East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 19, 1901, Image 1

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g BWB1
hv cnrrlcr
Per Week
,'!.. 14.
NO. 407ft
Sampling will Convince
VOM that "iir enodt arc in re th.in a
tic belter than the ordinary run of
.erie. 'f it !" not we it re mis
taken mitl the ; n ret i .- i- lit n i great
ln- twva'ise nr ifix.nl arc sold at
;is u.abla brictW Ifuvi- vou tries arv
d MbMf i K 'treat bran-Is of rtap'c
Wl ite Siiiaoroi! Coffee, pure, strong
u in! good
Schilling's Ten, fragrant MM delici-
Ttakcr'i Cm-Ma, Bourhlhii i: ant!
ite House (inurry.
Here are the Wash Fabrics
That will be worn by thr most sumptuously dressed womrn of
America. Not to sec our collection is to be eclipsed in elo
fftRrCO by those who do: lor the richest and rarest are here.
Hnrmah Cloth 7c ya-d Meroorixed Chambray. S!Sc yard
Alealdn Cnrtis ,.. yrd Tnilr IV Hnio . .25c yard
Toile-Pu-N.rd . lov JfWi Lisle Tissue 2fV yard
Zephyr ' iingham .. lOr yard Batiste Saline 25c yard
Mlleorda Dimity .. 10c yard Moneeline Rrodic... Hi yard
fiijuii Fancier . 12'tc yard Kmbroidered Swim Pots 2.V yard
'Vj'hy r Ijiwn. . . . l?'vr yard Merr-erited Ratine 2.V yard
ijueen 'Wide 12V yard IVrian Foulard. 30c yard
Silk Kniard 20.- yard rnchangvablel.ur.tre. . .35c yard
Koaalnde Dimity 20c yard Merocrired Ftilard. . 4.V yard
l'r i m-ess lWt i-tt- Ml f9$i LatM Mad raw 50c yard
Moii.clinc Applique Me yar 1 Crepe IV Chene. 08c yard
ljirc Tissue 20c yard I'ineApple Timn H.V yard
Windsor PTWMH 20c yard Kulard Silk $1.(10 yard
N ver has our showing, been so large: never before so beautiful
Alexander & Hexter.
The Boston Store
New Persian Lawn
W hite and vf-rv tine.
25c Hose
We ate ctoeiaf out this lino fit boyo ftnd
pirl- bute iit l.V
The Newest
nonet lined
B LBl U) Hi I 'S
to set 6lf a
SI apelv Form.
1'luii; tlmua-k. pivcian LordVr.
t&Ulti int-n. with napkins to
Gold ami til vtf belli ftp Wty fashion
able tJld many kimls In show inelwlino,
the new utraigh1 form1 V shaped.
Shirt waists
The third hipnii'iit jnst in only a fow
ofl kind tor our rutomers satisfaction
not old l1 nil" hut now
New laces and
galoon trimmings
These are of newest d -ipn and arc just
what many ladies have l?eii waiting for.
Wide Embroideries.
The new ones you have leen waiting
for. These are very fine and leautiful
for the price being a special value from
the importer.
tleW iarder. ' teds
i.U'-k..,i- r-v-iilar ' kiomln. now
i. alf at tmK. -V iiuiiicm foi Wfcc.
'taiioncry ar.ii
School Supplies
..-r.r.- i.udit. ImM foods. 20
iii- ft Mil h h .ncil He, box
atioiwry He I i.-itl. Lraabta 8c
li Ite, .ur 4.1. , I wan .He to
r. i .
Evaporated Stock, very fancy.
Qet our Wholosale Prices . . .
C. R0HRMAN, : : : : 309-311 Court Street.
A HI ' fZS - r m
An Artistic ar)d
Ficlly Furnished Parlor
Nliould couuin one of our exquiaiU-ly inlaid
parlor suitm., uplijlnUrre in rich dauiaakii bj
hnHfnl vliudaw at ookm, that wrill make tht)
"tout eiiM-Jiihlc" nf yourrouui "like ona grain!
cwtH.t nong'' in tlieir liariuony. We iiavo huii.i
haudaoine near dcaigim in parlor furnitnn at
piicfn that w ill nurriiM9 you.
BflKERA FOLSOM, Main Street
Baseball and summer
sport department
Haiiiiiio:kt. 1.4.1 to I4.W6.
Hawihiilli-. in it 1 . i,-n.ve uml !oilig
laUOCBM line of Toilet Soap
a I to aaa a Nh
FredericK No
Seed Sowing Time...
You must
have good
seed if jou
expect t o
liailui a
Ogood crop.
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
Ux-k i troni selected gmpMt gfOW
in rich fioil wlucii insure a healthy
growth. Timothy, Alfalfa, Willutt,
lilue (Jrasti, Hrome (Jrss, lied ami
NN'liitc Clover in any quantity. Also
have a full line of garden tools.
The oranire crop in California
nut!. Tine on account of the inability of
the railroado to Movld car. for it
trananortation. For this nurpo. 4(10
cars ar ntMed dailv ami the- railroad
can provide hut half that minilw,
The grove of giant redwiiod in the
big ha.in in Santa Cm conntv will le
preMrvl A Pill appropriat ing 2"0.-
tKi- providing tr it purcha-. ha
j leen approvel by (Jovemor tiagc. Vhc
tract will to co'nverttHl into nutate
The BfeaeeeM Of newt are til! con
Iderea hopeful. The Boar lone lat
month were IflO killel. HHi wounded
nd liiXi i-Mptured and nrnnderl
Owing to ihe heavv rain (ionera!
Krenob' transport ditlicnltie an' vtill
nnchange.! .
The North Pitkota legislature en
eCted into a law two bill affecting
railroad. One of these provide lor
the naiatraMoi ol open station ail
the year round, where the income from
freight rates is f;!00u a year. The
other measure provides that all passen
ger trains niut stop at county soat
town where the population is over "H.
Fhe Mrtneen Uirooghoel Indiana
have BOOJDIMd against tlie ne of the
white light in railroading. The
wiiite light is used at night to indicate
a clear track, and the engineer in
OMetloa claim that III use is rOfpOB'
sible for many accidents. They are
insisting that instead of the white
light then shall be uaed a yellow or
blue light, or some color which show
plainly at night.
There i h a strong movement afoot
in Austria against the latpoftetiM ol
American product. MOOfdllM to .1 dis
pute h rereived st tin state diiartment
f r 1 rn I'nited State Consul Boeafel
at Trieste. The expiration ol the tariff
trinities of Austria-Hungary in ltfo:'
will necessitate a general revision el
the customs laws of the i untry . and
Consul Ilosefe. says tnere is vertamly
every IndiOBtlOw that the new tariff
law will tie framed with a special
view to prohibiting the importation
of American product. A majority
of Austria's economist have no fear of
American retaliation, states the consul,
!iiih.is. usir':i liiivs from the I'l ited
State more than she sells to bar.
is Said the British Made the
Necessary Concession.
Probably No Further DIIUcuHIm Will EMM.
CbamberlilD, HoweTer, Sajs tb'
Matter li Still Open
Loadon, March l The Central
New-, hi Vtenna. print a dltpatch
that states that the dirliniltv Utaeen
the Itussiau and Itritish are setthst.
The misunderstaiiding was due to
Chinese dupl icity .
Raportad br I. L. Ray Co., P.ndlston.
Chleaao Board or Trad and Naw York
Stoek Bxehanaa Brokan.
New York. March l9i--Tba WtMMl
market was verv dull tmlay, and the
close was w'thin 1-S of vesterdav's.
Uverpofll ohii(s and cloned at I I R,
against 8 yesti'rdiiv
New ork oiienei! nncbanged. so , v
and after selling Bp to hi, declined
The Modern Miller in its MeklJ
summary says
"The crop situation is much the
same as for several weeks pasl , mieer
tain. There are some rOportl ol VV A K h r N
ilauiage ny trtM'xing anil tliawinc. Ind
ther is more or less talk of injurx l
the Hessian llv . hut, as most of the
winter wheat area is still m winter
he determined
plant has been
Ooid spidl of last
' : They Hold the Fort All Night
Near Leavenworth.
pacific northwkst nkws.
Judge Snell, in the siiis-rior court
at Taeoina.has decided tliat the Ktate
law prohiibting the "unday theati-r is
class !egil;it ion Hie! i- therefore tin
constitutional and void.
lie e'NOth 1'av !ventlsts an
('unii'hei I ites nf Klgin buve heeii hav
illg some hot theological debates dur
Hlg the Winter. Th. v held one series
1 1 1 ti ll ii.eetingh, evening after evening
two boms i nch night, and still didn
settle their controversy.
A topic of much interest to the pe
pie of Payton Wash., at the present
time is the advisabilitv of the eitv'
purchasing the electric lighting plant
from a. Koth.und It la expected that
mass meeting will he lie:. I some even
lug till week to definitely decide tin
matter, some husmes uien str ngi
urge the purchake of the plant tor t!
price uskcl, ffsi.nOn.
An important deal haa lieen con
suiiiinated at I.a Orande wherebr J
J). McKennon and .losenh I'a liner ills
poae of the property of the I.a Orand
Kls'tric Light A I'ower i-ompanv
K Kirk, owner of the electric light
and power and gas plant 111 Make
City. The new owner will tak
piMseasn 11 of the protiertv as tssn as
the new plant 1 fully installed.
Tun (ticks, from who h are. to is-
led the sn.irs for the Airier ran
cut) defender, Isong built for the Ite!
BOM syndicate, will Ite shipped from
Anuria hy rail on Monday. the tie
ben are from A) to H7 feet in lengtl
Threi- tlatesrs will la. used to trans
port them. They are lowland tprui
timber, wh'cii was chosen on account
of its lieing light and at the same
time exceptional!' strong.
The tjreat Northern will start work
oti iU railroad Iron. Spokane to Ite
public. The final piellnioariee will
In loiiipletol at u meeting, prohublv
at !ew York, between J antes J. Hill
and iiiee!iuties of the Warner
Miller syndicate. Die reeult of this
inference is to I the ... o 1 1 r.-m. 11'
the Qreat Hortaero ol ttie Miller right
to survey and hut Id a railroad aeroas
Indian aloiiio-iit,. on the north halt of
the Col vi lie reserve.
Tin- BeJhel WJiueti'i.es finds the Ufa!
aoft and yield leg to his teet. It doea
Dot trouhie him and he goes oil until
pi . nil) he .inks to
Ins kutrc-s and dia
vim to hi horror
lltat he hat to (gM
jui his life iu a
Injje i much
like the quicksaad.
The tir.t k nipluius
id .toiuai'li troubla
to nut ckuu- aaal
t). But when
the body grow
weak tlmMili lack
if imuriahmri. oid
liisoM. l tlu s'.om-
.ull breeds 'llbcaae
ol he irt, lungs, Mvel
or kidue U nf
feier real i his
dauger and sacks for
medtciunJ aid
Oi. Euros' I .old
en .Mi iln ai 1 nis ov
ery cure. diMraat-. u(
the -.loii.ai h and
other 01 van. ol di
ui-.uon and nutrition Il n .'i.. m 1
heart, lung., liver, kidneys, ctt . when
tlu'sr dieraoea have their oiig n IU du
tase of the isVossai h ami u alhed 01 gain
Tlujnia. A win. ia s,uis,i ,(,.0 r
bus. ohlu " iv arSUW : "1 laluM srfcJl
vin Hr.dai'lo tlnti ciiiii.. in n. - ioiiii ii
and my luy wxiM aiA ilirM IImtB Uelu. y sud
Uvt-r (rouble, sun niy be--!, uix wrak mi I uaiW
wen i srtaiesl Ai I. i I li. 1 til Ha;
plaiuU at eata suit ibr ... .o- I -v.msI tb
wiaM- I g.a uuijl m. yrur. pa i wad 1 I. 1 I-
caau. iai tArl I iiHilM uwlly w.o in im-
by Om uvl ca a cVa.it and I ei4 m, iiii i i iua-
Cii. ii uu ii air riii-i. . iM-nt iiaii wr- i..
in a- man out "f yourH s'n
ulucl Bii. si I Ibousel I ,wsa.U St "
... 1 aatt i iwj ul. ii m
British Hade ihe Needed Confession.
Tekin, March Id. -The settlement ol
the Tien Trill dispute was effected hv
a surrender on the part of the Itritish
riiey w ithdraw their guards, leaving
Ibe Russians in undispnti-d poaeeeaioa
of the aiding over which Ibe difficulty
arose. Authorities on both sides now
consider the dispute finally closed.
Chamberlain's View of It.
London, March W IB the 'commons
today. Iard Hamilton announced that
there is little to add relative Q the
Tien Tsin pending settlement of the
difficulties' tv tin' nil Iter authorities
on the sisit. The sentries remain in the
shiiic position with orders mil fn as
mine an aggressive attitude. Another
Tien Tsin dispatch, duted todel states
t lust op to this tune there has Is en no
change in the HeltlOfl of affairs, and
t lint both Itritish and Russian com-
miinders await instructions from their
govern ateatai in ibe RMHtntlmc
l ommaiider wahlersee n coming to
Tien Tsin to personally observe the
yitilut ion
Freneh Minister Speaks of the Trouui.
l'aris, March 111.- Foreign Minister
-. .i - -titt.-s that he has rei . - red
no information nf any of the alleged
aggressiveness mi the part of Kreuch
troops in Chiua. He declares t lint the
lien Tsin trouhie lucks the seri'.ii-
ness that would make it worthy of
European nnlerat ion .
New York Central Trainmen M Bring
on a General Strike.
Aihany, N. Y , March IU. Train men
on the Sew York Central aie talking
f a strike unless there is an equal ir.a
tioii of wages on the whole line It is
said that if the demand is refused, the
trainmen anticipate a tie on a
roads from Maine to Oregon, afha-ting
one million men.
Sullsn of Morocco Trying to fcscaps Our
Washington, March If. -The sultan
of Morocco has threatened to move hi
court and virtually his capital, and
kei p moving then, to escape from the
United -t.i'ia- consul general
timinero. at lauiger. i iiimmero has
been rih.red lo the cap tal to entone
a demand on the sultan for indemnity
fur the k i II iiig of natural ied iti.en-
hy a mob at Pec, and be will proceed
to chase his majesty until cornerisl
1 he cruiser New l ork is now on its
way to Tauter to lutck up the d
luaiels. it is tin1 llrst instance on
record of the I'nited Mates having
prospectively to chase a u reign gov
eminent lull the grand vuer has III
lormeil ( fiiminero that he will more
to avoid him.
Sultan's Apparsnt Ulseuurtssles.
Washington, March 1 he stale
department Is giving renewed attention
to the aettlement of claims against the
government of ItoTOOCO, Instruct 0OS
a. ii. yi-slerdav sent Nl r I oiiiinieor,
s, Haul general at Tangier P, d, maid
an aiadogy for the apparent di
courtesies on the part of the grand
vizier and the minister of foreign
aftairs in attempting to defeat the pur
poae Ol the state department t -lis
letch a siat ial mission to Morocco
The armored cruiser New irk,
rapid. y Hearing (ilhralter will take
iumiiii.ro alaiard and mnvey him to
Mazargaii. where Hie consul general
will ilisemliark and go overland to the
Moorish capital. The New York will
remain at Maiargan under his orders
until som ii sort of a settlement is
liinrters, it cannot
how seriously the
damaged from the
Stock strong
Money. 'J ier cent.
Closing yesterday, SO - K
I 'pen ing today N M
Kanga tialay, MO 1 u to Hil
Close today, so'g
May corn, -to',
Closing stocks : Sugar,
l'.'H Fed. steel, 17 St.
C. It .V i., I65j N. P.
Wheat In San Pranclseo.
San I'rancisco, March hi. Mav
wheat, 11,00 -S to 11,00 7-K pel
oeatal .
Wheat In Chleago.
Chicago, March In. Mav
nt1, to 7H 1-K.
Thrw Hiindrpd Is Mr NumtMr Qaellty of
Food and lilly Work tli htm.
No torn Bread."
Ml ;
. IU
, I60i 1
w heal ,
Hill's Hi s Hand Is Shown.
New Tofk March l! The limes
--IV" Ihe plans of the new controllers
f the Kne railroad are ithoiil lo be
disclosed. A Ii n 111 I oT of the new eie
culive oflicers will bo nisfalled, some
ol them recogninsl us the personal rep-
resental ives ol ,1, J. 1 s f I of the l,real
Northern, and MB prompt seipiel will
itppiul III the estithllshl t ol such
new eaetern connections as the Kne
never hitherto could command.
Noted Taaal Leader Captured.
Manila, March I'l. I hocino, a noted
Tugal leader on the island of I'anav.
has been captured iii a light. Piaoait
illg the capture, two iiisiirgenls n, ri
ll 1 1 led, and three, including DloelnOi
wounded .
Novements of People Living South Prom
TBIs lown.
In til 1 1 1 M . March II'. Win. (iillette is
here from Itiitter creek where he has
-pent the winter on a visit.
I eter Mausen, who had sismt the
winter at I.oa Angeles, has arrived at
San Francisco on his wav northward,
and is exia-cted at I'litullla in the
near Ititure.
.Nun Ketbers bus r nth disposed ol
half a m-clion of laud, making nine-
ten hundred dollars profit on the
deal. He intends to visit Men- iu
th. near future, and examine into the
Psirliiuities for agriculturists in that
tine of the sure signs that spring la
in sight. II not actually here, la In
nvidence on the roads nearly every day
in the stiape f large herds of tattle
which have sian! the winter III tin
stuhhlcth'hfs end are mw on then
wav to the mountains for the summer.
M. H. Iiillett has rends) a large
tract ol land northwest of I'eudletoli,
which he will summer fallow.
Kurt I' .i is here ii mi Wilbur.
where bo lias spent the winter, and a
very mild winter ta, only finding it
necessary lo feed his shs'k two days.
While the wheat market remains
mewhat sluggish, at Intuitu both
for leisl and feed .,ml are hard to gel
i. ailos 1'iMiter was down from -- Ii
land yesterday ijuiln a nuinhei ol
real estate deals are on the - m
that hurg with the opening of the
spring season. Did settlers having
made their pile are mov ing awat and
new ones arriving
On Monday evening North I'ntuilla
had the importunity of listening to Ihe
Anton hcholt musical aggregation
a i oini aiiy of artists whose e.pials In
their fines very seldom come this wav
ll is, of course, needless to aay thai
the attendance of that music hoing
--ii. i tv was Impressive, the im
pressioii on the pocket taaiks of Anion
Hebotl and Mr Ifooio in i -t have
Kaymo. ( arter, win has Lwei i
from florae Heaven
a visit to i i,r u
lormer residents of Yakima, returns
home today.
Lea ten Worth, Kaas., March U.-
I'hree hundrisl convict who are w.irk.
ing iii the mine at the .fate peniten
tiary at New I iiiising. struck vesterdav
afternoon. Tbev hare been In the mine
all night, holding sixteen guards a
prisoner-, and refOM to mine to Ihe
surface. Negotiations are now going
on between Ina aarden and ibe strik
ers. A Utisitlon ot "drub."
LeaeeO Worth, Kas. March 111 The
convicts and guards have hail nothing
loealBlaaa reeterdar at iTeskfast.
rhe warden refuses any term, but
those id unconditional surrender. In
a note sent to the warden yesterday
the convict saying Ihey have con
cluded to wreck everything in the mine
unless they are given three Ntiare
meals a day, and their task is cut h
two cars a day. Tbev refuse to eat
any more corn bread, corn or aas.
Ultra guards have beta planed at the
month ol the mine.
Kears are expressed that the convicts
may have killed 'he imprisoned
guards, who are armed only with
clubs. The laiuilics of the men are
frantic. The shaft is an even one
hundred ami lifty feet deep.
ontrlals Hldlctils ins Rsport.
New York, March In. Official of
the New York Central ridicule the
storv that a strike is probable. They
say they know of no discontent, and
have la'oii presented with no demands.
Power to Buy a Csnsl.
New N i.rk , Mitnli 10, A dispatch to
the rlaralJ bom Washington says
ll the view oi Hi,, ad in i ii ist rat ion IS
MppOrtOt by the next congress, the
president will obtain discretionary
authority to aaqnlre eltbof taa
Nicaragua or the Panama canal route
(hi tins a uml the stock of the
Panama canal has risen sime the ad
journment oi congress Several
prominent uieinlwrs of the senate
foreign relations committee cordially
favor the idea of empower ing the
president I" ' BOOM the route he thinks
the more advantageous, although the
loll which passed the house and was
pending baton the senate dill Illg the
last session, provided for the adoption
ol the Nicaragua project.
VllLllllK ....II..IU ....
Nels.ili alld other
Cotton Hills Close Down.
fall River, Mass., March IV - The
Chase, Itolaots Merchants, American
I, men and Motacoinct cotton mills,
I-1 at nig 180,000 spindles, were
stopped pslay in pursuance of an agree
ment to curtail the prod notion, ft Is
probable that next week the majority
of the mills III this city will Im shut
lloW 11
An Alpins Ayslansbe.
Home Mart bin A great avalanche
has swepl down upon the town of
Posieaaa, at the loot of the up
I'.lght lasliea were recovered by rest lie
parlies who are trv ing to save any who
may la- alive. Kite have la-en readied
so tar.
A London Murderer Hanasd.
London. March IU i o oigo Wharker .
murderer of Win. i'earaon, III a London
A Southwestern railway carriage, was
hanged tin. morning The trlate was
made easy hv the Kugl ish system of
partiti g "ll apartments in the
artaena InOteM Uirrsstieu.
I'h-.enu, ArlS. , March It'. The gov
smnienl ageitt ha gone to rouml ui
the reoaleitraal Indians who have left
the reaer ration and are treapassing
and pillaging ill the vicinity of the
i land Canyon.
PreeMeel Arrive, m Weshlnaleo.
Washington, Marcn l i. The preei
deal and in-, wile ,ir -ol here from
Canton al I : ) o'cha k Ibis afleruisiii.
,i-i d
I dul
. - 1
tmritty-arvcu Ijy) Sueu.U. I nave
aard w 'i 1 In tht- oiy4 rlevvn ai .Ala.
w i wv vests lrluiv aud J .in a-
h.sllhy to day I think ulmn
lr Pierce's Contmon -i-n-a- Medical
Advi.r, iu pajier cover.. i sen! rtt on
icceipt of 21 tt-eut sUm; lo jxty ea
uciiiwr of hi. ding ouly. Adilicae Lit Sk.
V 1-uice. bullalo, S. Y.
ko Wrote lo General gltchsnsr Uosr
Officers are Agread.
laiudou, March IV l.ord Chaiin-. r
la n, in the coiiiuious Pslay, replying
to a iiueetiun, statasl that (Jen 11 -tf-a
wrolu Pi (ieo Kitchener that he was
not disposed to recommend to bit fel
low commanders and countrymen geu
rally the terms of ia.ac Hen
Kitchener ha la-en instrnctisl to offer
(ien. Botha in ins proclamation added
that hi. goveruuieut and the chiuf
ortn ors o! hi.- ommand entirely agreed
witti his vi.-as disapproving of the
Britiab ternaji
Usslts;iid to Prevent Irnbetills Weddings.
M I'aui, March JU. -The ChilUin
marriage hill was killed in the leg). la
lure today. It was designed to prevent
the inarrlasto of imbeciles, and re
quired a physician's uertilivate for
every license issued.
Bailor Lads Maes Celd Vest.
Norfolk. March IK.Ooe bundrwi
and fifty sailors on the uruisei Lisie
ave decried hy scaling the uavyyard
walls during Ihe pasl two days on ac
count of the report that they were to Ije
aunt to China.
fire from a Bllsbeo Stov.
Wu 11 atone. Ohio, March 10. Fire
original log from a kit. hen stove
burned the bouie of John Hill, a
miner, incinerating Hill, bis wife and
fve on i iu run last night.
I.. ..in. UtueuXululae nuuitw ltu huh
Sswsr Workmsii Waul a Bal.s
r i-i, in His uardsn Lily.
Walla Waila March l I went
four men employed hy I teores H
hiitherland in couBtrUutlllg the oft)
Sewers yesterday refuatwl to work he
cauae ol s,ut Iter land s relusal to grant
them a raise in wages, asked lor -un
lay- I he employes hail bOHO Woklllg
nine hours a day and receiving HO cents
all hour Ihey demand W cents all
hour and hut eight hours lalsir in
every -i.
Charles Hesserur aud family re
turned venter fay from rieu Francisco
and will remain in Walla Walla for
some time. Mr. fioaserer was formerly
in the uewspaiair huainee here and at
one lime owned and oiairelod Tlie
I 'uiou. lie haa lately beeu unpaged iu
toe hotel business inside the 'ioldeii
( .ale tie says lis lias relumed to
Waila Walla on ml of the more
I a vol chin climate here aud because of
the business necessities.
Ihe soliciting committee fur the
hsaeball team was on the street
terday and succeeded in Saajuriug near
ly II'"' All are interested iu aeeimi
the city well ruiinus.hlil on ih..
Iluuioiid and It is uiixa te.1 that a
sufficient amount will Im collected to
purchase new suits and fence the
grnui.de as well as erect a grandstand.
Will.'am helling aaed li vnara. a
former reshleut of this eitv. died iu
Taenia, Wash.. March Hi IU4I1 The
remains will arrive iu this city today
for interment The funeral wili be
anuouueed later.
MM have .in liuialrl. ! vmii couieninM
I and louisli)
a nil
aa-' dn-1) in in
ciigii I -ai have sta.il uuuuivsi.i on
ti.-c u mi -I. dua-SM t lnilsUIIIIli SI i
Hi,. ,. II . Ill, III u Sll't tlllMlcll til
III, uw rele. ul lla inldworljl lalu
.1.1 1.1. III.- aam i'liu air
i. lull Ii.iii Ii- 'alll, ili' wl.l- ll U
hiliali.l h'Ui the hum. and irrllau . luvli -I. In ale
In.luy li, Uu caw ol gl.M iduwi'i. Ua i"""
Ua I
ai lai
heat nl Ilia mullcu ulaaa kin. iu. wai u- lite
XuUi liiU, tin- luiitf. uli. i. li uia.lualiv Lauaka
down llicii iK-lii aUi .trui loo inaklug n ukl
Una -1 Ui life Vuu raa I aBunl to uuit wura-
aud ai. -lull) t iitd In thU fslel du.1 ial
as a
lllti Ii
Iom luut M lil ,,,ii anil t.air Iriuud. 11IMU
i t . , , hugll.il limit- ' , Hi uiMku nur
lluisit ami lung, wn-llg sgHini 11 Will BNSM Ha'
lintaliou. lira, o up yuur .Tn iigil uii-i n n.o.1
le yt-r I. mm; a da Work I li.t.t iu41o(1 Itial Iu
kiaitt uiilu llur. aie uu inaa o' ttai.uu.iaki".
Tliu rtwoui I. licit AcLvr'. tngli.-b Rouicdy Is
ustsl by Ui. uien aorklug tkare-
Moid St ate , kk' au.l i . i.-i.i. tic
n, iiniu-i hiuu. n(i cmumJm; aae m
st U 'AI.. 'A 1 . . tal ll n"i am not
alui buyliig. i. iuo, tliy uatie lo yww
aud e yuui in.. n. uauk
Wt ooitWSa IM aStatr tiiinsn.M
H IL i'-Hlk'H" it.. ivtaesab. . t- rare,
sau k mm A Metleates, P'I'sAne. Oi