East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 19, 1901, Image 3

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see Display in the North Window
$2.50 to $4.90, formerly $5 to $10.
aver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
! i V . M UU'll 1U, H'01. !
Will Be Elected In April to Suc
ceed Younp Chief.
c death of Yoatuj Chief at bli
i the reservation in Bandar,
J : l
V :, tl.e 1 avilSi's '"' oeprivwi
bead chief. Kvcr line then
bean MOfMcrabU BlnctiflisBBr
B on ant imp the MIIMn 01
to SMC Wild WHIllil ll" CleCtl'd
sure I Young Chie' I'm'!
iv . h-rcditftry ch'cf of the
una i looked Bpon aa the
ti . Mmir to the chicftanejl,
'I- lOLroiltTS nilloiiK imp in-
i 1 1 hp unmnu whiten, so it in
m tl leu to whom will he
. ;.. Clii..' .hfi'tih of tin- ez
hu wwi whoa his. nephew.
Chief, lid, and he him btN
show-away is nt present h
t the Flathead I lid Ml reserve -
Montana, iii'.d write, tl.iit there
t i ! i lia itn'"'itm and leaat
inntillii rcwri ui ion the latter
pril, aa closing Incident in
dentil l ' ItenBFBI History oi
I, iri and thai his BuucwaaoT
tnhl !" -i"' i 1 1 t lint t Inv.
in- ban en ralkino Itlt
If (in- cl.ii i i- t ! Uthead
a i.l ill i' t i. if! Ki-ki my ami
Ilo if. d .it ! itt i. in' "tlicr
li will in' present from tlx Flat
I.CV Mil timt toe "' " mm
Ipr -i'iit i m rofuviio, lur.iie,
I. nl yiii lia' MS) HMIHl
Yakima and N'eaisnlam
v'i- ! ! Ki'kUlMSV l
tin' Knni i and H'i ilbi nhli f
latheatl liMtiane. Cuiol ki-
v ba will IKHM sure :. I
i ni'i tin- (. I . i" the ''inn
rvat intt. ' '
Ihouiiui.i lani lata Islla
M'l.r l:irt' BnttlbtF Ml poor
whose I'lucf '' sure bum
i ith noudln ire.mgea to i!" i"
elm. ti'. Bui this t -""tly
always hi . I out ba mi
I,.. I ir K ; : i'W HnfiiiT'
kann. i.l ion iv i I ! rll VOII :it
! li 'i the Mri-i Infallible inadi
DDgM Hold "I'd "U I'll
ii - ii . r:h. 'I'll t.ret
ba relief. 1 t uudin ran l
'in mrsisui.t iw. Trial l itles
faliman iv ('. Mm rut-and
1T li i 11 Ulltecd.
in oai: Qui Pirty-Two Lieo.uee
Inder t'.e New Ordinance.
ill otdioABM now in (or e,
i tba u-e nl bicycles in the
I' -ii lli't i: . tC w In', linen ure
t.i ri.ii- tlifir lii"ln "ii thi-
. n n p it mi (.'"'lit atrnft Irmn
ini'i'iii Htri'i-t or 'Hi M '
Irom tlie bfMn to Mm Oi k. a n.
t:vtiii!. Par, m (rkaalaMa iiav caid
Mm licvnno wliii'h miiol ! .ken not.
ii inn' deairt'R to ride on any aidewalk
in tin- city. Tlie ordiiiHiue wan imnniHl
in reinii' to n raftMM bf pliyi ihub,
ujcaacnor boya aad aMrarapapai
rarriern, wboaa l)iiniiieaM wan wirioiialy
interferi'd wi!li when the OOQBOII
urasd timt ii" biejrolaa aboald i. ridden
on any walk in town .
The anniml lioensB in S, but tbe
recorder rtcreptn nt any Given tinn' a
ihu .'iii:il t.i 'J.ri renin n month for the
moiitlii rati hi i n i tie ni to HitoU-r. Tr
nacDra aoob u lioaniao now raqalraa
111. 78, for MM riH.ntlm iMladMg
Now that the atracU are dry, and
riding if poaairta off the wallcn. it in
! not likelv that many, if anv, Mpfa
licanaaa w ill ha inf-wi
No Lnncer a Fad.
"WlMMrilag," remarked U. W.
FlHatiar, iu'ent lor the Handler,
wliih- diaooaaing fie proapaek lor haien
dariua IWJ1, "ianoloaftra fad. But.
rha hi(cle ha tukcti itn legitimate
1 pi'ue a a vnhiala iVwola v uamdnya
niaa Uia arbaal a oat hh bm -
-iiiv .ii- tin baraa, And. aJUioaja.li one
heiir no more in I'endleton of cluhK
ntxl elnh rum, and while wle-elinc
jiartien are of inireqnetit oei'iiriem ,
the blcyela ik Uaad daily bV the bnni
iienn men in iuMiiia from their homef
tn tlieir utur.'H ur olloN. It ie frxilinh
to -edict. ;c WOM BkH dOBa, that the
ni'l will pann OQt of nm. The wheel
hu conic t'i naji and. untii NBM
liaapW and better meaiin ol quick
ir.'tiMt Iron point to indnt takea itn
plana, it trill continue to lie lined in a
i i ilbla mnnnnr."
I . W. I.ampkin. apent for the Crei--
i i i v looka f'.r a ranaonnbia nale dur-
ii'K the i-enniin. "Many inquiries are
mada everv day. and there in apparent
ly nl t an good a demand an ever for
MM wliveln. Where do all the old
v liei-ln ajo! i am nun' I do not know.
It in an much a my-icr.' an it in where
nil the mini in the world Ni No
ver naw a dead mule, and 1 auenn
n i i tie ever naw k completelv worn
.... I I 1. 1. ,Mu I'
".' :klli ill'Plii'l'.il nil f i ir, v I
:. ..linn hutnlredn ol.wheela have licet
il.l in Pendleton hv the hcvcral !
auni ien. the nal ontlnnen every year,
and people keep i.iininu all the timt
for new ..nea."
100 Oollark Reward, a 100.
Tic ren'ti ri- nl tins impel will be iilei..'il t
l.'nrii timt tlicr.- In nt leaM one .Inmlhil t:M'ae
llml ni'iem i- In. Leen nblr lo run' lu all lU
iimii'i. Mini timi laeatarrk. ltnii I'nmrrti Care
Ik tl iily ixwlilve cure now knnwn If Ibc
iin 'ln al trnlernil) ( HlHrrb bclua i oimlilu
liniinl ill ..ohm- reiUiro u e.iiiUtui..iiiI I real
in . in. Hull', i nii.i rh Cure ! tnkeu nil' rtinll) ,
aotlni directly oa the mom mm bmmom .ur-
laeen ot tliu tynlem, thereby Jon! roving the
(inin.Uliiiii of the iIIu' hm' mi l giving tbe pa
li. ni aireiiglb by bulbnun up i be ronnluition
an. I axial lug nature lu iloltia Hi. Work. Tin
pinprii i.it liavi' mi ui'i. Ii ini'.ii in il eiirali ie
laiweri. thai Ibey iiRernur Hiui'ir.'il lollar (..i
au riui that It faiU to cure. Scii.l lor 11(1 ol
: loalal. Addnw.
t. J. ClieXKY .V i li., Tolclo. Uhlo
Hold by UruggUU. 76c.
Hall Kaiuilv t'lln. are I he i- -:
PJH and
i ....
I kcpalriog
Rogers Bros."
Knivea, Forks,
Spoon, etc.
Kici carefully rxauiiued and
properly 6tiei lo the oral grade
'.I lourt
Boor tod exauderdi Hester 'a
Captain Cheever and Troop 8, Sixth
calvary, to Leave Ft. Walla Walla.
Oapteia B H. fheevur of Fort Walla
Walla ban received au order from the
aecretary of war to proceed with
ini. oonunand, Troop E, sixth DnHnd
siatee cavalry, to ai Prnnoiaao, at
vhWl point Da i 10 report mi March
16, and from which city they will
eiuhark for the l'bil ippinen. One half
of the troop in atationed in the Walla
Waila tort, the other being at Fort
V right, Spokane, under command of
Lieut, nun! A. U, Niaeeu.
Lieiit.-iiuiit Niaaen in at Kan Fran
ciac taking au examination for pro
in t ion Captain Ctieever haa been
engaged iu Imying hornen for the gov
rumuut throughout thin tection and
had orders from the interior depart
tenl t" - iitiiiue in that service until
April 1, hut the nrder ffOBJ the aeire
tar.v '( war takea preference, and un
lena contrary ordera are received he
w ill proceed w ith hit command, leav
ing Wal la Walla Man h tl, A large
number of burat'p arrived today iu
Walla Walla, irom Athena, which the
captaiu will inapect and probably pur
ehaie an he hie to alrtngtben tin-
uuipmeut of bu troop before leaving
for the ialauda.
Troop II, of (be Sixth, Fieulenaiit
I; van, ia to lea.- Koiat Harracka on
rhuradav lor the eaine deal illation.
pazer Opera House.
aturday Evening, March 23.
V.if I'lihalu Keiup'-i 1'reaent the
Oaaai Tragic AaMge
' .'.Ul.AMt
Farewell lour ol the United lU) aaalited by
ll D. MacLeau aud odeiie Tyler
nl a brilliuiil Huiiuortiiia lompauv pre.auuuK Bt-ulUer". great tnaloricul .Iraiim
I Artietic tonnio Ctfoota
Uox eal lii.OU; lner Uoor liri.1 l.'roa M Hi laal (i rowa 10U
amteif am a.u u au- at Mtaaani uiug Haaa.
Rncineer MeRlrer Saw mm, and Vtetlm
Saw Approaehine Tram aa He
Lay oa the Traek.
An O. R. A N. freight train, while
running between Fmatill ami
Wall ttla, at 2 o'clock on Monday after
noon, panted over a man who wan
lying on the railn. and ornehed him be
v. mil recognition. Ueorg McKlroy
wan in the cab of the bead engine, and
whittled to warn the man. The latter
Imiked up, taw tbe ponderont" engine
ninhing upon him, yet remained in
hit recumbent position, and two freight
engine with their load of forty oars
ptiwod over the prostrate form. The
man waa crushed almost beyond
nvognition, the head being severed
from the bod v. The bodv wan taken by
the trainmen to I'matilla. whence
cane a nu ttage to Pr. W. Oole.
coroner, who was in Walla Walla,
with Dr. K. W. Vincent, the.. R. iV
N. nhvnician at thin point. Both ol
then went to I'matiUa on the night
train, to hold an inquest on the body.
Telegraphic instructions were nenl to
till local juntice oi the peace, to ini
penel a jury and subpoena witneaees,
an. I hive S Very thing in readiness when
the oiiicers arrived from Pendleton
Engineer ncElvoy't Story.
Kngineer MeRlvov telle natory which
warrants the theory I hat the man was
liii"iroiin of committing suicide, al
though it is possible that he had fallen
in a ejffeta of partial paralysis, and
waa nnuhle to Dora from a position
between the railn that made death in
evitable. "We came through a deep cnt," said
the engiueer. "and had a double
header, two engines, hanling forty
freight cart. I whistled, and tried to
ObacV t'ie train sufficient ly to bring it
to a standstill by the time we reached
the spot where the man lay. Hut it
wan impossible to do so. Ho heard
tba whittle, looked up. and yet did
m l move hum the track, and we passed
over him, of course crushing out bin
life in an instant."
Description or the litl.
rha coroner, Dr. W H. Cole, and
the company physician, Ir. F. W.
Vincent returned from I'matilla this
morning. T'bojr were unable, during
the Inunml to elicit information throw
ing light on the mystery The jury re
turn. '.I a verdict of death oi an un
known man by an unknown cause.
A ratner ex.c l description was giM
by Dr Cole The man find on one arm
taltoo murks of a heart and a dog
above two stars, and figures of two
females tuttiMi"d into the other arm.
lie Waa .1 feet 'J inches in height, lie
v ire dark grev pants, a rough rider
hat, tan shoes and tan stockings. He
wan appa'i fitly -1 yearn old.
One Suspicious Circumstance
Only one fact wan brought to light
that gave reason for suspicion. That
.i- t!ia'. the dead nun's pints pockets
WOM foond turned "wrong side out,"
when he was examined by the officers.
This may have tieeu done by some ol
tbe train crew who were thus trying to
dlaoovar meant of identification. Not
all the trainmen who were with the
freight that did the killing wer,. at the
inquest, being not in l.'matilla at the
time. The pocket incident caused some
to incline towards the theory that the
iiihu had lieen robbed and thrown onto
tho track. I'r. Cole believes, however,
that this is not the real explanation,
and thinks thai the young man de
lilieratelv placed himself before the
i name and thus ended his lite.
Personal Mention and Business Brevi
ties From a Buttling Town.
Atbejat) March 19. Sunday aller
BJ0M the lours of baseball were
treated to a game between first and
second nines. All the hot- plaved
good l all and the game was thoroughly
enjoyed bf all present. The Athena
team w ill this sean ui play the best ball
that has ever been put up by a like
organisation in this city.
Jesse failing, of Pendleton , is attend
ing a few daya iu Athena.
James fcfoasrove nnd famiiv rokiafnod
h m. aturday after an absence of
boot four mouths Mrs. Mosgrove and
daughter viaitad with relatives and
(riaodi in d Baront parts of Pwnnayl.
vania, wbill Mr. Mosgmve visited in
Ireland. They report having a
splendid time, but are glad to be once
mure in the west.
1'h i Hip Stuiiiuff, who has been con
fined to iiis home lor several weeks
with lu grippe and rheumatism, was
able to oone. to town on Monday.
Al lies pa in aud Fred l.angevin, ol
lei. diet. .ii were Athena visitors on
I.. J. Robinson left Saturday evening
lor loilchet, Wash., to take i barge of
the new flour mill just completed at
that place.
The telephone system that -si. W.
Urudlev is nutting between his oMice
and Wuteiiiian station will aoofl be
completed. Me mill have four 'phones
Ofl toe line, one each at Waterman,
irand View, liiisdale aud Athena
Mr H. f. . itOWart who has lieeu
confined to his le me for nearly two
months, was able to be around town
this morning.
D, 0. Kirk, oi vseaioii, was in tlie
eitv Saturday. Mr Kirk has lust
returned from WiaOOnalO, where he has
been perfecting arrangements for tbe
manufacture of the McKae luusii
tuning attachment. It will be manu
factured at roini du i.ac, Wiaaonaln,
and will soon be on the market.
John l:. i.tley of Pendleton was au
Aihena vieitor touav.
Matt Mosgrove, of Milton, spent to
dav in this citv.
lhe new council met Kriday evening
and approved bonds of recorder and
treasurer, hut transacted no hunlueas,
owing to the absence al the mayor. A
special meeting of that Ix.dy was called
or Monday night.
W. J. Wilkinson, who haa been at
l.upwai, Idaho, for tbe past week re
turned home yesterday e lulling
Sehott, Sekuecklng and Vanned in
ciassie and Folk genes nedjeeka the
Next Attraction.
lu Feudletou is heard occasionally,
indeed frequently complaint that too
few good things ooiue to the theater
here Yet, when aometiiii. goixi couies,
such as Anton Hchott singing iu con
cert with Lucieu Vaunod aud Ottilie
SchueM.'king, a handful of people ap-
ai, enthusiastic and appreeiative,
t is true, but too tuw to ceustitute any
encourageuieiil lor other good Uiln
to visit tins place.
Were one to offer auch a wugur aa
this, he would win: That a iiiijeetrtd
.l.,,.i i ii Moiiduv niuiit would, hsvi
I the Frater or a fane aud j
would have brought out 100 4t'
the seating capacity.
Alajiitvsj people heanXs eW aMav.li
more than pleased. ediHed l.en.-tlled, HISHOP
uplifteil nv the rtvnnea noisi. tnev mm
Scbott has a tenor mbnttt) vmew of
great power and high cultivation, and
bears honors from many a Karopean
sovereign 'a tronage in former dan.
He ia well advanced in veers, but true
art seems never to lose its excellence,
while the true artist never allows the
Brno his genius to die down to an
ember nntil it ia ready to go oat com
pletely. v an no. I has a power in I, well trained
bass voice of range and timbre.
Schuecking possesses a sweet voice ad
mirably adapted hi the rendition of
ballads And tolk songs, and baa the
rare quality of being equally expres
sive and sympathetic in ell of the six
or eight languages in which she tings.
The program ranged from clantict to
ballad, from OpeMtM eeleetion to the
sweet and always loved "1ast Rote of
Sonmer" and "Home, Sweet Home.''
Schott sang " lxbengrln'n Farewell,"
a Wagner master piece; Schumann's
"The Two (irenadiers :" Halle's " The
Heart Ho wed Iown." a gem from
Mobemien Oirl J Sullivan's "The lmt
Chord," and tbe national hymns of
Hermany and America. Van nod ren
dered a aong from "Waffennchmied,"
by i. aiding, and a folk song by
Andreas Hafer. Schiiceking'n numbers
were a wing from MigBOB, A. Thiwnas;
and folk nongs en follows: (iermaii,
"In Kinem Kueblen;" Italian.
"Santa Lucia:" Spaninh "I'ltramur
ia bella Kspana ;" French, "Render
Mor:" Irleh, "Ijtst Rose of Sum
men" inerican, ''Home, Sweet
liiberal encores brought out aevorul
additional gems, and showed that the
audience, although small, was appre
ciative. Schott and his companions
may return, singing in Pendleton
Ister this spring. It will offer an op
portunity for tbe town to retrieve itself
and patronise a good thing in music.
Modjeska Saturday Night.
Madame Modjeska. the Polish actress
fsmoim for many years, aed occupying
a ponition at the head of her profen
sion.will appear at the Fraseron Satur
day night in Shakespearean drama.
Madame Modjetka't coming affords an
opportunity just such as was presented
on Monday night. It will be discredit
able to Pendleton people if anything
but large house in present to hesr
her and her talented company.
Madame Modjeska will present in
Pendleton the Schiller masterpiece,
"Mary Stuart," which, perhaps, ia
the very beat historical play ever
wr.If.'ii even when the plays of Wil
liam Shakespeare are regarded in the
comparison. "Mary Stuart" was
-i !e, Nil from Sladame Modjesa's
repertoire, liceuune it ia her lest piece,
and because every stitch of scenery
could be used on this stage, ami as
a I a production giveu here as could
be given in New orkcity. Seats on
nale Wednesday morning, n o'clock,
at Tallman's.
Or. Hill Will Bstabheh a New Military
Portland papers contain tbe follow
ing notice regarding a matter in which
manv In Pendleton are interested:
"IV J. W. Hill, for L'S years princi
pal of iti sh.-p Scott academy of this
city, will sever his connection with
that institution next June, when bis
lease of tbe premises will expire, to
found a private military school, to be
known as the Hill military academy,
in this citv. Plans are now being
prepared by architects for buildings
to cost in the neighhorbisal of tlfl.GW,
and around will he broken on lots on
Marshall street, between Twenty-first
and Twentv-second streets, In (lold
nmith addition, in a short time.
Kinhop Scott academy after the
present yesr will lie conducted as a
sectarian school, under direction of
tbe F.piscopal diocese. This announce
ment indicates no break IsMwoen I'r.
Hill and the board of school trustees.
The trustees have aeon Ht to conduct
the academy altogether as an Kpiacopnl
school, and have given Or Hill full
notice of tlieir intentions, so that he
has been enabled to make his own ar
rangements for tbe future."
Rev W V, I'otwine, rector of the
Church of the Kedeeinet, is one of tl
trustees having charge of St.. Helen
hall and the Bishop Scott academy
both of Portland. He stated tlial the
above was practical lv true. The prinri
pal change will he that Itishop Scott
scademv will hereafter be managed
directly hv the hoard of trilMecs, 1l
atead ol leasing the school and giving
it the support of tbe church. The
principal ami corps of instructors will
be hired hv the trustees and more at
tnntion will be mnde in the course of
study to a biblical and theological exiti
Warehousemen loaded several cars
with wheat last week, savs the lon.
Post, lone ban shipped ML'o.tKH), and
Lexington. 1:10.000. making a total of
.o... "isi bushels.
Look at Your Faea,
And see if it is reflecting health i
diaaaae Karl's Clover Root T
ticatititfoH the face and complexion, and
- . i . . . ...
assures perfect health All druggists
'2ft cents and fiO cents Money ra funded
if results are not satisfactory. Tallmau
& Co.
No Better Wheels
Are made than
Hundrsd Tear Clubs.
Are liecoruiug nunOfOMi The idea is
t. pronotd longevity. It ia interesting
to note. that the means through
which long life is to tie obtained, ia
food and the stomach. Long life and
good health are not possible unless the
stoma, li does it" work properly. There
is a way to make it, if it does not.
Hosteller's Stomach Hitters is an ideal
strength restorer. If MB RfOOld be
cured of dyspepsia, indigestion, Isdch
ing, constipation, insomnia, nervous
ness, biliousness. try the Hitters.
Kverytiody should try it at this time
to help nature rid the blood of winter
impurities. It's a specific for malaria.
See that our private revenue stamp
cuvern the neck of the bottle.
Going Into Folltlei.
At a bjMMjtfng in Portland, II. W.
Stone, generul secretary of the Y. M.
t . . who was in Pendleton rucuotl)
assisting iu securing the f'sMKI sub
scription for a building here, made
the follow ing emphatic statement:
"As long as Frank Hellen ia a
gambler," he said, "I am against hiir,
but if be quits gambling 1 will he bin
friend lamhl ing in not wanted in
Portland, 'l he people do not desire it.
We want a big moral wave to wipe out
municipal corruption, and our
remedy in the ballot -box I aervo
notice that 1 am going into politica to
work with those who are to make this
matter a political ieaue. Ho far as the
city 10 vara Want ol Portland is con
cerned, I am through with republicans,
democrats, prohibitionists, and even
citisena. There is a new issue before
us." Applauae.i
i mm 0 S
Arrivals at Hotel Fsndletoa.
Allsrt Wurzweiler, JoBOpb.
J C I.indaey, Portland
W R i i leiidenn ing, Portland
W W Smith.
W N Hill, Decatur, III.
A I. Carlton, M ilwaukne.
A H Atlierloii, Huston.
ii J Myers, Ronton
F S IfcMabon, Portland.
Win 0 Aldeli, BOdtOn, Mass.
A P Bradbury. Portland,
Michael McRvery
i' E Goroold Portland.
K H Miller. Walla Walla.
J A Haaeltine. Portland.
Glint Sbafer, N Y.
(' K Cochran, Union.
C W Hodgson, San Frkm isco.
J K Browne, London Kllg.
Rufus drum, Toledo, O.
Phil Brav, Chicago
c w Onrlost.
It's a Short Road
from a cough to consumption.
Don't neglect a cough take
when your cold appears. The
u ounce of prevention " ia
better than years of illness.
f aedarad for ysen (torn a tuiugS. bfuui aial
aad laag uoublc Sansd Liuud iicuauiir
fcpeat yaara lu imp Ummuimp and wckar paru mi
wsai Sal got mm Tal'rf Bualuiaad caat mm4
tiagan ik..a San lie A law bottle torn
i esSMf aw. I atiealdar U ika giaelan vl
W..a S. U Oeawn . Bavkwa, kadato. M. V.
Clean iii II i ii Uui la aula by an
ad ado. aa. ei.ov . i.um. a
mvmm arltii mrmrr bUM
ladTad au iu isa disuUt
mwh.; I. a
No lii tlir Kainblei was evei Imili than lhe 1'iel
mo'lels and the price 1 lie loweit a tumble
waa ever sold lot.
I aidics' or 'li nts' Woadstrr
Ladies orticnts Light Roadster 140.00
(ients pi pOVnd Racer 150.00
Ladie- or Cents ('hainless iUI.X)
Meals tlQ, U"J, rif
Agent U Hall Us lounly,
1'eDdll'loll, (Iri'goll
'iBaBF tlL .IB
The Old Reliable
riiwvn immtm uu.intii. nici uu int. mi l'r
SUd yet the oniabrisiui ahopa are trying te
make you lailluf a thuy . an nrs you al in nub
tor iti dollar at can 1IIKY .'AN' I ho II
aa we earry lhe only eomplale iloek ol liarnesf
Mad. Ilea, lirliblb ., Illi, Spun, Wblie, re.
Nruaba. CiuBlbs, 'nl, Hoap, Tents, W agon
. avsfs. end Canvas Ikal wae aver fuougbi io
Kaaieru iregou
Leading liarneaa and Seddlery.
Closing out at Cost at
ler Uluaiialad Lmvk oa ceuauiualioa .Saul
vtoe a. c. wo;u a . uur. v.
ajtlo l TwlluiWU .V '., drunnlatn.
DtaailarS reaed) ler Bleat
Uuuairbuia and SuaaUf I MfW
ia 4d evMjaa. ..,.. m mu' J
d asi aed Bladder Tresatas-
Now is the time U lay in your
Ladies' shoes, gj .76 now g 1 .IN
Ladies' shoes, il.fsj now ... .'Jit
Men's heavy shoes 1.10
Metis's t- oh shoes ,gfi
Ladies' vests, spring weight JJO
Badl thread dOBOn 46o spsd .IW
(.'upper wash boilers,.. l'.H
Men's 3. SO underwear, null ,06
I 0 tin coffee pots 1'ic now .10
Wash basins .05
All goods must go as soon as pntllbU
Vaiiglian's Racket Store
807 Mum Street.
Farmers Custom Mill
I red Weftara, Frrleter.
(,'epavlty, 1M bar rets a day.
s iuii 1 aukeaged liu wkeat.
siou. kfUl Feed, okopped Feed, etc.. always
ou hand.
r 1 Ir vi
acrlbe for uiaxaaluaa or
lie wapaoora lu the l ulled
atelea or Kurone, remit
b poatai Hutu, okecs or
aeun 10 the hai Oeeuo
mi am lhe uel publlahera
price of the puhllcallou
you desire, aud we will
50 suits ranginjr in price from $6.50 to
$12.50 each sale price
$3.25 to $6.25.
A riMluction of an even hull'. Thg liggg m broktm; that
is the rt'asuii thai wo aiv mllimr tlicin ui tliia Ma sadHeitmi.
of some kiiu's there are I, olhers 2 ol fl kind, rVou 8fl ti
42 Ml S1t.
Clothitin I epartiiieiit 7" Main Strtnt,
1 'niilb'ton, Oranjotj,
1 sell al.uc,
hops' PMIi 1
m '"we rtskiu
(Ml. 11, -a, m ,
vATgBiail MUnuintrt tli Int. in ami
Ut niMIVV ''"'i.lcd with fi !
POtene.y, Loat JPowar, NlKht-Loeaee,
Bi.paaia, " oiiii a.iminiii nmiBeinne,
illiv, Meadncbe.UnhVnee'. tn ssnrrv. mi. nt
OenailDatlon, stun. Ouloknead ofDIa-
ywitrhlna of Brellde. ' ' '
fli.,.l. l,. I. 1 T IS iV.I".,Tl,l . I. .1 L.n.l
'I In ... ,., ... M.rt .v , I, .,(,,, ,
f 0.1. , e.r .,) ... ,.. An,f , . hi 11. .fl.u.tf.
'i(ifi''iii..in. Ourai
a LOat Ul.KnM .
anarnottorrnoee Ineomnl.i, Valna
am-K, siar.nue Da
OJ Semen, Verlcooela,
men, vartcoaele,
chara, aioos Wer
i.mri.. a !i. a I r If . . I .
in fii. Address. Blehop Nnmeily Co., Inn rrnnnlaoo. Cel.
won hai.k hv TA.1.1.WAN ;.. mi.. ,ij.. . .. srviii.miv. rtHwnow
BUY HBB sump: ionic fort
50c a fjunrt bottbti
lei a mi
KlfiKantly Pornisued. Stean HMted
Buropeea Plan.
Block enda-half from depot
5ample Uoaaa ia connect ion.
KtMim Kgte
50c, 7.x . yi.oo
Byers' Best Flour...
To make good bread uae Byora' Heat Flour, it took fiikt
preminm at tbe Chicago World's Fair, over all competi
tion, and givea excellent Haiinfactioh wherever naed.
livery aack ia guaranteed- We have the beat Steam
Rolled Barley, Seed Rye and lieardleaH Barley.
Pendleton Roller Mills
W. S. KYKKS. Prop.
lira 11. Short, lite
Time Siehedule
From Feudletou.
bit ago
i -a u. ,.,
via Hum.
oiki. .1.
If. a I .
via 11 11 1 1
.St Caul
Fast Mall
- :1A a. ni .
dell l-ake tieuver. Furl
Worth. (Iinaha. Kan
tea tiiy Hi basis,
1 In. ago aud Kaal
Salt Lake, Pen vet, Fl
V. Hill, On, ah. Kail
a. Idly, SI UMtll Oal
1 aao and Kael.
Walla Welle, lv,l.iun
Hpnka'ia.Vt .11.. c.l ull
man, Miiitieapoii.. Ml
Paul. Pululli.Mllwau
See, Cbfeate and ke.i
.l. a
10 Ml p. B,
1 p UI.
Ocan and River Schedule.
FkOM l-lik'ILANl.
All aalllng .1.1. - auh
h .uu p. u. I )" to ebanae.
For Hen Frauclaoo
Ball every I daya
p ui
1 uiuubi. Blver
ffj Aatorla and Way
1 . ...in..
4 p. ui.
a Buuday
Pally SS.
a a. a.
Willamette Nlver
Ireauu City. Newhura
Halim Inaapeuitauu)
ami Way I.aiidlua.
hara It aeut to vou aud aaauuia all rlak of Ike
if y
to the kajrr OaaooMi.M, lu reuillllua you can
iapu Urlux loal fu the uiatla. It will ears you
ue ana riae. n you are a him. hi
deduct Ubu per uw lioui lb. - publlahaia' pitta
astt i'kiuioni an rvw. co., reuaie
Addrew I
a. iu.
1 in. Thra.
and Sal
01 ..111. and Way-Laudluge
Is. U. UI
u Suuday
Willamette andVatu
. ... Blvere
Tuea Thr. in,.,,., City, Pay ion
euueei. ana wiy u iii
lave I
1 ifm. ui.
klperla to u.uiw.
and Kit
SS U. u:
kton Wed.
an. 1 Frl.
I . wulua
11. ui.
Take the...
Washington k
Columbia River
for OfciajfB, 1st Haul, hi luie, Kan
sas Oily, Mt. Joe. Uoiaha, auai
All roints tast and South
forUaawl and point,
on the Soundi.
Arrives Mointara. Wa.tuaa.laya aud Frideiaai
1 ..a ui I'lcadai, Ihuiadayaaud SatuiJay.
alS.Ua ui
Ueper Is dally eieepl Suuday at uu v tu
Km lufoiu.atloh reaantliis raiee aud ataom
unslatloh. . all mi "I adilrsaa
W a li a Ms. Aaeait.
I'eudlalou (iiaeuu
a u 1 AioauiikAii 11 i' a
Walla Walla. Waab
Oregon Lumber Yard
Wool) UUTTtCUg
Km barns and dwell inks,
('hoaper than liu.
1 4ith,
Huildiug I'u per.
Tr fupcr.
I 1 uu Mild Geincut,
Hrick iiud Sim J,
Scrocu Doorn .v WiuUuwn.
Sitnh and IKhi,
l errn Ckitto Pipe-
Borie & Uxht, Prop s
Alta Bt., opp- Court Hooaa
co inert, and just 89 wen
F. F. W aeaiBV,