tic SI UK ST y. our', obtl SHLE See Display in the North Window $2.50 to $4.90, formerly $5 to $10. ver Bros. Dry Goods Co. . i' progresses, hun't overlon ' Athena, whatever you de DAY, MARCH 21, ABOUT BASLBALL to Be Held Thli Evening lo nlze the Pendleton Club. ,. sdiurpstein, iniuiHger (if the IIh hasehall team, came to Wi Inosdsy afternoon, and liiiiir or so in the evening in ununited with the Pendleton anil discnssink,' plan for Mr. isharpatein save he will o( the liest amateur team Bland Kuinire under hit- he team if not vet complete. all the members hae !een to their positions, hut it ! hat I ix will Mart the lead n the hat, while Hunt le will he e pitcher. Lynn i another will nlav with them. He i si Pendleton, having pitched game (or a team of Walla v again Ft I'eudleton in 1HIW, hal the vmpathv of the while he endeavored to play e giime. larpntein said it wa tinder Walla Walla Unit I'endleton it huve a teHin in the lieid this Bd Unit it wa In intention to Hr: Meacli or, lake Marin to help pitch nig ileiiartment of the alia v lie found out that Sjaa Intended to have a I'lllh ill Pan-Hliovti'ii-r ho will he i artaiu' a ene oi game net ween B team. It I not a ure thing f amf mean thut Manager Sharpstem AjHt set'lire aome the I'endleton ''AltHthmik'h, for there I no law , manager gelling out ami after the tiet that ii. player alo like to lie with a leu in, and the meeting ton ight at account of cnnitiderahle im- frnm a sporting; itandpoint. asebail Heeling Tonight. ting of those interested in the tion of a baaehull club in Pen- called to In' held in the cnun ) at h O'slssk tbia evening, a tieen mure talk and en- iii Pendleton during the put over liaeliail inHtter tlian the entire winter, and the out- 1 good for the inauguration of a nt that will put a atrong team eld to represent I Ynuletoii and e who are willing to pay to game the opHrtuinty they St f Whitman College Team. Whitman college team, which i 1 to iilav at Athena on t-ridav kurday, March M uiel M, i aaid pager Mnirpslei n la M a ginnl Br than hi team, there mav te Unexpected developiuelita a the We sell Alarm Clocks 75C, $I.OO, $1.25, llit day Striking jind Alarm Clucks, guaranteed, for $3.00 up ft will convince you we kre the lowest on clocks. All we ask is a visit from lou L HUNZIKER, iweler and Optician.., rt door to Alexander A liexter's He Kept mi Leg. Twelve years ago .1 . W. Sullivan. Hartford. Conn,, scratched hi leg 1 with a rusty w ire, nnsramstlon and bland unison nig set in. ror two year he Buffered intensely. Then the heft doctor urged amputation, "hut," he write. "1 ned one bottle of Klectric Hitter Hiid l1.. boxe of HnrklenV Arniea Salve anil mv leg wa KM ltd and a-ell a ever. For eruption erema. tetter. alt rheum, ore and all hints! diorder Klectric Hitter ha no rival on earth. Try them Tall man iV Co. will guarantee satisfaction or refund motif y. Only . cent. a as a- 1 NAMB FOR PORTLAND EXPOSITION Lee atoorhouse Suggest a Title lor the Lewli it Clark Centennial. Kac-a-ja-we-a was a Snake lodtsi woman who walked from t. Louis t. the mouth of the Columbia river, and then wa ked hack . gave hir'.h to a child enroute, and walked the remain inu distance carrving the child on her hack, after the manner of Indian wo men. She served ('apt. Lewi and Clark, the century ago explorer. ;i an interpreter, and gave the captain a vast amount of valuable and other wiae unobtainable information. "Hence." av Lee Moorhoiise, the authority on Indian lore and Indian cutoni, especially on Indian photo giaphy, "the halo centennial in IVrt land should lie called 1 he sai -a-ja- we-a Centennial.' It would uttruct at tent inn and be a grucetnl trihnte , to womunhood. ' ' Mr. Moorhoiise i imw selecting K1 nhntnirrai'hs from his collection of something like 1500 or 100. to Mod Ul the Pan-American exposition nt Hnffaln. He will send Indian picture reservation tepee scene, landscape iews and some of the tine portraits he ha taken. The collection 1 hound to attract general and favorable comment. Thousand! Sent Into Exile. Kvery year a large numlier of 1 r sufferers whose lung are sore uinJ racked w ith cuugh are urged to go to another climate. Hut this is costly and not always aure. Don't lie an exile when Dr. King' New Discovery for consumption will cure you at home. It's the mnt infallible medi cine for coughs, colds and all throat and lung disease mi earth. The first dose tiring relief. Astounding cure result from persist it use. Trial bottle free at lallman & Co. f'riee .rOc ami 11. Kvery bottle guaranteed. TALLN AN'S ELK TBETH COLLECTION. He Has 140 ef Remarkable Beauty or Form and Coloring. Joseph V. Tallmati has the finest collection of elk teeth in half a dozen states, as any oue wi'l say who sees them. Mr. lallman has 140 uf these now rather scarce articles, and within two days past ha been offered 4B0 for the lot. This offer he scorned. It is the general opinion that he exerciaed gissl business judgment in so doing. He can realise at least f rsJ0 for the col lection, and, probably, were he to ad vertise with that end in lew he OOfll secure much more than 1 500. The collection is especially noted for the exact matching of the various pairs of teeth, and the beautiful coloring nt the entire lot. Mr. Talhuan once bad 300 elk teeth. Hia friends kept coming and taking away a pair at a time, until he found that he was destined to supply the major portion of the universe with elk teeth. Hence, be lias issued a pro nunciameuto, and hereafter will not donate these expensive tritles to people in general, in particular, or in any oilier respect He has paid Iron, fl to h.r the 140 teeth, and will no doubt some day be able to sell them tor a handsome sum. It Will Do Vou tiood. A blood purifier and tiasue builder is Karl's Clover Koot lea. sold lor nan a century on our guarantee. Money refunded if results are not satisfactory Price 26 cts. and 50 cts. Tall man 4 Co. razor Opera House. Saturday Evening. March 23. EXTRAORDINARY EVENT Wageiiuals .v Keuipcr freseut the Croat '1 regit' Autre MAPAM t ..MODJESKA.. Farewell luur ul lit Hulled .Males twisted gj K 1) MavLeau aud Odette Tyler aud a brilliant auppurliug uouipauy pruaeuuag InkUhWl great historical drama "MARY STUART" Flssharata and Artlatw ouenHi airsvois ana i,(,omi m Pries: Bun al .WW, lower Uoor Ural Urovts tl.ev; li i row. fl. On Uallery SU. Ueaui ou sale al Talluusu's drug sloes. MARKETS OK THE WORLD. GRAIN SITUATION GENERALLY UN CHANGED, SON S SALES MADE. Wool Market! last Have Improved Sheep Show No Greater Demand. Some sales have Iveen made locally in Umatilla county during the past a van dayfl, n Indioatad in detail re ports front day tn day. Ihe price has kept at the t cent mark. Wool i not vet an active feature here, no hnver having come from ahrnail, and local huvers having nnth ing to do. Shearing i yet close to a month a war. lipinand for sheep ha not made any material change during the week. hiiV' er seeming to init on about fl.7ft for yearling, and grower thinking fJ.2A is the correct figure. Tin repre sent the split Ix'tween the hnver ami seller, and presage few sale this spring. An incident in recent market happen ing i the report that the California Irnit aMMlatMH ha enmered the entire prune crop of the Mate. All prune tint in the hand of the aocia- tion. some -l.0tHl.o0i or .Ynoo.ooo siuml, have fsmui purchased outright. The deal has bM under way since the meeting in February, when the metn- lier of the association authorised the directors to expend not exceeding 'J0O.- 000 for advertiaing and otherwise ad vancing the interest of the combine. The price paid was le than ocia tion figure. Pendleton's Wheat Market. Pendleton, March VI. A severe storm in the middle state early this week caused a rise in the price of wheat locally, a well a in fnreign markets. Exporter hid 44'..- to 4" fnr No. 1 club and rede huff. while the mills pay 4'S and better, and even go a high a 47, if the wheat grade No. 1 strong, a they need it in their htisi ne. Local Market. Pendleton dealer are paying the fol low ing price for ranch and faun pro duce : Hotter. 40 to "hOc per roll. Kgg IV'uC per dor.. Potatoes 50c per saik. Parsnips, 50c mt sack. Cabbage 4c ier pound. Turnip, "5c er Ilk) pound. Turkeys Alive, ll!'c per pound. i itHe f IV -cr dozen. Docks 14.50 er dor.en, Chicken--:'.."! to 4.'i) per dozen. Wheat In Portland. Portland, March VI. -The cummer i ial Editor of the Oregon inn says: "In the local market there is very little business doing, and exporters are un able to aecure much wheat at an ex port value. With w heat n firmly held, there I no incentive to charter ships, and, until owners show a deposition to share some of the weakness Ifl the wheat market, matter will be at a standstill. The flour trade has fallen away to small proportion, and the mills are not making any special effort to buy wheat. Quotations in this market are nominal at 5ti'lj and 57 cent for Walla Walla, and H and mi cent for bluestein." European Grain Markets. London, March VI. Wheat cargoes on passage steady, hut quiet. Cargoes Walla Walla, VUs ; cargoes Oregon, :U)s. Knglish country markets firm. I .wrpool. March VI. Wbeut Sst firm. No. 1 California, Oo SWd j No. V red Western w inter, tis. No. 1 North ern spring, s lid. Futures quiet. May, lis 5.ftd ; July, l,,d. torn ist lirm . American mixed new, lis llttdj; b old, 4s. Futures quiet . May, 3s 10'4d . Julv, 3a V 7-Hd ; eptmher, Us 10 5-d. Available brain Supply. New York, March VI. -Special cable and telegraphic communication to Hradtreet show the following changes in available supplies: Wheat, Unitl States and Canada. east of the Kockies, decrease , 1,773,000 bushels. Afloat for und in in-., in creased :,o"i .ooii hiisbels. Total supply decreased 77U,IMH.I htlshels. Corn. United States and Canada, east of the Hockies. increased 04V,i.l bushels. ( )ats United Mates and Canada, east of the Hockies, decreased 118.000 hushel. The combined stock of wheat at Port land, dr.. Tacoma ami Seattle, Wash., increased 07, 000 bushels last week. Boston Wool Market. Ho ton, March VI. The wool market is steadier this week. There ii a tinner tone with a good demand and altogether there is a great improvement over recent condition. Territory wools continue to head the list of sales with prices about the same. For good lines nt fine medium and tine the range is on the scoured basis of about 40 to 48e. with strictly staple lots to 44 tn 4ic. F'leeoe. line washed, are held steady in price but offerings are small and demand is light. Quotations were as follows: 'territory, scoured basis, Montana tine medium and tine, 14 to 15c . scoured, 4V to Ma staple, 4 o 4'.c I tah, Wyomiug aud Idaho, tine medium ami tine, IV to 14c; scoured, 40 to 4Vc ; staple. 44 to 40c. Australian, scoured basis, spot prices, combing supernne, nominal, 08 to ,0c good. 04 to 05c average, 00 to O-ic. Eastei-n Livestock. Chicago, March VI. Cattle-He ceipts, 4500, including 4o lexan choice steers, strong: medium, slow. Butchers' stockers, strong Texan steady. Iiood to liMlne i-lcere, 4.80 to ' poor to medium, S.flO to 4.50 nine kers and feeders, V.05 to $4.05 cows, V.b to4..i.). heller, IV.hO to M.OS eaunors, V to U.86; bull, M.66 to $4 V5 . calves, 4.fi0 lo fti ; Texas fed steers, $4 to $5: Texas grass steers, 3.:J5 to 4; Texas bulls, 2.5nio 3.7ft, Hog keceipis today, Itf.OOO ; tOflKir- row, V,,000; left over, VOW I. Market uctive, 5 Pi 10c higher; top, . Mixed aud butchers, fz.iio to o87'; good to choice heavy, f0.o to 0.W . rough iieavv, 5.oo to A.76: light. $5.6,5 to 5.HV'V ; bulk of sales, 6.75 to $6.85. Sheep HeceipU, Hl.tiUO. Hheei, steady to strung; lambs, steady b slow. iood to choice Methers, $4.00 to $5; fair to choice mixed, $4 to $4.05; Western sheep, $4.00 to $5; yearlings, steady, $4.75 to $5.10; native lambs, $4.no to $5 40; Western lambs, $5 to $5.40. Wool, Hides and Pelts In Portland. Portland. March VI Hope IV to 14c per pound ; 18W crops, 0 to 7c. Wool - alley, 14 U 16c; Kasteru Oregon W to lVc; motiair 21 to V3c per pound Shueuskins-lshearliugs, 16 to 20c; abort wool, 26 to 35c, medium wool, j ItO to tOc ; long Wool i 00c to $1 each. Tallow -3c. No. V and grease, V to per pound. o -Prv hide, o. 1, in ixmnds and upward, 14 to 15c; dry kip, No 1, 5 to 16 DOtindl, 14 to 15o per jound . l r y calf. No I, sound steer, 00 pounds and over. 7 to Sc . do, 50 to 00 pound, 7 to 7'c; do, under BO . . .... . roi Kip, in to r ; do veal, lt to pounds, BJ . to pounds, i,i to i pounds, u', dn calf, under 10 pound. 7 to Sc ; iron OMalttd , la ir poana le; cull (bull. tag, moth-eaten, badly cut, scored, linir-l ipMd, weather heaten or 'grubhy . one-tliird le. Poltl Hearskin. each, a to sire, $5 to $Vt ; cub, each, $V to $5; badger, each, 10 to 40c ; wildcat, V5 to 5c; house cat, 5 to VOc ; fox, common grav, 30 to 50c; do red, $1.50 to $V ; docro, Ifl o 15; lynx, $V to $3; mink, BO to 11. SB; marten, ilark Northern, $0 to $IV; do pule pine. $1 BO to $V: Innsk rat, I tii 0e; skunk, SB to II.V ; otter ', land , $5 to $7: panther, with head and OiaWI perfect. $V to ; raccoon, :m in ;1V ; wolf, mountain, with head perfect. 13.80 to $"i; rairie wolf or coyote, tk) to 7.V; wolverine, $4 to $7; heaver, per skin, ItrgO, IB to $i do imslium, per skin, $3 to $7; do small, lr skin, $1 to $V ; do kit, Hr skin, 50 to 75o. EIGHT WERE INITIATED. Pioneers of the Paeltte Had a Great Social Session. At the regular seion of William Martin encampment. No. I, Pioneer of the Pacific, Btld Wednesday even ing, eight candidate were conducted aeros the rocky road to Huh! in. through the danger of desert and forest, and I'mally landed afe ami sound within the contlding care of the member of the camp. The amplified work wa put on in all its blood-curdling deta; Is, and the candidate NOtad easier after the ordeal hud been pa.-sed. After the regular sciou came the social, when the following program wa rendered : Vocal solo, Klvin I.ampkin: recita tion, Qatirodo Oreen: character song, Claud O'Harra; vocal number by the Pendleton male . tiartet , consisting of Henry Oierlich, Louis (ireenwald, Jesse Owens and John Wilon, with Pr. C. J. Whituker accompanying with the flute. Forming by couples, nearly 100 meniler marched to the lianquet hall and partook of refresh ments. After that, came instrumental music by several and a hninorou tier man dialect mg hy Kleiner Heinrich and Mr, liierlich. In the course of an hour the good night were said aud the encampment went peacefully to sleep, feeling that an evening had been profitably aad pleasantly spent. 100 Dollars Howard. $100. The reader f till, iisper will W pleased to learn tli.il there - at lea! eiie dreieltiil dlsesse that science lias hei li ahle to cure III all lis stages, and that l catarrh Hall's l alarrh Cure Is the only ,iitive cure now known te the medical fraternity. Catarrh hclng a constitu tional disease requires a eototltutloiial treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly on the tiliHid and mucous iur faces uf the system, thereby destroying the foundation ol Hie .1 e aid giving I lie na llcnt strength by liiillditig up the constitution and aliuig naliiie In ,olnii Its Work. The proprh'tors have so mm Ii faith In It curative powers thai they offer iue Hundred hollars for any case that It fall to cure. Hvml for list ol testimonials. Address. K. J. CHBNIY .v CO . Toledo, Ohio. Hold bf Druggists. TSc. Hall's Kuiiiilv PUUi are the la st. Arrivals at Hotel Pendleton. Blair I Scott, Portland. I. K Cleaver, Pendleton. Wm Maher. Portland (' M Bmitbi Portland. J w Franel, New York. ( orkie. T i Hailey, city T i Hathewav, Tacoma. Mrs M Id. n. Walla Walla A lleatiield, Bnokaaa, M II Patton, Spokane Louis Tallsit, Spokane. J C l.indsey, Portland. I H Kloeckiier .1 Power. T W Jackson, Portland. John I. Hharpstein. Walla Walla. Henry K Conner, Porltand. J J Hums, Portland. J C Merit, Kansas City. I T Jones, san I rancisco. RoOOOO K Oake. Portland. C II Pearson, M inneajsilis. J a Lockall. While Housj is for bale. K. Y. Schuck, who came to Pendle ton last winter and purchased the White House grocery from Tatom Urnthers, announces that he will -ell the store. He is moved to this action by tl e advice of his physicians, who have counselled him to give up busi ness, and seek recuperation and strength in the higher altitudes. Mr. Schuck regrets that this is necessary having found Pendleton a pleasant place of resideuce and an excellent business poiali The White House will therefore sn change hand, ami Mr. aud Mrs. Schuck will remove from this place to some spot in the moun tains. A Good Thing. Our great-grand mothers' garrets contained the same herbs of all heal ing . .4 in Karl's Clover Knot Tea. Thev irave our ancestor strength, keiit the bdood pure, and w ill do the same for you if you say so. J'rice 26 eta and 50 cts. Tallman & Co., leading lruggista. Shiloh's Consumption Cure cures once. coughs and colds at We don't mean thut it relieves you for a little while it curts. It has been doing this for half a century. It has saved hundreds of thousands of lives. It will save yours if you give it a chance. I aava rausivod so wuch bani lions It, laal I always r.coujsu.sS M,, ... s to taivst. k,iot.vt.ul mua loss le-ubM. CHAS. VANbEKCAK, Wsuiford, N. V aid'ati - 4'netefy""" Hur la auld by en gruaatsls at :o. aoo. oo a butU. A orialsa kusm ilat will ovary lulll. ffrusai.usl allsn4 go to yoaur JuglUI aa.d al your iuunay I- W.iu lot Illustrated t,. uk on i.,i..luiuiiv. Hatt Oo . Uk.,, K V i driltfKlBlis aitaoot ooat u yaa. g. C Walla a y,,i- aatle h TmJImiuij stt o Hut. Lsoaidud b lbs iay, swell or utoutb auJ giveii lbs boat oi car. First Class Livery Rigs C'aii be oblaiued ou sborl uullc. Telcpbouo Msiu 7v for sab. KLVJM i K Alo. t-tooilcloi Oepot Stable. ALL THK NKVV8I Taks Ibe Vast Oicgwuiac- Daily Sj.oa a yaar by axm.ii. Weakly Si jo, aud atatui. WsaJy a-oo a yeax. &uyl tvatyy ( CAVALRY TOR PHtilPPINBS. A Special Train Want Through Pendle ton Last Night With Troops. A sneeial train went through Pendle ton Wednesday night with two ofllOOfl and M4 men from Hoise harrack. heing Trisip II, Sixth V. S. cavalry, l.ient I'rowlitt. ol the Seventh iHong in com maud. The O R, A; If, OOBpajiy secured the contract to move the tnsips from I'ort Wright at Spokani', Fori Osburn at Wallace. Idaho, I'ort Walla Walla and from BolM barracks to l'ortland, whence they will he transported lo San Francisco, from which city they will sail for service in the Philip pines. The troops are all from the Sixth cavalry. The troops at Fort Wright were loaded on Wednesday. I'hev nnnihereil 11 men and 40 horses, according to railroad report. The train U'aring the detachment left Spokane at 9 180 In the aftermsm, and was joined at Tekoa h the detachment frets Fort Osburn, with !4 men. At Walla Wall! cuvalrv reinforcements to the numher of V were receivisl. The entire detachment consists of five otlicers and 'J7i men. Thev have 106 horses mid haggage and equipment. Tln train carrving these trisips will be run in two section. It will require lii coaches, nine horse cars ami nine Istx cars, 10 transport the detAcbment, which reaches Portland over the O. H. A N. at It) o'clock today. The animal will be uu I on, led there and given a rest before continuing to San Francisco. It ia expected that thev will leave for the south Friday, s av Hundred Year Clubs. Are becoming numerous. The Idas is to promote longevity. It is interesting to note, that the means through which long llle is to he optainiMl, is fond and the stomach, l ong life ami MM health are not possibly unless the stomach does its work properly. There is a wav to make it, if it does not. Hosteller BtOtnSCfa II Iters i an ideal Itranjth retorer. If you would be cured of dyspepsia, indigestion, belch ing, constipation, insomnia, nervous ness, biliousness, try the Hitters. Kverybodv should try it nt this time to help nature rid the IiIinhI of winter impurities. It's a secitlc for malaria. See that our private revenue stamp covers the neck of the bottle. To Sheepmen. H. Martin has a large, well selected stock of groceries of nil kinds and is making price lower than any other store. II is stock of dried fruits and canned good is very tine. When von want to buy. figure with Martin and you are sure to get the lsst goods for the least money. at s sa Look at Vour Paee, And see if it is reflecting health or disease Karl' Clover li'Mit Tea Is-autities the face ami complexion, ami assures trfect health All druggists L'.r) cents and Ml cents Money refunded if result are mil satisfactory. Tallman ,v Oo. 173rd mm SALE No Better Wheels Are made than mo ci. i:s No better tumbler was et1 bvlll than the Itsil BVOdell huI tM price thu lowest a KainliliT was ever sold for. $35.00 I aldlcs' ur Hints' koaJater. Ladies ,r (ients Light Koatlster f iO.UU nt 19 pOWsd Hacer IMI.OO Ladies or (ien'.s ChalalSM tM).)0 Ideals $20, ."., r-'r R. W. FLETCHER. Agent I lualllla County, Ivoilleion, Oregon Friday and Saturday, March 22 and 23. A Lot of "Mother's Friond" Waists For boys at a discount of M s-r cent A Lot of "Huok" Towels Former price l-V, .nrprise sale price In, n 't men IhSfl o told to one peron at this price A Lot of Children's Shoos Alsnut'oO pair altogether in three range ol si -,,, , to s, W to II, 11' , to . to s, worth 11.85, sale pr , Me, to ii, snrtri fi !) sa'le prlitn fl.tWi, 11'.., to I, worth f-' On, sals price ti , 10 Pair Women's Fanoy Vesting Top Laco Shoes With patent tip, a regular f :.mi ll long a thev Isst H.flO, 50 Pnir Men's Shoos In lace and congrsss, the liest (tf.SO shoe we have ever ihoWM, ,it rarwlaj all f 1 ,80 st pair Shoe Store 71h Main Street. Irv liood I lepart uieiit 7IH Mam Street Men ' t loodl, .'II Main Street. WA I iil'it-i'l :'A b ' "I J 1 . 1 IJ'I Moim on nh AnT IImii i .'I sell -ll ", li "i lirhnpn Pills. n-iu ti- ' t1 I tun kkI of MM trftiittint, nli u IsMMM arajsv pwi j ur , nJ m i M " n, rif i, tr i L' tt' its sntokin- pO(nnoyv Lnnt Powt-irt NKhtLnsaAt r. rm in ouck i b 1 1 ft rT Arnlnn f m "i, i rt' rv fun. i. aTT I i i . J isijrAO i-osi w.innoo.i. m rm.,tnrrho. I iituni m.i, lnln itln Hmn, Vurirocol, urns ilrtck. n)trvou Rumiin rt Atidrnr.a. hismni Heine.!. In 4 , , o . vow m i . k ii v ti i m v inn DHtrmif-wT pw ii i roi rmKnnw IF YOU LOVE YOUR WIFE ni'V lit-: K' somk ru.NU I'ORT 5111 .1 quart bottle, GLEN ELLEN WINE VAULTS Hi 1 Georp Q BO DARVBAU, Crop Kltv.diitly Furnished. Steam Huted t'.uropean Hlan. It hi k .111,1 a -hall from ilepet. Sample Wooin In connection. Room Kate .SOc. 7.x. II. N Byers' Best Flour... To make good In end uc Myers' liest Flout It took that premium at the CttiCaVM U'mid's Fnlr, over 0 com set I tiuii, and gives eat client satlshu tlon whetcver used. Kvery sack Ih guaranteed We have the ' t Steam Rolled Hurley, Seeil Kye und Heutilless Hurley. Pendleton Roller Mills Hrmi. Shtirts. I.tc WJWL J W. S HYKRS. Prop The Old Reliable Kllti'cn years lit tiiisiua.s aiel no lent to Sli t rl lie' iiiu.liristui sloea are trying le make yon Itt lii-ra 'le y 1 411 st,e ton nt nt'e hti tiiS'lullarss an nil , TAN I hi I aa wa earrr tbe only enitiplals slock tf llarnast sag, lies, lirel'lius, iliis Sietn, VMni. ol.i.s- hrusiies, t'ombs, oil. soap, I en Is, Wagon on is. ana 1 n dial a uioukSi o. Kaslei n 1 uegoit JOSEPH ELL'S .Leading Harness and Saddlery.. Closing out at Cost at VAUGHAN'S 17 Slf Now is the time to lay in your BPBINti BUfPUKU Ladles' sletos, 11.71 BOW f 1 .110 Ladies' shoos, ll.oU now 06 IfaD'g heavy shoe.-. 1.10 Metis's H. AO shoos. 1 M Ludioa' vests, spring; weight . . Host thread do., -11 46c spool .04 OoppST wash hollers,.. I-.HI -..'st Men's L' SO underwear, suit . o- I I-' tin eoffoo jxtts Ifte now 10 Wash has in, 06 All goods must go as ststii as possible. BOOf tAKKM IN THADK. Vauglian's Hackei Store Oregon SH0ir Line UfalON PAL 1 11 ( Take the... Washington & Columbia River Railway 1 m UhioagOi HI sas Hity, Ht I'aul, M. latins, Kan Jus, Omaha, and nsr. st Time s.liedule .ssis " from Pendleton. runs Chicago- Mali 1 s. Ixovsi Curl Porllaml Woitli. Ussaha, Kau Miteilal .as Cily, Mt latuis, l il t gt, ,Ji' U I III, ago aiel Kaal vie h Isgtoa. Allaollc nail lake Usurer, Kt Kipreas Wortlt. Oinatta. aan is a. 111 sas City, Ul LaHlls Cbl 10 ku p. ui Via Hunt 1 ago gad Kast iugtou Ht I'aul Walla Malls, latwlaloit real Mall Mpokaue, W aileiw.t'ull SlUe. in. Wall, Mlunuaeolls St p ui Via Paul, llululii.Ullwao Sookaue keu, I Ith ago ami Seal (L 1 nn and Kivcr Schedule. KUOM 1'oltll.ANH. II All sailing date sub let I to 1 Itaugu. for Sati Kraucla, o i p. ui. all .vary ( days. All Points tast and South l'ortland and points 011 the Sound. Arrives Moielais, W e,litisla. alel rilJavsal II V, a 111 ruMdsyi I l,itis.laauil Seluidsys at 66 a ui I r pal Is ilaily tn epl rtmelay al it ID u. se. Kor lutorutalloii ii ganliiig ralas aiel at sum uttslaiioii. 1 ail on 01 aoMi.'S W 4 I' A MH Ag i'uutlletou. Or g. B l Al.llhilllgAO It I' A Walla Walla. Waalt I, 807 Lemlleton, Main Street. est, ,l Uuuday - D. Ul. gaturday iu f ui ilalljr sx. Sunday ( a. u. COlUUSIa Hly.r 'lo Aslorla aud Way I .audio. Wlllametta Slver 1 p in x guuday Oieaou I lly Newbcrg. ex Sunday rsout ttlliept-ltilulll C Ofsgoo, Farmers Custom Mill Fred W altar. , Froprlator. apacliy, 16U barrels a day. glout exuuaugad lot wlussl. gWur. Mill good, UUopissd gsMsd, sc. aJwaya ( .. ui. Tues Tlirs aud Sal. 1 a Ul. I u.-. I Ms aud Sal. aud vVay-l.aiolliitf. l ortallls aud Way-Ijiiidiugs iWlilaiu.lt. and Yam J Slv.rs S:a9 p. ui oreaou I lly, liaylou Mou Wed. ; aud Way Laudiugs aud Kt. Iiitup ui Mou , Wed. an J Krl leave Klparla Ulpaila ku Lesrlslou. . s. wusu I fare lsylStOU Ul. Daily Oregon Lumber Yard WOOU UU l l l KH I r Intrns und dwell lugs, ('hoapor thau uu. I. u 111 tier. lath. ShinglcH, HuilUiut. I'.ijk 1 . far Caper. Lime aud Cement, MuuldiugM. Picket, Piaster. Hi iek and Sand, Screen Hours St Window s, Sash aud Doors, Terra Cottu Pipe. Borie & Light, Prop's Alts St., opp. Court House.