East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 20, 1901, Image 4

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    Shoes for
Misses and
Our foot form MKM W
Uui for miaaaaaiwl oblloren an
b law. ami aai-eiia-l to n
8 it perfect, the weiir tt'-t
you aw looking for oui.t r . f
Practice ' Booi an
I Mkw Mi
Try DutU.n'a ice i rt'u. eboi
Kiihher haudi crepe pai-r V
Bay yoar window ahedee at
I A heli baf :.- wanted l '
Have your pictures , , a
atylee Bl Marpby'i
Milton creemerv hutt.-r at the W
lloiiee ttrvry nt r. .
New lot ol mackerel at '
Houw icrocerv -
Raw deeigna in wall pitx-r t
Murphy'r niiul -l re
White Squadron coffee at lb e
Mouee gaeaar -Go
to Ltlrj 'a for torn
Court ami ..ir. i
Silk waiete. w rv 1 1
Cleaver Broe l'ry i . 1
Sample ilk wairt. '- " '
Cleaver Br. lr
Wedntwday la tbe
chiua ale at the i ' ; I ..
tee ailk waiet d -i ....
dow. CUmver -t . Pi 0 la I
Cool and relrwehing BebllU M l
waukee Iwr on ta' at l' '
Call at C. HMWfi'l and I
Pbelpa about putting la jrotM amaai
N. Berkeley ha aaaaa v. ry lei ral
town and aawlVf p ''' ' '
eaey term.
J oat in town a few beau tie
ladiee' aoita lor apriug wear.au I rkirta
alao. Boaton Mote
Kineat bauta and lard on the market.
Home product; try it. it guaranteed.
Bcbwari A QfM
The tbermuineter I
mark of the year lat 1 r
regialered 7g degre.-.
O. R. Deaaott ha on hand a
lot ol Early Obiu eed potatoaa.
are tbe flneet ia the BMfkl '
Yim vill want I n
Bring them n ial Bat read)
apriug work. U. M lloaa.
P. Souee. ol Hel'.k, ira'er
aad heavy hardware, viad i
aad all kind ol barveet
aaeeta competition.
tpanih tatiahai hi at re -
each evening frou.
Saadaeke A Kirktuau'i
opera bouae baoafc.
Break faat niutin, all
Twin Brother. Jamb H
C'rau) of Wheat, rolleii oata, i
meal, lariag tad boa 1 i
del a pacaage. 1. ,
k. Paainlt
Cha. lane na rx- ftmti
abop at hi old atan I
the old Pelaaa H
will have on baud a fa.. . wi
paper, paint ai. I braabei k a
lOW MllUialre gUcJI 00 O i.lr. I la.
and aee II.
Blank Book:
All the latest
Magazines and
atiful hue of
Tallman Co.,
We are Showing
The lci Hand Tui:. -
ii.$o in Eaatcru Uie0on. tci . pgj uarraauj aad
fit guarautctd. licit value in hea shoes lor v,oik
ingmcu in the ggfy, Hub KAIUU) PBSB Q9
Mtkiu-tiuewt, ut ijooi to Haniiord -V Co.
The Pioneers "( the Pacific
u Lt tuoial r loalgbt.
L-... ...,.i H, miiiic from N
.ill Indd
....i. ..I.., ...u.r.i at 14 A Week
U Keyee, opp t win notara,
I ,ir lodaMMi turtle, etc., we an
!iiriu-ii chicken tamalea In steamer
in ikxvt, Yon cau hv' Ibaai nil
' . i. ...'.i... .-ii itnedueke V Kirk-
llllll, opera DOOM I
lag format)
r children
kwirinf to
nnp-il r
.rti, l U
Bd c.
arrived ;ii
rher I
MtloM in tlie
tirt tunc.
' I)
a ii. r..
c .
iik are
.11 l ill v
i our
, . a N . t.' . ta.
ipiad Iba at ten -Fajaadaj
he tavern ana
ItOtad hy the
,. . I tbroagb
i that aautioa,
. i lw jmivi iofi
' 1h- niavle a itli
ted hy blood Of
i.td dear to
wf txianl w ith-
Mr. K.
.an. trfeo
laved an
l.aii'l'.ni! a lew
pig were "lie oi
i' Mate. They
.art with their
od llviag. The
1 IVie'.'.et '11.
e initial M K.
u bear the latter
l lie
K. tate ha
re. a . i
d ataca
per cent
Warre: '
, to Timacara.
r Bewam. 100.
la naepmtn.
lr...! tru.ts and
ry tine. Vbaa voa
w It!. Marl I gm
the bct g.x.1. fof
A oeoa Tbir.a.
greet-graud uiothere' garreta
d the iwum Urba ol all hagl
i iu Karl . Clover K.t Tea.
re ur a:, uetore .trcngth, kept
I pwe. Bad will du the aam
ii yuo ! i. Price M eta
i ay
Ba A Co. , leading
MM lur iaJu- ,t j
Than 10. mill seek
Sold Durlna
Week Pt.
i.i.. r inn. ii Hehi
wa reluUc-
i.i i.wUv that mori
than 10,.
' .r'-.r: ... .,,-.t haw bseasow there
week lHCt " tli
total, lit'
1 Mil .' " J
it.nn.ht M0l "'kp
Iron tin- ninii
.....1 inn .nek- from
V l.iOltWllMI,
(or the Weetern vret.,.c VV
E w. MeComaa botaght 3J0 auk
(roni Hear? Ring tot G. W.
and Tom HcmtwBwry 0O
5 K Bent. Beeidee lh" ptirrheeee.
Mr. McKacbern boMfhl a qnaatitf m
Qalfottr, Gottarla A Do. , ,
-W heat. - Mid Mr. Hill. ''M
i i,,;.,,, M.wt of the land near
i .ii, we ...wed. a aaoal, leattall,
that little remained to pa ee.
n.r;n:. i roapww
ure fun in" -
k.,Knl HVfu'
Mr and Mra. K. Alexander have en
j 1 1 a vlail Iroaj Mr hh.i Mr-
Barrett who atoppetl here en route to
North Yakima, where their eon live
ml edite a newepuer. Mr. Harrett
prineipaJ of the Baker City cn,J'
BMOf veare ago. Mr. Alexander hemp
it'udent daring nil lneobepcji ol
the poaiiioB. Mr and Mrf. Barrett
ere daaervedly poaalar naoM ua
people of Babar Cny, and ik kiniiiy
did tiiev raaaaaibar the former teacher
and bit i eetitiaolc wife that. when they
paaai tbi gj Bnfcj Vi, the
impromptn rweption war held at the
ger ttation, Mr. Barrett ba I I
.....i.!le,l to remnd to a rigOTOOl
call for a epeei-h. which In nave a? the
itetl. Keachiiitt the down trade
the ouple have, tne triinue ,
hv their former pupil and
Baker Citv wa. ca.colated
,em a thrill o: 't '..aur. and
I them Imb degree lor the
f patient
w..rK. ana me 'Vr:
to a ui-ceful
: ..'
onal Mention.
i tU-rian. ol I'maf.liB.
wa in
the city BM Tiieniay.
Iaac -tern, ol the Hebrew New.
Portland, ia at the Hotel Pendleton.
BmeaaaMd I lovd. the attorney of
,.na wa vieitor m Pendleton
i n
rn.-. iav :i terentwl in circuit
i -i: rt
Felt I Beat! . i f Wet". wa in Pen
dleton Tueaday. Mr. Beat he ia one of
the meat experience.! and competent
tail fori "' road in the county.
' . William.. f M"untain HOMM
rtatioa oat tba Yellow Jacket road t"
'.i r . .
t in me cilj. ne
wife in f"r tnetlial treat-
tbndaB and daughter
lOriaa, left tin morning
Idaho, to remain until
a ill viait Mr. and Mr.
MM and Walter Martin
e PoattBtlBf aheep ranch
Mr. Boettcher tate
.ng eaon haa opened
i .eiger.
K. K
1. ndon, Kngland,
Hotel Pendleton, lie
II aa to Katern
parpoM t examining
prooartiaa for an Kug-
Bak-r C:t Ivnixrat I John Buckley.
I the ol iet freigbt enducb r n
the 0, K. A N . Tia tendered hia
reeignat i He will viaft Oi old b' me
at Minneapoli before deciding a to
i.awton Baaadaidi Freak 0. Hul..
editor f the l-awl'-n Stan lard, who left
tor H-d River M i.day u. rn.t.g :.
reel I M to a telegram ann ui.i..ng the'
odden death ol bit aged father at that!
laea, arr vet in Law ton tuoay.
La lirande Chronicle: Hon. J. J.
Ha. rry, I l'eLdleb n. wi... t.a Derll
rejourning in thi city (or the peat
tC diya, went to li t Lake thi
morning to try the virtuea ol ita water
and for a lew day ret and re.-reatioo.
Mr. and Mr W J. Clarke, of 1 1 r
land. baVB been Vte tlOg In PelidlrtOB.
gaaata at the Hotel Paadlataa. They
nr taking a w.ldiug tour tbroagaoet
ra-vru 'ra B. Mr C arke re reent
fmao, jjelf-trt a C aboleeeleee
Mr. and Mr. J Mi Owen are ii I
P. K. Ke.tv .
rt aad u, .rau.
laat evaaiag after
.;ty, during rran h
baker of Baker A
I the purchaae o(
.an and IBM deal
H. pbriatanaaa
llein . f i'.au. .drr
:D iletoii thi after
Mlaar, in
fi.jon. Ha wilt
train tl.i eie
it M lagBMl t a
KU oil
Miei Graaa'OUliagi and l.r iter,
ir. I Ha McBoouj, are .iiing reia
Uvea " Paodlatoa for a few da fr. u,
their la oe on Kat Birefa creek, where
the lornwa Iu ;ut cloeed a term a
Mr. M.-Hr. u. t.a recently
rrturne-i from ObaCMgO, where be
e,-ei.l e aii.ter .u. haf -icr Mr.
Ajii.. , formerly Mr. N ti Tenuery
Mr an 1 Mr. iiarge I), tell left
Pbiiadeipbia, Pa oa Tueaday, Marci.
.j 1 r I', ad lata! and are eCBMBtag
arrive bate oUie time nelt Unk
fbef aid B0BTM lea ay ol Niagara
Pall, i.en thev will reu.ain ior a day
r ta and will probably alao (top ..ff
r a akile at ii.icago
Mr let' baa
i ten atlendiiia (he Pliiladelnbia
raatila icbool Biaaa uat Oatober.
Portland 'iclegraui: Mayor H. s.
h r ba return, d (roui a at.ort on ling
Iris bd to Maaahafa wi.ere he miugicd
itb tnree-loot nw drift and other-:-.-
relaxed biuiaelf. Meachan. i Hot
a place overbafdeaad with attraction
at tbia time at the year, Huioner
-. - but "Qraadjaa" Munra' fried
cliickeu aud the ature kiee Up above
ti e range U.cre were perfect yui
i. Bias Tba mayor look ruddy from
111 oUUUg.
1'r J. on. wold, of Heilg, lain Pen
dleton txiay on baeiaaaa He i tbe
rib .an attendant BOOM OogBtl UotU
in ieaiooer Uoraaa Malaer, whom t.e
reports oal ol danger , Mr. Walker waa
able to tand up iu bis room at hia
BS b ur mile east . I Helii on
lueadav. and i. gradually gaining
ir Bftb. In additioa to the lumbago,
from Btbiab be (Uttere.1 in Pendleton,
Mr. Walker ha had a bad caae of
.uiallpos to cuuibat, a well a a cold.
TO Bkaurirv
Tba kia Win oia a riay
lo Balta iti
Tbe local lodge of Klk are anxiou
to nave Olntgi ceinelery beautiliod, and
IU order to raiie tlie ne.eee.fv fund
u.crotoi are going to put ou a play in
fraaar OfWra t.ouc. The name ( tbe
play to La gltrm 1 Por.iv i . ..nd
the MWl of whirl, are W
rixoi.a. John Mvoik. of Portland, n
in Pendleton ami will piwd the r
lormai.ee a. well an taking one ol be
character. The Mnifomtmu bare wa
baaa fullv tiirt.lv an yet. hut the toilow
Ins namad local people kVi,a".
Mr. William Fitaferald, Mr, r. w.
Vincent. Mr.. I. r WMMltV, 0.
OoMT, L i. t railer. Wlllftn Fits-
geraid. K. w Wait ami Charles J.
Fergneon. The Aral rehearsal ol ins
pigs will ba bald thi evening in the
parlonfial the Hotel Nadlataa.
New Baior Will See to
Entorclna tne
La Grande, after a municipal OBBV
paign in which the Bntl'gambling eli
Mfli won. ha BOBM under a new
regime. The new council he met BM
iwaanlaad at winch nmeting tbe wmn
point ot Mayot McWhirter'r addre
were in effect : . .
"Qantlamen of the Conncil i when i
wn oboaan t'v tbe voter ol La iiramle
to he mavor of thi city, the chief iaaM
upon which i wa. alaetad wa ully
. . - .. t.. Tl,. taaile
uinlertiHil oy "ie pw - "
MM to enforce the law of tin city re
garding the rfomua of all ganihling
tame. I MippOSB the inarrhal ha,
eeen to ll that the will of the people
ha been etrictly obeyed."
Jt i undertood that the gm mj
game have ijiiietly iloaed and that
niot of tbe employed oparatora have I
taken thvir departure from the city.
The Chronicle av: "The iBBM
utHin which Mayor !cWhirter ami
Aldermen Cnrrev and Kulm were
electe.1 i the p'.eilge to anppre
gamt liiig
There ir
in the
citv of lJi i-ramie.
orJinance in effect
a c.ty
,,reci'iy woru.ni ine eanie .-.
0f OragOM'l anti-gamhling
., ,. witi.in the pr..v,n.-e and rOB) WJ
0llty of I.a urande - mavor to atram
,he H,ce'om.-er. to i-mand tbj
tf ict owrvanw. i tu i ...r
the pfopoaHiOB, tateil fairly and
ii . .. .i leieiv Tin
Ac Aamliiion Fee ot Twnl-Fie tart
for Raiarved Seat.
Thiielf denial week with the
Salvation Armv people, and the over
towering feature Brill be a public
weddinit at I o'clock on Tliurmiay eve
i init. March fft1 lM the Method let
Ejplaeopal clutrch on TbOSgMBM tre-t
Mai Harri. diviai n e.-retary. el
Portland. Brill Btfof the ceremony.
The name ol the contracting trtie
will mt I made public until the
liceuae ha been WOO fed MM it baOOMBBB
a matter of reionl. TSe tm of J', cent.
will te ctiarge.1 to all who may wi-n
I w:!uee toe earaaaoav for raaaraad
.eat, while 10 cent will be chared at
general adunion to t bore who don't
care to ocvepv reeervevl BBMBB.
The idea . I tbll we-k of elf denial
land prayer i to furnih the unewa of
I war neiaeary to carrying on the work
! that i c n.tantly embracinw wider and
wider held of lat-r. Purtng thi
, week every member of the organize
I tion ia expected to deny him or hertels
of w article of diet, clothing, etc .
and ttie thousand, ol little BBVlMgatbaf
aflaetad are a", g-'ing t swell the
fund it i aimed to raiae.
Arrliili at Motel rendlaton.
F. J seinerboi. fan FraMclBOO.
H 1 rd and wife. Portland
Qee Harri. Portland.
Andy Ny.ander, Portiaud.
W t Peatt. San Kranc.c.'.
Iaaac stern, Portland.
L Ilia.! land. Baker City.
Mr " he F Stephen. The Pelle.
Altred Kaeib ami wife. Portland.
M H Iuley. Portland.
teiirfer. Portland.
Alf Hatuer. Portland.
II W Waiter. t JOMBpb.
W H Bruiiner. letBl
1 1.. MeQllvefTi Spjkane.
b t Gill, Spokane.
M I June and wife. The Dalle.
J W Ceeon, Portland.
J A Alliton, Portland.
J K Browne. London, Kngland
C W B . -ii--ji . New York.
M I Uvi. Cincinnati.
P Th. nipeon, Portland.
Corkie, Portland.
m m m
S Baagetea Canal in Operaiien.
Water will be turned into the big
lide canal near North Yakima
itblM the neat few day and ar.iit
. acree Im? prepared (or cultivat'on.
laood Meade, auperinteiident of un
it, a in the national department ul
agm niture. na aumoriieo ine i lacing
ol (oaf meaur:ng weir al .ng
tbe line
( the canal (or the puri.oe 1 f a.cer-
taiuing tbe doty o( water in the
Yakima valley. The eiperimenta will
be under the management i Pn wt r
A. Waller o( the Pullman agricultural
college. The eiperimeut will ini iude
the water uaed in growing hope, (ruit,
alfalfa and gardening product.
ll Will Oo Vou Geoe.
A bleed puriber and tiaeue builder i
KaM'aCleeet Kot-i'. fee. Bald for half
a aentaf9 on oar guarei.U-e. Money
refunded if NBeltl are not natifa'tory .
Price 26 BOB. and 60 eta. Taliman A
W.lli a I'J.IJO urchaae of tea,
coffees, baaing powder, apnea
extra, t, etc., we Will give a
lib package of Ookl
Vaabiai p wder free.
Tl.i offer i gowl unt.i
day nibt March J3ni.
Owl Tea House.
Cbeapeat Pla.e in Oregon.
Lndcr New "tauag.-nicui
Hwii aw.
bet Uuul
iwir. n.
lM Uly lur KauilliM
Una lu all Waia. Kim u,pW routaa.
t..v it i. Ubla and ieaui k4.
(.ruot bull. in
Cor. Court and Johnson Sta,
Church Mom
Rev. Ft
W. Kin St r I't'
Hantut Meeltin:
i... ...., i-i nkneeh Nap tT 'i'"
1 lie i.l'"" -
TnMHlar nhtht to tiear tli.
Rat, R. w,
Kinc. the evAimel.-t
w ho i hare w
rev l vii I meei uipo-.
Th.: r;-vere.ul K,,,tle..,u, baa W "'
l,...t a riri.'H
ttmt plea aee
.leamf In atl.lit " " ' ,"
, .l.iwn the boI
rutt e
i n
I phntic term He ha '-' 1 r
, church member hrt 01 J I, ' ' "
ad dealraa to gal them at-.- -foretaebllnf
the otrter Iowj"
OOtahJe the pale of th
Therefore, he ha UtW tar dev. td
aarglaa to the church m n '"' ;
nrglng then t- greater taitbfulh'
real tttier BiBBOfB Will come m
their el.are of attention in due line.
Kev. Mr. King1 ing:g annttrui
Ilea laatOfa of the revival meeting-.
Paul ohr Hopeful.
Paul Mohr So! the mo w -
hr. tot the old
i i. .a
i.i a. .. .tt i.iit .Mini : an . '
turned to thi citv y.-terdny Ironj
.New York. av the Telegram, where
i it i reported ' he went to .erure new
capita! for the road. He relieved bim
leffofno new for ptthlication hut
made the tate.netit that certain
' matter were pending irhicb he thoogbl
' wotiid reutt In Ibvot ot the company.
K nit it tia t-eii iH'kMin in i-poa'V"
which i taken a an aide Indication
that hi BlMioa to New ork dW not
reull MtbdaetorUy, and that the new
capital to te Bead towatd the cooatroc
tion ot tba cmpany - nea traoap rta
tion line from tlii city to SHkane did
,,.,f materialize . A. A- H lltch IIIOtl.
i.i nu anm orni ,.t niortirage boiuh
the odd road, bai ittstitatad pn-ce. rd Inga
i :.,..e..,,t..,ii at l.ii deliitale. un .
la tlw m.ti oll ,.i er. WtDten Bl
chapman again! the Central SBViga
,,' lV Coii.tructnm 0., Mad ba ak
, , Mm n(jamt tlie
badUmtawd. The tMt.d held
, . u ( (M ,i,. July i
.--"""'- . . . i
thi ver. and he Mrf et BBJU wi
the contract tranaforrlag ll t nw'tit ol
the OolttmbiB company in the P'rtii:e
road at Oelilo to ttie Centra! oompMV,
l. .I-...I id Sin h a mole would
clear the route tor him and allow of
a tmatluBMfB of i.i boada iit a later
Hlir Burhnaion Deal
The Chicago Trihutie HI raapooelbfo
for the rtatement that tie reported
arrangement for leering tlie Chicago.
Burlington A QmIm y ftel I
Great Northern and N. rthern Pacific
railroad place tbe Hill eomblimi
In a noaltlaM to com pete in oriental
freight with the Canadian Pacific
railroad. When tbcif new and fat
ti.unier. hwtjee -cattle and "l. p
hama Htri Hoiik' Kons
a.- piaceii in
Rortaan will
elv limilar to
advice .fame
I .-ir n toe on a
nt baaia, but u
ink .v.'.' in i ruin
- ocean in the
rk i mnecti ' -
Ci'innn.ioti the
have facilit'e
thoae of the Cat
According to
J. Hill will MM
aparat- and in
a part of a cont
Chicago to th
n"rthwet, w itli
Mw the t'enn.x
i .real
t a
Telephone 72.
Wood and
v.iad rron.l
h .- .:. !
1 . L. i;.r.. . I'..t.
w.vi ui. .i.u gry.
OAce rear of ItflagS Hank.
PKMil.K'fOai, - 09KOOH,
The Columbia
LodiiiK House
M-.vt I V n KMwHKlJ
HA It I .N t 'UN N f t TH 'N
IN t'KS I l it P HI.ih K
HI--1 Vl.TA a WKHH l -
F. X. SCHEMPP, Prop.
Locust Hill
Kabbitry and
Poultry Yards....
I have uie tliie youuu helglail
Hare of breeding age that 1 am
goiug to eel I at a price within
reach of aean aaa. A hk at
my hare will convince y.,u that
they are the very l,et that cau
ta raiaed. Auimaia ol all the
leading atram alway on band.
ViaitatS welcome For lurtber
UMoeBaatioa addre
1'eudlelou, Ofegun.
...Special Shoe Sale.
. i Hcton, nd dUl nR ll .- -.. we win i-..- u per c nt
evcr' f
in anoei
et htd attend tins sale.
V I'l
m M I I
W I Itl 1, U U'! liUll M I''. rttlllMMVV'l iwwitivii w v T.
UK y h ttm:.l J
at Is-oo bmi I be i ei ' th pric ntuwd).
' .diea'i i we hat tylg and pattetga
prices, ntneinf from l.J4.tt hS ,, ....
I 1 1. .... 1. . . ... I i I M'nr n( mf'intr
Iii thm lenreat and higbeat priced me i'b all os, ia guaranteed n
'entire satisfaction or we n lend jroor Money.
llennett A Tartiet. Propt I I .
Main street. Pnaenberj Relldlng.
you Bh
1 ii t miss
I i Mi .I t' do iriihout
V. I). H AN'SFORDi&d
(ioi Main street, Pendleton. Ord
Strictly First-CUs
Eictilcot ColsiLe.
Lv-ry lodwo
Facts worth
That I have aouiu ol
the grcau-t bargain
in Sew and Kevond
baini bedroom sate.
Call and e- tbein and
! i BM)1 meed.
..French Restaurant
OPSK bAY AM S in IIT . . .
IKol I ASP gvAMI IN -1 i.i '
Court Street
Juat Uecaived a alee let ol Irog Bga
Qua LaFoMUlae. Proprtwtee.
awiiaior uuuaiug. Maluai , fjuJlatuu, Oregon.
ct .liir STORP
Thursday, Vrh:) and Saturday
March 2!, 22 and 23.
i w...... .... i a
'rue tin larce'S.t St.'CK im .:" " v,.... .. iiiuiemy
,i,0is houci t i'i ii ii m tiic I'isi ttt.
latOfS of I W rices in Pendleton.
n i o ll. ".I 4 I ,...
, r i '.iii vi v. - i i v ILL
I . . .
reters noes
. 'i.i til ill I .-i. -v. iimvK in
ki I ill with both sewed
; I Boles, is a bargain at
. . . , ..t;.i : i
1 1 1 i i h 1 1 at 1 i p n
ltfirtT.iin i c o ii r 1L:
, . . ir, . , Ii il .r ti lif
i. F AI
r &
Furniture. Carpets and Shai
: uis spring. Also
ab) cabs Qocarts, Curtain Poles, Pictunl
Easels, Wall Pocket.., .'lirrors, etc.
iking 1' trior i Connection. Comer Main end Wt
Hotel Pendlem
I iidvr Nlvn lanaren nt.
i iL -ijik), ' Give 111
i in TiFiyi
Sf.fi a MfrimB Rate: $2 w
Special la
P.ar aad HIHIard Rooms Headquarters (or TravlbB
Tbe Best Hotel In Eastern Oregon.
Van Oran Bros., Props. Successors to J. -m
Pendleton !
Pianino Mill
anil Lumber
Can sell cheaper
any r.rm in w v
hcciiise thev buv ID'
ipaantities. II you
I U L-iM
null work call
their ptiggbji
M I I w v I L u r
I UIIU I Lll "
n...ni.n rv.iiv MaSi
' 1 mail. Weekly So
a . li.- ha- iai