East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 12, 1901, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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    TfKSDAY, M A Rf'll 12, IHOI.
Shoes for
Misses and
Children : :
Our loot form siloes in lace ami Imt
ton for misses and children are equaled
bv few, ami excelled by none. The
fl't in nurlect. the wear first class. If
you are looking for comfort, try a pair
1'ractteal Boot anil Shoe Men.
New (ireen onions at K. Martin's.
Try Da Mob 'i mi hmi sbooolaMs.
Stationery, rublier bands, etc Roll
Hiiv vour window shades at
See that iroiilen oak arm rocker at
Kailer'H lor I'.'. -'.
IUvk vonr pictures framed . latest
style at Murphy '.
Milton creanmrv butter at the White
lions., grocery store.
New lot of mackerel at the White
Mouse grocery store.
New desiuns in wall paiier at
Murphy's paint store.
White Squadron coffee at the Whit
House grocery store.
lio to UlM'l for tomalee. corner
Court and (ianlen street.
Silk waists, worth $10 for 4.u.
Cleaver Hros. Dry Woods Co.
Sainpl" silk waist, IS JO, worth '
Cleaver liroa. Dry (ioods Co.
None can l-eat it That golden oak
cobbler rocker at Hader's for L'.J.'.
M silk waist display in north win
dow. Cleaver Bros. Dry (toods Co.
Call at C. Sharp's and consult Dar
'helps about putting in your water
Housekeeping and furnished rooms for
rent Iui)ire ol Mrs. A. s. Kees, op
ssite court house.
Finest hams ami lard on the market.
Home prixlu i tr it. Us guaranteel.
Schwan A (treuluh.
Tailor made suits and evening gowns
a specialty at Madame Johnson's.
Kast Oregon ian building.
Madame Johnson has moveal into the
Kast Oregon ian building where she will
he pleased to see new ami old custom
ers. If you want something tine in canned
goods try the fancy sliced canned
peaches lit Martin's. They are In DON
sugar syrup
Ilnihee chapter, No. 10. 0. K. B.i
will meet in regular session this Tues
day evening at . ki o'clock. Memliers
are requests! to he presenton tiniu.
There will be work in the degrees.
breakfast mushes, all nice ami fresh,
Twin Brothers, Jumbo, II. O. Vitas,
(.'ream ol Wheat, rolled oats, corn
meal, Farina ami hominy. Call and
get a package. It is guaranteed. G.
ft, Demott.
Chas. Lane has reopened his paint
shop at his old stand in tlx- rear of
the old Folsoni blacksmitt shop. He
will have on hand a full line of wall
paper, paints and brushes. Quick and
low estimates given on contracts. Call
and see us.
The regular monthly meeting of the
('nnnierri.il Association will occur to
night at the Association nsims. Presi
dent Johnson, of the Asmx-iation, says
there is important business to le con
sidered ami desires a full attendance ol
the uiemoers.
Blank Books
All the latest
Magazines and
A Beautiful line o(
Tallman Co.,
Last of
this week
Will have on display a complete line of spring and
summer stplus of shews which includes the new, M
shapes and shades. Would like to have you cull and
inspect the entire stock.
v li. ..Lnl.it. I, miii, ii' verv
easv terms. .
Hcsidence proper! v lot sale. In, pure
,lt in othce of Bean .t UrWOll, Asso
ciation balldingi
f.iiiiin and awaits
the owner. Call at the Kast Oragotllan
office and prove property.
R W. King, evangelist, will com
mence holding a series of revival meet
ings at the Baptist church on Sunday
evening, March 17.
Mrs. A. M. Waggnier will have her
beautiful pattern hats ami up to date
street hats, on exhibition, Monday,
Tuesday ami Wednesday. Hotel lVn
dletoti. rooms :', and 1.
Philip Johnson and I'lorence Lamb
took out a marriage license at the
DOUBty clerk'- ottice this afternoon,
then hied themselves f Justice 1-it
Gerald and had him perform the cere
monv which made them husband and
The business at the county clerk'
olfice has !eeit dMMUM "J recent
legislation ami the eountv court Mon
day afternoon decided that it WOO Id M
best for Conntv Clerk Chamberlain
to I allowed hut one deputy instead Ol
two I W. Kowler. WOO has been a
,leput clerk, has had hll resignation
with the clerk ior some time, .is lm
wished to engage in hnsines-, n Oil
resignation was at pte.l. Mr Kowler
mav decide o remove from I'endleton
in order to carry Ml his business
Roieos King and Mts Cora Waadlna
haai Marrlsd.
Athena, March 12.-n Sunday,
March 10. at the residence of the
bride's parents, nine miles southeast
oi Athena. Miss Cora Waddinuhain M
married to RoOOM King. The cere
mony nas perlormed by Ref I'nyne,
of ttie rutted Brethren church, oi
Weston Only imnndiati friends and
relatives wete pNOMlti
Mrs. J. W. Smith ami children and
Miss Iaiier. are visiting this week
with Mr. anil Mrs. Waddinghani, at
the Wild Horse home.
W. .1. Wilkinson the Athena grain
hiivsr, is transact ink: business at
Lapwai, Idaho, tin- nook
N H. Ptnaerton peeMrday sola to
Jesse Hales, of tin- place, a tin. h.iin
ol matched black drivers. The price
paid was 12.10.
A. O. Carden, of Pendleton, sint
Sunday in Athena, visiting with his
J. W. smith was transactim; hui
nes at I'endleton yesterday.
Revival meetings are bolQf hold at
the Methodist and Christian churches
Considerabh interest are being taken
in these meetings.
The Whitman Uollog ilee lob will
give an entertainriient liere Ihll even
ing. Tboy W0 assured a lull atten
dOMO a- all OMtt are sold.
0liarle Belts, iminager lor the
Athena Mercantile OOOIDOOy, of
Athena, of their Helix branch Iton is
transacting business in Athena today,
Alfonso Boy, was taken "criotMly
ill with pleurisy Momlav eveni'ig, but
is somewhat DOttOf today Mr. Wny
was just able to be up after being con
fined to his riK.m with a broken leg
Olva a Jolly Program :Tomorrow avail
ing at the Fraiar.
Anyone who has heard a crowd of
jolly' college students singing '.heir
tolly college songs, in their jolly,
rollicking manner, will enjoy the en
tertainment tomorrow, Wednesday,
evening at I razer opera house. The
(Hee club oi Whitman college will lie
here and render a program which is
sure to please you, miles- v. mi are like
a wooden man, in which case till" an
nouncement will DOl interest you.
Anyone -who likes the singing of a
company of well selected male voice-,
tie owners being well trained ami per
forming their work conscientiously,
will want to hear tin- entertainment.
It will bo one of the most pleasing uro
grams of the season in the opera
house's repertoire
I'rof. O. A. Haiierhach, heard here
frequently a a reader I'rof. Kdgar -.
Fischer, teacher oi the violin in whit
man college conservatory: and Miss
Laura James, pianiste ami aoooi
paniste, will assist the tiiee club.
I'rices will D0I for parquet and
box seats, "sic lor the circle: and
Me lor the gallery.
The time is tomorrow. Wednesday
evening, ami tbe occasion one mat
should bring Ml all who love a gisid
thing in tlie line of music
The Cass or W. M. Flares vs Louis and
Fallx Audatta Ik on Trial.
Judge W. B. Kills is presiding at
an adjourned session of the .lanuar
term of circuit court. The case of W.
M. l'ierce vs LmIs and Pel in AodOttO
is on trial Stillman A l'ierce are lor
the plaintiff, and James A. I'ee for the
The case ol Smith vs. Smith iV
Nicely, set for March It, was dis
missed tin- afternoon. It was settled
out of court. Carter i Rale were
attorneys fur the plaintiff ami it was
dismissed on tlieir motion
Ttie case of the Bell City Manilla,
luring couipan. vs. Searcy, set for
March 1'i.was dismisseo this afternoon
without prejudice, on motion of
Carter A Kaiey, attorneys for plaintiff
The b.i lowing named, summoned as
jurors, are in attendance .1 K
Davidson, T. Tucker. Henry MooltOO,
S. B. Caphnger. Iven O'llarra, 11 1
Simpson, A. J. Shaw, L. M. Watru-,
II M. Woods, William McBnde, W.
P, Loaoh, John Harvey, (iihson Morri
son, G T, Klgin ami Hank Fanning.
J. s. McLeod and T. B Wells, who
were jurors at tbe regular term of
court in January held over and are
jurors at the adjourned term now being
K. K. Davis was found .lead in bed
at AlbMy, His death was due to heart
disease. He was VI years ol age. He
came to Oregon III ISM with his
lather, Dr. H, A Davis who aller
wards totaled ai llarrishurg.
1, itvinn1
town and country property lor sale on
Alain 'Street, next door to HftUlford & o.
That is the till" Robert Burns Says
Hubert Bums, agent for the Oregon
Railway .V- Navigation company at
this place, savs the Walla Walla
Union, has returned from POMdlOton
where he attended the con.entloii 01
woolnien and WM present at the degree
work of the Mllgnis lawwiai i
thi citv. Mr. Horns iiraise-the people
of PoiMlatM and the way they have 01
entertaining their guests. He savs
everyone bad a goon nine
the ' meeting was productive of
much good ,,
"Pendleton u- a progressive city,
he Mid "and one that will serve a- n
md example to many cities which am
much oldof and much Urger. The peo
ple stand together ami work for MM
mod of the citv. That is something
to be commended and something that
the eltltMl ol every dace that wishes
to grow and to advance with the times
should cultivate.
"There are thousands of homeseekers
going through on the main line daily.
They are seeking homes but they have
the coast lever and w ill go through to
tide water or burst. There are verv few
of them that could be induced to stop
off aiiott Ol the ocean. But that is all
right. Later M IMS will com uaes.
where the, can do the best.
"Among those who come through
there arc many who would he undesir
able as citizen's ,,i Walla Walla. They
are men who are depending upon day
labor for tlieir living. These men
came west hoping to take up land.
There is no lam! to he taken up in this
val iey. The land in and about Walla
Wnlla is far too valuable to stand
idle. Almost every foot of It ha been
farmed for many years. These men
have no monev to purchase as valua
ble land as that we tind about here.
Thev are going to a wholly new coun
try or to one of the lug cities where
they can secure employment.
"But there is another class and they
have money lO spend and desire (Hrin
1 hut are ImpNIVod and reads for them.
Thev do not want carve a garden ipd
from the wilds ol nature, they want
to settle down and make money while
thev also enjov the beaut Kill scenery
and' the excellent climate ol the
garden tool Ol the west. These i pie
will look about tor the best ami will
come to Walla Walla. I believe wo.
will get our share of the homeseekers."
A I : I RE: M A N S 10U R N AMI: NT.
I'. Will Bs HslU at llsppnar, Juna II. II
and 13.
At Walla Walla Mimlay bv a unani
mous vote of the directors of the Kan
em Wa-hington And Oregon Firemen's
association, Heppner. Oregon, waa
selected as the pMOl of holding the
new tournament, and the date dxrd
at June II. 1'.' and IS.
The meeting of the director- was
well attended, say the Statesman,
Recretary R, I.. Lincoln, of i,a Qrando,
was not preeeilt, and when the meeting
srai called to order in the city hall
by ProoMeal McDonald, of Dayton,
Prank Fmnis was elected secretary pro
There was no contest on for the next
tournament. V leePtOtldont McAfee,
of lleppner, made the hill. He said
that he would md, at this time, make
a guarantee i an exact sum for jiries,
but would gnarantoa that Heppner
would do as well in cash prizes as
Dav'on did last vear. which means Is--tween
7O0 ami flOOO,
An invitation, extended to the visit
ing members bv Albert Niels-mall, to
lie the guest- of the local boys at u
dinner to be given at the State hotel,
was accepted heartily, and then ami
there a resolution thanking the local
boys lor the entertainment, us well as
for the many courtesies extended to the
visitors while in the city, was qalekly
Those present at tiie meeting were
A. McDonald, of Dayton, president i
A. F. McAtie. ol Heppner. vice-president;
John Bmltbi of Walla Walla,
treasurer: directors, J. H Kelly
Walla Walla; l.ar- NllteOn, ol Dayton,
ami J. V. Morgan, of Waitebnrg ('apt.
Tutlle. of Waitsbiirg. aMleMBl chiel ;
f M. Hanger, of Dayton, ami Frank
Knnis, of Walla Walla.
It. S. Clements, the county attorney
of Freelsirn county, Minnesota, who
left Momlav evening for a lontinMUCe
if In- b ur ol the Coast, tell- how the
to trod 001 iotl of diversified farming ami
dairying in that state has created a
olid and permanent prosperity among
tin- tenners. Freeborn county is com
posed of 'Jn townships, a small comity,
comparatively, e.jual in area to only
that portion of I matilhi county lying
south ol a line drawn east and west
through a point south from Nye. Vet
in that extent of country are H cream
eries, all doing a thriving business,
distributing many thousands of dollars
every month to the farming classes.
I ron, their creamery returns, the ma
jority of farmers pa all living expense-,
leaving receipts from sale of
grain, hav, vegetables, small fruits
and livestock as clear profit on the
vear'-operations The creamery busi
ness has advanced in Minnesota so
thai that state is now the first in the
industry in the I'niled Slates, and
the larMOM are proportionally sharing
in the prosperity.
Parsonal Msnlion.
(i, V Hunt is a guest of the Hotel
The little daughter oi Mr. ami Mrs.
II. F. Johnson is ill.
Mrs John W. Bryant, who came up
from Babe Monday, returned this
W. Meltride. the druggist oi Athena,
was a Kliett of the Hotel I'endleton
this evening.
I.. M. Watrip-, oi Adam-, is a juror
in attendance at this session of the
ci runt court
Mm Blent) be Horne. ol McKay
creek, is a guest of Miss Delia llelidlev,
and will remain in I'endlelon for sev
eral weeks.
tieorge P, Van Draii, of the Hotel
Pendleton, returned tin- moraine from
a trip to Albany, to which place he
was called on account of the death oi
his mother
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cotton, of Port
land, are guests ol the Hotel I'endle
ton. Mr Cotton is attorney of the O.
R, A N company in u suit pending in
circuit court.
A. I.. Maxwell, formerly of the
Arlington Record, recently running a
daily jiaper at North Yakima, Wa-h.,
was in roMloton tislay on his way to
Union, where he will take charge of
the Scout.
Louis A. Herb I, of Colfax, formerly
of Caldwell, Idaho, it Iricud of John
Sahner ami sim Badley, was in ivn-
dletoii Monday evening. He left (or
ilis old home at Caldwell this morning
to look after his cattle interests
John Taylor, a nephew ol the late
James Taylor, is espoeted to ht in
i'endleton this evening, ami will I at
notified of bis uncle's death. He
will go down 0 Kobe with the others
from I'endleton to attend the funeral.
Frank Wilson, who wan taken to the
conntv hOtplMl last Friday night, is
getting along well All opeial lOTI wa
performed upon him OB Saturday by
Drs. Vincent and Cole, and he re
covered from the effects in a verv
Mtltlaotory manner,
Tom Scott came forth Irom his
sequestration Monday evening and
shows no sign- of having had the
imatlpo! 11 he had it. For two, lays
and nights Ins lite hung on annum
thread. Tom's staving iiianiios nun
out ami he won the fight temporarily.
He will leave lor Dillon, .Mont., lor a
visit shortly. Boxy Horn remains in
I,.. ...,uil,., owe wuitiin? on a Mr. Kelly,
who was taken there a short while ag.i.
K. Alexander, member of the Oregon
PaOsAfflOrioeC commission, returned
this morning from I'ortland. H mat
there on MotHM) the other members 101
the cnmniisfion. Matters pertaining
to the exhibit Oregon is to have at
Buffalo were discussed. Fmjiloye
were selected, from a list approximat-
log ii" applicant!. A question ol mm
importance, the transportation of the j
8 car containing the Oregon Willi bit,
oai taken iii and left unsettled, the
commission adjonrnlng until today
to meet at II o'clock. Mr. Alexander
n nimble to remain there for the
meeting tmlav business engagetnents
calling bin home.
The Supply or the Prsclous Metal Is
Increasing Rapidly.
"if tbe price of gold goes down an
other metal must be looked lor as a
token of international value. 1 think
this metal will be silver, because
silver is not found in alluvial plains
and because owing to the ditliculty of
mining, it will never change in
This statement was made In I'rof
I baler, Harvard's geologist in a lecture
to oOO students ill Cambridge. Mas
He predicted that within the next BO
years there would be an Infloi of gold
Mich as the world has never known.
I'rof Shaler bases his statement 000
geological conditions, combined with
re;-ent improvements in mining ap
paratus. He said in part
"Within the past few ears nun have
come to realise that a large portion of
the earth's surface i- charged with
gold. (odd is IndlsaolMola and
when gravel bank- are cut out of the
wav it is not easily carried off bv
stream- to the ca as i- the case with
other metals. Instead It is carried
along, broken up into liner tragniMtl
and gradually deposited over alluvial
plains. The new system of mining
which have recently leen discovered
will have produced about the middle
of the present century almost an in
tolerable supply of gold. I should say
the Mpply at tbe least will be quad
rnpled. (in the continent of America
alone I have estimated the amount of
gold to he won from the gravel within
the next IPO vears will he worth :I0,
000,000.000. Up to the present tin e
men have ban greatly Mod (capped in
searching for gold bv the fact that it
was scattered so thinly through the
earth. They have been able to find
any amount ol gravid paying 10 to :;u
cents to toe cubic yard l ilt the ex
penses of dredging has always been -o
great that they have been unable to
extract it with profit. Now. however
the machinery of the dredgers has iieen
greatly improved. Within the past
three years dredgers have operated in
Itussia ami in the I'nited Stales, es
pecially in l.eadville, Colo., which
have proved beyond question that
alluvial soil can be prolltahlv worked
for gold.'1
Horsss Wantsd.
Weight from II 'si up, from I to H
year- old, gmal hlocky horse- in good
condition Bam opposite citv jail
J. 0. HAYKH A si)N.
Of the record-breaking number of
deaths during February. 1001, in Cort
land. 1-1 people died between the ages
of HO to in vears ami II between ''i to
00 years . II between 00 to CO I" be
tween id ami o ami only three he-
tween N ami hsi.
It doesn't pay
to say something in an ad
vertisement tiiat cannot
Is- proven. People call ami
investigate and if your ad.
is incorrect the) neither
My nor collie again.
We believe we call prove
the Im-sI :''i flee on earth.
nf course it .Ion ' i compare
with our MOM ami Java.
But in it.
Owl rJVa House.
lolict and laundry Soapn.
..French Restaurant..
tarn Mh.ai - is ru BJ 1 1
Juat Kctclved a nice lot of Irog'a legs
(lua LaFontaluc, Proprietor.
Mrltstei MIMMgi MaMM., rMdlOMl,OMgM
Fire. Ufa, Accident, Plate (ilaas, eU,
on City and County Property,
Keal Estate
Improved and Unimproved ('Hv lads
SUk lUnches and Wheat Farms
Kast Oregoniau Building.
The Kast Oiegonian is Kastern Ora
gun's representative paper. It leads, and
he people appreciate it and abow it by
than liberal patronage. It ia the ailvar
tsing roatiuui o Ustl section.
undo Jimmy Taylor DM at ' "ome
Neiu Echo Monday.
James Tavlor, known far and wide
in this region as "Uncle Jimmy,
: i ... ut (...,,, I,,, i,,,. two miles west
men in inn n. ,
of Fcho on Monday morning, .March
II, at 6 o'clock, a victim ol Bright I
disease. I ruin which he nan iieen iwii
ailing The funeral will take place at
Fcho on Wednesday afternoon at 1
o'clock under the auspices of Fcho
lodge, No. !!, of which deceased was
n member, w. '' Hansford, Ool. F,.
jl Boyd and other Masons of this OltJ
will leave for Fichu on Wednesday
morning's train to attend the funeral.
James Tavlor was born on January
4, I8S6, being B native ol Kentucky .
it' is believed, but an investigation
resulted in failure to ascertain the
-tale of birth posit ivelv, as it, might
have been Virginia. He removed to
Missouri in bOfll I and came to Ore-
i., lujn an! no in the Willamette
rat ley ami ram there to ins ret enl
home' near RohoS7 v curs ago, w here he
has since resided, lie joined Uma
tilla lodge, No. hi, . F. .y A. M., the
lirst Masonic bulge in this county and
be was one of the oldest representatives
of the order in this section
Mr. Taylor was a man of consider
aide means and generous Impulses,
Having no children of bis own be
reared !l Isiys and girls to manhood
ami womanhood, who have many rea
sons to remember Ins philanthropy ami
regret In- decease. Mr. Taylor's widow
survive- him.
Mr. Tavlor for vears wa engaged in
the general merchandising bMlMM at
l.'.,l,.. 111. rlrni nutoe hi-UIL' Ilesse A
Taylor, Tin) ""'re burned out along
..I,.'., it isnu mill did not resume. He
iiad always devoted considerable of his
time to stock raising and had man)
baop il to a few years ago, when he
directed In- attention more iartien
larlf to rai-mg cattle, lie made his
will several years ago ami had bis
business well settled dpi He was
iiiKUfi, iif the Ixiit that de.lth wa- ilea:
several days before the end came and
was prepared. He lelt M estate rough
ly estimated at 180,000.
The Columbia
Lodging House
IN l.'KNTKH t)K Itl.OK
I . . SCHEA1PP, Prop.
Facts worth
That I have the finest
I iue of granite ware mid
lllaheS in theijly at Ihe
losreei price". I have
new and second hand
furniture and a big
line of mattresses
coun Street.
Locust Hill
Kabbitry and
Poultry Yards.
I have some line young Helgiun
Hares of breeding ags thai 1 am
going to sell at a irice within
reach of every one. A look at
my bares will convince MM thai
llu are th.- very be-t that can
lie raised. Animals of nil Un
loading strains always on hand.
Visitors welcome. For further
inlormatioii addre--
I'endleton, Oregon
L S!
Notary and
S8.B0 to $8 Delivered
Order of us and save money.
Orders foi Kubher Suinis
alio solicited.
UMMf New rUiiagenient.
J. W BANCKOi I , Prop.
Ratet ii M, Kiel pW aei !'. Kaali Ha,
sip... lal Knles bv Ihe uiulllli
UeKl Hols In Hie cut fur rauilhss.
Una 10 nil trains, Kren .in,lc nuiras.
Klt-nrlc IIsIiIh and Waain beat.
Flrssprool hiiiidiiif.
C01. Court and Johnson Sts.
Come and
ATthe Crescent
Wheels at $15,
VV edne.sf.lay,
! hursday,
I riday.
Sat u Ida v
vfcJc-: y1
We have just received a shipment ol
the newest styles ill hat lor men a id
Imim ,ii, .1 aa now- re. 1. 1 to -llnp'i our
customers with the very bell qualita
gooils t MTV low Jirices l oinpniro vri .ii
what others ask for the same quality
goods. Qentleman, don't bay your
spring huts until vou have seen ours
ami priced them. We actually and
positively guarantee OVery article we
sell to give satisfaction, or refund Jrottt
Dusenherrv Building, Main Street, Pendleton
To be given away
With each 25c purcbaac
al RADBR'S a vote in
piano cooteat, Bui thai
is nut tin' boat thiiiR In In
liniibl thnro; look at 1 1 1 1
Hand. ome U Iden
Oak Rocker ior only
Bettor K'i milt wink thay
,irr DOinS
Coriu.T Main ami Witlib Strootl
I -N
Sr. 1 ff n 1 ir
rTi - HV:
m Wednesday Night.
I Frazer Opera House
ftt raaiared bj PROl OTTO A HAUERBACH Read '
, , 1 . '-'v-'icn, vioiiniai.
444 wisa LAI k. JAMES, Pianiate
HI A. Programme for Old and Young.
tee All Evening Full t Kim m,l M.icir
i Prices 25c, 50c and 75c
111 Scats on Sale :it Tallman Co.'s Drue Store.
See the 1901 Crescentl
Agency East Oregonian Buildii
$20, $25, $27.50, $30r$357$50 AND $60.1
mm isfAi" " M. i sa
I. 1
March 13. 14, 15, 16.
Will offer MHO great Bitr
galnS. ('nine ami see.
Bennett A: Tar bet. Props.
t :The Best Cooksj
IC Vountry rccofnutH
superiority of
fer LEA & PERRIKSh..
I Sf " il"' MsOkS, HmsIi,, !
suit cvrrv vsrlclv uf muat i
STTOeW mo,( invaluable.
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