TI KSKAY. VAKt'll 1" Shoes for Misses and Children Jill Our fo form tU. in !are tin A ton for mise and children - ..unlet! fry few. and aifflW bj HOBO. Tl ( fit is perfect, the Mai r!. too are looking for roti.for , tv I pair. CLEAVER BROS Practical Boot tad Itm Umt BRBVITIKS. Try Dntton't ice cream db colalas. Naw lin dnater liriihe. BoM Hnr onr window hde nt Murphy'. A Ml boy in wanted at the B " Pendlemn. Hart- vniir ptctore framed latent style at Murphy'. Milton croamerv hulter at the Whiti Hou urocury store New lot of maccerel at r w House p ' H New deeian in wall paicr at Murphy' pauu MOM White suuadrun eoflee Ml the V. Houee grocery tore. (to to LeRov s for tnniii.- - Court and tianlen street. Milk waitr. worth 110 lot li I . Claaver Broa. I'ry ticxd 0. Sample silk waist, 11.80, rorUi 6 Cleaver Bros. Drj G at C VVadneariar i the lat day aj the china aale at the Owl tm H Baa silk araiat display in aortfc win dow. Cleaver Hroe It ' adl 0 Oool and refreahing Schliu Mil waokee beer on tap at ihe Haaaaaiooi) Call at C. Sharp' and oonanlt Dm Plieipe ahont putting in ymir water atar. N. Berkeley ha aome very d, town and country profjaftj lot easy tenu Juat in town a lew beauties in ladie' anit for IfWlBg w-a -. an. i aU. Boat on Bton Fineet bam and lard on the n:ark".. Homa pro.: Sch wan A QraaJ The thermometer toiiehe.i t! i nark of the yaar laat Friday, when it rvgisterml 7 degree U. B. laott ha on hand a large lot of Early Ohio wnl i!at are the tineat :l. Ika market You will Bring them print; work. 11. M. Maa. P. Kooaa, of Helix, denier HI and heavy hardware, window class and all kinda of harvest mpi tueets competition. Span mti i lurken tamales are served each evening from I to 11 I (ioetlacke A Kirkman' taint... opera bouse block. Breakiaat moabaa, all I Twin Brother, Junii" . H. 0. Craata of Wbaat, rolled oat, ton maal, farina and honm y ( a I and ri a package. It n gaanataaa1 . Demott. Cbaa. ljue na raopaaad bat bop at bia old atand in the rear tba old Folaorn blackimitt nip He will have on hand a hi paper, paint aud brushes Qaick and tow aetimaw-e givaa I I Dtra li and see ua. want vour piow iie.. in ami gal raa 1 for tba M,-ritt L. Wright, of Belle-view. I lab . died recent l Mr. wr.rfht was nce a resident el IVndieton. In an-tlier column of thi is"""' pentdea Warehoaaa tell of a tperiai aata ol mm' clothing. 'Ti a money , an a rtitnity. ladle have charge of the social Inks triven on W,li,eday evenint:. March 10, aft. h ragltlar meeting of William MartMi en. ntiipment. No. 1. PioBaera d the I'acirlr. Kor latW'l. nartie. etc.. we can Inrtilaii chlekwn lamalaa in taama at anv hoar, Toe rma baw Hijw m hot from tba can GoeUacke K:r mat) Palace nl Sweet, opera BBM toock. i. iv, i. . w k Imj 1 n eniuBiaaoN aariea t revlva uga al the Bap tist chnreh He hoth a gol inpr and talker nnd already ha created an ihtareal m the Bnaatinaa, He , . ,t K ,.rv evening at a h-w . not' he! rt a'aloak, after which ha deliver hi addreaa. PatatAaitfi Kinel! art-l C K.!;-e-i , luaneetl anil atfa:nt M. - ivnt IIB and HO ,, i gad 1 1 be doe na ar oo'nt. Mr. Macatro aent la Allien a lew dav ago A warrat.t wa gotten ,,ut tr m " dice of t He Panaletoa inatice of the paare on Monday and J.thn M 'li-nt'-ey went t Athena the ar-ic da and reWfoed oa the B o'clock train aitf Mr. Macaao charge! with Dg lebtof. 1 he cae m at li o'cliwfc a. m. VI niiaw, March 86. at tbe oAea "I . peace. CllCMI MVtT. Huid Scrubart Wei Hae Caae Against Wallsr hlnahrt. Tli,. rate of Hulda S,.hnhert va. Waiter Rhiawbarl waa trie! in clrcfl i.urt M Mondav a:tern KM and given ti ,. jnrv. After due deliberation a ealeii verdict wa lvfl tlie plain tif fo HOI, or that aba be giver Majataioa of the II head of tosh in eontroirerrv. She had pla ed tbe valne of the animal at 0M7 BO, and in addi tion . lamie I 10 hr expense. B a week daaaagaa tioaa the lefendant baa retained iHissee'ion of the t'X"k, and (or cet anil dihnrementa. The ., i-t'c. - i- i' ' ' otithern it "' Bm atNUsty, near A i ha. Ttie venint i a victory tor the plabltifl .lame A. Iaa ' a'Mrne. tor the plaintiff, and T. '.. Bailey for tbe defendant. The .-.nit and ;nrv and wttne- Wan! M Yoakum b "i-ecia! trail thi B in mi:, aal took in the conndera tJoa of the right of way tase Ut'ii their return. fgOPLB HERB P0 A DAT. la-tug an al Buried Mrt. A. E. Towntand. The fnueral services over the re main of Mrs. Armanda K. Townsend. BM diad ;n Wa.ia Walla March h ol arjraipolaai awn bald from the First Meth "dit ehureJi Honda afternoon at jj vock. Kev. Laa A. Jateaoa oAalatina Daaaaad wai n years of ago and'fot Ibe paai two years had renled with her danghier, Mrs. Laura A BaweB. in Walla Walla, her l iruier home bavitut lieen at I'end'e t 'ii 'lie i survived hv lour uaughter -Mr- Howe!. o Walla Walla. Mrs. . -tantield, ol Pendletiii Mrs. M irl rd. of Moscow. Idaho, and Mrp. Clare Mcl arland of Weston. Boring Tor oil al Troutdala. II .irinit for oil has lieen begun on the Hickling iiroiierty kcro the Handy River from 1 rontdale ami atut nan .i .a-: .it inai piaw ina w-t. n , n ii te.l hy I. M Wat.n and aa.-i-1 ate, of Portland Mr Watroo hsiked over the neld careful I v and made frv- nent teats with his rvcentlv invented oil indicator, and came to the conclu sion that het indication ware liiniid Wliere the Wei! I- ln-lllg Slink. The well i giing down rapidly, as the formation of tbe anil is of audi a nature that operation will la- easy for iUite u 'lentli p. Bradhorv. the crackerman. wh. i a H ita Panaktoa guest, aay the commercial travelers are hopeful taearing for Portland the Its':' an nual meeting of the I. P. A.', wbieb. l-ing mterpreteil. mean traveler Protect! Am-.H-iation.' This year the national tarn Iktlrn meet In Bleo Mind, Va. last vear it met in New Orleans. At the latfe' meetniK. it was tba understanding that Portland war M have the IMM Baaaina, and these ad vance nndersundiiigs appear to he the regular thuiK among the traveler, last vear. the delegate from the Ore- i. and Washington dltekg 'ere Alexander Kuns, K. Shelley Morgan, M Smith and A. H. iVver. four in all, Thi vear. rtve delegate go M tliebmotid. and the OrafOtl and WMe n memben are aalta confident that the delegation aid knock tbe par - DnMM ofl the tree that Uar annual ue.t.iig a it frnit." loss 1 04 an.l fmatilla talAjB Bo. -I" I v A M. esteem it a sad privilege joint y to render this tribute h memory. . ... Keaolved, That, while bowing with, re-ignation to the will of the S0 Arloter of mir ileal line, we nwiin" H i in the death Of Brother mtm ur.. . alluil llniill to IllOtiril the M i. whose life was a bright ,i,l itu-t inn of a man . f exa.tetl Masonic and Christian virtues , of MM hrave, yet tender, who in the storms of life wa oak and rock in IwWahiW vine and flower a friend of the de serving one that had climbed the height and left all prejudire behind., one on whose forehead tell the gildplj dawning of Iks) grander del) Of .who true tf. Masonic teachings, so freely, imbibed bv bia, -ide.1 with the weak, the distressed, the ioor and the: wronged, to hom lovingly and free y. he ilisfiensed. without ostentstin. his charities and alms one of whom. i mav H. tm . t n- worm war m i.e. 'Bat aroa rrtpaiNKhT prople Tasllfy te the Kftlcscv si the Haw Sner title Dandrun Teeaimen' A. F,. Unier. Dwhtraf, layej niciila huf nude my lm' rapnllv. " it. . a i . - i Tavlor.i ' ' Li. u it t' a . II It I H'l 'M "ii dandruff cure. H Graonlaad, r irilai I, 1 "Newhro's Hatnirltla ( pi ed n, hair's falling out. 1 tl laMel. Davtnll. llh. . . Cltreo i" ,..-r'"mi FallHi M .nt . tin atceUeirt that lie lived and were every one to A.ex Mtisheimer. represent. "a . ,,,, i... ergve. he SJtt btoTnowTi: - o( . - , ,-rea, nerie. ex p. ng ,w,v That we tender our BSOft MM, tb M .lon creauierv. which has . , .vni1,thlw ta the widow and, a ,ea contract be-ides the ... w th hi t ' l ' " 1 B,,d to those ! Glafklk A Co. Thte creameries Ml . ' , n the TillMMOti c.nntrv. I he average yi mingling our MMf aboal 1000 pound ea,h pat n.? Boiatao hit bcmm, jjjjli 001 ,-und o creamerv Iwgjjg gM , mmk Of l;.n00 p-und a vear i inmoruiity. and handled hy that house alone. , SatTtST kU llaaa lit- there i Vet we are unable to supply tne tht. 'night of ,e!. said Mr. M'isheimer, and, ma littanlni ...i, unit of butter, and thev a II Bnd i""""T demand exceetling supply. Manv of Um fjBBMM MM aoMisJ to Oregon from the F.ast mten.' t" go into the dairy, and creamerv buines. and it is cer tain that before many rear Oregon will have vastlv increase.! its butter Hernicide has comnletelj- dandruff. " . Charle Brown. prealnVnl r tn National bank, Vane, nver, a say: "Herpicide i- alck I el ' I " k" ing the scalp clean. lf TfWL.M ".. wi yw The MEDICINE FOR SPRING? I .'l Hattfarc with a r hlal M Hs Kspt Hit Lag. v air W -.; . .van. ol Conn. scratched bis leg wire. Ii. Hun. malum and ning set in. lor twi vear :,. ittftered inteiie . Then the best dootOM urged amputation, "hot," be write. "I ilexl one Uittle o: Klect'lC Bitter aud l1, boaa of Buuklen' Atafaa aalM aud my leg was sound and well at aaat. ' For eruption, ecxema. tetter, salt rbeotu. aire and all alaod dtaotiat Rlaatric Bitter baa no rival on earth. Try them. Tall man I Oa, a ii. guarante.-satil'ai-tion or relucd m me iii ient. Ol! wa Blank Books and Stationery. - Mai to Igil- Will r dav n. ai Tnimela Party. thiak a thimble party van every day at the Boa- ilgilig by the number of mbroidariiig there. Thoee obtain one of tbe new have to call iu tbe next I "aturdaN i the laat of ikB May. hree leaaons on design. To Snsspmsn. R, Mattin ua j targe, well aalectad stock ' gr.a:eries al: kind and ia vaakiag priaai Iowm than any other store Bit Btock of ilried fruit and canued good ta vary hue. Wt,i. you wan' to buy Hgure with Martii ano vou -r - get the best guud i"T '.lie lea; ni u.-t . All the latei Magazines and Periodicals, A Good Tninc. tv an mat. ar iggirti itier garret e t al! heal rerKout Tea. Maaalh, kept 1 the HIlie i'rue ' CU Co . leading ititpnt.and not as now. import o large a percentage of the tota' consumed." Oeorge S. M1N1 i !. n brother of tbe late Major E, McNeill, formerly of the O K. i It, C. i in Pendleton. He will leave tomorrow evening for M ana, where he is intereated in BlaWi and where he is operating a big - bja, as well a one in Trinity county, California. Personal Mention. C. E. Cochran, an attorney of futon, is at the Hole! Tendieton. Clovd Oliver and BUM May t". ParTIM obtained a marriage licence M .inlay. Albert Wurrweiler, of Joaeph. is the guest of Pendleton relative. He i on hi rwtorn home front a huinee trip to Portland. Mr B. B. Hall and little girl, wife and daughter ol the depot countv dark, are in Woeton to pend the week with relative and friend. C. s. McOnonel. supreme held marstial n the Piuneers of the Pacific, ha- g in., t, ! i- h mie at Boise for a visit with relative and friend. Mr Harvey Burns ha returned to her home at Heard, n, Wash., a month earlier than expected owing to tbe raooial af new- that iier hunban.l wa sick. Kev. J. It Hall, who for a vear wa pastor of the Methodiat Ki.iwopu! church at F.ciio, now tilling the sauie poition toward the church at F.lgin. MM hewn visiting in Peiidletuu for the even i ug . Mr. and Mr. W. H. Fowler and young hopelnl Net!, lelt for Portland today to v i -1 1 ior a week. Mr. Fowler expreed the belief a Week ago that he be'ieved he Would agu i. engage ii, railroading. T. U. Smith i in the city tlay from Fcito. and repia't every industry in flourishing maalltlOB He save that i a- l:.ger.ahn liar been in California ior hi health, returned to hi home: this morning. A. L Barnes ha returned from a trip to Qalea and Baker conutiea. He wa at the MM milling cauip a few miles irom Snrtfa Powder, in the tatter county, where hutiuea - ruh.ng. many men Iteing employe! and good ; ore having been mand Frank Moule has restgnad'his poei tiun with the W. A C. R. railway, and I will engage la taa draying businea with Pel Van Oradall as a partner. Mr. Moule will retain hi position ' with tlie railroad company for a lew' davs. until hi u. eeaenr ha been ,n- ataitei. W. Hi -tamper, of Weston, it a visitor iu Pendleton tiay. He adds bia testimony to that of farmer gener ally, that wheat is looking well. The i seediug of bnrley in the vicinity of WoMM It progrneing They aow very Irttia baney in the fall in that section ai the county Theron F. Fell, for the past seven years intimate! v connected with tbe wool intareeu of Pendleton, manager of the Pendleton wool acooriug nulls', ami Pendleton woolen mill, ha an-i nounced tn intention of going to Port iaad in about a month to loaBM perm-' anent.v with hi family. Mr. Joaeph Hester withstood the urgni operation ui, Moudav at -t I Mary' boapitaJ i. Walla Waila with ' lortituJr, and came Irom the infioaBM f '.he aoaeathetiL m a manner to in Oioate that the peratton bad been sue , t.-fu.. It ts expected that the . remain in the hospital for aaver. wtMk. Mr. Basler and Dga. Cole and ' incent returue.! home on tbe evening -.rain liua.i've' Tlmt these reoiutin be ireal upon the minute of both ! nlge. and copies be presented to the widow and lamilv of the (leceasi"! and IS. furnished tlie Pendleton Trihuiii and f.ast Oregonian lor pnt'lication R. I. r. K A RALPH UTAWnRLD, o n. nil. Joint Committee. It Will Do Tou Oood. A blood purifier and tissue builder n Karl's Clover Hoot Tea old for ball a centurv on our guarantee. Money refunded' if reault are not aatisfactory. Price 36 eta. and 50 ct. Tallman A Co Cold Dust Free. W u. a l.fH purchase of tea, coftee. baking powder, apices extracts, etc., we will give a HI package of (iold Ihist Washing jaiwder free. This offer is gtasl until Satur day night March -'3rd. Owl Tea House. Cheapcat Pbwe in Oregon ..French Restaurant.. ... mi mo' W ha' ! f Item Al thb linH inxiiv answer ihi ikagixxl irmit nieiti Here l 001 v r " in slekaeai fc' i dee tot aw alway aovi An.l If yon lis van ia rlpttua you i aa J on get bis -r.ii I km. slisolnt K. pure. Ilrs oaallt l"i entire rellsbllltv Ha we. arry In inck all I piitaMc rssaidlss 'v. fur u in siirltiit 'i ba ol ase.1 In .'l! sny a ;i yoa Pmiiim arap rill l the b'! si'iicrsl Blt etne a kilns M ..'-. r lul vsgeisble I'reparatlot nml Ii" plla are rviiilrei with It Take nnr wo-fl lor It tills s goo.1 ' lis medi cine KOEPPEN S PHARMACY 5R ST- J0E ST0R -MtM fill - I'V.O.I " 'Hill , day, Wednesday, March 18, 19 and i . .. Ma line nl rhnie" rleshsOi -.erth per var.t Iks aad lJXr aitw, , - .-I. ...i.. ..... ', . , i.i, I , ill liw, . I . , ...,i,,,..,i.ij i! m.i! -. tiiins; mi a r. am .LS ,.iirian l " l"'r ',,ni 1nrlna fbe tlirw. ,t.Ja in nt thn... r.uvl. Wllleeii iiine i.ur ,!i.... '; ni .,ni . ..,,., Mni' nil l-nri 1.0- Iln. ii 1 hs le. i look ihnac potifls nvci, yon will miss it if THEY AUG MONEY SAVERS. n prnd i (or K'.mp, Kohn t'o , Chi . . i .t.. ........ ita ,tihln W'm i i... yoii C, .ni i for K:-.te. Kohn A t'o . Cbleaen ik. I. II...., , . .tlli-rv We ll.ve lhl, ' . i, .a. . e r Ktisraateed afaahave taa .;, trranwrs. .- ' Fm at m iru anv a t mi arm THE WMSTFERS. p,.pi oil Court ttftal The Columbia Lodging House M Wl.V R KXIriHED ItAK IN CONNECTION I i KS TEH UI. K BET, I 1 a WEHBfsT NEW STYLES IN HATS We have j Iff e 1 0 -h i-U 01 the aawaaf stj i- " ; ' 1 bora, and a" to rral wpplv onr .iistoiiier wltl the -erv la-at 'I''' gomls at verv I . pri.-'stl III nir. q w n what others aak r ib- same qital M goods, tientlei'itiii, oVat'i Imv nr tprlai hat until v u hue mum mir and nrieexl them tVi ad I lsitivelv gtjataatar evert arttHe wa aell to give atisfaeti..ii. of r.-iond . nr moner. . . THE FAIR Bennett A Tarbet, Props. Dusenberrv Building. Main Street, Penclietf I . . SlHLV.IT. Prop. llt-T M t.AlJ- IN UPEk l'AY ANP thi. mi M .HT . . TBOl'T AND GAME IN HEAtON. Juat Received a alee lot of frog's leg Qua l.al nntalne ProprirtOf. Snlttirr Duiidlllg. Main Bt.. I sDitlvtOL. Orvgoli. GOLDEN HUE HOTEL. Uader New "Management. J. W BANCROFT. Prop. ajajvaaaaiaaasaaa a agtaitaatavta Facts worth Knowinjj ' That I have inn ol j tba greataai barga - ill e ,ni. I Raaoad badroota inti Cull and tlteni and : . STWWLE, i Court Street. jvaVvvj.vwvyvM.sNi ' kt . u.: Hps. is. Hals U) tin- ai.iuin Be.t U.i. ID t l; par ds) Mean te. in th o : t lor Families. A SUCHSSFUL Orana Mtrei OANCg. Kimbtlj and AlMMiM Utjj o: TOILET ARTICLI Tallman Co., ar.. Attention: ah llig tribe No 1 k, paaaMat at tn i,- tot ing a nu: aiee i i, come lie lure ROT V Bl KCR. Ch ief uf hec'-rdi rtl .r, Jru tii ha i wtil Cit BOO 1 1 !H t. he Donaaatad lapboaa. Tnr .1 nearlv the -a t an. Ournla Hayt. Ti..- Indies of tba Maccabaaa nave Ibaif daaat as advrtied ib Armory hall on Monday evening. March It. It wa designated as a St Patriot ' d ay pall, bat as the l?th canie on undav it hcame nan aaary to hold it one day later tha that. It wa ne of the moat nieeeaeiul partiea given in Pea dletoo dyriag the past winter, about 76 e.,Uple being m attendance. Tba 0ana) ajajaa was led oy M.se 1 the! Kimhall and tinrnte Hays, aud uut ot :ur ire'.i,e: ver u veil We are Show ing The bt Hand Turned Shoe lor laditi at $3.00 $3.50 in BsMaara Urtor.. Etr jta.r Warranted and tit laaraatnod RajIMa in the CHARCjL. best value ig heav y sh oat (or work cit. ,ol; N ILhl r li E B Qf Armory ball. Kaeti wa pisaeBd of Uiatchn' each otfter eti . i.e u.' which :i. lady iu attendance IW0 badger that ii material, color. .lie Itiire Him nil,,,! iiug arawn hy lot hv a gentleaian and f i" 1 11. Conaiderable amuse- aaaat aa eraalad by this aaaaataa tiuua. manner ui selecting partner for tiie ataaiag. Tne etotttf ta attenda:. e war a happy one and dancing u. mtinuad until Lt o'clock to the strains ol K rkmau a orcheatra. akSOLL'TIONa or Trloula to tsratt. or ins Lata PENDLETON SHOE STORE Mviit'6trtt, ueit aoor to Hao-j J in asiuurt Jamas Taylor Whvrea. brother .lames Taylor, of J-.cho .udge No. m. A I- 4'a U iibeyiug the tinal sumujonii depttrtod thi 1 1 fa on March 11, lui. it hi home near fccho, inwuu, aud Wheraaa. be wa hel.l ,n nlfbarAaM and anecttotiau- regard by all witb -uuui ne wu asauctaUal.aiMi nim'l.l " uwiuiMtrr 01 t. if own and uei Hits to al. ivatna. Trr asm pic room. Klsctrli lif bis and St. au. aat. Pinr-prouf bulldtcg, Cor. Court and Johnson Sts PENDLETOh. OREGON Locust Hill Rabbitrv and ay Poultry Yards.... J havr some hue young Belgian Hare of breading age that I am going to aell at a priee within reach oi evarv one. A look at my bares wiu convince y..o tliat they are tiie vary Uwt tliat can be raised. Aniatai of all tbe leading strain always on hand. Visitor welcome For further information address 0UTV, WAL't, f'endletoii. Oregon Insurance Fire, Ufg, An ident, p!ate Glaae, eu. Loans on City and County Property, Real Estate Improved and Unimproved Cttv lita mWmJ Kancbe aud Wheat Farm SEE An Opportunity You ibonldn't mi- I'nlfSK yoa have I decided t" 1" without B llail jriii:. Alt a at v A t m I MI't WWir-i, J"w,ui 17, UI Itllll "iv,, r U IU Last,-!-. Wall Pocket. iirr-r-. e C. M. A. RADER, I ndt ttakini: I ' trlot n Civiv.c :i n , r:n r M him n i l V. I I IT ' tW If I asHI . saw . i . W. D. HANSFORD& 1 v 1 Taffvtlal.i aa .' t a a t s T a a ar s . . aaa.v.a' t a-a , i i i i . t 'i iii i1 ii i iir a i i iii i i i j i i k f . . r i i . i . r ii t . I f i . f ii nr, PIPE. : PLUMBING A SPECIALTY a ii aM C m a-a . a -w r a Main i. v i (..ii. c l. in it tin ari NORTHERN PACIFIC KINS Pullman Sleeping Car. Lleuant Dining Cani, Tourist Sleeping (.ars To -I. Pi M!NM DCLU" PAUL I NN KAPOLllS -ITU ,KAk. i ORAM' IdI.k- jCktKiKKTo.N fWUt'SEPEti I HK I.K.N A an Vbutti. THKOlfiH TICK El S T( CHICAliO WAtiINUTON " ih:lajelphia NEW YoKK BO-TON and all p lata Faat ajid South. Throuab tick. is to Japan auu i tilua, via laeom ate! gl uern Pacilli Steam.oip I'o and Auerican Iiik. I. t HHkUUt Tram laavas Keudleton dally vzueut bundat at taa p. u. For furitiar lul.rtuauott. r.rue art. uiau and :i, -aela. cat. on or write W. A.i.m. t-.,,ill.' .'injuu. or A. V. t i Tn Indian Robes AM) Fine Blankets Are tel. in the ThePendleton Woolen Pendleton. Oregon. too lire and Morrtaou iu fortiani: ot For couth covers, furnishings for a "den," cozy tori tht Pendleton Woolen Mills Indian Kobes are just the tiuaf NEW LINK In aud from the Illinois Central Railroad Solid Trains V w 1 tiupmei:t W ide Vestibules. Kuquir. iijuii O U a (,, ))r B. 11 '1 HL Mill 1,1. Com'l. Agent. If Third St.. I'urtlaud. Or. J. R. DICKSON, elle Ukiah Stage l ine fcat Orefuiiuui Bu tiding. Ths Eaat Oragiuuan ia Kasteau bv , uonuK UaauiiH l(Jget, iberulure oe it reaulvrd, That KcUo .ag- il gen a rraaauuva pap.,, it kaada. and T"i.'J? PPa it j ai. u b, l bau Ubaral psitruiiage. M. tba advai v j aag ml.u. ,75 .Sla rta Carney, Hrvf's Lsav Pendleton i-veiy day at 7 o'clock eaiepl Muidav , f .r V ;,, K k Nv. V Ill I ..... ' ' "! oiki i Ktal.. lii. (reiight and Write the Mills. Rlc N IM AN. Hnert lwaH $3.00 per Day and Upwards. gjJl aJ'kSihal Cl l.lf laltoiik keavonablt) tiger rutef uttire at 'Jail man A Co1 in ! THE PORTLAN "KI1.ANI. UHEUUN. special K.tea lu haatorn Orattsaa aeoevto v..m.. t. ir luurtaU aaMj co-aiu,t4aJ Uavalara. H. t. avoW I: Ita,