East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 18, 1901, Image 4

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Shoes for
Misses and
Children : : :
Out foot form b-. :n lac- U
ton for mieeeeainl ebll Irei
be law, and excelled by none.
At if n-iH-t. taa im '!
too are looking (or . urnd - . try a pair.
Practice; IW; and Mm Ml.
17.80 to 7 bicycle. No!'''.
5rw grter oninn at T. Martil
Try Dntton'a ice creatu eh late.
Boy yoor wind" fhadee at
Have yoor pieturee framed
atylee at atari
Mi I too ereaeierv hutt-'r Bt the W
Room grocery t"r .
New lot of mackerel at tlx Wi i
Hnaee grorerr re.
Now dee una in wail paper at
Murphy' point atnre.
Whit Sqaa.iron eoBae at u WI t
Hooee grocery itoro.
Oo to LeRoy't for tomalee, corner
Court and i.ariler. KttMl
Silk waiat. wrtb flu fo- M
Cleaver Broe. Dry loo- Co.
Sample ailk ..:;. I- W, rtl -Cleaver
Uroa. Dry 0 '
ilk waiat dtulay in iiorii, win
dow. Clearer Brw Dry Ooodl Oo.
Cool and rwfmi.:tic ' v-
waufcee beer or. Opal I
Call at C. Shari - .tin: .: :
Pbelpe ahnnt pnrt :'.r la BT water
X. Berkeley ha MM Mf deeirabl.
town and country paBaartg lor
M) term
Phneat bame and lard or lhe market.
IlitfUe product It IU gUara
bebwan A Bfi
O. K. iNteaott bar M baud a Urge
lot of Early Obk "eed BOtoWJOa.
are the tineet in the market.
You will want raaa M -Bring
I hem in am! art read; M
print work. H M. Sioon.
Saw thaae wheel at HbvIot'i II ig
grade, guaranteed mm raat low
and with any n.d '.
bay or.
If yon want omeihin- fine in ranned
good try the faurv aliced canm-i.
peach a at Martin'. They a
uger yriit
P. fcociea, o! Helix, d If
ad beaver hardware, window glwM
aad all kinda of hareet loppliee,
meat competition.
Brwakfaat maebae, all nice gad Ireeb,
Twin Brother, Jumr. B. 0 Vita.
Craaoj of Wheat roiled at
maal. iarina etui r . n .
Pa package, h : guaranteed
i!iui. Inf on rwonenad hi uain:
ebop at bia old tanu in lb rag
tbo old Foleom biackanir.r ibo Hi
will hare oo band a (all liue of wall
paper, paint ami bruanea vuic i
low eotltnataa given on contract. Call
and aw at.
Tlx- Ladie Mm Meccaoeee will
giro a st. Patriil bal M nda
evening. March 18, ii. An ua
Muic by kir.mau'r xcbitra La
wbo attend are reqaeet-: r BM tm
badge ali . wear 0M U
other to the oumniittee at bal
Blank Books
All the latest
Magazines and
mm a
Tallman Co.
Last of
this week
Will bare on diapiay a com plat liaa oi tfi'im aiel
aumibttr atpiea of ii -.-
ahapia and d.adee Voakl like V ha. you call am!
1 u pert tU .i.tif. oe.
Can.h I'ntton fcf orangee.
. . jn m.1 m iob bv calling
pj wit ..... - i
at Ibfl llot"l IVmlieron.
Tber. will b.' resola" commnnica-
tint- nl Pondl I'dtie. No. r-:. a r.
aad A. 11.. i Miuwnic ball :
:hr- .'venirig. .
, ken tatualee are ti
from I to 11 p n. at
;irknian' tamale jarlor.
I x'k.
liMjjrputaUow bae kMI
a Irrigation A Water
I ,w i reek. Morrow
D OM" f.wititf. W. B.
I a . are the iKorpor-
pen Iroaat
Article of
r lodgee. rwrtiea. etc. we ran
ickofl tamaie in teatner at
boar, To om have BbwWi ran
rum the an. UiwdlXki" A Kirk
PalSM oi Sweet, opera boure
nwii senti no; : C. i. Ipaih.
. ri-iit -nil -tie.b-.twle mill tiief
i.a i tha miifortoM t" get hi
in the aw with the reanlt that
rrM tw.. Bnfafi ol that hand were
Than wa a wood
I icbool boQte la.
e.ult enongb wood
.) daring tb
tving the dittrict
nrt Ifllinfctlti V.
a divorce from
! nr.ie '.. Ilodgen
M Irani Aa K.
i- the attorney
In the einmil
mjI ivat. .,ai
L,. P. Sullivan an
m- i d
j plaintiff.
W. '. rain phi rod out on Sunday t.
!, bi IBI aore of wheat land,
unci - i'.:.ttn! north from Tendie
Bo obagrand aln all other field
,a.. : et. "tti . and tateil tixla; that
T a-mg J'f.r, :
I oaara Ii bono- f It, I'atn. k
aa !m oa Fridwj Bight, Marat U
at the home of Pal Dowft. nea
Sve. About "' in present
Tiie had a " d :!"' damel all
nlglit, an.l ewiebrated Um unniTeran
f their (tatron Mini a itb great tnc-
'e ,
'- miormatton wa fiie.i auain"
Cwinty C bib ImI Ban Willtaui Ibow.
n anil 1. O. Si"k in. the tate circuit
court of Mnltnumab comity by District
Attornay Cbambarlain, charging then,
with wflt-.. " fifing to perform their
Itttiaa a oraiag t . The infonr.o
Hob wa worr. 10 ff County Judge
Wi iave rwalml the i a t"ing
and sumuie- .in.ple outri ol the Per
(wrtioi 1 a r.i - ng rtipanj
A il. stor.
v lliai. Mati" ne repairer for
l. fiepieim c 'i .in' :n eat
. ,,. A- .v a i" ii . :iw 'I 'wti
t wn tbil aitarWOOl a'tr .inner h
bad raojenad a piace ntHutt in Iront of
the Ca i c el iran on MarBwl
abaa ha iiaaovovatl tha i.etbing
aa wpmbj. K I IkUar alh wu
Mtowina 40 or yd behind,
not lard Mr. Il.itle grabbing at hi
oat Milt and looking an und.
ng tiie air a tliongh be in.-..e'
moke. -nioki a cimmg (urtl. iron.
tne lett haad poefcat ol BatleVi coat
gajd nfr. :ne w.i- ..n.ing n. fr.fi.
cod.- the back o: hi cat collar.
Mr. tlatley became paitifnlly aware
that hi oat r'kca wa to., o! tire.
and it 1 iirmd not only through the
coat lining bat on through bia nthar
lotbing until it wrcluil hi hide
The tir- a- attttaawlaried without
ailing out the department ami .Mr
Hat ley con his down town wa de
layed nut:! he made a change of wear
ing apparel. He had thurat a light.-:
pip Into tiie pocket lettering that It
ontaine.'. no lighted aahe The
aolderina ahe!. did the rent.
Daa'.r. (.am a Rnr rtar Yaari or
Suffannc Prom Paraivm
Air, -arm 1' lied a the honi.-
0! Mr. m1 Mr i red Andrew one
MmI jne-half mile from Echo. 00
-aturdae Bard II at n . clock,
agwl more than year. Docaaaad
wa a inter of barnar Kennedy, whc
died at bit b BM i. lndtetn a few
'.- a:. .i...n..
.ani.Mt.jrc Cari)n
ir ag ami an.
.. It . Tear ag
rr-aei witn para
raar ago. and tor
a be-n badriddan,
V id
bp bar aaaghtar Mr I e-i Andrew.
A a uiarii .: ti.at car. :.)r her motlier, 1
-. .- t 1. :. i.-. ti.a- Vlr Andrew I
.1- ii .ira' - . tuetr farn t if
over fix year. Mn Boyle daring
that t q wa- Lrdriddei. . rould potl
nelp herealf area tne extent of
itting Uf and ieeding hartelt. Her
laughter bad t. be with nr aimoatj
nnant'y da Bad nigu: aad death
came a a ralief a he mffereti a
great dea. at tiruee. Drwaaaad
bhjblt reapected x every mn.uiuty
in abiaB ue 11 aa itved.
Card of Tnana.
Mr. oud Mr. C H. Myra taank I
thwir many tr,eco- lor the aindneaa'
iiowi ;.!. : .r.g ti.e:r recant
nan A
Maiutittjt, xiext uoor to Hauaford & Co.
Bln: lar saan Wt of th lourl
River Bu.ln I Good Lumbar
Shipment Bat
Robert Smith, one of the owner ol j
1.. li in I nfniiMr conuwnv.
in- i.r:ino' m'iir f
iivati al Parry, .-ut tblaabta from La
Oranda, itttod today In ivndleton that
(he n.panr will aw during tb year
an leal than EO.OW.OOO feet of lumber,
and that the log driv. now in progreaa
will ba Iba bbjBBBl - 1 ' from
Lh Miaaoorl 'iver. la Vntoa cunty
the eain'- lambar cut WUI be not
- ! ar. 16.000,010 feet,
larket condition Indicate pro
p Um Indoatry ol mamifncuring
lumber. Mid Mr. BWilth. The only
1 : cxperiancad 1 bo hnd uimlier
... ag b .npt.'v the demand The l-ox
hiwine ali i good. now. We are
undine a good market in Knnea Citv.
niaha and intermediate pidnt. ami.
la fact, have ill the buinea we can
ai lit all the time."
W -r, aked regardinc be rerorted
coal iirowct in mat itw-hmi.
?mith aid that diamond dr;,l are
nw at work, have been for day,
and UM p" pect are exivllent for
rinding a tine coal denoeit. Tin wil.
nave favorable effect on Laaterr. t-re-
gun imiut'ia aporattoa.
The railroad from Hilgard vu
t.ranite will be bails. " aftirmed Mr.
Ba IU and it III BB tinder courae of
eonatra tioi few bmbUBB, Tin
road wui b much to devleop the in
n UBltJ.d bring out the iatent
That Lumtir rata.
It i aniiounced that the railroada
have put out a ne lumber tariff,
which reduce the freight from the
coaat 11.50 per UMPMnd Were it p.'t
hv twe reoaon W the contrary, the re
loctloa would he efleotiTe in Pendle
ton. In the drat place, aa imjoiry
among local lum: Of nealere bringaoot,
Um .eal'ar.i Bilti will "aBeorb" a
part of the II. SO which the lower
freight rate w.m'..I .itherwier enable
Um on'iimer t. ave. In the aecond
1'iace. raadlaliMI deaiera have been
enjae.1 in keen competition for main
montbe, and hav alread lowwraa
the retail price to far below the tigure
that would be itoted in the natural
"de- of thing.
Luuiher ha teer. rold very cheaply
in Pendetlon for mate time part, iron
all three yard. Borie'c. Fcrater' and
iValera are already in receipt of
notice :rom the mill that wheaale
pricea (or lumber will advance at once 1
Anton Schott. regietenag from;
S.-hoea Ahenlrg Bavaria. LwaMNi
r'aaaad. '. Malbottraa ; ar.i! Miaa o.
Kking. from an rron i- i'
gilewt at the St t.eorge h lei. The
.- miitical artita who are to give j
a alaaalcal awaaart thi evening at the
f'raier. with folk onc oi the nation j
a- feature of the program. HOTT I
schott ami MojaUaaw VMaad ara gen-'
tlaaaefl the aoanrtlj Karoaiaan I
i.-iii. anor. and Fraulein' Sehnckinw
i a ctiaruiinc daughter ol Uarraaajr. I
Thaw are making a tour through tin1
pat of the country and exiiec aa
!.t thi region at ome future date
Kac: ine ol the tr.o i-arf the tua'w o! 1
an artiat.
Panona. Mention.
1' H. Hntz. the I . urding hone man
: tl 1: A S. grade work, reiariinl
U Kcho thi- liiorillllg.
.Ia. oi Sheuei man went t I'ortlandj
aturiiay night ami expect B9 ratara
baaaa Tueaday evening.
Aa 1. Tbompeon and Ilotwrt N.
Ktantield left for their etock range on
Butter creei. tt.i- morning.
John M. Ben'.ley went up to Athena 1
j. - m.irntngg BB boaiaaai coniie tl
with a civil eae in ;iitice conn.
W. .1. Cranill. of Juniper, waa in)
Ute city aMaw. and any that wn. a-
I r.pect in hi aaction are good.
Mra. Saraii Iienelict. of Echo, i;ame
i "unday efeniiig on arrount of being!
tiek, and 1 a patient a: Um Pendleton
!ra. J. L Iieering, wife o! the u. 1
B A S. yardmater at Otnatilia. ia '
vuiting iter parent. Mr. and Mr J.
t'kial oeutiuel : Dl K. June, uf I
urdaue, ha ditpoaad of bi interette
in tiiat locality aad will more to
Caiifataia in tue pring
Waiter i.uild. o' Portland, private
aavretry of J. P. O'Brien, of the 0. R
.v. .N . open: sumlay in Pendleton. He
aaji accompanied oy Mi. Huddlewm.
Mr ullie Stephana, of The liallea,
i tpending totiav with Pend.eton
ll.emiier of Um I agree of Honor Ha)
ill g out to He. :x tbil evening to I
ruth the lodge there.
I Haler an i ! Cole and Yin-i
ent went to Walla Walta thi morn
ing. Mr Baaier. h 1 1. lubnnt to,
an operation at ttie new Walia Waliai
i.-..:ta: todaven( over BB Saturday
Jake and VIII Welch left tbic morn-j
ing to where their hurt have been
during the winter aud aUI take them
B UN mountain It. about two!
weeka, they will take tneir rattle, now
near Nye, u the a turner feeding
ground in the mountain.
1r. Hailie T -tanben! and her
oa, Hober N. -tantieid. atter.dw: the'
funeral of the former' mother at :
W , j. Vn , unday and returued
lat evening. The tunura aartiaog
aan baM t:.. xietnlitt i. ..com
barab the eerinor. being delivered
oy Um aaatoa, Baa. Mr. Johuon
Mra. Mart; P. John arrived in Pel.-v.-
eveuil.g lfi.m Hepp.
her She ha viaited relative there
tor a week having previoueiy been in
Portland Mr. John it the gueft of
Mn, Aura M Kaley and in aaanaa.
pan.e.; 1.. i.er daugnter. ieuevieve.
Prom here ahe will return to her boate I
in the P.epuhlic country.
L I McBee. who own about a ,
head of cattle on Batter eraak, ia
vmting it. PaaallatOII. He will return.
boaM fueaday. He bae been in tin
cm nettling up the tinal matter in
lb. POrelita o.' Uaj ,:re oi land from
r. 1. ...... .,, . 1 ..
u i .inciei tne nrt tep in the
la having -en taken two year ago.
Mr, Mitabal i al. in town He
egaaafj to mage bia future borne in
Yamhill county.
lulu. M.tell b Hick at the Sit. '.e.irg.
liotel III pulmonary trouble. He hoc
baai ill f-.r eera! monioa paat,
ti.at tor tue greater part oi tbe tiaM .e
: a- k.-vi. fil.hhed to bu rooil. . al-
la. ogl ne ha- baaa about town ',uiu
ale . Mr Miaall coniemplater goiug
li Arisona in the hope that change 9
..loata will reetore hi health, hut it
ja ijeaible he will remain liere among
it BBMaaPBBB lriehd. when he baa
lived (ur eo many yean.
William P. Kuruiab. oi rream.
county, Calif., a-rived in l'endletju
Sunday evening, and ia a ueet oi hi
couin. W J rurtiKh, preeidaut 01
the Pendleton Niving bauk Thia ia
hi nrt trip to Pendleton, and be ia
p.eaaed with what h. bag kmi aa far
h.. now had an nnnortnnitv lo lodge
He cmea from the grape and wine
region of California, whtrv be war en
gaged in the meat market bwirtaa,
havina been intereeted in the ll
bueinewi all hir life. He will locate
here, if be can And amiething in a
bueinea wav to blaaga Mm. Hi
familv are now locate.! temporarily at
itakland. Cad II.
John Fltigerald Sentenced to Svn
Tear In the Penitntiar .
John Kitrgerald bad hi- trial thlt
lorenoon. charged with rnhhery. being
one of the ihree men win Bald M
Hiram Bwhrwekhta and l.uke Rhodai
near the ( K A N . coal hoabera oa
the night of 1 ridav, M. ; rne
teetitnonv of witne- wa com Bden
at II minute lo !-' Proeecutmg At
tornrv Hailev consumed nearly ir
mil ntee in pre-enting hi argument,
while one brief eiitence enrfi
for W M. Pierce M reply OB behalf Ol
the defetdant Lew than 10 minute
wa taker. BB bv Judge i harg
ing the jurv. The jury retired and re
turned without lo of llMa, bailMJ 1 ut
a;. or. live n.inutee. with a retdlcl Oj
gnilte. The judge tberetipor en'enc.d
Mr Futgeraid t. Mttl vear in the
V.ntd A Wife.'
An advertisement appear in the
I'giah Bentinel aa follow:
Wante.1 aw(fe-I am tt year ihU
height, feet 11 incbe : weight '."
pound fair conmlr sion. black eye-.,
cheerfui dlaBOaltiow. Would like tc
correanond with ome nice paaag lady
between 1 and : year of age. in
ject matrimonv. "
.rv loveiorn laa. more than 18. or
andar waaW la ell lo write M
".. X . t kiah. Oreann." "I" ami
X' are. in mathematics, oiwoy un
known quantit.ee In lb Ml problem.
ome inquiring damee. may li.c-er
the value of thi unknown quantity,
and. mavhan. take unto heraelf a
etalwart buiband.
Golnt to the Philippine
Several member of congr-- i.-i:i-
crat a well ar republican, are ar
rajajlMj tar an extende.1 trip to the
Pbilippiaaa during liat ummer Their
nurpoae i to learn actua. condition
for themaelvea and be preuare.1 wita
fad aim ngur gatbere.1 by perona'.
nbaerration forMie lesulative work oi
next winter Among the party will
he enator bacon M lieoriija, Repre
aentive Tawnev o: Minneaou. Coop.-r
of Wi. nin. Maddux al ueorgia.
iaine. ? renneei ami iler.rv and
Purleeon oi Texaa. Repreeentative
uame raid of the propoeed journey.
"I want to know how a man muter
our law can le preeident here and u
king over there. In the PkllippiaaB
Mr Mckinley i kiag
. x Oil Diviaend
Standard ii tc,kio'iiier are now
being paid a dividend of I'.i per bare.
The total (avnient have u-en at tin .
rate of ;r cent aince Murch 1. lv.'. .
The Standard Oil company time will
:- t'Ute among it to.,kholder lW,
UtXI na within the pac. of nna vear
and II dava. Oi thi imi JohB l
RoC Bala liar Will have re.-eiv-.l .'p
un),.aa more than f.V.n0n a day ov
iiUmt t-li a minnte. Mr Backewiiar'a
ealtn ha plied bhj aa BttoaMhiaa y
that even the great money rIbbjB B
Wall treet are niarv-ilms avail.
aMa taaji haa baaoaM ucb u factor m
Wall tree( that an onlllig BB otie ol
the He', judge of the market, all
chance ba heeti entirely elimiiiate.1
from the transaction, on tlo- lo.'k ex
c nange
It doesn't pay
to eay eomething in an ad
vertiaement tiiat cannot
be proven. People call and
inveetigate and if your ad.
i incorrect they ' neither
nu-. nor com.- again.
We ielieve we can prove
Mother's Pride"
tne beet L'5c offer on earth
(f courae it dor-'t compare
with our Moca and Java,
hut trv it.
Owl Tea House.
Toilet and Laundry Soap-
Facts worth
That I nave eome
'.he Krcatcet bargain
in .New and Second
hand bedruoiti uU
Call and Mr them ajaj
i? coiiv Luaad.
Cuurt Street
Fir. fjla, Accide.it, Plat tilaaa, etr.
on Citv and Ciiunty Property-,
Real Estate
improved and I nimproved City ln
nu. rc,,ea an.. w..at ram,
haet Orwguuiaii Building.
DaUy Baa I Orefooian, aakvered tf
eamwi oady 13 cento a wk.
Wat Dapondent p- ceonrt of Lor jj
Continued III Henlth
Acrortling to the IJkiBh Sentinel
Annie Wilun U. J "JS
WicMe hv .1- art Ing htw "
Middle Fork oltheJobi . ..v - " lt
week she had d ..appeared IroBI I M
borne, and the next ev.-ii.ng the mail
.arrier brought word that her track
bad been dicov. 'ed leading I OWBK1 .he
river three mile aav. "be RM
tracke.1 to the river bank, the iraclw
Umbmb laadiafl up the rim a iort
diatanaa b irtatB it looked m 1 mm
had delilierately walkoi lla the
rtraaa. , .
Manv BtlBkMM frien.l ami '
made dillfBBl 'earch lor the body,
but not until late BB saturo. ! waft
tbev BBnaMfal, The l-xly wi loot n
one' fourth of a 11 allea baloa b. rc Uw
yoanj woman had Batafad the water
li v. moth had baaa aa lata
for a number of year and .eponden (
i aanpraaal ia baaa been Um cue 1 ;
her act. The remain ero intern d
sundav at the Bitter cametery.
Thia il the third member of the
Wi'.iiioth familv t. mwi death l
turbulent water of the Middle 1- -two
bojra having baaa aeeldeBwi
drawaad thee agtaiaj raarr ago.
i. CD"-Her-
Ami h .
aiaa rt
on a
purt. rlr
we -rfi
.-in BBoa a. itp.eT'
lul i- preparation
ti.l n- iilll are T-.iiSTe.
witb it. Te "ur word lo
II tut. i ted .prlaa n.l
Tn p-pi.! i : true
. t'.i r .-.
The Columbia
Lodging House
I f'ENTKM "l- l:l.M K
BE! M l a aRiui - I H
F. . SCMEMPP, Prop.
..French Restaurant..
UPES 1A AM' NP. HI . .
TBult AM' i.AMt IN TftftT"
Juat Received a nict lot ol Irag'a leg
iu Lai ontatne I'ropnrtoi
Haiukr buildiug. Main at PamlUloa, or(.m
Locust Hill
Rabbitrv and
Poultry Yards....
1 have tonic tint- paMM iu-lgian
Hare o breeding gr that I am
going to gall at a price within
reacli of e-.rv one. A look al
my hare will BBBviaaa rna that
they are th- very ri that can
m railed. Anima, ol all the
leading (train always on hand
Viaitore welcome For further
information adur.-..
Pendleton. I 'reoi.
L nder New "Unagcment.
J. W bANCKOFT, Prop.
IUk I .
jr. Maal jc
-U i..r iolc.
Hill M kit U.1U. V rM
g.rciri agbU anil aitme, Seal.
Fuc-pruu! m,.J!Lg.
Cor. Court and Johnson Sts.
To and irom the
Illinois Ceotral BaM
Solid Tra tu
Nc Fquipnu-iit
Wide vMihuk
(I k A fU ...
P. H. TKI MBULL, C.ii.'l Agant,
IC Third ht., Portland, nr.
n. !..) mil or uioutl. uu
Phat CkW Livery Rig.
Can be ui.uidmi oi, n.rt aoncc.
wrvia uiuii.
Kieui.uue Mall. 7V lof cab
Attend our Special
day, Wednesday,
u p i. u ni choice . iim.
-lain. !fii Ir .-n .Inrme the thr, aIJ
mn e-avMid W.Uconiinue our di., .,
.' , .... nu IMrtlei, Koe ! abode
. . . . -tt .
tlica go. uis ' " ii if yoa
. .n . , ivn.l , ,ir Kline, Knhn A 'W . Chtcagn. ih a
t . a thi oouairj Wm he laelrTin ,. JM
, fe- I tit uln.rHiilr.iit mi... haw th9
We have ial ' re
the newe? t) ' 1 ' u
vrv, , and Bit i v re
eaatoaMm with ibe erj
go.Hl at very lw prire
v. bat otlie ai I
good tictitlemen.
priai bat. nut. you h
and Bf lead ttictn wi
poeit'vely gaanuil
Bennett A Tarbet, Props.
Dumilatl TJi Buildin'r. Main trcet. Pendleton
, 1 -.
To be given
i un t-BLii ajc pwrviMw.
: RADBR'S a vote in
not the best thtuf lo ba
,und there: iook at this
Hand-omf Ootdcn CO OR
I iak IVdcktT K-r onlV'w
M. A. R)RR.
I ndcrtakcr
W.I). H NSF()KD&(fll
601 Main Street,
Indian Robes
ThePendleton Woolen Mi
Pendletun. Oregon.
For coucli covers, lurn.sliings ior a Jon," cozy comaiJ
ti.e Pfnr''.-f..i. VV'..r.'..r. VI. 'i, lJ:
- - " ..ma ntuiaii ivunes are just tiie tli i n (-1-
J3 00 Pr N L pardn
A$n.& Ji
I T I w vx- --
Sale Monday. t
March 18, 19 and
worth per yacl oVartf! lr a .
.mi -, rili rl lie i.i Mi.- Win , i
aaaaaw- fl
'waaaaw '
CBaaaM Lal
Pendleton, On
':iau -
- tj t . ..
the Mills.
r-inoat raali
li eon.
little I
;r. aarl
It.. i.i-i
lb- . "
w t I
litii'! at
..T. t
K...m n. c. Boweita.