East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 23, 1901, Image 1

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1SI MEN . i
Will! rrMflnR I.Miu - .11 g .til, .
cool Rnadaf 1
munlM tin TrjiTi tew
hart' I" sell T"" Jr""r $
SlOT) ID simple wa ami
NO. 1060
. k I
fSamplinK will Convince
ic ilmt our goods are more thnu a
i hotter than the ordinary run of
Men. If It does not we are mid
land Mm ptirchaeer 's at no great
Im Aiin' onr goods are f 1 1 1 at
kable prior Have von tries anv
bM' eicellctit I. run. I of staple
lU Squadron Coffee, pure, strong
Ring's Tea. fragrant and del ici-
mr a Cocoa, nourishing and '
se fimccry.
It the PostofTu
The Boston
whe Newest
IV rapper.
Corset linetl
Bust to Hip
to set off a
Shapely Form.
Plain damask, grecian liorder.
able linen, with napkins
Ht (-imply wou't let you get away
the tact that tii ii- in a store which
Biipply yuur many wants at loweet
Htiont. Large AsBotment.
diee' aide coniba 6c to Ittkr air.
Ipadour counb luv to 45c, fancy hair
. iitv- 10c, ci . I.uilu-p' patent
her bull with chenile and spikes
liar 75c uow 6Wc.
len Seeds
limense trade ill this line. We lee
IwBt sueda and they are fruuh. All
li ni hie package here on Bale at 2
tcr goods
Uos ,u 6c. taaUtr carda lc up. Fine
uew Hauler perfume at reduced
fen, i.anter UmlieB, fancy Uucurulcl
i eggs, etc. Kaater caudiutt freali
the manufacturer.
i- are headquarters for the follow
Nuh iRMikt-and uaasiueB
Kitucy crepe and tiBBUe paper
Ladiee' or gout ' purse
Stationery aud Bchool auppliea
TuyB, game aud dolls
Faucy tuatal framee
Albuina and fauoy gooda, etc.
Daati or on the installment plan.
Wtf are avent for the leading wheels
I the United butea.
jlnmbias, liuiierials and t'levelaud
lu B44 Uf tii i75.
io trouble to tell you the good uual-
of our biuyclea. All heels fully
r ranted.
redericK No
Here are the Wash Fabrics
That will be worn by the most sumptuously dressed women of
America. Not to see our collection is to be eclipsed in clc
pnncc by tilOM who do; for the richest and rarest are hi re
Hurmah Cloth Te yard
Alcalde Cora 8r yard
Toile-Pn-Nord 10c yard
.cphyr (linghani 10c yard
Milcorde Dimity 10c yard
Rijou Fancies '2c yard
Zephyr l.awn 12lc yard
ijneen ''ercale ll'V yard
Silk Fulard 20c yard
Kuealnde Pimity .0t yard
Princes lletiste, "'c yard
Motiaeline Applique 20c yard
LmI Tissue . Ml yard
Windsor Nicouee 20c vard
Never has our showing been so
New Persian Lawn
White and vei
25c Hose
Wo aro blofing on! this lino of boyi and
girle bote at I'm
Gold and silver lu-lls arc very fashion
able ami many kimls to ihow including
the new "straight fornv' V ihtped.
Shirt waists
The third shipment just in only a few
of a kind t'r onr astomen Batishu'tion
not old stufV hut new.
New laces and
aloon trimmings
These are of newest det-ign and are just
what many ladies have leen waiting for.
Wide Embroideries.
The new ones you have btM waiting
for. These are very fine and beautiful
for the price being a special value from
the importer.
Evaporated Stock, very fancy.
Qet our Wholosale Prices . . .
C. R0HRMAN, : : : : 309-311 Court Street
ar)d Linoleums.
All best quality Carpets, sewed and layed
cheaper than any other house. Linoleums
in all the latest designs in fancy stamp.
See our office chairs and dsks.
Seed Sowing Time...
You must
have good
seed if you
expect t o
gather a
good crop.
T. C. TAYLOR, the
Mercerized Chambray. 25c yard
Toile He 8oie 25c yard
Lisle Tissue 25c yard
Batiste Satine 25c yard
Mouseline Brodie 2.V yard
Embroidered Swiss Dot? 25c yard
Mercerired Saline 2ic yard
Persian Foulard 30c yard
Unchangeable Lustre. . .35c yard
Mercerised Fulards. . . . . 45c yard
ieno Ma. Iras.-. 50c yard
Oftpt De Chene. 5c yard
Pineapple Tissue 85c yard
Fulard Silk.. 11.00 yard
l.irge; never befoie so beautiful
& Hexter.
v fine
FOLSOM, Main Street
Stock is from selected grasses grown
in rich soil which insures a healthy
growth. Timothy, Alfalfa, Millett,
Blue Grass, Brome Grass, Bed and
White Clover in any quantity. Also
have a full line of garden tools.
Hardware Man.
According to calculation at the mr
department the trunsfer from the mili
tary to the civil government in the
) Philippine? will occur about J UN I0i
Telephonic communication i being
eBtahliohod between Herlin and Kron
lerg, directly connecting KBpVrOI
William with' bin mother, the DwwtgM
F.tnpresB Frederick.
Mrn. Nation hao MNptad contract
fornix lecturen to he given in t'm
cinnnti. She will receive $100 each for
the leCttlfM and all her exHnBe from
W. L Moore of Cincinnati, who will
have charge of her tour.
The iniportB into the Philippine i-
lands in the Tinted Statrn during the
firnt eiht montho of 1IKX) nhow an in-
I creane of 71 per cent over the amount
! for the name period in 1SW, according
to a statement of the commerce for the
The gicAteM rush for land that ever
occurred fince the opening of the land
oMm in Ka!i!"ell OSMItWi when (onr
new townKhipc were openeit up for
ettleincnt. Many people have lieen
living upon the lands in iiKtion for
MVWSI years, while many were 01
recent settlement.
Representative Hull of Iowa, chair
man of the bouse committee on mili
tary . lairs, will leave early next
month lor the Philippines, where he
will s'.udy the situation in order to
eijuin himself with information at lirst
hand for the debates next w inter. Sev
eral other congressmen are talking of
accompany ing him, among them Hep
resentative tlvcrstreet of Indiana.
The proiertv of the New Fngland
conservatory of music, Boston, having
been sold to perons who will concert
it into a home for working women and
girU. flit nscrvutory trustees have
announced plane for a removal of the
institution, hy which it iB proposed to
make it to BottOB and the whole MM
trv, what the MKMlnohH cmiserva
torlutn at l.eipsic ia to the (iertnan
empire and to all Ktirope.
Rev. li. M. Irwin is now editing a
paper called the Alaska Record Miner
at Juneau. He was formerly Oregon's
state school superintendent.
A movement started this week in
Union to lorn, an organization having
for its puprose a working commercial
organiitat ion and social club bouse met
with hearty response.
The transport Kintuck sailed for
Manila Thursday with 815 horses and
mules valued at '0.000. and govern
ment supplies consisting mostly f hay
and grain, to the value of 84,431 .
The efforts of the Astoria Women's
cluti to establish a traveling library
system are meeting with much en
couragement. The ladies expect to
have two libraries of twenty-five vol
umes each ready to send out within
tao weeks.
A water famine is predicted (or some
portions of the Yakima valley during
the coming farming season by ersons
who have made personal inspection of
the watersheds of the Cascades. They
find less snow than at this time in
any previous year.
Last Thursday night at about 11
o'clock some one entered the ofliee of
the Republic Pioneer and deliberately
OHM the drawers in a cabinet filled
with job tvpe, took all tle letters out
of several boxes and threw tfieui into
the stove. When he had ttui'hed up
the metal type he ruined teveral (outs
of wood tye in the same maimer.
The crew of Japanese section lands
employed oi the railroad under Fore
man V. i. an at Steinham, ten mile
routh of Asbland, were driven away
from that place last Sundat' night bv
white men of that neigh horhood. On
Mondav morning they were not on
band. l'he cooked in a little cabin at
the section and lived in the bunk
house. There evidently was no particu
lar trouble in getting the .lai to move.
They took the northtsiund li o'clock
morning train lOf Portland and Ash-
API 01
The uoicilar idea exptensed in the
phrase, "the art of self-ileleust," show,
the opinion that tin chu-t cuemics a man
hu to dcliiid Jnmst-ll Horn are mkioi
and extern. d but lite real danger ol
every inun is from minute ami olUn in
visible fesra. Ill the an we breathe and
the water we drink arc tountlesk minute
organisms leagued against tbe bealtb of
the Ixjdy
Tbe one defense sgaiust these enemies
is to keep tbe bloudoure. Or I'loo-'i
Coldeii Medical liscovery tboiouglilv
uurihes the bluod. rcmoviUK uuisuiioul
subotaines aud accretions When the
blcud is pure there U no liartjoruge for
the germs of disease w hicb bud a lodg
ing only when the blocs) u impure and
I Mjuider your C.uUuru Mcdeal lii-.jrrv
oar ol Oh !: iut.ilii iuc. on t tie la. i ol tor
earth." wfiu. Mr Wm. Ploettr of Rr-tuak
MuulKumery Co Iowa " While iu Ihe south
wr.t thlr vrjn tofo J UiA U'llirl with lol
sou ivy The ioiu erttlrd iu luy blood aud
thf hot for. 1 .uffi o.d
miuul Ix- (..Id in Moid
I llwin;.i I would go cra.v
go cra.y I tried dinwt at
klud of utcdunir. Iiied ditfrreul dixtor.. I Hit
sll t lie relief the -uld ipvr uie w to make lay
pocket-book lltclllel I Dun begau taking J)r
Pierce Golden Mediuil l. .,er Took loui
bottles without relief sit is i..ln.K it J took
la all teu bottle, and got eulm ly cured
lit I'leice Plcasaut 1'elleU cute cou
Upatluu. MOftCf.
Notice Is hi-ruby rtyu that by sii older of
the t'outily t'ourt of T'tnatllla uwuuty. .late .!
or. gou tuade and euu-red March V, I'JOl all of
tin lands and lot. Lid Iu Ly the county ou
sales mad by the sheriff of said county for da
Hi. iiui nt taxes, sill e sold tv uy Out who
will ley all lex, charge., cost, sud iutsrc.it
aaaiit.t said laitdn or loU. fun Itsse. tus be
lSa.lv IroSJ Ihe uudetslgned St au time sflr
April I, 1801, sad couvyance of sll the
luuul) . internal, only iu said lauds srtll be
delivered to pjrehaser. ou peyuicvBt of the
una a bo, e .la led
W. D. I'MAMUJtaLAfN, Cvuuty CUttk.
Root and Corbie Plan Going to
Settled that Cubans Are to Accept the Pint
Amendment Wir Department
BelleTe Tbls Would Result.
Washington, March ft It is possi
hie Secretary Root and Adjutant (len
eral Curb in, both of whom will accom
pany the president on his western trip,
mav proceed from San Francisco to the
I hilippinca to oolain personal a
oiiaintance with conditions then
SbOUld thev 00 so. thev would he
present in Manila at the inauguration
of the new civil government, of which
the installation of Taft as the lirst
civil governor of the archiNlago on
July 1 will be the most prominent
City IS Like a Bsilecsd Plaos. Indust
ries Being Paralycad.
.Marseilles, .March I lie city is
like a place besieged. All industries
are at a standstill, with IraqMBt col
lisions on the streets between the gen
darmes and populace on account of the
bakers joining the strikers. The gov
eminent will send three hundred
bakers to prevent a (amine.
t ii MSl I I mm M uri'li 'I't 1." i r.k l.ul.it.
which ii suppostsl to have been started
hv strikers, destroyed a stove factor
The walls (ell, biirving a number of
people Three lireincn were killed.
and five injured. It is said that many
employees were huried in the ruins.
Wsr Dsparlmanl Lett Cuban Mattari to
Him Result Satisfactory.
Washington. March '':!. -A BMrlj
olln ial aunoiiuceinent that the Cubans
have acceptetl the Piatt amendment
will cause no great surprise at the war
department, which has helieved Ihut
the seeming objections of the Cuban
delegates to the conditions imposed hv
the senate were plays to tin gallery,
ml a kind of mild bluff. In COD Mi'
QtHMMM, tranquility has marked the
attitude of the department o( late,
everything laong lelt to lien. Wissl,
who is sumsirted in every detail hy
the president and Secretary Root. In
the meanwhile, everything has been
done to prevent even a suspicion that
the Cubans might be coerced inti
III IB! ion.
Republicans Claim Ha Prevented the
Elaeilon or D. B. Thompson.
Lincoln, Neb., March -H.- Republi
cans here claim that W. J. liryan last
night blocked I'. F.. Thompson's plan
of being elected to the short term aelia
lorsbip, through the advice be gave to
thirteen fusion memlH-rs of the legis
lature who generally go home over
Sunday. It is that he claimed he
pleaded with them not lo allow the
deadlock to Is- broken in that in. no ai
Batteries flrad by Mlttah Out-lna
Advanea on Vangtsun.
WaBbington, March H, In it lull
mail report Bubuiittetl by tieueral
Chaffee, regarding his ojieratiouB in
China, which has just been made
public, the story is confirmed that, in
ttni advance upon Yangtsun, the Aim ii
cull ifOOM Were fire.) on and some
killed by the Hrttish and Runsian
batteries, through a Ii. isttpprchc or ion
of the position of our forces.
London Koview hays Kngiand Pollay
Was of Cburilsh iBslstanaa.
I.mlou, Macrh 23. The Haturday
Review aaya. ruganlliig tbe dispute Xm
tween Russia and Knglautl :
"Because of a fatal lack of guiding
principle, we bave alluriiatesl between
churlish resistanctt and timid oouoat
siuu. It is obvious that this course
which lias been adopted at lieu Taiu
will only embitter Ruaaia ami that we
will lose prestige in the eyes o( the
The Review thinks that tbe conquuet
of Manchuria by Kussia should be at
knowledge by hngland, but any
further advaiii. resisted.
Theatrical Mauaaer Bbol lo Mew Vorh
Was Mot Madly Murt.
New York, March 23. -Theatrical
Manager Dn.gwail who was shot b
Koo.-n Mon t I, I'liureday uight,
reriing comfortably this uioruing, and
will speedily recover. Tbe ectreee,
May Jiuckley, whose favor Moulton
sought fur a long time, has issued a
sUtemeut that Mm no Neliaiuau was
not with tbe narty iu the restaurant
at tbe time of the shooting. Mlaa
fteligioan was meittioiiod in Friday's
disnetcb as the lady over wiiout the
trouble arose.
MulK et Heaynorl Mews.Ceet Two Mlliloa.
Carries iboo Peopi. ts.oou Tons.
Newport New, a., March 211. Be
fore a multitude of people tbe Pacific
Mail steamship Korea, the largest ship
ever built at this place, wee auccesa-
fully launched at 11 o'clock this uioru
ing, from the yerde of tbe Newport
.ews sdiipbuildiuk! company. Mies
Katherine Tweed, daughter ol the
president of the Pacific Mail company,
t-bristeued tbe vessel, which will ply i
belweeu Sen Vraucieco and the I
Orient. Cioveruox Tyler aad bia staff I
wilnese.sl ttie initial dip. atari be
a displacement of is,t00 tons, a
tract IpMd of eighteen knots an h
and capHfitv for IflOO passeinreri
cost a,gu0,uuo,
Reported by I. L. Ray Co . Pendleton,
Chleatro Board of Trade and New York
Stoeh xehanae Brokers.
New York. March 88. Ihe wheat
market was linn ttslay. and the close
wbs at an advance of ' ,c over vc-ter-day.
Liverpool was unchanged, u
cw York os'iisl higher, 80 - 1,
and sold between . and I04, clos
in at th optMiinu or
The clearances for Ihe week for
foreign account were H.ltoii.OOO, com
pared with -',!H)0,(rt0. same week last
Stocks Hteady
Money, 2Vt per cent.
Closing yesterday, M ,!-S
Open totlay, SO ". H.
Range today, HO'j to HO1,
Close ttslay, SO s.
May com, W.
Closing sttH-ks: Sugar,
bacco, 117 11 1 Frsl. steel.
I ni
SI. P.,
i-.-", c. it ii., m4 n
Wheat In Chleaso.
Chicago, March L'''. Mav
OrlfKi Rsslrned Today Hlehardi, or
Ohio, Uraed ror ths Portrollo by
ProBvlnenl Men.
Washington, March H Attorney
tteneral tiriggs sent his resignation to
the president this morning, to ink
elf eel March 111. The appointment nl
Ins successor will not u announced (r
several days.
A mi in I mt if inllucntial men called
ou the president this morning to urge
the appointment of Sol icitor-l leucral
KIcliilMs to succetsl Mr. t.riggs It is
not thought in adminisfralioii circles
that he will he successful, unless I'.
0. Knox, of Pittsburg, who has already
I u O0trad the place by the president ,
should decline, Mr. tiriggs will re
sume the practice of law iu New York.
Arkansas Public Wltnes. Bisciitlun of
a Criminal.
Arkadelplna. Ark., March :'.; I wo
thousand persons cheered this nn. ru
ing, when John Wesley, the Colorado
rapisl. who assaulted Mrs. (irevee,
Mrs Hit 1 1 arJ and a 17 vear -nhl girl at
Malvern in IK!l!, was put to death bv
a hangman's noose lb- struggled vio
lently as the drop fell, getting Ills
hands Itsise, ami attempting to loosen
to iop. He .1,. .1 from -it angulation
fifteen minutes later. It was the first
execution under the new law per
mitting public hangings.
Notes from Whitman lollsgs.
Walla Walla, March 2'i. Whitman
liege has received a gilt of f SMI
(rum an eastern philanthropist, tbe
money to ls applied in liiuidatiiig the
indebtedness oil Hillings hall tin
young men s dormitory.
Ihe Whitman tolh-g.- dice club,
which recently relumed from a success
ful four of I'.aslem Oregon, gave an en
tertailliucllt iu the opera bouse Last
Friday night, assisted by the Walla
Walla band.
PtOfi lewis Anderson, Ol Whitman
ollege, who has nen trawling lor
several months in huropn, has reached
ihe (Tailed states ami ... expecutd
hoini- within tbe next few dofl
; .ai, .. Hrottio Cctl 1 li l ne ti'inu.t'. tlic aitae
UraaitoOoni A Q, Aukeny, n
first -class barber has returned to
tanite anil opened a shop iu the
tirt.lllte sabs. ii bllll llllg, where he will
le pleased to meet his many (riends
and oltl patrons.
To Soften and Whiten the
To Stop I -ailing
To beautify the
Mjf.djfd Skin
UN) folcf
4 the
tiitig uf filing
mm t7
rw L
1 liHIUI
IV TICUBA OAl'...lt.d Swvi.:?!'
Z'f&'Jw ty I'uu.uie en JptfllveBH
liesutifyiny ihv .1.1'.. i . ttiw et..i fiSMki
fcfogV I'll.tf uf falllug hall, Im ...jaij XFtlO
7a ? -. .Taa u hlleuliiif iiT ruueh. aud .i.iw S lU.la. an.l aa?hvrrff-.
s lull nli -i.-d, lyii'li, anil a.iis S.u.la, .ml
v. - ti wd a r - - p uai
. I ..I ll.t t.aaa .. 1 1.. I
Mllli. . i if v in. .. u.. ft
tiiiiia.i l aaala . fur Liceiaitve wveSi v ' -o '
, aud f..r Sausy
I.. ia. lo I eve
I'iuil i -.t ) lh- SSav .la
, hat aoai' U. Ua wurl
i it mil rt
Disturbances and Violence in
St. Petersburg.
Tin' I estnirllODisls Have Pronounced AnaiDit
Ihe Minlstm, Harlotf fllTeo Up At
tempts on ihe Kmperor.
London, March B, A dispatch Inun
St. Petersburg states that the recent
distnrhantfs in Kussia have DOM
qtMlled (or the time being. I'here is,
however, no abatement of the causes
which led to the agitation. The at
tempt to organize a revolution has
proved futile but, .m the other hand,
there is an alarming revival of
nihilism. It instated IH) the uilii I ista
have rt lit I v decided to make no
tli reef attempts against the lifent the
c.ar, but tn kill his ministers.
Helped hieoniniiinleat Tolstoi,
st. Petersburg. March H, The high
Ofticlal who was shot at mi Tluirsdav,
RfhOM name wits not given in a former
brief fdispatch, is I'rocureiir (leneral
Prolietonot.i.w , of tin II . Syntsl
of the rllnslm cliurcb, secretary of
state, it member of the senate, mil a
privy councillor, lie was active in
the proceedings whereby the eirotn
maairatinu of Count l.vnff Tolstoi was
Boootnpl lined.
A man named l.agnvskv, who Iffaj
the revolver, hits Usui arrested. In
view of Ihe disturbances, St. Peters
burg is under military guard, itnd anv
meeting or gathering on the streets or
iu public places is prohibited under a
penalty of Mi) rubles line or three
months imprisonment.
Balfour Movd I loiure In Debate on
Nsval Budget.
London, March '.'II. In the .ominous
Itslav. on a unit ion to pay theen.it ol
the Irish fishing patrol out nl the naval
budget, instead of I roll i tbe Irish
funds, the first lord ol the treasury,
llaldinr, moved closure ol the debate,
while Rednood. the Irish leader,
loudly protected, anil a tremendous
row started Cheers Irom the Irish for
Redluond were mingled with cries for
flit police, hut closure was Voted and
the commons vnleil 224 to ll against
the proposition
Reiiialndsr uf Aiiiounl Ou Hpaln ror
I'lilllppln Uroup.
Washington, March H, -The Satn-
isn minister, iiirnw, cainsi ai im
stale department this iiiorniug ami
received a .ball lor $bi.u0u. This
completes payment (or the islands
Cagavun and Cihitu, parts ol the Pin!
ppiiio group iniadyertetllv lelt out !
lite ls.und.tr les ilctimd in the trealvfjol
I'lllls In whnh Ihe I lllttsl Mates
lamed control ol the archtiHilago.
No Uautfhlsr or I mi, Luwry.
New ..n., March J'i. It IsacaiiiH
known todhVf that the woman who com
mitted suicide in the llarltn btaudtng
bouse testerdav is presumably Mrs.
I.illiunll. Kooertsoit, wile of a Chicago
tailm. and not a daughter ol Million
aire Thomas l.owry.of M iiineapolie, ae
previoosl) reportMi The latter la
hi halt I lino .
leeeeM lev Briinh arms.
bliHiufonleiii, March M, The
Kritlsh hove -.. r.l a big sucetats in
the light against l-ourlea comuiaiul.
two hiin. bed boMI were taken prison
ers.und ninety Hie thousand sheep and
five thousand horses captured.
MILLION i I '- CI '-
ITctlKA SO Ai'... Ml.!, d
t'uu.uta tin 'in.-nl, or
tiiw ekti.. I . it., .toi
haii , im .... u- ..it 4 and
II. I tialll aud nil aery
in uua as I t. il.. lor aai.uyiu una
MMaSlIrS i 'i "- uur.uea ahnh readily
i it Moai- . i.i.ibl..es Iu lias Vr el Osa
-aid iw.ipl-.ioii c. is. a.i t. mat aud
old by all . ...