' .LLLLlajMnft mull ft BATUBDAY, MA ROW 18, 1901, Shoes for Misses and Children : : Our foot form shoes in lace ami i ni ton (or misses and children ar 0a by few, anil excelled hy none. 1 t fit is perfect, tin- wear tirt elas-. Ii you ere looking for roinfor:, try a pair. CLEAVER BROS Practical Root ami Bhoi Un Candy DOttOtl's lor nice orange. Ii mn want a jt' h' Smith's and gal the Canton gang plow. ReeidenoB property for Mia. Inquire HI law office ol Been ,v Lowell, kn olation betiding. James. Mferenm, ol Willow ipYlnga, ami Frank Km'k, of Kelm, have iialitied a-iio.iitv county a?es-ors John A. Anderson ad Mrs llritta Kinter were ma rt lad at tha M. K. par nonage on Friday by Rev, John Dren, Bmal Groeaehlng da? secured naturalisation i ipeti from Ida circuit mart, Ma oui fortnarly a subject of tin- Herman ampifi . J Whitman college baaeball taam will p :iv al Athena March -n ami 80, Kri dar and Natorday, Athana will nlay t ri. turn frarm on Iriday. April 0, v i .ii raai had 81 eanU In tin Natl York market today, tha tlrst tlOM in t'V'i month- thai ina! ligure baj been i a ted "ii the backboard of I. L. Hav v Co. it teased tha dee leu to look pleased . Why bay groceries tltowbera whan von ran buy the lame gredet ban for Itss nonet or a I -t tcr grade tor the nii' money, mi- at preeent nrsj are altering sheepmen the lowest pricee in I'andlatoo on thair luppliet. Alex ander A II' Itet a tannii elnh la being formed by l'r :. Robert , Pond, of Dm Pendleton academj i John S. Beckwith, ooorl re porMr John f Lamblrtb, bookkeeper at the Firtl S.i'ional hank, ami ix or eight otnert. rnoy have laonrad the meant l ti on the rrorthoatt oof ear of Alia and Johnaon tret, opposite tha Church ol the Redeemer, ami will ti.en- ii1 mi an elegant eorm. Tin' aaae ol the O. It. A: N. com pan y vs. A. L Coflay, I rani; F rimer et al. baa tnkoii np Ina lime of eoorl alt Fri da) ifternooti and today. The testi- : s HERK FOR A day. ! the holy loiniiiiinioii at 11 a. ni. i ate I nlni! prover and add reel at I p. IB. Peter Laiiig, brother of Robart j The usual week -day services I ting, bare tor a visit and in en held during the week, route to New Zealand, where ho Is I he malinger ,t a wholesale house. Mr. being han baan In London, ami will leave iii a (aW days on his return home Mr. Iaiing Mill interestingly boat the manner ol gOiafllMMt in New Zealand, which, among the world'i countries, is regarded aa nnione ami tomownal on the order of Ihe innovation. However, says Mr. Laing, New Zealand i a- tnireeeded in w.irkiiiK out the prohleni of nlfgOV ernmant in an admirable manner, and tin people there reieive bMMflli fully CompaOMtlBg them fur the expense of government, lie in at present ill at iii- brother's home, but it is eipadMd mat he will be ahle to leave next week. Captain Charles Wanter, right of way agent ol the t). K. i N. UO., who i- here In look after the interests of the "imuiin in the Coffey land iae, wa the engineer who had eharue of the ronetroction of reservoirs at the head waters of the Mississippi river, in Northern Minnesota Captain Waiuer i it, - that the storing of water in the lakee Ol Minnesota has Keen MOMM Hilly aiTompI islied He menti ui- one iake with eightv'two MMN miles of MTfaoa In Which Ibe waif was raied toWfMMI f'et Other lakes were raise.) several feet, the supply of water thn Is'ing assured doting the summer month" or during drouth" lie re gards the reeertolf lyaMm there as vastly valnahle to the Mississippi valley Personal Mention. i-red .Noit returned Friday evening from a husines" trip to I'ortlaml. Mr. and Mrs. B, M. Stanton ami M. K. OhttlWh, sooth-Comer of Wehh and Aura street-: D, K, Vara 00, pastor. Sunday Mhool at It' a. m. ; preai hiiig. II a. m. RpWOTth I, agin . 8:80 p. Bij preaching at 7 tSO p. in. All are eonlially invited. St. Mary's church Low mas-, t a in. high mass. lOafO a. in.; Sunday aohool, :t p. M. : rosary and bMMdtt Iron r isO p. in . HOUSE ROBBED FRIDAY NI0H1 Christian church -Services are in the Congregational house ol .hip. Nundav school at In a. preai hfOK at II a. in. an I 7 laO .tumor Lndeavor at l Endeavor at 8t4fl p da- Wadnoaday evening at r:'in A RKCBNT THUNDhR It Ueourred a Few Day Ago in County. Tne doings ol lightning in tlMMttth. em portion of Heiiton COUIlty a few i dav- ajfo have heen a fruitful theme of ion ei sat ion since, says the Corvallis Times. Thunder storms are so rare in Willamette that the record of Satur day's incident- reads more like re main e than real life. The storm I appem d ahout ."i o'clock in tl e afternoon. It came from the south ami enuthuest. It" advent was marked by vast masses of heavy clouds; that almost darkened the atmosphere, and 'vas accompanied in the last i minutes hv the heavv fall of hail. Tiie Twelve lltiudroil Dell M In I " titleates or Deposit, and CMthMl Wore rnksn. Tin. residen I A l-.ihlingl Otj the west side of Aura street, wcmio bOUM north from Wehh, wai liurglat ired I'ridav night during the alsMHra of Mr. and Mrs. Kd.line- and a I "go qnantlty ol wearing apparel a M ai iUOO iii certiticates ol depoail taken. The certilicate- of ll lp Jit to Ihe amount of t:ui were on ihe Pendleton saving" hank, the rest on tin l ank at Vancouver, Wash., Imth nl rrhlen m itltotlona have heen notlflnl ol the robbery. The robber wore - - altn ruhlier hetds as was discover, ,1 V iii tracks. He ransacked the hadn m. I closet adjoining and the kitchen He even took a suit of working doth n .' . mZ'It 1 VI. I'll. ,., , II I m. ami Senior, "n V Normal BlblO know ot the rnuoery unni ne woiu put on that "llir tin- ninriiiug preo.ir.i tory to going In ork Be II an em ploye oi Joe Hader. NEWSPAPER BUILDING FIRE. held WOT m. ; in STORM. Ranton rnroe Lives lost. Mac, Imureil and Much Property Destroyed. Boston, March I - Three lives were sacritietl, nearlv a down men nun or less injured and mam thousands dollars worth ol damage won the re sults of a tire in the Dally tdveTtlecf ami Record's seven slnr . gray front hn tiding, m nawapapar row last night. The dead are: lame" Richardron. sr . proof reader, JodfOtl Craft . pr, ol r. ader. Waller LnaOMnba, proof reader. How the Ii re -larteil is not known, BRBVITI1S. Fancy and useful gilts. Nol -New green onions at R. Martin's. Try Mutton's ice cream tnooolaMa St. Patrick'- i-a.ig. I Huy yonr window shade Murphy's. Have your pictures frame,! ; late ttylee at Murphy '- Milton creanicrv hutier ,r n , v House gr. , ,'r, t r, New lot of mackerel at the Whit, House grocery ton ew ,iv..gii- in wal Murphy's pain' White Squadron coffee at the Whit House grocery store. Oo to Lehoy's for touiaier. come Court and Garden street nilk wants, worth tin for I "' Lleaver Uros. lry l.ooil- ( Uample silk waist, IJ.M, north Claavar Bros. Dry (iuods Co. All kinds ol hardw -I i: iiti. 1 at h. L. smith's. See eilk waist display in north win low Cleaver Urns Ir ('. . Call at C. Bharu'e and cousult L)ar I'heip- a ...I putting iii yonr water meter. K. L. .Smith has in itoek a Coinplel, line of the eelehrated Coluniinis tiugviee. S. Berkeley ha- mine ri . I .--1 r.i I . , town ami coiintrv property tot MM on easy terms. Finest hams and lanl on the market. Home product ; trv it n- guarantee,! Kchwanc A. QlMlMfa. Tailor made Hiiits and evening gowns a specialty at Matla k!ast Oregonian building. 0. K. I '-mutt lias on hand a large lot of Karly Ohio seed pot.lt, ,' They are the finest in the market. You will want vonr i on nd Bring them in am) get ready for the spring work. II. M . Bit an Madame Johnson ha" moved inn. in Kast Oregon un huihling where -h, be pleated to see new ale! , n-t. : an. If you want something tine mcani.-.i goods try tiie fancy lioatl canned peaches at Mwttn'l Tbaj ar- 111 pore sugar syrup. P. hones, of Helix, dealer in shell and heavy hardware. window uUss and all kinds of harvest M Mala c)inMtition. Wreak last mushes, all nica aid tre"f., Twin Brothers, Jnaibo, II. O, Vital Cream of Wheat, rolled onto, corn meal, harina and boniny. Oall and gt a package. It ti goannloed 0. It. Deniutt. Chaa. i.an. ..... nwinanwl but paint bop at his old stand In tbe rear i the old Foifom biacksmiit ibop, He will have on haud a full line of wall paper, . i - and hrinne- ; i. k ami low estimate" givaa on contracts Call and se M liil.lpu., t 1 Mill.,,, ,, .pt.uH.u Mr a ...n.eiii- .ire;al Mf(l g.j,j cBrian. nig iieiivcreo nv inr auornev- tins alterooon. tl, nr I ( miner of Tort land, ami Carl," , Liiey are at'orneys tot the plaint if; and T. 0. Hal lay for tic delendanta. The aaae will Ml to the jury tbl afternoon. The Walla Walla hamiial! tlttb will he in go,l hand-. John I.. Shariiitein boa accepted the luanagaiin nl That insures that the organization will lie oi, .i -.inn! linancial footing and tiiat bualoaaa amngemanta will ba knpt aa contracted, and that games arranged with the Walla Walla club will be p ayed, or it won't he their fault. II r. Bharpcteiri is an enthniikal who take-gnat pride in the national game. ! i, enbrol lercs at the Boa ton store ar" bntlor than on any 1 ravioot trip. loe display 1" prettier and the WOtk uiore attractive, which aocoaota for it. Mr.. Ilaniriik will remain all ot neat ""eg, giving les", n- on her exclusive Utllgnv, I. "cr- ol l"autiliil cushions should tin' fail to obtain one of Mrs. llauirick, a- -he make-a specialty of tin in, iMVinggone r,, York this son lor tl.. latest thing in that line. A OUBST OF HONOR. Mr.. Ollic Stsussns, Urand enter or Honor ot the Degrso ot Honor. Mrs Ollie tuphens, of The Dalles, grand eluef ot nonor of the I'tgree of Honor of the state of Oregon, wa- the nest of honor at the meeting and han- iiiet given hv Magnolia lodge. No. .'14. last evening in Otld Kelhov"' hall Vftei Ihe secret session of the lodge .tine tha social part and hainiuet. diort ao dresses r made hv Airs. ki 1 i ... . , , , r?sej,in'ii" alio oiners. irs. I'nii .se- Itn oi presided. Members of the A. I V. Pad heen invitisl. so that with the member- of the llegree of Honor nearlv lun alt told particip.ite, in the lestivitie- and partook of ti e ,'licacies. tl sin in hnt for Lu (irande tin- morning. SJ,e wir l,e iii I'endleton again next Mon- liv, on he. wav to, visit the hslge ol the P gree of Honor at Helix. Pave Love and John Stanton came down from Athena on their hicvclee Friday afternoon to spend the evening. Co!. Prank .1. I'arker, the veteran newt paperman oi Walla Walla, was in PandlaMD lor a few hours this morn ing. Mr- Burn- daughter ol lames Craivt, r,l. who has visited here for the past week, ha- returned to her home near Spokane. Mis- It, Ma,- Zumwalt. a school t, .i. her oi I'ilot Rock, returned from La Urande Friday night and went 001 to her home todav. Johnnv I'leston, ot Walla Walla, and Fd Murphy of Athena, were in I endleton Friday night and left for their resra ctive homes this morning, J. .1. Palieray will leave on the train Sunday morning on a trip to I'm, ni and Maker City on legal buis ness. He expects to be absent one week. Margaret DiokaOfl, little daughter of Mr. ar.d Mrs. Hal Dickson, has un dergone a change for the setter and :s out of danger from an attack of pneu monia. Frank Hack, oi l.cho, naal Kridav in I endleton ami returiieii home on the night train. He says his horses and cattle are in good condition, as is al! stock on Lower hotter creek. Mr. and Mrs Joe Basler left for Walla Walla tin- morning. Irs. Cole and Vineanl will go over on Monday. Un. Basler will niiderg , a surgical operation at the new Walla Walla hospital. Mis- Alice Christian, of the Willam- ' tie valley, has succeeded Miss Ada M Brislow as teacher in the ilnerine. Hale department of the Adams piihlu schools The present term will come to an end aboOt June 1 . storm was of scarcely more than l" minutes' duration. Ii left its mark at John Ricktfd'l home, live miles south of Corvallis. There, a hOgO fir tree, about L'-'si lavl southwest of the house, was struck, and its trunk from a distance of mi feet alsive the ground to the roots was split and torn hy the holt. The roots ..ml surrounding earth were a I -, rent ami torn hy the irresistible force ni the blow. The concussion was so great that is window panes in the house. 'J'ai leet away, were smashed. One in particu lar on the north side of 'he building was literally pulverised. A peculiar fact is that the window, damaged are located in every side of the building, though those OH the east suffered least. At an upper window at the time sat Mis." Belle ftannev, ami at a lower window wa Mr? Rickard Neither was injured or stunned hv the shock though the crashing and (ailing of the window panes alut them was mow than usually trving on nerves. Mr, stieasgreeti. ot the planing mil!, went ut ioinlav ami repla I the hr. ken pane." with new ones. the same storm made thing" interest ing on the (arm of peter Rickard. A small nr tree there, about i vards from the house, was struck ami ita trunk split asunder. The Imlt also set the tree on lire, and at last account" it was still burning. Beyond this so far as reported, no damage was done hv the storm. At Walter Smith's place the lightning is said to have played about with a freedom and recklessness that ai times left the impression that the earth was on tire, ami that made thus, who saw it a tritle uncomfortable. Mis- ',-e. (iilliitm el,,M...I l,..r iffair was a pronounced ai the Knott- "Chilli holltu, Jill I-" la. everyway. Mr-. Stephen" ! Birch creek lust nilit in, n ......... - .m.. . ...... ... taitiinent hv the pupils, consisting of mug, recitations, and tableaux. A basket supper was served. Com. Johnson, a prominent sheep man ot liireh creek is in the city to. day He hays lambing has commenced no, i wi. i' neep ure in inn- comlltion. Wess Tweedy, win, lias had charge of Mr. Johnson's sheep, nnlv lost II head out of a baud of 300. I. T. Lieuallen, Mis- Lthel Lieu alien and Miss Georgia Smith, of Adams, are sending the dav in Pen- OlOMw Mr Lieuallen states that as far as he knows, not a uiugle acre of wiieat in the vicinity of Adams has been injured hv the trosi He na- too ana in wheat thi- a inter. Lawrence Lieuallen who plaved a Dsath or Pioneer Lady. Mr-. Ilattie ' . Standard this morn- lie receive.! the -ad i - . ! tl ,. death oi her mother Mrs. A. F Townsend. which occurred at Walla Walla I riuay veiling, a; u,e i. :Ue oi .Mr. ami Jin. amiie. It llow li. tiie latter heimr a laughter of ,1-cca ..!. Mr- Towoaend had been in HMblc health for some IMm raSarhag Iron tiie grip, tryaipo UU and a hruakiug down of the piiv.si cal system incident to old age. She born in Man I , i . years ago, in Ohio, and cro.sed the plains overland Blank Books and Stationery. All the latest Magazines and Periodicals. AJIleaiuilnl line of TOILET ARTICLES. "'.'V, '-"" "'' ' re-.u.'n,i game ,.r two ,. ha-edall as a memher wuutj -,,. ii.., up ioioi to,, reiidleton team last vaar is sick ' - or, oo.uniiii ai ins nome at Adam" with bilious ''IM escape can di. d almt than ihebac divided her I fever. Ha hM anoouncd his intention "imply disappeared . " " wine on , playing with Ihe Pendleton club , . eiioi-u i. . i.uihi wilri Vea r . a 1 1 in mult th,. vtl, ...... ,., maul has a I read juada bin an offer H. Wukasch. who was a tailor for 1 Bnlberl in I'endleton up to abowt t ,re year- ago. is now at Stuttgart, 1.0..1,. . mioruiilg o a letter reieivei! Idai., a, d Walla Walla. Wash Mr Stanlield ai d her son, Robert Stan lieh!. MM 111 leave on the train this eve ning to attend ti e funeral which will be held at Walla Waila un Sundav. Mrs. Hall's Case. The Washington supreme court has sustained the decision of the lower court in the case of Mrs. Susan Hall, charged with arson at Walla Walla Mrs. Hull conducted a lodging house in the tianlen City ami early one morning about a year ago. a lire broke out in the lodging house, ami a man named Smyth was nearly I aimed to death. The evidence was all circum stantial, but very strong against Mrs. ii.i' an, i -I., wa- arre-te,! an,! I r,. ,! on a charge of arson. After being con vi, ted, her lawyers appealed tl as, hut were unable ti, secure bail for their client, and she has remained in the county jail since last June. Con nqnanUy, she will only have alsait five month- to serve in the iieniteti tiary, her sentem-e having seen II months at first. Kseaped and Reeaptured. Walla Walla. March lb. John Collins, convict No. '.'108, the notori ous hank robber sentenced to serve 110 years (or embeitling funds from tiie Seattle National bank, escaped from tiie jute mill at the state sen itentiary boat BflW o'clock last evening and wa recaptured live hours later in front of the city hall hv chief of Police .1. J. Kauffinan and steward Ben Woit of the prison. No clue as to tile manner he obtained. He A reward of ;:( was offered for his apprehension. I hut it was tlrst n in the pre" room. It spread to tin elevator weM and darted to the tup 10 rapldlv tha' hefota the o"i upants oil the two upper iloors were aware that the huihling a 11 Ofl tire their rooms were tilled with llanies and smoke. All had to run for their 1 lives and all but three succeeded in gaining the roof of an adjoining build ing. Managing Bditoi Dndorwood Myi it is impossible to estimate the oM until the actual damage to the pre-e- i- a-- eartainod, MILLIONS PON LIBRARIES, Larnegla Offers a Hn. Sum tor Hranali Libraries In New York. New York. March In. Andrew Car negie, who since retiring a" an active figure in the steel world has beet, able to devote his time exclusively to hi" other passion, founding of libraries, has made hi- recent departure lor Lnrope memorable by the largest offer of the kind ever advanced. If Rao York will provide sites ami maintenance, lie ha proiuised to give .i,0tk),00n to establish i"'i branch libraries there. The offer was made in a letter to Dr. John s hillings, director of the New York library, last Thursday. The aomapondanoa in connection with the offer wa- made public last night. St. Louis Uets at. 1)00. 000 St. Louis, March ii;.- Andrew I Carnegie hs offered to donate 11,000, Otm for building a public library ill i 8t. Loo la, Failures tor the Week Now York, March in. Hun's R view will say: Failures (or the W00k were '.'iKi in the United -late" against It.) last year ami in Canada againil 23 last vear. ST. JOE S Attend our Special Sale Monday, Ti day. Wednesday, March 18, 1) and Weoffer a Mg lineal ehei, koi-oi on- woni, - ,,, iw.' i e i it I , . , nil i'Ol, ' I '' niel T ., At S ie v w irt h iter v a il ' ' ,,!,. , .. i names, worm ,'r yura s will gn ut 1, itiirlng ium sale. Will ,u, lisrniiiit on In, irtalm BIMen per eeul ,nroig Hie tare,. aa, have a Hue assnrtateat ol these giil. Will rsantlnue our dUcnnt oni ' lime eii Horilsn, Kng slid Slnnles no nna look those gooda over, vou will mis'; i if l HEY VRE MONEY SAVERti Wean - . anaa la haadletoa tor Kline, Rakn ,v Pa Obi Ijele-' Isiln-iiii: . ' 1 1.1 si, no n; iii ii mm jlnvo ,. res.l lor your iii. pecti.iu A irleci III guarnnieeil. Wealau . lar the LsKtles Ooreatla n raaaei E. LYONS & THE HUSTLER- EW STYLES 1 HAT We hare just received a ihipnanl ol he newest st vies in hat" for men am! , ,-, .mo ure now rcaiiy to supplv our plait enst, uner- with the verv Or Coll, os Wi, Mistaken. a ii an aov- rti -o : insell as !r. iroin ium nv j1J4. Basler Mr WaoBNen daoartad iron. randlaton leav- "- o,-re in. ir na" ever -nice I i - Spiritual mediant and ca,r! '"'en unclaimed, ami tins is the lir.t vovkiit, idvarUaad on rriday that ba would give readings, either elair- covantlv or under -.raine conditi oils. Ill : the parlors at the Palace house. The ! ctor was ssveral jints off in his , r.-, Honing am! g.,i up against a roes; ab, m the tint thing. Had he been a r h Duehess or Cornwall Satis I'orumouth, March In. The steamer Ophir, with tiie Ducheea of Cornwall, departed at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Aoatralia, The king and ,ue.-n on the yacht Alberta accoiupanied the vensel to Spithead The MEDICINE FOR SPRING? Al this, -esson ,,l the jrer baa many ton,'- . nasi answer Ibis aMBtloU "What i- u gu",l spring II, in, ller- is oui geiiei,il aaswei in iiabaess dm si slsse el ileetoi are alwav - Mlvisabli An, I It yen havs ut ill I foot PMeerlailoa roe oaa depend on retlliiK personal unci, Hon, absolute aicuratv. pace, ilrst nualiiv uruga end niire rsstl.tbtlt v ll.xvaver. weaarn in st,-t an th. x- pulahle rsinS'lu'a a'tverti-cl i,,r isS in sprinii W, shall tie ph-ascl to sell any ( Ibetn 10 vou i'. hi, i BaiMBa rilla I- lh belt gsneral uie.l ' lllv we knots of. II. a pour i ml eegelabls preparation and in, nlli- are NMIllreal with il. TaKe ottl ,rrt lie 11 Ibis I- II goo'l -pi IMK Ul.'ll KOEPPEN S PHARMACY Ihe popalai i-ru-.-.l .irug -!.. K "li t' k igissl, at very low price- compared w i ll Hjwnai others a lb lor th" same qnnllly IS". ' o oiieiiien, (ion i ,m Villlr ispruig Inta until vou hav. -... ii ours land priced then,. V aotaally and I poaltivaly guarantee awry artiele we "ll lo give satisfaction, or refund vonr tnoiiev . m . . THE FAIR! Bennett Si Tarbet, Props. Dusenberrx building Main Streut, Pendleton. To be given away With each .-5c purohau at RADBR'8 a vote in piano coin,:,: lint that is not the boat thing to ba found there; loolt .it tins Handstomt cidkien ro nt Oak k'ncker for onlvy word roeeiead horn him ihrat he left ne ue.it 1., ti,.. W. Ilaniette valley iron, statement that it w .... ....,,, an,iiiu. .vi' Mexico ; uientarv ww "uner (iia.es ior 111- health. F. H. Hnbbal, npraaaming ibe fauiy Mil rangony, of Bt, Looto.aaaM V " iroin Walla v s, , io. o 1111:1,1 reauer aim clairvoyant m on ami t, on t;)e ev. i. .. ir.,.: for woiiiu i.ave Known mat th,. eltv nome. At tiie . ei,t at Wa Ik Wii Will Haaaeui Hevenue Stamps. Washington. March In. Tbe in ternal revenue bureau toda inoai H redeem al! dixu. protirieury stainns in tb hands of purchasers alter .Ink 1. i r ..ll W J- .in- lillo .. 'd. " o' oiui. I HUB.' !!'. " e..llli'",r ,1 II ,:ive Ko.el. ..... tnOWn Iba line t r in I'ortland pro-, aboard the car to bid him goodbye. im .. smw. so hn inarsii.il riore uiey w.-re aware of it tbe train him n j a here to carry ! was in motion so they could not alight oli.tr .y. ten, ,,( separatiiic the -afety. They cauie on to I'endleton ami unwary iron, t nor ; at o reiurned home t hi- r i. Uaiilberl boi la-en loreuian ior Mr. Huboal in the work of putting in 48 ells in ti,e new Uaited Htates annex U lb. -late panitenttary at Walla Vsaila, which building and work have just ,-.'ii completed. Jessie Horrlson Hsleased. Kldorado, Kan., March 16. -Jeeaie Morrieon, who killesl Clara Wltae Oir,,,-,... - iUVul . . l i w-..v, (WHMSai S. f'SAlU IN. HO Ulill ffif, " li ira.ni. ' I J i ni Johnaon May 0l. It Is feared that .lames K. Johnson, night i.aiier at the , ity jail in Hurt .and, will not recover iron, hi.- attaeu , double fiieiiuionia. Me has) strong! OOnalitUtion, but the disease ii I,, ' 1 ' am I TIM Salvationists Hake Their ;"' ' ' 1,1 eonditioii and il ,- Aaneuneement. uiai lie ma. ,,.. , ,, . , WI. a. a ..w - . , eVelilll.l V " ., .... ..,.i. an.,,,,. ""'" I Oe' lo t ie eii-t,,.,, a, ,,,. , . :...! U8N1AL WkhK. Usual Tallman Co., through jailor at the I.B.WlIN', llltl 1 . I "'"I" I'lll for -everal v-ar- and WtrOO four years as poet master oi Pendleton Last of this week Will have ou display a garuplaja IbjM ol auaiuier at ,,i ihoat ahicli lueludes bape. ai.d shad.-. Would liae U n inspect the entire tti,.. spring and the newest you call ami WM. FITZQBKALD, Main'HueoL, uc-xt door to Haiibfurd di u. i.u,i praciicen luf years hy the Salvation Army, that organisation is about to liter m.in ita work fur the week, from March 1. to M inclusive, lmring tin- s.;ial week nverv ineliiber of tiie arm;, i.- uxpected to detiv him ,,r her self i some more or lean usual article of diet, and clotiiiug. The general public, wiioae interest in the army's efforts may not be willing to follow the member- aloug the of personal self-denial, are, however, not to he deprived of an opportunity ... .e.-, ,,, enuri. t ollectious w.ll be made, and tbom--i onr flHanw win, believe in feeding the hungry clothing the naked help, inir the (alien, extending the hand ol opiortiinily to tbOM with whom life na- dealt roughly, and in every wav aaianit and baoafli mankind through the anoapta oi Jeeus Obrtat, will t,t turn the Salvation Armv collector awav empty hauded. Chureb Announeemenls. Obonfa of tbe Ketleemer-llivinB service tomorrow mid-laint -unday-at noun, as follows : Sunday school at lb a. in. ; eerinon and celebration f It doesn't pay to say Hometbiug in au ad vertisement tliat cannot he proven. People call ami inveetigate aud if your ad. is incorrect they ' neither buy nor come again. W. believe we can prove "Metfcer's Pride" the beet Jjc coffee on earth. (f courw it don't compare witli our Moca and Java, lint irv it. Owl Tea House. Toilet and Laundry Soaps. Subscribers to Mild lu tbe Kast Oaaaio nagazmes v .s:1 WW w aosiic, uu we will ; f Better K('t one while iri going they The Columbia Lodging House NEWLi KURNIHHEII UAH IN t d.WKt I li) IN CKNTKR OK lil.oi i; BET. ALT A A WEBHHTH M A. RADKR, Uidcriakcr Comet Main ami Wbb Streets. F.X. SCHEMPP, Prop. IK VHP WANT It) etui cribs- fur nisauluoa or In tbe t ullctl niauit or Kurupai, muni by IHMU1 uut. , i..-. a ... bsve It inn to l.l. .He Lull,, bolb Iroul, Uj tbe Ksirr ijiuum, nt lo rou u.l muuio all risk ol lbs f loai fu i,- mall.. It will ure yo" I u rvuillliun ruu ... TV i r" vsul Irom lue publuncrs' url.sa Irissuraiice Fire, idle, Accident, Plate Qlgja, etc. J ,oans on Uity and County Property, Real Estate Improved and Unimproved City Lot Ktock Ba im anil Wheat harms SEE J. R. DICKSON, Kaat Oregon ian building. W.D.HANSFORD&d I'fulf.s i IIAKDU AKK .STDVIi.S. HARliEI sVIRK SHKI.K IIAIiDWAKK. IT.MPSand : : PLUMBING a si'KciALTV. PJ 01 Main Street, Pendleton, Oregfl Ialy Baat Oregonian, ueveicl carrier, only 15 cenu a week. a . .,VVWVWSV Facts worth Knowing That 1 have some ai the greatest Urgains J" New and Beeond hand U-droom B,.t t'all and them ami ! eonyinced. bx f V. STROM I . Court pitied. Locust Hill Kabbitry and Poultry Vards. I lllive Han - ,,r l.r.....l, ihilH - Uoiiii' p, n.,11 m H m ' -I reach ol every one. . ' my hare will uuiiviuro Vl they are the very hex I tla"! be raised. Animals of tl leading Nlraiiia alwuy o in 1 lorn wolcoinu. For I iin'orioation addruax fiVl w. WADS, bi I'endleton.