East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 26, 1901, Image 3

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    SI L K
See Display in the North Window
$2.50 to $4.90, formerly $5 to $10.
aver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
pay will Be ODiervea at ine
Public Sehooli.
all nf the stntus "i tln ITllMMI
Ignited a iiiy to m known as
it in Urwofl mm amy mum
oannfiv m th third Fabrnarj In
Tim nlijt'ct of Arhor nay is 10
in i.i, id anil iirnmott' mi w-
t In- planting of trmss of all
nil. nhiifln, timlinr unci orna-
Tlif puhlic MHMOll, normiil
ii. u.l. -in m- ami uuiversitms
miiHiiliTnlili' Hitniition, and a!-
arialily hold BKaTClm appro
the occasion. I Imn in ,ik.i
im for plant iiik trims on um
in tln vicinity of tlto pulilic
of I'mullcton, but om at lt'itst
plantod and baptist-d with thu
id sparkling wator of tht PtB
wtrworlcH system, lis growth
direful I v wBtchn.1 ny urn
Tli in tree will la? planted BB
ananiaM oi tha lower grades.
i Arhor day exercise will be
a nanhof of the rooms on
rn i of tin- data, Iriday,
imirum for tin t rt-f-plwnt in at
lli'iiii' iirndi'inv, and some i
i i . i
t-r.iin- t in' r.-mmr.-u in um
t rooniH of tin- pu'ilic schools,
given iBtaf. Thi'v will M
in character, with ilnglng In
t in - Dollar. Reward. 100.
idi-rx ul till" imiH-i will Ih iili um-il to
II lln-rr Ik hi k'HHl oni' ilri-mllul illaeaac
Im- Im-i'II Hill.' to run- III Hi 1 IL
il tloil i catarrh. Hull - I lnrrl. ( tire
Illy i 'M- MM now known to IM
I 1 ..'..' I I" 'III' II I OIIHlltll
IIm'iim ri'iiniri- ii ron-t initiiiioil in-ill
In I - i iiurrli inn l liik.-n nili-rniiliy.
Jr-tl on IM 1)1"" ' aacl atMttl -in
C In- av.lcin. im-reny iii--.;royiiiK uir
on "! tin itlMIKM ll'l KlvllIK tli. .n
n.'iii i. InillilliiL- im tin ronolitiili. hi
fclliiK nature In iIoIiik It" Work. Tin-
in linvr ro in ii-ii ini'ii in in-curative
,i... they ufei litis Hundred Hollar for
I Hint II Inlln lo cure. Hcinliiirhal.il
lliil- Allllll
t. j. ciiknkv m co., Taiaao, oato.
Iirnuul-tta. 7V
FiiiiiiIv I'lll- an- tin I"
limed at Squlrrells and Nearly
(truck Mrs Frank Downay.
pastime of i'. .11.:' out oil tlui
liueent tn I'cmllctnn mi Sunday
a.111 and shooting gotihcrs lias
i unite popular since tin- arrival
mIsU-h of tprlni w-n tli.tr. Tim
al st mvariutily used ih a
rill.-, although once in u while
pistol Hh.it watiteM a few
lea lit Ilia laudahle effort to im-
Ii marksmanship. Last Sunday
kii Mr. and Mr I rank Iiovvnev
It un the hill south id l'en.lli -
a Htroll. Numerous persoi
tlu vicinitv hunting gophera.
. . a. a . J If
courHe 1 1 in.-, air. ami .tirs.
were surprised and Hhooke.'
Iiull.it from a '"tf" struck tl e
hut a lew feet from where the
Iwiih xhtml lug It ih needless to
it thev left that particular sec-
the country hurriedly and their
re tor the aiternuon wan uo-
riWost, wlio han a ranch mnith
111 i 1 1 report? that he. too, had a
ill from a bullet Htarted on its
bv aome one who presumably
I fl red at a gopher. Cnn-le hunter
BOOld curb their excitement and not
glioot until they can see the white of
j the gOptMf'l eve.
Will Maat In Salem on May 16 to 19
"Father Clark" to Be There.
I'matilla coiihtv will be NDNMnted
nt Um Hiate convention of the Booletiea
of Ohrlftlnn Indanvor In ttalmn ua
May ii- t 19, incliiHive. Bpaoial in
terot i created by the annoUnOMMBl
timt lr. Prnnoii Olnrk, loander ol (be
So.-i.-tv of ChriHtian Kndeavor, known
hh ' ' i iii her tHark," will be prawni on
I'riday, May 17, ami reinaiti tbroagb
out Die reinaimb-r Ol the convention ,
whicli clone on Sunday. Ir. ( lurk
will deliver m-veral tddMMWI. and hi
pr.-H.'iiie will attract many Kndenvorer
who otherwie might mil attend the
convention, it i not yel knon who
will be delegate from the ho. ietie of
thi county, but il i certain that a
number will go to repreent lliein.
The program and order of pro.- I
ing have not been mapied out
definitely, but it i known thai I'r. W.
H. G. Temple, of Seattle, will de
liver the convention aarnion on Thurr
dav night, May I6
f'rofeaaor K Heley will have charge
of the muic during the convention.
The ineniber of the Haleni enter
tninmont committee have all been up
DOiatad and will begin tl.eir work at
once. It ha not been definitely
arranged, but the day aervive will
probably be in the lrebvteriiin Ohorofa
and the even inn nervice in the t'liro--tian
church. Very extenwive and
elaborate preparation are being made,
for thi prouiiaoH to tie the largoxt
(lute i.mleavor convention ever In Id
in thi state, a there will be lietwccii
I'M) and ilOtl delegate proHcut
arrival! at Hotel Pendleton.
.1 (if Spiegel . I'orl land
C I liurnelt, St Pauli
i . v.mngtnan, Portland.
I I! Comun, I'orl land
K I) llrigg. AHhlaud. Or.
Hurry I) I ie. I lander, Chicago.
L I booh ran, Boston,
sv D Allard, Portland.
Al Harnea, Portland.
I . I . l-orret, irant. Or.
B MeKanaja. The Dalle.
,i B ate, Banna.
Lonil Talbot, Spokane.
Orani Maya, The liuller-
Win Maher.
M II I'atton, Spokane.
(' M Smith
Theda Davi, Kan Franciaco.
Win I' " I H.'ppner.
We sell AUrin Clocks
'lit day Striking and Alarm
ICJocks, guaranteed, lor
$3.00 up
!e will convince you we
ire the lowest on clocks.
we ask is a visit from
. (HI
weler and Optician..,
it door Ui Alexander i Hexter'a
fivi Thing.
The five diaeaava for which Shi lob a
Conauniption Cure is eiiecially rocoin
mended, are Cough, Colds, Whooping
Cough, Croup and Consumption. No
medicine ever made lv mini in equal
lo it in any reaped. Sold under a
positive guarantee. Money back if it
fails. 26 eta, 60 eta and $1 a bottla.
Tallinau A Co.
Noiiee or Sale.
The undersigned will receive sealed
bldl f.-r the lllair Htock of inerchau
diae and fixture.- and ior tin- lllair
tl. Hiring mill at Weston, Oregon, until
IntardajPi March Ntat It o'elool noon.
Separate liid are requested for the
mill property, uud the stock uud
fixtures. The right is NMTVad to re
ject any and all bid. PrOMTtV may
I..- Inanaotad on application lo nay
agent. Win. Macbeth, at Waaton
1'ortland, Ore., March L'u, 1U01.
Il This Plain Mnough.
If you have a nagging cough and are
losing tl"-: go to a drug atore, and
get a bottle of Sbiloh's OonMUnptiOO
rare Take two-third of it, and then,
if you are not lieiietited, return the
bottle to the druggist, and he will re
turn your money. Isn't that fair? No
one could ask more. 26cts.,60 ga,
and $1 a bottle. Tallman & Co., lead
ing druggists.
Want Your Trade.
I want your grocery trade and I can
f ive you the beueflt of my buying in
arge lots for cash. My stock includes
all the best brands of staple and iuncy
groceries. The bakery department
can't be beuteu. Would like to have
you call and get my prices before you
place vour spring order.
K MAKTIN, Prop.,
City Bakery A Oroeery.
Don't Let Them Suffer.
Often children are tortured with itch
nig and burning eciema and other skin
diseases, but Buckleu's Arnica Halve
heals the raw sores, expels inflamma
tion, leaves the skin without a scar.
Clean, fragrant, cheap, there's no salve
on earth as good Trv it. Cure Kar
anteed. Only 25c at Tall man & Co.'s.
Present Rules Will Govern. Pending
Notiee of Chanires- Rate Charred
2ft Cents a 1000 Gallons.
The first meeting of the Pendleton
water commission was held in the
conncil rooms on Monday afternoon,
March 25, at o'clock. Krank B.
Clopton, W. J. Furnish, Charles H.
Carter and Ieon Cohen, members M
the OOmmlMlOtl, were present. W. H.
.Tones was absent, having gnm- to Port
land Saturday night. W. .!. Furnish
wa chosen as temporary chairman.
An informal talk ensued as to the elec
tion of a permanent chairman and
clerk. The idea was advanced that it
wnnhl be well to 'have the commis
sioner permanent chairman who would
first retire from ollice. W. R, JottM
was DOmiMtttl for that position and
anaolmonilr elootod, I'rank it. Olop.
ton was elected unanimously to de
position of clerk. After the commission
ha been in running operation for ten
years, under the method of procedure
adopted, a member of the commission
will not become chairman until after
he lias been a member for eight years.
This is on the same plan as that gov
erning the school board of a district of
making the oldest in point of service
chairman of the body.
Brown to Be Superintendent Pro Tem.
Frank B, Clopton read the portion of
the city charter governing the commis
sion and many matters of interest were
discussed In connection therewith.
Mr. Clopton, being a member of the
citvfeouncil, as well as of the mm
misHion, was in a position to explain
thaSdaalraa ol t ho council in many par
ticulars regarding the operation of the
waterworks. J. T. Brown, who has
been tilling the two positions of water
superintendent and street commis
sioner, will for a time at least devote
all his attention to the waterworks,
and he in the pav and employment of
the water commission solely.
Present Rules Continue In Foroe.
It wa resolved that the present rules
of the city waterworks regarding the
use ol water and the pay therefor
would remain in force and aflect until
changed by the commission, alter
which clue notice would lie given to
consumers of such change.
City Treasurer Gives Additional Bond.
The citv treasurer was instruct d lo
have his bond in the sum of M0tl
readv for filing on next Moadar, when
the waterworks will be formally turned
over to the commission by the city.
Tli in bond is to be made M the water
commission and not to the city, and
is, of course, an additional bond to
that he has now on 11 le for Hie safe
keeping of the money of the citv. Thi
is in accordance with the provision
of the new charter requiring the city
treasurer t-. be the custodian of the
funds of the water commission and to
give such bond a may Ih- required ior
the faithful discharge of hi duties.
The money of the water commission
must be kept separate and a separate
set of loks kept apart from the cily
money and book and it must be paid
out by the city treasurer only upon
order of the 'chairman of the water
commission duly attested b the clerk
of the commission.
New Meters Have Been Ordered.
Mr. Clopton stated that loo DaftM
had been ordered by the council bv
telegraph in addition to the L'.'-'i hereto
fore received and that lh.it number
would be enough to supplv the needs
of the citv temporarily although it is
believed that the number of meters 111
use will reach 4(H) within four month.
Several of those who consume the most
water have had meters in for some
time. The actual expense to the city
of (urn lib lttf water will be less than
seven cents per HUH! gallons. The rate
charged consumer w ill be I'.'i cents per
1000 gallons for the first 16,000 gal Ions,
above which amount it will be less
lor each 2-',U0l) gallons
Financing the System.
The city will make the transfer of
the water system and everything per
taining thereto, including wimmI enough
at the pumping station lo last until
next September. The cily will also
turn over to the water comuiisiou the
receipts of the waterworks system (01
the month of January, I ebruary and
March, less the actual ojieruting ex
lienaea. This will be the nucleus of
the waterworks fund. Five per cent
of the gross receipts of the waterworks
system must bo net aside annually a
a sinking fund for the payment of
outstanding bunded indebtedness.
The commissioners adjourned to
meet at the call ol the chairman
Visited the Pumping Station.
This inurning, the commissioners
went to the pumping station at :;'
o'clock, and inspected the plant. The
new pump wa iilaced in operation and
shown to tiieui by Engineer T. J. Mil
lion. The commissioners 'will take
under consideral iou the building of a
new pumping station and the purchase
of a new boiler. Views previously ex
pressed bv city oAolall as t the cost
of these improvements indicated that
their ideas were for a 20ihi building
aud a $200U bailer. What the com
mission will do in the premises has not
been indicated
Worse Than War.
Hundreds are killed in war, but
hundreds of thousands are killed by
consumption. There would be no
deaths at all caused by this terrible
disease, if people could be made to un
derstand that Shiloh's cough and con
sumption cure is a sure remedy if taken
in the early stage. 26 i ts., 50 els. and
$1 a bottle. l)ruggists will refund tin-
money if a cure is not effected. Jail
man A Co., leading druggicl-
at F A 1 R 1 IN
"Your New Carriage
la a llMH(vl') -v. ..1 ...... .V......I til Mll.lttltjr.
" "J uiw ' J
and the friend aiuiled complacently. As
a matter of fact it wasn't new, though itj
looked it bad juat been overhauled, put
in thorough repair, painted an. I varnished
here. The couimeut tells the whole story,
however. Our repair work on carriages,
buggies, surreys, runabout and wagons is
of the brat rauk.
Barton Hill
Surprised a
visit to this
Employed Moujusku Who
San Franelsco Audience.
by Madame Modjeska'a
region, the newspapers
are printing a story of her experience
111 seek nil? ail engagement 111 a an
Francicso theatre. Jt appears that
I '...lot l(. .j.. ntu U.1II1 I.im ulfe M 1 .1 1 ..'-If ,1
and their only child, went to Southern
California many years ago, and em
barked In the career of ranchem, de
siring rest from political excitement as
experienced in Poland, their native
land, they soon found that limited
capital and total lack of MMriOBOl
were not conducive to success in farm-
lug or horlcultural pursuits and
Modjeska journeyed to San Francisco
to try to secure an engagement at one of
tiie theatres.
MM applied to Barton Hill, wbo was
then manager of the old California
theatre. He aupposed she was some
slage-slruck woman whoae conceit
would not be aatisbed until she had
strutted tier one evening on the stage.
He bad no idea that he was opening
the door to a great star when he gave
1 Tt m I . 11 IJ
tier one 01 tne on iiigiiva. un
name on the play bill meant nothing,
as no one had ever heard of her. She
spoke Bngliab very imperfectly and
the audience was small uud inditfe-rent.
But as her portrayal of Adrienn. 1..
Couvieur progreaaed, her auditors and
Barton Hill realised that uo novice,
but a queen of the bistronic art, was
before them. They rose to enthusiasm
and called her before the curtain many
Soon after she retired to the
seclusion of her ranch to master the
hnglish language; not appearing on
the stage for six months, alien she be
gan touring the country as a star.
Madame Modjeska lirst appeared on
the stage in llStd, being then 17 years
old. She has therefore leen in thea
trical life for the greater part of 40
year, and is now !7 years old.
To Found a Model Town.
A gigantic scheme is atloat to found
a great model industrial town in the
eastern part of the country, where
shall be gathered n variety of .manu
facturers and an army of employes,
under social conditions; the town and
manufacturers to be organire.l ncord
ing to the most approved business
methods, with the highest regard to
the physical and intellectual welfare
..f Ita resident. Fifty years ago, a
medicine was founded which also bad
in view tin- welfare of humanity.
This was Hosteller's Stomach Hitters,
a remedy famed the world over for its
cure of dyspepsia, constipation, indi
gestion, belching, insomnia, bilious
ness, nervousness and malaria, fever
and ague. As a spring tonic and blood
purifier, it is unequalled. Our private
revenue stamn covers the neck of the
I nsp
Willamette Valley Flockmaster
One-Third of Their Bands.
The sheep industry of the Willamette
val ley is experiencing severe reverses
this spring by reason of the leech,
which has already killed fully one
third of the sheep in those parts. This
is considered a conservative estimate
of the loss, some farmers placing the
percentage of the herds that have neen
killed on this account as high as M sr
This is the tirst apMarance of the
destructive leech in the vallev for a
number of year. They "are found to
attack herd of the bottom lands only,
the hill lands not being possessed of
the K-st. The leech appears in the
grass ami water places on the liottom
lands where the sheep graze, and in
this way they arc taken into the system
of the sheep, whose I ivor they attack.
The ducts of this organ soon become
congested and the sheep live but a
sln rt time. No effective rented v has
, l o i n discovered for the treatment
of the sheep when they arc once at
tacked by tne leech. In order to
escape further loss from the leech
sheeiilneii will have to abandon the
bottom land for grazing purposes
find pasturage for their herds on
hill lands.
A Wheel on Your Own Terms at
Crescent Agency
The Crescent bicycle for liMJl is
pcrb. It II skyhigh in quality.
road wheel at t'.Ct is a beiilltv
Crescent racer at -V) is the handsomest
wheel on the market today. Morrow
coaster brakes are supplied on the
Crescents when wanted. The spring
frame Crescent sella at trsi. The
spring frame is tine for those who do
not desire to be bumped lllld jostled
Bovs' and girls' .Crescent wl Is f'.".'.
The HKki imslels to lie had at very low
prices us long as there are any in
stock. Wheels of this luislel from fl"i
to MS.80. Call and get a Crescent
catalogue free and discover tin
lencies of lb1 Crescent wheel
tail. The famous I utiltii
excel -in
tire is
furnished on Crescents. Thev are the
hest tire on the market. They can la
taken off, repaired and put on by the
novice as well as by the cxc riencc.l
bicycle rider. They save money.
Wheel sold on easy terms to suit pur
chasers. No interest. Call at the
Crescent agency in the Fast Oregon ian
W. f, Matlock at Skagway.
Word received from W. F. Matlock
would indicate that his return to Pen
dleton might I Kpastnd by April 1.
lie took 17 head of horses Up on the
last trip. He sold six span within
lost days at go.sl llgure. The sale of
the other live could he closed up at a
moment's time He say business is
goxKl and prospects ior the season's
m in ing development , etc.. excellent.
There is still Home snow on the ground
at Hkagway. Mr. Matlock owns the
property on lower Alta street which
Iihs lieen used for the paid two years as
a l-iiscball and l.silball ground, and his
return would undoubtedly stimulate
the baseball boys 111 their work of
getting a g.ssl team of player together
and having it hacked up by a solid
organization of business men.
Young Buys a Paper.
K.I ward l.verett Young has bought
from B. F. Alley theF.veniug K. piihli-
1 an at Maker Illy, purchasing the no
chsnica, plant, the subscription list
and the paper's "good will." Mr
loiing, who now owns the humpler
Blue Mountain American, Will con
tunic to publish the latter liaiN-r. ii
ha already taken possession of th
Republican. Mr. Young has had eigh
teen years experience in tlie news
paper busiuess.
Food Changed to Poison.
Putrefying food in the intestines
produces effects like those of arsenii
but Dr. King's New Life Pills exiel
the isjisous from dogged bowels
gently, easily hut surely, curing con
stipation, biliousness, sick headacln
fevers, ail liver, kidney and Ujwi
troubles. Only 2-V at Tallman
Co. '.
And 1 will furnish you all complete
ready for use, my 1901 Model No.
superior in make, quality and power
to any belt ottered by other dealers for
which they charge 140.00. Kstabluhed
:0 years. Write today for my latest
books. "Health in Nature" and
"Strength ; Its Use and Abuse by Men. '
Dept. A. Kusacl Block,
People Are Compelled to Send to Port
land, Walla Walla, La Grande
or Spokane.
"I wish someone would come to
Pendleton and establish a green
house," remarked a lady, who, this
morning, mailed an order to a Port
land tlorist for aome flowers wanted
on Faster Pay. ',1 am sure a proper h
managed green house would pay.'1
This is but an echo from the re
marks of countless other ersons, who,
wanting flowers, are compelled to send
away, and, in a.niiitnn bb tne price
charged at the green houses, pav ex
press charges to I'on.lleton lite matter
was presented to a number of persons
.luring the .lav, as a business problem,
"Would a faU house in Pendleton
pay?" nd it appears to bo the gen
eral view that it would.
l a Orande has one now. It was
Opatttd on Sundav when visitors were
r.ci'ive.l, and henceforth l.a (irande
people may purchase Mowers without
sending the purchase price away from
home Md incidentally buying an in
terest in the express company. C. I
Kaler is the proprietor. In mention
ing this event, the Chronicle says that
"in addition to the wonderful display
..( beautiful Mowers, there are growths
of trees and plants, of course small
and somewhat, undeveloped, from al
most every quarter of the globe. The
healthful condition of the stock, rare
or otherwise, is remarkable to a high
degree. Besides the better known product-
oi mother earth in this clime the
following are some of the rare growths :
Ooflaa and tea plants, pineapples,
India rubber tree, cacti of various
kind-. bananna. lemon, orange,
pampas grass bamboo plants, various
palms, including date fruit palm,
pine tree, from Morton's hay, Austra
lian and other tree and growths vari
..11- i.-rn from widely separate parts of
the earth."
Walla Walla ha for year upported
a greenery, partly from Pendleton pat
ronage, and the owner recently sold
out. returned to bis former home in
Qarmany, ami took with bin draft
l..r IIii.imh), the major portion of
which he made in the Mower business.
The present owner, says a gentleman
who was in Walla Walla last winter,
cannot supply the demand. He has
this -pring built a number of new
bOMM, iiiceasing bin capacity several
times what it has been heretofore.
If La (irande can Httppoi t a greenery,
Pendleton can. Sum would bettei
collie here and establish one. It is
suggested that this question would
afford opportunity for K. C. Jodson,
industrial agent of the O. K. A N.
Co., to send someone here who has
money en. .ugh to -larl such no enter
prise The greenery man could ulso
ran- early vegetables, and thus aug
ment, the receipts from the sale of
m ai
Ranchers Trade Ranches.
Ridge, March L'.'l. .lames Bice has
sold his farm of 24 acres aud 2:i bead
of horses to .lames Davis, of McKay
creek, for IL'ihhi. Mr. Mavis ha al-
rea.lt taken possession.
lames Kice has purchased Hi I acres
ol land from .lames Mavis, of McKay
creek, for fl'.l.Vl ami taken posssnui
Iheiigle liimily are slowly improv
ing from lafgrippe after two months
I arming is steadily progressing, and
soiiirrcl' are showing well, as is tin
MuiKUr d rsmedy lor OlMt,
(ionorrlim. and Humility.
IN 4V H0UH8. Curs. Klc
It's a Short Road
from a cough to consumption.
Don't neglect a cough take
when your cold appears. The
" ounce of prevention " is
better than years of illness.
'l tuf.rcd lor SOaff MBI . cvugk, brnu. bud
ad luey ihkmi HaiMd bloud lr...uily
Ku.ni y..i. iu ih. iJAanUM and (XK.i part. l
. but got a rll.l K.turaaa l ..1
' uiitiji Saauua. A few t...ii, torn
bl.ujlv cur. a BJe. I isj.ld.r 11 th. g.Mlui ul
With r L Caa- 0., Broker. Hurhlo. N. V.
si.. 1. ... .(.,,... ....u.'i .... 1.. iu I., all
1 u i.i- mi sti, oof i.ov a Isitui.
prlcled iii.nu.i.i' ejue wltti every liullle
If yeu .r. luut eateaeYed go ev yuaur -i . -
i. J (at , ou luuBe. Baal
Wnie 1jt lllii.lr.ud buue un . ........ iii.iioe Srnl
wliuvui cual is turn. B. C. Welle 4 Co , LeKuy, N. V.
Kor wile l Tall mini V o. , dnmu l"t -
Hade from Grape
g rijwi iu lotallliee famuu lur producing Iruil
of vci) logo I anils? our loun fori lean
Ideal Mine for the lufellu". uee II innuM
tlie epputilu, .Ireuglhcu. the tllge.tlve oigau.
aud i an ani lo tlie ualuiulallou of lood.
Glean lillen Wine Vaults
Telephone 72.
Wood and
UellieieU I'luinotiv
r if aud lauiuiarace foal.
Prloee Bight.
a Cor. l.i
Mood m. 1 auu dry.
Every good dresser knows that on the petti
coat, more than on any other feature, de
pends the success or failure of a toilette.
1 -v,x
Any woman wearing this adjustable yoke
underskirt, has the satisfying consciousness
that there is nothing better to be worn.
We have them in black and colors.
The Peoples Warehouse.
Agents Buttericks Patterns.
Sinhopa' Pin- 1
btwvia. l'miii . ly mrrt Ilia
i"n, ri. r f lrif- lie
DOtency, Loet Power, r.Jht-l.oeeee,
In Buck. all Duslrsa, aniinfil imiinnni
rillltr, Hanaecne,umiin,ii 10 marry, iliu m rjTl
or Oonetlpntlon, atope. Qu'choeed of Die- tfl
i-vr rii.Lll.'n. l ul , - . a IJ I'lll
Mormon Blahope' fills 1 sW-m -1 .... M.-.re
"11 , 11 .11 inr I.
Manhood. Im-
annrmittorrRoea Ineomnla, alna
Uinj ejaoa, n.noui ua-
emsn, vnricooeia.
all. mi l. .,'1.14
' 1 " 1 ...
Addreee, niehop Remedr Co., s.m Pranclaao, Oal.
F"t' SAI.K liV TALIiM INI .. inn .,nt-,i . i- in 1 I .is OIIKIJiin
..ri'ftn, Sllti ihln lh Wild i.ul
ut luenay rrluttikd, with e buiv. CllvuUfl fl
I rMltn iii II A RDW A KB, BT( V is, BA RBE1
HOI Main Street, Pendleton, Oregon.
Satfei 1 U. etWek.
lei Si wi
inn 1 k v I M Prop.
Klenantly Famished. Steam riuted
European Plan.
Hi. n k anil 1 hill from depol.
Sample Moom In connection.
KiMim Kale
50c, 75c, SI. 00
Byers' Best Flour...
To make gx bread use Byeia' Hist 1'lour. It took fiiat
iireiiiitini at tbi ClekeUn world1! Pair, otat all oooapatl'
don, and aoauanl MtlatactlOai wherever wt4
Hvcry sack Ih gfaUMteMd We have the Iteat Steam
Rolli-.l Uailey Had Rye and Beardless Barley.
Pendleton Roller Mille
W S. MYEtS, Prop. "ran. ShorK Ktc
Take the...
Washington &
Columbia River
K.n ohlcaaoi W
sas City, Ht
Paul, Ht. Uala, Kau-I'H-,
Omaha, ami
'...... Time. Schedule asaivs
sua Fi u m Pendleton. VMN
hleagO- ill l.akr li. nv.tr Korl
forlland W.irth, Oinalia. kail
SlwoUl aaa Ollf, Ml liula. a
. J 1. ui ( IjIi ago an. I Kaet
Via llui. l
lag too 1 .
Allautle Halt lake. Itenver, Kl
Kipreaa Vt'nilli. Omaka, Kan
s iua. u. MOiijr.ai.IuUObl iu sj u ai
rfa Una,. cago and Kaal
Ht faul Walla Walla l.ri.iuu
Kaai Mall ni an.-, W allai u.l'ull
111 111 uiaii, Mlnm eoolla, Hi ' .M ui
Tla faul, In, lull. Miltta..
Hkaue aut- lil. ago and Mast
Oceiii and Kivcr Schedule.
rUOM POMIeiaflsj
All aalllug .lain, aub
S .uu p. iu. je. 1 lo .'liauge.
f.,r rial, rranelcuo I 1 c ...
Ball ererjr dajr..
All Points East and South
Portland and point
Oat tb Sound
II -a
ale a
Moduaadj i. aal frld.fa.l
I liura.layaand naiuinay.
Arrive, ktn. nl.i
1 .. 1
1 .. 1 .a r t. '1 ... 1 ' lii.pl auu. lay al n ui 11
i.ge.-iiiie ... -
a p in
l ui
Ualljr ex.
a. aa.
Columbia liver
To Astoria aud Way
1 ... in,,.
I Wl. lamella BlV.r
I p Ul.
a Sunday
. p ui
a. ui.
i'uee 1 In.
rreaxu tJUjr. Newburg, e Sunday
Haleiu. ludepaii.teuce
I auu way 1. aii ling.
Corvallle and Wajr
Lm ndloge
oih.t! rear of rjavinga Hank.
Daily Kaet Oieguutau, deltveied
carrier, only 15 caota weak
7 iu.
Tun Thre.
aud Sat
: a. at.
Wlllaui.tl. and Yarn
RI vara
.Logon City, fiaytuu
and Way Lauding.
auake Hu.r.
Ml part Ui Lewutloa.
9. 9. WaJML SIT, Agaul. na
Iliou p ui
Moo , Wed.
aud Krl
.m p. iu
alou Wed
ud Frl.
: a ui.
Vur lulu 1 liialmu
uiiul. n.i.i. .all on .11 add
M. U UAI ilSKIIkll' .1 I' A ,
Walla Walla. Waab
Oregon Lumber Yard
WOOD l i"l tCHH
fot liarua and dwell lug.
Choetptir than tiu.
I. u in her,
Ruildlnit PaDer.
Tnr Paper.
I line uud ( uncut,
Hi K-k aud 8aud,
screen IktoruSt Windows,
Saah uud Oours,
Terra Cotta Pipe.
Borie & Light, Prop s
Alia tit., opf. Court Motuae