East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 23, 1901, Image 3

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$2.50 to $4.90, formerly $5 to $10.
aver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
Thompson, of Brlggson, Fined
and Sent to Jail,
ktbona, March 23. -Millard Thotnp-
l( wh" 1 1 "OS lit or near Rriggsoh, OK
i guBc M 1 1 i tiiit). B arrested I ri
BtBg Dt l i ly iiarnai
mi ii charge of carrying a BOB
Bvcaion. On lietng searrlieu it
nil that tht voting until lunl a
Hr-calibre Colts. Being taken
tiHt iuct .T . W. BllOth, boplOBOOd
tin' charge, tint claimed that
past l.r vears he had Isien in
it (if carry inif a revolver lor
on from hears while riding in
ntaius. In answer to UN ques
'Pid miu ever have use lor u
Wfb protect youraell (rum bodily
ttry?" he anwsercd, No ' The
MoT lined him I'J'i or to ln com
tOTd i Jin I fr twelve
I oat' lial f da) ionatoblB 1..
Mb 1 , io Pendleton on the
Hon freight.
Ornamental Hrdgct.
Mgc nuinliiT ol tanners were in
HHf-tcr.lav to receive tlieir Mild
Kc.Il'c plant I In - plants were
irom lroy, Ohio, ami It Is
tiuii than make a vtv pretty
Hurahle I . i f If tit in eg,eri-
H SlleCCSslllI , WC WlH HI OH HIM'
HgzstrtM a I farm homes endorsed
ornaiiieiital hedge, instead of
the unsightly iiarti win lanoea,
IHiow mar un otherwise perlect
BJ M I'raiu wenl to vc-ton
brniiiL' to visit relative.
H nimr to town ihi morning
Hold .'ill I. 111:111 lij till
H living all. nit two nubs cusj ol
B'"- I v 1 Hi; in a crit ieul condition,
iiaai aid baa not boon oallad( an
1 wit- ol tin- fa III cure Meet, and
Hfcm allow a physician to at
Mm Father Von drr Welden, m
Bun. was 111 Athena yesterday.
Stamper and Ooorgc luster
Hci engaged for tin- pant Week
tkinc ami otherwise repairing the
Hty water tank
gVKergusoii "I Adams, wa-
yiiHterdav transacting '"i 1
11 Gav yeMterdav moved his
I confectionery stock of the
lattdy vacated hy the Athena
W'v sell Alarm Clocks
It duy Striking and Alarm
'locks, guaranteed, for
$3.00 up
re will convince you we
the lowest un clocks.
II we ask is a visit lrom
-ckr and Optician..
r to Alexander & llexter'n
Racket rtnre. Mr. Raglrv. pTOpTlatot1
of the Racket store, has just completed
anting hi stock to the More huihting
vacated hy Kd Mannfee.
Piokarton A Praoma are preparing
to build some new shed to nr-commo-date
their ever grow i pg liverv ho.iroa.
From the Athena Pratt.
The Pre regret to Bnnoonoi Mia
death in Portland last week ol Arthur
BafgOVltt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Borgotin, Arthur bad many trara
friend in Athena, and wan BH eiep.
tinunllv bright and IndnBttioOl voting
man. The sympathy ol the friend-- and
ROqBMn tail ON here ih extended to the
paranta In their ad honri ol Borrow ,
.Tameo IfOMFOVBi i fi nud dBOghtaF
returned Saturilny. Mr. MOBgroTB
Hpen! Heveral weeks in Ira I and, and
hronght hack with him Heveral -ham-rock
plantH, and caned for numerous
(rianda. Mrn. Mongrovs and danghtBi
vinited relative in Pentiiylvania while
Mr. MoagraVa wan aorOBI the Atlantic.
Mayor V 1 Ik timon anil wife rclnrue l
Sundav from a week' viit in l.ewi
ton. Thev were tlie gneitt of Mr and
Mrs. Clyde Reach of that city. Mr.
WilkitiMoti peak tlatteringly of l.ewi
ton and her future propect.
Nate Pinkerton and .link Tavlor re
turned from Walla Walla Wednedav
wening. While over there they aold
to the government Ml head of horne- for
cavalry ptirpoaeB.
Thousands Sent Into Exllo.
Kvery year u large ntnnher of poor
NiifTerer BTbOSB lung are Hore and
nu ked with coiiirh are urged to go to
another climate. Hut thin ii coat I y
and not a I way mire. Don't he an
exile when I)r. Kilig'n New Ih-rovery
for cotiHUinption will cure you at
home. It' the moHt infallible medi
cine for cough, cold and all throat
ami lung dieae on earth. The firnt
done hringa relief. Atuunding cure
remilt from teritelit line. Trial bottle
free at Tiillniuli & 0O, Price BOe and
II. Kvery bottle guaranteed.
Kererenre to Early Dayt When Indians
Were Hoitlie.
The Athenu Pre give a graphic ac
count of tbe celebration of Tom Page'
Mb birthday, remark the lleppner
iar.eite. And that remind Katern
Oregon pioneer that Mr. Page ued to
do daring deed in early day. Hun
dred of time iie ha ridden on the
Mtage between Canyon Cilv and The
Pallet, with a awed off hotgun in
hi handa. watt lung for hontile and
highway rohUr, while Tom Morgan,
now of lleppner. held the line with
a Hteady hand. Thoe were dangerout
tlaya, and there were big bag of gold
dtiNt iu the boot.
Roth of theac pioneer pathtinder
are at ill young and active, and after
all the f rou tier hanthhip thev went
through are entitle. I to all the joya of
A Good Thing.
Our great-grand mother' garret
contained the same herlwt of all heal
ing fount) in Karl's Clover Root Tea.
They gave our ancestor strength, kept
the olood pure, and will do the same
for you if you say so. Price 26 cts
and 60 t:U. Tall man A Co . leading
Butinatt for Sale.
On account of ill-health and by the
advise of doctors, I am obliged to dis
continue active htmyiehti, and therefore
I offer the White House grocery store
for sale. There is no better store in
the state, and a full investigation i
K. Y. SCHLCK, Proprietor.
It Will I)o You Good.
A blood purifier and UggM builder is
Karl's Clover Root Tea --old for half
a OBntniJ on our guarantee. Money
refunded if results are not satisfactory.
Price 26 cts. and 60 cts. Tallmau
mr Nearly Two Years
able to Lay in Bed
pn my capacity Is druggist, in Buffalo, 51. Y., I have the best opportunity
je ot tlie merits ot many uinerent remodiee. I am 111 close toucli witn tlie
rhocome into my store i'oi mediciuas, uud most of them tell ait- how they
ptting along. Ot ail the hun
Lof preparations which I sell,
Mingle one begins to give as
I sutibtuction as Acker s hng-
tt-uiedy for Cotiebs, Colds,
iKit, Asthma, l'leurisy and
iption. 1 sell it ou a dis-
euai unlet- that it will cure,
purchaser's money will b
Bed. This is a perfectly safe
jlee, because the remedy
lure. Nobody wants nts
returned. Its cures are
kg short of mui veloua. Tuke
of Mr. A. H. UUbert, tor
He live , at No. 5 Carey
Buffalo, N. Y. For more
three years he had a bad
asthma, and had baeu uu-
1 lie down in bed for nearly
ire. He came to my store
ted me what to do. I said 1
Acker's Kuglisli Remedy.'
Id he had tried other leine-
Id ditln't think this would
ft . . a 1 .1
Bill. But lie tliiuss oinet- ,
low. Three bottles lixed his astnma an ngur. nt coutu steep v"
Ikilik them. i well as wlieu a uoy. nc was v-uteu wvt "
well yet, so I am certain his trouo.e mmv. V''-"
Jbert bimaetf, M you ouw Bvwon, h 7bS V,
Iter a English Kemeoy. cniui
kd at ac hoc and Bi a Uttle, throughout the uuiled stales muu
England; ad.s 3d., i S V you ar. not aatieuad aitc buytu,
Ithe bottle to youi Uuggtsi. aotu
- W. U UUOA CO., nvp,nu
The Fourth Annual Meeting ol the Atto
elatlon to Be Held at Moteow,
Idaho, March 28-30.
The fourth annual meeting of the
Inland Ktnpire Teachers' association
will he held at Moscow, Idaho, on
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March
18, J" and HO. "Superintendent J. V.
Nowlin, who is second vice-president
of the association, ha receivinl a pro
gram of the meeting, which is as fol
lows :
First session -Thursday afternoon,
March 28, 8 o chu k -Muir, Men's
Uleeclub; "The Importance of Qood
I .itertiture," J. A. Reattie, Kastern
Oregon normal, discussion, led b- W.
W. Raden, I'niversitv ol Idaho; busi
ness session.
Formal opening -Thursday evening
at 7:30 Invocation, Rsv. P. 0
tihormlev. music, piano solo. Miss
Rosa Forney ; addresses of welcome, in
behalf of Idaho, f rank Moore, state
senator from Latah count . in behalf
of Moscow public schools, J, (
M Herman , citv superintendent ; in be
half of tbe I in versify of Idaho, J, A
McLean, president of the university
responses, from Oregon, K. F. Rragg,
superintendent Union county from
Washington. S. C. Roberts, superinten
dent WbitniHii county, mirsic, ladies
quartette; inaugural address. Q S.
Rond, president of the association .
address, Miss Perineal French, Idaho
state BQperintenilent reception, in
the main building of the university.
.The ladiee of the faculty will lie in
charge. Music will lie furnished by
the university Mandolin cluh.
Kridav forenoon, March ". o clock
Music. Mandolin solo, Misa F'.lsie
Watkius. "The Staudanls ol Normal
Schools," Oeo. F Knepper. president
state normal, Lewiston ; discussion,
led hv W. K. Siders, supermlendent
PooBtaliOi followed bv Mrs. Matfie
lleadingtoii, superintendent Latah
county , music, vocal solo, Margaret I.
DaridlOn, MOBOOWi rtading, Mi.-h
Aorelia I. Henry, university of Idaho J
" I lie Col lege I'.xecut ive its a special
lt," rrank P. Craves, president of the
university of Washington.
Friday afternoon, 1:80 o'clock
Music, Ladies' ( i lee club ; "The BvO
lutioli of the Teacher," Miss C. Cus
tinson, Roise; "Arithmetic," W. E.
Ranaon, siiwrintendent Colfax :
"Home Studf, " Mis Roae Do veil.
Walla Walla High school; music, vocal
solo, Mrs. Wellington Kiy ; "The
Personal Ktjnation," .1. II. Miller,
state normal, Cheney; reading, (). A.
Haiierbach, Whitman college.
Friday evening, 7:30 o'clock Dia
cuaaion: Topic, "Shall the Inland
BfltplrB Teachers' Association Favor
I Fre- Text Rooks: I State I'ni
formity" Ltiadtrs: S. R. L. Penrose,
president Whitman college; S. F.
Savior, superintendent Spokane; R. N.
Wright, superintendent Lewiston; C. W
Bean, superintendent Pullman. Musi
cal program By Miss .lean Rcrnadine
Sargent, Spokane, assisted by Miss
Mabel L. Hinckley, Moscow. Captain
Kiu.ie, Washington agricultural
college; J. I. Cogswell, university of
at unlay forenoon, March 30, 9
o'clock Music, piano solo, Mux Car
ret: "Kuglisli in the Public school,"
Miaa Margaret Knepper, Lewiston
DiacUNsion, led bv .1. A. Reed, Spo
kane "Hon I" 'ftiach the lrama."
F. M. Padelfonl, univerity of Idaho.
"Knglish in the Secondary Sclnsjla,"
H. C. Sampson, Washington agricul
tural college. Discussion, led bv O.
A. Hauerhach, W bit man col lege. I let .
1 1 ' hi of otliccrs and general business. "
I n leas announced to the contrary all
exercises will be field in the assembly
hall of the main building of the uni
versity. Following are the present olticers of
the associat ion : Ii. S. Bond, presi
dent, of Walla; Miss Perineal Prooob,
first vice tresidfiit, of Boiae; L. F.
Nowlin, second vice president, of Pen
dleton: J. II. Morgan, third vice presi
dent, of Kllenshiirg; S. A very, corre
sponding secretary, of Lewiston Mr.
A. Bi Ivanhoe, treasurer, of La
Q rondo.
Trantportatfon Ratet.
The Northern Pacific and (). K. A N.
railroad make a rate of one and one
third fare for the round trip.
Jitn-ut: Ai rurs.
Bragadoelo Voulht at Brlgnson Dltturb
a Meeting-.
C uiplaint came in last evening from
the neighborhood of Briggson, on Wild
Horse mountain, of tlie efforts of
embryo desperadoes there to terrorise
public meetings, says the Weston
It aeeuis that Prof, Twomley, a
Iihrenologiat, attempted to lecture at
'airview school house, and his dis
course was interfered with by a gang of
young toughs who threw rocks at the
building, shot iu the air, and other
wise proceeded to convey the idea that
they were training for the profession of
train wrecking aud bank robbing.
After the meeting they endeavored to
make night hideous with yella of
derision, and by reckless shooting, as
the j p. i left the tchool house. They
threatened to lasso the lecturer, and
a respectable mountain cituen to
whom they objected, and drag them
down the mountain. This amiable
ftroject was not carried iuto effect,
lowever ; probably through wholesome
fear that the respectable prospective
victims might take a hand in the
These matters were reported in the
justice court at Weston, and it was
also stated that similar trouble has
BOOB caused before on the part of
youuit cubs w ith a penchant for mis
chief. No action has yet been taken
but if the mountain ttire-eaters do not
subside it is probable that the law
will be invoged.
Several Wheal Sales.
Heveral Weston farmers w tio had hoen
holdiut; their wheat for 46 cents took
advantage of Saturday's bulge to nail
their ox jjectatipns. J. H Price, agent
of the Western Warehouse Co., bought
; about HOOU bushels Saturday at 46c
comuriisnu' the following lots :
Henry Matuper, ifoM8 bushel; James
Rtchey, 2410 bushels: Frank Oreer,
mi bushels; William Could, gal
Havwal big lots are still uusold In
this neighborhood, Baddeley A Hart-
u. an and T J. Price & Boai hellig the
principal holders, but the hulk ot Wes
ton's product has now been shipped.
Bevlval but vices at the Baptltl Church
Attendance Not Up to Standard.
The revival meeting at the baptist
church, presided over by Rev. Mr.
King, of McMinuville, are being nuiui
well attended, but the interest is not
beiug manifest that the speaker and
church merit. The theme for Friday
evening was "The Light of His Work."
taken from the 6th chapter loth verse
3i Mathew's gospel. Rev. Mr. King is
an interesting speaker, and, aside
front his sermon, each eveuiug, ne reu
Contrary to former plans, and by a
vote of the congregation Friday even
ing, it was decided to hold servlcea
this evening, beginning at 7 ISO and
cloaing at It is earnestly desired
that a large attendance lx present at
this and future meetings.
r. Dttton't Farawall Sermon.
Christian church -Services are lieTd
in the Congregational house of wor
ship. Sunday school at 10 a. in.:
Joniof Fndeavor at :i p. in.; Senior
RndoOTOF at 6t4S p, n, i preaching at
11 a. in. ant) 7:30 p. m. by the pastor.
Subject of morning sermon, "Division
of Calsir in Christian Work." In the
evening the pastor will deliver a fare
well address. closing his public services
with the ehuerh. yon are invited to
attend the service-
Raptist church - Preaching at 11 a
m. and 7:30 p. ru. by l-'vangcliat R
W. King. Special music in tlie even
ing. Sunday school at 10 a. m. : young
People's meeting at 6 :30 p. in. The
revival meeting will be continued
during the week.
Church of the Redeemer Hivino
service tomorrow, fifth Sunday in Lent
at hours as follows: Karlv celebration
of the Holy Communion at 7:30 a. in.
Morning prayer and sermon at 11 a.
m. K veil ing prayer ami address at
I Di in. The Sunday school session
will be held at 10 a. in. The serf ice
on Monday and Wednesday and Thurs
day Will be omitted, owing to the ab
sence ol the lector from town during
those days.
M. Mary's church - LOO mass. S a
m. high mass. 10:30 a. ni. ; Sunday
achiMjl, 3 p. m. : rosarv ami benedic
tion , 7 :30 p. in .
Number of Graduate! From the Wetton
Normal Receive Them From Salem
Salem, March 3. State cerlictiates
and diplomas have been issued hv
the state hoard of education to 2fi
young people. The following graduates
(nun the Weston normal school re
ceived certificates: Leiina I.. Reid,
Hoppnor; John R. Knglish, Woston;
tilBSM A. Creighton, Athena. The
stale certificates are good for five years.
Others receiving them are:
Kthel Fletcher, Salem : Anna S.
Liinlgreii, Marion: F.I iabeth Raker,
Oregon City ; Jennie Conk, Albany;
W. N. Yallandighain. Pendleton ; Mar
garet Tome, Monmouth; W. J. Jon,
Shaw : Maggie K. Chiles, Grant's Pass ;
Anna May Seehler. Antelope: Clara
0, Rarker. Astoria; Mary F'oshay, Al
bany; Otto C Weaver, Sublimity;
William Cullen Rrvant, Monmouth ,
Mclla Juanita Crawford, Silverton;
Nelson W. Rowland, (iresham; Ida
Foot, Portland I Dorothy Lynch, Port
land Marion D Carter OlOS j Mary
I. Tait. Sparta.
- State di ploinas, g I lor Ii le, were
isaued as follows: Myrtle Kliiaheth
Tracy, Raker City; Inei VotSfl lIB0
laml, lleppner; Ailua .1. Ralisger,
lone; William Reason Powers, Salem;
hjigenia Kern. Portland.
Hundred Year Clubt.
Are becoming numerous. The idea is
to promote longevity. It is interesting
to note, that the means through
which long life is to he obtained, ia
food and the stomach. Long life and
good health are not issiblu unless tbe
stomach does its work iirojierly. There
i a way to make it, if it doM not.
Hortetter's stomach Kilter is an ideal
strength restorer. If you Would be
cured of dvpepia, indigestion, belch
ing, constipation, insomnia, nervous
ness, biliousness. try the Hitters.
Kvery body should try it at this time
to help nature rid the bbsid of winter
impurities. It's a specific for malaria
See that our private revel ne stamp
cover the neck ol the Dottle.
Residence or Jamet Nell Dettroed
Fire Friday Evening.
A tire riu Fridav evening destroyed
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. James
Neil, a iiuarter of a mile southeast of
Wade hill. Sam Nidi, son of the BbOTC
mentioned, had Ihmmi hi his room and
left a lighted lamp on the dresser when
lie went out at 7 o clock. A few
minutes thereafu r Mr Neil beard the
lamp explode and the tire made such
raiod progress that the building and
all the furniture were destroyed with
the exception '.f three , hairs and one
Irawer and its contents from a hureau
The distance from the city and absence
of connection with the water system
assured absolute destruction of the
building after the fire bad once at
tained gtssl headway. Tlie building
was insured for
B100 Dollar Reward, B100.
The r cailer. ot Una BABM will be pleased to
learn that I here I. at lea. I one dreadful disease
that science lia. been able to cure lu all lit
stage., and thai 1. OBleTfB. Hall'. Catarrh Curt
is tue only po.itivti cure now attowii tc ma
laertlosl fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu
tional disease requires a cou.tltutloual treat
ment, Hall's t'alarrh t'urc Is taken Internally,
acting directly ou the blood and tuueous stir
1st es ol lite sy.letu. iiiereby ilusiroyiua t lit;
loundatlOB ul the alaaaat. and giving the pa
Ileal strength by building up the con. Illation
and asVi.nug nature in doing It. Work The
proprietors have so much tallh in IU curative
power, that they offer Hue Hundred 1',, liars lor
any case that It lalls lu cure. Heud lor ll.l ol
le.Uluolilsl. Aldus.,
F J t'HKNKV ii CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Hold by Druggl.ts, 7Sc
Hall's Fauillv fill are the best
Notlee or Sals.
The undersigned will receive sealed
bids for the Rlair stock of merchan
dise and fixture and for the Rlair
(louring mill at Weston, Oregon, until
Saturday, March 30, at 12 o'clock noon.
Separate bids are requested for tlie
mill properly, and the stock and
fixtures. The right is reserved to re
ject auy and all bids. Profwrtv may
lie insiMH-ted ou application to my
agent, Win Macbeth, at WOaiOO.
Portland, Ore , March 20, 1U01.
He Kepi Hit Leg.
Iwelve years ago J. W. Sullivan, of
Hartford, Conn., scratched his leg
with a rusty wire. Inflammation and
blood poisoning set in. For two years
he suffered intensely. Then the bust
doctor urged amputation, "hut," he
writes, "I used one bottle of Kleoifie
Hitters ami I . Qoxaf of Bucklen's
Arnica Salve aud my leg was sound
and well as ever.' For eruptions.
si'teuis, tetter, suit rheum, ore a no
all bhsl disorders Kleclric Bitter ha
no rival on earth. Try them Tall
uiau V Co. will guarantee satisfaction
or refund money. Only 60 cent
To Sheepman.
R. Martin ha t. large, well selected
slock ol groceries of all kind aud is
making prices lower than auy other
Store. His stock of dried fruits and
. ..mi,. .1 uimAh i verv tine When vou
want to buy, figure with Martin ami
vou are sure to gel lite Uesl good lor
the least money.
people are killed every year in thta
couutry by CON8U M PTION. The
fault is theirs. No one need have
consumption. It is not hereditary.
It is brought on by neglect. You
have a slight cold and cougb. Yob
do nothing to get rid of it.
will cure b cough or cold in one
"Skllek's 1 sa ealallisg car le ,
Ibruat aad Log uo.biss It will oyjs fa-
uii i.iii.il lijsr.atsiS.blsrss.Sr '
A L SALTS, U U j BuBalft. N. V.
Shiloh's Coa.ampUou t are le evPJ hf eU
Bruaglsls at SAc, fta. Ol.eO a. bi.ui. A
Btrluled guarAuhsia go.s wit ...r botlls.
If n,u are uul .atlsfJaS g to jour drucglat
aud gat your muo.y hack.
Write lur illustrated book ciMuusptiuu Ssal
am. . -1 . -..I u. yw. S. A WsUs efle., LsHuf. M.V.
For sal, ly TOllOSM di I driigmlata.
V W;t;..;7
Baatern Holdert of Wool Are Letting Oo,
Indleatlns Looaenlne; of the Tlsht
Market Condltlona.
In one respect at leaat. the local
wool prospects are brighter thanthev
were a year ago, and the amount of
wool to fie handled this season will
certainly he lnrger than thai handle.!
during the past twelve months. One
reason for the increase is that there
are more sheep in this county, as well
aa in the counties tributary to Pen
dleton, than there were a year ago.
The report of Stock Inspector . Rean,
made at the beginning of the year,
showed that there are 100,000 more
sheep In t'matilln county than were
reported by the stock inspector in Jan
uary, I'rSX). The same increase, or near
to it, ia found in other localities.
Weather conditions have bean fairly
good, and the crop of wool will be up
to the standard.
Sheep owners are beiug bothered in
finding snlticient range for their larger
flocks, it is true, and, if tbe market
for sheep improves, so as to afford them
what thev think the sheep are worth,
sales will be heavy. The independent
s3Sitlon of the sheep men is due to the
act that the majority of them are aide
to bold, for an uidetln ite length of
tiint. Only shortage of range coul
compel them 10 dispose of their hcc
agauiHt their inclinations.
The Kastern limitations are anxiously
watched, in the hone that prices will
show up better bv the time the IflOl
crop conies on the market.
Wool Fibre Will Be Bxcellont.
. J. Furnish stated todav that
I'matilla county w ill shear close to two
million pounds of wool this year, or
something like half a million more
t hitu was shorn in l!H)0.
"It will also," said Mr. Furnish,
"be a very good fibre. vheep have come
through the winter in excellent condi
tion I am of the opinion that w. I
will open the buying season at from
to rj cents a pound here, whith is
about n couple of cents below last
spring's prices Sheep, tOO, will dn
off from ItiiH) pricas from B0 to
cent, iiost imvers lost money on
their 1900 purchases for shipment BBBt,
and thev are chary of repeating the
experience. lew hovers have lieen
here, ami demand has been light.
The larger number ol sheep in the
country than iu IISHJ and comparat Ivn
scarcity of feed will tend to force down
the figures somewhat. I estimate the
amount of nsDO wool on band vet at
utiout .on, ono pound "
Sheep Notet.
Nearly all the sheep men will have
plenty Ul bay left over thia winter.
av the i. rant ( oiinty News. I hose en
gaged in this industry have grown wist
luring the past several years, and con
teiiuentlv the .,ss ol stock has been re
duced to a minimum. In days gone bv
lint little hay was put up lor the win
ter, and when a bard storm dropped in
the loss of stock was appalling. Things
are d liferent now.
International Correspondence School!
of Scranton, Pa.
'Want" every amhitious person to
know tliui hy taking up a course ol
Btndv in SOme one Ol tOO courses
that they i a. h they can iiualify I
mechanical, electrical, civil, mining or
steal Ig Ulcers, etc. M. S. Hart
assistant superintendent ami W. II.
Kirhv, representative, will beat tin
Hotel Pendleton lor the next two davs.
where they will Is. glad to furninli
tins and all inloriuation desired.
e) .
Dug Eleven Wellt.
;iiii Kndecntt ha returned lrom the
Prospect country, where he has dug
11 wells during the past winter and
got water is almost all of iheut. II
will leave on Mm M lay for the Juniper
country IH or 2i miles north of Pen
dletoii to dig wells for Mr. Croawoll
and other Mr. Kinlccott locate wa
r tleep iu the ground by meana of B
penco niioe, .tun i .in give a scieiiiuu
reason for the movements of the limb
of the Hiacli tree when in his hand-.
a a
To Members of Daphne Circle.
Neighbors are reiiiieHtud lo make
their remittance hen-iifter to me, before
tbe 2Hth day of the mouth. Resnlenco
corner Webb and Mill streets, one
block east of Pendleton planing mill.
Every good dresser knows that on the petti
coal, more than on any other feature, de
pends the success or failure of a toilette.
Any woman wearing this adjustable yoke
underskirt, has the satisfying consciousness
that there is nothing heller to be worn.
We have them in black and colors.
The Peoples Warehouse.
Agents Butterick's Patterns.
antjsaa Mermen Di.l.npi'
gKuS) 'jigfl UlM ditti.iii .,rri, . Ifc' It- Mr .in
BgVf.S'y lftf0V"dac
inhood. Im
irnnla, eJne
Nenrnkj D-
MinmUlTt Ih. Sr. in .nd ...
IJI rrl.U.il( wall t CSAMtlt PMk
PHia i.... . ' ... i i ... i. ,.ir., ,i Motm
l . IS.I .11 I , .ll.J
Ouiae Loat Mnnhi
srm.norrnoegj Inaor
ia, Lume Maok, star
or BVfaj Itrntn.Ysrlorc
rhntaoA Sloes
.e. mil l-
k i.-r. .mall, i ,. ,
r . ', Sal A -mi.,, .., .,... l . mm
Audrate, Miehop Rernedr Co., Bun Pranolaao, Oal.
I O.. ItltlTiiUI'Slw. ess ,,i i inv OimUDFt.
(01 Main Street, Pendleton, Oregon.
-fLjW" HI 1 1 gga glggga gggggcgLl gggga
Id St. Gnu
tlliO IIAMVHAU, flop
Klfluantly Korolsbed. Steim Hutad
Huropean flan.
IIIim V ml a -half from depot.
Sample Mooea In connection.
Room Kale
50c, 7.x. 11.00
Byers' Best Flour...
Tu make good hrciid use Rycfs Rest Flour. It took Cistt
preinl'ini at the Clilt-agu wOlid'l Fair, over all cunictl
tlon, anil gives excellent satlslm tlon wlietever uael.
very sack Ih guaruuteett We bave the heat Steam
Rolled Harley, Heed Rye ami Beardless Barley.
Pendleton Roller Mills
w s. HVEKs, pmb, Braa, Bhttss i
Closing out at Cost ut liKC
Washington tS:
Columbia River
Now is the lime to lay in your
BPRINU .M'Pi i li
Ladles' shoes, HsTO "ow . II .IS)
Ladies' shoes, 1 BO BOtB U6
Men's heavv lnH-. I. 10
Mens's gg.eb shoe. 1 ,11ft
Ladie' veata. spring weight 30
llcrt Ihread doen I N s, j ..... 1 ,(M
OoppM wash bolloiB,i I'.'. HI .'
Men's 2 (V) underwear, suit 2.U6
1 C tin coffee jts Iftc now It)
Wah basins Oft
All gtl must go an BOOM a iiblu,
Ifauriuo's Backet Store
fat t hit ago, Bl
sas City, St
Paul, Ml. LoBes, Kan
loo, Omaha, ami
All Points East and South
I'. H Hand an J poluls
un lha s.iuoJ
Arrises Muuilavs. W isliiaaUays sua grldaissi
iirlli m
li ftta ut. luvsJars. Thursdays sud rtaluiO.M
Or pa 1 1. ilally uti opt nun U at 6 UU m. at.
for laioraialloa n gardlug ratae aua atieo
Uiislatluir. i all ou or address
W ADAMS, Agaul
Paudlepju, Ureguu
S.b I'Al HSKIISAII. U. r. A ,
Malta Walla. Wash.
Mam Street.
Ring us up.
LK Oregon Lumber Yard
Hade from drapes
with one ol our electric
doOl hellu. He Bp lo dule
h lien you hulld your IkmIBS
aud have out; on your (run I
'!'"'i Wire your iiouati for
electric lights; tht-y ar- gg
Bbooii as karoBona. Kvary-
in the electric line.
pBjblktol BkctliC Supply Houtc,
Majde Hrog., Kepg
Phone's Main 74 and Keti 176.
Loos at Vour face,
And see if it is reflecting health or
disease Karl's Clover Hoot lea
beautifies the face and ooiuplaxiai), and
assures perfect health All druggists
26 cent and 60 cent Money refunded
if reaulls are uot aatislactory . Jallii.an
grown 111 lot-allocs famuli, lof producing fruit
uj a very high i,ualil) ; uur lone I'ert Is an
Ideal wiut! for thu luraJId's use 11 luuiea.ee
the appelile, strengthens (he digestive orgau.
and is aa aid to the aatltuulalluu uf feud
Gleuu lilleu Wine Vaults
..French Restaurant.
MUSI MSA 1.4 IN INK (ill
fuel WecalvaO nice lot of frog's lags
Utta I af otllalua. Prwvriatui
Swltaler buildlua. Main at , f astdialon, Otagou
WOOD i . I I l l h i
Vol boma and JwsiUiugs.
Cheaper than tut
I 11 ill I H . ,
nuildiiiii laik-i .
Tar Paper.
Liuie ami ( ciin ni,
Hi K k UOtl Suud,
Screen Doom A Window,
Suah and Doom,
11 Terra Cotta Pipe.
Borie & Lifit, Prop'?