Y EVENING EDITlflN DAILY EVENING EDITIOM th i.kaoinh vrR or KtflTKKN (IKIWION 18 THK EASTOUEOONIAN TWK I tun. IAI T HASTORCdONIAN nut's i hi tamx PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAHClf 13, 1901. 14. NO. 4071 WHITE HOUSE rtDAfPOV CTdPF nmn inn ti ill I m i in fiiiiiniiii: n in vwi t n ll Mint our tvxniN an- DQOft than I ,..... tk.it, tttn fMM I i mi rim ,,' i. f it (loos not Wt if in is- nin hi- it 1 1 r i i: si'1 i- 11 1 I n "rt-.l ii i li' unci". I; VP Vol T V MR Ull V lllng Tm( frnrunt tnd delioJ i ii i . i niuu UUU9I unuuj. the Poatoffice KNOX HATS.. iff Hats :dora H?is ush Hats . . $2.50 lost Spring Styles, nee Catalogue now ready Q00DS JUST IN isiery, Belts, Purses, New silks, New stock collars. I)kI you gel Bam pie card ol safctj pioi I I Walnut Sewiii" Machine tins month. lumbia leading wheel in the world. part made perfect, built watch. toad wheel $50 $35 $25 It l a Hartford or Dunlop iron wagons, ull steel. Tho hat will stand liunl llKMfti size made, 1 ,l I) in Seeds. Uoae ti no luiniiiiii'. aii mode at '., regular pr ice , 01 package iew cro warranted. lure bourn of the lines we carry. unvots, Mtatioiierv, lies' or gents' purses, Magazines and Peri.slicals, toys, dolls and hibw, ticlusil !' - id ericK No Mr. Sheepman On this thowiog we ask yon to buy your lnmh ing and slicur int; supplies of Alexander (The Boston $5.00 The Kind that Wears Well. The Best for the Honey. Thaaldag all those who have waited for these we wish to announce that they are here 15c, 25c, 35c and 40c. LouLsine Silks for Dresses. All the new colors. Call and not the price. dea Dried Evaporated Stock, very fancy. Oet our Wholosale Prices . . . C. R0HRMAN, : : : : 309-311 Court Street An Artistic or)d Richly Furnished Parlor should contain one of our exquisitely inlaid parlor suites, upholstered in rich damasks in isjautiful shade of colors, that will make the "tout en -en. ..e' of your rooms "like ouo grand sweet Bong" in their harmony. We have Dome handsome new designs in purlor furniture at lricett that will surprise you. BflKER & FOLSOM, Main Street Seed Sowing Time... You must have good seed if you expect t o gather a good crop. T. C. TAYLOR, the Why buy tlMwhtn W'lit'ii yen can buy your grocerfoo mul other supplies lie.iv for ejM money. TI io place to buy is where you linil the lariresl slock, the West gOodfl mid the lowest prices. Our stock ifi bv fnr the largest in Pendleton. We are confident in the goodness of our goods. Coin pure our prices and save money. You'll find it worth yonr while. & Hexter. Store Fruit .Stock is frOU) selected grasses grown in rich soil which insures a healthy growth. Timothy, Alfalfa, Millett, blue GhfSWi eaeXUM irass, lied and White ClOVM in any tjuantity. Also have a full line of garden toohi. Hardware Man. GENERAL NEWS. hi Hung Chang is again seriously ill and bM physirian says hi. life hangs by a thread. At the Yale observatory, it is re ported that the new star, recently dis covered in the constellation PWMM, has diniinishel in brilliancy to the third magnitude. j Lisuteiiant-Coiiunander Leonard Che Igery, V. 8. N., retired, is dead in ! New York, aged BO year. He wa edu cated in California and at the I niteil States naval academy at Annapolis. M. A. Howard, who while a member of congress from Alabama, wrote a book untitled, "If Christ Came to Congress, has liled a petition in bank ruptcy. Liabilities, f 10,8:.'? ; no assets. The quartermaster general is in formed that the transport Logan left Nagasaki Thursday for San Kranri.cn with Major General Young and the Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth volun teer regiments. The people id Porto Rico have sent a commission to Washington to protest against the excessive burden of taxa tion on that island. They claim that now there are three taxes levied and collected for the same purpose. Hufus Cuiumiiigs Garland, son ol the late attorney teneral, . u. Garland, and a composer of sacred music, is dead, at Kort Worth, Texas. At the time of his death he was engaged in the leual department of the Pawes commission Ml the live civil ied tribe. . PACIFIC NORTHWEST NeWS. The debt ol 'the Kant ist church it Taroma lias been paid in full. QOVemor deer has reappointed I 'rank Kogers, of Portland, a member of the state hoard of barber commissioners. President Wilcox, of the Portland Flouring mills company, admits that Ids company had leased the Reho mill of Spokane from the Ureal North ern railway company. Mrs. Lena Rosenblatt, widow ol Sig- nano1 Roeenblatt, died today, la Port land, from heart trouble, after a few hours' illness. She and her liu-dinnd wt re among Ol'SgUll'l piODOl N Seven bills in the Washington legis- la ure, unprrmriat fig uionev for state roodl, the total sr. I of which ag irrcgateii about IJOO.nOO, Were si. lifted out in the senate Monday afternoon Mrs. W. C. Morrill died at her home Monday at H Dishorn, aged 7o years 1 leath was due to Miralvsis. Will her husband, deceased came to Oregon from Minnesota in ls,ti, locating at Corvallih. KugtSie ol distriit on Mondav voted to bond the district for f.Ti.OOO to build a new schnolhoiise and improve the present structure. J. H. Mctdung was re-elected director, ami Oeorge I Cam, clerk. United States Senator John H Mitchell, of Oregon and his faimlv, accompanied bv lornnT enator Oeorgc W. McKride also of Oregon, arrived at the fifth Avenue hotel in New i ork Mondav night and will remain there several days. Kalph H. Miller, the architect wh designed the I'. I'. Thompson, the Holladay aud other Portland schools, died in St. incent's hospital in Port land. Mondav. at the aga of II years after 1U days illness. Mondav of last wok he was operated ii(sn for appen dicitis. TheO. U. iV N. has granted excursion rates oi a fare aud a third for the state grand lodge of the A. O, L , W., which will be held in Spokane April 10-12 inclusive. Tickets will le sold tiiree days pre.r to the oK'llillg of tha meeting and will be good returning April 16. Mondav afternoon at Kaker City Leonard Kossler, a Mad, smith well of iii the comiiiuiiitv married Stella Mead, a courtesan. At II o'clock that night Kossler sent a bullet from u 44 caliber revolver through his brain Is.causo the woman rolusod to k!o with him n another town to live. A dispatch from Dawson, datnt March I, aavs that the stampede conse qunii! upon the throwing open of the government claims on February was the greatest since the palmy days of latts The order made available hundreds of lapsed laims, ni ..Id ones, fractions, etc. Under the new regulations the tirst man to arrive and make his application (or tho ground gets it until fraud has been shown. The guesls are goni 111. Mini, -.'opn l.oui theU. c ol the hostess uuil bin- gtVOS Uf to the pain w hich racks ban Isjdy IfM) a woman eiitmtaiini and weaib a smile while her luck uchcb and her narvM quiver with p.on bureiv any iiiodirlns winch oilers relief to wunf. u would U worth trial under such conditions. Hut when the woman mcdii'iuc, Or. l'u Favorite PntBCrlptlon, i off. red witfa the proof of i lfn.e in Ihouiiaiids of well attested cures, what excuse can then offered for suffering lunge. ' Dr. Pierce's favorite Piescriplion uiakrk weak women strong ami sick women null It dries eufeebling diaius, heala iulhuuiuatioti aud ulceration and cures female weakness. sit is with the aiestct pleasnrs i win.- sea the tKiicftt my motl.irr bin, rccL-ivr.l fruiu y.ait J'livoritc I'irK'uytiuii ' .mil Gulden Muakkl Uueovcry,' "luiys StinsCHrrir loIniAu oI'Iaww ville.Aab.ua Cu v,i -aii. ..iiitrca ii.iukl iuim r with ul.oli. .Ila.. .owl ' I . I . . iaUe. Mild had u cuuntuiu rusrins uli'l oiiuoix SOUS in hr hMil Allei lAkitlU Nil iHjtlW. Uf Of llxroe . V.vorilc l'ic.riull .ii .ml laaueuMcd- icat Iucuvi Uic wa cuUtcv i Ul i .1 Dr. Fiarca's Plcwaaut PelleU stimulate the liver. 1 BOWLIN ALIAS SMITH IN THE TOILS AGAIN. Wanted in Kentucky for For gery in Pension Frauds. ARRESTKD II WALLOWA COUMTY Arrcstru About a Year Ago la This County on Same Cbarge, Bat Escaped Extradl Hon Throu.tu Attorneys. Portland, Ore., March 111. United States Deputy Marshal Huberts this morning arrived in this citv from Wallowa county, having in charge J R, I'.owlin. under indictment for foruery and penetoa frauds in Krank fort, Keiituckv. He was for four veins a Olerk in the pension office. He was located in Wallowa conntv where he was teaching school. He mad sensational escape a year ago. Tho ubove dispatch refers to the at tempt to extradite J. It. Itowlin while he was a citiren ot Weston, in I'ma tilla conntv, which occurred about year ago, alien bv the efforts of his Attorneys, Carter .v. Kalev. Oi Pcmll ton, he was saved a trip hack to hen tuckv The two men who came hen after BoWliO at that time mad desperate and ridiculous efforts t ccurt tin ir man hut laileil. even leaving unpaid here several bills. oeth iiouser, fjnitod ates niareba who is ill Pendleton lislav, was shonn the dispatch. He staled that Howlm will be kepi in Portland, pending tin return ol Jiulgu liellinger. who is in Hostile holding court. So soon us .luilge liellinger returns, Itowlin will he taken before the lederal court an application tor permission to taki him from the state. The indictment under which he tins tune arreste.i cuarges pension Irauds against Himlin, the indictment being returned by the fedora grand jury in Kentucky. MOttiy Marshal A i Roberts Itowlin in his holBO near Wallowa i oiintv, ami, without loillld Flora giving him any reason to suspect tin design lure. I him to tho town, a here he was taken into custodv. This plan obviated the possible use of firearms by How tin, who made no resistance when taken to Portland. His case Is'caum the sensation ol the day, when last .lulv, Attumey Moon and Sheriff Kembull came here with an indictment from the state district court at Frankfort, Ky. They went to Weston, and, in arresting their man cliose the night-time and were pre pared to take him to Washington state When this night rani occurred, How tin was iwacefuliy at home asleep, and things were rather lively for a time when the ollieers begun operations. Howl in made his escas. through the door, several shots being sent after him, ami the Inglilv sensational situs lion was rendered more sensational when Miss Howl in, u li-year-ohl daughter, held ttho coat-tails of an officer and prevented him from catch ing her father. This episode took place after one or two habeas corpus cases had been tried out Imfore Judge Hartmau and won hy How I in. I he Kentucky officers, lailin,' to laud their man, d isappearud, and, sup posed I v, had given up tho chase. I'.ul as the sequel shows, a legal vendetta had been declared against Itowlin. Transferring the cane from the state to the federal courts, they now nave him again in the toils. If one may judge from his ,. . ..i.e.-. in lighting 101 his liberty while here, the fttderal court in Portland nuiv he the a30M of some addition.. sensation, in which a Kentucky prisoner and several deputv I lilted States marshals are tin principals. ... mm RUSSIA vukl:S OBJECTION. The Caaf Displays His Hand at a Meet ins Iii Pekln. l'ekiu, March LI. --At a meeting of the renresenlati vea ot the various pow era to. lav, to deliberate on the punish merit ol tho provincial officials that are more immediately resnonsihlo for the Boxer outrages and massacres in their several provinces, Kussia's represenla live declared that Russia was opposed to exacting any more Chinese lives in retribution of the Boxer crimes. This announcement was accepted as judical ing that Russia holds itself to lie the protector of t hina in roturn for the agreement to perm it Kussiau occtiai lion of Manchuria. CAkNhiill: OFF TO EUROPE Ha. Just Ueaun to Olve Uoney to Establish Libraries. New York, March 13. Andrew Car negie and family sailed this morning on the steamship HI, I. ,.- lor r.urope Mr. Carnegie la going tirst to Cannes France, thence to his cuetlo in Scot laud, returning to the I'nited States in October. A large number of (fiends saw the Caruegiea off and the state roouis were tilled with flowers. He aas aakud if lie had any idea how in uch money lie has given to libraries to date and aaswered : ' 'Don't aafc me, for 1 have only betfun to give." He declared he will put in most ol his time in Scotland playing golf. ISTHMIAN CANAL PROBIJiM. AtfuUalatrallua Seriously. Loasltferlae' fauauia Xeule. Washington, March l.'l. There is every evidence that thu Panama caual is being seriously considered by the administration as the host solution o( thu isthmian canal problem. For nearly au hour today Minister Hilva from toluiuola aas witJi Secretary Hay discuasiug ilie propositions which the miuiater liae'brought from his gov ernment relative to trie acquisition by the I'nited States of territory 0000 pied by the Panama .anal. After an in terview lr. BIWapaMi "1 think I will Is- able to show my country is ready to tire Io the I'nited Statee all thai the latter might expect to secure elsewhere ami perhaps more. THK NEW YORK MARKET. Reported by 1. L. Ray ft in , Psndlsion, Chleago Board or Trade and New York Stock exchange Broken. Xew York, March 18. The wheat market was stronger today, Influenced by higher cables, and the ..'".eminent report, showing stocks ot wheat in farmer's hands March I, which gives the following figures: Wheal, PJS.ltkl, 000 compared with 100,100,000 a ear ago. and I00,000,0l0 March 1, 1000, This would indicate that the wheat we have en hand would be in good demand before another harvest. The visible Mppljf March I, was 07.000,000 bushels. In farmer's hands, US. 000, 000. Total, 100,000,000, We reojoire (or home oonoo motion for the neli four months. If0,a 000,000 and seed for spring wheat, 00,000,000 and cur exports for six teen weeks at the same rale as the past eig!:l mouths, 70,000,000. Cer tainly, the present level of prices will Bet be any inducement for farmers to sell tally, under the above conditions of supply and demand. Liverpool closed 1 .8 up, ft II", . New Vork Opened IS higher, for May, ami closed ll "II 7-8, Sto. ks steady. Money, '.' per cent Close yesterday. 7U l-S. Opened today, ru1. RenfJO today, ',! to Til , N Closed today, 70 7-S. Mav Bern, in',. Wheat In Ssn Francisco. San Fneaeleen, March 18, May wheal opened at P04 and eloeed H)i per cental. BURNED AT STAKE IN TEXAS. silllUlh'RbH Of Mlis. VllUNUhH Sill M-HS A IIORRIHLK PHMll Yet Ills Victim Died ss Horribly Under His Brutal Attack. Burning Done In Public Square. Corsieana, Texas, March l.'l. John Henderson. n negro, this morning confessed lully to the murder of Mrs. Younger. About noon a moh bulll a pyre ami burned him. Henderson was taken from the officers Udore davbreak at Itasca, while they were Irving to take blm Io Fort Wiirth Io save bun from violence. The mob was well organi.ed aud under DOffOOt control of leaders, who made no secret of tho fate awaiting the negro, hut announced he would lat burned at the stake in a public Mnefl at Corsieana about noon. The torch was applied, a howling crowd ol i pie surioiindisl the victim, reveling in the agonies of his death. Henderson 'a crime w as most atris i. mis. Mrs. Yoiinger's Isslv was found near her home and was almost mi recognisable from cuts and bruises. She had fought bravely for her life and honor, but w ithout success. Fivery room hi the house was beHiuittered with bliNsl. Within an hour after the crime posses wi.ru ulter the Mend and he was raptured only alter most vig orous efforts. Spain Adopts tiold Standard. Madrid, March If, - Widespread dis content roiitinues in Itarculoma. span, it is Mpeeted that Qosoiaj Weyler will dis-lare marlial law aud tint down the disturbances. Hneln r . , , . ,1 . i i joiiieo ine ruuss oi me goin-sianoarn nations hslay by prohibit ing the coinage of silver within her IsiMers. R, H Magg, ol Halew, bus been ansinted a deputv revenue collector of Circle City, Alaska. He will re ceive a salary oi llllSI a r year and IHIJO lor exa'lise. Mr. I lagg wus a meml.er ol the lower house ol the I. g lelatnre from Marmn oonnty m is'ai. He oondueted the Haleni Sentinel dur ing the reeenl senatorial rampaign. ru i . II K A i Ol. o IN ONk DAY. 1'ak. i 1 .. Br.iinu Cjululuu 1.1,1... TORTURING DISFIGURING HUMORS ITCHING BURNING AND SCALY bkUITIONS OF THfc SKIN SCALP AND BLOOD WITH LOSS OT HAIK CURED BY CUTIGURA The ajoniaina Itfita ami huruiug nl the agin, as la Hiesenai the Irightlul sealing as In pooriaala; the loits ol bail' and lusting of th si alp, as in s.ulh d bead; Ih. la. ial dlslU'uieiu. lit. SS m plWltlea and riltSJWOriu , the awlul suit, ling ol Inlauts ulul Hie .luib ty of Moinoiit parents, as in milk UfUat, ti ller and nail rheum ull dein in. I a rmnelr ol aJmooi . ki iinu.1,.0 virtues to am .iuii, ...p.- with them. That CI Til l l(A remedies are tan h sUUds proV. U hco,id ill Oioubf. No slut. in. nt in made reaardluv tkeu thai la not justliied by tie- strongesi ini.no TUu puritj una sweetaiesis the power to uf lerd lliiiuedlate relief, the certs Utt y of ssdv uml lu'iniaoeut itll tin abaolule safely uml great economy ban made them thu stand aid skin linn ami humor ruiuediee of Hie ClVlllOVd world. Complete Treatment $1.25 The Ireulmenl in simple, dlr. i t, agreeable uml economical, and la udapicd to the loiiugeat infant, as well im adults of every age. Bathe He affected perta with hot water and CI 'I lOtHM SOAP So cleanse the suiln.e of crusts and wales, nod soften Hie UiickeUet cuticle Dry. without hard nibbing end upply CI IICI KA OlNT MK'N'I' freely, to allay ll.hlug. irrllatloii and lullamuiaiiou ayd eoothe uml lual, and lastly take the Cl i'iCI KA KKeh 1 . V KN'T to cool aud i lianse iln- blood. Thle aweet aud wholeaoiue treat in sat uffords Inateul relief, ja-rmlla rest uud sleep lu the aeyereot forme of eeaema and other Itching, burning and n aly humurs of the skin, sculp uml blood and points ton speedy, permanent and e. oiiouilcaJ cure when all other reuiedlea and even the h. .st phjrsl. laiis full Mlllloaa of Wua.i l a. HSICDmA sou. usssi tn rn i ha iMNT- sun'i r..i i,uiifi.j. in,- k.u r..r ih,, Mi.ei.iug ,.r rullltia hair, rur n rrUSS wlilt.riliaf rJ. ivuah FiaaJ-. Ii. (S. furia oi bath, rui .oinoyl. loli.ilua.. ISr r, . ur . ff. ..so. 1 . 1 4,i. . i .... in th. ri en or waaa. rr iii.il, Miu.ll,. aiiOMpll. .,i'ih., auj fur all th. uurp.... 1...1.. i . ! Tli'l IU OOAI' .saablo.. la ONK S.lAi' .1 iiNK ti.o io-jst .sia aJ.u cx.uii.i.'Xiuu mmif. aoa toe PENNSYLVANIA BANK ROBBED OF $25,000. The Cashier Confesses That He Stole the Money, IT WAS LOST IR SFECULVTIOK The Cashier's Son Slioiilderfd tbe Crime tad Disappeared, Rut Rrmorse Drove the htVN to Cntrsj. Pittsburg. March 11. In n tragic manlier C. M, l.uilwick, the cashier n( the Fremont, Pa., bunk, confessed to stealing IS,000 o( the hank's fund, and permitting his son Charles, an em ployee uf the institution, In shoulder the reeppneibillty, Young T.iulwlck saw when I he examination of the hooks was inn. Ik by the authorities some tune ago that his father was Im plicated, ami, warning I, Is parent "to keep a sHl upper lip," hn llxed tlunus to appear that he was the thief and disappeared, t'or some time the elder Lndw ick acted the part ol an innocent man, but remorse fur his son's sacrilice became s,, mrouu that he ma towed to the pros ideal ol the bank today. MfRMM letlOB was the cans.. o his stealing the money. p. oi,.. i see Oatraeee, Nee York, March I" I'.ilaard (llaason, David Patterson snd Aeuree Vbbott, three voung men alleaisl to have brntell) aeeanlted Mamie Paige in a similar manner as in the fsntens Bosseb later rase have been srrested here and ceiiiessed. They .fere b'niml over, pending the result of the airl's injuries, rbl girl ll In years old and claims to have been .. d. .i net raged bj the three oiingsl. in nisi Morrison Aaaln In Jail. Kldoradn, Kan . larch U Jessie Morrison, whose tirst trial last fall fur the murder of Mrs. Mini Castle re SilltedjiU no verdict, was SOSBttttBBd to jail her.- in dclault oi fOQOO ball to await a sOoond , trial on the same charge Will Knl.rao the Cununoner. Philadelphia. March I I, W .1. Bryan visited the nig newspaper ofltoas and several publishing houses here. Ilryan stated Hint his visit was oue ol business alone and that he i. prepar ing to enlarge Hie Commoner and l.c wants advertising. Harrison Ii Uiicontclou. Indianapolis, Iml., March 1 :l. At 9 UpJ o'clock this lie .ruing Dr. Jameson says that no material change has bOOB noted ill lleujsinin Harrison's coiidl linn. He is unable to recognie any one and his breath comes in short gasps The Stories Denied. Washington, March 18, AttheMosI' can emhassv here the stur. intlniat ing that President Dial has bait his mental vitality is coutrudicl. d . It is also denied that the president is In feeble health. Harrison's Puis 100. Indianapolis, Ind., Mar. h I I. At I o'clock this afternoon Heoeral llarrl sili's pulse was o0, Only his remark- sUe vitality fceens blat alive; There is no bepe 'or bjM. Transport Buferd Arrises. .san Franclsm, March Ll. The trans, port liuford arrived tins atonlesj aann Man I Is Willi DU men o the Twenty eighth infantry and efltootS of the I wi-nty- seventh in fill try. Au aiiurmous Inorease. Is.ndoi,, March 18, The llritish naval sstlmates 'or nsil-lisr.' amount to 080,007,01)0, au increase d over 81,000,000 chiefly tor ship building. assr i 3" VhV ZiuT ih&