.