East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 18, 1901, Image 3

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I iur nr vuuivh. na lusiruiiini. ie w
MUM all 0. ft.
R. VOft
See Display in the North Window
$2.50 to S4 90, formerly $5 to $10.
aver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
Team of William slarr.n Bn-
ipm.nl Want to Pilot Rock
afternoon ii Friday. larli
ll-ir"' team ot William Mar-
inipnit'nt No. 1. Pioneer "I th
iaelodlng Max Morelieud. sa
ri, anil t MrK'iian,
cut to rll k pay
i vint to ilnrrv Miller en
Itit. No. l.wlneli M it" meet-
tha eveiiint: The trip was
anil intere?ini: lor tbOM Brao
as. a . i
tim t'l't 1 1 T 1 1 . HIio en-
San Kranrisrn's chief critic, on the
OC rati OH of MoboM'l appearance there:
Ha lirapry walked off with all the
honor. He was without question the
great artist of the occasion. Hispham.
with hie lieautiful voice and vie.
coald not rnn:pare with him in drama
tic power. In 'Taniilianser' he row to
the occaM )n nobly when he Hang his
description of love, hurling his con
tempt m i ii'' phrase at Wolfram ; and
when he the 'Ozalhiing' without
moving a muscle, and yet acting the
whole thing out with hperb dramatic
ffect, the house fairly yelled their
hravn. and it was some time U'fore
Mr Pirr.roscli could he heard. Mr
Hi-rhnm ami Mnlame iad-ki ap
plauded too. u hard a they could. 1
was told that Mr. Hatirrogch, in talk
ing to pome man at the cluh. sail tliat
-ch "it wa the greatet Wagnerian
tenor that had ever lived."
the BMaaban of the Pilot
aiupment if appearance BUBUM
ting. (.'. S. McCnnaJ, su-
held uiurlml. win tuts oeen
sm-li reinarkuhl- aaccraa at I.a
Milton, Walla Wdlu and
. a . a L l
re, Uta not hi o k n nis en-
when he M t" rilta Kock.
av evening, in n man -o new
were initiated.
Miller MltlMkMN hat
added IS3 worth of para-
ia to III aq n n vi i i r putting
secret w-rk u i - i " pre-
initiate a CSItdidate with neat-
1 dispatch. The encampment
n particuiariv i rriinai.- rince
n in its choice of eomuia'id-
kl the asm ban uit, so that
mniunent i a atrong one. anl
I in: -"iiietl.mg " ke-p the
fr iin waning F. Iteitel
raaani rnninitinir
Testify to the Bffleacy ol the New Scien
tific Dandruff Treatment.
A. F. Lanier. Ienver. save: "Hrr.
pieida ha niade my hair rOB
rapidly. "
Mr. A. tiuerin, ireat Fall, Mont.,
says: "I tad Herpicide an exci llent
dandruff cure. ' '
H. (ireenlund. Portland. Ore.. says:
'titwbfo'l Herpicide stopped m
hair' falling out.''
J. I Israel. Payton. Wash.. ays:
"Herpicl le ha completely cared my
dandruff. "
Charle I.roan, president Firt
National hank, Vancouver, Wash..
ay: "Herpicide is ei -el lent for keep
ing the scalp clean. "
It's a ftitht ot way Ceadamnatian Cat
ar.d Will Re Triad
A important cao hefore the circuit
conrt is that of the O. K. A N. Co.
against H. t;. Yoakum and Mrs. Thos.
Itaker. heir of the late Prior. I
Yoaknm. to secure right of way acroas
the Yoakum place for the new line
being constructed between Pendleton
and Echo. The company' engineers
have surveyed a line acroas the place,
and the legal proceedings are to con
demn the land needed to construct the
new line.
The farm is at Yoaknm station. 1f
miles west from Pendleton. It is
daatrad also to move Yoaknm station
bodily from it present location on
the hillside to the lower level. The
proposed lit e will run for half a mile
oor the Yoaknm land, the amount of
land actually taken Wong about nine
acre. Judge Yoakum and Mr. Itaker
have asked WT flO.000. of which tSfts.1
is for the land taken and f.VK0 for
dsmage to the remainder ol the farm.
The company resist the demand,
and ak the conn to assess the amount
due the Yoaknm heirs. I
Mr Connor, of Portland, and C. H.
Carter, oi Pendleton, appear for the
company, T. i. Hailey being counsel
for the 'defendant heirt".
The ease come on for trial tomor
row. A in the Coffey case, the judge,
jury, witnesses and lawyers Will he
taken to the land in controversy dur
ing the trial, pobably tomorrow fore
noon. On Sunday, the O. R.A N. Co.
ran a ecial train t Yoaknm to per
mit it aUorneys and right of way
agent to look over the ground and
make some additional measurements.
M00 Dollar Reward. S100.
r of tni imper wlU bins. .. 10
, ,.Te . ' i..'' .iroe uui
Pll.f l.'" '''II R"U' 1' 'Ill,' IU .11 l
tMst U istarrii ns.i irrn urt-
IHilr rur tl" Kliewil ll ID.
lr. rnn 4 atarrti v:un "ii-iitu-
ll. i aiarrl: u?.- i ink.t .nu'rumij ,
ffa'tl eli Ue Uiti'.'i in '
1 li,. v.i.'iii. . ! , . . y ui.:rniiii i.
l! til" ilHW."' SUU ki;mk wie (Hi
trfti 1. ' lO ll.J .11 . It'll
at.iur uuw in iiuina 'w
u iifc. a. .ii ' f' 1
kj ndi'in'1 liilii'ir
t il mi., ut care
W i
N fir
1st ot
Attempt to Ba Made to Form a Club on
Thursday Evening.
Tnere will la- a meeting ol thoe in
lerested in loroiing ;i haehuli club lit
kbo council rooms on Thursday even
ing, March 21, at r-.:w o'clock.
Vouna Playars Organize
INN ot the hoyt of the High tcbool
have organtxed what the call the
"Kid baaehail clou" and are ready to
receive challenge aixi i lav any club
Narioui Meeting! Hald During tha Pail
Saturday afternoon, t tie Woman'
cluh, with a number ol gnest. was
entertained by Miss WOOW, at the
homo of Mr Hartman. The program
was "A Field and Hiley Afternoon,"
Uti PQOOfatod of song and recitation
charmingly rendered A i inpariaon of
the work of Field and Rilev wa also
given by Miss LaKarre. The nxt
meeting ot.Bbt cluh will la held at
the home of Mis Ritner.
The Thursday aflOfWQM Blab held
I it regular meeting ef the past week
jat the Hotel Pendleton. Mrs. F.. P.
I Marshall was hotess. Hue of the
het meetings of the club year was en-
j iveu. Mr. Joiin llailey read an in
teresting paper on "Current Litera
ture," and Mrs. A. D St ill man gave
a short talk on "Current Kvent."
Friends of the club gave several musi
cal numbers that were greatly appre
ciated. The next meeting of the club
Will he held at the home of Mrs. C. B.
Wade on March 2H.
The cluh women have been in
d t0 see that the woman direct) r
of the Portland school board wa ap
pointed a inemlier of the building committee.
Annual meetings of the Oregon
1 ed.rat '. .i. nr. Kvg.'-ted i v many of
the club, and the subject wlil be dii
cusei at the neat Ixiaril meeting. The
stste ' 'tf'.cial will lie very glad to re
eeive suggestions from the clubs in re
gard to any improvement that can be
made to add to the efficiency of the
fa i. r.il ion.
'' fill. r. tin
UltllN - -
siKiiac t o n it, m r
com p. -e. I of n.emi.er. ol elm liar age ! The next meeting of the i.etierai
ami i.hve.-al an! mentu, weigl.t. M f... lrat ion will I held at Los Angelea.
cow rr Kiine ii awiii ,r ,,",w' and it i hoped that the Pontic c..at
ana Will piai imru oaae. ine
member and their positions are
lows: Rov Peiiiland, catcher
Aetiau u. Appear at
f raer
ur long distances1
tjtle- Hi tltm . t.
Jje able to offer
u wring iiere
n.oiug iu con- ,
niu:.. AS u
v opt rumitv
lag f uiusic
H tv previous
, yf in tbio
a i nerai
It not lor
Itlie lurg-r
n would not
keiit Billhiieut
(hott. who ia
1 1 laki ond B
pie have a ra.
komeiniiig in tin-
Pii., perhap.,
attraction eter
luniiger Motile aeer
ouight at Hie l'X i
iie critlciBin w
Kbhhins, pitiber; Rov Blaklev. first
baaej Fred Hartman. BOBOBM baae .
Arnold sdicuermati. BbOftetOPJ Roy
Alexander, let field: F.d Furreat,
center field . Will Kirk, right held ;
lieorge Forrest on the boWflb, The first
game billei is that of next Saturday at
1:30 p. in., a team of Indian boy
from the reervatin having agreed to
le oi. hood at that lime. The game
will take place mi the lower Alto
street grounds.
as fot-l ' TL' '
" l I.I. V iCPLCl II MM.
injnAn wcui dlilui.vi.
and a
lplcte line f "rO.
of the S7Z&
Rogers Bros."
Knlvea. Fotto,
Spooaa, etc.
F.n rMr.fulU' rUDlmd ajM
pruly bile : to ibebeet grade
j gluar
ler and Optician...
nit-r A Hexter's
Ha Kept His Lag.
Taelve vear ago J. W. Sullivan, of
Hartford, 1'onn., acraached hi leg
''-T with a rusty wire. Intlammation and
biood poie miDg set in. r or two years
he eufJered iuLeuaely Then the eft
. f re urged amputation, "hot," be
write, "2 UHod one bottle of Electric
B i tiers .in 'I 1 . boles of Bocsien'
Arnica siaiie and my leg waa aouiui
and well as ever.' For eruption.
0B00BM( tetter salt rheum, aore and
at.' blood disorders Electric Bitters hat
Do rival on earth. Try them. Tall
man i Oo. will guarantue botisfactinn
or reined money. Only oo uenta.
a Good Tnina.
Our irreo. -grand mothers' garreta
contained tiie aoine herbs of all heol
, UaS (omoal ia Korl'r Clover Root Te.
Tboy gave Mir oiMaastors strength, kept
. t liojod pure, and will do the same
f.r you if you soy bu. Pme eta
!ond.W cU. Tallmau k Co , leading
era Than Fifteen Thousand of Improve
ments Being Made.
.1. H. Tomlinaon i euperinlendent
of the work being done by the Indian
department at the I'matilla agencv.
Toe amount of improvements is to lie
l"), "'). Further improvements ore
contemplated, so - tfie Miperinten
dent, olthough the contracts that were
let i over only the expenditure of the
amount named.
The money i being used in con
structing a ih Tin i lory, trick. 4oii
three stories, in putting in a water
system, anil in making repair to other
buildings. Siioor A Robinson are the
contractors building the dormitory
and making the repairs. Jacabnou,
Bade 4 COii are putting in the water
Mr. Tomlinaon stales that the system
BOBBBQBBd of 0 BOoIIm engine Britb
BOpooity of .1000 gallons per minute a
piping system, and a steel tower ') feet
nigh with a tank on the top. The coat
of the dormitory is $W.fiU, and of the
water . stem I5HU0. Another contract
I for repairs anil extra eTOfB hae been
let. tbe price being flio.
Toe capacity of the achool wlil bo
increased about 50 jiupila.
Mr. Tomliii'ou will go to Marshall's,
Calif., so BOOB as his work of auriu
tendency has been completed. His
family is n there. It ia their in
tention to remain permanently to
Marshall's, making their home there.
M irk Tt.ouipeoii has been rreotod at GRANDE
Oregon City Altr lieingtakeu to tan
i he confeneod that he had served a term
lu the Idaho penitentiary, and about
O ir ago escaped from the Portland
Civ jail, by stealing his way torouuh
; the court rowm.
(jIKI suicides.
coal 1700,
and will bo ot high musical
I, V. Judd'i Daharoiity.
Tho church of the Redeemer ha re-
crived fmrn E. Y. .ftidd a check for
100 to be used In pnrchaslng vest
ments for the vested choir now lieing
traineil by the rector, Rev. W. K. Pot
wine. The gift is but one of many
that have leen made by Mr. .ludd to
the same church. The boy choir is
making rapid progress and will anon
Im really to sing in tbe regular church
The young, ladies of St Agnes Onild.
of the Church of the Redeemer, are
preparing for an Raster sale. They
are now industriously employed in col
lecting material and arranging the
articles to be offered at the sale.
Your Face.
Show the state of vour feelings and
the state of your health a well. Im
pure blood make itself apparent iu a
pale ami sallow complexion, pimple
ami kin eruptions. If you are fooling
arook ami worn out and oo not have it
healthy appearance, you should try
Acker's ItltMol F.lixir. It euro nil
blit diseases whore cheap Sitrsil
knowing this, we sell
a positive i guarantee
ltr.vk .V McComaa.
iarillii and so-calhii purifiers fail.
every i
to A I
Acker r hngliah r.uusi)' will stop a
ciugh at uii) time, and will turc tlie
w.rat cold iu twelve hours, or uoiur
rofnnioal 'A Cts. Olid 50 ctr. ror sale
by Brock A BfoConsia.
Monday Might. Maroh 18,
Estraopdinai-v Muioal
T.e fir- Waanarian Toaer, AMtetdVaf by OttaMaj
t.ut okmu
i M Grand
' Mtion.
. AM -
Recital at th Foik
, ,Vquei 17V. U.- Wa. a .K r - u ai ToUaaio
Bwneha Balae Takes Carbolic Acid.
Saositivanass the Causa.
j Tbe funeral of Blauche Uater, who
nuicided at I.a (jraude, waa held to
day, she wa 1' years old, a atudeut
at the High school, and bore the
highest character. On Friday night
her eietar with wliom sue lived, Mrs.
iJavcf'lark, rOpoiaMOdad her for leav
ing her young nephew in the fiouao
pllUa t- mother was absent. Being of
a morbidly sensitive nat J re, she was
unduly poiued by the alight censure
MOOlrod from her sister, and at
o'clock (ioturday moruiug committed
suicide by taking carbolic acid. She
k. uim! th acid at Newlin's drug
store, returned home, entered the will cure VOUT GOUPh Or Cold
.11.. . A .. I...A it ....I lUn i,l I ' ... .
into the liouae and mid v hat she had
dune Ail the physician of the city
, ware immediately euuimoned, hut she
died within M minutee after taking
the poison
Mi Hales waa a siater to the wife
i ir Bkbordaon, ui i.(rapde and
also to the wife of Ho v id Clark, a
prominent merchant.
Uncle Tom's
Bd. O. Davis
pany Four
Kd Pavis' "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
theatrhal company, which was in
Pendleton during February, waa
traveling through Montana on vnndav.
40 mile west from Missoula, in their
car. vvhen the car caught tin I. ami four
BIQUlbOfl of the crimpany lost their
lives :
Minnie Herat, cook, aed L'H. Mitch
ell. I ml.
Bori Reed. BUbIoIMi agexl '.'J, t'))!
unihu. Kan.
Rene I.ncae, musirian, aged .1.
KalamiU"". Mich.
lolin i.. Unions, mnsiriau, aged 24,
Parkerbnrg, Iwa.
The origin of the tiro is unknown.
Tlie car was discovered to be on tiro
In Ibi sleeping apartment ami bofofB
the alarm BOOM le given the whole car
wa in (lames. The BJMBf Ol the 00fJB
pany ewaix'd uitlmut inj'irv and kbOOB
Itood gnanl at the door of the car and
aeixed the unfortunates, whose night
Hi the were burning, as they run from
their licrth and rolled them in
One man, crazed with pain, eu
eeloped in tlames, broke through the
cordon at the door and jumped into
the river, trom which he was with
difficulty rescued
When the Arc was discovered tbe
train was stopped ami by bard work
the dogs and donkeys and para
phernalia of the company were saved.
The hand i'itriment ami all personal
effects of the company were ot, and
li' car burned to the track.
Thousands Sent Into Bxllo.
Kvery year a largo nuuilier of poor
utt r.-rs whose lungs are aore and
with cough are urged to go to
another climate. But this is costlv
and uot always sure. DO0I la an
exile when I r . King's New licnvcr
for consumption will cure yoj at
home. It'theUi"t infallible medi
cine for coughs, colds and all tbfOBl
anu lung diseases on earth. The tint
dose bring relief. Astounding cures
result from peritent use. Trial bottles
free at Tallman A Co. Price 50c and
1. Fverv I it lie guaranteed
Has a Basort in Hollywood, California
Oolna Wall.
Chas. M. Pierce, who went from
Weston to Byron, Calif., to seek re
newal of health, write to friends in
Pendleton that he lias taken the lilen
Holly Hotel at Hollvwi!, Calif., and
is conducting it at the present time.
He states that hi health is almost
fully restored, ami. that, so soon a tu
bas fully recovered, and deems it wise,
he will return to this county.
Mr. Pierce confidi'titly asserts that
he gets up a chicken dinner that is
soi) nd to none in the I nited State,
and that would moke a preacher tarrv
there during the remainder of his
natural lifitlme. He gives hi guest
"a free rule every day to the oulv
suailery in the L'.nted Mates, through
large winter vegetable gardens, and
through broad groves of orange, lemon
and pineapple.''
til accommodate those who an- par
tial to tlie use of atomizers in applying
liquids into the nasal parsagc for
catarrhul troubles, th proprietor pre
pare Cream Balm in liquid form,
which will be known as h.y Liquid
Cream Balm. Price .ii' hiding tiie
'praying tul. i 7o OBflM. I'ruggiet or
by tnail. The liquid form embodies
the medicinal properties of the solid
preparation. Cream Balm i ipunkly
absorbed hv the membrane, uml does
not dry up the BBBBwtioM but al ange
them to s natural and iiealthy charac
ter. Klv Brother, Warren t., N.
The-lore H f-.sr.-y jr., wl.o is
With tbe fortieth Infantry, ('filled
Ktalee army, Company I, at Manila,
was badly wounded during a rmitnt
engagement about bo miles south of
Manila. He is now in the military
hospital, but getting along w
saw raTOB coaiiMC.
Do Not Trifle
Wfth danger and remember
every cough or cold mean
a a a a a
at oner; It will neai ana
strengthen your lungs. It is
a safejuar d for you always.
Take it at the first indication
of a cough or cold. .
f a .A eswillai la. tbiisal and LoiHi..
aeiLcj iIda alwaa-s laMUdj aavcisvi u. Mtih t
A Raw Scourer Comal Prom Ian
Frarielseo, Disk Tleman. an Bi
part In tha Business.
The Pendleton wool scouring mills
started up this morning for the sea
son's run. By tomorrow, they will le
running full capacity with 2ft men
Pick Tieman arrived Sat unlay morn
ing from San Francisco to be boss
scourer. He has the enviable
reputation of being the beet BOMfBf in
the business in the west, and his
ability is acknowledged everywhere he
ha w irked.
To Work on 1000 Wool.
The mill will la'gin the opOTOtiOSI
for 1!;M hv -enuring wool loft on band
from the llkHi clips. Something like
.'an), 0H pounds is on hand. Lto wool has
been hauled in yet, Bfl shearing has
not liegtin in this part of the country.
Jack l.ycette continues in the oei
tion of sniiermtondent of the scouring
mills, which ho ha occupied hereto
Cunningham Shears Burks
One eni-eption i noted to the rule
that no shearing OSS S0BflBlSMSd tuthi
county. t"has. Cnrningham ha al
ready sheared mime full blood bucks,
atid banlod lbs wool to town, ttjooos
M UM warehouse f W. .1 Furnish,
boWOTtf, a in furnof years. Mr.
Cuiiuiiigham more than a week ago l'-
gansheating some of bis bucks, but
he is always from two to three week
ahead of other hoopnioii, and this
spring is two or three week ahead of
his usual time. Buokl shorn thus early
are UMiallv Intended for "ale. -hearing
will begin generally during April
A child of .1. R, Holtbi living near
Boise Citv wa burned to death umler
distressing circumstances. The motber
hail thrown some nshe out in the yard
ami had gone some distance from the
house. The child wandered near the
ahes ami it clothes took tiro fr. in
some live coals.
Look at Your Faea,
And see if it is reflecting health or
disease Karl's Clover Bitot Tea
beautifies the face ami complexion, and
BBBUfai porfoci bssltb All druggists
J.'i cens and ,rs) cents Money refunded
if results are not satisfactory. Tallman
,v Oo,
No Better Wheels
Are made than
No tM'tler Kambler was ever tm lit llisn Ibr 101
Models nnd tlie prlci' tlis Inwesl s Kambler
waa ever sold
l.aldies' or (ienta' koadstcr.
Ladies or i ients l.ighf Ifoiidstcr t 1 M '
(.cut- i i pooad Bssst WOJOD
Lailio ir ( ient Chainloss a i . a l
I-leal W, !-'
i l l l inelllls ' '.t
p. Batataa,
)n gun
The Old Reliable
I itlueu yaar in biulues slid no runt to pay
and yel tbe luuslirKoiu timpe si. trying Iu
uiske yuii iK'lli'Te tbry ) an mIm- uni uiin Ii
for Hie .lollar a we i aii TilKY CAN'T PO ll
as we i rry the onl) nmiiileU- itu k nl llsinms
BaSdlas, ffriddlss, Bits, Spun, wnipt, uiuvai
Hruilias. Combe, Oil, aoap Tenu, w gm.
ovem, siet i mi rei that waa ever brnugai tn
Kossera Oragoa
.....Lasdlng Harneaaood Saddlery....
Closing out at Cost at
is the time to lay in roaU
ril'KINH si PfMKb
I 10
Ladles' elea-s, 1 7.r) How
l.aille,' hl,l-B, 1 A) IKiW
Men's heavy slea-s.
Metis's J oi) shoes.
Ladies' vests, spring weight
fiest thread doaen 45c spool
OoppOf wash leiilere... f- M
ktee'i - ' iiistiof aaor. suit 1,08
1 0 tin coffee pots It now .10
Wash basins 00
All goods MOal go as BB0S1 as iasible
Vangiian's Racket Store
The Peoples Warehouse
Main Street
)l i-.ol,
ISMn Mimi
tnm4 at., s. aaef ii ewesl m at at
U4 w aOS sir tsstuaus
ffKBKK 1 f .HiNi.
it bUtk's CUal, LsBay
M. V.
V ,- r Ceara a s.ia t,j mu
ml SO'oav.. Slat a ksstMa. a
Imm naai asas-s
Prasbslarlao Churab Awaits Bay.
Divan Wbe Comes Mast aeotb
Hv. Kobert liivon, jaetor-eleet of
ll- First Presbyteriau thurcb is ex
lmxhA to arrive in Pendleton Irom his
t ... ' s. ..-, VW dtatx ill time to
Zceu J his pulpit la Kase. be.. -w j rwr a4 Tt"sW 4 runiefa
. 11 tf unitjisu Sal I riAt f wtfeaMss-sBsairsr- ssssbbe ateLsaaaBBaasASBBamsssaasjesSsvSObskas ssssaoar' w .aawawessaas-
sirui.se, s I "- . .. . ... n.m
anioQisH as
f r " " auat ai
mm4 uttsaay
Ma for itiiiatrelee' bank urn comtumydam. 8
wuksi uK4)HJ. a C Watts 0 C . L.4W. f
Farmers Custom Mill
Prtej Walter, froprteto
Cajsaclty. laS barrels a Say.
Flour eaebasaaO let wheel
rivut, Mill read, bopped read.
etc., aiways
to i a
.....i l.irintr A or 1 1 kteuiUr.
OM m-left I oa a iiotlae, and
it is i-robable that his resident will
V, O' roan the river ueor the hoiae of
Jutiiua Pr '0,d
ThJ )adfey he . I'reebytonaii
Tha SUot OrsMoauas is Eoatern pro
gea s (cprcocntative paper. It Uad. aod
tSe people appiaciata It and bbhiw it Sy
l ban libeial poueaioca. H ia tha edvet
iamo aaedtnaa of taUa sactutB.
nt wstn la the t'ulusj
Mlettt or Kuruus. re tail
by puslai ut rbvca r
scud tu lln gL (IkSstfl-
isibllj sll.lu
ami wc will
all risk uf tha
III sens yuu
you are a subscriber
Ottiiuiiiit, lu reiulillua yuu csj,
deduct leu is. r i tut fruui lbs publishers' urlee
Add tee OAa-l OHBtiOMI AM (IB. OO.. faudlt, ,
ton Oro.
reOSived It! advance
llbt of Men's 1901
Spring Shirts. We liuvt1
tliein in a hfltldsonitj us-smtnient.
Soft DigligM ihirtt, cuffVi
ivnd collars Atttohcid fof
AOo to (2.60 apiece.
In laundereil shirts with
cntTs tnd oollatf ttttohed
from 2Sc tn $1.00 Mich.
In laundered bosom,
pepsrstfl cutis to mutch,
to bJ worn with white
collars 50c to 11.80 each
Launder i ami unlaund-
ered shirts with cuffs at
tacked si.no tn s:: ,,u
You air Invited to
and examinejthem,
need to huv.
h. 1
his V ItHllB.'r, th,m.rotiii i.f n r.i . ... -t. r r,nrh i,l vlrls.n, w ill inili's is rlirti ynu ,.f sil
neri una ui .n.-ss. uf t . .-.. r .n. tiraue, aurb aa Lost SaslmsS. laaosaaiw,
-.,1... 1st .Ii. Ii... I. Mrnilnnl ,t .. HrbllllT. I I I. .
I .,. -. ... laity, I,.,.,,.,,,,, i s , , .,,,, i, .
I I i.i. ni Useies Ii 1 1, i, or ulf In. I'n'SsitiHqnii kiisseuf dett'liaras wlilrli ilnotrhssked
I pb l lu Miisriiieliirrlili'a anil Bll lli.i Imrri.ri iiniM.lrnrr. I l'lll;JIi IsbiissOis
,i..r,wi. n Bun iin iii ii. ii , . i, mis ui bii iiiii'.iiiili IflDKslBt Irsustk.-us
ami ri-storss snii.1 1 m ,.bIi .iibsiis r
..iVislCS?" t"lT''Jrn arr i leiirrdhj Dnrdii labrpau ! r i . si am tronl.lsd wllli PraataMlilB
I I I'UIK.M.. Hi "Toy kliiiHH III , villi, .in .1, otieral ! ..IW tin , won. ii
1 1. i ,i..sti . ii bii.I fnntu f ralurn, d If SUitrsd'ssj nui , , , i , ,,. , , i k. s Nn.e lor Avu
by mall S. n I fur shkh tire rsi.,1 . T
Oddrnsji It k l MO.ltlt lNa.iu.. I', u. llok V.t. Kan Fibjk bu. I'sl.
rt i i i' hv Tii.i.M v a '" mtenrr'w -i wvi.i rniv nBrSMBnsj
BOX .1 QMii
I (NI(
I'OK l
Blia BBTjS aBBfl
Hi 1 mm
Hi'.O MAIMM Ci..,,
Klegaotly Famished. Stein deited
Huropean flan
Mh . k and s halt from dspot.
Aamplr Hoomln connactlon.
Kooin k'ali
SOc, 75c. SI -00
Byers' Best Flour...
To make goo.! Int-ud use Myvra' LifNt Flour. It took fii.nt
prcmiiitii at lh ChlrK' World's Fair, ovrr all roniatl
tion, anil gives excellent siulslactloi, wherever Mtd,
Kvery sack ifl guaiHiiteol We have the heat Btcam
Rolled liarley, Heed Rye mid lk-ardla Ifarlcy
Pendleton Roller Mills
Mrau. Slinrts. Etc
Shorj Line
Union Pacific
Take the...
Washington &
Columbia River
i .I
t'hlraaft, m
sas City, hi
I'anl, Ht. LuaiS) kali
luti, uuialia, aiio
itss.BT Time Seb.Sul. tsairs
roa ' Prom Pendleton. ratia
' Bh aall i .--, Oeuver, Purl
1. oil. ml Wurili, Uuialia, halt
nueilal eaa lily, HI tui.. S or. a in
Ji ii u ebli aft, aud Baei
via Huiil
) union
JlBBtlt aaltlak. Psaya. ft
Kjpreaa Vt m iu, iiii.sl,. Kan
e It b iu ..i i lly, HI U.nl. In IU Hi p. in.
rla Hum i au am) .!
si faiil Walla Walla, lwi.lon '
Paal Mall aonkau. Mallet. fall
l;U. a iubii, kf lb:itaisjll. Hi eS i ui
si. Caul, DuluU,aljwau
Mpokaue kae, Cblcaajo aaa lasi
Occ'tn and kiver Schedule.
raoai POMtaMaaj
! All talllug data, tub-
iup.u J.tit lu ubauae. i
For Hai, Kiaiivuco ' at.
Bail erery t days.
..-r, .
All Points t ust und South
foi r Ian d and polol.
on th. SuuiMt.
Artix. Muii'lay. v , i urlaya ae-l niaay.i
al k 16 a in
ll .4,. in luaedayi I lnus.l.y. ami Haiiiiday.
Ihl. i u l.ll i- i , ni Suud.i .1 i I
for Infni in. in in i. gaol I ug raise aud ef.
utcslalluus i all on ),r ad)ttus.
Vt ADAMS, Aaeul
I rlldlekuu Or
Wei s Walla. Waal,
. LU
10 p. in.
Uelly as.
ia. p.
Columbia Bl.er
To Astoria aud Way
Wlllagietts mi...
IS,.., U,
Oreaun liy, N owner a .Us kuudar
HttKui, Iint.Ls udeui e
sad u., l.mliuk.
bare ii seal U you aud aaauiu.
oactuc Lclus luei lu Uta aaaila II w
bulb trouble aud risk . 11
to the Bast
a ui
lue. I I. is
aatd Hal
i us. rin.
aud Sal
i i allle aud Wajr
Ihiy u.
ou . w.
mid fil
VVIIUuietia and ram
Blvars au. m
Oieou Tly. Oalou klou Wed.
and Wey-Leudlufs aud trt.
Baaaa 11 va. i
av teaksuta ! DaUy
I f . W 4sw..i aaaat. r.alleieei
Oregon Lumber Yard
fur barns and ilw.lliua;s.
i I . a . , tliau tlu.
UuildiuK Pnpor,
Tur Fopar.
Liiuc auil Cuaueut,
Brick aud Haitd.
Hcrvcn Dotirtisk Wlodtiwa,
Subh aod Doora,
Terra CotU P.po.
Boric & light, Prop't
Alia St., opp. Cout UotuBK